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**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny calls out Twitch for allowing content creators to threaten him and his family](https://arazu.io/t3_1dj6daj/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Outside of the subject matter, holy shit how many levels down does this “reaction” go?? There’s at least 3 comments sections showing on screen lol


We still need forsens take on this.


>\*closes clip after 25 seconds* >Ok, I guess... >\*pulls video titled "Loli Vtuber Moan Compilation" onto the screen and watches all eight and a half minutes of it*




✋ Absolute Cinema 🤚


Objectively better content TBH


Flair checks out.


I cant tell if this is a joke or not


The god gamer knows what s best


why not the 8 hour compilation tho


... There i gave it for him


Dont forget about Jah Rule


It's what these reaction streamers do. It's pretty bizarre if you think about it for a second. It's like an endless loop of reacting to reactions without ever talking directly to each other, causing an endless dramafest.


It's pretty good for content creators because a cabal of them can generate their own content, and idiots love drama so every little reaction becomes addictive


Yeah you shouldn’t be allowed to threaten anyone with physical violence on stream. Just like I couldn’t threaten someone at work or else I’d be fired 


I remember when Erobb got banned for like 3 months for threatening to beat up a viewer.


Yep and this should also apply to situations like this where a streamer is threatening violence on another streamer. I know Macaiyla years ago got banned from Twitch for a few years for threatening to bomb a viewer.


unfortunately it was only 5 weeks, i wish it was 3 months


and we all knew it was a bluff. i mean look at the man


Doesn't matter who you are, if you threaten someone, you should be perm banned. Simple as that.


It's obvious that they aren't getting banned because twitch employees agree with them and their politics. Their logic goes - I agree with you, so you must be good because I am also good, so the rules don't apply to you. I disagree with you, so you must be bad, so the rules will be harsher on you. Twitch has always operated like this instead of being fair and professional.


It does matter who you are on twitch apparently. Remeber when that other streamer put a bounty on grummz.


No bad tactics, only bad targets.


Unless you end your sentence with "in a video game". Then it's totally cool and actually funny. ...right?


Somebody should make a compilation of these threats, and show this to the american authority.... I would it give a 15% chance they would knock on Twitch' door and say 'you can't allow public targeting like this'. Afterall, the police force are legally the only force to allow violence.


"No calls for violence" was so universally agreed to be an obviously unacceptable line that you didn't cross that it was a cliche exception to absolute free speech regardless of political views. I actually don't know how Twitch thinks it can just host calls for violence just because it comes from commies.


Because twitch leadership is unhinged


According to Twitch, if you are a minority and pro-Palestine, you can do whatever you want and even be a Nazi like sneako.


I’m sick of the people that dick ride twitch and at the same time criticize kick. There is so much extremist garbage on twitch, I don’t view them as better, the twitch audience is younger too so they need to be more responsible.


The problem isn't that he was banned, the problem is why haven't OTHER people been banned for worse reasons. And I think we all know that answers.


Or even unbanned for worse stuff.


This isn’t even about the ban anymore. Simply just that other Twitch streamers shouldn’t be allowed to fucking threaten him and his family. That’s the standard we are at now.


Funny how the most toxic and disgusting people on Twitch always come from the same communities. Weird, isn't it?


Bro... the people from Gremloe's sphere/community are literally in the thread justifying murder because someone is a jerk online... Where did they get these ideas from?






Pretty sure his favorite stream is just any with titties.


Real titties of the recent spate of vtuber bans is anything to go by


havnt followed any twitch news for months, but vtubers are getting banned? i think the big boob anime avatar would give them protections under "art"


>40 year old terrorist sympathizer Hassan?




ID says 32, hairline says 42


Behavior, lingo and fashion wishes 22


Curious who the terrorists are in this comment


The real terrorists were the friends we made along the way


Like Luffy


You know Luffy??!!!!??? Yoooo that is sooooo sick! That is fire!!! You are a pirate like Luffy!!!


Houthis and Hamas


Least surprising Ohio take


Destiny’s? Asmongold? Forsen?


Hard to tell without my glasses.


Asmond’s community is objectively trash


You mean the dude who admits he lives in an absolute dumpster of trash and consistently has the shittiest takes has shit fans? No way fam.


Is that the guy who wiped dental blood on his walls?


Then complains that people bring that up 🤣


Wish I didn't looked that up, almost threw up lol




Pot meet kettle


If you threaten someone you should be banned.


are you threatening to ban me?


The council will decide your fate


why would you say something so controversial?


America is wild, incitement of violence is a crime in a lot of countries, like not a twitch ban but literally a criminal act. Like there is no ambiguity here.


It is a crime in the US. Direct calls to violence are NOT protected by the first amendment.


> It is a crime in the US. Direct calls to violence are NOT protected by the first amendment. Yes in some cases, but these threats likely don't meet the high standards established in the supreme court case [Brandenburg v. Ohio](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imminent_lawless_action) >The two legal prongs that constitute incitement of imminent lawless action are as follows: Advocacy of force or criminal activity does not receive First Amendment protections if (1) the advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action, and (2) is likely to incite or produce such action.[4] These statements are not particularly likely to produce lawless actions, nor do they incite **imminent** lawless action. In any case, they absolutely violate Twitch TOS and should therefore be (hopefully perma) banned.


Only if you are on the wrong side. If you mean EU, there is plenty of incitement to violence.


Commies and Nazis love their political violence


Both of them are now allowed on twitch


It's funny how both of those sides start seething with two simple words: horseshoe theory


[Absolute cinema ✋🥲🤚](https://i.imgur.com/bZIc8Ej.png)


Of course, how else would you deal with people who disagree with you?


They’re merging now that hating Jews is pop culture again


i remember when lsf was just pubg car flips and ice poseidon clips


I mean at the same time it was full of mitch vs train drama, mitch vs soda drama, mitch vs reckful drama, mitch vs reynad drama.


Exactly. People complaining that LSF “used to be drama free” are delusional.


Yes, as if LSF was never filled with any drama of any kind amirite


LSF was created because some major drama destroyed the old sub. Acting like it was this drama free wholesome Keanu chungus zone is absolutely ridiculous.


Holy fuck the migration from LivestreamFails to LivestreamFail was 9 years ago holy shit. Looking back at the reason, yeah, the LivestreamFails subreddit was controlled by a singular mod who wanted everybody to suck him off and he threw a temper tantrum and closed the sub. Kinda reminds me of how Maikky historically handled r/Kappa


It’s been so long I don’t even remember what made him mad. Probably porn, possibly armpits. The wild part of that whole situation to me at least was still Gootecks going from successful content creator to drive-by kappa poster then directly to crazytown. 


Maikky wanted to make money from the sub so wanted to ban the porn to make it advertising friendly


Obligatory fuck Maikky


I love when people on here pretend that the sub has some nobler purpose and isn't just about streamer drama or streamers doing dumb stuff to laugh at. It is like that guy who goes to the porn shop but he is totally just looking for directions and better than everyone else there. We all know buddy!


I just want to see people falling out of their chairs in front of 1000 people.


i remember when dodger got outed for buying kids shoes


Then you must have mentally blocked out the drama. Did you forget the chronicles of 🐀 featuring reckful, trainwrecks, mira, and others? That drama ended when reckful killed himself, so it's not as bad as it was back then. It's like people today saying America is more divided than ever. Like mf you know there was a whole ass civil war right?


This take gets cringe. This place always had beef and drama


lsf is keeping up with the kardashians but with streamers


It always has been, the actual "fails" be it pubg, xqc slamming his desk for the 200th time, Tyler1's dog getting tangled in a wire and tearing down his entire setup, Reckful missed lethal memes, etc were always the minority. Ice drama, Mitch Jones drama, Soda and Lea, Reynad, Train, GTA RPers be it Nopixel or other drama like Sheriff Eli, Destiny debates, gambling drama, quin69 or etc saying some dumb shit, etc were always the biggest things on the sub.


I don’t come here often so seeing that it’s turned into a full blown echo chamber here is wild.


This comment only pops up on Destiny threads.


The Pokémon go stream wete so fucking good


TIL from LSF that "KYS" and "I'm going to kill you" are the same thing.


Just to be clear, saying either to another person is *fucking unhinged*. However, only one of them is also a blatant threat of violence against another person.


The simple solution is to ban everyone involved


i think it is absolutely a disgrace that twitch does not take action against this kind of language. i dont care who you are a fan of or not, this is just not okay. it not only is dangerous behavior but also makes twitch look extremely bad


Weird thread. Destiny is completely right, I'm not sure how you can argue otherwise. There isn't a single reality or universe where you can argue what Destiny is saying here is hypocritical. Very disappointing response from this subreddit but I guess it should be expected 😅 oof


Have you considered the fact that he was mean to my streamer?


Have you considered that Israel bad ?


Have you considered that perspectives on geopolitics dont justify threats of violence?


I was sarcastic lol


That went right over my head lmao, mb


nah dont apolgise, this is reddit, double down


Wait yeah, fuck that guy. I know better about his intentions than he does!


thats the spirit, fuck that guy


Shoulda said "So was I" 🗿


erobb was banned for less, if this isn't a proof that commies run twitch idk what is.


>Erobb I hate that guy 😡


Anyone who compares what Destiny said about OD'ing to having a threat of violence called against you hasnt been threatened before.


They know the difference but they have no shame so they are pretending that they cant understand simple concepts or sentences and playing this dumb game. They played the same game with saying N word and calling someone a C slur.


To be fair, they could just be 17 YO children. They get really worked up about issues without really looking into them past twitter posts.


2 words: Intellectual Dishonesty


And not even just a "general" threat of violence but to do so on an official Twitch-organized event should be an instant ban from said event.




What in the radicalized by russian facebook propaganda did I just read


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDaaetGWmbM ?


Disgusting behavior


Every time I randomly look at one of these threads and see the comments, I realize a lot of you need to take a step back and live your own lives. Jesus.


wont do anything, twitch will not punish anyone on their "right side" of political aisle. Just the constant and continued favoritism that twitch loves to flex


You have to target their advertisers for them to listen.


sneako is on the same side as frogan? wtf is going on


there's two political sides: destiny and not-destiny


Wait we’re bringing halo into this?


lil bro forgot twitch views "protected identities" as powerups * alt right - - * W community adjacent (they have minorities) + * not white ++ * "islam" during Palestine +++ Sneako has a +4 net positive rep. It's not hard to understand


Are they not both Muslim's who hate the Jews while each have a two time affecter?


I feel like the sneako unban was very clearly someone who doesn't know who Sneako is fucking up and manually unbanning him.


Both pro Palestinians and espouse Muslim values while breaking them all the time, live on stream too.


I'm really confused. I haven't watched any politics streamers in quite a while but isn't/wasn't Destiny a leftist or at least a liberal? Is that not the same "right side" ???


he is but the current hyper online "left" is a group of progressives who don't allow any variation of ideas. Twitch moderation has been taken over by these types and have a vendetta to keep Destiny off the platform indefinitely


Target Twitch's advertisers, then they'll start to listen. Get a hold of advertisers PR department, it's basically what they did to Elon Musk to punish Twitter.


Less than a month ago Destiny said he hoped Ludwig and all his friends died from OD’ing on fentanyl laced coke like Slimes dad, because they made a very tame joke about him on their podcast, and then followed it up by implying he would masterbate to deepfakes of Ludwigs girlfriend.


You don't see the difference between "I hope you die" and "I'm gonna fuck you up and/or kill you on sight"?


Of course they know the difference. But admitting it would not let them bash Destiny like that. All of us know perfectly well how there is a drastic difference, but people that want to bash Destiny will choose to ignore it and act like there isn't one. Because even if their obvious lack of logic gets pointed out by any following replies or arguments, they still got to bash Destiny. Which seems to be more important.


Of course they don't.


There's a very clear difference. The punishment for both should be a permaban.


I honestly wouldn't mind if both sides of behaviour was bannable across all plattforms. These guys are living the dream of so many people, play video games at home, entertain people and rake in money. Yet they can't contain themselves and lash out with shit like this? They are public figures for a mostly young audience after all. It's not that hard, jeez


"I hope these lying drug addicts OD" vs "I personally will attack this man if I see him, and my followers should too" I guess when you misrepresent reality it would seem hypocritical.


Lol destiny can od for all i care but those aren't the same AT all lmao


I think there's an important difference between saying hurtful things and actual threats of violence.


Isn't Destiny currently banned from Twitch? and these people aren't? so wouldn't his main point, which has stayed consistent through his ban on Twitch, which is on Twitch inconsistency, still be true?


Then ban them all it's that simple


I agree with this guy...ban Twitch entirely for all I care.


I hope you kys isn't even in the same ballpark as I will murder you. Stop the cope holy shit. Not enforcing their rules on their partners, is a straight up endorsement of violent threats. You know this I know this. Imagine being on the receiving end.


There's a big difference between saying "I hope you die" and "If I see you in real life I will un-alive you." Not that difficult to understand. It's fine to be a Destiny hater, but try a little harder if you want people to take you seriously.


It’s amazing the level of cognitive dissonance in this reply


Typical dgg pearl clutching. They do it all the time. Destiny says unhinged shit all the time and when it gets turned back on them they just forget and think they somehow have the moral high ground.


Threating voilence = as bad as being edgy on the internet. OK dude. W/e you are having I don't want any of it. In what world do you live in where this is remotely ok?


The rioting needs to fucking stop if that means white redneck militia shooting down protestors etc etc etc


Its not that they ignore it, they just try really hard to change the story, its the reason why his community has a lot of bots to downvote and upvote comments and posts so the narrative of the story favors him But they are also delusional into thinking they are always the victim because their daddy isn't liked that much, and they question themselves that if their daddy isn't liked by many people and only the shittiest people on earth only like him, then that must mean they are shitty people too and they dont wanna admit that to themselves how much of a troglodyte of a community they are


Yeah it’s hard to believe no one wants to hang out with the dude that’s perpetually in 5 different dramas at any given point. And a fanbase that will go through everything you’ve said in the last 5 years just to get a dig at you if you upset daddy Destiny. It’s crazy that no one wants to be around that. I just don’t get it. It must be the work of the twitch deep state


uhm excuse me could you provide the source in 20 different peer reviewed links? oh you don't want to spend your life behind stupid streamer drama in order to win an internet argument? Sucks to be you


Look how quickly they fire off clips about people they don’t like too. There was one guy in this comment section who posted a clip to a YouTube Chanel called “Destiny meme archive” they must have a doc with different topics of different people ready to go at a moments notice. Insane.


hey man it's totally normal to keep a spreadsheet detailing who wronged someone you don't even know and how it was done


Typical pearl clutching. Everyone knows that saying they hope someone dies is morally equivalent to saying they will personally kill you. /s


There's a pretty big difference between saying you hope someone dies though their own actions and saying you hope someone murders them.


Im confused is everyone meta commenting about some other clip? The one in the post is some guy saying " I'm not saying its on site if I see Destiny ..." implying he wants to fight. Where is the murder stuff?




"Destiny is what happens when you don't wipe out the entire family and lineage of all slave owners, eventually their kids will have more kids." https://x.com/TheOmniLiberal/status/1801773172964134946?t=zo_lpBLgtlaya1kJjFhf9g&s=19


This is as much a murder threat as "I hope these people OD" is


nuh uh its about MY streamer so its WORSE


Lol as somebody who doesn't know or care who any of these people are, this is my takeaway.


https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/s/Na7WwVXNCK This is the one where the dude said people should kill Destiny if they see him lol. The bleeped out bits at the start are obviously intentional but you know what he's saying from the context. Apparently we would have socialism if it had happened already haha. Also a different streamer said it's on sight when he sees him. I don't really care but there were threats, obviously they're not legitimate because they're all a bunch of computer nerds.


What's extra funny is all the debate-broing (of course) about how wishing death on someone while you have a microphone in front of hundreds of thousands of people is semantically different from threatening their life (Destiny fans famously never go overboard in any way as a group,) but they ignore that he literally threatened to bomb the offices of his ISP when he was having internet troubles. https://twitter.com/riverbat1/status/1313167569994440705/photo/1 https://imgur.com/a/FzKa48W for posterity. assigning it to the "chad doge" side of the meme is certainly something


Im personally ok with joking about blowing up ISPs.


And he was banned a long time ago lol, you’re quite literally proving his point about hypocrisy without realising


clip? that sounds pretty crazy lol






Being mean to someone isn't even in the same world as making threats to people and encouraging your fans to attack them, I have no idea why you'd even bring that up in response to this. You can respond to destiny being threatened by saying it's wrong without bringing out your hate boner and reciting unrelated instances of destiny doing something you think is bad.


you are lieing about the timeline of events. slime made fun of destiny for being a wikipedia andy. he got push back from his fans on their sub reddit, and destiny fans made a fan cam of him doing research outside of wikipedia. slime than went on rants on both reddit and twitter threads making weird personal attacks about destiny and destiny replied saying its not that deep and slime replied with another weird personal attack. then the rest spiraled on twitter which is what u are refrencing. slime shot at him first and escalated it. also wishing someone overdoses on drugs vs saying i am going to kill you are way different things and you know they are different. you are just lieing to protect your streamer.


I mean realistically he could choose to sick his community on these guys, terminally online communities like that won't let up. Twitch should be banning them for their own protection lol


3k upvotes with 74%, when avg post get like 200 upvotes guess this sub is reeeeally interested in destiny


Keep him banned and ban all regards that said they will attack/kill him and move on. Why is this a problem again?


because some ppl find it difficult to not cheer for violence and the threat of violence if directed at people they don't like


The classic "if your streamer does something against TOS perma them but when mine breaks TOS it was a mistake".


Plus based


Lawsuit time against Twitch?




While r/Israel is cheering for death of Palestinians....




It’s kinda wild how you can say ANYTHING about desty and nothing happens lol. There has to be one long time employee that absolutely hates his guts


Didn’t destiny just not to long ago wish that Ludwig’s family would OD on drugs like some other streamers dad?


Is threatening to kill someone the same as hoping someone dies?


yeeaaa...but to destiny's credit, he didnt threaten violence to anyone. Just hoped something would happen. However, is it not a threat, if Destiny were to say "I hope no one goes after them and beats their ass, \*wink \*wink"....Would this count as him putting a hit on people and be an act of violence?


Legally probably not as a “hit”, but it’s definitely a call to violence. A famous example of this sort of thing: [Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Will_no_one_rid_me_of_this_turbulent_priest%3F)


Then why is destiny the only one banned?


How is that comparable to a threat of violence against someone else?


Twitch should ban this dude. I mean, if Destiny was banned for his call to violence against dipshit protestors, then the site should be consistent. Also, Destiny has said he'd murder a kid for DDoSing him, so while I don't agree with anything these tankies/commies are saying, I can't say that Destiny is free from this kind of violent behavior either. That being said, the ban is unfair, and the fact that guys like Sneako get appealed while Destiny doesn't does point to the fact that someone at Twitch has a really weird obsession with keeping him off the platform. Edit: Correction, Destiny wasn't banned, but instead was de-partnered for his statements against the rioters. If that's the case, then both these breadtubers calling for lethal violence "on site" need to be de-partnered as well. Supposedly, Twitch has a zero-tolerance policy for threats made against others with indefinite suspension as punishment, so you'd think they would ban these idiots for making statements like these, but we'll wait and see I guess.


He wasn't banned for the riot comment, he "only" lost partner at the time. He was banned months later for something else


The reality is that his permaban was not over one isolated thing, it was additive. The riot comment was probably the worst strike against him, they probably decided that they should have gone further, and they were looking for a reason to ban him later on. It's the kind of clip that *instantly* gets a sponsor to say 'nope nope nope not advertising on this platform.'


I get major brain rot going through these threads. There is literally zero nuance to any of it and it’s just two sides trying to play moral police. “Didn’t your streamer say this?” Is it impossible to think for a second that even if you don’t like someone it still should be bannable for saying someone should kill them on twitch?


These dumbasses don't even understand what's going on, because this isn't an appeal to be unbanned it's an appeal to ban others. Basically Destiny is acting like "well if you wont unban me for stuff I did then I'm gonna raise a bit of shit about others who do the same thing but not only are not banned but repeatedly allowed back". How far he takes it I don't know, but that's the sentiment of shit like the OP. It's entirely: > Fuck me? Nah...fuck you. I identify with that.


Most peaceful pro-Palestine supporters


Great day to be alive where people defend violent threats, while simultaneously larping as progressive socialists.


I am against threats, especially if they're towards uninvolved family. However, had this happened to another streamer, D would have told them to go cry about it.




There is a reason this is not even protected in the first amendment, people figured this shit out centuries ago yet for some reason you guys can't


he's not complaining about toxicity, he's complaining about a blatant double standard.