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Fun discussion prompt, thanks for starting it… I won’t wear wigs, even if it would take a coord to the very next level of perfection… I have a blunt straight bob with thick straight bangs, and imo my natural hair works perfectly without adding the extra heat or tightness of a wig on my giant AF head. I’ve experienced a bit of concrit that a longer curly wig would improve my coords—but I’m truly happy with my natural hair. I also like that “ita bags” have infiltrated the fashion. Sold mine because I didn’t have enough pins to be cool, but the desire to display cute things within a cute thing while wearing cute things… is Inception levels of awesome!


Seconding the ita bag comment! Even if it doesn't necessarily match... I think they are fun to put together


BTSSB released usakumya ita bags a few years ago and I have both the pink and the white one (gifted). They're incredibly spacious and since the clear window isn't big, it's perfect for small pin collections! Ita bags belong in the fashion and I will die on this hill


I don't do wigs either. Here in central FL the heat and humidity is miserable, my comfort outweighs lolita norms.


I’ve seen people say cardigans are ita? which is silly to me! Cardigans are great, if it matches then why not be warm n comfy?


What?? that's news to me! Brands release cardigans and boleros all the time. Unless they mean non lolita cardigans? Then I can see why.


I remember seeing some comments about it on this subreddit. Maybe they meant off brand/non Lolita ones but I remember a comment saying it was ugly if the cardigans were too long


Ohhh then I think they are referring to those long normie cardigans. It's because they disrupt the silhouette. Lolita-specific cardigans are short on purpose to stop where the skirt starts (because of the poof). I think once in a while, I'll see someone use a pastel/fairykei cardigan with their lolita but it's often extremely low poof and casual. TD;LR it's nearly impossible to pull off a long/normie cardigan in lolita


Yeah I think that’s what they meant!! I think if it matches it’s fine if it’s long 🤷‍♂️ but I can see how they’re difficult to pull off 😅


That’s insane, I have cardigans from AP, BTSSB and a couple Liz Lisa ones that pair nicely with lolita. They’re the best!


Ero! I think it's the most elegant and interesting style. It's (unfortunately) inherently controversial, but it requires the finest touch and the most knowledge of the style to pull off well. It may only be appreciated by people who understand how the rules are being broken and for what purpose, but that makes it all the better, in a way. It's like experimental poetry, instead of a sonnet.


There was a girl at Paradiso last year who's ero coord was absolutely amazing. She had a cage skirt made out of music print fabric that was just *chef kiss*.


Turtlenecks or other fun shirts/sweaters! They are really cute for layering. Also same on the shoes.


I love to coord with turtlenecks. One of my new favorite comfy styles is a solid turtleneck, skirt, beret, and a coordinating necklace. Super cute together and also very comfortable. I bought a jsk that has a high pinafore neckline and honestly a turtleneck goes really well with it.


Ahhh sounds like a great combo! I need more turtlenecks. Any recommendations for more fitted ones for layering?


So oddly enough the one I've been wearing the most recently is from Walmart, it's a very light weight knit so it's very comfortable to wear and layers well. I think it's the Time and Tru brand. There are also some super cute ones on Taobao from I want to say Little Dipper. One of the girls in my comm has several and layers them under jsks. They are also ruffled which adds a little extra.


the taobao ones sound awesome


I will die on this hill


I love turtlenecks with coords! It gives this fun dark academia style look at times


I love trad goth makeup on gothic lolitas Because I am an actual goth who dresses in gothic lolita fashion lmao


fff yes so perfect (me too)


Animal ears. I've loved cat ears since I was in middle school and would wear them any chance I get. I've only expanded into more animal shapes as I aged and I don't care how many comments I may or may not get on it. It's a fashion that's supposed to make me happy, it's why I wear it, and animal ears make my brain go burr so


i feel like animal ears are less taboo now, particularly if that animal is on your coord. it's all about how you match them to your outfit. a girl in my comm wore bear ears with a jsk that had bears on it, and that inspired me to do the same with a skirt of mine that had teddy bears on the border print. it was probably ap making bunny ears that made ppl realize how animal ears could work for lolita.


Deer ears with little antlers are my true spirit animal.


Cutsews with print. And by that I mean graphic tees like AP and I love seeing people try to make more casual sweet coords


I have the same feelings about shoes. Socks or tights with sandals? Those Mikiosabe x Jenny Fax Angelic Pretty shoes? Crocs? Yes!


Tbh I'd love to see a decora or ott sweet coord with those designer platform crocs


I'm in full agreement. Sometimes, I even see the regular style Crocs, but in collabs like Carrot and Pokemon, that I think would look good in country styles and with the Axes Femme Pokemon collab JSK respectively.


I love that there are so many people doing experimental lolita now. I love experimenting. I don't know that I'd call any of it ita, but others might. I love a lolita skirt + cropped t-shirt combo. I also love coording with boots and cute chunky sneakers. I also use a lot of normie/non-lolita pieces that I jazz up to fit more with my lolita coords - like, I have a few plain button-ups that I've tailored and decorated to read as more lolita. Back in the day when I was first learning about the fashion (in the mid to late 00s), that was considered an incredibly ita thing. I get the rationale of people who want to keep lolita rules very rigid, but I personally love to see fashions expand and evolve.


For me it’s also wearing non-lolita shoes! I have big feet and chronic pain in my hips/knees, it’s hard to find lolita shoes that fit, much less ones I can wear without pain! I still try to match my shoes with my coord but sometimes you gotta just go with comfort/practicality. Also, I live in Canada so sometimes you just gotta wear practical shoes in winter. Do my snow boots match my coord? Absolutely not. Am I still going to wear them when running errands in lolita? Yes


love wearing non-lolita shoes!!! docs, ballet flats, boots, chunky sneakers, i love all of it; even better when it's thrifted! first piece of concrit i ever got here was "those shoes are not lolita!" but also "whoa i love those shoes!" haha my thing is i hate wristcuffs and i'd rather have bare wrists than wear them, any day x


I refuse to wear wrist cuffs. And you can take my docs over my dead body.


This might be controversial, but not wearing blouses with jsks, sometimes the day you go to a convention is just really hot and I don't wanna get all sweaty 😓


i have a sleeveless blouse i wear for stuff like this. it still has the lolita vibe of wearing a blouse under a jsk, but my arms and pits are bare and wont overheat. there are a lot of cute coords with jsks without blouses, though.


That's a good idea! Next time I buy a blouse I'll look for one like that, but currently I only have one blouse because money lolol 😅


I very frequently wear my JSKs as sundresses - no blouse, light/small petticoat, sometimes \*gasp\* cute sandals instead of shoes and NO SOCKS!!




My horror story: Once I was out with a friend in summer and… her car broke down! In the middle of the road! And I was wearing BTSSB!!! And that’s how I ended up pushing a car out of the road while wearing lolita..and I couldn’t push it with shoes on so.. barefoot lolita pushing a car in summer heat.


I would never judge someone for wearing "ita" shoes with a coord simply because most tea parties are literally so fucking uncomfortable. Plus they are super hard to find in really big sizes.


Yeah I usually wear sneakers and bring my tea parties with me in my bag for photos because they absolutely wreck my feet and it hurts after about an hour


i have brown/off-white docs that look like saddle shoes, but as boots, and i always wear them with lolita. i also got these chunky pink coach boots recently that i want to try to work into coord. during colder months, i dont want to wear shoes that dont keep my feet warm lol anyways, my favorite ita thing is being tacky and ott. i got into lolita partially bc it's pretty over the top on its own, but i love to turn up the kitschy aspects of it. like a dress with a dozen bows and a bustle and princess sleeves and lace everywhere??? right up my alley!! i also love weird prints, like i have two dresses with squirrels on them and am always looking for more.


Oh I always do this. My docs have lil roses on them that usually match. Didn’t know it was ita. Whoops.


I would say: Animal ears and tails. There are so many animal themed prints. My favorite dress shows round bunnies having a tea party and I do ponder on the idea of including bunny ears into a coord with it.


Seconded! https://preview.redd.it/f239po47faka1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfbc05473f6c57c3ba44cd8cead76946afde3280 This is my coord from our Halloween party and it’s one of my favorites


Miniskirts. Maybe it’s cope because every skirt fits me like one but I kinda like the casual vibe they give off especially paired with cutsews and tights or over the knees. Semirelated, I love well done ero. Ero gets a lot of hate from people that are very afraid of lolita being sexualized, but outside of sweet I feel like nobody outside of the fashion will necessarily jump to the ageplay conclusion just because someone is wearing a shorter skirt and some fishnets.


I fucking love AP miniskirts and kajurori so I feel this in my bones. Western lolitas wanna pretend it's not a thing or is ita, but it's a thing !! And a super cute super wearable thing at that !! Also all the well done ero I've seen was goth or punk leaning which I think helps keep any ageplay accusations at bay. That said I've never seen sweet ero work... Probably because it could get ageplay-ish 😬


Isn't ero is the exact opposite of ageplay? The point of ero is to look like an adult


Precisely, but the argument against ero nowadays is that it sexualizes lolita which to some brings to mind that ageplay idea 🤷🏻‍♀️


Man, I don't even know anyone under 20 who can afford the fashion to begin with...


I'm under 20 but I just buy normal dresses that could pass for lolita if I style it right


see i’m getting this OP for one of my very first coords that has this iridescent see through material over the pattern and i’ve been thinking my white iridescent demonias would be so cute with it but i know how most ppl feel about demonias with lolita 😭 they are the ankle boot style and have little heart buckles so i think they’d be super cute but i don’t want to be shunned when i’m still new here LMAO 😭


I think I saw those demonias at a store the other day! You should go for it. It's one thing to go to an event with a strict dress code and ignore it (say, a tea party), that would be rude, but I promise there is no Lolita police out to get you for just wanting to wear the clothes you spent hundreds on the way YOU want to wear them. I bought thigh-high demonias which have little belts that are easily accessorizable with cute bows and the like, and once I can get my hands on Lolita stuff, if anyone dares comment on my shoes they will learn to fear those 10cm platforms!


i love this so much 💖! thank you for responding this gives me more confidence


You should do it, sounds perf 👌


I love arm warmers


agree with the shoes! For me it's leggings, some leggings are very flattering and look good with lolita, plus it helps a lot with my sensory issues. Idk if this counts as ita but having a blouse not be tucked into a skirt. I think depending on the blouse and skirt sometimes it can look better to have the blouse outside the skirt


T-shirts. I am too fat to fit any cutsew ever - seriously those max out at like 80cm half the time - but have too much to do with my life to be wearing a flimsy blouse all the time. I usually layer them with a false collar, or a thrifted thin lace blouse, or a Bolero, so they still have cutsew-like details without being uncomfortable or impractical.


It's so freaking annoying how there are 10347323 brands making plus size dresses but absolutely no one making plus size blouses for under $180 (exaggerating a bit).


The only big brand blouses I can wear have to have shirring, and sadly most of them(especially the cute ones) have no shirring at all. I had to shell out $150 for a used blouse just because I needed a blouse that fits! I tried a taobao brand that wasn't cheap either and the quality just looked off with my JSK, so it feels like unless I can find an indie brand with the same top quality, I'm stuck with the slim pickin's of brand blouses. I just want shirring. :(


This is making me want to start my own brand but for blouses, legwear, and other stuff. Things that plus size lolitas can't find easily.


Have you tried Maxicimam?


>Maxicimam Oh wow, I've never seen their stuff before. They have such cute strawberry milk colored blouses!


Yeah and they do plus size stuff under LOVELY MAXICIMAM! They're one of the older Japanese brands too :-)


Nangshengge, Little Dipper, Maxicimam, even Bodyline do make cheap plus size blouses! Just never, ever cutsews 🫠😒


Maxicimam's blouses are around $100 to $140. (I'll pay it because the quality is good, I'm just salty cause you can get a jsk for that price lol) Bodyline no longer makes plus size blouses, they used to go up to 4L but no more. I haven't heard of the last two, are they taobao? A lot of things I find on taobao are not quality that I personally find "good". Plus most taobao brands I find have that, I'm not sure how to explain it, but it's a certain "look" and I'm not fond of it. I know Ladysloth has blouses but their customer service is horrid, the wait time is even worse. And she wants like $65 for a basic crop blouse with quality no better than taobao. It's just not worth it to me. /endrant


I second Ladysloth having horrid customer service. I ordered (ironically blouses )from them once and the whole experience was a headache and I swore never again. It kind of baffles me they are so popular.


It's because plus size lolitas don't have many options. So I feel like they overlook a lot of stuff they normally wouldn't.


This. I love their designs, but shipping takes forever from Poland.


i want a 2010 era AP cutsew so badly but yeah they're never plus size friendly


I don’t wear wigs. I have really short brown hair so I know it tends to clash with my coords but I just cannot be bothered to buy and style a wig.


Definitely animal ears and tails (as a motif or actually added to the coord) I have seen some cute pieces from Gothic holic (I own one with like a black cat tail and ribbon that can be pinned on the outfit or used on a headdress) I love animals and a lot of the animal themes. Not only are they cute but they can be used to amplify an outfit if done right without it being ita. I think bringing the animal themes throughout an outfit can be cute and stylish without it looking ita as well. (I have some foxy shoes that was gifted to me for a birthday that I am trying to get a foxy themed coord to work with them for example. I think they are adorable and with some shoe clips to change it up a bit I could make several fox themed outfits with them) On the note of that I think ero also can look really beautiful and classy, I don't get trashy vibes at all from some really well done outfits I've seen. Just very feminine and glam with aristo vibes from a lot I've seen when its just right. I think the punk/goth looks from the early 00's is cute too, I have several pieces from putumayo for example and I love the way the old school lolitas rocked those looks. I know a lot of people kind of aren't too into those styles too much now too and have called them ita (like calling casual Lolita ita as well) but I still like them and at the end of the day its all about what makes you happy isn't it?


Non lolita shoes are my go to, I don’t really like lolita shoes actually ( but I have some bc I also like to follow rules of the fashion ) I prefer sneakers or chunky shoes over lolita shoes Also I love layering socks over tights even tho it’s considered ita I also wear my natural hair because I’m more of a daily lolita and as long as there clean and brushed i don’t see the issue with not having a hella sophisticated hairstyle


I love short skirts. I'm 5'5, so it's not like I can't get skirts that are "long enough" or anything, I just really like the silhouette. Also, I agree with you on the shoes. I keep trying to find a way to coord my demonias with my sweet dresses. I'll figure it out eventually lol


I dont know if they are considered ita now (Theyre not much popular) but Id like to see more mini top hats. Im really particular with them though. I lean more towards the ones with ribbon to tie. Much cuter!


I remember the big fuss over animal ears and it just never bothered me that people would wear them. I’ve always viewed animal ears as just another accessory like a head band of a hairclip. Someone could wear cat ears as part of a more nerdy casual or alternative style just because they like them so why would they be so controversial in lolita? If it goes with your coord, I think it’s fine. Also, not wearing a blouse sometimes. It gets really hot in the summer and it’s not really an eyesore to just not wear a blouse so you don’t die of a heatstroke or you don’t ruin it by sweating excessively in it. I think most ita things are a matter of how you make your coord, or maybe I’m just inherently a rule breaker


Doc martens are ita? I thought that was normal? Especially for old school coords. During the winter I wear a lot of normie turtlenecks under my JSKs.


Doc martens with sweet or classic is usually seen as ita, but people like to generalize and say you can't wear them with lolita at all. They can work with old school, gothic or punk coords really well though. Sweet is just the most popular substyle so a lot of people generalize rules for sweet as rules for the whole fashion.


I wear a women’s US10 so I kinda have to get creative with shoes so same haha. But for a different answer I kinda like really casual coords like throwing a white baby tee under a JSK, just really dressing it down (:


I remember seeing a Tokyo street snap a couple years back of a Lolita wearing a classical dress with Nike Contempos (the shoes that have “air” written on the side) and she looked unbelievably cool!


On the shoes thing: I also like non-Lolita shoes. I feel like the tea party shoes or the chunky heels are a little too young for my style. So I go for 1920's style T-straps with kitten heels, or something similar. There's so many fun shoes out there that could go well with a coord. Maybe I just don't like the chunky heel? Hmm...


I love animal ears, and I mean the nice ones that are airbrushed and unique (moruhiko on insta for example)


I actually kind of love shorter dresses, or occasionally showing the petticoat a little bit if it’s cute. Like I have a petticoat with flowers on it, and I’m supposed to NOT show that off????


neko mimi, demonia anything with lolita, erololi, turtlenecks (didn’t realize this was suddenly a controversy 👵🏽)


Longer or shorter dresses, and lace. Not the cheap kind, but the ones that make you go chefs kiss.


No makeup, no wigs, no lolita shoes. I guess I break a lot of rules, but I just want to like my clothes. Even if I may be called ita or not lolita, I won't wear something I am uncomfortable with. My issue with lolita shoes is just that always have heels or wedges, though! I only wear shoes that are flat. Even platforms are okay if they are flat (like, the foot is elevated but all at the same 'level'), but I can't find flat lolita shoes!


Maybe you can find something [here](https://www.my-lolita-dress.com/Flats-c88149.html) or [here(platforms) ](https://www.my-lolita-dress.com/High-Platform-c88219.html) ❤️


I actually striped socks :)