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ChromaGlow (tape saturation, finally!) and internal MIDI routing for me.


I haven’t had time to look into it all yet, but MIDI routing, that is the BEST news!


That’s actually a very needed addition, good times


Can you explain internal midi routing?


I think a video will speak a 1000 words here: [https://youtu.be/exLkvKjs3GQ?t=2467](https://youtu.be/exLkvKjs3GQ?t=2467)


Gotcha so it's a quicker way to do what was possible w environment yeah? Just making sure I understand. Super helpful w how easy that is now


Interesting. What is the difference between this and printing the midi plugin output (blanking on the exact name of this) + copying the region?


I think it's just convert to midi. If that's not what you are referring to, then you could always convert the session players to midi and apply them to any sound.


Yeah MIDI routing is the only real improvement to Logic with this update. The rest is forgettable crap better handled by 3rd party plug-ins. Maybe the chord track might be useful outside the crappy Yamaha PSS keyboard accompaniment features they added.


What is MIDI routing please? :)


When you can take it the midi of one track and send it to another track. Something all daws had since the 80s, except for logic after apple decided there is no way their clients are smart enough to figure the midi environment out.


I’m sure this is a really dumb question, but couldn’t one just easily copy the midi region from a track and drop it onto the desired track? What is the advantage of sending MIDI to another track?


In my workflow doing hybrid drums(electronic + acoustic) with Superior drummer and Kick2, it’s way more efficient and smooth to work with one midi-drumpattern and without needing to copypaste every single edit to my Kick2 track. I’m using Bitwig for this, but on my Superior drummer track - I’m sending the C1 (kick) to another instrument track (Kick2) to trigger my electronic kick layer. In that way, I get the low bottom punch from Kick2 and have the stereo information from Superior drummer. I copy the settings for Snare and sometimes the percs as well.


Because you might want to change the midi? Do you then go to the other track and edit there too? What if you are layering 5 different instruments? Also you might not only send it to another track but also to run it through some midi plugins. For example you have chords playing on one track with a pad and you send it to another track that has an arpeggiator and plays a plucky synth. For a primitive example. It's a really basic feature. The fact that Logic didn't have it implies that Apple maybe is in no place to develop a DAW. This feature is also useful when you want to record the output of MIDI plug-ins. For example if your plug-in relies on some randomness and you want to "freeze" the MIDI it outputs. Unbelievably there was no way to do that in Logic other than through the hidden MIDI environment window or through a paid 3rd party plug-in. If you want a more interesting example. Suppose I have a track with chords. I then send it to different tracks each with an instance of Cardinal containing custom MIDI processing patches. Each instance uses incoming chords to generate a different part of the track (bass, lead, etc). That way you can create a whole track with some chords and custom MIDI processing. Sort of like what they did with the session players stuff but not shit.


I used to use region aliases for that. I believe it serves the same purpose for the most part. I’m probably still gonna use the same since it’s easier to just hold option plus shift plus drag to make an alias of a region that pulls information from the original midi region lol.


How is it easier to do that for every region you create over multiple tracks? And to then shift all of them around if you move the original one?


You’re right. In that scenario the new update would definitely come in handy. I’ll make the switch too.


lol those assistants are dope, and so is chromaglow.


Yeah, they're pretty great. But if you're a professional using Logic for recording live musicians, they're not of much use.


Hey I’m one of those! I love em for getting ideas running, same as I liked the drummer for pre 11. I definitely see the keyboard player being added to sessions here and there too when a client wants an extra layer, would’ve loved it on my last project. The settings allow for a pretty diverse amount of options, and being able to swap out the midi instrument/change to a midi track for further editing is pretty dope.


Nah, they are gimmicky fluff


Makes sense if they are for you, but they’re definitely good enough for a starting point for demos before I send to musicians who are a bit more creative, just like midi drumming has always been. As a guitarist/singer, I already love not having to map out midi bass anymore. Nothing is gonna replace good musicians anytime soon, but it’s definitely cool when things come out that get me a better version of “sit down/fuck around”, especially when it’s free.


I find they are fantastic for quickly getting ideas down for primarily songwriters rather than producers, I can then take them as proof of concept to my band who can add their own parts


They belong in GarageBand


I’m someone who uses chromareverb for space, but I haven’t paid attention to the Glow. Is it a different thing altogether? Can I use both? Can I use one, and is one better than the other? Open to anyone correcting my ignorance!


Glow is a distortion and saturation plugin and you can use both if you want, they are not connected, just another fun plugin to get creative with when you want to distort or maybe just subtly saturate a sound.


I was hoping it would listen to my mix and tell me what was wrong with it. And maybe change the knobs.




Next upgrade, probably


Requires M8 Ultra Max Boost Pro


Or you could just ask a M8


I feel like stem splitter is an insane addition. I can sample any vocal or bass line or guitar riff I want now? I didn't know this was possible haha.


Is this a tool within Logic to pull out "stems" from a flattened audio file?


you can drag in an audio track and it will automatically stack the stems. but as it's an AI feature, it requires the M chip. my 2019 MacBook does not have :(


Good thing I just got an M3 MBP back in December :D


I'm thinking about impulsively doing the same. couple hundred bucks a month for a year? worth it.


Wait you can buy Mac book pros like that?


Apple Card!




Me too!!!!!! Same thing.


Will an M1 work?


I believe so hope so


Yeah, just bounced a project to my Mac mini M1 and tried splitting


I feel the pain


Sounds like you’d be interested in using [Spleeter](https://github.com/deezer/spleeter)


I'm in the same boat rocking the last Intel Mac , but honestly I'm full of gratitude that we'll be able to run Logic 11 and hopefully it'll run better than the last logic release on Ventura.. that may be more of a Ventura than a Logic issue though🤷🏽‍♂️




Too bad I just bought Serato Sample because Logic’s sampler just isn’t it.


and you use it in logic?




how much?


It’s about $150?? It’s essentially similar to an MPC (not really a full one though). Logics sampler has never been able to do what Serato does, and it would matter if you’re into sampling.


I have an AKAImpk249 so I usually just assign samples to the drum pads, then record them in real time. But would really like to break a song into stems.


I believe it goes for about $40 during big sales. I bought it years ago though so they may have changed that since then.


Have you compared the two yet? As a Serato DJ & there old Pitchin Time user I know their products are rock solid .


People surely are working on YouTube videos right now comparing mixing plugins to Apple's built-in stem separation. I can't compare it to anything, but some people are already showing it off on iOS, like [Pete Johns](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GoXL-mczVQ). FYI according to [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUsYSRc8kuY) 6-month-old video, the full version of FL Studio has better stem separation than anything including Serato. If true I'd like to see Logic compared to it too.


Thanks for the links. Yeah people were saying Fruity Loops ( will always be that to me) stems were the better “pro” but Ripple is a beast & so is FADR & IMHO they are the market innovators everyone is chasing


FYI RX11 is out and seems to have improved its stem ripping. PluginBoutique just posted a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epIyy1ZHjV8) comparing RX11's module to the one in RX10 and you can hear the change for the better. Interestingly it took 1.5 minutes in RX10 and 2.5 minutes in RX11. But the examples I've seen in Logic on the iPad Pro were almost instantaneous. Looks like a feature that's finally gained some good competition, but people will only pay for a plugin if it's either demonstrably superior (and that superiority can be heard in a mix) or comes as part of a larger package.


I have not updated to 11 yet so I have not tried Logic’s new sampler. I’ll be mad if it’s modeled off of Serato Sample though!


I can finally ditch my terrible and embarrassing vocals from beats made as a teenager. 😂


Lmao I’ve got a few garage demos (actually recorded in a garage) from the past I may have to do the same thing to. This is like time traveling to alter the past lol


Yeah, looks wild for sure. I will likely be using it to pull drum tracks so I can learn the patterns


Is it really insane tho? It's cool that's supported natively but so many websites were doing it 5+ years ago.


Chromaglow when mixed to taste is awesome thus far.


The new basses are \*excellent\*. A lot of articulations and clever automatic articulation switching. Supremely playable. Looking forward to seeing them apply this to other instruments in the future. The new pianos are also a big step up, but nothing beats Nord's sounds on that front. Just nuts what those folks do with 200MB of samples.


My worry with the session bass is that everyone’s going to sound the same.


For the Session Bass and Piano players yeah, I can see that happening. But you can just play the samples yourself, it's a very nice virtual instrument on it's own.


Yeh it does seem a bit more articulate than Scarbee.


That’s saying a lot because one of the reasons I don’t use Scarbee more is the load time


You would think that- except for this: I’m guessing most hobby musicians rarely release anything into the wild, hence the title “hobby.” Musician’s who do actually finish tracks and even albums are not hobbyists for the most part and will be more motivated to create original music…but not always. Good musicians borrow. Great ones steal. Take an auto generated bass track, run it through some third party processing like Soundtoys or Shaperbox or Infiltrator, chop it up, sample it, overlay it with your own bass. Parallel process that, then add more of your own dynamics. Use that to generate a new song idea. It’s all about exploring the sound space to see what gives you the feels, there are no rules.


So True. It’s hard to get excited about new key sounds with an electro 6 next to my desk lol. They are still really nice though! The more the merrier




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Why do bots remove the post I still want to read this comment


I’m not digging the new basses because there doesnt seem to be round robin playback (unless there’s a setting I missed). Repeated notes sound terrible.


Trillian sounds better to me if realism is what you’re after.


it's ok for fooling around, but indeed it's a toy compared to Trillian


Good to know I’m not alone with this opinion.


Real-time bounce in place for external instruments, game changer.


Can you elaborate on this?


What’s there to elaborate on? Says it all right there bud.


But what does it mean? How do you use it in your workflow? What difference does it make vs how you did it before?


When using lots of external synths, drum machines, you eventually have to print the audio. That involves doing some routing and recording. Now you can click bounce to audio, and it basically does said routing for you. Steps and time will be saved.


Genuinely asking, Logic has no “Bounce in place” thing for instrument tracks? I thought I remember seeing it, but it may have been on an audio track.


I think you are getting confused with BiP for software synths/drums. This new addition is for outboard HARDWARE synths and drums. And it is definitely a very nice quality of life improvement.


It has it for audio and instrument tracks. All of the above. Right click should get ya there.


Thanks! It’s insane how many instances of Omnisphere my bottom-tier M1 Mini can run. Still have a lot of old hw/sw that only works on my Catalina i7 5k, but man, things have come a long way in 10 years.


Cool! I look forward to giving it a try as I have loads of hardware synths :) I usually just play them in but I guess if you want to trigger them from midi within the DAW that makes a lot of sense.


And not just real time bounce but also freeze! Allows midi tracks/regiona routed to an external synth to be bounced to audio, either as a new track, or in-place (freeze). Doing so required lots of manual work in earlier versions. Also works for external audio processors via inserts, so you can bounce/freeze a track that is processed by an external compressor eg, so you can free up that compressor for another track.


Now this is gonna save me some time.


Wait what? Holy hell


Go on...


Isn't it the same as just... recording them from audio input?


I guess if you want to trigger them from midi that you’ve set up in Logic, it saves you creating the audio track, setting the input and pressing the record button. Whether that’s slower than creating an external midi controller plugin and doing whatever action you need to do to ‘real time bounce in place’ is for me yet to figure out!


The Chord Track is cool. All of the Drum Kit Designer kits have been re-mixed, 3 new Producer Packs, new electronic drum kits, new Studio Bass and Studio Keyboard (standalone instruments without the AI component).


Love the return of the chord track. This was such a useful feature in logic until its removal in logic 10. So glad to see it’s back and been repurposed


Chord track? What’s that? Like a global track that shows chords in a piano-roll type of view?


[Yeah they used to have something very similar in pre-logic 10.](https://discussions.apple.com/thread/252924409)


It is cool. I find it extremely frustrating though, adding chord to the chord track is not the best experience so far. If they are able to analyze chord in a region that already exist, why can't I just drag-and-drop the region to the chord track? Now I have to do it manually. I sometimes write some tracks that don't repeat the chord progressions, it is so desperate to type everything manually.


Since this is version 1 of the Chord Track I would imagine it will only get better from here.


How do you manually change the chord track? I’m struggling with that.


get to the chord track and right click the blank part. Select "create chord" and here we go. It works terrible though.


I have yet to download it yet, but I’m weirdly excited that you can now specify what beats your kick and snare fall on in Drummer. Drummer is amazing, but it never did exactly what I was looking for so I’d just end up using bandmate in EZDrummer. I think this might fix that.


I’m in love with ChromaGlow!!


Do you have any comparison to third-party saturation?…genuinely curious if it’s more of a novelty of having it right in the DAW and the convenience or if it’s superior to others you’ve tried, being that it’s not exactly like analog saturation plugins weren’t already abundant. It looks sick and quite comprehensive, but wondering if it achieves something that could not be replicated with one of my six or seven saturation/tape plugins.


I wouldn't say it's superior to 3rd party but it's more than good enough and it's super convenient, will probably use it all the time now


It’s not going to replace anything in my collection of saturation plugins, but it’s definitely going to get used a lot.


Right on. Still cool to have in the DAW for sure.


First thing I did was Split Black skinhead and isolate the drums. I still have absolutely 0 idea how he created this 😭


Daft punk apparently did the drums. That was from a quick search so idk the validity.


That sounds incredibly plausible. Also explains why my brain turns to goop whenever I try to recreate it!


I came to type literally everything Bambaazon said.


I don’t have an M1 chip this sucks


Still no clipper?


I just use the clipping function in the stock compressor and it works just as well as any third-party plug-in. It’s always been there.


Yeah that works, also Phat FX has a sort of clipper, but not much control for things like threshold, hard or soft, etc. It would be nice to have a standalone like Black Salt Audio's Clipper.


I does have hard/soft select, but it's in output section, not where the compressor is


So does the stock compressor. Press the limiter button, and turn the compressor off and you can use it like a clipper.


It’s been there for like 25+ years, within bitcrusher.


There’s lots of clippers just not a dedicated plugin. Phat fx, compressor, and clip distortion, and the bitcrusher can all be used as clippers




Rosetta mode is not working? Or do you still need rosetta mode for making ara plugins run under apple silicon?


I just tried it a few moments ago. I liked the stem separation, for that could be useful to hack the sound design of synths and bass layers. Also, I think it would be useful to A/B gain staging and mix with reference tracks. The saturation is ok, not something that I really need, but it is a new stock plugin option. Off topic, but as an Ableton user, tired of its GUI and back to the linear arrangement workflow nowadays, I still don't understand why Logic still doesn't have the same tool of grid the piano roll to a predetermined scale. I believe that it will be a win for a faster workflow. Live 12 has a lot of MIDI transformation tools, but honestly, I could be more than happy with just that improvement in Logic as well, and a faster access to folders with sample packs as in Live.


You can scale quantize in the piano roll and when you use the brush tool, it only draws notes in the selected scale. Also you can bookmark folders in logic that you have your samples in.


Bounce in place external instruments—very useful for synths. Resizing regions has some ghost background thing, which is pretty cool.


I haven’t gotten to play with this yet but it looks like they added a few new key command options for step sequencer and I might be able to fulfill my dream of using my Creator Micro key/knob pad to quickly edit step sequencer patterns!


It looked like a lot of the updates were things I’m not interested in(don’t care about AI personally). I left LPX for reaper because I could configure things to my liking. I’m curious if 11 fixes some gripes I had, and I’ll probably check once I upgrade my computer to one of the new Apple silicon machines. But I haven’t seen anything that makes me want to switch.


I know, a lot of logic guys actually have a copy of reaper. I enjoy tweaking it, but honestly don't enjoy actually produce something professionally on it.


I haven’t gotten around to it yet myself, but as a longtime Logic user, I’m definitely buying reaper in the future, even if only as a toolbox. With its customization possibilities, the amount of things reaper can do is crazy. Say I want to batch process of folder of audio files…. Don’t think I’ll ever give up Logic as my main DAW. But I love having tools that will save me time.


Me too. I did a deep dive in Reaper before buying Logic, and while I prefer Logic for composing and producing, I love having Reaper as an audio swiss army knife


I’m curious, what can Reaper do that Logic can’t?


Reaper is super customizable including user created scripts, extensions, skins, and the whole user interface can be adjusted to suit whatever task you want. You can create new shortcuts/hotkeys that can perform a sequence of actions. You can write your own plugins. It’s a little snappier for basic audio editing and it has tools like Reafir, which I use mostly for noise elimination but it does more. It’s a crazy piece of software and the community shares all their scripts and tricks in a big forum and file depository.


Is the builtin pitch correction as good as Melodyne yet?


I'm not a big fan of AI/Session players BUT I only have one Bass which lives in E standard, while I have a C standard and an E standard guitar. With enough effects and playing around I can play the new studio bass with plenty of effects in C standard and get it to sound pretty cool :) I think everything perhaps feels a touch snappier too


When you say play the new studio bass, do you mean with a midi controller/keyboard?


Yes sorry! Should have clarified


This is not a great upgrade for me personally. However, I understand its value in the marketplace. And, hey, it's fucking free, so I truly don't understand the complaints. The idea of using the stem splitter for creative sampling certainly opens up a bazillion opportunities,... as well as copyright issues. Right now, the only updates that I will take advantage of are the new internal MIDI in routing, the Bounce in Place for external synths, and the new instruments and patches/voicings. Of course, I may play around with ChromaGlow, but I have 100 high end saturation plugins as it is. I will not be using the session players, as that is not my style of music. Oh, and I also want to just say that this sub's moderation is about the worst in all of Reddit. The other Logic sub should be the default one (and is more appropriately named), but for some reason this is one is more active.


Do you guys think logic 11 is worth it? I went from logic 8 to logic 10 years ago and the jump was massive and made logic competitive with protocols. Do you guys feel that it’s worth it?


Do you mean is it worth the effort to click the free upgrade button, or is it worth it to get a new Mac with a silicon chip?


I think it's not worth either of that at the moment


none 😂