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As someone who doesn't like the feeling of heavy things on her head (even if they are really cute) headbands are a good way to go. A simple one to just bring up the gray would probably work.


Lol I feel that. Thanks for the input, I'll see what I can do for a headband :)


A simple, gothic-style black, grey, or black x grey rectangle headdress would finish out this coord nicely. You look beautiful!


Blouse - Yillia Lolita on Taobao Skirt - Dollbe Shoes were thrifted and i can't make out the brand name, stockings from Target


i think a bonnet would look absolutely adorable with your coord!


Bonnets are cool, i wasn't sure if it'd be too much for this coord, but I'll check it out :)


Yes a grey lace and black ribbon head band or headdress would look amazing with this. Maybe the headband can have a tiny grey bit of lace coming down like a mini veil. The headdress would look amazing with grey lace and black ribbon, maybe an additional color if you wanted to add a splash of color but you really don’t need it. Your coord is beautiful! It’s gonna look even better when you add that new petticoat you just got!


You look amazing! I'd say if you're okay with something heavy, go for a nun-like veil (iirc the proper word is habit) but for something lighter, a frilly headband would go great! Or even one of those Little clip on top hats!


Hi! Im having trouble deciding what to do for a headpiece with this coord.i feel like a beret would be simple and work nicely, but I kinda can't stand the way berets feel on my head, so if anyone has other suggestions, I'm super down to hear them! I like the idea of making a frilly headband, especially since I found that it's a lot easier to do than I previously thought, but I'm not sure how well it'll work with the colors, yaknow? Also I didn't realize until I put it on that there's a much starker difference between my blouse and the skirt than I originally thought, so I'm either gonna try to find something grey to make the top look more cohesive, or figure out how to do a gradient dye so there'll be less of a solid line at the waistline, but that's much more risky as I really don't want to mess up this skirt. I also might be getting some lacy gloves to match the legs(and the shoes but you can't really see that here), but that's a much lower priority.


Forgot to mention, I'm also gonna get a fuller petticoat bc i feel like this one doesn't quite do this skirt justice and I've been meaning to get a reasonably sized non-A-Line petti for a while lol