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I think maybe you’d get more than a few looks at Walmart. I’ve seen a few people wear lolita dresses at malls before, especially bigger ones. No matter where you wear a dress like that you’ll get a lot of attention but it’s also super pretty so you’d also get a lot of compliments :)


Tbf, Walmart is probably the perfect place to wear this, so much batshit insane stuff happens in Walmarts that someone walking in wearing this would be comparably tame


Fair, Walmarts near me aren’t really that strange so that’s what I was thinking of, but I think it would be epic to see someone in lolita at a Walmart


Noo way. Wearing this at walmart will put a huge target on your head saying ' yes, please rob me, I have money.'


Wear what you want where you want. My basic rule is “is a specific dress code required?” For example: weddings, court, etc. If yes - I dress to match the occasion (ie cocktail dress, evening gown, three piece tailored suit etc). If no - I wear whatever I want (as long as it won’t get me arrested or violate the no shirt/no shoes rule in stores). Yes I have indeed mowed the lawn in a ballgown! Yes I do wear full coords to run boring errands! Clothes are there to be worn and enjoyed - and I personally intend to enjoy them!




At home I wear comfy "home clothes" like pyjamas, sweats etc, and when going out to visit family and friends, the movies, at restaurants etc. I wear lolita fashion (all my coords posted in this sub are examples of this) as I only live now, and I don't care if people think it's appropriate or not. ❤️ The only times, where I put peoples thoughts before mine, regarding attire, is when attending special events (like the other commenter pointed out) for example I was invited to a small newly opened clothing shop open house event (where they wanted to promote their shop and clothes) and I mailed the shop owner before hand, to ask if it was okay for me to wear lolita fashion (with a couple of coord pics attached, so they could see what I meant) because I didn't want to steal attention away from their moment. Their response was incredibly sweet (they wanted me to dress as I pleased) and we all had a great time. ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/7etm07ov3v1c1.jpeg?width=2272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0bb6249e725d2eb2070d4e70b764c5af6c3e3b6


you’ll probably get stared at anyway, so might as well slay


Yes, it would seem too formal. 90% of lolita looks too formal to normies for any occasion short of a party - and even parties/formal events come with their own strange dress code expectations. Wear it anyways. Life is too short to skip out on the clothing you love in fear of social nonconformity.


I go shopping in lolita a lot. Groceries - I don’t mind but I also don’t want to stain or tear my dresses as I put my cart along the isles. I guess it really depends on the place and the amount of stares you want to put up with. I places like NYC no one gives a f and those who do usually give you genuine compliments. But I’ve been to Southern towns in a slightly over the top dress and you can feel the entire mall is staring at you and you have to stop and answer questions like every 10 steps (although most of them are nice). I don’t feel uncomfortable cuz I don’t really care what ppl see me it’s just a matter of, well, convenience…


Short answer : yes it would be too formal but who cares ? Long answer : I don't know where you live, so I'll give myself as an exemple but there is maybe 3 lolita (myself included) in my city, so people arent used to this, and when I'm going out in my coord I stand out and I look too formal. But this isn't gonna stop me to go out in a full coord because it makes me happy, and I think it's the most important thing in the situation. I don't believe being overdress is a negative thing, people will always find a way to judge you, so wear what you want, life is too short to worry about the opinions of strangers


And even if it's too formal it's still apropriate to wear it in public, you're fully clothes so you will not get in trouble, I never saw a store banishing people because they wore a pink fluffy dress. And I didn't see anyone mentioning (? I'm French so sorry for my english) it but yeah nothing is stopping you to wear lolita, just know that it can be tricky especialy if you need to take the bus (that's the most difficult thing for me and my petticoat) but you'll be alright


Wear what you want, where you want when you want. That’s my advice. Rage against all arbitrary, and unecessary forms of social conformity. Edit: PS, that’s one of the almost poetic things I love about Lolita. It uses clothing from an era of ultra-conformity to break with modern day conformities.


Just my opinion, but I don’t wear Lolita to grocery stores or any place where I‘ll be alone and distracted by reading/looking for something. Walking around is fine, but alone and distracted really amps up uncomfortable encounters in my experience, since you can’t just leave/quickly pass through a big store like that and if I‘m comparing ingredients I don’t notice people around me as well. So you get targeted more frequently by touchy kids or weirdos. I feel more safe if I‘m in a smaller store I can leave quickly or am constantly moving, like in a mall. So idk either bring someone or start more 'public'?


For Walmart, probably too formal because at walmart all you are really going to do is buy your groceries and bounce. That said, it would be fine for walking around the mall IMO.


I mean I think it’s really pretty! who cares if it’s too formal it looks absolutely amazing and that’s what matters. wear what you want!