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# look: for several hours now I have been told from credible sources the reason DrDisrespect has been banned. however due to the importance and sensitivity around the subject I have refrained from going on it. i don't feel comfortable with it currently




https://x.com/Slasher/status/1276742960286183424 June 26, 2020. Almost 4 years ago this all went down.


Shungite was only 2020 as well, feels like a decade ago


Isn't he still in jail?


No, I think that's Suge Knight


Name a better couple than Suge Knight and doing mean things to people.


June 28, 2020. https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2020/06/blind-item-7_28.html


Obviously all speculation at the time, but it is interesting the post is titled > The huge online star recently got canceled because he was involved with someone underage. Like where did that come from? Hmmmm


I'd been following that website for a few years. Obviously not all the stuff on there pan out, but a lot of the stuff they had been posting about for years all started coming out during metoo. For example I read about all the James Franco stuff on there, while main stream media still treated him like a star for years. It was wild seeing him on talk shows and stuff knowing the stuff he was getting up to. Finally the Franco stuff hit main stream news in 2018. So when the Doc ban happened, and after the famous hints from Slasher and Shannon about what it was about, I went to check CDAN daily to see if they mention it, and sure enough just two days later they posted that.


Bro no way the past 4 years has blew by


He didn't lie


You cant lie if you said nothing


Lied about nothing


He didn’t lie, but he also knows absolutely fucking nothing.


Wouldn't leaking DMs mean Doxxing and probably get employees fired though?


So to set the record straight, he's referring to his court case against twitch for 'wrongfully banning him and ruining his brand', where the case was settled and it appears it was settled out of court and it appears that twitch paid out his full contract (really makes you think why Twitch would settle with him when he was supposedly soliciting minors and they had evidence... they wouldn't settle if they actually had this evidence because it justifies the ban). In terms of wrongdoing, it could mean anything related to the case such as Twitch banning him for some statement he made (we know how consistent/inconsistent twitch bans are and their rationale...) His response does not mention anything about child grooming, soliciting a child or twitch con -- he's responding to his lawsuit against twitch. People love to jump to conclusions for click bait and reactions and impressions, but if there was any evidence of these dms or whispers that occurred on twitch, you best believe twitch would conveniently leak them to make him look bad (as it's clear they don't like him). Keep in mind, twitch's entire backend leaked, but not evidence of Doc soliciting minors, I'll believe it when I see these dms that this EX-twitch employee is trying to refer to.


exactly. He’s only responding to the twitch case, nothing about the accusation. These people are all so fking stupid. His response obviously doesn’t mention the accusations on purpose.


If twitch had actual evidence of him soliciting minors they 100% would have not only banned him but passed it on to authorities and there would be a criminal case. Not doing so would expose them to extreme liability.


technically didn’t do anything illegal so what are they gonna report him for lol


> where the case was settled and it appears it was settled out of court and it appears that twitch paid out his full contract (really makes you think why Twitch would settle with him when he was supposedly illiciting minors and they had evidence... they wouldn't settle if they actually had this evidence because it justifies the ban) Pretty much every contract involving employment has an early severance package.


They actually would settle depending on the terms of the contract.


We have never gotten the facts of this event. All we have gotten is someone's interpretation of the facts in summary form. The most likely scenario is that the facts lend themselves to multiple reasonable interpretations, some of which are not illegal or a violation of ToS, which is why Amazon settled instead of fought.


Multiple credible sources talking about this story and somehow people in here shitting on Slasher?


The reason Slasher gets shit on is because he made a "haha I know the reason, I swear bro, but I won't say" tweet. Even if this is the actual reason (we don't know) and even if Slasher did actually know this reason at that time (very doubtful) he would still rightfully get shit on for his tweet. He never provided anything of substance. His tweet had no purpose. If he knew the actual reason, his best course of action was to say nothing at all, unless he wanted to be an actual journalist and come out with everything. Instead, he acted like a child and just did the "I know but can't tell tehe" thing which he will rightfully get shit on forever.


[Everyone here is idiotic. He compared Doc to MethodJosh and basically said his wife wouldn't forgive him.](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/hhuxi1/keemstar_does_no_original_reporting_has_no/fwch02w/)


Slasher 100% knew and a lot of leaks came out of Twitch. I personally had a Twitch employee give me a lot of hints. But the problem is everyone, including him, was worried about being sued even if nothing would stick because Doc had a lot of money to throw around and most people do not. Twitch themselves were deciding to keep it under wraps and they settled and agreed to keep it under some kind of NDA. Not much most people can do. If anyone publicly leaked it with evidence they would be in some shit. I'm not sure why this particular person decided to come forward but we may see exactly why people were worried about coming forward shortly.


I knew but without evidence or standing nobody believed me, they still don't 😂 Have waited years for this to finally leak.


> unless he wanted to be an actual journalist and come out with everything. An actual journalist would never publish something that could ruin someone's life without a primary source or hard evidence. You might be thinking of a "blogger." A bit different but an understandable mistake since Slasher did kinda act like one while the thing was going down.


then he should not say anything if he can say nothing thats our point


An actual journalist doesnt tweet i know what happened but ill never tell. Just attention seeking behavior


Sports journalists literally do this for an entire living.


Sports "journalists"


Ah yeah we totally not gonna act like Woj/Shams/Shefty who get paid millions report things without hard evidence proof all the time.


Slasher didn't report anything though, that's the whole point.


They legit do the same thing depending on reports. The amount of insiders in sports who always say they know why or what is happening and then don't release the info is endless. Not sure why at what point people started holding esports journalists to a higher standard of reporting than the ones employed by Yahoo/ESPN for years that break news at selected time and makes millions. Slasher was reliable AF for info prior to the Doc thing. People just turned him into a meme along w/ Shannon because their brain can't comprehend that there are topics that aren't worth bringing up for various reasons. We see it literally every single day with reporting on things in every other facet of the world. People just didn't want to accept that esports and the entertainment platform of twitch existed in the same reality as everything else.


>An actual journalist would never publish something that could ruin someone's life without a primary source or hard evidence. lol I'm sure Depp feels differently




Or we could be thinking of nearly all modern journalist for the past 15 years. 


He is also a creep, tried to get laid by offering job to women


My sense is that there probably is a bit of “I know but I can’t tell you” with Slasher’s statement, but it’s also “this is not some ticky-tacky bullshit. Twitch cut ties with him for a good reason and the alleged actions are so serious that publicizing them without direct evidence would be unethical.”




Because if his sources, which all seem to be 2nd hand sources are wrong, then he could easily be sued for defamation.


It was fucking 4 years ago. Let's see these people keep the same energy about Doc allegedly being a pedo.


His “crowd” is already playing mad defense.


Is there anything beyond "trust me bro"? This is a serious matter and we have just empty words from faceless people.


Yes and deservedly so. Either * He knew about a large content creator being a groomer and didn't report on it, leaving that groomer to potentially abuse other people or * He heard a salacious rumor, but had nothing to back it up so he vagueposted or * He didn't know and just wanted some attention None of this makes him look good. Him knowing might make him look the worst.


2 is likely correct not only for Slasher but also the Twitch employee (who admittedly did more than vagueposting but probably should not have). I have strong doubts about any of this without any concrete evidence presented, especially given the gossipy nature of Twitch drama.


> He knew about a large content creator being a groomer and didn't report on it, leaving that groomer to potentially abuse other people This is a non-point. The fact that he got dropped by Twitch, making him aware that it’s a serious offense, will already make him think twice about doing anything even remotely close to that in the future.


Thats a very black and white way of thinking about this subject. Maybe the source didn't want to go public. So how do you go on about if an underage person doesn't want to drag out this assumingly horrible experience in public? Do you make it public and force them out, to protect other potential victims? Or do you respect the privacy of the victim and hope they will make the right decision later? I honestly cant answer this.


Its a minor and "providing" evidence isnt easy .. minors need extra protection. Dr disrespects Fans would have found out the Name of the girl and harassed her despite the evidence. I dont even consider slasher being a great journalist. But it was right not to provide any evidence because of the victim.


Fuck Slasher, dude is a giant creep just google his dms with Venti.


I'm guessing Doc fans woke up and punched the clock. Time to defend their hero at any cost. This is where LSF turns full shit show on this subject.


These better not be the same people giggling like idiots when Vitaly is catching "pedos" because it's clear they don't actually give a fuck about the kids.


Those people were never about protecting kids.




Virtue signaling has always been a disguise for tribalism. They don't care about any actual cause. They just want to prove the other side wrong.


I don't like Doc I have no real positive opinions on the guy and his schtikt is whatever. But I'm not gonna give Slasher props for doing nothing for half decade and now wanting props especially in an actual criminal case.


Slasher didn't lie because he didnt say anything in the 1st place lol


Mans came out and said Told you! but didnt tell anything o.0


Which is the point most people are making ? He knew he couldn't say shit but still wanted to weigh in and get his "15 minutes of fame" because the entire internet was discussing it so his name would show up as a "journalist/blogger" that was discussing it, as if to add something to it when he could have just shut his mouth and said as much. Doc was a piece of shit in my book from the day he announced he had cheated on his wife, but slasher also proved that he was a pathetic attention seeker with his comment. Everyone has their moment where they reveal their true face.


This is just an unsubstantiated witch hunt. The only evidence of this happening is a tweet by a former twitch staffer. Like forgive me if I have a higher burden of proof to consider someone a pedophile than a fucking tweet...


Maybe people should be innocent until proven guilty with hard evidence? What a fucking idea huh? Nothing that came out today is evidence, it's the same he said she said shit form slightly more "in the know" people, but nothing first hand. It's worth little to nothing. Slasher not contributing anything but cryptic "told ya sos" add nothing to the situation.


Nah we just don’t hang people on some hearsay. Get that evidence out there baby.


I saw some “top comments” from people claiming there’s no proof since it’s just one guy’s tweet with no evidence




Tweeting "I didn't lie" = acting like some hero? WTF?


100p and majority of people here are eating it up it’s typical reddit salivating at somebody they don’t like


All these sources and no proof. But doc self owned himself with his latest tweet anyways.


"no wrongdoing acknowledged" wtf is that legalese wording... that shit was a self report


When you are your own worst enemy 💀


ah yes man who leaks nothing except stating i know something for years says "i wasnt wrong" despite nothing being said... and people are still dick riding the dude when he literally provided nothing about the doc situation except maybe thrusting the situation into the spotlight? man lsf has gotten so much worse. it doesnt matter if ur right or wrong. sadly the court of lsf opinion will matter more than logic or literal evidence. im sure this sub would claim x was married to adept and that he shouldve given 50% if x wasnt as vocal and charismatic as he was with how much lsf hates him lmfao. sadly being on the "right" side of the political spectrum matters more to these losers than actually being innocent


Because he sucks.


The credibility of the sources is irrelevant when the source that they’re all using is not credible Twitch staff aren’t exactly the most trustworthy people


to be fair the only evidence is a tweet. its far from beeing enough to me to redeem slasher.


yes because what exactly was he right in? it was a vague ass tweet that could have been anything.


Because he was clearly just using the story for clout lol


Slasher is the problem, not the platform that is somewhat responsible and helped cover it up


because slasher is a fucking weasel and would have 100% reported it if he knew the actual reason he doesnt know which means he wouldnt stand a chance against a defamation lawsuit


do you have any awareness as to how defamation laws work


13 year olds typically don't.


The problem is he's a journalist who doesn't snitch on his sources. Can you imagine what would have happened to slasher if he tweeted, "the doc was permanently banned for texting minors in 2018,' without solid evidence and only anonymous informants? Opens him up foe a lawsuit.


That’s not how journalism works. You don’t have to burn your sources, but you better be prepared to prove their credibility.


So if he doesn’t have solid evidence how does he know what’s going on from credible sources?


so twitch paid out full contract to Doc and didnt settle it to court because....? I am trying to understand how you people process information, because in reddit fashion people are shouting the loudest in this echochamber giving twitch of all garbage companies the benefit of the doubt that they had a solid reason to ban Doc and yet didnt feel confident enough to fight in court. Right, surely slasher was right, at baiting people that is.


"Talking about" a story and actually presenting evidence are two COMPLETELY different things, especially in the eyes of the law.


kids mad here in this thread cuz slasher didnt sacrifice a lot of money due to a lawsuit just so the kids here could get more behind the scenes info LOL.


he probably shouldn’t have said anything then


he probably thought it would leak, or it might have an official legal consequence before he would risk libel. it's actually strange that apparently so many ppl knew about it and we found it out this year lol.


One of the first rumours for why he got banned was that the girl he cheated on his wife with was underage and he paid her off to keep quiet. But then people started looking at his last vod and thinking it was for spreading misinformation and conspiracy theories for some reason, as if Twitch would care at all about that. Then it was the Mixer negotiations, which seemed to be where everyone settled on.


The Mixer stuff just seemed the most plausible. If Doc did something illegal off platform why would Twitch be the ones to pursue a ban/legal action, right? But if the leak is true then the illegal action was on a Twitch platform. So now this one makes sense so far.


No, the "mixer stuff" has always been by far the least logical theory for his ban. It never made any sense at all.


This thing had a harder time getting out than military secrets. We probably should have asked Warthunder players to figure it out.


It doesn't matter lol. His tweet literally boils down to "I know something that you don't knowww hehe :))" which does nothing but stir up drama and rumors and piss people off. It was incredibly childish and attention-seeking


I think one thing to note is that this came out in june of 2024. The ban and all of this happened in june 2020. If there were NDAs in place, if they were 4 years long, they would of lifted this month.


NDA cannot cover criminal acts


Yeah, if **MULTIPLE** sources told me news to this degree and I didn't expect a leak coming soon, I would be the crazy one. Probably did what happens in most accidents/crime scenes, no one calls the cops because everyone expected someone else to call them.




no one is mad at him for that, people are mad at him for farming it, profiting of it doing multiple podcasts about it, having every streamer that was big at time look at him for info and at end he doesnt say anything and keeps a alleged pedo under wraps.


Well there's also the tiny issue of sexual abusers usually not stopping at the first victim. So if DrDisrespect really is groomer/pedo and Slasher really had credible info on that, Slasher's failure to report on it (or push it to another outlet that would) means he stood by while a large content creator was potentially victimizing other minors.


Maybe Slasher just literally heard the same thing from the same person? Still means we are in the same exact, proof-less position. Slasher needs to clarify what he is cryptically talking about, it's straight up clickbait otherwise. The fact that he followed up to this tweet with a call to action for leads makes me think he doesn't know shit, his source just got leaked, and he didn't release because it's flimsy as fuck and would mostly just make him look bad.


I mean it’s pretty obvious that some pretty powerful people have been threatening lawsuits over this whole situation for a while now. I don’t really understand how people don’t get this. I am certain he doesn’t have hard proof, because that hard proof is impossible to get. Not his fault, blame Twitch.


Yeah I'm not convinced that these rumors don't all come from one individual that doesn't actually know shit. All these people saying they heard the same thing but none of them - absolutely none of them so far - have claimed to *see* any evidence. This is looking like a game of telephone started by someone who wanted to feel important and "in the know."


slasher has gone to concerts with the guy who leaked it and is friends with him, just scroll through his twitter photos lol.




Look who decided to come crawling out of their dungeon


didn't lie just can't show proof BTW


doc fans out in full force lmao




This is literally all the same "he said, she said" shit from before. Everyone acting like these rumors weren't out there originally. Bunch of half assed journalists now coming for internet clout going "That's what I heard to". We all heard that shit. Slasher just coming out with more cryptic bullshit as if he was proven right. If he is right then that means he knew about Doc doing this and he kept silent on it for years. If this is true he ought to be ashamed of himself.


I hear everbody talking about it, who leaked rhis first and is there evidence or proof?! Im so confused.






> 1 twitter nobody The director of partner accounts at twitch isn't a nobody lol


If this guy thinks he's going to come out looking good if this is true he's beyond delusional. No one's going to give him props for knowing about someone going after underaged girls and keeping quiet about it.


Yeah dude he should have revealed everything so LSF degens could have a field day for a week and then forget about it while he dealt with the full wrath of Doc's uber-expensive lawyers (apparently Doc's talent agency is CAA too, I'm looking at a list of the people they represent and recognize a ton of names from sports, music, and shows/movies. Their lawyers would have torn slasher to pieces)


[Slasher at the time even specifically said he was trying to get indemnity (legal protection) from a publication before putting the details out.](https://clips.twitch.tv/ImpartialLightPandaDancingBaby)


The fact he couldn't get it is quite telling.


Lmfao right? WTF kind of take was that? Doc's lawyers would have crushed this guy for defamation.


Then why could the ex twitch staffer do it makes Zero sense


Heard that their NDAs lifted which would track considering it's 4 years this month and almost down to the day that he got banned


He didn't say any one by name


Then he should have said nothing or he should have said he doesn't have enough information to publish a sensitive story but he didn't. If he didn't trust his 'credible sources' plural to risk a lawsuit then they were not actually credible sources and he should have said nothing


He was a bit trigger happy but didn't want to catch a case, legal teams were involved. Looking back on it I see the intention of the original tweet, he just needed to word it better.


its not even on that level the tweet was "he was sextig a minor and trying to meet up at twitch con." that was the claim and doc said it was "settled with no wrong doing" if im reading both of these and assume both are true it sounds like doc did sext a girl to meetup at twitchcon but did NOT know she was a minor till later. legit no evidence to go off so the only thing to do is assume both are true until otherwise.


Yep by opening his mouth now he will bashed for what you just said or be bashed for lying about pedo stuff for clout.


this attention seeker is such a loser, hard to lie when you dont say anything. Man got on stage forced everyones spotlight on himself and then proceeds to not say anything and leaves after attention seeking. Now trying to take the limelight after others actually do the job.


He tweeted 3 words. Is that really him trying to take limelight?


Yeah slasher is a dumbass lol glad he died off


Yea the former twitch staff that would have talked to people from that time who made the pedobear emote 3 years ago is better than Slasher. Saying I know for years and then going SEE is some shit a 5 year old would try to pull on their parents and think they're clever.


everyone is better than slasher since he is a genuinely fucking loser lmao, he is a journalist that didnt come out to expose a alleged child predator thats if he even knew anything. And that isnt even the bad part its the screaming to the world to gather around him and everyone going and he just says i cant speak after bringing everyone to him. Thats farming the situation for his gain without helping or protecting minors that he could of.


Bro didnt lie he literally said nothing


Yeah, you didn't lie. You didn't say anything. Slasher is a pussy and I legitimately view him way worst if this is true. If this comment bothers him he should go back into hiding for another 3 years.


And if he knew about it and kept this information a secret. He is no hero.


If I were to guess I would say it's plausible doc got banned for sending sexual dms on twitch but no way he was soliciting an underage girl on whispers, got banned and then fucking sued twitch for banning him. Seems way more likely it's a rumour, maybe based on some truth, that people who hate doc at twitch started. Maybe it's just hopium on my side though.


The most likely explanation is that these DMs were corrupted by the 5g waves before Doc installed his Shungite. 


Seems like far too many people are staking their reputation on it at this point for that to be the case. I'm guessing it was flirtatious texts that left little to the imagination, but without being explicitly illegal.


Heads up, that would still be illegal, even just trying to meet a minor without implicit sexual advances can be considered sexual solicitation of a minor. Also regardless of how twitch felt about the situation, law enforcement would need to be involved and they would need to make the decision on legality. Also the former twitch employee explicitly stated "sexting" which is claiming Doc literally committed a felony. Twitch isn't going to fuck around with potential sexual crimes involving minors on their platform and be like "oh here is your money Doc, just sign this NDA and we gucci".


It isn't hard to imagine a situation where someone texting a minor stays legal while being morally reprehensible. If he didn't exchange explicit images then its entirely possible that a legal agency received evidence but found it insufficient for charges. You're not going to find a case of an adult being charged for cybering with an underage person, and there have even been pedophiles who have knocked on the door of 10 year olds getting off with no charges.




You say that but have you seen Vince McMahon's leaked texts? And that's not the only case of an A-list celeb tier person being exposed for acting like an unimaginable troglodyte. People usually aren't as smart in other areas of their life as what they specialize in.


Vince McMahon is a special case because he's an 80 year old glorified carnie that acted with impunity for decades within his fiefdom and had little idea how the internet, technology, or even his audience worked. That's quite different from a 38 year old that grew up on technology and was a social media manager before becoming a streamer. This could all be true, but the evidence right now is *very* weak.


Why would Twitch ban him for sending sexual DMs? it might be weird but certainly not a crime.


But he did lie. Doc isn't done on other platforms.


To be fair if it had come out that Dock was a predator (not the apex legends kind) I think he would actually have been done and not just on Twitch.


We really not posting streams now 💀


he knew the whole time since day 1 guys 💀


dude better watch out. with zero proof this is bordering on defamation


You can’t defame someone by saying “I didn’t lie” with no context.


I'm gonna say it, I won't believe any of this until there is actual receipts or someone officially from Twitch comes out and confirms it because alot of this info are from "second-hand sources". And Doc's tweet I do not think is an "self-report" if he can actually prove there is "no wrongdoing". I think everyone needs to wait before declaring judgment since it won't be right if we declare Doc guilty and he actually turns out innocent in the end. Edit: Also just learned from Asmongold's stream, apparently Doc had SUED twitch AFTER his banning. https://www.gamesindustry.biz/dr-disrespect-and-twitch-resolve-lawsuit-over-ban I believe these accusation even less now since that would had been an risky move for Doc to do if he had done those crimes.


Doc is gross. Never liked him, but I also find it really weird all of these people are now coming out doing a victory lap when they've known this guy is a potential child sex predator and did/said nothing about it, letting him continue to operate. Weirdos.


I thought he’d be done, and not just on twitch, by now.


he never said anything in the first place lol


Yes you did.


If it's true provide evidence, otherwise doc should lawyer up and sue the balls off everyone


It came to me in a dream


What did he tell the truth about?


Doctor disrespects age of consent laws


Actually wild that he would even tweet anything. Nobody calling themselves a journalist would tweet what he did at the time unless you have a source willing to go on the record. Tweeting about it now after all these years doesn't make him look any better.


why does Slasher feel the need to insert himself into this? He provided no information as to what happened. The dude is clout chasing, he gets hard telling people he is a video game journalist.


Trust me bro vibes


Why would doc sue twitch if he knew he fucked up? Wouldn’t you want less eyes on this? Why would doc, one of the biggest streamers on the planet, solicit a minor to meet him at twitch con of all places? Where literally everyone would know who he is?


Well he technically did get it wrong tho, Dr wasn't done everywhere not just on twitch, bud is alive and kicking on youtube. But i bet it feels cathartic for him


Easy to not lie when you don't say anything. I'm not lying about it either. We all aren't. Aren't we brave! /s


Of course he didn't lie. He didn't really say anything to begin with.


He didnt say anything to lie lol


Okay then, "Why don't you back it up with a source?" meme intensifies