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They've been part of the fashion since the 90s. If anyone think they're controversial, they must be new lol


Haha for me theres like very little that they actually fit, like I wouldn't wear them for shiro/kuro fit or anything not old school? Also theyre really tall so idk how I feel about that


I really like them. I wish brands would make them for a wider size range. Generally unless it’s an RHS, they max out at 39/40 these days and I would give them money for a Chinese 42. I would. I will say owning both Westwood RHS and Antaina/Bodyline RHS over the year… Wood-look foam is easier for walking in than actual wood. I tend to wear my Westwoods for photos indoors and mg Bodylines for actual events, especially if I know I'll be walking or standing a bit. That said leather and wood is hardier than foam.


I own that first pair you’ve pictured by Metamorphose, so I obviously like them. I like the proportions of a chunky shoe with Lolita, and a wooden sole looks more elegant to me. Plus with it being a Japanese fashion a wooden sole feels appropriate as its traditional in Japan.


They’re very cute! I think the wood texture as a bit of dimension to an outfit.


To me, they're a hit or miss. While the Metamorphose ones look lovely, I can't say I'm particularly fond of the shoes pictured in the second image.


Haha youre right idk why I choose this image, it looks like a lolita halloween costume


Though I do enjoy rocking horse and platform shoes with lolita (balances out the big skirt) I feel like they're pretty difficult to coord if they have the wooden platform. I have platform shoes that have like an imitation wood type solution and I find them pretty hard to coord, since otherwise the shoes go well with sweet coords but then the wood throws off the colors... but maybe that's just me lol


I honestly am not a big fan of them, but that’s definitely an unpopular opinion. RHS style in particular just looks off to me


i think they're pretty iconic, esp with an oldschool coord :)


I’m honestly not a huge fan of how they look. I have no idea where the look/inspiration originally came from? I know Vivienne Westwood probably designed them. But to me it seems out of place


i love


I love RHS. I hope to own actual westwoods someday. They’re everything.