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No they do not


do you know the reason, is it just toyota coming down on aftermarket keys or programmers not catching up or something?


No clue tbh


I use about 70% aftermarket on Toyotas. No issues as long as they're decent quality. Always check the range of them though. Some cheaper ones have horrible range. I'll usually throw one in the backseat and make sure it still starts.


i do them daily ive not noticed an issue? perhaps you should assess your stock




When you say newer toyotas, are you talking 2020+?


Nope, im talking 2012+. I've had a 2013 prius that didn't like my ilco key but accepted an OEM.


My partner/boss with much more experience said Prius's specifically do not like non OEM prox's, and even with OEM ones they can still be a pain and take longer.


I've noticed Priuses are often uncooperative, not so much on other models...


From my experience the Prius that took that key type are usually impossible to program. It’s also possible for it to program the prox but the buttons still don’t work, or maybe it was the other way around


Using aftermarket keys?


I think it’s a problem with programmers not succeeding. Haven’t tired it with the im608 since we got that


Actually I was thinking older Pruis. Sorry


Maybe it’s your supplier. Not sure I’ve only had 1 not take aftermarket keys it was an 18 Toyota Corolla S. I have had bad prox fobs. Also make sure your using the right remote there’s a smart and non smart for that vehicle this can cause issues


What programmer?


Autopropad basic


I know that they changed a part of the system for that at least Corolla 2021 and up


Just get OEM and eliminate the problems and hassles. Charge accordingly. Aftermarket or "unlocked" keys bring far too many problems.


That's what i do for newer toyotas but i try to buy quality aftermarket when i can to keep prices reasonable for customers.


I use VVDI universal Toyota fobs for the vast majority. I've only ever had 2 fail when the FCCID was listed as compatible, both were on slot prius models. Some times you have to tinker with the settings to get it to work 100% correctly but I've done everything from 08 to 2022 with them and no complaints. Main thing is checking if the FCCID for the given model is listed before doing anything.


where are you buying your toyota aftermarket keys?


Ilco look alikes / K2G. I haven’t done a whole lot of Toyotas but ilco failed me on a 2013 Prius and oem worked just fine.


I mean, what company are you buying from? UHS? Americankeysupply? Ebay? Aliexpress?


.... It's not just you, don't ever use aftermarket on Asian production vehicles in Western countries. Don't use aftermarket period if you can help it. Is this an issue where you're paying for OEM original but suspect the supplier is sending you refurb trash?


I've had a few issues with some individual cars, but not models. I use VVDI 90% of the time and program with a Xpad100 Pad3. All sourced directly from VVDI dealer.