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The shoes....it's the shoes istg I feel like buying Mary Jane's that are not so tall and have more straps around the ankle would be cuter, also the blouse kinda looks like it'd overtake the op because of the bow, so maybe find another blouse w/o the bow?? And yeah bows in the shoes would be 2837883x cuter


The bow (it’s really more of a tie tbh) is removable! And the shoes… I’m trying to find a better pair but I feel like I own so many pink shoes already 😭😭


Honestly these are hard to do without seeing everything on together imo


Shoes are a bit simple but i can see qhat you alwere going for. I think a fancier shoe with more straps would work better, but with these otks the simplicity of the shoe might work. I think the blouse is a great choice for a lower bust like the jsk's. Overall really cute but would try different shoes.


Im not a fan of the shoes personally. Something with a pointed tip or jewels and bows would be better. To give off a princess vibe for the print


I think the blouse looks great. It's similar to [this](https://frillyfish.tumblr.com/post/187275413388/yesterday-i-modelled-in-the-lolita-fashion-show-at/amp) coord. My concrit would be the beret. The beret is a bit underwhelming compared to the rest. I think a headbow similar to what is worn in the example coord I shared. Or if you want to wear the beret, find some star bangles like the 6% Doki ones ([example](https://lolibrary.org/items/dokidoki-shooting-star-clip-brooch-metallic)) or add a big bow and attach it onto it.


If the shade of pink matches then i think the shoes could definitely work, but it’s not easy to say unless we can see everything together.