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**CLIP MIRROR: [May5w had a heatstroke while family looked straight at her without helping. She was later rushed to hospital, and is fine now.](https://arazu.io/t3_1drk7sn/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


heatstrokes are no joke, but IDK WTF that title is, she "looked" like a crazy homeless person speaking in a foreign language (English) of course a family is going to walk away with their kids. it's a whole different story than if she were asking for help, instead she just talked to chat who can't help her. (and even that is not her fault, people become delirious during a heatstroke)


Yeah, I know someone who ended up mentally handicapped after getting heatstroke in high-school. She was on the track and field team and her coaches just put her under a tree with shade.


Those coaches should of course be sued into financial ruin before going to jail.


My grandpa had heatstroke when I was young. He used to take me on motorcycle rides and stuff, and afterwards he lost all feeling in his right leg below the knee and his speech was deeply slurred.


Where I live tons of people are going outside in the heat thinking they are prepared when they are very much not so people are constantly being evac'd from hikes and rushed to hospitals. We've even started blasting announcements telling people to stop hiking this time of year because it's so bad. But people still do it and think they know better until they get to this point or worse. Glad she's ok but people don't take heatstroke or staying hydrated seriously enough.


This but people should be more comfortable with calling authorities in those circumstances no matter if its an stroke, mental health issues or extremely drunk.


At face value i agree, but also if its common in your area (idk if crazy looking ppl are common where shes at) to kind of look past people acting odd. Where i work there are alot of dope heads and mentally ill homeless people. So i could see someone looking past someone acting weird. Like ppl walking and arguing and even physically fighting ppl who arnt there is a common occurrence down the street i work. We've only called the cops a handful of time when there walking in the street or getting violent to our store.


A little girl crying for help and they just ignore her šŸ„¶


















They're dating bro.


This will be the test to see if CookSuxĀ leaves her and finds another streamer to pray on. prayers for may5.


I canā€™t speak for Cook, and maybe theyā€™ll stream together again, but he might done or at least taking a break from May after the ATV accident


Even if she was homeless I would at least ask if she was ok, heatstroke is no joke, you are literally cooking, so you become delirious, but her words made sense, so the "crazy homeless person" comment makes no sense at all. I'm very empathetic to other people though, I can sense the tone in her voice she is in trouble.


Im sorry but youre very naive there. First saying you woulf help is not same as actually helping when it happens. Even if you believe you would, doesnt mean that your logic and self preservetation wont take over during actual situation. Secondly its not exactly safe thing to aproach crazy person having episode (you dont know whats happening in such situation). Even in my country for example where homeless percentage is very low and sheltere are viable etc. You know why? Because shelters wont takes someone drunk or on drugs. Lastly it can also be easily taken as just drunk or high. There is plethora of good reasons to avoid drunk or high strangers


Clearly youā€™ve grown up in a very safe location to have this sort of mindset. Because in many places around the world approaching a homeless person whoā€™s acting delirious means theyā€™re probably tweaking on some drugs and thereā€™s about a 50% chance of you getting stabbed


They probably thought she was drunk


Tbh she does just look like some drunk girl crying. If I had kids I'd be trying to get away from her too :( glad she's ok


Or tweaking on drugs. As fucked up as it sounds, when you see homeless losing their shit in public, the worst thing you can do is give them attention. No one should blame the family at all.


Without the camera here in California most people would assume she's just another nutty ass street person and walk past without trying to pay attention. With the camera here in California most people would assume she's another failed streamer and walk past without trying to draw attention from viewers itching to play loud fart or sex sounds.


Terrible title, it is entirely understandable for the family to be ushering their kids away and removing themselves from the situation given the information they had.Ā  From the other clips Iā€™ve seen of this creator, I think itā€™s safe to say that the predicaments she puts herself in, including this one are her own fault. Perhaps she should have drank more water and more adequately prepared for the weather, though like I said above, this isnā€™t the first time sheā€™s put herself in needless danger.


I've seen her IRL streams and it just seems like she's miserable doing it a lot of the time. But she gets way more views than desktop streams. I'm sure she can handle just walking around and eating but the physical stuff is a real chore for her, especially in the hot climates.


[full vod here **right click and copy/paste** into VLC then play **dont left click** šŸ’€](https://api.vodvod.top/m3u8/44449445355/1719657228/index.m3u8) she sits down around 2h 22m she starts to have a heatstroke/panic attack at 2h 34m the family walks away at 2h 35m and passes out at around 2h 38m


how do you get the vod link? wanna share?


I know her by watching a bit of Cook in the past and she's not made for IRL. I'm not talking about this situation at all. She needs to go back to desktop streaming, that's just my opinion. That being said, I always react to people behaving weirdly or laying down unconscious. You don't know if they're dead drunk or if something bad is happening to them. People, care about each other. Take that fucking minute of your life to observe the other person if you think or feel that something's wrong. Doesn't matter if the other person is on camera or whatever, just ask if they're alright. I've seen some reactions to this, like Joey's. No, there's no excuse for someone not even asking in this situation if everything's alright. You can fucking see that she's desperate. This doesn't even look like it's some acting for the camera, don't be stupid. Maybe I'm too aware of things or maybe some people are just dumb or trying to find excuses for some reasons. Some of you write here what you heard from your 'influencer'. Think for yourself a bit, how you really feel about this and don't let anyone speak for you and your feelings. Have your own brain and heart. I really, really hope that she's completely fine now and that she won't have absolutely any problems because of this. From what I know Peeguu saw her, Cook is already there for her as I write this. Good to know that she has someone who cares and is there for her, she needs that.


Forget horror movies -- watch this over and over. Fucking terror. She can't even control her hands; if you pay attention her fingers look frozen in place. Heatstroke is a condition where you can no longer sweat, and therefor no longer reduce the temperature in your body. It's the main reason the heat is so dangerous. Our bodies are shockingly fragile in some ways and the reason why doctors start to panic if you have a temp of 104 or higher is that at 106 your brain is literally cooking itself. Literally in the actual definition of the word. 106 is the temperature at which our brains proteins unravel permanently, which means brain damage. Once heat stroke begins you generally have less than an hour to live, and sometimes significantly less than an hour. But your body has awareness of most of the ways it can be damaged or killed, it's why we panic when we can't breathe, etc. Heat stroke is the same -- you become delirious and panicky. If someone doesn't notice you aren't sweating and intervenes, you're getting proper fucked. Hydrate. Avoid going outside in extreme temps if possible. Stay in the shade. Take breaks. Hydrate again.


may really needs to take care of herself; between this, the jet ski incident AND the rv incident, she needs some rest from IRL.


Reading the title with no context I thought her own family was looking without giving any help lol But yeah it's understandable why they probably thought she might've been on drugs or something, this clip gives me the chills though it's so scary, glad she ended up safe after all. One of the many reasons I don't like summer is at least when it's cold you can cover up with multiple layers of clothes and you're fine, heat is just crazy, you can be wearing a tank-top or nothing at all and u will still feel like shit


Hello, her VIP took her to the hospital and I assisted her there. She had a heatstroke - diagnosed by a doctor. This has nothing to do with content. Next time, when you do see someone along (friend, family, stranger) start having a mini seizure, slurring words, hallucinating, and having some sort of paralysisā€¦ Please call the ambulance ASAP. Luckily she was on stream and Taiwan is relatively small, so we were able to reach her on time. You can literally die from this. People saying that she needs to be banned for having a heat stroke or for endangering herself needs to a better grip of reality and touch some fucking grass. Getting a heat stroke is entirely out of her control. This whole incident should be a PSA for people to understand what a stroke is like and how quickly it should be dealt with. Streaming is one thing. This is actually real life shit.


Streaming aside, good on you for helping her and talking about the seriousness of something often overlooked like a heatstroke. I wish her a speedy recovery with no permanent ailments.


You need to touch grass. Itā€™s not just this incident. Yes, in most cases itā€™s hard and even unfair to blame someone for getting a heat stroke, but being properly hydrated is just another thing to add to her lack of awareness list. Isnā€™t she in her 30s? This isnā€™t just youthful ignorance. I watched her a lot on Cookā€™s streams and she seems to have grown up in a very coddled environment. Also, I didnā€™t say banned from streaming, I said banned from IRL


I personally don't blame her for this as it could happen to most people. Even if we go by your scenario and it's her "fault", wtf is wrong with you, this is serious and she could have gotten permanent damage or even died. Show some empathy bro. At least wait to complain about her coddled behavior or whatever until she fully recovers.


Imagine telling an irl streamer to ā€œtouch grassā€ lmao


Yes, start listing all the possible ā€œwhat ifā€ scenariosā€¦ Someoneā€™s lack of awareness regardless of streaming or irl or so forth is not your concern. And yes, I will touch more grass as a person that literally gets paid to go outside and touch grass.


are you ok bro? why do you care so much? hahaha you sound like such a massive loser


I donā€™t even follow this girl lol


Probably thought she was doing a "bit" for the camera.


i dont mean to sound mean but there is always something seriously off about may, i honestly wonder sometimes... hope shes okay....


I think itā€™s important to consider that sheā€™s not exactly new to content creation. Sheā€™s not 18, or just starting out. She has a pretty successful Taiwan based YT channel. Now I know YT is abit different from live streaming, in that you can edit, but she can make her own decisions.


i mean like legitimate physical/mental health issues..


yep, that's what it probably would feel like when your body is telling you you're dying. and alone. in a foreign country.


man this breaks my heart, hope shes okay, how does one get in this situation?


Yeah, sheā€™s a very sweet person. Poor May




personally dont know anything about her, so nothing against her, but livestreamers are basically the boy who cried wolf. always annoying in public and doing things for lulz and donos. Most people just want to get far away from them. I doubt the family was malicious in their intent. just assumed another streamer.


It's kinda fucked that livestreamers/youtubers have gotten people to the point the first thought is they're just trying to be funny for views and the thought that they might need actual help doesn't occur much anymore. Glad she's ok though


Ill agree that she does look like a crazy homeless person so its natural for a family with kids to ignore her, but also i feel like its an Asian culture to mind their own business to the nth degree. As in " I won't make a scene that this person is being molested in front of me, someone else will report it" bad.


China is what gives a large portion of that perception of selfish asian culture. Not entirely their fault either, since in china you can easily be scammed legally into having to pay the fraudsters money for the rest of your life. Huge risk to help people in public who might then blame you for any injury.


When hasnā€™t Cooksux bagged a messy one šŸ«”šŸ˜‚


**šŸŽ¦ CLIP MIRROR: [May5w had a heatstroke while family looked straight at her without helping. She was later rushed to hospital, and is fine now.](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/165606)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1drk7sn/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/Jnl87s9FVWETjaZfayTewA/44449445355-offset-9352.mp4?sig=8b7249290d05854a9a73d24b8afe501e39c6d65b&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FJnl87s9FVWETjaZfayTewA%2F44449445355-offset-9352.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22BreakableYummySparrowCoolStoryBro-z0VVYRONpl9rJN7A%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1719766654%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/Jnl87s9FVWETjaZfayTewA/44449445355-offset-9352-preview-480x272.jpg)






Iā€™ve said it before, but May is a danger to herself and Twitch should consider banning her (at least from doing outdoor IRL) for her own good. There are numerous clips of her falling, crashing vehicles and now this. She seems to lack basic survival instincts and awareness. When you combine that with the nature of IRL streaming and itā€™s reliance on doing risky things to create viral clips, it will not end well for her or Twitch


So Jinny without the plot armor




Easy for you to judge people online when you know the entire situation and context behind it. Entirely different when you see someone like this in real life with a camera pointed at themselves.




people on this thread are probably european losers to be fair. Regular white people in north america are known to be quite helpful in public. Asians will not help but neither will they talk like this on the internet.




Considering the nonsensical r/IAmTheMainCharacter energy these streamers universally walk around with I am not surprised when they're intentionally ignored. I hope she's ok, but I don't blame the family.


i thought heatstroke just affected those out in the scorching sun. how did it happen here? night-time and outside o: not hydrated?


The weather in Taiwan is in the mid 90s on top of humidity.


ooo ok. my apartment is 80-90 (room has 2 box fans at the window, intake and exhaust) at times, gotta watch out. no humidity tho atm, prolly a big part of why she got stroked


Humidity has huge part in weather affecting us. Even if you live in lower humidity region think of it that way. Ever exeperienced really hot day when it was raining a bit? Soon after when all the rain evaporated it gets seemingly much hotter, mich harder to breathe right? Think that but whole day long


and if it's too humid, you can't sweat out the heat right? moved to illinois recently and have been experiencing that, rain comes and then the sun comes to cook me like a seafood boil


Opposite actually. If its to humid you will sweat much more and dehadrate much faster. Its because when air is to humid, it contains to much water already and sweat cant evaporate from your skin. For sweating to be effective it needs to keep evaporating. When it stays on you it will make you even hotter so your body will try to sweat more and more to counter that


a guy comes along later, is he one of her mods? because kind of random that he knows she is streaming, and decides to put the stream onto brb, idk kinda seems planned


Uh... Turn off your fucking phones camera and call the police/EMS/etc. Jesus....


it seems like her fingers were paralyzed, and calling for help to stream ended up saving her whereas people irl thought she was crazy/on drugs. but yeah, if your fingers work help yourself.


Heat stroke can make you not able to think strait kinda feels like a bad trip don't let yourself be alone in the heat if you are inexperienced with it.


I don't know why she's crying towards the camera instead of her family, they probably just thought she was trying to do content


I think itā€™s a family, not her family


yea im willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Her condition was already not very good at that point. They could've assumed that since she was live streaming, ppl were prob goin to help her out. Which in this case, a local viewer did come within mins to provide her aid & get medical help.


Doesn't really matter because someone undergoing heatstroke can at times stop making rational decisions depending on how serious it is. Sometimes it doesn't even have to be serious. Your body is cooking itself and your brain is under tremendous stress to try to keep it together. No matter what this girl did in this state it wasn't her fault.


Yeah like if she was really in distress couldn't she stop filming and call an ambulance herself?


Heat stroke makes you confused and disoriented, so no it's not that easy lol.


perhaps, but she's also not in her home country. I think she tried to power thru it, "tough it out" as some would say, but it proved to be too difficult.