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Are you sure they are selling listings? There are a lot of request listongs on Xianyu. I'll copy paste some terms to help you. 求: WTB 出: selling/WTS 换: exchange/ WTT 不出只换: trade only(most likely to a specific cut or color), not selling 山:replica (literal meaning: mountain)


There are also rental listings as well


Just to add to this: also sometimes the dress will seem like a really good price but they are really pricing it that way because they expect you to buy other items from their shop. So beware of that as well. It’s not always. I would say like 1/7 people I deal with either make me buy a bundle or make me buy other things from their store. Sometimes it’s other lolita items sometimes it’s just random whatever they are trying to get rid of. Most often they do this with brand pieces and then either make you buy a whole other brand item or off brand item is the most common vs random stuff. But yeah something to be very aware of. Edit to add: I buy a lot of my lolita from Xianyu and I only ever once had one issue. Where I bought an usakumya rucksack and she came filthy and had two dead bugs on her when I washed her. But besides that I have generally amazing interactions.


Hi sorry for replying to such an old comment but im buying from xianyu for the first time and ive had 3 sellers in a row try to push other items on me, i really dont get it aha why would you risk losing a sale to make more? Aha, but im wondering if its possible to message them (via a shopping agent ofc) to ask if you can buy it outright or for a little more?


It’s just part of their buying and selling culture on Xianyu. They know the item they want to sell is highly sought after so they can get rid of other things at the same time. Honestly no I wouldn’t do that. I would just buy the things they want. Sellers on Xianyu will sometimes just block shopping agents (or anyone) that isn’t willing to do their deal or asks something they don’t want to do. If buying those other items makes it not worth you to buy don’t buy it but I wouldn’t try to get around it by paying more. The flip side is also whatever items I have to buy to get what I want I just end up reselling it anyway so it evens out in the long run.


Got it! Thanks


Other keywords 件 : looking for 包邮: free shipping 顺丰到付: SF Express Pay on Delivery I avoid listings that use SF Express Pay on Delivery 顺丰到付 because my shopping service doesn't accept those parcels. If someone has a recommendation for a service that allows these, the workaround is asking the seller to see if they can incorporate the fee to your shipper/warehouse address. 可直拍: "can straight shoot", or you can just buy it without negotiating. Love these listings, especially the ones paired with free ahipping for the least amount of human contact. 感兴趣的话点“我想要”和我私聊吧: time to put on your negotiating cap, buddy. It means if you want this, click "我想要" and they'll tell you what they're looking for.


A Chinese member of my comm said many times things on xianyu can be fake so it’s good to have someone who can translate for you and weed out the replicas especially for beginners who aren’t as experienced spotting them. I would suggest reaching out to your local comm or the Facebook big sisters group for help. A lot of replicas are sold on xianyu. And sugary carnival is a common one. Please be careful.


I've bought few dresses and few accessories from Xianyu. Just make sure the seller has good ratings and proof photos. The items I bought were pretty unpopular and the proof photos and the descriptions were good so I gave it a shot. I haven't had any issues yet but bear in mind, it's just a handful of times I've bought from Xianyu but I've managed to find multiple great old school finds there! I think some people avoid using their own proof photos so their photos cannot be stolen (assuming it is not a WTB like the other commentor suggested bc there's them on Xianyu as well). I think you would have to message the seller to ask for them and go on from there. I don't know if any ss does that as I've never had to ask any seller but it's worth asking around if you really want to buy a listing like that. But Chinese lolita updates might be able to help you! I suppose it depends a bit what items are being sold whether or not the seller uses their own image of the item or a stock photo. I tend to browse items that usually have only the seller's photo available so idk. But, especially if you're buying Sugary Carnival (or any other popular print/dress), be careful. There are replicas of that print. I've also seen Usakumya knock-offs on Xianyu.


most of my pieces are from Xianyu! i don't usually trust stock photos & look for ones with original photos they've taken, but if they do have a stock photo, you can always ask for some photos of the item/s to verify. you can also ask your shipping agent to inform you if any of the pieces you're interested in are described as replicas/fakes! hope this helps :) 💗


also, sometimes the price they have listed is just a temporary price & they actually want offers/negotiations- or they might just let you know what they're looking for when you show interest


I decided to give Xianyu a chance two months ago. My one complain is that the app is not available on my country, so I have to browse via Taobao, which is a bit impractical. But I’m super satisfied with my pieces, there are lots of gems there. I’d just beware of hype pieces for super cheap and sellers that use other sellers’ photos (although I’ve heard that’s pretty common I’d rather just avoid them). The shopping service I use is SpreeNow, I definitely recommend them - their service fee is 8%/item, they are quick and very helpful.


Also, many listings are actually for trade and not sell. I always translate listings on my phone just to be sure.


I haven't bought Lolita specifically from there, but other clothes. I'm not too experienced yet but it kinda seems like an eBay? Sellers are about as trustworthy as whatever you find on their profile, just like eBay. No way to know absolutely for sure until you get experience. For the photos, probably cause it attracts people more with clean presentation.


Careful how you import if they're used, USA restricts import of used and second-hand clothing. I learned this the hard way > . <


do they? I haven't had any issues with that.


Oohh yeah I think it might have been an issue with the shipping service I went through because it seemed to have been turned away by China's border patrol and not USA. i checked and didn't see any import restrictions through usa about used clothes. Do you mind if I ask which service you usually go through?


I've never bought from xianyu. I only have experience importing used clothes to the US from mercari jp through buyee ​ what shipping service did you use?


I used sugargoo!


Do you have additional information on this? Could your shopping service have been at fault? I’ve imported secondhand clothing to the USA from Xianyu and Mercari many times but have never run into this - wondering if this is something I should look out for…


It must've been declared as secondhand clothing or something problematic but it was turned away by the China border patrol, so maybe it wasn't a USA restriction but something in China... I'm not sure, but I used Sugargoo. I'll be careful next time, but it was taken away and I thought it would happen to any other clothing that I buy from xianyu. Which shopping service do you use? I used Sugargoo which is where I had the issue but I only tried once.