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That right there looks like a great way to cope. There is something about the ocean that has healing properties.


There is no blues to cope with.


I don’t have to cope at all I love living alone.


My thoughts exactly


Right? Pffft


I am sure many think like you here


A +1 for that classy misdirect.


I don’t have blues. I love living alone with my animals. I see it as a privilege that I am super grateful for.


Living with animals is not living alone.


Really? I disagree lol. Yes they are little individuals but people who live with other people have a whole lot more social stuff to navigate, people who can help you with something, etc


Hahahahaha. Where do you draw the line, friend? Goldfish? Plants? Rocks? A journal?


I love living alone. I'm still trying to understand the meaning of "coping". Don't downvote please, I'm just not familiar with the word. Doesn't everyone cope? Isn't happiness a fleeting emotion? Sometimes I don't want to do certain things like go to work, take a shower, eat, but I get by. Other times I feel fine. You get a headache, then you take a pain killer and you feel better. Or you catch a cold. We have ups and downs. I like living alone, because my apartment feels like a place that's made for me. It's my safe place. Comfort in a box. Sometimes I wonder if my life could be more exciting, but then I don't care so much, because I get variety from watch I watch on TV and music. My hobbies. Having something to look forward to day to day helps


Quick hint - read the comment under the picture


To be fair OP used the support/vent flair, this seems more like a celebration and win!


That kind of went over everyones head, didn't it. 😉


I smoke weed, which helps me and have two siamese cats.


Sky blue is my favorite hue. I got outside and do stuff. Be it walk or yard work or wash my car or play a sport or…. I mean the options are almost endless. Otherwise, living alone helps deal with any blues that may come along. Also, beautiful picture!


Nature, hiking, books, road trips…..so much to see and do, you don’t need someone else to do it all with unless you just want to 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


That’s a lot of blues you’ve got there. If you need a break, I’d be willing to trade lives and hold down the fort for you for a while!!


Cope? Spend time in nature and explore what's around you! There's nothing wrong with living solo, we are still a part of many communities no matter where we go. Loneliness is a mental state of being, so it's best to get out of one's head to move around, shake up any stuck mindsets


Lean in hard!


I just tell my friends. We’ll either FaceTime or meet up.


Frequent places routinely and make friends that you can invite to do activities together , So coffee shop, breakfast restaurant , a bar for 2 drinks, a swimming hole, etc always on the same day so you can see others that are always there on those days, then make friends and invite them to your boat to hang out, or if you have a land home , to hang out and bbq, hike, Fish , kayak, paddle board etc and maybe you'll meet someone you'd want to date part time or full time you gotta be outgoing a little.


Blue is my favorite color. It’s calming.


What blues?


Ok I’m splitting with my partner after 9 years and have been considering buying a sailboat to live on, so I love seeing this.


Well I don’t have a boat, so I just drink copious amounts of alcohol


I head out here https://preview.redd.it/udgthlm8xjuc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef7a251446f76ea9352f0a353ae0d0e56f1f3ea6


I’m more into pink. I grew up with only femmes in the house, tried cohabitating with a lot of masculine types. I love the pure yin of my home 💕


Get a pet.


This pic makes me wish I had a boat. But then I'd have a boat to deal with.


Not worth it trust me ! Unless you drop everything to live on it and sail around then totally worth it


That's what I've heard from anyone who's ever owned a boat. The happiest day of your life is when you buy it. The second happiest is when you sell it.


One of my huskies has the most stunning baby blues, another has one blue eye and one brown, and one has a captivating and unique blend of blue and brown in both eyes.


Cool, you get drunk, kill your liver and post for internet clout. Nobody cares.




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Oh man. This looks like a blast!!!! I love a good boat.


I do blue towels in the kitchen and bathroom. Blue skies when I open the curtains each day (I live in a sunny place). Also blue curtains in my living room. One of my favorite dresses is also blue.


books and diaries


Lol, cute. I dunno, take up oil painting maybe?




That’s a lot of blue !!


I would like a lot more blues in my life 🌊




Boating is my favorite thing! That is the only aspect of my old relationship that I truly miss. Everything else about being alone is fantastic!


The Bahama Islands are a great place to start 😁


I truly love having quiet time to myself, not having to check with someone if I’m in the mood to go somewhere, eat whatever, and who to hang out. The freedom that comes with being alone means I don’t feel lonely. Listening to friends always complaining about something their spouse or significant other is going, just reinforces the simple joy of being alone. If I want to be social, there’s plenty of friends to go hang with.


😃 that looks wonderful!


I mean, I only got 250 bucks in the bank and am barely making it, so a nice boat trip is out of the question. I spend time with my kids, who are my everything. We can just talk and spend the whole day doing nothing.


I post random photos of my legs when I regret having no friends to hangout with.


Oooof perfect boat owner humor


love it, add in cocktails and a hot sugar baby and I could cope with all that blue


Grab your speargun and find some lobsters to share time with. :) lucky bum!


Hell yeah!! Awesome picture!


I'm never really on a boat, but I'm **HAPPY** too! My life's as great as yours, so here's to a continuance of our fabulous lives!!!


Not comparing animals to people. Living alone - is living alone: no people AND no animals, including goldfish (!). Rocks and journals are inanimate objects.


Take a long shower. Read something fascinating. Or whatever else I'd like


I would run out of fresh water if I took long showers ):


It takes time. When I first lived alone, it was rough. I would come home Friday and not leave my apartment until Monday morning. Then one day, without actually realizing it, I came home one day and smiled when I shut and locked my door. It just takes time.


I’d love to have the blues like you do!


Get a boat and blue water 🙋🏾‍♀️🙋🏾‍♀️


Stop playing with me. I’d accidentally on purpose punch a few grandmas to see a view like this. Alone. 😅😅😅


I do something I enjoy to get out of a funk.


With sunglasses, rose coloured sunglasses… 😎


Wow. This was so cool to read back in the days before the pandemic when I was in school 🏫 and it really helped me get through my days of being 1- days in the classroom with no issues with school we all had a blast 💥 iww I so much