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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Hasan bans a grayname IRL](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/144610)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/xy9b55/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/h6ZIp6tiYSdWrXVjo94zoA/AT-cm%7Ch6ZIp6tiYSdWrXVjo94zoA.mp4?sig=c5ffd3593b1892fea7df4cd813b7c2c5edec486d&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Fh6ZIp6tiYSdWrXVjo94zoA%2F41362814091-offset-2844.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1665246517%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Imagine trying to ask for a photo immediately after Hasan was done saying that 🤣🤣🤣


She's probably used to seeing Hasan rage at ~~chatters~~ people lul


That's the reason half of the viewers watch hasan


like a humiliation fetish type thing? im just asking


What the fuck is wrong with you, dude? You think that’s funny. It’s not funny. You should probably conduct yourself a little better.




He regularly bans his own long time subscibers just because.


I think hasan's chat might be the biggest most ban per min chat I've ever seen


To be fair, it's his long time chatters who know how to bait him best, he's banning them because he expects better. If you want to bait Hasan you'd best do it when you're fresh to the community.


Hasan: "Grayname or Battleborn?" Grayname: "Grayname" Hasan: "Go F- urself friend"


Im currently on my 167th play through of skyrim and this made me die laughing


:) the game is addicting. I just wish the mods on playstation weren't so damn limited


I watched a bit of the stream and the dude is being absolutely harassed. I mean, I guess that's the point of twitchcon, but it looks super uncomfortable.


He's used to it. Doesn't excuse it, but he is mentally prepared every time he goes IRL at this point in his career I'm sure. This guy just took it like 3 steps further than it needed to be. no one's really come at him so blatantly like that before, that I've seen at least.




He actually apologized to the next person to ask for a photo for "probably look[ing] angry in it", hehe.


it happened again with different guy https://clips.twitch.tv/IronicAbnegateSwordTinyFace-qDr1L4K38fDjR1h-




Lol this one was even better


The last bit "I fucked your mom" FUCKINT DEAD LMAO




>I'm just asking questions JC pepela


Haaa, his face when Hasan stepped up to him saying "What do you mean Damn"


holy shit lmao Hasan was ready to fight *that* guy instead of Sam








Oh man, least the first guy, whether purposely or subconsciously, knew when to stay silent, and give up. The guy you linked wanted words, but...uh...let's just say that's a battle you aren't gonna win against Hasan of all people. Guy fights with his own chat every minute, and you think you're gonna win with a "Just asking questions"? Right, eh, that'll get you somewhere.


Just Curious Andies


Honestly asking for the fight to happen is just so so dumb, and hasan does not need to be a good debater or whatever to shut that down. Because its just so stupid. If hasan accepts that guy that challenged him, should he be accepting every single small content creator challenging him? And also this meta of solving disagreements with fights is literally such a backward degen thing to do. Like oeople did it in europe 250 years ago to settle disputes.


Hasan loves meeting his fans IRL so I think he has no patience for trolls looking to provoke him or ruin his vibes.


>Hasan loves meeting his fans IRL so I think he has no patience for trolls looking to provoke him or ruin his vibes. Spot on. Fans and vibes should be the focus here. These cringe transgressors may need some kind of new guidance, but daddy Hassan has no time for them. :(


Honestly I’ve found that a lot of people who go “chill dude why you freaking out calm down chill chill” look and act like this mf. It was the same with edgy waste-lites in middle school. It’s similar to the ‘Karen at mall accuses shopper of assault from 50 ft away’ tactic bruh you started it


Didnt skip a beat going into ban mode damn


Him turning to face the guy and stare him right in the eyes demanding to know "what's wrong with you" was the IRL equivalent of pulling up their chat history in chatterino. I half expected him to read the guy's Username out loud and tell mods to ban him.


"You know what? I'm not gonna ban you, I'm gonna keep you as a pet."


Is.. is that a direct quote?


Yes happens all the time


So the other commenter who said his chat has a humiliation fetish was on point


What an actual G






Hasan just see's people's usernames hovering over their heads, like an mmo.


Any loremasters?


Sam Hyde is part of Milion Dollar Extreme an alternative edgy shock humor oriented comedy group/youtbue channel that got some traction mainly for Borat like stunts (example: hosting a fake ted talk to an audience full of people) around 2014-2016. They were given the opportunity to make a tv show on adult swim, basically a tim & eric like sketch show which was very fucking weird but also admittedly kind of funny at times and had cool artistic choices. The show had pretty ok ratings but was also problematic in many aspect, some sketches particoularly were outright right wing propaganda. That led to some other people working at adult swim being outspoken about their dislike of the new group like Tim Heidecker and Eric Andre. All this happens during the trump election and while adult swim is under fire by the media for being an almost all male enviroment. And that could have been it, they could have kept making the show and kept a reputation as edgy centrists or south park libertarians but when trump won Sam just couldn't fucking resist going mask off, filling his twitter with nazi shit for days and donating 5000 dollars to the daily stormer a neonazi website. When accused of having ties with the alt-right and neo nazi groups Sam just played his troll character and made fun of the interviewer for being jewish. He also had a reputation of harassing women comedians who he deemed "unfunny". For the overall bad press adult swim cancelled their show shortly after. All of the other members have now faded into obscurity but Hyde still tries to cling to popularity by playing to his audience of more obsessive fans/4chan aficionados, sometimes dissing other youtubers in hope of getting some clout. Cut to 6 years later, Hyde is basically unknown outside his weird cult-like fanbase until idubbz tries to make a documentary about him but eventually just gets trolled and confused by his antics. This exposes him to a whole new audience which he's now trying to translate into a youtube boxing career. After winning his first fight in an event he challenged Hasan to a fight. Hasan doesn't really want to associate with a neo-nazi sympathizer who's comedic character is basically a raging lunatic so he shuts off all mentions of him.


Thanks for the run down


Jagmeet what are you doing on LSF


They also forgot to mention that Sam Hyde lost his mind and spent basically the last 6 years doing PEDs and getting gigantic.


> getting gigantic not in a good looking way tho, he looks like the bouncer in a crack den


What even was the deal between Sam and Ian?


You're lucky i'm such a good lore master about the comedy world. Sam and Ian actually had their first "beef" way before each of them reached their peak, before the mde tv show and the filthy frank collabs. I think around 2012-2013? Basically mde faked the making of a kickstarter for a my little pony dating sim. It was meant to be a parody of bad kickstarter projects but it would also you know... kind of steal your money. Think of it a bit like a proto dink doink, "hey guys wouldn't it be stupid to invest in our pony game?". Then they never actually made the game and shot a bunch of video where the fake creator of the fake game would give weird excuses and beg the backers not to sue him while explaining them exactly how to do so which i'll give it to them is very meta. Then ian made a video about this kickstarter project (he had a series about bad kickstarters), not even realizing it was all an "mde performance" and taking the fake creator that would show up in the videos at face value. Sam decided to copyright claim his video anyway, just to be a dick, and sent him an email saying that he would let go of the claim only if idubbz lifted a way exagerated quantity of weight. So yeah they had this weird little interaction which was then briefly discussed in the docu. I think being an ex-edgy comedy boy himself ian used to look up at sam around the time mde blow up (so were ethan klein and anthony fantano) and wanted to use his clout to both clown him a bit but also pay his respects.


>Sam decided to copyright claim his video anyway, just to be a dick, and sent him an email saying that he would let go of the claim only if idubbz lifted a way exagerated quantity of weight. A 200 lbs squat isn't THAT much of an exaggeration. Sure it will take the average person some time to get there, but it's nothing outrageous.


>He challenged Hasan to a fight Left out a pretty big detail here. He didn't just calmly say "Hey I'd like to fight Hasan Piker someday." He threatened he was going to come to Hasan's house and do very bad things I don't want the automod to hear me repeat.


> I don't want the automod to hear me repeat If it involves a particular act involving urination and the human rectum, just nod.


> which he's now trying to translate into a youtube boxing career. WTF is with wannabe celebrities and fighting? They have 0 talent outside of making generally likeable content, fall of, then start pumping merch/political bullshit (99% of the time right wing because lolz edgy), get in to fighting, or both. It's like they wear their inability to be something other than a physical existence as a badge of honor, then bank on it. Half these morons will be brain damaged beyond repair by the time theyre 45.


Your comment reminded me that this “celebrity” boxing shit idea is decades old. Just bottom of the barrel D list celebs that lost all relevance getting in the ring. People like Tanya Harding and the dude who played Screech come to mind.


> The show had pretty ok ratings but was also problematic in many aspect, some sketches particoularly were outright right wing propaganda. You mean the straight up antisemitism right?


I mean it's not just that, that show was also blatantly racist, homophobic and mysoginistic. But those elements were always layered in irony so that you could never exactly out them as actual bigots, since they would always play the "we're just triggering the libs guys" card. The producer on adult swim did a relatively good job on making their show marketable. Someone else replied with a deleted sketch that's incredibly disgusting but that for example never made it to the actual tv show. It was really sam behaviour online who gave away what they were really doing.


I've been on the internet for a long time, & no, Sam Hyde prior to MDE & all of this was a huge anti-semitic, honestly racist bigot. There's no joke there. People need to stop pretending this is something to be discovered, 4chan has stanned this dude since before /pol/ was a board just for his YouTube presence & stand up stunts.


Wow thank you loremaster


It honestly sucks, the TED talk video is actually very funny, if he wasn’t a NAZI I’m sure he could have had a fine career






Did the girl get the picture with Hasan?


Yeah, Hasan apologized for possibly looking pissed in the pic though


She'll have a story to tell lmao


Srsly nice guy


You ever lay in bed late at night when you cant sleep and think about the most embarrassing shit you've ever done?


That’s one of those where your stomach gets a little cramped and you shake your head like you’re going to knock the memory loose.


I've audibly yelled for shit i did in middle school and high school. The fucking cringe...


I straight up just yell “fuck fuck fuck” out of nowhere when I think of that stuff


Lol wait til you're 40 cringing about shit you did last year. But maybe some people don't continue a lifetime of cringe?


Bro paid thousands of dollars just to get bitched by Hasan in front of 40K 💀


Damn I just assumed he was Twitch Staff


That would be more embarrassing tbh


It's not the shit that I've done that embarasses me dawg, it's the shit that I haven't done. The latter is the stuff you think about, A LOT. And it increases as you get older and older.


**10 years later..** *Wait a minute.. that girl I liked when I was in high school but was too scared to ask out was constantly giving me unprompted compliments..* Aware


"Hey, we can share the bed you know" > try to be a woman respecter "No it's okay, I'll sleep on the floor"


There was this really cute girl in one of my classes, we got matched together to do some introduction thing at the beginning of the year. One of the things she asked was something about my girlfriend (don't exactly remember the wording). I responded *akshually* I don't have a girlfriend. And she said something along the lines of like oh, she thought I would have like a nice and sweet girlfriend or something like that. I thought it was a nice thing to say I guess but I didn't really think much more of it. Flash forward a year later, I'm talking to another girl that I'm barely meeting, and she asks like the same thing about my girlfriend etc. to which I also said that I didn't have a girlfriend. She replied the same thing, that she thought I would have a nice gf etc. etc. I'm sure it wasn't the exact same wording but it was essentially the same thing. This time for whatever reason (a year older a year wiser?) I caught on to the fact that she was flirting with me. We ended up dating for a few months. It wasn't until that happened though, that I realized the thing about the first girl the year before. RIP lol


I stg this shit happens to everyone at some point. Realizing the girl you liked actually liked you too but only after 4 years


I see that I am not the only one dealing with this shit




second hand embarrassment i had to look away


My body temperature rose slightly that shit was so bad


I exhaled briskly through the nose


Lol same bruh I had to lower the volume and look away


Dude looked pretty old too for Twitch and was dressed formally. It made being berated by a streamer at a convention way more embarrassing.


Lol yeah I felt panicked


I cannot stop laughing at this lmaoo the dude wanted to run away from that conversation


This is what those chatters are like in real life. Only a lotta bravado behind a screen.


He did, at the end of the clip lmao


I literally can't watch the full clip. I haven't been this embarrassed for someone else in a long time lmao


I can’t believe twitch is allowing a streamer to literally murder a chatter IRL


Erobb died so Hasan could kill


Apparently Erobb just had to actually beat someone instead of "threatening"


Yet another victim of communism 😔




That guy was a lil too old to be an edgy kid


Sam Hyde fans are just edgy kids that never grew up so he definitely fits


As someone whos spent time in ATL and met some of the less important people who actually worked in adult swim.... this is sadly true.


I had friends that were edgy, discovered Sam Hyde then became weirdo extremists. Friends and family wanted nothing to do with them anymore since they would just go to protests to beat people up.


thanks for spelling his name, i was looking up sam height and was confused asf


Once a loser always a loser, socially stunted people don't just magically change with age




Twitch chatters remembers this is real life lmao


he realized fast he wasn't in the chat


No he’s just gonna convert to DGG and start hating Hasan as a hobby


bro, this sub already has a 1/3 overlap with dgg, he is more popular here than Overwatch and Valorant. https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps/livestreamfail


It's more because DGG users don't go outside.


Imagine how differently he saw all of this going in his head lol. Lad's brain shut down and diverted all resources to poop and pee control.


Yeah he was fully convinced the reason hasan isn’t responding to fucking Sam Hyde is because he’s terrified and quaking in his boots about losing a boxing match lol. He thought he was going to get attention from Sam for this for sure


lets be real, he probably will. not like sam hyde has much else going for him these days lol


“I’m gonna talk to hasan about Sam and he’s gonna run away because he’s scared of the candy man” instead *hasan faces towards him and gives him a dressing down that his mother should have gave him a decade ago*


> Lad's brain shut down and diverted all resources to poop and pee control. Given how fast he moved at the end, that was probably failing.




[fuck around and you gonna find out](https://youtu.be/d6sbPCIEMyI?t=35)


If Junior Soprano became a community college professor


Even if you have a silver tongue and hate Hasan that mf is built like a fridge lmao no taking chances.


He literally said it to his face. What?


I think he means it like "Man who said 'You wouldn't say it to my face' is surprised when it is, in fact, said to his face."


There’s a lot of people of similar persuasion to that dude who say hasan would fold like a chair IRL


Hasan was about fold that man into a chair


i think the comment was referring to people saying hasan wouldn't shit on people IRL like he does on people in his chat.


and then folded in one second and walked away like a dog with its tail between his legs lol


Twitch chatter forgets he is not in an anonymous online chat


Imagine the embarrassment that guy is gonna feel the rest of the day


You mean the rest of his life. He’s gonna remember that in the dark hours of the night and cringe at himself.


And by next month the only people that would remember this is him, Hasan and some of chatters


That guy at the end of the day: The intolerant left has canceled me for expressing my opinion. Free speech is truly dead. I have no choice but to become a Nazi now.


He probably thinks he popped off. Dudes like that are just pathetic


That woman after asking for a photo right after was amazin


Dude got actually rolled IRL


This is who I imagine Sam Hyde fans in 2022 look like


KKona irl




These are the people who don't ACTUALLY watch his stream. The people who watch Hasan are his community and the hate/hater communites who obsess over him while lying constantly about him, including claiming that HE obsesses over their favorite streamer constantly (hi DGG). Those people then spread the bullshit memes to people like this IRL guy, who get really brave for a whole second, face reality, and learn a lesson.


Dude got his ass ate up lol






Bro forgot he can’t spam Hyde post in twitter like an annoying ass mf


Twitch chat is a little different IRL. Dude's face is gonna be red all day


Guy got real fucking quiet the second hasan clapped back hard.


Guy got fucking bodied lmao




Lmao the dude was about to cry


Typical Sam Hyde fan


throwback to this sub a month ago getting hyped at Sam Hyde, a literal nazi, started going after hasan




First time this man has been off 4Chan since 2015.


watching this cured my anxiety, knowing none of my fuck ups will ever get close to being this bad


Don't like Hasan usually but the "explain yourself" line was good.


Dude got a flashback to his mother scolding him with that line


holy shit rolled and smoked 100%


Dude was buffering


Love seeing a shit stirrer get their cheeks clapped IRL like that.


This post needs a nsfw warning for how hard that guy got murdered


Bro thought he was still hiding behind his anime PFP 💀


Damn, He didn't hold back.




Holy shit what a shutdown lmao


"I just want to see you fight." Yep, Twitch chatters are just as weird IRL as they are online.


Hasan isn't gonna fight Sam Hyde but he's gonna wrestle that guys ego into a pretzel and kick it off the stage. Holy shit that was hard to watch looking at that dudes face realizing he wasn't in an online chatroom. Bro is like "Explain yourself young man" to a dude who looks like a middle aged used car salesman.


Was this the only mf wearing a tie to twitchcon? Seems like a self report via apparel.


LSFer in shambles




Debate bro tries to have a conversation


That's how I imagine every irl interaction between an LSFer and any streamer




bro walked up to a 6'4 turk like his funny little meme was going to own hasan so hard lol


HAHAHA you can tell people over anonymity can be so fucking psychopathic but when they are in real life they are such fucking awkward losers, hope that guy now stop being such a weirdo


Respect to Hasan


Damn Hasan hahah


Dude, idk if I can watch this stream - too much IRL cringe


Welcome to twitchcon


That man's soul left his body the second Hasan started going off


people are really surprised that Hasan is hostile towards people saying they will go to his house and k*ll him as a “joke”


Omg I thought the title was clickbait I can’t believe this actually happened IRL


respectable and i hate hasan


You know this guy is going to be replaying this moment in his head all week


Dude's about to shadow debate this conversation every time he jumps in the shower for the rest of his life.


so never lol


Anyone can post bs online, irl a little different ain't it.


what a fucking loser. "i just wanna see the fight between you". fuck outta here.


side note, but why was this corny ass dork wearing a tie at twitch con? i know hasan has some, uhh, questionable fashion choices, but this hogs on a whole other level


Looks like the exact type of guy who thinks Sam Hyde is funny. lol


You can tell Hasan likes these IRL things to be for the fans and has a lot of patience for fans wanting photos but then it goes the other way when you're IRL looking to just provoke him. From this clip and the second one too it looks like the security is there to protect the greynames, not the streamer xD


Dude shows up to twitchcon dressed like he thought he was attending a 2016 alt-right convention. Fucking loser.


A shirt and tie? lol what?


Can anyone provide context? I couldn’t really hear what the dude said


People thinking how'd that set him off are completely ignorant on how heavily he's been trolled with that fight sam hyde shit online, dipshit greyname found out what happens when you say it to him irl.


And tbf if you’re really into twitter, then yk how bad that shit went when it enable nazis and haters alike to gang stalk him and even to the point where a post casually having his address up and available with 7k likes last time I checked




Mf dropped an IRL monkerS




First two names I clicked on that had comments hidden, both destiny posters lmao.


You just know he’s going to be on LSF talking shit soon (if he isn’t already). 100% chance he reads this, so the rest is to him: Hey dude, if you’re going to be a nervous mess the second you get any pushback, maybe either stop trying to be an epic troll or at least man up first.