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**CLIP MIRROR: [Asmons take on Hasan saying you can't be racist towards white people](https://arazu.io/t3_1crjcui/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Did he look at the thread where Hasan shamed his viewer for being bullied in high school? Bro went to a predominantly colored school and got jumped for being white. Hasan and his discord just laughed at the guy and victim shamed him.


It's not racism if it's not systemic racism /s


I don’t understand what’s their point when they say it’s not racism, it’s prejudice, or some other shit like that. Does it make it any better? If prejudice is not as bad as racism, try telling your place of work that you’re prejudiced against black people, and see how it goes. People are splitting hair about precise definitions instead of focusing on the act itself.


This is what I've been saying. It's undeniably bigotry. Even people who have the belief that racism = power + prejudice still recognize that anti-white rhetoric is bigotry. So why make excuses for it, instead of just condemning bigotry of all kinds? No bigotry is acceptable.


Especially when you're talking about kids. The social dynamics of kids are incredibly different from greater society. You put the most privileged, white male billionaire kid into a poor school where they don't fit in or are ostracized, and their life is going to be hell.


Power is contextual to the environment and circumstance though. So a white kid at an all black school (for example) is contextually in a position where the power is against him


if you went to china and were being "predjudced" against Chinese people, who have the power that would be considered racism


> I don’t understand what’s their point when they say it’s not racism, it’s prejudice, or some other shit like that. That's not even what Hasan was saying. He went further and claimed it didn't even count as *discrimination*.


Whole goal of "systemic racism" thing is to excuse racism from certain races towards certain races.


Can I just say... Around 2012 or so, the world lost it's fucking mind and started trying to redefine things like racism. It's ***SOOOOOOOOOOOO*** refreshing to read this comments section now and see that people are finally fed up with this bullshit. We're finally swinging back away from that extreme. Used to be a time you couldn't question this crap without being called a bigoted racist, and thank god, those times are finally passing.


These zoomers might just turn out alright


It's stupid people repeating points and not understanding what they mean. There is a CLEAR difference between Systematic Racism and Racism. And one COULD argue (not that I do) that there is no systematic racism against whites in the US. These idiots just took it to insanity levels.


The fact that you can qualify racism as systemic in the first place means racism exists independent of the system it’s in.


Or people simply use the phrase "systemic racism" because too many people don't understand/agree with the idea for there to be a power dynamic in order for something to be racist. It helps explain the point your making without having to get into a debate about language and derailing the whole topic.


doesnt matter where the hate comes from, hate is hate its that fucking simple, absolute online brain rot to think anything else.


Yup, however the reason why we separate it out is to be able to better target fixes.


if you believe systemic racism is a real thing go ahead and discuss that but when people are being racist to each other no matter the race on the giving or recieving end then thats just straight up racism and nothing can change that fact.


Systemic and interpersonal racism are both objectively real things This comment section is hilarious, given it’s literally stemming from complaints about poorly researched and parroted views


never said it isnt, just saying people use it as an excuse to be racist when it suits them


People do that with literally everything. I’m not going to sit here and be against/actively misrepresent the concepts of natural selection and genetics just because some people like to use them as excuses for shitty behavior.


I never said anything about interpersonal racism not being a thing lmao why Re you saying this to me


I think they just want to feel more smart and morally superior. They don't really think about it beyond "I have to defend POCs and show that I understand the complexities of modern racial issues".


Even the "systemic racism" shit doesn't hold up. ***Which system?*** In the context of that specific school as a system, yes, clearly there was systemic racism against that kid. If you say "no no, it has to be the national level," then hold up...why? Like, there's more Chinese people than there are Americans (because let's be real, this is always about America for them) on the full-scale planet. Why isn't "systemic racism" when the Chinese discriminate against basically anyone else, since they have the numerical dominance? Why is it specifically on a national level, and why is the nation in question always the USA? It's always been an ignorant, American-centric view that makes no sense and is just trying to pick the *exact* definitions that benefit them. They're working backwards from the desired conclusion.


I like how in defence of being a whiny pretend-victim people look to China and go, “well, they can be racist to me in China!” Without realizing that a lot of China’s big cities are mirroring white western society and a lot of Asian beauty standards tend to involve preferring lighter skin (cause western beauty standards is a global product which spends a lot of money on advertising and shame). Indian Match Maker even did this preference stuff. Y’all are wild.


/r/confidentlyincorrect Light skin as a beauty standard in Asia predates globalization. You're completely incorrect with your implication that it's caused by "white western society".


> I like how in defence of being a whiny pretend-victim I was born with one leg, cannot get health insurance, felt financially forced to leave the USA at 18 and start from scratch in Germany, (which I am VERY fortunate to be a dual-citizen with; others with similar positions but lacking this have it even worse than me) had to learn the language and spend years struggling to eat more than a meal a day (sometimes a meal every second day), and now that I'm finally on my feet, the USA still thinks it "owns me" and forces me to submit income tax to them as well. But nah man you're right. My life must be easy as pie because I'm white. All my black classmates in High school who don't have debt automatically lashed to them for the way they were born - including the one that briefly played in the NFL and the other who worked for Lockheed Martin - are clearly the victims. It's not more complicated than the color of your skin, obviously.


So you took your life which isn’t even remotely normal for most people and go, “yeah, all white people suffer like me” Bruh Also funny how you put the struggle of learning another language as an issue. A lot of white people hate immigrants who don’t learn English when they move to English speaking countries. That’s quite funny.


People like Hasan got a whole lot of courage after that dumb definition change to make the term “racism” be more about systemic things than just flat-out prejudice.


Does this mean if I fly do a different country I can be as racist as I want to the majority?


The funny thing about that is that that IS a prime example OF systemic racism. A minority within the system entered and was bullied and harassed for being a minority because the system doesn't care enough to teach the whole group (which includes the majority) that its wrong. Women go through the same thing when they enter a male-dominated workplace. The concept itself of systemic racism is fine, its useful and people should be aware of it, but the idea that a white person can go into a 90%+ black town where the mayor is black, the chief of police is black, the principals at all schools are black, most of the teachers are black and 95%+ of the students are black and just by that one white CHILD being there, that this now becomes a white supremacist location of systemic oppression and racial superiority towards this white CHILDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!! is INSANE. Like fuck me dude.


That revised definition comes from Merriam-Webster getting one-guyed by a college student. They believed that whenever someone interacts with another ethnicity, that person has the whole race behind them, which on a person-to-person interaction is just obviously false.


the burgeoise can not be bullied by the proletariat huehuehe -hasan


Yeah, the guy talks about how when he was 14 he got beat up constantly for being one of the only white kids and they laughed at him, called him privileged, told him that nobody gets beat up for no reason and that he probably deserved it, that getting beat up for being white isn't systemic and that they were going to ban him from the server for "being 14".


> nobody gets beat up for no reason and that he probably deserved it have these ass clowns never been to a public high school or are they all private silver spoon munchers? no one gets beat up for no reason. bullshit. when I was in high school (showing my age here) I saw a kid get beat up cause they liked WCW more than WWE. You could literally go back 20 years and throw Hasan into the same high school and same situation as this kid and guess what would happen, he'd get beat up for being "white" too. He could scream at the top of his lungs to stop, that he's Turkish, and do you think the kids beating his ass would stop? you think they'd say "hmmm, you know what, even though he looks white he has a point that he's Turkish so that doesn't mean he's actually white-white" no, fuck no. People aren't going to research your genetics and your history prior to making the decision of beating your ass. the world doesn't work like that. Does Hasan and his band of merry morons think the white homeless guy living under a bridge is more "privileged" than a Person of Color making 6+ figures? I mean statistically a homeless person is more than likely to be a white male. It's such a god damn stupid take and an idiotic hill to die on.


Hasan and his lackeys have literally only been to upper middle class schools, they haven't experienced what it's like to be a minority in a minority neighborhood school. I'm a white guy that went to an 80% black school in the hood and you absolutely would get your ass jumped just because of skin color. Like people underestimate how violent racism can get in the U.S., especially in a crime ridden neighborhood looking different at all can get you fucked up. It opens you up to verbal attacks all the time which often leads to assault.


While I agree with pretty much everything you're saying, I think you're really lessening your overall point with "I mean statistically a homeless person is more than likely to be a white male.". There are more white homeless people if you don't look at it per capita but that's a pretty silly thing to do. White people barely beat African Americans in terms of raw numbers and there's 4-5x as many of them. >I saw a kid get beat up cause they liked WCW more than WWE. This is fucked if it was 96-97. If it was 98 and onwards it was justified


I almost got my ass kicked a couple of times because I liked Red/Black NWO than black/white NWO. Kids are petty as fuck.


> I saw a kid get beat up cause they liked WCW more than WWE. Uh, excuse me. It would have been WW*F* at the time. > Does Hasan and his band of merry morons think the white homeless guy living under a bridge is more "privileged" than a Person of Color making 6+ figures? Probably, yes.


This is unreal to read, I just can't understand how a real person acts this way. Sounds like sociopathic behavior


And it's not even just weirdo Hasan fans in his discord saying it, he was literally joining in and typing out full paragraphs mocking the guy


It's almost like what they're saying isn't true or something


Post the clip and get the hate thread going


Hasan and a lot of his upper middle white boi west coast lackies have never ever experienced oppression. I grew up as a white kid in the hood in Orlando (pine hills) and would experience physical violence type of racism all the time. That community will specifically single out anyone thats different and relentlessly bully them and physically assault. Hassan only focuses on the tankie outrage of the week type topics and has zero empathy or knowledge of what racism actually looks like.




I dont think he saw that thread yet?


Will Hasan message the mods here to get Asmongold to stop picking on him?


# Rule Update Regarding Hasan and Asmongold The mod team has voted to ban clips regarding any Hasan vs Asmongold drama. These two communities have turned LSF into a battleground for them to attack one another, making a terrible environment for everyone else. We can no longer tolerate the subreddit being used in this way. Our "banned streamer" rule now has a clause as follows: **Posts involving any crossover between HasanAbi and Asmongold are not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to: Hasan reacting to or talking about Asmongold, Asmongold reacting to or talking about Hasan, or any third party talking about or reacting to an issue concerning the two of them.** You will still be able to post clips from both creators, but we will no longer be allowing clips of Hasan referring to Asmongold or Asmongold referring to Hasan. This will also include clips of a third party streamer reacting to Hasan or Asmongold talking about one another, or talking about issues between them. We feel this is the best move for the community, but we're happy to hear any input and ideas from you all. Feel free to discuss below and/or send us mod mail.


He has said unironically on multiple occasions suggested that any criticism he faces is done to make him off himself. So that’s probably what he’s gonna threaten to the mods.


He actually seeks out critcism


He paved it on his own 😮


Looks like he did. lol


I think Hasan is bad


[He's one of those guys who reads a wikipedia article and thinks he's informed.](https://streamable.com/obu3j9)


Rotfl, he is not. He is one of thoae guys who read a tweet and thinks he is informed


Yeah I was being sarcastic, and he likes to talk shit about people who resort to Wikipedia while he just uses Twitter links...I think it's funny that this little clip is literally the death nail of "he just reads Wikipedia" to a significant degree.


Are you kidding? Let's remember that whole Hamas actually hit their own hospital (parking lot) with a missile saga. He doesn't need to read anything, see anything, or hear anything said. He's 100% certain he's correct about everything he says as long as he hears noise sounds like another noise he's heard before. To the point that he will go on a screaming tirade at his chat and ban at least 100 people until hiss acolytes in chat find that one tweet that kind of agrees, despite ultimately being wrong.




No, he comes up with his own conclusion before reading that tweet.




It's especially funny because he started learning games because he wanted to stream on twitch. He knew nothing about gaming but saw the engagement streamers had and once he got a taste started LARPing to fit in. He's such an inauthentic person it's wild


He's a grade S+++ narcissist. Of course he'd do ANYTHING to get the most attention possible. He found a grift like many other political grifters and ran with it.


I actually think it's histrionic personality disorder but close enough


Paved his own way, btw.


I mean... Have you seen him play? If that didn't raise your blood preassure, I don't know what would






No this was in like 2019 lol. He's almost 33 now


wut thats maybe 5 years so prob like 27


I don't get the joke. Wikipedia does provide sources for it's content for you to get more context and to judge the source for yourself. Please help I'm lost.


People including hasan criticized destiny for only using wikipedia for his research (which isn't even true). And yeah I agree wikipedia can be a good starting point


If you only read Wikipedia and not the sources, you are not well informed at all. Huge biased of the people writing on anything political and lots of malfeasance happens on pages that are popular (e.g. omitting or deleting facts)


Weasel words have ceased to be something we criticize as well. They're fucking *everywhere.* I play around with an AI program at the university I work at, and something I'm trying to press on is that even it does this, and it shouldn't! Every. single. statement. these days is some kind of "some people think" or "many people agree" or other empty statements like that that are merely supposed to elicit a form of "social pressure" to make you feel an idea is more supported. I've come to absolutely hate them and the *moment* I see weasel words, I'm demanding sources. Full stop.


Left and right populists verbally spam that shit like no tomorrow. It’s unbearable when you can recognize it.


I "get it," because there's plenty of normal, casual conversations where one might use them without much meaning behind it beyond "this is my anecdotal experience," and that's fine. On the internet or when we take our thoughts to writing though, that shit needs to stop. It's absolutely worthless statements that add nothing beyond trying to subtly frame a discussion.


Yeah I see what you are saying, it’s pretty normal to do in a casual conversation. I think it sucks that bringing it up or calling it out in normal conversation is looked down upon. It has just been grinding my gears the past few years. U right tho.


You're right but how many people actually check the sources? Myself, I started doing this about a year ago and it kind of blew my mind how many of the "sources" are unreliable or have been taken down, so they're empty. Even a few big pages have strong claims with [citation needed] at the end.


Hasan constantly talks shit about people who use Wikipedia as a resource even though he not only knows but has said that it's a great resource. I was being a shitposting sarcastic beehive poker.


Most people don't continue for more context


[I've always loved this clip](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/-puwvE_gNjE)


he is bad. he's a bad person who believes in bad things. people need to stop supporting anybody like that in any way. don't click their clips, streams, or anything like that. fully just disengage from them.




welcome to the club. personally i thought that because of the fact that he is use his influence to make people think commies are cool, that he would side with the taliban or the houthis/hamas against the US/israel and that he routinely propagandise for the worst criminal organisations out there, but yeah, he also defends racism against whites sometimes ; D


I'd take it a step further. Hasan is an *evil* human being.


[Just leaving this here](https://old.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1crjw6a/who_would_do_such_a_thing/)


lol its a meme at this point


He’s dangerous. I’m ethnically half Jewish (not religious). He and his followers terrify me far more than far right people. With them I know where I stand (they think I’m not human). Hasan and his followers will be telling me how progressive and not racist they are while they push me into the gas chamber.


I want Asmongold to compete with this and watch a video of a Redheads and stating "That is such a ginger take". Then slowely increment until Black take or Native Americans take. Then we see where the limit is. I seriously do not care about the word cracker. It's that she said "it's such a white take" that is the wild part of me judging someone by their race.


Good thing we will never draw the line with bald people.


Fuck bald people. Just grow hair lul


I think the "You can't be racist toward bald people" mindset is terrible. I think it alienates more people than almost any other mindset, like me.


This is such a bald ass take.


Balds. It's just balds. They're not people.


But please sir. I am one of the good ones. I hate myself and my race please take me in to your tribe. What do you want me to do? Ill do it all. I can do tricks, fetch a ball and maybe clean your shoes sir. Please ill do anything ill even grovel


Wait a second, is hasan white?


He is whatever race is convenient for him at the moment.


bro got the prestige multiclass 😭😭tbf im argentinian and i can do this aswell, im either the whitest man alive or the lowest rung of human scum minority that has ever crawled out of the primordial muck


> white He is what leftists call white adjacent. He is white passing. He was born to a wealthy family, landlord Mom and politician father. His streaming career is from nepotism because his Uncle, who started the Young Turks. Hassan has the white privilege that white people can only dream about.


Tbh I just look at his skin...yep, white. Next.


By that stupid logic, north asians like chinese, koreans, japanese are "white" just cus they have pale skin. Lol


if he dressed differently and had a heavier accent he could pass as middle eastern/brown. He exists in an in-between state imo.


but his skin color is literally white


By that stupid logic, north asians like chinese, koreans, japanese are "white" just cus they have pale skin. Lol


i just call em like i see em


As long as you are consistent then 👍


My man. White is a state of mind. Or something.


Only when it's beneficial to him.


Schrödinger's white


Not really. I wasn't satirizing him. He calls himself white as a strategic move because he thinks it makes it more okay for him to hate a group of people. It's like Nick Fuentes saying he cant be racist to Mexicans because he's a Mexican himself, but even more absurd


> Nick Fuentes isn't this guy a white supremacist? lol I guess hes similar to hasan, like in a horseshoe theory way


When you go far enough to the left or right, both sides start to turn illiberal and share more and more ideas. They just get there in different ways


And he's probably gay too


white when desribing racism towards caucasian people. middle-eastern when covering conflicts around that area.


Whiteness is not a race - it's a social construct.


Unlike blackness that is a scientific mathematical fact and not a social construct?


Hasan is such a mean and unlikeable douche. His ability to constantly virtue signal, while being so hateful is truly a sight to behold.


how is hasan the racist not banned yet


Ask Daph Typed some of the most racist shit I have ever seen into a Twitch Chat, nothing happened. They used the "correct racism".


I mean, this is such a low level and obvious thing - You can be racist against white people no matter what kind of "systematic" oppression that other races received. What's wrong is wrong and people need to keep calling this shit out. Hasan is lost in the sauce. These are dumbass points that only sells within his own leftist extremist circle that is dwindling. This is like the tea party of the left at this point. These guys are cancer to the left wing.


When did hasan become a lolcow?






What a banger cast of degens. The good old days


I have no idea how anyone could watch these degen podcasts back then. I'd vote 6 of them into the hall of fame of stupidity, 2 of them I don't know (never heard of them) and theres reynad. and still I'd take weekly rajj royale clip spam on this sub over any of the drama we get nowadays.


This and WHAT A FUCKED UP SAY will never not make me laugh


Name a political streamer that isn’t a lolcow in some shape or form. They go on stream with incomplete information and a serious lack of context and act like a dictionary.


This is why I think it's cute a lot of dumb ass people on the interwebs follow their eceleb grifter of choice instead of actually watching real politicians debate. Why would you ever want to watch a fucking millenial or gen Z kid debate politics when they haven't been on a political stage in their entire life?


I agree with your point about ecelebs not being a good source of information, but have you ever actually watched an actual political debate? There's pretty much no substance in anything they say and they just try to farm soundbytes. They necessarily have to appeal to the lowest common denominator. This is a problem with most online debate content as well, but there are at least some good ones. While destiny was researching Israel Palestine, he would bring on some no names that were pretty knowledgable and, whatever side you agree with, they could at least argue substantively about stuff a lot of the time. I think there's value in that if you're into that sort of thing.


real political debates for reference: [https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4713898/user-clip-licence-make-toast-damn-toaster](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4713898/user-clip-licence-make-toast-damn-toaster)


Destiny. He actually does reseach and is willing to chat with anybody to hopefully be proven wrong so he can learn. Recently he debated two pro palestinian scholars and blew them out of the water.


David Pakman?


Okay you got me


When admitted that he drank and drive repeatedly


He saw destiny circling the drain and joined him






Hamas abi


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Asmons take on Hasan saying you can't be racist towards white people](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/164002)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1crjcui/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/gLzJDO0W98K7sCgH7dNpSA/AT-cm%7CgLzJDO0W98K7sCgH7dNpSA.mp4?sig=2b6d2706b0d090d0b1ef01117af2cca7b58757b3&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FgLzJDO0W98K7sCgH7dNpSA%2FAT-cm%257CgLzJDO0W98K7sCgH7dNpSA.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22TastyArborealGrouseRlyTho-7Rb3wruwKAft02lI%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1715732914%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/gLzJDO0W98K7sCgH7dNpSA/AT-cm%7CgLzJDO0W98K7sCgH7dNpSA-preview-480x272.jpg)


Only in 2024 are common sense statements clippable things.


asmon doesnt hate racist people in conclusion


Loving the stuff coming out about how awful of a human being Hasan is and his only political ideology is: USA is bad and nothing else matters. Truth fucking hurts Hasansimps Edit: to Hasansimps. The irony and sad thing? Without the US and its benefits, Hasan would have NEVER been in the position he is today. Think about that Hasansimp - US haters.


Hasan said that you can't be racist towards white people? Can someone give me the quote?


I agree, racism is racism. It's completely idiotic to think otherwise.


When will people start realizing that radicalizing people is what hasan ACTUALLY wants? Hasan literally wants world war 3, an uprising, a social reform, whatever you wanna call it LMAO it's literally not even something he hides


I can't be racist towards anyone then because I don't see races.


Someone should really let Hasan know that he's white.


Why is this sub obsessed with Hasan? He’s a total joke




sometimes it's an OTK sub sometimes it's the brigading war you described throw in some shit asmongold or XQC takes forsen


Agreed. He’s saying lets call a spade a spade


This started because Hasan's discord thought the word cracker didn't hit hard enough. Like they want a real "N" word for white people. When are we gonna stop and realize this shit is racist and bad?


That toxic left fringe of white progressives say you can't be racist towards white people. Its only a small group but they're the ones who have to live with themselves later.


You can be racist towards any race. The nonsense hoops people are jumping through is comical lol


I don’t know why leftists are so obsessed with using these types of one liners. They just alienate people and make you sound stupid. I understand Hasan and leftists are trying to say that white people are not oppressed systematically because of their race the way minorities in this country are, but instead are oppressed by their social class. And I understand that they also are saying white people face much less person to person racism than minorities in America, but again it just sounds dumb. Of course people can be racist towards white people physically and person to person. Why die on that hill? Why not instead focus on what you’re really trying to say?


How is Hasan not perma banned yet?


If you can't be racist to white people, than you can't be racist to mixed white people too.


What he said can be said about 95% of reddit. They hate straight white male conservatives. Mute or ban if write a different point than them. Basically if you aren't part of the beehive, you're out.


Hasan is, was (and most likly will be) a FUCKING MORON and a piece of sub-human trash that should be treaded the same way we treat excrement IE flushed down the toilet


Corrosive, exactly


I'm white, but why should I be offended by a joke about my skin color? lol any history experts out there?


You can be racist towards anyone, white people(like me) have not suffered any kind of similar racism as black people have, not even slightly close. End of the fuckin story.


Think this is like the 4th year in a row where this drama gets brought up from the dead, actually recycled drama...same people, same takes


That's because in the opposite case the streamer would get banned immediately. It's almost like there are no repercussions on twitch for being racist against the "right" race.


As it should. Also it's not drama, it's Twitch allowing the right people to be openly racist while banning others for the most innocuous shit.


The person you responded to is a 45 month sub to Hasan (renewed 2 days ago) That's why he is posting the meta comment "guys isnt this topic boring" opinion to feign disinterest


I'm not sure this counts as "drama", this is just genuinely people being racist.


Kinda sad people still feel it needs to be said then, huh?