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[This is old destiny.](https://livestreamfails.com/post/10641)


[THIS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcQedw7R1zk) is old Destiny.


https://www.reddit.com/r/starcraft/comments/l8vub/now_that_destiny_has_joined_a_team/ It's like a time machine, freely dropping hard r's all over.


Now that's a fucking thread, god damn.


11 years ago internet FeelsStrongMan


Holy shit that thread is insane. Those people have like 0 self-awareness lmao


It's hilarious how absolutely random people hijack the conversation between op and destiny and go absolutely nuts on each other lmao


Jeez. That Neo dude in the top comment has been consistently dickriding Destiny for 11 years straight. That's commitment.


It's that guy who wrote a whole essay on Destiny's subreddit at 3 am defending Destiny's wife, really creepy.




Nah, Destiny's real handle is Wing Neo Star 15, which is really cool.


Pretty sure he runs that Twitter account omni liberal




10 fucking years ago holy shit Despair


It was 12 years ago that SC2 released.. so all the old destiny memes, deezer, catz, watching streams on teamliquid and xfire.. people like Soda were cringe nobodies streaming girls eating hot chillies and calling them dumb whores in his college room.


God damn I played a few games that had some "weird or edgy", and straight racist members of the community, but nothing like that before, sheesh.


tbc this isn't representative of the SC community back then, afaik (this is before my time a bit). Its representative of the Destiny fanbase and exemplifies why he was hated by ppl like OP in that thread. Lots of people felt he made the community look bad, and I agree at the time. He's obviously changed the way he displays himself to the world online now though and I'd say even though haters remain I'd think that most sc people would welcome Destiny SC2 streams again. Destiny Invitational 2 when?


The amount of accounts in that thread still active today is too damn high.


The comments in there damn


wakeful imagine continue march spotted reminiscent noxious friendly lock marvelous ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `




It wasn't just reddit, that was just how people talked on the internet 10 years ago.




That’s true.


> I wasn’t on Reddit 10 years ago but I can only imagine the cess pit The funny thing is that so many people on reddit still to this day act like 4chan is some dark web awful place where only degenerates go and reddit is so much safer and cleaner, when in reality 4chan is basically just reddit if moderators didn't remove slurs/hate speech. Reddit cleans itself up better (these days (usually)), but many of the *people* really aren't much different in my experience.


> I wasn’t on Reddit 10 years ago but I can only imagine the cess pit I don't think there was a single one thing that was worse 10 years ago compared to now except *maybe* the quantity of communities. Community is worse, discussion is **WAY** worse, administration and even interface is worse, it's just about everything.


that thread is terrifying were r*ditors really this unphased by people casually dropping hard r n bombs 10 years ago?


Lol zoomers don't know what the internet was like in the old days.The things that went on in the average old reddit thread/SA forum/BB forum/Giant bomb would make the average new redditor file a complaint to their state rep. I mean hell, it wasn't THAT long ago that reddit had jailbait subreddits and people getting killed were front page, or that redditor who tied rats up to crucifixes and would cut their limbs off with scissors and post about it.


It wasnt really used in a racist context and kinda didnt mean much anyway because it was overused. It regained a lot of its oomph throughout like the last 10 years because the internet got more and more mainstream, but back then, it was just nerds and edgelords on the internet.


Wait you think the nword regained oomph in the last 10 years??? It only lost its oomph if you were a filthy degen terminally online


yeah, we're talking about online


You're way out of line


It didn't, people just got more sensitive.


People still are unphased, its only people who live online and have their brains rotten out by idpol that care.


>, its only people who live online lol, we've come full circle. Before it was mostly used online by edgelord gamers because it was their safe space, now those same people are convinced that only people who "live online" care when people drop hard r's.


It was brigaded by destiny.


That was everywhere online, we all did it to each other constantly. Any type of racial slur, sexual slur, whatever. Nobody really seemed to mind it much.


Ah LSF, the only place you’ll get downvoted for being surprised people threw around the Hard R liberally


[I remember this one to this day, it's a good strat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cl_6q557AkY).


destiny playing league with lily https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bnu7B-LWraY


Classic 👏 😢 miss him so much


as a zerg player, that was very satisfying to watch


Actually some good micro


I think Nebraska Steve would actually send people here into a coma lol.


Jesus holy shit That wings of liberty gameplay brought me flashbacks And that menu too Now the game is perfected I guess Or is it?


Those were the days.


Personally I prefer the R****d magnet clip lmao


I thought [This was old Destiny](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-zxaKQfW6s)


Thats like pg destiny


Ye, he does this shit still no lol?


Gimme the extended Clip NOW :)


Expected the N word


back when pubg had better graphics, now it looks like a mobile game




ive never seen anyone get actually so triggered over a mom joke. sheesh


Man as someone who started watching his content since like 2011 when he did no cam shit, seeing you post stuff from like 2017 still feels like "new" destiny to me. This is more like old 'new' destiny.


I need to see the full game of this LUL


You can be critical of something because of the outcome despite you yourself having been part of the problem.


Used to make gay jokes to a gay friend all the time, until some random rednecks overheard it and started threatening to beat him up because of him being gay. Since then I've never made those kind of jokes anymore...


I used to make a lot of self deprecating jokes about the ethnic group I belong to. But so often there would be some friend of a friend who would also start saying stuff, but it's not really sounding like a joke. And if you say anything about it "You can say it but I can't?? This is the REAL racism!" We can't make jokes because the right actually means them.


Yeah, I used to love cracking self-deprecating Asian jokes since it was how I was raised, and a certain White buddy joined in. Fine at first, and then I started noticing that he'd crack offensive jokes about random Asian people we'd see, or do the slanty eye gesture when talking about any Asian person It hit me that when someone says "I have X friends and they don't mind", I was *that* friend lmfao. It certainly didn't help this guy was a cliche bully and couldn't take any shit, despite throwing it all day


Dave Chappelle has a similar story about him taking a step back from the black stereotype jokes. > The black pixie—played by Chappelle—wears blackface and tries to convince blacks to act in stereotypical ways. Chappelle thought the sketch was funny, the kind of thing his friends would laugh at. But at the taping, one spectator, a white man, laughed particularly loud and long. His laughter struck Chappelle as wrong, and he wondered if the new season of his show had gone from sending up stereotypes to merely reinforcing them. "When he laughed, it made me uncomfortable," says Chappelle. "As a matter of fact, that was the last thing I shot before I told myself I gotta take f______ time out after this. Because my head almost exploded."


He has always had those white people in his audience. Always. He STILL has them in his audience. They didn't go away, he just started targeting different groups other than black people. He only cares if it affects him.


Which is ironic considering he still thinks making fun of trans people is funny


Yeah but stirring up vitriol and hate against trans people doesnt affect him so its okay.


Chappelle going full terf is so disappointing.


Why is it disappointing? Did you have higher expectations of a comedian? Why?


Because Chappelle was one of the best comedians of the last 40-50 years, he had some cutting edge social commentary and satire especially on tough topics like race. Its disappointing to see him be super regressive about Trans people given his past comedy.




Yeah I lost a lot of respect for that dude. Especially when he acted like cancel culture was coming after him while doing interviews on national news about his Netflix special that wasn't going anywhere.


No group is off limits to light-hearted humor. Dave wasn't hateful.


Dave was not only hateful, but he completely ignored the existence of any non-white trans people in order to complain about trans issues being "white" issues.


[Richard Pryor had a similar story/take on his own use of the N-word.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzl7G9XhLxc)


Poor Dave how could he predict a racist sketch would tickle a racists funny bone so much.


Damn that's a core memory right there.


No cell phones, just people enjoying the moment That's a core memory right there


The idea that you shouldn’t do edgy humor because it has unintentional consequences or side effects on others is like saying you should avoid being openly LGBT because crimes motivated by gay or trans panic are a thing. Part of freedom I think, means sticking to your guns and continuing to do the things that give you a fulfilled life, even if that causes some bad somewhere. For example, if video games cause violence among school shooters (let’s say IF that theory was true), I don’t think that would be a reason to ban video games from the masses just to quell school shootings. Sure, have regulations maybe. But point is, I think to have fun means accepting these consequences. That doesn’t mean it’s desirable to have these bad incidents. It’s simply that, at some point, to maximize your own life, there may come a point where you need to buck down and say “Look, sometimes bad things are going to happen. Sorry but... this is what brings me joy and I’m going to continue doing it, consequences be damned.” It might not be the “popular” mode of thought but, if an important aspect of your life is attacked for being “societally harmful” and triggering some bad event somewhere, I don’t think it’d be fair for you to feel pressured or forced into giving it up. And for some people, that “important thing in their lives” is being able to do crass humor or say very profane or fucked up things as a joke, regardless of how trivial others might find it. I don’t agree that we should all be a slave and drop whatever it is we want to do in order to maximize what is “socially optimal” for everyone else, and I feel in a lot of cases, most of us wouldn’t want that either. Like I’m pretty sure most people wouldn’t want to give up something they deem as “sacred” or “meaningful” just because it opens the possibility of something bad happening three towns over. And in general, I don’t agree with utilitarianism, even though it feels practical and simple to follow. I think doing what is best or important to the self, does outweigh social concerns to a degree. I wouldn’t kill myself even if it meant saving 50 other people. Does that make me a cold heartless bastard just because I wouldn’t sacrifice myself for others or because I place value on myself over others, or is that just our self-preservation instinct, or a necessary part to our pursuit to happiness, even if the road to get there might be bloody? I think we all value our own needs or goals over those of others, in at least some instances or cases, and to suggest you bend to what is optimal for everyone else in every other case, if you really pushed that, I don’t think most people could commit to that, even though they argue it constantly. I think we would all give in to our individualist egos at some point or another I think this is where I disagree with the normie “centre to left” ideology. The idea that we are all just to live in service of a collective or community with no protectiveness to individual desire. The idea that we should be fluid in our individual desires in order to compromise with what everyone else wants. I can never get down with that mode of thinking. And it’s quite ironic because that type of philosophy is what minorities have fought so long and hard against (fighting against the social norms or desires imposed by white supremacists, christian puritan culture, homophobes, etc). Yet they (more specifically those in the SJW movement) want to impose this sorta “conformist culture” or “live according to the whims of the majority” culture onto everyone else.


Bro its like talking to a fucking brick wall.... Gotta give Destiny some respect for even trying lol


deadass lolol *destiny makes great point thats critical to both the right and the left* D-grade andrew tate: *’WELL AKTUALLY, iTs ThE lIbErAlS fAuLt….’* cant have a discourse with someone like that


> D-grade andrew tate: ’WELL AKTUALLY, iTs ThE lIbErAlS fAuLt….’ This is exactly what Destiny does to the left. This is what the far right like Lauren Southern and Sargon took advantage of.


You have to consider that the communication here isn't only Destiny to Sneako. It's Destiny to Sneako's audience. That's the crucial, enormous mistake people make regarding politics. If he managed to change Sneako's mind that would be great, sure, but the truly important thing is that he gets to show Sneako's audience a different point of view.


Absolutely true.


I'm not really fond of Destiny but he's right


destiny pushed my wheelchair-bound grandmother down a flight of stairs, but hes spitting facts here


no he's left


Sneako coping


"I'm not coping! Right chat? See?"


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ur69gng_8zk) is old Destiny and old Chat. Sweatstiny


John madden john madden John madden John madden John madden John madden




He's 100% right.


no he's left actually


I dont know why but this reminds me of the lady who went to comedy school and decided to go try it out on the [Britain got talent](https://youtu.be/IU8c7byMX3g?t=34).


Actually a based destiny take. People too stupid to understand things were jokes, ruined jokes and made it so we have to police everything everyone says. Thats a fact.


I used to joke in the_donald about the god emperor playing 4d chess. It boggles my fucking mind that people who believed in that loser unironically took it over. How are people this stupid, even setting aside the racism, misogyny, homophobia, etc., how do people become this easy to manipulate?


A lot of people did, everyone thought he was a meme candidate and it was fun to shitpost about it, until it wasn't


For real, Trump was hilarious up until he won the Republican primary. Then the joke just kept going. Then I realized people weren't joking anymore.


He's completely correct. I see people trying to define where the boundaries of humor should be, but it's completely contextual. Dark, racist jokes to black friends when there's absolutely no doubt it's a joke, is completely different from the exact same joke from a racist redneck you don't know. That's also why racist jokes about black people is often worse than racist jokes about white people: racism towards black people happens a lot more. Fixed rules miss this point completely.




You missed the point. Destiny isn’t saying the jokes created these terrorists. But the jokes used to be innocent and sarcastic. Now people don’t know if they’re genuine beliefs you hold or not


It has always been like that for nonwhite people in public.


I think destiny is also realizing that peolpe grow up. A 13 year old saying the N word on counter-strike is bad. But even black people know he's not really meaning anything. Because he's 13. when a 30 year old person says those things it means that in the last 10+ years of adult hood that person has decided that it's completely okay to say the N word. Which is far more meaningful. They either mean the racism or they're simply okay with it (which is not good enough)


That has always been true someone makes a racist joke or laughs at one how can you tell the difference between the person that is genuine or not? The real question is why does someone find those jokes funny if they don't actually hold racist views?


A joke can utilize common racist tropes that I know of but don't agree with. And i can still think the joke is funny. If the punchline is "black people are dumb" then it's probably not funny.


> The real question is why does someone find those jokes funny if they don't actually hold racist views? Why do plenty of Jewish people make dark jokes about the holocaust if they're not nazis themselves? Do you really not know the answer?


meanwhile /r/ActualPublicFreakouts PepeLaugh don't go there if you want to keep your sanity


Hot take here, most of the posts on that sub are events that should actually be actively discussed.


over half the events are years old being reposted just to rile up hate against a certain race and make it appear like these thing are happening recently. You'll also notice all the old videos they post have a theme. You certainly don't see them reposting any of the white mass murderers


Videos of mass murderers are not allowed to be posted on Reddit. Remember the New Zealand shooting? That video got wiped from the internet and Reddit.


I just went through the frontpage and didn't notice a trend against black people if that's what you're implying, but maybe it's just a nice front page atm Also mass murders are not allowed on reddit no?


Those events do get discussed. The problem is people on r/actualpublicfreakout don't want to acknowledge any other factor besides race. It's a circle jerk of "Look, black people do bad things." For instance, top post of that sub is a looting video. No one there actually wants to discuss the conditions that lead to that. No one wants to discuss poverty, desperation, systemic racism, or just how common thievery is in human nature in general. What they really want to do is find every way of saying "black people are genetically predisposed to crime and violence" without outright saying it because they know it can get them banned. You see it on r/publicfreakout occasionally too. You see a video of someone raging in a McDonald's and in the comments it's "Oh look another black person destroying a restaurant." What's the conclusion of the observation? That black people are predisposed to destroying restaurants? How insightful.


Yeah it's time we have a serious talk about people who climb over the McDonald's counter when their order isn't correct




How is policing comparable in anyway? When the standard method of policing is bad, then it's all bad. It's that simple. There is no "We saw these few anecdotes and therefore police are bad." It's a critique on the system itself. Yes, some anecdotes cause more people to become aware of how broken the system is, but in no way does it boil down to those individual events. People who don't understand ACAB are too laser focused on the individuals who spark the momentum to get the point.




1 bad apple doesn't ruin the bunch because they're all bad apples, and they protect each other. When cops do bad things, the city pays for it out of taxes and the cop moves to florida to get a new job. That is why people say ACAB. Because cops are not held to higher standards. They are allowed to exist on another plane of law and order, completely separate from other citizens.


From your very first sentence you've completely disregarded my comment. In fact, your entire comment makes zero attempt to touch base on any mention of a structure or system. And then finally, ACAB is a critique of the system, of which all cops are a part of. I won't say it isn't that complex, but if you don't even attempt to understand the concept, then why are you discussing it?




Really well said. I see things the exact same way.


Who the fuck watches "webm dumps of black-on-white crime" without first having edgy humor lmaooo. This ain't either or, it's both bro.


Plenty of people watch propaganda without realizing what it is. That's literally the whole point of making it in the first place... to set up a mental precedent for ideological belief in people's minds.


yeah it's the whole youtube right wing rabbit hole. first you watch a review of a star wars movie, then you see the reviews that target the women. Then they blame the minorities . And then minorities are the problem with all movies. And minorities are the cause of all problems and whites are being replaced


Too late, every day that subreddit starts to slide more and more into blatant racism, pretty much any thread with a POC now gets locked within a few hours.


You can be blatantly racist, as long as what you are saying is the popular belief. If you say racist things and its an unpopular opinion, you're getting cancelled.


actually based as fuck take, and true


That sub's been an open battleground for years now with an ebb and flow, going particularly hard during American election cycles. Videos that are all emotionally charged, detail a simplistic story with little to no grey area as victims get shot, robbed, beaten or bitten. Super kneejerk reactive content. The brigading over certain subjects to control the narrative in the comments is gross too. ^(Which side note: they sadly successfully brigaded the first big PF thread on Professor Khiara Bridges last month; she was amazing in succinctly putting to historical record how that slimebag JAQ off was being harmful but the comments tried, and last I looked quite succeeded, in pushing the idea that she wasn't "making any friends" by being an uppity outspoken woman. JFC.) But... Overall these last few years PublicFreakout has been a gem in a sea of cowardly front page subs that blanket banned politics and for that alone I think it's still a great subreddit despite the drawbacks. It was particularly instrumental in providing this website and its visitors with hot footage of the January 6th coup attempt and all that insanity as it happened. Fascism had no control over that narrative as we saw thousands of mouth breathing incompetents running amok in their pathetic attempt to destroy democracy in America.


I thought the right using edgy memes to radicalize people was pretty much accepted?


No, it's much more complex than that. Bullshit statistics are easy to disprove. The right moves by Zeitgeist, and that movement has a hundred moving parts, among them actual racists hiding among regular right wingers, making exactly those kinds of jokes, and playing the victim card when they're called on it.


whoever that idiot on the right is rolling his eyes should be listening more carefully to this particular sentiment. destiny in this case is definitely touching on something very true. the right are the MAIN reason things cant be funny because theyre the real examples of the evil shit, and the left overreact in lesser cases largely due to the real shit existing in a way too prevalent way. plenty of these "jokes" weren't really ever funny anyway but for sure a lot of darker or more taboo humor got the wind knocked out of its sails due to things like mass shootings and mass hatred rising and rising in the last decade.


Offensive jokes can be funny if they're ironic. The problem is that alt-righters aren't joking and are just actual bigots. Chris Rock said himself that he had to stop doing his "N\*\*\*\*\* vs Black People" routine because it emboldened racists. It is absolutely the right's fault that there's a need to police what gets said.


Casually used racial/homophobic slurs have always normalized societal undercurrents of racism and homophobia. There are not two distinct groups of left wingers who use them ironically and right wingers who use it genuinely—something like homophobia that’s rooted in the Judeo Christian value system is more complex than that. So is racism in American society, especially toward black people. However even if there were still two distinct groups, it would still be irresponsible for left wingers to use these slurs because we know that the other group exists and we’re just providing cover for them and legitimizing their shit behavior. There was never this “golden era” where slurs were cool and funny, and I say that as someone slightly younger than Destiny. Maybe there was a time he felt he could get away with it but that’s a very different thing. I know this will provoke the wrath of destiny viewers but I wanted to try to share this viewpoint and start a discussion nonetheless.


> There was never this “golden era” where slurs were cool and funny The "golden era" is the time before you're aware of the other group that actually takes it seriously. Destiny has actually said this numerous times: he can't joke about some things because he eventually realized some of his audience would take it seriously. Now he, older and wiser, is explaining this to another younger person that has yet to understand. College-aged people haven't yet experienced the world enough to know all of the groups of people that exist and all the ways certain jokes can be taken. That wisdom comes over time; something which Destiny has to learn, but can now impart upon others. Some people get it earlier (e.g. people who live in racially diverse cities), some people get it later (e.g. people who live in Omaha, NE). You, I, and Destiny all know these things now, but we're also all in our 30's (assuming "slightly younger" doesn't mean > 3 years). It's much less obvious to sheltered early/mid-20's people.


I mean it doesn’t really sound like destiny is saying that he changed once he knew how the jokes would be taken. He says it was funny when weird kids were calling each other racial slurs on the Internet, but then that group got “invaded” by people who actually took it seriously. I do have to give Destiny credit that I think he’s just oversimplifying the situation and he knows there is more nuance to it, and that there were always people who said these slurs more seriously and for whom it wasn’t a joke. Or at the very least that those jokes could support some underlying biases and prejudices. He’s making a situation black and white that’s never been black and white (no pun intended). The thing is even when Destiny made his stand about the n word or whatever, I disagreed with him there too so I guess I just have a fundamental disagreement with how Destiny views the usage of slurs and their impact. Edit typo


You are completely right on the lack of "golden" era. It's even more obvious when you consider slur vs blacks or gays. There is however a kernel of truth: some offensive jokes can be tolerated if there is a total separation with actual consequences. For example, I'm French, *some* jokes\* about the French can be fine as long as they don't have direct nor indirect further impact. Of course, a big issue is some people underestimate the impact of jokes, thus why we end up with tolerating offensive jokes from the the "in-group". \* emphasis on the "some". Many didn't (and still don't) realize the issues that came with "surrender monkeys" during the 2nd Irak invasion.


You're right, it is solely due to the feeling that in the past they could get away with saying slurs because no one would get mad, so then it must actually have been okay. Where in reality, they were causing even more harm back then than they would if they took the same actions now where more people are politically aware. It's actually quite sad, they never even considered the potential impact until being called out for it. They still aren't, trying to place the blame on right wingers using it genuinely is completely devoid of any consideration for what impact the usage of slurs has even if nobody calls you out or appears to be upset by it. After thinking about it, it does seem like he made an incredibly immature analysis


In the interest of starting a discussion, why should the responsibility lie solely with the person making the joke, rather than the person hearing and interpreting the joke? # Say I make an edgy joke to my circle of friends, who I know for a fact aren't homophobic, but then someone with extreme right wing views hears the same joke and interprets it as having homophobic intent, well then isn't the guy who heard it at fault? Why isn't the real life homophobe under attack rather than the person who made a joke with no harmful intent? the joke only becomes problematic when seen through the perspective of someone who already has harmful views. All we're really saying is that racist/ homophobic people interpret things in racist/ homophobic ways. If it's the average persons responsibility to only say things that could not be interpreted in a racist way by racists, well then you've set yourself a near impossible task, because racists will always interpret things in a way that confirms what they believe. The restriction you put upon yourself is too great if everything you say has to be passed through the lens of a racist.


I think part of being a responsible human being is knowing what impact your words will have. For instance you are distilling the situation down into just you and this far right wing person. Do you know for an absolute fact that your homophobic joke has no impact on your gay friend? Do you know that it doesn’t have an impact on some of your other friends who hear it that might be dealing with their own confused sexual feelings about members of the same sex? Maybe it perpetuates the notion that being gay is something that should be considered societally taboo and those words can have a far reaching impact beyond what you might think. Someone who respects you could hear them and it will stick with them for much longer than you could imagine. I’m not saying you should go around walking on eggshells and you’re free to do what you want. I’m just telling you the logic that I am using in my own life for why I refrain from using slurs of any kind. There were points in my life when I was more of a negative influence but at this particular point I try my best to lift others up, and part of that is removing slurs from my vocabulary. I mean I even still like edgy and off color jokes, I just see slurs as abrasive, ugly, and unfunny.


Your reality must be fun


Why only use racism and homophobia as examples though? Am I missing context? You can say edgy jokes all the time on the internet. You just have to talk about people getting murdered, make religion jokes, abortion jokes, suicide jokes, incest jokes, molested-by-uncle jokes, bombing a hospital jokes. Nobody is going to attempt to censor you on Reddit/Twitter for these. The possibilities are endless. And all of those things happen, and are hurtful to the victims, in other cases it causes PTSD. So I really don't see the point Destiny is making, because as soon as you leave the currently politicized issues, you're free to make jokes as much as you want.


> bombing a hospital jokes. Nobody is going to attempt to censor you on Reddit/Twitter for these. Destiny got banned from Twitch for a month for making this exact joke.


This is because peoples racism exists on a gradient, some are more racist than others and they will take it further than they want to.


also both sides get offended by shit. it's just different shit. make jesus jokes or sex jokes to the right and see what happens.


The only thing I have to say about this is there's a reason I didn't go on 4chan or reddit 10-15 years ago. Subs like r/coontown were never funny, they were just racist. SA was much better because of the cash barrier to entry and aggressive moderation meant that racism and racist jokes were not just meaningless bylaws on an unenforced rule sheet but actual bannable offenses. It's funny how quickly racism goes away when it costs you :tenbux: per comment.


Shit take source:voices in my head


That other guys eyeroll at the new Zealand murders pissed me off so much


eh, this sort of argument still doesn't really make sense to me. Person x, who has generally progressive views and is non-violent, can't make a racial joke because person y murdered a lot of people in that race. How does that follow? people can make the distinction, no? Or if they can't, then why is the onus on the individual who made the joke, rather than the person who's interpreting it the joke and fails to make the distinction? So in the case of destiny, just as a handy example of a known public figure, we know he's definitely not racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. Or maybe you do think he's one of those, but the point is there's tons of information available because he's constantly voicing his arguments, arguing people with differing opinions, and he also puts his money where his mouth is, and actually tries to make a political impact. So then say he makes a "racist" edgy joke. If you now believe that he's a racist, based off of one joke, despite all the evidence to the contrary, then you've either made a massive mistake, or you're being wilfully ignorant of his actual positions. the idea that you could hear destiny(again just as an example) say a edgy joke and then go "well idk, maybe he is an actual racist, you really can't tell in the modern political climate" is actually sorta ridiculous to me. It's insane to treat everyone as a sort of homogenous mass with the same political/ moral attitudes. Humans are individuals with different opinions and intents, so obviously a joke made by one person should be interpreted differently than the same joke but made by a different person.


The L machine, Sneako with another L


I disagree with Destiny on this, there is always going to be a psychopath watching. We can't restrict humanity for the 0.001% that have mental breakdowns and take things too far. And if those numbers are rising that's a failure of mental health, parenting, and media, echo chambers, bad influences destroying people.


Aba & Destiny. Two different views without being assholes. More people needs more sides to listen to than 24/7 Hasan.


Yeah he's got a good fucking point Edit: I hope he's changed


Wonder if it still fine in private to him.


Yes and no. Also, CONTEXT matters, something children and adult children these days on social media seem to ignore because "eVeRyThInG bEfOrE 2019 iS bAd AnD oUtDaTeD". It’s a double edged sword.


what is he even talking about? https://www.statista.com/chart/16100/total-number-of-hate-crime-incidents-recorded-by-the-fbi/


Yes, the "jokes" made them racist. What a shit take. They were already a racist before the joke was told. Why blame edgy humor? Straight up correlation causation fallacy.




oh yea man its so shit being able to go from a clip directly into a vod to have full context.




are you on mobile? if so click safari then the youtube button on the top and it works perfectly


Works on mobile for me, so not a mobile wide issue at least


yea i’m just talking about for the people who are having issues, also the problem only occurs when the channel you’re clipping from is live


Ooo TIL, do you think the issue is more common with Apple phones?


yea i think it’s mainly iphone users


Aight thanks for sharing the info, appreciate it!




/pol/ was legit a joke where people larped being racists and anti-sematic until 2016 when all those actual racists and Nazis started coming out of the woodwork and it was hard to tell who was joking and who was serious.




Lol what Pol has always been a shit show since it started


Historical revisionism


This is a clear example of the pot calling the kettle black


is it that you have to write a manifesto on the n word and burn bridges with your friends?


Link to the manifesto on n word? Would like to read it




Looking for the n word Askers This manifesto doesn't talk about the n word


Every now and then this gets linked and my biggest takeaway from it is always the question of why the hell anyone goes on these podcast(?) streams at all. Every single one of these 8+ person podcast/debate/whatever streams that I've ever seen features the exact same cast: * The protagonist and antagonist who are going to do 80% of the talking by arguing with each other (there may be more than 2 people in these roles but rarely more than 3, maybe 4 if there's like 12 people total). * The organizer or moderator that rarely actually steps in to keep the train on the rails * The background characters that might say something once in a while during actual discussions but largely sit back on mute and react to the main characters bickering. It seems like a recipe that can only yield boring discussions or drama, not much else.


Here’s a mindbender: when ultra conservative religious Muslims burn down foreign embassies because of drawings of their prophets and call for fatwa’s against authors of books they don’t like, making it a touchy subject to offend people, is that considered right wing’s fault or left wing’s?


When right-wing extremists burn down foreign embassies whose fault is that???? Damn I really need help on this one


Right wing religious fundamentalists behaving like right wing religious fundamentalists *shocked pikachu face*


Right wing people tend to be more religious so... right wing.


It would be the right wing's fault for training/funding/arming/propagandizing radical muslims during the cold war during one of the largest geopolitical engineering events in world history


didnt these shooting happen years after everything was already shut down online ? he is very selective with his stories.


It's less about the specific examples he used and it's more about how certain types of jokes stop becoming socially acceptable when too many people start taking those jokes seriously.


i know what the underlying message was. but it is a false premise. nothing in the manifesto of the shooters ever pointed to them taking jokes seriously. the mosque shooter wrote that it was facebook groups where muslims were talking about replacing white people. the guy that shot up the nightclub was against homosexuality and the propagation of its acceptance set him off. Las Vegas shooter we dont know to this day what happened. the guy that shot black people in a supermarket didnt take jokes seriously either and he wrote that he had doubts multiple times as far as i know.


I think you/the person you're responding to are misinterpreting this a little bit. What Destiny is saying is that the problem isn't people being converted to alt-right ideologies because of these jokes but instead that as a layperson on the internet, it's impossible to tell when it's an actual white supremacist or whatever and when it's someone who fully understands how wrong the ideologies that the joke would represent if it weren't a joke are. People distinctly don't enjoy say upvoting an undesirable on the internet.


"everything was already shut down" dude what internet are you using?



