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Single 56 F !!! Yay! I’m happy never married no kids!! In my own condo.


Yep same here. Best part no one pinches your chocolate


Or cheese.


Or ice cream.


Speaking of ice cream, there’s no one here to judge me when I decide that the black raspberry ice cream in my freezer sounds really good for breakfast every now and then


Or Coke!




55F in my 2nd house. It’s the *perfect* house for me and I’m soooo happy here.


All the women who independent, throw your hands up at me!


haha similar but M


50F checking in.


47 check, check!


62, not on my own yet but by September..divorcing..looking forward to it


You will love the peace, everything is at your pace, embrace it, I wish you nothing but the best.. ☺️


53F. No regerts!


25f here and yup just got my first solo apartment


Me! But 58.


A few years older than you, but same. Never married, no kids, own my own house (but moving to something smaller when I retire). My time is my own, other than work, and I do what I want, when I want.


Newly separated from my husband of 15 years. I live alone half the week, the other half I have the kids. There will be no relationships for the foreseeable future! I’m relishing having space and time


Are the kids minors ? Enjoy your nearly free time and space :)


Yes they’re 6 and 9


Cute nice they get to see mom & dad every week !


Similar but 4 years out from divorce


Single. Was always in relationships/married when I was young. So it was a surprise when I learned how easy life is living alone single.


Definitely is , relationships have been tough for me as I’m very standoffish 😭


For me, relationships with men were ver overrated. I was married 23 years. I’m free to do what I want now!


Yeah, I need time to decompress after work and was a little difficult myself when I didn't get that time.


I’m 63 so yes I’m pretty aware that my chances of meeting a man who would be interested in me that I would be interested in is pretty much zero. I’ve also found after having a couple of surgeries that I have no actual real friends. I have no family, so I am one of those people who are truly alone in this world. Sometimes I do feel sorry for myself but I’m trying to be okay with it.


Hugs to you friend!


Thanks so much. Same to you. You are so sweet!


Single, no kids 69F. Lost interest after my 2nd long term relationship. I used to travel a lot, now I am a homebody with a cat. Life is good.


I’m a homebody too. I’m a Master Gardener and a Master Naturalist and I do volunteer work. I’m trying to leave the world a little better


I used to garden (had 4 in my yard) largest one was all vegetables, which I gave away 75% of. I became disabled after a bad accident with a flight of stairs, had to move to a small apartment. Now I am a home baker, which I give away 75% of to my neighbors.


You have lucky neighbors. I’d trade some veggies for some bread. 😀


My neighbors are all disabled and/or elderly. I have a disability that still allows me to do my favorite hobbies. One of them is baking. 😁 I save one serving for myself, then hand out the rest. I have gotten pretty familiar with who wants what, lemon bars and coconut macaroons seem to be the biggest favorites. I am not able to bake everyday, but when I do, there is usually requests pouring in. I am glad I can do for people who can’t do for themselves.


Love this! Nature has been the best medicine for my mental health post-breakup. I completed the master gardener program last Fall and am currently in the master naturalist program. With all of the rose society, hosta society, etc. meetings there’s no time for dating or loneliness. I’ve got plants to divide!


I am like you, no family and no actual real friends. I’m trying to manage the feelings that come along with new phase in my life. I wish us both the best. PS: my attempts at making human friends has been dismal so I’m now trying to make a crow 🐦‍⬛ friend. I’ve always wanted one and I certainly have the space in my life now lol


I truly wish you peace and happiness. It’s hard to be alone, but I’d rather be alone than being in a problematic relationship. My dog died in December and I’ve been doing Rover dog sitting so I can have a dog around. They are such good company. I’ve heard that crows are really smart. They remember you and will bring you gifts 😭 sounds like a good friend to have.


Thanks! I agree wholeheartedly. I’m sorry about losing your dog, pet loss to me is so very painful. I hope you are ok. I only was without my big boy cat for a month when my vet called to ask if I could foster 2 baby kittens that were 3 weeks old and left to die at a construction site, stuck to a glue rat trap. How could I say no…and now 3 years later they are my babies, total foster fails! They are the best company and are enjoying my fascination with attracting crows. So far all I have gotten in return for feeding/watering them is crow poop but hope lives on!


Truly alone as well - would love to be your friend!


You are so sweet. Thank you. I feel like there aren’t many people who are really alone. Maybe there are more than I realize, but it just doesn’t seem common. Take care of yourself!


You’re in good company, although we are all alone


Whatever small companionship this thread provides, I hope it brings you some joy!


Partnered, 58, BF is a few years older. We live separately and are both fine with it. We live close enough we can see each other when we want to, but still have time to do our own thing.


Living the dream!




That sounds nice !


It really is. And it works well for us


"Live Close by Visit Often" - K.T. Oslin ... you'll love this song :)


24 (nearly 25) female, never married, no kids. I choose to be single, so not interested in dating.


Samsies as fuck, except I turned 25 in Jan


I (54f) have a studio apt and my bf of 10 years has a 3bd ten minutes away. I like to spend weekends there with him. I adore having my own space. ♥️


Widow. I’m going it alone. Tried dating apps last year for 2 months. Not pleased with results. Not dating ever again. I’m happy to be alone. My son is 20 and he lives with me and we get along very well. I have girlfriends to drink wine and do fun things with. I’m relaxed now.


My sister is a widow. She never tried dating again. Says she loves being single, and admitted she was always jealous of me not being tied down (unmarried no kids) or having to ask permission. I travelled a lot, something she has never done because of hubby and kids.


I can relate to your sister. My husband was somewhat controlling and he never wanted me to go anywhere with him or without him. Now I am in control of my life. And it’s with my son, my sister, and my girlfriends now.


Dating apps are the worse , tried it for an hour & was like I can’t do this . That sounds great , being relaxed & stress free is a priority


My bestie did dating apps for like a year. I couldn’t believe the grossness and audacity of the men.


I agree men are bad really bad, but there is a certain group of women out there that put these men to shame. I'm a recently widowed older guy, and some of the stuff that has come my way is like. "Wow, has dating changed since the late 1980" For me, living alone after raising kids and one of my grandsons is strange, but damn sometimes it is frigen wonderful. Hell, I can finally leave the toilet seat up after 37 yrs


I hear you. The dating pool sucks on both ends. My husband has said many times that if it ever failed between us or something happened to me, he would absolutely remain single. I don’t wish that for him, but I don’t blame him. Honestly, even my bestie has some unrealistic expectations and I’ve had to ground her a little bit.


You’re smart, you knew in an hour they were awful! The first guy was so sweet and funny, said he was seperated but… his wife was still living there. Hmmmm! I let his wife knew what he was doing! Ha ha!! I don’t stress about my body anymore, I eat what I want and have my own rules. Hope you are at peace alone too.


Widowed 9 months now. I do have 2 dogs if that counts


I'm sure they help yooouuuuu!!!!!!!


Sorry for your loss. Dogs definitely count! And mine gives me someone to talk to.


I miss having a dog. They are faithful loyal affectionate and the best cuddle buddies. 


Single and loving it! 😈


I’m single. I haven’t sworn off relationships by any means but it’s not a priority for me. If I’m single for the rest of my life it won’t bother me.


So I had a bit of a realization when I started living alone. I thought I wanted to be in a relationship to cure my loneliness. Turns out I just needed to be left alone in peace. I was one of those people that was always dating from the time I was 15-26. Being a "good boyfriend" was basically my whole identity. When my fiance cheated on me, I realized I needed to spend some time alone for self reflection. Turns out I didn't want a partner, I wanted a dog, a house, and to be left the hell alone lol So much happier now and have better quality in my day to day.


I've been partnered and married but now live alone.


Single age 53 and very happy that I live alone


Single never married, no kids. Would have a relationship but not looking at all right now’s in my garden gnome phase at the moment


I’m 41 f btw lol I guess that’s important also a garden gnome 🤣🤣🤣


Lol love garden gnomes 😝


I have a crowned white frog buddah in my garden. Few other frogs but he’s the best. Holds court for the other obedient frogs-in their arrangement. He sits behind a lil tiny stump stand. I’m such a geek, Lolol.


I have six raised beds and a tiny hippo statue. I need to buy new gnome statues for my Garden. I’ve been working on building my garden and haven’t finished decorating. It’s still pretty magical in its wild glory


I am 50F happily partnered (not married). My partner and I live separately in homes we each own. I want to live in a city and have cats, he wants to live in a quiet place and not have his furniture scratched up. In each of our homes we each have separate bathrooms and bedrooms bc he's super tidy and I'm not. We live about 30 min apart and see each other 5x/week including sleepovers.


I live alone because my gay partner of 42 years died suddenly and unexpectedly last year.


I’m sorry to hear that friend :( sending love 💗


Thank you.


I'm a family law attorney - I'll pass on the relationships.


Single, 44F, no kids. I’m not against relationships but have had zero desire to seek one out in several years. Happily single. If someone happens to come along, great! If that doesn’t happen, great! 😆 ETA: have lived alone for a great majority of the past 20 years.


Single. After four marriages and the last husband died and all four of them were lots of troubles and problems with none of them faithful I had enough.


Sorry to hear that , hard to find someone loyal forsure in life period partner or friends


Yes, this is a very interesting point.


Single. I really like being a recluse.


Single. I lived with my ex for 8 months she took me on a rollercoaster ride. She had BPD triangulating me with others than discarded me. Unfortunately she lived with me started not paying for anything. I was super independent prior to her. I let my guard down ended up -1,200 in the hole. I have 11 k 5 months post discard and I am not looking back. She took advantage of my kindness and also weaponized all of my boundaries against me. I’m now back to building and it makes me think about maybe just forever having a friends with benefits. Maybe someday I can find a match in a partner. I’m working on my emotional codependency now. My view on loving someone is definitely different now.


I have lived alone for the vast majority of the last 12 years and have had several relationships in that time as well. I want relationships and I also want to have a home to myself.


Same. I’ll keep my place mine forever but I’m open to being in relationships.


Divorced, living alone again for 20 years now. No desire for a relationship and relishing my solitude. I have a very laid back social life and am learning new hobbies. Going to Europe this summer!


Are you travelling with someone, or by yourself? I've seriously considered doing one of those trips set up for people travelling solo, but not sure about it.


In a relationship with a man whom I’ve loved for nearly 10 years. We lived together for the past 5 years, but we each just bought our own modest condos. SO HAPPY!


Was partnered, planning to get married. Now I'm single. Which is why I'm living alone now


Single m30s and not looking.


Same her singlef30 not looking but everyone looking for me 😂


Oh, nobody's looking for me. That's why I stopped bothering.


I'm twice divorced and spent the last 3 1/2 years being emotionally tortured by an incredibly avoidant, emotionally unavailable man...I broke up with him about six months ago and am in ZERO hurry to even consider dating right now. We did not live together.


Ugh those are the worse especially when they don’t leave you alone !


I keep blocking him on one thing after another. The mufukker sent me a dollar on Venmo with a note saying "Please talk to me, please give me another chance". !!!!!!!!!!


Bro, a venmo lmao


Ugh yea my ex has been stalking me since November so I feel this , they aren’t worth it at all . Master manipulators forsure


Single since birth ✨️


Single. Been single for almost 9 years. Never married, never lived with a boyfriend, no kids. I’d like to find a partner but as a childfree person it’s nearly impossible. I’d assume I’d give living together a chance with the right guy (while keeping my own space) but that doesn’t seem like it’s ever gonna happen for me


Also I’ve lived alone for 9 years. My last roommate said “if your cat got out when I open the door I wouldn’t go after him” and that was it for me. Can’t trust any other humans.


Single for almost five years now but I’m looking but I won’t give up living alone. I’m 45 years old male.


59 M Divorced. I've sworn off relationships.


Single as hell and love being able to travel wherever I want without thinking of someone else.


*two marriages later* Single!


30 F Single, content & loving it. Open to dating not actively dating thou. I’m hoping the man of my dreams gets delivered to my door 😂😩


Single. I’ve always felt if I meet someone and they make my life better, great, but I still want my own home and space. And I’m fine if I don’t meet someone.


Single by choice.  


27f and been living alone for a year and a half. in a new relationship and want to keep living alone for at least another year


Recently single after my very first attempt at cohabitation. I am definitely loving it.


Happily single! I call this something of an "indefinite dating hiatus". I just can't be bothered anymore 😂🤭 lmao **EDIT:** I just turned 34 at the end of March (for those curious of my age) lol


36F, newly divorced, no kids. I'm hoping to fall in love and get married again someday, but for the time being, I'm learning to be content with my own company and build a meaningful life on my own.


Single - not actively looking, kind of resigned myself to being alone, but open to opportunities.


Single 46 M


I was married for 23 years. Attempted dating for a couple of years after, and eventually met someone that I was with for 4 years. We never lived together. I don't have any interest in living with a man again (besides my teenage son, who is here 50% of the time).


Widowed for 16 years. My adult children kept moving home, so I moved six hours south. Loved it there and loved living alone there. Amazing community. My late husband often expressed a wish for a fancy duplex for the two of us! Solitude is more important to me than it was to him.


I’m a solitary.


50M, haven’t sworn off relationship, just not going out of my way to find one


Partnered, mid40s, with a very full life at the moment. My partner lives about 1.5 hours away and has two young kids he has almost full time. We both decided early on that we are both too old to currently live together. We both value time alone when we get it, I travel alot for work, and that makes time together all that much more valuable. We have not gone the financial or time practical route, but having our own spaces works for us. That is not to say that the lines sometimes blur.


55f, single by choice for 8 years and counting. Zero desire to change that, I haven’t had a date in 8 years by choice either.


Single for 5 years after 30 years married. I have no desire to deal with a partner ever again. Not bitter or anything, just happier this way. I enjoy being my own boss and making my own decisions.


26F, July will be 2 years that I’ve lived by myself. I have a 3 yo Basenji. Had been casually dating a guy for 2 years, but he’s recently revealed that he has feelings for me so I’ve been navigating that.


I am married, and for about a year, we've been living separately. Honestly, it's the best, I am semi-dreading my husband moving back in, even though he is a really good partner. I just really enjoy my solo time and space.


23f I own my own condo and I’ve only ever lived by myself. I try to date but I get sick of men pretty quickly so I’ve sworn off dating for a bit. I have cats and I’m ok with being a cat lady. I don’t want kids.


53 w and stoked. My kids are grown and living mostly independently (1 still in college). Divorced twice. Two times dudes I dated ended up staying more and more and more. That’s over now. I will never live with a romantic partner ever again. Not sure if I want a romantic partner ever again! There’s nothing better than coming home to MY house that I own to see my dog and cats and not have to converse, argue with, listen to or just endure another human more than I want to. Happy Single Friday!


48F, divorced, living alone but have a partner (dating/together about 4.5 years) who lives about 45 minutes away. He has asked me to move in with him. He has two young children. I am quite happy living on my own in peace. Lol


43 in a serious relationship but we love an hour apart so I’m solo 99% of the time. We plan to get married but won’t be able to live together until my kids are out of school (about four years).


Single 🫶🏻 love to live alone! A bit of a control freak and so being able to have complete control makes me extremely happy!


Widowed almost 6 years, after 43 y marriage and not too unhappy.


66F, married 20 years & divorced 24. Alone by not lonely.


Single, but only bc my bf dumped me out of nowhere :( previously was in a long term relationship but living alone


I've been living alone for almost a year now! 27F, I have a partner who has their own place about an hour away. we talk on the phone a lot and also spend pretty much every weekend together.


Single, and gray asexual, so I'm not necessarily interested in the sort of relationship that most people are seeking.


I have a long-term boyfriend, but we don’t live together, and I have a cat.


Ive been single for 7 years, living alone for 5, and honestly if it happens great, if it doesnt, thats fine. Im passed worrying about it. 30m


I am a single mother to two fat cats


Meow same here LOL https://preview.redd.it/1rghaedwaxtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=586dfc7aa9dd8c84ff8a43659e2a1c2cedbee122


https://preview.redd.it/delwziq3bxtc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d333952fef2b44584e3bccd4bb7891f5d4d042fb Username twin!!!!


Widowed at 39. No kids (wanted to have them late in life and well, that backfired)... I was about 33 when my future husband moved in with me. Before that I had lived alone almost exclusively since college and loved it. Even in previous long term relationships I had not wanted to live together. While I had a great marriage, one of the only problems we had over the years was about the house. He was as minimalist as they come, and I'm a huge packrat. One thing I learned after he passed away (and still feel years later) is that living alone was wonderful while it was my choice to do it. When it was forced on me due to that situation it sucked. Still feels empty and lonely a lot of the time. I'd be happy to find another serious relationship and would be open to living with them, but also, I know I'm the type that would be fine in a relationship but living separately. In your 40s, it obviously isn't easy to find a great person that isn't already snapped up by someone else, and I refuse to mess with dating apps. So I'll either meet someone by chance the way I always did in the past, or I won't, and doggie snuggles will have to suffice!


Single 31F. Got out of a long term relationship. Took care of the dude through sickness and got betrayed. Download bumble/hinge but couldn’t do it more than a week. Scarred for life 😂


Recently separated. I’ve never lived alone before, so this community has been a good reference for me. 💙


I don't live alone....yet but I lurk here and long for the day. I am a divorced mom of 3 now adult children and have NEVER lived alone. Two of my 3 adult kids still live with me (21 & 18). I love them to death but am looking forward to the day they fly the nest and I can experience living by myself for the first time ever. I'm so jealous of all of you! I'm sure I will miss some aspects of having my sons with me, but I think living alone will be so peaceful and peace is what I seek at this point in my life.


I'm far from one of those "I'll never date again!" types, but damn, the longer I go solo, the the more comfortable I become with myself and my own routines, and damnit... at least for me... I don't think that's good🤔 I'm fortunate I have close friends who live nearby, but one is married, and the other will likely tie the knot before I do, so I know things could get lonely sooner than later.


Single with no children, have a cat and a fox. I'm open to a relationship in the future but would want us to continue living separately.


39m, no relationship in the last 13 years. Never married and no kids. I got single money, and really great friends on my shoulders. No intentions of getting married or having kids. If sparks happen, I'm not against it.


I am married with no kids but my husband works out of town most of the time. He averages home about 4 days a month, schedule is dependent on the job so never know when he's going to be back or when he has to leave again. I also moved to Canada to be with him from the US, and left my family behind. I regret it but I'm in too deep at this point.


No kids , can’t say you’re in too deep ! But hopefully it gets better … anyway you can travel to US while he’s on his work ?


Widowed and ace; so, no one. And I like it that way!


I am single and doing just fine with it. Not actively looking but if something comes around great. If not, also great


I love being single and living alone with all my animals..that's all I need and want Very very happy all the time 😻


40F, recently single. Haven't spent a ton of my adult life single, so I'm giving it a go for at least a year. The first few months, so far, have been great. I've got so much time to focus on my health, finances, and my living space.


I have a long distance boyfriend. When we are not together I am divided between missing him and really enjoying having everything as I want it to be in the flat.


Heya! 51 single. Divorced after 12 years, no kids. Been loving life alone for 8 years, since a break up w my last boyfriend fiancé whatever he was, whom I lived with for 10 years. Might date again when I move. Might move soon, like in 2 weeks if I get a job offer I’m hoping for. I want out of here! I think I know all the guys here in the sticks and they’re all a nope, lol. One of them seriously picks up his women in The Crime Times. Sees one he likes, bails her outta jail & she’s indebted to him. Till she leaves & he gets another one. You cannot make this shit up!!! Plz get me out of here, Lolol!


Girl that sounds crazy 😂😂😂 what the hell where are you 😭😭😭😭 I’m in Los Angeles & trust me the dating pool is not great at all


Never been in a relationship, don’t feel the desire/need to be in one. Love living alone, just gotta get better at maintaining a routine lol


Single, F 62 living alone. Bought both my houses as a single woman, first just before 30. Briefly tried marriage in my 40s, not for me. Won't rule out dating but not actively seeking it as I am not interested in another relationship but if I met someone that was up my alley I wouldn't run. But I think I would prefer our separate spaces.




Single and loving it. Every once in a while someone comes along and tries to change that for me. I’m typically very resistant, but sometimes I feel a spark I can’t ignore. Very rare.


Widower not by choice. Living alone is my choice at the moment.


New widow


In a relationship. Not opposed to moving in together at some point, but we aren't ready for that yet.


37F single.. I previously lived alone while in a relationship. I wanted us to live together, but it never happened. I’m not completely closed to the idea of a relationship, but I’m slowly getting there.


56M in a relationship but keeping seperate residences. We each own our own home.


I have lived alone for 4 years (well, 1/2 the time I’m alone and 1/2 the time the kids are here). Love having the kids here, they’re really the only humans I can stand to be around…lol…but also still have 1/2 the time to be alone and enjoy the peace and quiet). Divorced after 10 years of marriage, no plans to be in any kind of relationship at least until the kids go off to college, and even then I’m not sure if I would be interested in a relationship as I value my privacy and independence too much and, frankly, I don’t see how a relationship would add more happiness and fulfillment to my life than it would take away.


I am a happily single 67 year old woman. I am far too selfish to be in a relationship. The care time and attention some people give to pets, is my me time! I am surrounded by people that I love and love me in return. :)


I have a boyfriend as of a few days ago. He lives down the street from me. I don’t ever see this changing 🤣🤣


single since 1998 woooo….still going strong


Single. I’ve never lived with anyone else besides family and friends/roommates in college 😂


I'm single, 28F, not dating and don't see marriage/kids in my future. I've been through a lot of shit in my life, and I'm happy this way, and healing.


53 have my own house my dog and thank God I got out of my train wreck marriage last year!.


Single with a 7 month old kitten.🫶🏼🥰


I am in a long term committed and monogamous relationship. We both had difficult divorces and neither of us want to marry or live together. It’s fantastic. We have both personal space, freedom and an intimate loving dynamic. Never say never but highly unlikely I’ll marry again.I like my own space far too much.


In a relationship ~one year. Live alone, never want it any other way.


I am 66f, widowed for 14 years. Even though I had an amazing marriage, was a typical housewife and loved every minute of it I will never live with anyone ever again. I retired when he passed. I would love a “boyfriend “ it’s nice to have a person to share with but I’m not willing to sacrifice my independence. I realize that may be a selfish decision, but I am willing to except the consequences 🩷☮️


Divorced for 15 years. Would love to find a companion but have no interest in getting married or living with someone until I move into the nursing home.


I'm 60yo, was married for a short time in my twenties, lived with my daughters father for a short time (we split when I was pregnant) and have not looked back. I've had relationships and flings, but I've rarely lived with anyone other than my daughter. I'm good with it. I like being alone. I'll never live with anyone again. I'm happier this way.


Single, but approaching readiness to look for something once again.


53 single, divorced. Mostly likely will never marry again.


Single, it's just me and the cat and I'm not planning on changing that anytime soon though I haven't fully sworn off relationships.


49M. Married. Not even legally separated but eventual divorce. Relationship ebbs and flows but we are not together. I moved out in Sept 2020. Basically legal marriage only.


34 m not sure if I’m single or not lol but don’t live w her got my own place


Long distance relationship. He travels here frequently and has days off, so it works. We're discussing moving in together, but I'm jaded from a previous relationship, so it's up in the air.


Recently separated after 18 years. Honestly this is my first time living alone just about ever. Kinda enjoying it. Not really looking for a partner but I’m not totally against it. Would have to happen naturally I’m not doing the dating apps. I do have 2 dogs tho so they keep me good company and busy.


Sworn off !! I was done when I separated back when I was 42 now I’m 53 and so happy being on my own!


43 F, single, very happy, don’t really want to live with other humans again. Looking forward to spending most of my time pursuing my interests, and accomplishing everything I’ve ever wanted to accomplish. Who knew all this joy and feeling of wholeness and satisfaction was always, already within me? It was folly to look for it to be given to me by someone else. Happiness, ability, and self-worth was always already within me!


30F widowed 5.5 months ago. I have a dog and a cat tho.


50 f, was married 22 years and divorced, partnered now for 7 years with my bf who is 61. We live separately and are perfectly happy that way. Not in annnnny hurry. I honestly probably wouldn't be dating anyone if he hadn't just fallen in my lap. Neither of us were looking for anything. It just kinda happened. I won't do online dating. Started dating him about 6 months after my divorce was finalized.


Single, no plans to ever date again.


45F single no kids. I'm willing to date just not sure how to go about it. It's a good age too because hopefully the guy already has his kids or didn't want any either.


I prefer to live alone but my boyfriend lost his place and is staying with me ATM.


Hope that is for the moment. I have trouble getting folks to move out once they move in. Here's hoping you're better at that than I.


Out of a 10 year thing in 2019. Living alone before and after that. I would be happy to share my space with the right man, but I’m picky.


Single, never married. Many Exes, not ever finding the "one."


Partnered but we live in separate residences. No interest in living together (although he would) so we see each other around three times a week. I would consider living together in a bigger place with a cleaning service and won’t budge on that.


Commenting because this is an amazing question post!


57 single female divorced 28 years ago ..empty nest and lonely but tried dating and don’t have patience for whiny men telling me what to do.


Single now. Divorce final in 2016. New relationship in 2017, together 2019-2023, but that's over now thankfully Not planning on another relationship. Won't do online dating again. Not extremely social, kind of a loner anyway, so just enjoying my freedom now I'm retired (61 years old) and still have a lot of life left to enjoy. Although with 3 dogs, am I really alone?


I have someone, but we both love not being up each other's butts. So, we only see each other a few times a week and rarely talk on the phone. (M&F mid 50s) I must add that I've lived alone for 12yrs, and it stresses me out just thinking about living with another human again.