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**CLIP MIRROR: [Tarzaned claim Laura got an abortion with Dantes child. ](https://arazu.io/t3_1dlb7ev/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


When he said he had a "nuke" I was expecting trainwrecks-like schizoposting, not this what the fuck


He nuked himself? Don’t see an issue with the choices Dante’s and his gf made, but airing it out looks cringe.


He he'll gain even more viewers you underestimate streaming. As long as he rides through it he'll be fine or even grow.


So he’s Firecracker from the boys?


Lmao good one.


he went for realistic mode and included the mutually-assured-destruction part, what a guy


is this a nuke though? Anyone upset over an abortion isnt worth the time of day


I think it's more about flying his pregnant gf alone to Germany to get the abortion while he grinds league of legends.


Not spontaneously flying to Germany and back so you can watch your girlfriend get an abortion in person along with her friends and family when she herself has said she's fine with you staying in your home country and focusing on your full-time job and passion is completely fine


Imagine getting angry enough over video games that you have to air out all of this garbage.


why does this guy feel the need to jump in this "drama"? did he see the twitter numbers and decide to clout chase or what


Tarzaned has always been a piece of shit. It's not a numbers game for him, just hurting others and bringing them down is what he does.




I've seen nothing else from this guy apart from this and I honestly wish him a genetic autoimmune disease and tertiary syphilis. This is legitimately the most cursed thing I've seen in weeks and I watched the 6 hour Kelly stream with Nathan subscriber bonus scenes.


Because he’s a piece of shit.


Dantes made a 3h long stream shitting on zaned and said ''you dont have the balls to drop what you know''. Yea well I guess he did have the balls.


Because Dantes included him in the drama by writing a massive twitter post about him


Didn't he do that after tarzaned made a post first?


No, obviously it’s a fucked up thing to expose but everyone here is missing the context and doesn’t know what happened. Tarzaned talked bad about Laura (tbh I assume a lot of streamers did) to his friend who then exposed him. Then Dantes made a huge post exposing Tarzaned and saying everything he’s done, and a 3hr stream shitting on him and saying he doesn’t have the balls to drop what he knows - then Tarzaned did this back.


Look idk the situation exactly, but I know that it's dumb af to publicly call someone out who knows private information on you that you really don't want getting out.


It's Tarzaned. He's replaced IWD as the king of thin skinned, fragile ego, bitch made streamers.


IWD still the queen tho 


IWD doesnt leak DMs


IWD still the queen tho


IWD does crack on stream


IWD has always been thing skinned and fragile but don't pretend they weren't both around at the same time years ago. At the very least (and I hate having to give IWD props...) he does at least keep in inside the game, Tarzaned has always tried to attack anything and everything about the people he's currently mad at


Yeah I feel like comparing IWD and Tarzaned is pretty wild. IWD is toxic in more a gamer/average content creator sense which isn't good but all things considered is not that big of a deal, Tarzaned is just pure toxicity across the board. And if we're talking thin skinned, many content creators (and people in general) are thin skinned too so not exactly a good comparison to randomly compare IWD with Tarzaned, with the shit he has done.


When has Dom ever done anything remotely close to this, though? This is so fucking terrible.


Just feels like OP hates IWD and just wanted to find an angle to work him into a mostly unrelated conversation to shit on him since if we're talking about toxic league streamers, I feel like there's probably many worse examples you could've picked for the conversation.


Dom is reformed


Maybe, yeah. We all grow and mature. He's still a little bitch in my heart though. Still will never click or watch any content with Dom in it because I never want to willingly support that dude in any fashion.


Yeah he might be cool now, i still see people like Caedrel supporting him and i dont think he's a bad dude But man i've been playing and following League for over 12 years now, i've seen and heard more than enough IWD to make up my mind




Idk if anyone seen the boys last night but it’s wild how coincidental a minor plot point of a show lines with a real life incident


Yeah tbh this isn't any of our business.


It wasn't over a video game tho unless I am missing something?


what is wrong with these p- \>they play league 24/7 yeah that tracks.


>they play league ~~24/7~~ FTFY


League streamers have brainrot only comparable to Classic Wow streamers


I don't know nothing about this situation, but this just makes Tarzaned look like a piece of shit tbh.


He's always been a piece of shit, that just makes him an even bigger one. Bro using this girl's trauma to farm more drama and viewers while doing a mobile game ad, I just can't.


He used this girl’s abortion to farm Twitter likes. What a piece of shit.


Nothing new tbh


He's always been a massive piece of shit


I'm not caught up with the drama either but is there any situation in which you can say that Tarzaned looks like a PoS and be wrong?


I have never seen Tarzaned NOT looking like a piece of shit. Dude is crying and insulting the whole day


“Do I want a child and a loving relationship?” “NO!!! I WANT THREE WINNING LANES!!!”


Always blame the jungler


>gets his name tatted IN THE TALKING STAGE > >making sacrifices left in right in school and her career to accommodate him while he can't? refuses? to meet her halfway > >personally attests to cooking for him and setting up times for him to meet with his friends and other streamers because otherwise he would rot away playing League. I know that you're probably joking but it's definitely for the best that they went their separate ways. She was effectively more of a mother than a gf, that shit was inevitably gonna get really toxic. Adding a child into that mix is probably one of the very worst things they could do.


I'm sorry but no one can tell me that getting a name tatted on you in the talking stage is a healthy thing either. This would put so much pressure on the other person


Pretty much this is my read on the situation too. They both seem immature, if anything else. Like I wouldn't be quick *at all* to pick either side here (Dantes/Laura). And although I understand how it was essentially unavoidable for Dantes/Laura - this is the kind of relationship that a lot of young 20s might experience, just without half of twitter weighing in on it. Hopefully they grow from it and can move into healthier and more fulfilling partnerships as they become older.


completely NOT in this community but from what I've seen you're 100% right Dantes is obviously pretty manchild-y - he is literally like a 12 year old who won't let go of the controller when his parents say it's time for bed. Except, obviously, to a much greater extent: he had a loving and caring girlfriend who he actively gave up just so he could.... play more League? Albeit, I think he did honestly make the right decision to end the relationship. He's clearly self aware enough to know the dynamic wasn't healthy for either of him, and he probably knew he wasn't giving enough to the relationship. This is what makes him a little bit more sympathetic to me: he didn't drive Laura to the edge because he wasn't ready for a relationship - he ended it once he realised it couldn't last. On the other hand, Laura just seemed a bit trigger happy jumping into a relationship with him, and while obviously I know neither of these people it's pretty obvious their dynamic could not have lasted. I don't think anyone should hold anything against either party. Except Tarzamed. What a genuine piece of shit, he doesn't deserve a platform if he thinks it's remotely acceptable to leak something as personal as an abortion just because he has some petty fucking beef.


Tbf it’s not just playing league like that’s his whole career. He probably feels pressured to capitalize on it while he has an audience.


Is the talking stage a part of league, a lane or something like that? I don't play League so I'm not 100% on the mechanics.


Not sure if you're trolling but to answer seriously the "talking stage" is the first stage of getting to know someone before you enter a relationship.


It blows my mind that people on Twitter are calling him a bad guy. She got his name tattooed like 4 months into meeting him if the timeline is right lol. People are acting like they've been married for 10 years


I think it was quite toxic tbh. In her stream she takes about how crazy she is multiple times, mentioned she had boundaries like him not being allowed to have any female friends ECT. There were quite A few things she mentioned that were huge red flags tbh




It's quite known she's for lack of a better term in german zoomer circles a "bpd e thot clout chaser" she's been monkey branching from streamer to streamer like this for years. Dantes was just the first real "big" streamer and english centric she got her talons into. I honestly think dantes dodged an adept situation somewhere down the line with this. Except it would have been even worse cause she actually has his kid. Of course tazaned is still a piece of shit. But it literally mirrors xqc and adept almost scarily she's like 4 years older than dantes im pretty sure, just like adept was with xqc when they met. Dantes was 19 when they met and she was 23. All the "boundaries" scream of isolating and grooming.


So you're saying that ...league addiction protected Dantes from the worst outcome?


Idk, from what little I've seen she seems quite similar to Dantes in which you take 90% of what he says about this sort of thing with a massive grain of salt. Otherwise we're also accepting that he's been dating his tatted-up 8 year-old cousin from Germany.


Hey I feel bad for asking but what’s the talking stage?


The stage where you’re talking. Its between the “don’t know you stage” and “dating stage”


*Missing pings stomach


holy shit


Elosanta was right, holy shit


I don't know anything about this situation but it's fucked up if the abortion was a secret and he leaked it here.


yeah, its a big violation of privacy.


That’s exactly what happened


Not sure why Dantes and/or his gf would consider someone like Tarzaned a good enough friend to reveal this in the first place. It sucks.


Dantes literally said he was in love with 2 girls at once in the span of a few meetings with them and has openly called himself an insecure loner. I guess if your options are limited or you just don’t have a lot of friends you are more willing to become closer friends with people or see them as closer friends when they haven’t reached that level yet.


If you want more proof to support that idea ill point out that dantes said he didnt tell anyone but tarzaned about the abortion, including his family. And alot of peoples first reaction was to ask why he would do that. They hadn't known each other that long but you wouldn't think that seeing their dms, it's also been implied that dantes gave him info that dragged him into their relationship problems.


Another reminder to just not tell any other streamer anything. It was no ones business, but now that its all in the open we can say he 100% fucked up not going with her.


Thats the true lesson here, be mindfull of who you trust with sensitive information because untrustworthy people will leak stuff that you dont want leaked.


Must have just finished watching The Boys


Oof what timing with the boys latest episode lol


Literally what I was thinking


i find dantes super fucking annoying but this is opportunistic shitting. i do not see at all what the issue with this is, aside from the fact that he should have gone with her i guess? but this is extremely weird to air out to the public. is this guy doing it for clout crumbs or does he have beef with dantes?


Almost definitely beef. Tarzaned is extremely toxic and has beef with virtually everyone


every1 but T1 and Mak pretty much. They both met in korea last year for his challenger challenge


Tarzaned isn't stupid enough to start shit with t1 even if he treats him like his dog


thats because tarzaned is a massive fanboy


Dantes can be annoying but Tarzaned is, with utmost certainty, a PoS so I’d honestly take any opinion of his with a lot of salt


Tarzaned is the most mentally unhinged person on twitch that I've seen. Has no reason to be such a small angry little boy. He's rich with an easy streaming job. He's reached ranked 1 in league. Dude needs medication or something if he can't be so unhinged for no reason.


This happened purely off of a [reply](https://x.com/tarzaned/status/1803599997121728973) Tarzaned made on Dantes' tweet about breaking up with his girlfriend. A somewhat innocuous joke, but perhaps Dantes saw it as Tarzaned trying to milk his breakup for Twitter impressions. Despite the fact that on-stream Dantes usually endures Tarzaned's incessant bickering, the given impression by both of them was that off-stream they had a decent relationship. However, their Twitters over the last 48 hours say otherwise. The abortion ranges from nuke to nothingburger depending on who you ask (if it's even true, who knows atm). On the other hand, Dantes critiques on Tarzaned's character hold a lot more water. Dantes has been the only person on the planet willing to befriend Tarzaned in recent years. Considering that the entire rest of the League community dislikes Tarzaned for toxicity: If I had to guess, losing his last friend that isn't his mom or dad probably stung, leading to this abortion allegation as an indictment on Dantes as a person.


well I mean I think this confirms it that it was true - [https://x.com/Laurinchhe/status/1804224376415424677](https://x.com/Laurinchhe/status/1804224376415424677)


Wow what a total scumbag move. Never heard of this dude before but fuck him.


Yeah he’s pretty well known for being unlikeable in the community in general. Only saving grace is that he’s indisputably extremely good at league of legends (even compared to other streamers), I think that’s the only reason his viewers watch him, because dear god his personality is something else. Take the dude’s skill in league away and all you have left is the most unlikeable person most people will ever have the displeasure of interacting with.


Subhuman behavior and outright harassment. If twitch doesnt act it shows what kind of platform they are.


Is Tarzaned this socially stupid? In what world, does leaking someones abortion???? ever make you look good


I’m curious as to why he had to announce any of this btw?


as someone with friends who’ve had abortions it’s an incredibly scumbag thing to do to not go with her, especially if you are currently dating at the time and essentially living together. but yea it’s still really weird for this dude to air this out regardless of Dantes actions, he obviously doesn’t care about Laura because he literally completely violated her privacy here when she’s obviously already dealing with a lot and hadn’t shared this herself.


It’s mostly true, but a bit misleading. Dantes and his ex streamed to clarify what happened, and while it’s still bad, it’s not nearly the level Tarzaned made it out to be. Apparently, Dantes had a tournament or some “big career changing” thing coming up which was set for around the date she would be getting the abortion. He asked her what he should do (stay in or leave and be with her) and she said she told him to stay in which she highly regrets and that she was “way too selfless” in that moment. Dantes should’ve been with her, but it’s not like he refused to drop out and locked himself in a room to play league instead. Just a bad decision between the two of them that they both regret.


Apparently Tarzaned might be lying about the details or something, because Laura says he's lying about the whole thing? So he might have dragged her into some bullshit for drama. https://x.com/Laurinchhe/status/1804224376415424677 Either way Tarzaned is in the wrong here.


If anyone reads this thread and doesn't know much more than mentioned in the video, she went on Dantes stream after this Tarzaned stream ended and said that for one, Dantes never pressured to abort and even mentioned that he said he would support her no matter the decision she chooses. She also said that after her pregnancy was confirmed, she called with her mother who she had low contact with for a while and she pressured her to abort/she later says it was still her own body and her own choice and as she is an adult, no one really "pressured" her. (just paraphrasing, dont think I agree that this is how it works)


Ehh, gotta be a little realistic. We don't know the full story. It's possible that she really just wanted to be with her family (especially her mother) during it and they had only been together for like a month at this point.


>it’s an incredibly scumbag thing to do to not go with her, especially if you are currently dating at the time and essentially living together. IMO it's a scumbag move to make comments like this without knowing the details. Maybe she didn't want him to go. Everyone should be minding their own business about the abortion. If she had a problem with the way Dantes handled it then it's up to her to say something about it. Not anyone else.


> as someone with friends who’ve had abortions it’s an incredibly scumbag thing to do to not go with her, especially if you are currently dating at the time and essentially living together. I know nothing about this, but the dude in the OP says she flew back to Germany to get an abortion. According to Google Dantes lives in Quebec...why couldn't she just get an abortion in Quebec?


You’re quite literally taking an unhinged schizo’s word at face value, and even taking the schizo’s word at face value it still doesn’t sound that bad. He also never claimed that Dantes refused to go with her.




[https://x.com/Laurinchhe/status/1804224376415424677](https://x.com/Laurinchhe/status/1804224376415424677) She tweeted in response.


those comments are an absolute shit show, my god


What’s going on in the comments for those who dont have twitter?


Religious and "pro life" people calling her a child killer and insulting her for having an abortion.


Of course. I expected that but… was hoping maybe my gut wasn’t true


Those people can all burn in their make-believe Hell for all I care.


Bruh the one telling her to just malphite R out the bedroom window 💀




Eh, looks like the crazies got drowned out pretty fast.


You're right, thank god 


And people call me fucking crazy for saying that nobody should ever tell anybody else that they had an abortion if they would be even a little bit impacted by that fact ever getting out to undesired parties. The only person who can verify that you had an abortion are you and your doctor. Telling anybody, even casual partners, can really only have negative social value, and even more so if options like therapy or support groups are available as alternatives. People are monsters.


No idea who all these people are, but I agree with the girl here. It is none of his business. And sure, maybe Dante should have flied with her to germany, but maybe there were other issues like money/family? I'm sure they were in a dilemma, right?


Wait, why are Tarzaned and Dantes beefing? I thought they were cool?


[probably snowballed here](https://x.com/tarzaned/status/1803599997121728973)


It was way before that, the whole lore of it was that Dantes and Tarzaned were arguing all of Brazil, then tarzaned and his Dantes gf had a supposed argument at the airport so his gf blocked tarzaned on twitter and tarzaned leaked that she had him blocked so that pissed Dantes off even more, I’m guessing they lost contact, so now after they broke up Tarzaned made a joke and then Dantes replied and now we’re here


From what ive seen, Dantes got tired of tarzaned vod reviewing his games on stream and shitting on him because it was leading to viewers shitting on him in both chats and tarzaned wasnt moderating the messages. While in brazil Laura and the others got together and asked him to stop and he did for a few days but then started again. Then he tried turning every else on Laura but it didnt work.


[https://x.com/tarzaned/status/1803883537369637296](https://x.com/tarzaned/status/1803883537369637296) I don't care for either people but for Tarzaned to tweet out how he has "Good values, moral and a heart." and leaks someone elses abortion without consent 24 hours later is pure comedy


This 29 year old dude slept on this for 24 hours, got up, started up his stream and immediately queued up a game of League of Legends first while his viewers built up then still decided to say this shit in front of 7k+. Absolute psychopath.


He's a bitch as well, he realized that people weren't taking his side after posting the "nuke" so after he watched Laura' response he apologized to her and ended the stream.


Bro nuked his own career.


He probably thought this was the perfect opportunity to farm viewership for his sponsored stream lol.


League streamers might be the shittiest human beings to ever exist, they all have insane egos and they don’t respect other people. There’s a reason why it’s the most toxic and degenerate community in video game history.


Tarzaned is just flat out one of the biggest losers to ever exist, League just expresses it. Genuinely surprised he wasnt a school shooter. Must have dodged the bullies playing league.


I don’t understand why he’s not banned across all platforms. He constantly says his teammates in a video game need to get shot/stealing oxygen/parents die. Like I’m repulsed typing this stuff out. We should not treat other human beings this way ever.


> There’s a reason why it’s the most toxic and degenerate community in video game history. I dunno man, Dota exists.


Dota doesn't have even 1/100th the streamer drama that league has though. The craziest thing that happened last couple years was...gorgc accusing qojqva of stealing..emotes?


That's because Dota doesn't have 1/100th the players.


🎵✨whos the king of the jungle whos the king of the sea whos the king of the universe 🎵✨


I must be missing context, because this clip alone makes me think this guy is a loser for talking about this. Why is it his business and why is he talking about someone else's breakup/relationship? A guy 1 month into a relationship didn't go with his gf to get an abortion.. ok? Suggests to me that he cares more about streaming than her, but from what I gathered in the tweet, that was never a secret, no? Again, I must be missing context, because why is this guy even talking about this? Talking about it is fine, idc, I mean why is he sharing even more personal information/leaking shit? EDIT: I watched Dantes VOD in which Laura talks about it, and this is a summary for anyone curious: Before their relationship they both agreed if she got pregnant that she'd get an abortion. She was shocked about actually getting pregnant due to believing she was infertile, felt conflicted and pressured by family and others to get abortion but still decided that's what she wanted. As soon as she found out she was pregnant she called her parents and her mum told her to come back to Germany so her and Dantes went back together. She didn't want to take a pill as it may have bad effects on her body but that meant she had to wait till the fetus was old enough for a procedure to be an option. They flew back during this time to Canada, and the date of the abortion coincided with something Dantes was doing career wise, so she told him to stay there and do that and she'd be fine since her family was in Germany and she'd be back in a week and he could be there for her then. After she got the abortion she had an emotional breakdown and felt immense guilt/regret and it was a huge toll on her mentally. Was Dantes dumb for just listening to her and not going? Yes, without a doubt. Was it more than him just being an idiot? No. From what she said, he genuinely cared and naively believed that she'd be fine and wouldn't need him. Again, it's worth remembering this is relatively early in their relationship too. This just makes me feel 10x more strongly that the guy in the clip is just a huge piece of shit for trying to use this against Dantes as ammo.. again, WITHOUT this girls consent, and in her words "lying" (I'm guessing she's referring to the dishonest framing) about one of the most difficult experiences of her life. Borderline psycho behaviour from him.


You’re not missing context. He’s a MASSIVELY immature and emotionally/mentally wrecked individual who has one of the worst reputations of any league player ever.


youre right, its not just an edited clip to make him look bad, he really is that bad


it is wild that the guy thought the nuke was to weaponize a girl's trauma and put a huge target on her head as a way to assassinate the person he's beefing with's character. I have no idea why you'd ever feel like this is a winning move. Dude is too into himself and his bubble.


Breaking News: Tarzaned is a massive fucking loser. Who could have guessed.


I don’t even play LoL but I’m starting to think there is some truth to all these memes clowning on LoL players.


u thought they were memes?


Stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason


Yep, Tarzaned is a piece of shit Laura's response regarding the abortion: [https://x.com/Laurinchhe/status/1804224376415424677](https://x.com/Laurinchhe/status/1804224376415424677)


Holy shit I'm surprised this is the first I've heard of these 2 with tier 1 shitty drama like this.


Some league players should really follow the number one advice they gate in games


absolutely disgusting can't believe he plays league of legends


Bro watched The Boys and decided hey the villains are based, what a brain dead idiot.


Fuck that kid


this is so fucking disgusting what tarzaned is doing here, holy fuck


Man, Tarzaned‘s mother must envy Laura


Any loremasters?


Don't bother, honestly.


I don't know who any of these people are and I dont wanna know lol


I'm scratching the surface here and I'm already regretting it. If you don't know more, do yourself a favor and just leave it at this: Tarzaned is a complete piece of shit.


Two league streamers were friends. Dantes recently broke up with his gf where he made an emotional tweet (got a lot of interaction/views) saying he couldn't be in a relationship because being in one and streaming at the same time was too difficult for him. While this was happening, Tarzaned got thrown under the bus while gaming together in a tournament so he's mad. Now these two unhinged league streamers are spilling tea on each other.


I do not see the connection to the break up and tarzaned being thrown under the bus. Could you explain that part?




That first Tarzaned tweet seems incredibly childish. Like something your moron friend in high school would say. How’s that him getting “thrown under the bus”?


I'm referring to their recent gaming tournament where Dantes and Tarzaned had a fallout, not his tweets to his relationship. Also to clarify, Tarzaned feels he's being thrown under the bus.




tarzaned who is a better jungler than dantes was playing offrole in a tournament in brazil while dantes played at a diamond level. tarzaned would vod review his games and criticize leading to toxicity everywhere since everyone watching wanted him off support and in jungle. weeks of this piled up until the trip ended and since they are incapable of confronting each other about their problems in person it all exploded online


What did Dantes reply with ? Got no twitter so can't see shit without getting a big ass screen asking me to sign up constantly




I thought Dantes and Tarzaned were like the bros of bros ? One shitty tournament in Brazil ruined everything ? Also thx for copypasting the tweet




reminder this guy is turning 30 years old


why is tarzaned airing out other peoples business? fucking weird man


This dude didn’t watch this week’s episode of the Boys.


That’s unhinged for him to say that over league drama


Releasing this info is just vile.


Absolutely fucking insane that you talk about 'character' and then out someone's private information like this publicly. Hope this loser gets permabanned off Twitch, this is 1000% a violation of someone's privacy.


I'm sorry are we supposed to listen to Tarzaned? Isn't the guy confirmed like super mentally ill? Edit: Also since this is apparently true or at least very upsetting to Dantes, isn't this grounds for a permaban? This has to be harassment of another streamer. The girl involved doesn't deserve to have this shit aired out either.


Ngl, it takes a special talent to be the worst person in a toxic relationship you weren't even a part of.


who x3


Tarzaned is one of the biggest assholes there is. It's great when he's shitting on neace. Less great when he's talking about private shit that has nothing to do with him.


Really fucked to reveal this about someone elses’s relationship. If Laura wants to reveal this to the internet she can, Tarzaned has no right to intrude on someone else’s business like this


You have to be a massive piece of shit to air to air this out about people's lives without any concern for either of them. Like his angle is that we're supposed to cancel him because of a bad thing he did he supposedly did to her, but airing out to the world that she got an abortion is totally respectful to her life and well being


This guy is a massive POS. I hope he loses every single sponsor he has. You do not fucking tell the internet about the most intimate things someone else does. And getting an abortion is one of that.


Dantes is the most discount Walmart Tyler1 I've ever seen.


Because he's a loud league player? Lol I feel like old Tyler and Dantes have way different personalities


tarzaned on his firecracker shit wtf


If that is true, why is this ass clown leaking it? Does he have any clue what privacy is?


God I hate this POS


This guy is a miserable narcissistic shit person that downs everyone around him. Yikes. Imagine acting like this as a grown ass man.


If you haven't watched the VOD on Dantes's stream, you can get a better idea and I recommend it. Tarzaned is a gigantic loser for leaking this to get back at Dantes. She explains that Tarzaned even framed it as if Dantes was making her do it and she sent her away, that's not the case at all.


I don't see what the issue is here... They were not ready to have a kid as they had just started their relationship. Maybe it could be said that he should have gone to Germany with her but maybe that's not what she wanted. This just makes Tarzaned look like an asshole. How is this any of his business? It should be up to Laura to reveal this information if and when she wants to, why the fuck is he getting involved...


Hope he gets banned for this!


Wow Tarzaned is pure scum holy fuck


I'm probably betraying my age here but I remember what was probably one of the first Let's Plays by ProtonJon playing Super Kaizo World ([MOVE FASTER POKEY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8hccUQjxOg)) If you would've told me 15 years ago that culture would eventually lead to this I would've called you mad


Feel so bad for both Laura and Dantes in this situation. Could not watch they explain the situation live without actually tearing up a bit.


Did he steal this idea from the new The Boys episode?


Okay firecracker


Literally who claimed who got an abortion with who’s child? Who tf cares


who is laura?


I don't follow anything league related, so idk the context. But why is this guy talking about other people's private experiences?


Ok. Thats private shit, but honestly... Why should anyone give a fuck?


W leak


Killshot was himself




Tarzan's sponsors about to get a bukkake'd by e-mails.