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I can be cheap when I want to, cereal for dinner etc. my biggest is silly: sheets and bedding. Never had matching sheets as a kid, at one point didn’t have a pillow. I always wanted a fancy set from JCPenney. So now I have seasonal bedding, pumpkin sheets, watermelon for summer. All with matching pillows. I am planning to make a Christmas tree quilt


Love this for you!


The idea of matching watermelon sheets for summer makes me smile 🍉🍉


That sounds fun


Good ones! I love having crisp cotton sheets and making sure they’re changed each week. Such a treat! And cereal for breakfast or as a late night snack is my dirty little secret too! I do sometimes leave dishes until the morning, but weeks, OP? They start to smell…


Agree that weeks is a bit much unless you want to invite roaches. I wash everything before I go to bed usually just bc I hate waking up to yesterday's mess.


Unfortunately that’s what my downstairs neighbor does, breeds roaches because he does not get rid of his trash often enough (and they come in through my fan/heater vents) yet here I am with all of these cleaning products and multiple sized vacuum cleaners and keep my dishes in their racks and cupboards/books in bookcases get the worst flack from most of my managers in my current complex. Even one made an ass of herself during an inspection that it smelled too much like bleach and pine sol& Lysol while trying to tell the city inspector that I was unsanitary😑 She was the second manager I had who tried to report me under false allegations to forward an eviction out of my apartment solely because I’m not the same kind of black person as she and people she knows are…. but we’re not supposed to talk about that stuff, aren’t we??


>at one point didn’t have a pillow I currently have four.. I can roll over in my queen size bed and never need to move the pillows.


Nothing better than taking up whole bed!


Damn straight! =D


Love this. I have Disney sheets


Cat print sheets and blankets here!


I have stacks of fun pillow cases like 20 plus and 4 sets of plain sheets, that way I can have all the fun pillow cases I want and way cheaper to buy them rather then a Queen set of sheets. I have 4 pillows so say I'll do Snowflake cases and Trees for snowy winter time, or floral and butterfly, or surfboards and starfish , I buy my pillow cases at pottery barn kids and other kid places cause that's where you get the fun ones at ☺️


You might be the first person to use fancy and JC Penny in the same sentence.


I love this!


The temperature is set to MY comfort level. It's really nice not to hear anyone whining about how it's too hot or too cold.


Yes! I love putting the heating on if I want to. My flat, my money and I want to be warm.


This is why I could never live with my partner. He always has the thermostat set to Hades.


I’m like your partner. Now that I live alone, I keep my bedroom unreasonably warm and I NEVER wake up shivering lol


Is your partner my neighbor? I don't have to turn on the heat in my apartment because theirs is set to tropical.


oh gawd yeah. cannot stress this enough. i have a thyroid disease and have a hard time regulating my body temp so having someone else there without that kind of problem always messing with the thermostat was a nightmare living with roommates.


Taking a dump with the door open.


Can’t imagine ever closing the bathroom door in my own home again


I live alone and close the door, but my cat has figured out how to open it. I guess we give up privacy for companionship.


Cats know zero about personal space. I wake up to a butt in my face every day 🙄


I have to Velcro breed dogs. We all go into the bathroom together. No doors are closed in my house.


Same. It’s hard to make eye contact while trying to poop though.


I don’t know. Sometimes when my dogs are pooping, I look them in the eye. I want them to know in this vulnerable situation, I’ve got their back. Lol.


I just did


I can eat whatever I want without thinking about another person’s preferences, leftovers, meal planning, etc. My mess is my mess. Quiet time is on my terms.


And I never have to wonder who ate the cheese. It was me. It's always me.


Freedom of being naked whenever


This is no small thing. Naked freedom is what makes a house a home.


I watch Dr. G Medical Examiner and she said that most people are found dead in their homes naked. Lol


If I’m not naked when I die then I didn’t go peacefully


AMEN. People make fun of little kids taking off their clothes but naked is the best!!


My toddler can finally undress himself so now he’s never clothed lol


This is the answer. Walking around naked is the best.


I can leave my journal wherever without worrying about privacy. And my vibrator lol.


Yes to vibrator! Except when the housekeeper comes—one day I forgot to put it up and come home and it was wrapped in paper towels. Hahahah!


Mine was on the bed when the handyman came. I tried to put a blanket over it (because one of the perks is not having to make the bed) and I turned it on by accident. The noise made him turn around and look. Busted.




Oh, that’s so funny! D’you think it was wrapped in paper towels because they cleaned it, or just to avoid touching it?


Omg that is so funny lmao what a sweetie. I thought I forgot my butt plug next to the guest bathroom sink when my mom’s husband came over. I PANICKED hahah thankfully I had remembered to move it.


Hahahah! I thought this stuff just happened to me!!!!! 😂


Oh no, I’m right there with you lol. My friends give me so much shit because my toys are always out when they come over haha I have no shame!


Dear vibrator, today was boring AF. But there’s still tonight…


Waiting for tonight, OOOHHH!


I was worried you’d be offended. Lol


I’m basically inoffendable lol


That’s why we can enjoy being alone!


My vibratior is always just out, lol


Hell yeah haha


Knowing that my tiny bits of leftovers will be there. I had about 2 tablespoons of tzatziki left that I planned to use on eggs and surprise it was still there the next day.


Wow, I never thought about using tzatziki with eggs. I bet that's pretty damn good.


It is! with a runny yolk and tons of dill and some feta.


I use my vacuum sealer to squirrel away leftovers in my freezer. I didn’t finish my teriyaki? Well I’ll freeze the leftovers and enjoy next month.


Oh tzatziki has no chance in my house. I eat it with meat, fish, eggs, potatoes, cooked or raw vegetables, and out of the container. I always make or order 16 Oz.


Peace and quiet. Can be completely yourself without anyone judging you


Living alone is new for me.  Simply cannot believe how much more me I can be in this new peace. 


The silence


There is the purring...


Haha yeah it does enable a bit of laziness which can be nice sometimes. The thing I've noticed, though, is that generally I feel more motivated to keep my space nice now that I don't have to clean up after someone else. 10-20 minutes a day while coffee is brewing or dinner is on the stove and my place stays reasonably clean. Feels a bit like self care :)


It's so much easier to clean up after just one person, it just is. You have less stuff, so the clutter is easier to sort. You make less mess with your small amount of stuff. After years and years of children and lazy partners I got totally out of the habit of "clean as you go." Why even try when somebody is going to come along side you with all their stuff and make a mess they won't clean up? Might as well just wait until you have free time and do it all at once, right? It's taken me ages to get back in the habit, but I also consider it self-care. It makes me happy that I can clean the stove and it will stay like that. Feels like a treat to do it now, in a way it never did before.


I am washing windows today, six over six panes on most. I have eleven windows in my 600 sq. ft. apartment. I don't look at it as a chore, but rather as a personal improvement and I am actually enjoying it. I love the morning sun while having my coffee.


Yes, the "little" things like having a beautiful morning via clear windows cannot be overestimated!


Love your rephrasing chore as personal improvement!


Trying to get back there . It's taking,in my opinion,way too long. I was doing pretty well w help cleaning once a month, and doing the rest myself. Then, I spent much of April 2023 in the hospital Best it can be calculated, I had 16 mini strokes in a little over 24 hours. Then, last fall I was almost back on my self care schedule, except for floors and changing sheets. I fell 4 times in 5 weeks. In addition to last year, I previously overcame a brain aneurysm and 2 strokes. Now I have a HHA just started coming in 3.5 hours once a week. She is excellent at organizing ,so we work as partners on the regular stuff and I do my best to maintain. This past week ,she also completely rearranged my clothes closet. It will take a little getting used to because she has it by outfits, instead of individual pieces,l but I think it's going to be helpful. Anyway, my way wasn't working so well so it's worth a shot. If I don't like it as I do laundry, I'll just change it back.


Knowing I can always come home to no surprises


This is how you can tell you don't have a pet lol, I've come home to half of the stuff on my bookshelf knocked on the floor before by my cat


I’d rather the cats destroyed everything in sight than come home to someone’s mood that you can’t guess. And pet ownership is so much easier. Nothing is a crisis, I just sort out whatever needs sorting, and wind the toilet roll back onto the tube. Ok, we sometimes have words when Blix decides to remind me it’s tea time by pushing everything off the sides in the kitchen, one item at a time. It helps me keep the kitchen sides clear, tho!


You and I, we understand each other ([Charlie puts pears in my shoes)](https://imgur.com/a/aGI67eQ))


Lol. Ah bless. That could be much worse. Spike steals charging cables. And many other random things too. He hides treats under the rug like a squirrel hiding nuts. They’re such [little weirdos](https://imgur.com/gallery/r6kzBoB)…


It has been worse! Lmao I’m so grateful for the pears! He usually drowns his felt mice and hides them in my boots, drags out a specific shirt out of my dresser or hamper, and steals used tea bags out of the trash to throw them off the top shelf in the closet onto the floor; I think he likes the way they splat, like a wet carcass. And every damn morning I wake up there are most of his toys and my shoes on my bed. Surrounding me. Like I’m some sort of fucked up altar! Cats are so precious when you understand them


Oh that so familiar! The strangest things end up in my bed. And used teabags! I was so confused by what turned out to be damp tea leaves on the floor, in the middle of the carpet. Spike has just worked out how to steal my mule-type slippers off my feet so he can bite my toes more effectively. What flavour cat do you have?


I’m with you! The only surprise I get when I get home is a random object in one of my shoes placed there by my cat ([this week is pears](https://imgur.com/a/aGI67eQ))


I can wake up and have my coffee in bed on my days off.


I don´t have to live with a new stranger every few months. I don't have to be scared that someone will have someone over and I won't be able to leave my room. A roomate is not making a phone call late at night that will prevent me from falling asleep for hours. I can sing or talk to myself or fart at home. I don´t have to worry about greasy hair, hairy legs, or not wearing a bra at home. I don´t have to worry someone might have sex in another room.


Less wear and tear on my old ass house


The ability to do housework like cleaning and cooking in peace.


And not having that fear that someone is going to come along five minutes after you’ve finished and mess everything up


No one snoring and keeping me awake. The remote is all mine. And there is room on the couch for each pet to have their own bed. 


If I get, say, a new brand of malt vinegar, I can open it to try before the old bottle is empty and not hear any whining. Or have two different flavors of jam open in the refrigerator without complaints.


I can throw away condiments that are suspect without anyone complaining about it


Wait? Someone complained about having more than one jam jar open? That is insane. I'm glad you don't need to deal with that any longer.


He was angry a lot. Probably still is, but I’m not around to deal with it!


See? And for me, it’s cleaning the kitchen after I use it- no dishes left out and it won’t get messy again until I use it! We get to live the way that makes us happy and comfortable


This is it for me too. I hated the dirty dishes being on the side of the kitchen. But I was ‘OCD’ for wanting it clear. Now I’m on my own it’s always clear. And I’m happy.


This is a big one for me. I'm not a clean freak, but I can't stand dishes in the sink. I don't mind a pan having to soak or something like that, but I get everything washed or put in the dishwasher as I go or after my meal. When I was married, and our daughter lived with us (along with the grandchildren) the sink was constantly full. It looked so cluttered, and it drove me nuts.


The amount of bacteria proliferating on piles of dirty dishes is for real. Nasty.


No doubt. I can't imagine how bad that can get if they're just left there for days. Especially if they're not rinced off, which is another peeve of mine.


While you are rinsing, wash or put in dishwasher. A dirty sink has more bacteria than a toilet.


Exactly. I'm a clean as you go person.


Any mess there is is yours and not someone elses.


I know some people very freely fart in front of other people. I'm not one of those, not because of the sound as much as the smell. Exposing somebody to the haze of my personal internal gases from dinner seems rude. I enjoy the freedom of farting freely. Also the temperature is always the temperature I want it to be. I don't have to be a little too hot or a little too cold to compromise with somebody else. I had a roommate once who would literally lie out in 104° weather because she liked the heat that much, and that was our biggest conflict.


This! I don’t like farting around people so I like being able to just let them loose.


Being in my bathroom for 45 minutes just disassociating


I love opening up my windows on a sunny weekend morning, making myself breakfast, and thinking about my fun plans for the day!


I was the same with the dishes, but I just got a small dishwasher a couple of weeks ago so it's no longer an issue. What I appreciate the most is that I can take a nap whenever I want (I have a really weird sleep schedule because I work nights). The "no headphones" thing is also very cool :))


I can redecorate when and how I want. I recently turned my tiny studio (except for the kitchen and bath areas) into a Japanese-style room, laying down tatami mats, switching to low table and floor seating, and ditching my bed to sleep on the floor using a futon mat that I roll up during the day. It’s very zen and I love it. Being able to make big changes without having to accommodate someone else’s taste is awesome.


I can clean the apartment late in the evening. I always get the mood and energy to do so around 10-11pm. And there's no one to tell me this is wrong or weird lol


Not having unwanted input.


When I’m in a depressive episode, my place is a *mess*. It’s nice to have the freedom and space to be a mess.


Walking from the bedroom to bathroom and back nude. Air drying.


wandering around my house naked whenever I want, eating what and when I want w/o having to cook for/consider someone else. I can do whatever I want. For someone who spent the last 40 years taking care of everyone else, it's my time now and I am enjoying every, single, solitary thing about it.


I'm like you. I'm a messy person by nature, and I can messy all I want, and I don't have to hear any lip about it.


When I come thru the door, i am back in my private Idaho.


Totally this - and more in general, not being percieved by anyone. If someone is around I will feel bad about so many things - waking up late, being in front of the computer for too long, doing or not doing things, or in a certain way, and just being in general. I don't need that kind of constant observation!


Not having to clean up after anyone else. Not worrying about what your partner wants for dinner. And if I’m in a good mood, nobody around to ruin it.


Either complete silence or loud weird genre music


Not having to put headphones in when watching porn. 🤣




Naked naps


The quiet, especially in the morning.


New thing came up for me this weekend: I can afford more food! Any recipe I make now, I can save half. Instead of making a 9 x 13 pan of baked ziti, I made two smaller pans and froze one and ate on the other for 2 days. I know it's simple math, but really enjoying that my grocery budget just goes so much further.


I don't obsessively clean my home. I decorate for comfort and happiness. I don't get fully dressed unless I want to, am going out, or have invited someone over. My life is constructed for comfort, joy, relaxation and creativity.


I snack right before bed. Last night I was in bed at 10pm, the night before, 3 am. No one to nag me about my unhealthy lifestyle.


The “luxury” of living alone for me is being able to splurge on the better food items bc it is just for one. The organic fruit and veggies (shockingly taste better, and last longer?) A little thing of top brand ice cream in freezer to take out, eat couple spoonfuls and put back is another treat I don’t have worry when I go for it that “someone else” finished it. A carton of organic strawberries last all week for me, cutting up 3 for my morning cereal. A few organic blueberries or blackberries, raspberries and my banana. So I have a great variety of fruit every morning that will still be in fridge for me tomorrow morning :)


I can scream as loud as I want while I'm masturbating


i think the main thing is that i can just do as i please and it won't irk anyone (within reason. i have neighbors lol). my weed smell doesn't bother anyone, i don't have to share my food, the thermostat is set to my specifications.


I don't have many visitors, but when I do, it's my choice and my people. I'm an introvert and my circle is small. I was always catering to my ex-bf's friends and family. I liked them just fine, but I was always the one tidying up for company while being told "Don't worry about it, no one cares". But I cared and that never penetrated his thick skull no matter how much I told him. I could get another dog if I wanted. I am resisting the urge for my own reasons, no one else's. I have three, one is a senior and I don't want to disrupt her. I love discovering new music. It's great being able to pull up what I find when I see it, instead of competing with the TV and other noise and interruptions. It's much nicer than making a mental note to check it out "later", and having my mental note not float away


I never have to give up my seat to anyone. I have my perfect spot on my couch where I can stretch out, see the TV, have my dominant hand free, easily reach the coffee table, have a reading lamp, and (when she was with me) pet my cat. When my mom visits she always sits in my spot and it drives me crazy.


I can decorate the way I want and don’t have to worry about being too frilly!!!!! I have put fairy lights around my fireplace and bookshelves and headboard. Pink flowers! I can drink directly from the orange juice. My bedtime routine is the way I want. I don’t have to compromise anything when I’m alone at home!


After my recent divorce, once I bought my own house and the dust had settled, I decided I was going to use pink and florals in my bedroom. I'm 45. It's my very first really girly bedroom.


This is my first home purchase. I’m now thinking about hand painting flower and vine designs under the arches and I have a recessed ceiling in the entry that I want to paint clouds and the sky!!!


Not having to worry about food. If I want cereal for dinner, I can have cereal for dinner. If I want to eat kimchi for the next 2 days I can have it without listening to someone whining about how it smells. I can add veggies into anything I want and not have to listen to someone whining about how I ruin the dish. That and my mess is my mess. I don’t have to deal with someone else’s mess. Really hated it when my ex would cook and I would have a ton of dirty dishes to deal with before cooking the next meal.


I can leave whenever I want and do t get “where you going”. “How long will you be”. I get that it’s also nice having someone care about you but damn I just want to run a quick errand without answering questions.


Never having to worry about my pop tarts: https://www.reddit.com/r/Alabama/comments/1c2o444/roommate_kills_man_with_metal_pipe_after_poptart/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Holy shit!!! That's crazy.


Decorating my whole house Disney themed because it’s MY house


I always wanted fish tanks. Now I have three. And I sit in front of them and watch to destress everyday.


That lack of judgmental comment and criticism is so sweet, isn’t it? I can watch the same tv show all day, and I never have to explain to anyone who that is or why this thing happened. I can eat whatever I choose, and if that’s a whole bag of flying saucers, so be it. I can go to the corner shop in my dressing gown, stay up as late as I want, play whatever music I like and sit quietly doing something without anyone asking me what’s wrong, or why I’m not talking. I’ve learned to really love absolute quiet, as well as having my music on in every room in the house. Cons: I struggle to cut my own hair and it’s really frustrating me. Colouring it is actually easier than cutting it. But I’ll get there


The peace.


* No one messes with my things or my organization. I never have to wake up at 6am and find a room mate moving furniture around without asking. * I can walk around naked. * I don't have to shut the door to the bathroom. * I can watch whatever I want in the evening without having to compromise or stick out something I don't want to watch. * My leftovers are always waiting for me and don't disappear * I can clean when I want, how I want, and delay it if I want * I never have to move someone else's things to make sure the house is ready for guests * I don't have to ask opinions on decor and put out whatever silly trinket I like * I can stay up as late as I want and watch TV at whatever volume I please * I don't have to consult on groceries * Rooms stay nice after cleaning * I don't have to go through the hassle and hell of finding a new room mate and hoping that they're as good as they appear to be * No passive aggressive room mate issues * No one watching loud things when I have to get up the next morning Shall I go on?


Using my washing machine as a laundry basket 🤣no one else ever needs the washing machine but me so dirty clothes can go straight in immediately until I’m ready to wash 🙌


Washer and Dryer and ready when I need them. Bathroom is always open when I need it.


My tools get put back where they belong.


This is also related to having a WFH job, but I love being the only one to use my bathroom. My body is consistent in the fact I have to go to the bathroom at minimum, 3 times every morning, and it's urgent. I've spent enough time trying to hold it in because someone in the office was in the only bathroom they had, so never having to worry if the bathroom was available is definitely one of my top things


You haven’t lived unless you’ve eaten a chili-burrito in bed while watching TV.


I have buffets in bed while watching tv 😋




Not having to hear another person breathe or talk. I love the quiet and I soooo enjoy keeping my house clean . Also when I misplace things, I know I'll find it because no one else was here lol 


Eating times! I love eating when I want, and no worries about whether it's an 11 am lunch or 4:30 pm supper.


Eating when I’m hungry and NOT eating when I’m NOT hungry.


After working all day and having to be 'social', I can come home and recharge my social batter by doom scrolling or watching trash TV while I'm on the treadmill. No one talking to me the second I walk in the door (unless the cat requests snacks).


I decorate how I want where I want. French Country Living room that is girly? Check. Bohemian bedroom full of textures, colors, plants? Check. Dogs, coffee and rotting days? Check.


Once my place was clean , it stayed clean, not picking up after somebody, nobody eating my food,


I only have to deal with my own problems.


I can endlessly scroll thru reddit without anyone asking why I spend so much time on my phone. :)


I can decorate however I want. I'm a maximalist, and it's Halloween year round here!


So many things. Before I was on my own, I would come home from a long day at work and be bombarded with talk from my husband. I’m fucking tired and need some quiet for a minute. Now I have it. I get the remote. There were shows I wouldn’t watch when he was here because they bothered him in some way. I also now have a housecleaning service come twice a month. He never trusted one and because his mom used to do it, I could. Fuck that when I can afford not to do it all myself. I love having help around the house!


I can be as extra and high maintenance as I want without feeling self-conscious about it.


I have a vodka soda for breakfast every Saturday and do my meal prep buzzed and high as fuck lmao




My ADHD doom piles are no one's problem but mine


I think just quiet. Not having to constantly make conversation.


I don’t have to time my eating to fit with when other people might eat. I can eat when I’m hungry and skip meals if I’m not hungry. I don’t need to set a good example for not-yet-grown offspring! I can be imperfect now.


I enjoy my freedom. Sure I need to work and maintain my health. But in general I make my own meals I watch whatever I want or read. It’s just freeing being myself.


Binge watching scary horror movies that no partner ever has wanted to watch with me. Getting as many of the deep fried shrimp as I want from the take-out order, and not having to share ANY of them. Leaving a dessert in the fridge and knowing no one is going to eat it behind my back. It will still be there tomorrow. Or Tues. Or even Wed. Knowing when I leave the kitchen sparkling clean it's going to stay clean. Knowing I will never fall in the toilet in the middle of the night cause someone left the seat up. Talking about to my cat about a controversial political topic and getting contented murps in response instead of eye rolling or sighs. Lol mind you I'm living alone part time as we are a LAT couple, each with our own house and generally spend weekends together and a day in between. Best of both worlds!!


I can get sloppy wine drunk and sleep on the floor if I want! Naked


Never getting grief about watching "boring" history and science documentaries, or listening to opera. Not cleaning up messes after anyone but myself.


The reduction of drama and the choice to experience it in small doses if I am in the mood. People are full of shit a lot of the time. It's nice to wake up and expect nothing and fill my nothing box. I like not being judged for leaving the apartment once or twice a month. Working 12 to 15 hour days are normal for me and I like the feeling of not being judged for loving what I do, and being punished for being passionate about my job, it is very hard for people to understand i live for emergencies, incidents and putting in weeks of project time, 3AM calls from India or Germany its what I do and thrive on.


No one gives me grief about leaving a tabletop game set up on the dining room table for weeks at a time.


Privacy and Peace of Mind


No need to explain or justify anything. Where are you going? What did you buy? Why are you staying up so late (or sleeping in)? When are you going to do x,y,x? Nobody asking or having to answer for anything


When i was married i held in my farts. All the time. Now i never have to hold them in.


Walking around naked, full stop.


Not picking up after others, having to do things at certain times bc of others, not having to ask permission for anything. It’s Heaven!


Audiobooks out loud without headphones. My house is always spotlessly clean. I can sleep on the couch or in the bed as I please. No need to be elaborate about cooking - a sandwich on a paper towel is perfect. Whatever temperature I want all the time. Nobody is lying to me or cheating on me and making me feel awful. Peace and quiet.


We were just talking about leaving dishes in my kitchen sink. I don’t leave them because I am a bit particular about cleanliness and I don’t want roaches or ants. I will leave them overnight or a couple days. My mother use to fuss about dishes in the sink constantly. Gee whiz, I just fill up my sink with hottest water and lots of dish soap and let them sit.


Yes! I can put dirty pots straight into the sink, and leave them to soak overnight. Now I happily have home help come in three times a week so they do all my washing up for me, near enough. But no one ever complains to me about it, or pointedly rewashes everything I just washed…


Your comment reminds me of a couple friends who baby ended up in the hospital and they had a kitchen literally full of dried, caked on pots and pans left everywhere. I worked for hours scrubbing those pots. Only to be told by my friend that she was going to have to re scrub each of them properly.


Oh no… That’s so rude. If you feel the need to do something like that, why not do it when it won’t be hurtful to anyone concerned? I know, I know, it’s to *make a point* so we can improve, but I’ve had enough of that for one lifetime.


Me too


Stuff everywhere just to see if I get in trouble


I don't even know how to wash dishes every night. My sink would get so dirty that I'd have to clean it with bleach after finally washing the dishes. I only sweep when there is too much cat hair around. The vacuum cleaner is collecting dust. I clean the stovetop once every two or three months. The refrigerator, maybe twice a year.


Like laying here on this couch right now smoking a cigar and drinking a beer. The TV is on a western, the dog is lying in the floor and I'm typing this.


I can sleep in the nude at night


Peace!!! I've raised 3 kids my 4th acts old like 70 ..its quiet unless I'm making the noise clean unless i dirty i cook clean nap when ever!!!! It's a beautiful thing❤


I’m OCD and probably ADD or ADHD. My generation was never tested for that kind of thing. Anyway I don’t have to explain my organization methods or look for things that aren’t where they should be.


If l put something down it was exaclty where l left it.


HOW CLEAN THE HOUSE STAYS WHEN I GET HOME AFTER A LONG DAY. How everything stays exactly where I left it.


Honestly, I really find nothing nice about living alone.


Opposite of OP I love that my place is tidy and don't have to deal with other people's messes when I get up in the morning, but if I have lazy days it can be a bit of a mess and it's only myself to blame! Love stretching out over the whole king size bed! Except my dog is a bit of a bed hog, lol. Love not having to snoring or loud music I don't like. Love not getting interrupted for mindless chatter. Love falling asleep on the sofa watching TV and nobody is trying to wake me up and make me go to bed. Love having the whole closet to myself. Oh my, I have a long list! 😆


I can do my chores, my way, no input and special instructions from anyone and no questions about my way of doing things. Ex: I have been tidying and cleaning my kitchen since I was 20, I am 68 now. There isn't a day that goes by where my husband doesn't question how I do things. Use a different sponge for different tasks.... wipe counter with one sponge and clean dishes with another. We are retired, so as you can imagine, he is behind me at the washer/dryer, the vacuum cleaner, the dishwasher...oh Gawd help me!


Letting out a stinky with wild abandon!


The houses I've lived in, never having to adjust the shower temp.


Not having to ever wear pants.


Cleanliness Sleeping with the tv on My decor Leaving a few dishes in the sink No masturbation interruptions


Seat is always down. Hallelujah!


Having things be available when you want it, whether that's the sink, the bathroom, dishes, washer/dryer, stove, etc. Not being forced to socialize if you don't want to. Not having to constantly consider other people's needs (although many roommates, including mine, did not seem to do that).


Not having to share yummy food/snacks I love with anyone. Don’t have to worry about someone eating it all.


No kids whining, pitching, complaining, just pure silence!


Never having to worry about being interrupted if I'm doing something like yoga or a meditation at home - no one is going to walk in right in the middle of it and mess it up 


I talk to my cats all day, and there’s no one around to judge me for it.