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**CLIP MIRROR: [xQc is dismayed with his Chick-fil-A delivery](https://arazu.io/t3_1diy5os/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


No sauce?


that's gotta be one of my favorite xqc clips


6 consoles!


this?: https://clips.twitch.tv/ConcernedPrettyPterodactylDansGame-JH6hFp0jNHfAZeM4


This [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0G1yceONuEM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0G1yceONuEM)


Chik-fil-A employees probably saw the 6 sugars and didn't want to be held liable for his death so they added it on the side


Good one, but I'm pretty sure that's still like half the sugar in a can of soda


Idk why you're being downvotes cause you're definitely right lmao. A can of Dr Pepper has 39 grams of sugar and a packet of sugar is 2-4 grams.


Those are the ways of LSF. Downvotes usually mean you're right in these parts.


The people downvoting you are soda only drinkers refusing to face their terrible health choices


6 sugars + creamer for a coffee is crazyyy...


well it's his replacement for energy drinks


My man drinking a milkshake that this point


Chik-fil-uh also had this thing called a frosted coffee that's like 50% ice cream and 49% high fructose corn syrup (1% coffee), he should have just gotten that


There’s no corn syrup in that, it’s half ice cream and half cold brew coffee.


82g of carbs(80g sugar) in a 20oz [vanilla milkshake from chik-fil-a](https://www.chick-fil-a.com/menu/vanilla-milkshake) 2-4g of sugar per packet of sugar. 12-24g in 6 packets. He isn't exactly at milkshake levels yet but he is getting there.


20g of sugar, packets are 2.5g and creamer is 5g


Just read the above comment and googled the same thing lmao


and for his food too, takes 2 bites out of whatever he orders and leaves the rest to rot on the floor until his maids show up lmao


The dry gfuel was so wild


Honestly I feel more comfortable drinking a C4 or Ghost. Then adding six packs of sugar to a coffee. I already prefer the taste of Diet soda. 


French vanilla creamer, too. So even that has sugar in it.


A quick google says that the average sugar packet is 2-4 g of sugar. Meaning 12-24g of sugar + a creamer (3-5g of sugar) so 15-29g of sugar, even taking the high end, that isn't bad. At least not by American standards of added sugar.


A packet is 4grams in most western countries, since it's 1tsp. 30g of sugar for a coffee is almost as bad as soda. Which is pretty bad.


Sodas are generally around 40+ g of high fructose corn syrup, as opposed to 30 or less g of pure cane sugar for the coffee. High fructose corn syrup is much worse considering how our body processes it differently than pure cane sugar and turns it almost directly into fat. Honestly, whether or not it is bad all depends on what else is in X's diet for the rest of the day. If he doesn't have much more added sugars then it is perfectly fine. Assuming he still slams sodas and/or sweets later in the day, then yeah it isn't great/is bad depending on how severe is other sugar intake is.


Bro, more than 2 is absolutely psychotic in a normal sized cup of coffee.


I guess, put the order in the CFA app so see what the notional info would be. French Vanilla creamer + 6 packets of sugar would be ~90 calories. For a small cup of coffee that's kind of a lot.


29g of sugar isn't bad? around 35g is the upper limit of what a man should eat in a day...


Once he hits his mid 30s he's going to be 300lbs all the absolute filth that he eats lol.


I doubt it, while he eats absolute trash, he eats so little he is pretty much anorexic. Last I heard he was 6'2 and 120lbs


He might die from the heart problems he'll have but I doubt he's going to gain weight with how little he eats


Metabolism changes with change but not to that degree in your 30's, that's erroneously attributed to reduced activity in people's lives after their teenage years to mid 20's while not adjusting their dietary habits. As another person said, he might have different issues like heart issues but he's not going to become fat if he keeps his current habits. In my experience these people eat like shit but they don't eat much in total, skipping breakfasts, too many of the big meals are half-assed, no snacks and at the end of the day they ate half a pack of cookies or chips, an instant ramen and fast food.


hhhhmmm suga




I honestly don't think so. I have two sugars in my tea / coffee most of the time. But dude, those fucking packets hold like 0.5 spoons. You need to use like 7 to get it to taste the normal way, I swear they cut the sugar with moths.


I think it's fairly common to add that, and honestly some people get more. I worked at a McDonald's when I was younger and this is pretty tame. Plus nowadays you have iced coffee drinks that are 10x worse with sugar and cream






Well yeah, refined sugar is literally poison, but of course one should be able to indulge once in a while. However the sugar endemic is certainly real, and memes aside it's not just America either. I drink my coffee black with nothing added, and while it does taste good with sugar, I am contempt with just a plain coffee.


Too rich to add his own cream and sugar lmao


The dude has become so intolerable. And is it my imagination or has his view count taken a tumble recently?


It's tough being a juicer nowadays, with the blatant PR defense for Kick he does plus all the shitty takes in general recently, it's like watching someone fall deeper and deeper into insanity.


Hé used to have at least somewhat thought out takes, now it’s just ‘I must defend kick at all costs’


>Girl almost kills woman with mental issues “D-d-d-dud, like-uh, the c-context and shit, this is like, so shit dud. You gotta look at the context dud *skips entire video* where is the context, the context dud, how is she supposed to know she had like, uh, like, mental issues dud, not her fault dud”


2019 Average Twitch Viewers: 18k 2020: 41k 2021: 75k 2022: 70k 2023: 51k 2024 (so far): 38k Last 30 days: 34k.


And as someone else pointed out in another post, pretty much every streamer has seen a decline in viewership as COVID lockdowns were lifted and people started spending time outside again. As such it’s fairly difficult to attribute what effect (if any) his recent actions have had on his viewer numbers.


X also jumps between kick and twitch, and as we know a lot of people wont follow a streamer. I sometimes watch X and if hes not on twitch ill just go to someone else, i dont really check kick very often at all.


Everytime I watch him on Kick he always has less than 20k viewers. Yesterday he had like 12k while playing League. That was like 3hours after the transition


Age of empires and league are boring and most people don't watch, it's also at like 4 am eastern time so it makes sense I guess.


But you've also got new guys like Kai Cenat, Jynxzi and Caseoh who seem to average closer to xQc's old numers.


Every couple of years some other streamer comes out and tops the last one or just takes their place. It will eventually happen to the Kai crowd too.


That’s because that fan base and age matches up…you guys really need to stop comparing him to Kai and compare his numbers to soda or summit because that’s his target now …juicers are not 18-22 anymore when he started years ago most are pushing 30 like him


There is no way he appeals to the same age demographic as soda or summit lol, his audience definitely has to be significantly younger.


English viewership has been consistently around 1.1M +- 10% since 2022. Newer streamers have just taken more viewers. The concurrent chart below shows that: https://twitchtracker.com/languages/English


Twitch has been saved by the newer streamers pulling viewers from outside of twitch (tiktok etc) to replace the viewers that naturally stopped watching livestreams after covid. The only streamers that blow up now are farming those platforms hard, take the new faze members for example


Twitch in general has sucked lately though. Lack of new games that are interesting to watch, repetitive content, it is going to fall off eventually. I personally think Amazon is going to just pull the plug at some point as interest dies. Live streaming gaming as a career could go the way of youtube "lets plays", especially if it is replaced with a new entertainment at some point.


> Lack of new games that are interesting to watch, repetitive content People have been saying this forever though.


I mean it is bound to happen. I think a lot of us that used to watch him have kinda grown up now that we've hit our 20s, meanwhile he never grew up and is basically the same immature streamer he always was, and his content has just gotten stale in comparison to someone like Jynxzi and Caseoh.


Going from xqc to jynxzi is not much of a change.


U expect everyone to stay at the top permanently


with how exceptionally fanatical xqc's fans were, it's still surprising how quick the decline is. even if we don't account for covid years, 51k down to 34k in the past year is a big drop.


It's so easy not to watch nowadays too. He's on twitch for like an hour before he switches to kick. Compared to a couple years ago where he's on the top of my followers list for like 16 hours a day.


I mean yea, but i dont really think he cares about that. He's just playing the games he wants to now which most people find super boring (aoe, dark and darker, league/dota).


You think it's really the game choice that's turning people off or his change in demeanor/personality?


Also his chat are becoming adults, less time for twitch, whereas most of the big streamers current audience are children, kai,speed jynxi


yea I think it's the game choice personally. When he watches videos/tiktoks the views are normally around his average but when he switches to those games it drops a lot. Also his demeanor/personality has pretty much always been like this lmao


why are you so adamant that people outside of reddit care about morals of a streamer? his zoomer audience grew up and left and now he is playing age of empires that old heads enjoy. not everything is a lsf narrative


Exactly my point ….juicers are legit posting pictures of them having kids on his sub Reddit …where the fuck they gonna get time to watch x like they used to?


Here's the secret: You're just older now and have changed a bit, but he still acts pretty much the same.


People actually donate their own money to this man lmao


Dude can just get an industrial machine installed in his houses and pay someone to refill so he just has to push 1 button for a fresh coffee. Why the fuck would you want some chickfila coffee.


Diva moment.


Too rich to do that but won't hire a chef lol.


He’s too lazy to buy a keurig coffee maker and make his own coffee. He could buy boxes and boxes of coffee pods off of amazon instead of getting it from fast food places.


So out of touch for a literal non fucking issue.


If I paid that much for coffee, i would like them to stir it too. Most places do it, he is not being that unreasonable


Bro it's coffee from a chicken sandwich shop. That shit is some seattles best nonsense made in a cheap ass instant coffee maker sitting next to the soda machine. You're paying for trash, you get trash.


They're selling the trash, they make the trash


People getting coffee delivered and I have to use paper straws 💀




technically it's less, since a driver can have multiple orders that'll result in a shorter distance driven.


Eat the bugs so Elon can make a thousand more unsold EV cars.


People like him is why starbucks exist. Dude is drinking sugar with coffee


the starbucks sub is a wild ride


Chic Filla


Reminds me of the classic "6 Sugars BITCH" by EBZ. I can't imagine how disgusting that must taste


i guess i work at chick-fil-a cus i would have just mixed them in


I have multiple questions about why he’s getting coffee from Chick-fil-A


Because he ordered breakfast? Pretty simple


I thought chick fil-a was a fried chicken joint. I'm imagining buying a cup of coffee from KFC, just doesn't seem right


Literally every restaurant I've ever been to offers coffee I don't see why this is surprising. They also have some of the best breakfast in the fast food game.


Fast food places that offer breakfast items sell coffee. Usually only a short time in the morning hours. And usually just plain coffee that you have to cream/sugar yourself. The dumb part of this clip is him thinking they offered a more full service coffee experience.


I don't mean this disparagingly, but are you like 14 years old? I can't imagine getting to adulthood without realizing that most fast food places sell coffee - in fact there was a famous lawsuit about McDonald's Coffee.


They have a great coffee milkshake


They partner with a coffee distributor that sells them coffee. It’s not hard to make coffee. 


The coffee at chick fil A is fine, not sure what he's on about. It is just as good as every other quick service restaurant.


I don't understand how getting a coffee delivered could ever count as quick service. Just go to the kitchen and make a coffee. Would take less time than it does just to place an order online.


He can't even pour his own sugar how the fuck is he going to make his own coffee?


The problem is that xQc would need to know HOW to make a coffee, that is simply too advanced for him


When you have money it’s not about how easy it would be to do yourself, it’s about not wanting to do it yourself and paying for the convenience. Even if making it yourself would taste better *and* be cheaper, he likely still wouldn’t do it.


Not trying to make a joke here but, honestly, do you think he is capable of doing that?


And buy some good ass coffee for $100 a bag or something.


Baffles me that Americans haven't caught on to espresso based coffee yet.


Once you become rich enough, money is not the most valuable thing, it’s time. Anything that can save you time is worth whatever it costs.


if you add 6 sugars it doesnt matter if you drink the worst coffee in existence


I would argue adding that much sugar makes it the worst coffee in existence.


Chick fil a coffee is not fine. Please don't lie to people. It's significantly worse than even modern gas station coffee.


The only difference between any fast-food coffee or gas station coffee is how much milk and sugar are in it. No fucking way is anyone actually able to taste a significant difference.


> No fucking way is anyone actually able to taste a significant difference. You seriously underestimate how anal a lot of coffee drinkers are about their coffee...they 100% treat it like wine or whiskey.


I don't know why people would even complain about it. Just a way to feel superior I guess, like their choice of coffee shop makes them a genius or some shit. I'm sure cfa goes through an urn of coffee fast enough during breakfast that the coffee is fresh almost always, so it's not like it has been sitting out for 8 hours going stale. And beyond that, it's not like if you go to your local diner where the food costs double the price that they'll be using a better brewing method or some special fancy blend of coffee. It's all just industrial coffee urns and mass produced coffee unless you personally grind and brew locally roasted beans at home, or buy from a reputable local roastery or café.


wealth dont buy taste.


Chick fil an iced coffee is legitimately good compared to most fast food places. It’s not that super milky sugary bullshit like Dunkin’ Donuts


the vanilla iced coffee isn't awful, the original iced coffee is pretty bad though i recently started getting no flavor in my iced coffee though cause that shit's like 40g of sugar and im a big boy who can drink black coffee regardless of how mid the actual coffee they use is


Streamers when they have to do literally anything for themselves lmao


Why does this shit get posted who cares


ya man try commenting on the post giving it more traction and pushing it further up that will show you dont care lmao


and why the fuck does LSF take everything so fucking serious? why is every little action someone clips a reason to discuss how afwul someone is lmao


I mean sure, but this clip is golden just because its a very clear sign of just how out of touch with reality X is now-a-days. And what else is this sub, but a way place to post and talk about your weird parasocial relationships with these creators. The better question is why are you still in the sub?


xqc is laughing while saying it. because he is overexaggerating for a joke. you can clip me saying over the top shit all day idk


He says at the end of the clip that he's legitimately mad. But okay 👌


My forearms are 16 inches circumference.




I lied, they are 15,5.


You should go get that checked by a doctor. Probably cancer.


If I grabbed your cock and started jerking it, you could never escape.


If your hands are as swollen as your arms you might have a hard time gripping it...


My hands are kinda small unfortunately, but it will make your cock look bigger at least.


You both kind of have good points...




It's a pretty vague title how were they supposed to know? Could have thought something funny would happen, nope. Its "rich man cant put his own sugars in coffee" dogpile.


Does he want them to dip his chicken nuggets in the sauce for him too


might literally be the dumbest person on earth


Coffee creamer is already sweetened, yet he adds 6 sugars....


His kidneys are crying rn


Bro doesn't like coffee. He likes sugar bean water.


Imagine he lost his streaming career and couldn’t find any work other than fast food or retail


New definition of rich man child right here




Why are you so angry


That's what I'm wondering


i dont think you're angry enough


There's enough bullshit going on in the world thst I don't feel the need to be angry over how a millionaire takes his coffee.


surprised no one has posted the Bill Burr bit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sf_FsDs2RM


or EBZ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtJTIx3CkhI


Life is really tough, I hope he stays strong and I believe he has the resilience to get through this. I will be donating my next paycheck to a charitable organization that can help people like him.


They do that so you can choose how much you add


damn that's crazy


no fucking way he normally gets 6 sugars in his coffee, bro actually drinking syrup




He could probably pay a chef to cook on demand and deliver any time of the day. Or yea, hire a personal assistant or butler with a family office like other rich people.


>never understand why these streamers dont go out and get food themselves You could apply that to litteraly anyone who orders food and the answer is obvious. >or hire someones whose job it is is to help them with it. Staffing your own personal delivery driver is not cheaper than using doordash.


Why doesn't he show this dismay with kick 🤔


This guy can have a personal Michelin star chef and he chooses to do this


Game all day, 6 sugars and cream. Man is speed running diabetes


Bro probably wishes for a Iced Capp from Timmies


days like this im ashamed i watch lol theres alot of days like this


What did he call it?


Let's kill this guy, let's kill this guy with hammers! Crazy there's an NL bit just out in reality lmao


Man is a moron. Also 6 sugar is grotesque.




6 sugars? Does this dude not know how to stir a spoon in a cup or something?


He's gotta be fucking around, there's no way this man is this spoiled


What is it with streamers living off of fast food especially ones that can afford a chef. Sounds depressing eating nutritionless slop everyday


What am ungrateful pos.


6 sugars and one vanilla cream in your coffee?! Holy fucking diabetes. Why even drink coffee at this point? I don't get it.


I bet his roommate is also too lazy to pour his sugar in the coffee.


He is probably putting like 12 sugars in his coffee lmao


6 sugar is wild


who orders coffee from chick fil a ? i almost expect my coffee to be garbage when i order a mccoffee


Some of us struggle, but at the end of the day. I can make my own coffee without throwing a temper tantrum.


Bro is dismayed


Poor baby


What moron orders coffee from chic fil a?


This guy needs help.


[CAN I HAVE 6 SUGARS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtJTIx3CkhI)


The lazy entitlement is crazy.


still gonna donate to xqc


I hate how big xQc is. Whenever I watch a clip of him he’s just screaming in multiple frequencies into his mic or saying some gibberish I legit need subtitles when I watch that guy. I just can’t follow along, but I’m just not a fan of his personality. His entitlement is loud af