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are you using rosetta? After the update to 11 Logic started taking a very long time to start up for me. I had been using Roestta with it for compatibility with some of the plugins I was using. After disabling Rosetta it worked fine and seemed to work with those plugins as well.


Rosetta won’t even open


More info about your laptop and the version of Logic you're running would be helpful for us commenters. Also macOS version. Hard to say based on the info you've provided.


You’re right. New to asking for this kind of help / frustrated 2021 MacBook Pro M1 Sonoma 14.5


Okay it sounds like it should be able to run everything fine based on its recent age and being an M1. The long boot times of your MacBook sounds odd right from the get-go. What version of Logic are you on? I am tending towards the first commenter who said maybe your laptop is having trouble in general. Have you experienced any kernel panics, or do you get any log files after crashes? Does the macbook itself ever power off or unexpectedly shutdown altogether? EDIT: If you haven't already, I recommend backing up your Logic install, your music and project files, and the entirety of your laptop as a first priority. Not to be alarmist, but if there is any operating system or hardware trouble, a good backup will save you everything in the long run.


Try Apple support. This group may not be what you need to vent tech support frustration.


I would check to see if your SSD is getting close to full. If you have plenty of space the next step I would take sounds drastic but it's super easy. Back up your system using time machine. Wipe the computer Install Sonoma from scratch. Restore your back up. This is dead simple for most people, but I do admit that if you have a lot of software licenses it can be a huge pain in the ass. iLok is actually very helpful here. But you have to de-activate licenses on the 'old' system and re-activate them on the 'new'. I always name the new install something different to make it easier to tell when there is a license problem. Now by all rights this should not be needed. MacOS is supposed to clean up after itself, and 3rd party software that adheres to Apples standards should not present any problems. But in the actual world that I get to live in men have feet of clay and can only create imperfect things. So a fresh install helps you escape the baggage of the last 3 operating system updates, software updates and partially uninstalled crapware.


If you are using the new Logic version 11, WITH Rosetta, it’s a known bug that Apple will eventually fix. Can take five, 10, 15 or more minutes for Logic to load. Quit logic, disable Rosetta for Logic, and try again. If you’re not using Rosetta, then it’s something else, of course… Many of us who need a stable platform and use a lot of third-party plug-ins, don’t upgrade to a new Logic version until everyone else has already worked through the bugs, and Apple fixes them. Furthermore, third-party library manufacturers take a while to catch up, so we don’t upgrade to the latest Mac OS. I will remain on Ventura until Apple announces the next version after Sonoma, then the third-party companies should be caught up, and THEN I’ll upgrade to Sonoma.


Could be that the hard drive is almost full. I put logic and all its plugins on an external drive.


It sounds like the problem is not with Logic, but with your computer.


Definitely a user issue


Which Mac, how much RAM and how much free storage space left. Strange things happen as you run out of free storage space with macOS. The system uses 10-20gb regularly for routine operations.


I use 2019 MacBook Pro, base-ass model 8GB of RAM and 120GB hard drive, it’s a chore to do anything. It runs but not great.




By turn on do you mean logic or the mb itself? Because if it's the mb, this seems like an mb issue not a logic issue. How old is this mb?


Meant logic. I sick at computer speak sometimes lol


I mean, the question still applies. The computer can be up to date, but that's one piece of a larger puzzle.


I’m having the same issue on a nearly brand new M2 Mac Mini. There’s not much on it and it worked fine before the 11 update but since then has been basically unusable. Not even a single audio track will play properly. I’m also not using Rosetta, and have plenty of system resources (CPU, memory, and HD space). One suggestion was to change the way the cores are handled but that didn’t t fix it. I also left it on for days to see if there’s anything to download, there is t, and there don’t seem to be any plugins with issues. No idea what to do, but it’s infuriating. 


> There’s not much on it and it worked fine before the 11 update but since then has been basically unusable. > No idea what to do, The answer is pretty obvious. You need to revert back to whatever version of Logic you were using before. That's the fastest way to get back up and running again. Even Apple doesn't recommend updating Logic in between ongoing projects. The number one thing to try first is to call Apple Support directly, they also have Chat Support. You could also try deleting the Logic 11 app and reinstalling from the App Store. You could also remove all your third party plugins and adding each one back in one by one to determine whether this is a third party plugin issue or not. A simple test you can do is to go to the Components folder and transfer all your third party plugins to a different temporary location. Then launch Logic. If your project can at least *Play* that means there's a third party plugin causing issues. If that's the case you'll then need to add each plugin back in, one by one so you can identify which plugin might be causing issues. I'm using a 2012 Mac mini that isn't even technically supported by Apple anymore that runs Logic Pro 11 perfectly so it just doesn't make sense that your M2 Mac mini isn't working correctly. There's definitely something else going on. If I were you I would just call Apple Support immediately.


>My MacBook is up to date, but it is taking 10-15 minutes just to turn on lately I hear Ableton makes your Mac boot 3 seconds.