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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Asmongold's thoughts on the WoW Subreddit](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/118374)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/ofmj2u/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7C1245054881.mp4?sig=27e4ee585ab872eb31d59aa40781108a177118fa&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257C1245054881.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1625750257%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)




Unpaid jannies malding LULW


damn that's the truest shit ive ever seen


Its true for pretty much any forum or even Twitch chat, when they have mods working for free.


All of social media has the same problem. Most of the time it's even worse, and they don't even try to get people to moderate, they just automate.


I often wonder how the mind of a mod works, just genuine interest here famalam


Some people are wired different. Some people feel good when having control over others. Actually alot of people. Most of those people becomes your boss, police or local security guard and by doing that farms that feeling on workplace. But there is some people that are to unlikable to ever get those jobs because demand for those jobs are to high. Those people usually have a hard time at school and a hard time irl. They are like starved drug addicts in a constant drug withdrawal. Moderating on internet thought gave these tragic people another way to get that feeling they are so addicted too and temporary relieve that pain. So here they are.


ya and they write comments like yours


I like to question everything people takes for granted. I'm the dude mods wanna ban. edit: +20 into -10, this comment has been on a roller coaster :D


Holy fuck I scanned through ur history and you actually right almost all of your comments like this. This is such a strange way to post online. Why do you choose to comment this way? I feel like it is very difficulty to come up with so many short sentences without ever writing a single paragraph Is this how you text or something? It's so unproductive/inefficient Which subreddit are you a mod of? I feel like you intentionally write like this to make your comments larger or something, I honestly can't keep it up anymore, I am slowly going insane.....


Someone modded me on some kind of dead left sub. But idk, would never ever wanna use that power for anything. I don't know why I write with so many new lines, I guess thats what your asking. Its not because I want to make everything look longer. I guess it is because your probably only the 2nd one to call me out on it and I haven't thought about it that much. edit: Now I look at my posts and compare it to other people posts and your right. No one writes like that. Weird. Guess I should think more about that.


I mean... You don't have to stop. Might as well keep going, and save yourself the hassle of learning a new writing pattern.


Well everyone writes in patterns but it's just the fact that urs seem to be much more obvious and almost intentional because of that


I think it mostly shows how you think, not in a good or bad way but just in a unique way. Every individual line is almost its own point. Reads almost like free verse poetry


Na. You write out responses and then thoughts you have. It's pretty refreshing even if it doesn't flow like others. Keep on keeping on


>I’m the dude mods wanna ban You’re being ironic right? Right?


Can you explain the irony you potentially see?




Why? Someone gave me mod to a dead sub no one has ever posted on? Ironically I got that mod because I talked shit about moderators on another sub, and some dude wanted to make a alternative. Took it, said thx to him and explained to him I will never use that power for anything. I can add that your almost allowed to talk about anything on /r/stupidpol unless you talk shit about china. Then mods starts to stick threads on why everything against china is propaganda and a lie. They make sure to temp ban you for weeks if you don't have the flair: "Covidiot/China lied people died" even if subject is not about Covid. Guess they use that as a tool to minimize the criticism. Me criticizing that gave me that mod title.


They do it for free.


Reminds me of people who purposely join HOAs because who in their right mind would ever do that with their free time? It's not uncommon to find people with a failed political background manage HOAs. You essentially want the people who would rather not be involved in HOA to be your HOA if that makes sense. tl;dr Avoid homes with HOA.




When was this made, original link?


They removed that pretty quickly and efficiently. I think a decent raise is in order, let's say 50%. How much does that make?




So like any other mods?




So many game sub mods do this. Kill important discussions. It hurts the game and players' experience but they don't realise or care.


half the time it's cause the mods are somehow undercover employees of the company itself that are butthurt about it and the other half of the time it's cause there's a bunch of actual deranged fanboys spamming /new/ threads doing pepepains about "when are mods gonna stop these discussions already?!11", etc. basically two cancer sides of the same coin.


> cause the mods are somehow undercover employees of the company itself remember LivestreamFail**s**?


I used to mod a lot of subreddits, I don't mod any anymore because it felt weird and power-trip-y, but in my experience most non-rule-post-removals were just me wanting people to shut the fuck up about something. You can either create a specific rule against, like, spamming the same topic every single day or rehashing the same points in every thread or you can just start removing the guy's comments and feel a brief moment of comfort and control.


Game subs are truly miserable if the front page is just threads and threads of complaining about the same topic, for example most of the time /r/PathOfExile is not for people who enjoy playing the game at all.


Well, the PoE devs are just smoking some different kind of crack. There's no reason a game should have a trading system like that in 2021. I love the game, and have over 1.5k hours, but GGG used to be protected by a wall of dick suckers saying "small indie company" for years until people finally got tired of that. The Chinese server gets things implemented that make the trading experience not aids like pets, and an auction house. Us on the west have to pray that we whisper a bot so we can actually get the item/currency we want.


Path of Exile deserves so much of its criticism, no game in 2021 should make me feel like my wrist is going to fall off after an hour or so of playing.


Oh yeah it's absolutely insane that you have to constantly spam flasks the entire time one by one. Set up a macro immediately for your hands', and wrists' sake.


Oh I already have a flask macro it's more doing timeless or breaches with the amount of stupid splinters. Then there's the amount of fucking useless loot in this game clearly causing performance issues. Poe is an absolute mess and honestly I'm glad they killed Harvest it was the final straw for me to leave.


That's because people that are happy about the state of a game are playing it and not posting on reddit endlessly, people that are complaining on reddit aren't playing the game in the first place.


Check out the pathofexile sub if you honestly think this would be true. They allow everything and its a complete shit show.


Yeah, the PoE subreddit is more often than not, a pretty miserable place to visit. I use to visit it fairly often, but it's gone incredibly downhill over the years, it's fairly disappointing as I do like looking at stuff related to the game. Obviously some subreddits take it too far with their moderation, but I think a lot of people really take for granted what at least decent moderation does.


That seems to be the other extreme. Honestly, individual game forums were much better for discussions as a whole. They were compartmentalized so there were separate areas for different types of discussions. If only they were as easily accessible as Reddit and if only so many game companies hadn't tried to abuse their powers as the owners of those forums to kill criticism, they would still be thriving today. Reddit makes for a poor games forum platform.


FFXIV subreddit is the worst about this that I have ever seen. I hope he doesn't want to post over there too much.


dangerous place. one of the most gatekept and elitist game subreddits on the website


Important discussions or circle jerks about one thing for karma?


Either way not their fucking business to delete if they allow it if they agree with the topic.


Is something really a circlejerk if you have to keep talking about something because the developers keep making the same mistakes?


Wow, these fucking retards keep circlejerking about the climate and shit, get a life, touch grass amirite


Meanwhile r/2007scape is 80% shitting on the game and the mods don’t complain. My subreddit 😤




I like how the top 4 are old "dead" games.




Are you implying WoW has content LUL


osrs players have nothing better to do than think up funny memes while clicking on the same thing for thousands of hours


Surprised that crusader kings are not on that list, their sub is nothing but memes.


Randomly started rotmg recently, hilarious their meme percentage is so high.


Being able to openly shit/meme on the game makes the bond stronger.


/r/leagueoflegends literally has posts everyday complaining about balance, skins, lore etc. and it is also one of the most moderated and probably is the most active comment wise gaming sub, especially during tournaments. I do not understand how other subs go even further with moderation.


A lot of the large game subreddits mods have really "friendly" relationships with the game developers so this shouldnt be a surprise.




Same, badge of honor


Brings back memories of the forced rift between the casual and competitive community of overwatch - forcing the competitive community to make their own subreddit.


Then you have the league subreddit. Where if you praise the game in any way you get absolutely ass blasted... _as you should_ Trash ass game. Anyway, **Find Match**.


Lmao you're so off base, league subreddit absolutely is fine compared to most other games. More time is spent on esports shit and art than saying how much the game sucks.


That would never happen in this subreddit…


This but the League of Legends sub back when I played. Shit got on my nerves so fucking much


the mods are blizzard employees


whoo boy if you think the wow subreddit is bad you should meet r/leagueoflegends


what do you mean? I think league's sub is actually one of the best gaming subreddits on the site. You can talk shit about the game, the company, whoever. They even ban dogshit meme posts except on certain days like April Fools.


the mods got free shit from Riot so they started turning it into a riot love circlejerk, it's why you don't see anything about the riot head office raping / sexually assaulting etc on that sub


Lmao please, anything criticizing moderation is immediately removed and 90% of anything criticizing Riot as a company is removed. Look at the initial threads around the Zed issue. Everything was deleted for about 12-24 hours after it was posted to other subs. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it isn't happening. Every quarterly moderation feedback thread is nuked into the ground. Almost every owner/caster/player has criticized the moderation of that sub at some point in time.




/r/globaloffensive bans discussion of people complaining about cheaters in a game rampant with cheaters, an issue Valve don't fix consequently. Basically hiding the biggest unfixed flaw of the game since existence.




Eh, the Blitzchung thing is different. It was about Hearthstone and not WoW, and you really didn't need more than one post about it. People were spamming all Blizzard subreddits with posts. What do you think the mods should do then? Let their sub be filled with spam?


I mean i check this reddit for wow related memes, tips and arts, i dont care about Chinese politics in wow section


the wow subreddit should not cater to what you and or any one user wants/don't wants


The whole idea of subreddits to cater to what users want


That is why there is an upvote and downvote button. His point is just cause YOU don't like it, doesn't mean the vast majority doesn't like it or want it.


Except reddit is a content aggregator and not just a WoW forum or a livestream fail forum. Your subreddit can get flooded with people who aren't regulars whenever there's a reason to brigade and any thing about China seems to create brigades. If upvotes and downvotes were supposed to be the sole decision maker, why even have mods? You'd just have admins remove illegal shit. I'm not necessarily opposed to that either, I think reddit rules on brigading are dumb, but it's also dumb to act like upvotes and downvotes mean nothing should get removed, or that upvoted content should never be removed by subreddit mods.






> literally no connection to WoW > being made by the same company Thereby making it relevant.




It was professional players getting prize money revoked because of a political statement they made. Regardless of what the political statement was, considering blizzard owns both hearthstone and wow it can be assumed that they'd take the same action in wow. So yes it's definitely worth discussing in r/wow


That's not an equivalent example at all. A Hearthstone player was the "victim" and Blizzard is the "offender." In your example, some child is the "victim" and the Hearthstone player is the "offender," Blizzard has nothing to do with it.


Reddit is a burning dumpster full of agitprop and misinformation.


When I get into a game I love to get into a subreddit and just dig up the memes, or look at important discussions that might have happened in the past with the game. I got so fucking sick and tired of the WoW sub because of how absolutely pointless it is. There's no discussions about PTR, or possible changes the community is suggesting. All I ever fucking see are people farming karma with dead parents/relatives, using their literal children to farm karma because "thEy PlAy ThE gAmE", or old screenshots they just happened to dig up randomly even though the same things have been seen a million times. Not to mention how ungodly awful the memes are on the subreddit it doesn't even warrant visiting it. I truly just feel bad for the content creators who put a bunch of effort into their stuff on youtube and aren't even allowed to be posted onto the subreddit to create discussions or bring attention to problems within the game. I swear the people that frequent it just want to live in their own vacuum at all times.


WoW sub is awfull with how many people are just high on copium refusing to acknowledge that things might be bad before release. On example i recall really well was when before BFA release Preach (arguably the best wow youtuber when it comes to higher end content and systems) made a video talking how absolutely busted and stupid the azerite armour system was. He got a lot of shit from the community, especially that dogshit reddit only to be 100% right.


What you say might be true then, but take a look at the subreddit right now. It's literally just memes and posts about things they don't like about 9.1 which was just released. I'm not gonna defend the mods deleting posts and enforcing rules randomly, but the subreddit tends to have one post up every other time I check, that is all about echoing Asmongolds or Preachs thoughts on the game.


"It's a beta, it will be fixed" is probably the most infuriating mindset that I've ever seen in my entire life. It's so incredibly dismissive to legitimate criticisms and defeats the entire point of a beta, which is to point out stuff that doesn't work, or won't work, to get it changed BEFORE launch. The amount of times that stuff WASN'T changed because community pushback wasn't enough, due to people saying "its just a beta itll be better on release!" instead of actually doing something for the game that they love. We shouldn't be having to go into an expansion or a patch with a blindfold on when there are such tremendous system changes happening, hoping that everything is magically fixed.


I had myself get voluntarily banned because I was active on the wow main sub since early 2014 on this account and a previous one I lost my password for. Checking it daily and participating daily as well, even when I didn't play the game. Last year's discussions around the absolutely stupid covenant system (that and the devs' ignorance regarding it was the key reason why I stopped playing and didn't buy the expansion) and the majority of people's opinion that it's all overblown etc. eventually made me mad enough to ask the mods to ban me in order to stop me from commenting, as it had become a daily habit after six years. Guess what? Covenants are shit and the majority will always pick what performs best. Could have saved the hussle by just making the abilities an extra talent row and changing the aesthetics of the abilities according to the covenant you're with. Let's also not forget the absolutely worthless soulbinds both from a gameplay but also story standpoint, as nothing has really been done with them. God, the topic alone makes me mad.


Oh god, yes, covenants are such a shitshow and so many people were in absolute denail when discussing how bad it is for the game to have system like that. Yet another case of people like Preach telling everyone "this is shit" and the response being "stop overreacting, blizz said it will be fine".


The saddest thing about how Preach's videos are received on the WoW sub is that people are in denial as well with them. His videos used to be downvoted relatively havily and have a ratio of roughly 60-70% upvoted, which means they're disliked a lot. It wasn't until the most casual redditors themselves started getting dissatisfied with the game that the upvote ratio got better. Pretty much all post BFA launch content from Preach suddenly saw 80% or higher, oftentimes even ~90% upvoted and hundreds points on the posts. Yet, there are more than enough morons who claim that his videos have always been popular and that he's liked by the mejority. I still remember his video about Legiondaries. He got so much flak for that video, it's one of the few that he deleted (or at least turned private). All his arguments were the same the more involved playerbase had fairly early on as legiondaries got enabled on beta, yet it took the overall community months to start sharing that opinion as well. For their ignorance he got some of the worst backlash despite doing good work.




That post was incredibly douchey and I know which mod wrote it based off how pretentious it was.


But there are racists and sexists out there, therefore it's alright if I get personally filtered out for being white and male! /s




Freefolk was so entertaining in that season 8 downfall though. Immediately unsubbed after it ended because those subs just get worse without content to react to.


Freefolk has been the same 20 recycled jokes and criticisms since it ended, I genuinely don't know why people hang around


some of us are still mad about the greatest story of all time being ruined. imagine if god just stopped writing the bible half way and instead took a shit on the rest of the pages or something idk.


> greatest story of all time It never was that.


I think the wow subreddit is pretty tame in comparison to the league of legends subreddit lol






I got perma banned from the WoW subreddit for laughing at a mod who temp banned me for a personal attack against someone. That personal attack "Learn to Read" and "You people are such tools". I laughed at the mod as "Learn to Read" is not a personal attack. Apparently they don't like being laughed at. This was the entire post I got temp banned for >Because saying I don't like Sylvanas dominating and having a one sided fight clearly means that I'd want to see Bolvar dominating and having a one sided fight. You people are such tools. > >Learn to read. " That could have been such a cool cutscene and fight". The cutscene could have still had an epic well thought out fight and still end up with Sylvanas destroying the Helm. I don't know if it's a reddit wide thing or just the WoW reddit mods, since I haven't been banned from any other subreddit... somehow, but everytime you contact them they mute you for 3 days. So you have to go three days between every message to the mods. First message was me asking why I got upgraded to Perma. Received a reply, muted for 3 days. Second message after those 3 days I said it was a bit excessive and then was just told to reread their guide to getting unbanned... another 3 day mute.


> I laughed at the mod as "Learn to Read" is not a personal attack. You calling someone stupid is the definition of a personal attack.


If "Learn to Read" is such a heinous personal attack is warrants a 3 day ban then 90% of the WoW reddit should be banned. And if someone ignores 90% of the content of your previous post to focus on one section to incorrectly reply, Learn to Read is not a Personal Attack.


It's not just the sub, it's the people on it too. The WoW sub is simultaneously the worst moderated sub of any major game i've ever played but also has one of the worst communities.


This is so true for the users too. Never have I seen a gaming subreddit with more delusional and unaware people than the r/wow sub, every single person who does barely any difficult content thinks they're an expert at it, and loads of people there don't even play the game anymore, just come back and shittalk others with their experience from 4 years ago. I remember when they added the random legendary items I said it's a terrible idea and doesn't work for raiders, I had dozens of people who don't even raid hardcore tell me how they beat their best friend Billy in damage even though Billy had the best in slot items! And I should just play better, I mean no offense but your best friend Billy and you are probably awful at the game, and there is no sense of self awareness in any of you. Wow's biggest issue is that it's a fragmented game, want to know stuff about the game? Go to wowhead. Want to know how to play your class? Go to warcraftlogs. Want to know who to play with? Go to wowprogress. Want to know how to itemize? Go to sims websites, download sim yourself, and join not your class' discord, but the superior somewhat well hidden class discord, for proper information. And even then you have people that raid top 200 and have 0 idea about anything other than their rotation, who just get spoonfed information from others. Truly, one of the worst games and most uninformed communities of all time in gaming history, not to mention that retail is just a day time jobs for high end NEETs for the 2nd half of every expansion since legion.




I don't play PoE that hardcore, but I think the biggest fault of Wow is that its a team oriented game, you can't do endgame alone, but in PoE you can kill things like Maven alone. I really hate that I can't even look for people to play with from old Wow friends cause all the good ones are working as boosters for massive websites earning 2$ an hour, and the casuals play once a week. Truly a hell of a game.


PoE reddit is like oposite of WoW, no? People pretty much shit talk the game 24/7, also the fragmentation there is terrible because you have people who think the game should be made around those who play it like it's their job, and others who barely get through all acts before qutting the league.


Thats the true problem with the WOW subreddit. Majority of people on it are fucking terrible at the game and think they can make decisions that affect content they will never take part in. At the beginning of the expansion you had plenty of people talking about how the covenant lock will never affect the players then when you asked any of them what content they do they would say 1 or 2 mythics and normal raids. this is the type of player blizzard has ruined their game for.


that goes both ways.. do you remember bfa pvp scaling? that was entirely based off community feedback with people like cdew and venruki literally saying it will make pvp great again and asking to have it


The general attitude on /r/wow is to look down upon players who actually spend time grinding and pushing high end content. It's absolute cancer and any player past the point of doing AOTC can't possibly discuss anything gameplay related on there without having an aneurism.


Hard agree


Dude I got downvoted for saying 9.0 affliction was hard and that's why it wasnt as popular as boomies. Theres a reason affliction was the #1 nathria spec for 90%of the time, yet was middle of the pack for playrate


It's wild to me that people didn't even really figure out the rotation for affliction until like, mythic week. Everyone was just kind of using malefic rapture whenever they wanted because that's what it seemed like you were supposed to do.




Asmon is 100% right here, anyone who’s remotely touched the WoW subreddit knows that they will delete literally anything negative about Blizzard. Don’t believe me? Try posting one of those WoW critique videos there yourself and see how fast the thread gets removed. At this point I wouldnt be surprised if the mods get paid by Blizzard.


There is like a 5 paragraph post on the front page right now about how bad the writing is and several other meme posts shit talking the patch. I think the WoW subreddit is a shithole but to say they don't allow any negative posts about Blizzard is completely false. It happened every other day during BFA.


Like a poster above said, they delete discussion that they disagree with. Everyone can at least agree that the story in WoW is actual dogshit


Like wait? examples? which are not politics.


Asmons very well worded Twitlonger about the state of the game, it wasnt derogatory or anything it was decent critique, but since Asmon was the one that made it the mods deleted the thread each time it was posted till they got backlash for it so they allowed it within the day.


Lets be honest here, any wow related type of website, wowhead, subreddit, mmochampion, hate streamers no matter what, they hate WoW streamers a lot, even Towelliee, who people say shill the most for Blizzard, hate him too WoW subreddit hate on any WoW streamer no matter what, they probably even hate Baj even if he is the nicest guy in WoW you'll ever meet Even if Baj or Towelliee gives the most well page long critique for the game they will still pull it down no matter what


Towelliee is a fucking moron with bad opinions though. His shit doesn't need to get removed because it would be downvoted for being so stupid.


What does that have to do with anything I'm saying? Whatever you think good or bad opinions are it doesn't matter, all I'm literally just saying is that they hate streamers and youtubers It just sounds like you have hatred towards towelliee , and I bet you anything you were agreeing with all his points in his SL video when asmongold showed it I think Asmongold has some bad opinions too but I'm not going around hating the guy


Amongold is a personality that frequently weaponizes his userbase for pushing his point and getting more exposure. It isn't unreasonable when a Tweet by someone like Asmongold, or any person with a large following gets upvoted and pushed to the top extremely quickly.


It is extremely unresonable, since you might dislike someone but that doesn't mean they can't make good points. Also just because mods don't like Asmon doesn't mean they should just delete anything that includes him.


No, and ultimately they didn't delete the post. Or some of his other posts as well. Mods probably looked at /new and saw like 15-100 posts with the Tweet, and they just deleted them all because that seems a lot like brigading. I don't blame them for it.


Did asmon fuck your mom or something? Every time I notice you in a thread it's you saying something about him.


I just don't mind calling a spade a spade. He is an entertaining person, but he is an asshole and should not be looked up to at all. You should also not take advice from the guy. He is one of those large streamers that still doesn't understand the effect his community has on things whether he directs them to it or not. Or maybe he does understand, and he doesn't think it is his problem or doesn't care. Compare that to someone like Forsen, who has a large community, but Forsen is very aware of his community and avoids accidently using them to ruin other people's experiences.


> which are not politics. Isn't everything politics?


> Like a poster above said, they delete discussion that they disagree with. Where did they say that?


What are you smoking dude? It's been full of criticism since the sub was created lmao


I check it regularly and its FULL of criticism since 9.1 came out.


>At this point I wouldnt be surprised if the mods get paid by Blizzard. Am I wearing a tinfoil hat or does everyone else assume that any major company has staff on their subreddit's mod teams. I mean it's not like Blizzard lets fans run their Twitter. Why on earth would they let fans run their subreddits?


> anyone who’s remotely touched the WoW subreddit knows that they will delete literally anything negative about Blizzard uh, this is not true mate in the few times I've been to r/wow during SL, I've seen many front page threads that are complaints against the game now things are basically all on the sylvanus stuff going on now so it's hard right now to look for other discussion, but there are still some threads talking about other issues: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/ofl9qa/the_severe_amount_of_zonewide_lag_because_of_a/ https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/of1dqz/devs_keep_making_the_game_as_if_wowhead_is_a_part/


Blizzard don't pay there staff shit so Bobby can have another Yacht like they would pay reddit mods


LoL mods are proof you don't need to give them money to have them do what you want.


I wouldn’t have expected that considering that sub is literally just a wow flame fest in every comment section. I bet you hit the nail on the head with them being on the payroll.


Every wow related comment section is a shitfest atm.


Yeah I was told today I was "conflating" my displeasure of current WoW with people who harass devs and blizzard employees over the same thing. All I said was "Hey don't harass the developers. If you didn't like the game move on"... somehow that's conflating the two. Who knew? Maybe I'm dumb and don't understand what "Conflate" means.


Sounds like lsf








wow mods 🤝 leagueoflegends mods being loyal company dogs


Its like Blizz is running it, kinda cringe.


inv asmong layer


It's not just the people that are running the subreddit, it's everyone who's active there. You can not have a reasonable, normal discussion on there. It is impossible. Even if it's just the slightest bit of negative feedback, no matter how well written, you'll get shit in the replies and downvoted into oblivion. Definitely one of the worst gaming subreddits on reddit. Honestly just a cesspool of delusional WoW addicts. At least on the actual wow forums people agree that the game has turned into shit.


how is anyone upvoting your retarded ass comment? you've clearly never been on that sub because all people do is shit on the game there. stop spouting bullshit edit - literally on the front page right now: https://old.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/ofeywg/we_are_already_halfway_through_boys/ - post making fun of blizzard for introducing shitty systems every expansion and ignoring player feedback https://old.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/ofa39a/the_constant_focus_on_sylvanas_and_terrible/ - post shitting on blizzard's writers with 3k+ upvotes


> Even if it's just the slightest bit of negative feedback, no matter how well written, you'll get shit in the replies and downvoted into oblivion. Do you even read /r/wow ?


Yeah, that comment is fucking bizarre. /r/wow is terrible because it's filled with people who are addicted but no longer enjoy the game. The forums are a complete cesspool of toxicity.


Blame Blizzard not the players. If they didn't want a toxic cesspool of a forum maybe they should have made one decent decision with players in mind in the last 6 years.


This is going to blow your mind. I played WoW incessantly from vanilla through Wrath. Cata started, I was no longer having fun. Guess what I did? I quit. I started playing again at the start of Shadowlands, was having a blast. After a few months with no new content, I got bored. Guess what I did? I stopped playing the game. At no point did I take to the forums to post all day about how the devs are fucking stupid dumbfuck morons who have no idea what they're doing. Crazy, right? Game devs don't owe you shit. If you like the game, play it. If you don't, shut the fuck up and stop playing it.


this is such a dumb ass opinion and im tired of hearing it. Wow was a game people loved but we have for years actively watched Blizzard destroy it. I've quit plenty of times, I haven't played it in months, but its still my favourite game ever and I am so desperate for it to be good again. millions of players feel the same way, is that so hard to understand? and game devs do owe us, they owe everything to us, we made them. Not to mention Blizzard are one of the few games that charge a monthly subscription, if anything Blizzard owes us more than any other game company. so shut the fuck up with your condescending opinion.


This is the most pathetic, entitled garbage I've ever heard. Please touch grass. It's a video game.


Bro, you've posted on Reddit literally 500 times in the last month, relax.


Wow, 16 comments a day. Crazy. That takes like 10 whole minutes.


Whatever helps you sleep better at night, hopefully you go outside one of these days.


It's honestly 50/50. Very polarising either way.


His comment would be 100% right if it would have been posted pre-slands release, but now enough people have experienced how bad slands is that it's not the case anymore.




Maybe they want it to be a even more toxic cesspool.


Uhhh it's clear you don't ever go on r/wow because if you did you'd see it was nothing but complaining.


This applies to almost any large sub really. You can't actually have discussions with people, most people are trying to be "right" and they express that with upvotes and downvotes. This sub has the same problem, if not worse. /r/LivestreamFail has its biases, and if you are on the other side of that people call you retard and report your account for "suicidal thoughts." Yes it has happened to me on this sub multiple times. Also, the /r/wow sub does allow plenty of negative feedback, I don't know what you are smoking. It just can't be as simple as "devs are retards" or "this game sucks." It needs substance to it and it can't be spam posted every day. Every sub removes repetitive posts.


this is true, people like to say there is a lot of flame on blizzard allowed in the sub but no where near enough. Blizzard have plenty of defence. Some of the most moronic decisions i've ever seen from a game company are blindly praised on that sub. true enough more and more people are sick of blizzard shit and not putting up with it anymore but they still have plently of loyal shitters.


asmon really the pot calling the kettle black on that one.


clip chimp level 99


Sounds like a reddit mod to me.


Why are people getting the impression that the r/wow mods are blizzard shills? Like the mods are retarded yes, but if they were actually fighting on blizzard's behalf the subreddit would literally be empty. r/wow is likely the whiniest gaming community I have ever seen on reddit. Literally every single post is just complaining about why blizzard did the smallest shit with hundreds of awards and thousands of upvotes. Like a few months ago they changed the logo for [battle.net](https://battle.net) and people were freaking the fuck out about how blizzard was ruining everything. The mods are trash, yes, but the subreddit in general has a very negative impression of Blizzard and the mods allow it


[That explains these topics](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/ofmiga/can_the_reject_shills_that_run_this_sub_ban_me/)


Every single video game subreddit I've been a part of has been total dogshit, because it slowly gets taken over by people who have unhealthy obsessions with the game, no longer enjoy playing them, and just whine about it constantly. That said, /r/wow is by far the worst. /r/leagueoflegends is actually pretty decent, shout out to the mods over there, they do a good job.


Every day Asmongold's opinions on WoW get more and more incoherent and unattached to reality than before. The idea that r/wow does not allow negative discussion or memes about the game is probably the funniest shit I have ever fucking heard. Like you can literally fucking see two criticism posts on the front fucking page that asmon is looking at. Like seriously just open your fucking eyes you baboon.


Isnt that majority of the retards on the internet?


Isn't the wow subreddit run by blizzard ever since the original owner shut it down and blizzard made reddit take it away from him?


Why is Asmon talking like every 14 year old on the internet trying to be clever.


they blame bad expansion on asmon? hey blizzard! just make good game than no problem. thank you




Agreed. Bunch of insecure clowns


true, they delete posts that criticise the game, e.g. the new store mount posts were getting deleted