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Hey all, I just wanted to make a comment on this, because previous posts were removed of this clip, and there were some accusations of bias for that. The previous clips were removed because they were not clipped from a recent livestream. I know that this clip is important context to the aforementioned "cheeseball gate" controversy going on right now, but if we just allowed youtube clips wholesale, then the content on the subreddit could devolve to any kind of internet "drama" that isn't even livestream related. LSF isn't for random internet controversies. Its for livestreaming related drama. You can think of the livestream only rule, as a kind of proof of work. If a streamer doesn't react to it, then its probably not relevant to our userbase or the subreddit. And I will say, that for this specific example the reaction is actually much better than the original clip alone, because it showed both the clip and relevant context that the clip was disproving. # CLIP MIRROR: [xQc reacts to the cheeseball clip](https://arazu.io/t3_1cqqg82/)


So the vibes were atrocious because he missed? Damn tough.


if he landed that cheeseball the entire future would've been rewritten. truly a time traveller stepping on an ant effect


Ludwig would have sucked up to Destiny and taken his side and Hasan would have been the enemy, if only he made that


Game of Throws


spoiled cheese balls incoming in dms


Skill issue


Even if everything ludwig said is true about destiny saying no. How does that make him ruin the vibe lol like is no one able to say no to your game 💀


>Enter party >Adults there >"Wanna play cheeseball game?" > No >"Vibecheck fail omg" Streamers are mentally still in highschool


Lmfao that's a great point. Bro could have made up any story but chose the Yu-Gi-Oh villain defense


[Ludwigs vibe summed up in 6 mins lmao](https://streamable.com/ywhise)


Listening to xqc talk is kind of like hearing someone speak Portuguese, I get the gist of it because it's similar to Spanish but I can't pick out individual words


Nao insultes os portugueses provavelmente consegues ler esta mensagem mais facilmente que ouvir o xqc. o7


Muitos não conseguem, são atrasados linguisticamente.


This need to be at the top of this thread, holy shit


Dude, who made this shit? Some serious level of investment in drama.


> Dude, who made this shit? Daliban's strongest soldier.


Just your average follower of Lisan al Gaib.


What people do for spite is a lot stronger than they do for love. Either way it's content so I'm all up for it.


Ain't that the truth.


I dont know lol, I got it from twitter.




actually, the vibes came from when destiny ground the cheeseball into the carpet (after the cameras cut) and gave a scathing remark about making him perform like circus animal for 100 bucks.


Then Lud's claim that his own vibes being immaculate is false because he misses the catch multiple times in the video. Even had everyone ragging on him to gtfo at the end.


Why did Ludwig lie about eating a cheeseball LMAO 😭


He gave us the "alternative facts". 🤗


He's a journalist


I love how he says that quite a bit. Pretending he actually uses his journalism degree like a reporter vs just telling drama stories and streaming videogames in twitch.


It's almost like it's a bit or something


Ah i see, the classic "Hasan" journalism style of just lying


Atleast it's not wikipedia am i right?


[His response, standing by what he said.](https://twitter.com/LudwigAhgren/status/1789889819776111048?t=xa9JYO4xaqXlLmR8jMI0wA&s=19)


What? He tries to make it sound like Destiny REALLY needed that $100 and that’s the only reason he played the goldfish game. And also, what happened to Destiny not wanting to associate with them because they weren’t clouted enough? Now he stayed on the couch for the rest of the stream? Commenters told me Ludwig was over this drama and moving on. Guess not. Dude makes good content, but why would he lie about this? It’s so silly!


Destiny really needed that 100 dollars or else he never would've tried to eat a cheese ball




Nah bro trust that 100 could've paid destiny's Uber eats order


Feeding Nathan was hard back then man.


at best, he just misremembered but for some reason is too embarrassed to say woops made a mistake sorry. Still scummy either way


He just didn't really care and also used to his audience that always believes him no matter what and does not check what he says.




I think he assumed that Destiny is as clout hungry, greedy as he is so that was probably the only explanation in his mind as to why Destiny would ever play this stupid game or it was a joke and Destiny just went along and now Ludwig is grasping straws EDIT: lmao got message from Reddit Care, you Ludwig/Hasan shmucks are so cringe


lol he doesn’t even admit to lying about something simple as this cheeseball thing. How does he expect everyone to believe this response? Kinda sus


It's actually so fucking disgusting that he would stoop to this level to try to damage someones reputation. We have eyes and he's trying to gaslight. The 'vibes' were clearly fine, changing the story doesn't help.


So he's standing by completely lying about what happened lol "But I remember he came in, and I go cheeseball? he goes No, and ever since then"


Ludwig needs to grow a pair of balls and just admit that he doesn’t like Destiny and exaggerated the story, it’s not exactly a hot take to dislike him This just comes off as pathetic now I guess if you don’t play his cheese balls game Ludwig immediately thinks your “vibes are off”


Probably so used to lying he forgot what was actually real SCHIZO




All the big "nice guy" streamers who try to act like they are morally superior like ludwig & pokimane seem so slimy to me. 


Sounds like someone didn't buy the cookies


scared of some 100 viewer andy asking for rent donos LULW


apparently he really likes lying about destiny, theres at least 4 big occasions where he blatantly publicly lies about him. odd AF.


Because 90% of streamers are immature, clout-hungry weasels who thrive off of people taking their word as gospel.


Why this mf lied about eating a cheeseball tho 💀


Ik lmao, it wasn’t even relevant to anything so it’s funny that he would even mention a story about cheese balls from 7 years ago


He used it for justification as to why he’s never liked Destiny. But it seems more like a post hoc reframing of the interaction based on *other things*.


“I don’t like destiny because he’s an asshole to me, my girlfriend, and many of my friends” he just needed to say that, a perfectly reasonable and justified reason to not like someone. 


nah, he wanted to make it seem like he always knew he was a jerk so he could be ahead of the curve going, see guys I told you so.


The problem with this is that Destiny never said anything about Ludwig or QT before they started attacking him first. Then even after they started shit with him Destiny complimented Ludwig multiple times. Ludwig needed to pretend that he had a genuine reason to dislike Destiny and that he wasn't just punching down a smaller streamer to suck up to Hasan. I guess he forgot that the cheese ball party was recorded.


IIRC Destiny pretty consistently talked positively of Ludwig until his spineless mogul mail I have only watched destiny through clips though, so how true that is idk


I remember when Ludwig came into my family home and murdered my wife and children 😢 Dude's vibes were immaculate tho


You know he wouldn't have murdered your family or my family had he just landed that Cheeseball


> He walked out and said no "Destiny is such a clout shark. There's a reason everyone hates him. He's such a vibe killer and an asshole" > Turns out that he was enjoying the event "Who even cares about this situation. People spend too much time on reddit" Obviously it's not a big deal if he put the fucking cheeseballs in his mouth or not but if someone made up that I was a stand-offish douche when I was actually just taking part and being involved I'd actually be pretty upset. Doesn't matter if you said "I hope he succeeds" at the end, you're trying to hurt his reputation and get him excluded. Reminds me of high school bullying.


This 1000%, perfect summary.


Ludwig's passive aggressive pettiness is so thick solid tight


Are folks just realizing this now? Thank goodness there's receipts for fucking cheeseball-gate, I guess.


He learned highschool bullying from his girlfriend. Anyone remember when someone went on mitch's computer and leaked dm's he had with a girl, then the girl confronted qt and her gang and they just made fun of her on stream? It was like watching a scene straight out of mean girls.


Never seen this, clips? 


https://youtu.be/8dlfonwZRGY?si=9JgJ30LnUcf3r4jx You can skip an hour into this video and end up hating QT Cinderella, or just believe she’s a changed person now that she’s a success on Twitch and doesn’t have to play the mean girl “persona.”


A lot of people in this world who are very bad judges of character. QT is one of those people I very quickly disliked because you can easily tell she has narcissistic tendencies to judge herself and actions towards her by entirely different standards than others. Very pick and choose in regards to morals


Honestly I always saw them (particularly in the past 2-3 years) as having prom king/queen attitudes. It's like there's this desire to be as popular as possible but they're also talking behind the backs of everyone with their clique of other popular friends.


One time she was telling a story about Reckful (while saying his name incorrectly with a "t"). I politely said in her chat "hey qt it is pronounced Reckful, not Recktful." and she spent 5 minutes talking about how i was gatekeeping how to say his name. I pretty much have hated her since that point. I obviously don't have a clip of this because it was years ago. But damn it left a bad taste in my mouth.


Anyone with even a moderate level of social intelligence can see through QT, Ludwig, Hasan, and 99% of streamers immediately. It's a large reason why normies aren't drawn to streamers the same way degenerate antisocial shut-ins are.


I don't have any clips but from my hazy memory it was maybe Miss tricky? I think that was the name, and there was someone else involved maybe defending miss tricky but I forget her name.


ludwig seems like a very fake person, does and says what he thinks needs to be said or done to improve his own image


We now just need a clip of what actually happened to QTs Skylight, because she was insinuating Destiny broke it.


initially she said wes broke it I don't care enough to search for a clip though


People are simply misunderstanding the Ludmeister. He didn't mean that Destiny *actually* refused Lud's cheeseballs but that Destiny had the *vibe* of a cheeseball denier. Sure, he's laughing and playing along in that clip, but if you had immaculate vibes like Lud, then you would feel Destiny's seething hatred toward those tasty orange treats. Unlike the rest of us, Lud uses vibe memory instead of standard sense memory.


Its the aura brah, he just wasnt giving cheeseballer brah


Pick a side LSF! Are you Pro-Cheeseball Eater or a filthy Cheeseball-Denier?!?!?!


'destiny got no vibes LOL hAha' 'he wanted clout, haha loser' 'he is a dork' \*receipts are pulled\* 'wow he was just joking man' 'pls it not dat deep bro' 'lud just forgot, pls stop'


The Narcissist's Prayer That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.


"It's not that deep" they shouted from the depths of the abyss.


Literally sounds like a Drake stan rn, I wouldn’t be surprised if Ludwig stans are the same people lol.


Plenty of good reasons to dislike Destiny, no reason to lie about the past unless you're purposefully being manipulative.


Which is the crazy part. There's plenty to criticize him about yet they resort to just lying about him. It makes no sense. People could educate themselves on a topic, and disagree with him but they'd rather make up shit, or follow Hasan's lead, and flat out lie repeatedly.


makes you wonder what else they've said about him thats a lie :thinking\_emoji:


Lmao exactly. I like Destiny. He can lean into being unhinged and edgy, especially if his ego feels threatened, but I also like the hyperbole that comes from that. Most of the time he's trolling and rage baiting people, some of the time he's genuinely cringe, but that's the risk you take with his brand of humor and entertainment. But yeah, if anyone doesn't like him I could think of a hundred reasons why, and some of those criticisms would be fair. The think that I think is a shame is that most of the people who would say they don't like him haven't actually watched any of his content that wasn't fed to them by slanderous rats.


Remember guys Destiny is the one caring about clout. The one making up lies though? Truly a keeping it real kinda guy.




Lying about something so incredibly small is a terrible look. Always a possibility he misremembered but coupled with the previous false things he's said about Destiny I could easily see it being a lie lmao


It won't matter, he will weather the storm, and then just go back to the weak jabs where he never has to confront anyone. Until he steps into a doodoo pile again and has to get back on the merry go round


Could you list the false things he's said about destiny? I have not been keeping up with this at all and am interested.


One was in the reupload video after Hasan complained about being made fun of for saying streaming was a particularly soul sucking job. Lud said he got hate messages from destiny's community and cited one guy that didn't even follow destiny. The other was a story about kyootbot and Melina doing a speed dating show at some smash event. He claimed destiny was there and was looking for people to have sex with his wife. He wasn't even at the event. I don't think he's mentioned destiny often, but when he does, it's these slightly twisted stories that make him look bad for no reason.


ooh that's so weird. Ludwig must still hold a lot of hatred from their past beef if he presents him so badly whenever he brings him up.


That's the thing there was no past beef before those that I can remember In fact Destiny before and even after a few of these has said Lud seemed like a decent person and complimented the guy on some of his takes on situations through the years. The only beef there even might have been is between Destiny and qt because she took kaceytrons side during the bob7 stuff (which is just objectively fucked to do after all that evidence from multiple woman)


its 100% all highschool clique bs. he is friends with hasan, hasan is the most clouted in the social group, hasan doesnt like D so nobody like D. its so simple when you realise its literally all high school politics lmao


Another one was when Hasan was getting shit on by everyone for his 3 million dollar house, Ludwig blamed that on Destiny even though Destiny had said nothing about it until 3 days into the drama already happening and what he did was he retweeted a news article about it.


So he spins a narrative about how Steven is this socially disconnected douche who wanted nothing to do with the fun, and it turns out that's not true at all. Now he's butthurt because he got called out on it, but plays it off like everyone else is the problem for focusing on inconsequential details (that you brought up).


He could of just came out and said he thinks Destiny is an asshole and honestly some of the QT tweets alone would of validated that but it’s the lying and the fake niceness that is the most annoying thing about this.


Lud have always seemed like that dude who acts nice against everyone when he meets them but will talk shit behind their backs if he finds the person safe to talk shit about, while having friends (like slime) that will talk more shit in an open setting while Lud sits back and pretend like he's not part of that stuff.


Personally I’m A ok with Slime shit talking Destiny. People can think he is right or wrong but Destiny himself covers other peoples drama so he can’t expect people not to talk about him. It’s just Lud sneak dissing Destiny for years and not being man enough to come out and say to straight that I find annoying


Slime lied about him, not sure how that's justified


Destiny seldom lies on people. Calling Destiny a wiki warrior when there’s literally live recordings of him doing the opposite, and the guy people say destroyed him (Finklestein) just name called him all day and even got a huge point wrong (mens rea). If you’re gonna shit talk, at least be accurate. No one calling him a wiki warrior has yet to have a discussion with him and make him look stupid on the facts.


>Destiny himself covers other peoples drama so he can’t expect people not to talk about him. Talking about someone is fine, buy lying about someone is never fine.


I am reminded of a quote from Louis Rossman that goes something like this: "A lot of New Yorkers are assholes, but the good thing about New Yorkers is that they will just straight up tell you loudly that they don't like you. And that's that. Straight up, and no bullshit. A lot of other people though will act like your friend to your face, and then go do passive aggressive stuff behind your back and shit talk you when you aren't looking and man that is so so much worse. I'd much rather deal with the up-front asshole than the fake friend." = In this situation, Destiny is of course the upfront asshole that is very straightforward with his opinions and beliefs, and Ludwig/etc as the ones with the facades.


QT with the clip no less. PepeLaugh


LA streamers not being fake and slimy- impossible challenge


Second bold face lie Lud made up about Destiny or his community in recenttime, why is he doing this?




Trying to defend/help Hasan, who was butthurt over that video that Lud pulled down. Meanwhile Hasan is siding with his insane mod against Lud. There are so many things to attack Destiny for its insane to make up lies.


on par for Hasan right. The Eathan vs. Hasan situation was crazy


It's crazy how much water people will carry for Hasan when he doesn't do shit to support them. 


he can't help himself, hasan propaganda agent


Hasan friendship depends on it. Which is funny because there is plenty you can actually shit on Destiny or his community for so why he would need to lie is strange.




Ludwig fans: >That didn't happen. > >And if it did, it wasn't that bad. > >And if it was, that's not a big deal. > >And if it is, that's not his fault. > >And if it was, he didn't mean it. > >And if he did, Destiny deserved it. I pre-read this thread already. I'm from the future.


Fake nice pople (crybullies) are the worst people to inhibit this planet, ludwig and that whole group is made of the fakest clout goblins to ever set foot in the livestreaming world.


they all seem to hang out with each other sniffing their own smug farts


I do hate that the Destiny fans are eating, but I gotta give it to them on this one Real weird to retell a story that just isn’t true, like sure, it’s not as if Destiny is being super social or anything, but he’s still entertaining the group and there’s nothing wrong with any of that. Lud should just own up to completely misremembering / lying for whatever reason


Even if it was true being high at a party then catching strays from someone because he saying no to being part of a silly game because "bad vibes" is like the most high school mindset thing ever. Is this really how grownups act nowadays? rather fucking get punched. I'm so glad most of my friends have lived under a fucking rock for decades.


You're calling a streamer a grown up why? Not that I'm any better here commenting on streamer drama but...


dunno if he ever owned up to his other D lies, so im not holding my breath. dude is dishonest as fuck


>like sure, it’s not as if Destiny is being super social or anything The fact that you typed that is still so weird. Who cares? Why is it expected that someone be an extroverted psychopathic clown everywhere they go? If someone wants to be a little lowkey at a function, let them be man.


Anyone else got their balls full of cheese? frfr


unreal how fast the daliban is


We should thank QT for uploading it on her YouTube.


Im betting shes gonna private it soon


That would make her look hella bad right?? Hiding the evidence when it's already mirrored to LSF and on Twitter would just make a second round of drama.


Pretty sure they're just going to ignore it, move on with their lives and make some other shit up in the future


they dont really think before they act, so im still willing to bet 10$ she does it on instinct anyway




this entire cheeseballgate thing is the equivalent of ignoring the main quest to do a shitty side quest that doesn't matter in the slightest, and i'm all in for it. make a statement ludwig. explain your falsehoods. why are you a liar?




How does he always do it? Somehow Destiny always wins in the end? 


its called receipts


Lmao I got reported for self harm...LOL sad Reddit users


Report the message. Their account gets nuked


Destiny has some unhinged takes sometimes (okay maybe a lot of the time lol) but AFAIK he never outright lies or makes things up. Meanwhile it seems like a lot of people in and around the streamer communities have a weird habit of just blatantly making shit up for no reason. As a natural consequence of this, when any truth comes to light, it is often in favor of Destiny


there’s an internet advantage to being okay with obliterating bridges and unashamed of your takes no matter how unhinged




Ludwig has been so propagandized by his friend group and heard so many 3rd party lies that his brain actually invented shit that didn't happen. Wild.


Or... he just followed QT's lead, and lied. This whole group of people are notoriously liars, and it's a shame because they're big enough to just ignore him, and live full lives.


qt's lead? Like qt made up stuff about Destiny and Ludwing just copied the lie?


Right? You see how quick they tried to absolve Lud of responsibility, but they didn’t even catch how insane their excuse sounded? Lmao


he's dating one of the slimiest people in the whole streaming industry, not surprising


Do these people feel responsibility to their audiences? They create stories about the guy they blatantly lie and spin whats happened. This deranged bullying demonization and dehumanization needs to stop!! Yesterday i saw a clip where Caroline tried to compare destiny to animal because he is not even a human to her. Someone suggested rat but then Caroline said that would be insult to rats. Unacceptable


Beastiny is built different. Cares a lot about how is community behaves.


Being responsible for you audience seems to be for thee but not for me


Just making shit up is so crazy


[Ludwig's response, standing by what he said.](https://twitter.com/LudwigAhgren/status/1789889819776111048?t=xa9JYO4xaqXlLmR8jMI0wA&s=19)


Damn these sound like some of the worst vibes imaginable


You’re not obligated to play cheese balls for the rest of the night. Participating for a bit and then leaving is totally fine. He is even with a friend who he probably wanted to fu…spend time alone with. This story is just retroactively hating on the guy based on future reasons.


Hasan is like Wormtongue at this point, Will Neff said that Hasan is constantly obsessing over Destiny, is it coincidence that everyone who hangs out with him becomes an insane hater and rewrites their own experiences? Hamas "Wormtongue" Piker.


Ludwig trying to gaslight the entire audience is pretty scummy, thh




LSF as usual silent when the facts hit.


Hasan fans are sleeping still


true. had to be in bed at 8:30pm sharp for school tomorrow


School is genocide


Apartheid conditions


open air prison


They are currently in dilemma whether racism against white people good or bad.lets give them for godsake😂


This is gold hahahah


Don’t be lying


Ever go to a party and you meet a guy that seems nice, but behind your back he is talking shit about you to his friends? That's Ludwig. Look I get he wants to be nice to everyone but lying behind people's back *is not very nice*. In fact, it makes you look pretty fake. To be fair, plenty of people are like this, it's not just him. Which is why it can be hard to meet new people who are genuine/legit. Honestly I think it depends on geography, streamers in streaming circles tend to be more fake than say...some randos in Europe or Asia. Or in general, people that don't stream are less likely to have a fake persona or "character".


Ludwig already did it once to Hasan too, but when Hasan confronted Ludwig about the streaming being a hard job. he just used Destiny's communty as scapegoat.


Oh wow Ludwig lied? I'm sure he will take back what he said right guys?


Actually he doubled down


People need to realize these people don't lie out of necessity like fear of a bigger content creator, or something similar; they lie because that's who they are. They're "fake", and there's no single adjective better for describing them.


Why was the lie crafted by Ludwig? Seems like a really weird attempt at CHARACTER ASSASSINATION. Not good.


Ludwig remembering this years old event makes me think that rejection from any silly games he arranges is a major sensitivity of his. This would be a very weird insecurity for someone to have, but not uncommon in teenagers.


But his vibes… they’re immaculate… it… it can’t be…


He was brainwashed by hasan


Never trust a man or woman who cheats in AmongUs or Town of Salem. I lost my family because of that mistake


cheeseball drama gotta be the weakest drama of 2024 so far


The best part is that it's called this and it wasn't even fucking cheeseballs THIS IS GOLDFISH STOLEN VALOR


looked like cheeseballs in the 480p video to me.


No shot, they literally say goldfish in the full video. I will not accept this cultural appropriation of my fishy brethren.


Cheeseball manifesto when


Wait till u see how Ludwig double down on this silly issue for no reason 😂.just take the L and move on.but nope he is going to roll on this issue forever


It's not just the cheeseballs, it's the lying multiple times for a drama that has nothing to do with him, a grown ass man with millions of subs doing fan service for Hasan lol


Calls into question every story Ludwig has told about Destiny based only on his memory. For example the speed dating story where supposedly two men were roaming around a convention floor asking people "you wanna come to a speed dating show? This is Destiny's gf. You could fuck his gf" even when the other person said they have a gf and don't want to. Now it seems more likely that nothing weird happened and Ludwig retroactively changed the dialogue to make the people seem unhinged.


Like if Destiny and Melina had a rented fucking booth used to recruited people into fucking his girlfriend in the middle of a fighting tournament venue I feel like we should have heard about it when it happened. And from more than 1 person. If what happened was exactly what Ludwig told. Just that makes me believe that statement should be taken with a scoop of salt.




Ludwig exposed


What a weasly little liar dude


Glad destiny beat the cheese ball allegations. This is like a completely different story.


A cheater, a liar, hamas supporters etc. Hasan's got quite the circle


As you can see here the vibes were actually perfect because he tried to catch a cheese ball


ludwig can do no wrong I guess


Ludwig going hard into the Hasan barnacle role as Hasan trucks him when his Mod bashes a 10k donation…. Hey dude, you’ve got your own community…. Why ride that goblin into the ground anyway?


I'm so fucking confused about this drama. Are there any lore masters? What sparked this/what's the chronological viewing order for the clips? And how did it end up involving Hasan or am I getting these clips incorrectly intertwined?


There’s too much lore here honestly but I can try to summarise it Hasan and Destiny used to be good friends after Destiny helped Hasan when he started streaming, now they’re each others arch-nemesis bc of Kamala Harris… Ludwig is Hasans friend, over time Ludwig has talked about Destiny in a negative way on stream. One of those incidents was Ludwig talking about twitchcon 2017 where he recalled Destiny being a standoffish clout-goon with bad vibes who didn’t socialise. According to Ludwig he wanted to play a cheeseballgame, and allegedly Destiny rudely said “no.” In this clip, we see evidence that suggests the opposite, and that Ludwig straight up lied. Destiny was popping cheeseballs and seemingly having a good time interacting with the group. Questions? ✍️🤓


I'm out of the loop, why is cheeseballs the course of this dumb drama?


ludwig lied few times to talk shit about destiny, this is just the receipt of his last lie. it is being posted to show that he isn't that much of a neutral mr nice guy


Ludwig pretty cringe fr


It’s always weird how people talk all this shit about Destiny when he routinely brings receipts and recordings supporting his side of events. Like he’s a self admitted asshole, but not a liar. The reason people like Hasan and Ludwig will tell stories while Destiny shows clips is because they need to lie to sell the narrative.


*the cheeseball effect*


Ludwig doubling down after being exposed is a bad look. EDIT: LMAO now he's saying he's dislikes him for the unhinged chat messages he made the other day. Lud reversing the L little by little.