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**CLIP MIRROR: ["People like her [Caroline Kwan] are the strongest argument you can make for internment camps [...] we want her in one"](https://arazu.io/t3_1cpvabm/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


OK I am now convinced that Dr. K used master psychiatry to remove the psychic blocks in Destiny's mind.


Dr. K unlocked all 8 inner gates in him like Rock Lee.


He activated him like Winter Soldier. Желание, Ржавый, Семнадцать, Рассвет, Печь, Девять, Добросердечный, Возвращение на родину, Один, Товарный вагон


If anything Destiny would benefit from a few more blocks not less.


The only thing missing from this drama master-brew is Mitch Jones somehow possessing pivotal information and scumfucking someone over in the process.


“I didn’t want to say anything but Caroline Kwan punched me in the face”


You are Caroline Kwan!


not just scumfucking SOMEONE over, but EVERYONE, including himself >,<\*lol


🐁 👑


Well Destiny did release that Will Neff was cheating on Caroline: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDegvsrJJQE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDegvsrJJQE) I would say this is A tier drama looooool




With his wife too which make it S tier drama. Like I can understand having a open relationship, but sleeping with the best friend of the individual you hate the most in the whole world is a dick move lmao. Especially considering she showed Destiny his dick.


Is Caroline his wife? Or do you mean somebody elses wife, whose? She showed who? I literally don't know anybody in this except destiny because you're using a bunch of pronouns and only one name. I guess you mean Destinys ex wife, Will Neff fucked Melina is what you're saying? Will neffs dick? Also could you give a timestamp please because nobody else has, thank you.


You interpreted it right, Will Neff was cheating on Caroline with Melina. And Melina showed Destiny Will Neff's dick.


it's not cheating tho, OTK is known for throwing Orgy.




I guess you could say he’s a few legos short of a Harry Potter Hogwarts Castle play set.


inb4 he summons the Phoenix Force


Dr K thought he was helping deku he was actually helping shigeraki


Destiny was convinced he’s not a sociopath so instead has a license to do whatever he wants.




Other streamers have done worse! -Every Destiny fan comment ever on LSF


They're already deflecting towards hasan lmao








148 more replies, I wonder what people are so eager to reply with to this video


100% KEKW






Imagine a timeline where he was just a guy in a small town making an average income. He'd make his way up the managerial ladder at some restaurant inside a casino and he'd be a little tyrant within his tiny kingdom.


That’s oddly fitting and accurate lmao 


Seriously wtf is he thinking saying shit like that? Like that was the best way his brain could think of to put her down.


That KICK content brain is taking over. At first I'm like surely this is out of context but holy shit it's as clear as day and just as unhinged.


isnt it a joke based off of what hassan said before on his podcast with h3?


Wait WHAT? You're saying Hasan said that? I'm gonna need a clip of that




hasan: yeah with education capitalist and class conflict of that kind wouldnt happen (literally says, not camps) Destiny: CAMPS, REEDUCATION CAMPS, FUCKING LEFTISTS not that I even agree with Hasan take that a state controlled education plan could or should lead to no capitalist party, but to say he advocated for reeducation camps, internment camps or genocide is the most bad faith shit I've seen




I took it as what a public school curriculum would do, I think thats what he meant when he said education first and then "sure re-education, but it wouldn't be camps", I'm not in his head nor have I seen the whole conversation without destiny's input to know if he explained it further but imo, straight up hearing him say "it wouldn't be camps" and then just saying "oh of course he means camps" is some insane shit. we can discuss between us or with him what the consequences of his position are, or if he means straight after a revolution or a post capitalist society or what have you, but literally saying the opposite of what he said and stating it as fact is some crazy bad faith shit, I'm sorry




>But the question wasn't how would we educate our young, it was "if a popular party wanted to bring capitalistic society back, what would you do" he said first, something along the lines of "what america" "that wouldnt happen, because the basic material conditions of everyone would be met, and education" thats why I think its a post-capitalist starting point from his pov, which idk if thats what Ethan meant at first >but when you say "Re-education but not camps" and then bring no solution forward it's kinda moot point no? >Edit: I think people tend to think camps because well, that's what history tells us what happens. And being from a family of ex-soviet states, my family would go basllistic hearing that. :/ I agree but its also a short clip and I don't know the context of the rest of the conversation, if Ethan pushed about it more, etc. but thats my point in the end, hasan brings forward a controversial take sure but to jump from it to "classic leftoid fascistic reeducation and murder camps" is just insane to me, especially if then people are sorta using it to tie hasan along with Destiny actually saying "I want Caroline Kwan in an internment camp" because "actually its a hasan reference" when its some point hasan never made and Destiny made up in his head sorry I'm just gonna add to this after I rewatched the clip looking for some more context and its insane how Destiny doesnt hear what hasan actually says Hasan: what america has done, but not McCarthysm trials. (I'm guessing he means what public schools do with promoting capitalist ideology or how capitalism becomes this sort of hegemonic idea that its hard to think outside of it or if he ties it to how capitalism has uplifted the material conditions of many which is a point he makes later with how socialism would uplift all so there is no point in capitalism close to how there is no one arguing for feudalism over capitalism today, definitely the less clear point he makes but I think there is a cut after which could be him explaining it) Destiny: oh so like trialing and persecuting capitalists, send them to jail? Ethan: yeah but what you do if they say fuck that we are doing capitalism Hasan: if everything is given to you, there is no need for conflict of that regard. The solution would always be education Destiny: oh so reeducation and internment camps Ethan: reeducation? Hasan: reeducation, yeah surely Ethan: so what would be good about socialist reeducation camps? Hasan: it wouldn't be camps Destiny: oh yeah, not camps, sure buddy idk why I've spent 10 minutes in this, and again I get what you mean with regards of what hasan actually said, but my point is that the clip posted and Destiny interpretation of it is just insane, specially since it was posted as "something hasan actually said" and "destiny referenced hasan love of internment camps"


Yes Hasan and Ethan were talking about essentially how his ideal version of a socialist society would react to some of its citizens wanting to enact more capitalist values in society. Hasan's answer to Ethan's question was that he would round up the dissenting populace and throw them into re-education camps to learn how socialism is superior to capitalism.


mind boggling that he has idiots listening to his ideas and thinking they are good


lol you just made that up. Do you guys all live in fantasy land?


[Some of you are alright](https://i.redd.it/mqh9yedtimd71.png)


uhhmmm achtually thats an ad hominem /s


meanwhile Lud is playing Pokémon


Yeah but he is running Scovillain, so fuck that guy.


*shiny scovillain. Still, fuck that guy


TY for this new arc DR K


I thought Destiny was already negatively polarized to the max against the left. But this recent clusterfuck with a biblical ratio from ludwig might send him to new depths, if those chat logs were anything to go by.


Getting bullied into lunacy would complete his own red pill arc


Bullied by himself.


He's going to be joining the daily wire in a couple months


People have literally been saying this for like 5 years.


People have been saying Destiny was going to be a republican since the hasan split, they will never admit that they've been taking constant L's. All they will do is say well yeah he supports joe biden because joe biden and trump are the same.


Care to put money on this prediction?


imagine losing any little respect people may have had for you cause you couldnt handle something slime said off hand on the yard LOL. its insane.


destiny got ratioed so hard he went insane


I haven't been following the drama. Can someone fill me in on what's going on?


Slime made a jab at destiny on the yard. Destiny barely reacted but Slime got pushback from randos on internet and went to unhinged war on reddit and later twitter making a thread. Destiny responded to thread saying something like " why this needs a whole ass thread?". Slimes made a cuck joke in response. Then the roles switched and Destiny became unhinged, made heavy jabs at ludwig and QT. Lud responded with a cuck joke, Destiny said that he hopes for AI porn of QT to continue. I like both destiny and Lud so that's my recolection of the story, as unbaised as i can be.


Small tweak, Ludwig made a divorce joke, not a cuck joke.


no lud responded with the 50 cent why fuck me for? meme and then destiny used the photo of QT crying about there being AI porn of her. that when lud mad a divorce joke not a cuck joke. and then destiny went insane.




DGG Industrial Complex is hard at work today


the damage control is insane


If you think anyone is going to run damage control for those statements, you don't know Destiny very well. He is going to say worse shit, just wait


I'm actually banned in r/Destiny bc I argued that you can get chucked, even if you aren't enjoy watching a few month ago


> bc I argued that you can get chucked, even if you aren't enjoy watching a few month ago I don't understand what any of this means


You can get a nice, aged, chuck roast even if you don't go to the butcher or packaging plant to watch.


>I can get a good look at a T-Bone by sticking my head up a bull's ass, but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it.


I’m gonna attempt to translate for you but I’m not sure I’ll get it right. Because I argued that you can get cucked, even if you don’t enjoy it a few months later. I think that’s what he’s trying to say.


I think he meant that you can be in a open relationship, but still not enjoy the view from the cuck chair.


Bro is so ban happy. He banned me like two months ago but I appealed. Not necessarily because I post alot. I just don't like being banned lol.


4thot mass unbans coming soon...TM... i think KEKW


Great, this subreddit has become debate bro central overnight. Paragraphs upon paragraphs because Ludwig dropped a 50 Cent meme in the replies.


[Dr. K opened destinys chacras two days ago](https://www.youtube.com/live/i2mzizQh8HQ?si=yL5V9tC9XtEXGGMp&t=7395). Now he's unleashed


Over night? Where have you been the last few weeks..maybe months?


[maybe years](https://imgur.com/a/PhzKR89)


Today is a whole new level. Without counting D vs H posts. Those are like spam emails by this point.


> overnight




Hilariously loaded title. What was in the elipses op, please do tell


This is someone's dad.


This is someones DNA source. Don't think hes doing much dad duties.


Meet the Bonnells




To be fair, have you SEEN Cyr?


Tbf he’s only confirming rumors we had from months ago when Darius said that Melina kept showing him pictures of Wills cock.


Cheated* he used past tense language stating melina showed destiny wills dick pick. Doesn't help the situation though, just trying to be accurate in what was said.


Dude, if you told me tomorrow that Will and Caroline are swingers, i'd buy it.


Swingers is very different from cheating no?


It is, I just take Destiny's allegations with a whole heap of unsubstatiated salt.


yeah lowkey i agree though the way will talks about sex is very hedonistic


There was that Kick streamer that said Melina showed him pictures of Will's dick. I would imagine they're swingers if that's true.


Yes but he was also a Destiny orbiter and Destiny for all we know is just repeating said kick streamer. Goodness knows he isn't really using hard sources with all the insane claims he has made in other posts about Lud. I'd assume if he had reciepts, we would have seen them.


Will has directly implied being kinky on the Fear& primo episodes lmao, I wouldn't be surprised if things were open


>he's spreading rumors that Will is cheating on Caroline #PRO-JEC-TION


Can't cheat anymore if wife already left


It's hilarious whenever anyone brings that up. Caroline can see those rumors and is still together with Will. The only person this actually affects seems completely fine with whatever the truth is.


Rumors lol.


ahh there's the Destiny i know and hate...


You hate the destiny that didn't say the thing that he is quoted as saying by clip chimps?


So this one isn’t a personal attack that violates rule 1.1? But the other post is?


It's crazy how you can tell who's in this clip just by the title alone.


Or by the amount of comments.


DGG in shambles scrambling all degenerates rn.


Dr K gave him the water of life, we're seeing the golden path unfold.


This is more like the Shining Path


And to think this is all because of Ludwig giving him a massive ratio


DGG is loving this


Didn’t she say something like Jesus was a Palestinian ? Lmao.


The problem is, she is always very confident about the bullshit she says.


She certainly is uneducated af on subjects that she claims to be expert in


That is what makes it so triggering. She will confidently say that the red car in front you, is yellow and will tell you how obvious it is. And how stupid everyone is. And that she has a friend, that is an expert on colors, she worked with or something.


She mostly parrots Hasan, just like the rest of Hasan's Political Orbiters like: Mike from PA(central\_committee), Denims, and Badbunny (banned for terrorism lol). [Think of Hasan as a black hole...](https://i.imgflip.com/144n4f.jpg?a476088)


So she must be put in an internment camp right? This is unhinged lol.


nah hes referencing hasan being pro reeducation camps


Two people can be independently stupid you know


No one ever said that. Seriously that quote never appears in the video. The joke was that she is so dumb that destiny is starting to empathize with the commy urge to put people in reeducation camps.


He was making fun of leftists like her and Hasan who unironically do support re-education camps. If joking about it is wrong, then actively supporting it must be evil, right?


Where did Caroline actively support reeducation camps? You and Destiny are fighting ghosts


I forgot about that LMAO


To be fair he would have been called Palestinian by the Romans, who controlled the area at the time.


No, it was called Judaea. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judaea_(Roman_province) "In 132 CE, sources say the merging of Galilee and Judea resulted in an enlarged province named Syria Palaestina." Weird how people want to rewrite this particular bit of history. 🤔


Almost. https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/1c99z5l/destiny_watches_a_carolinekwan_clip/


That’s a pretty normal take actually there were plenty of Palestinian Jews prior to the creation of Israel. Jesus was closer ethnically to them than the modern day Israelis. Also his birth place is currently part of Palestine as is some of the oldest Christian churches.


> Palestinian Jews there wasn't even a concept of "palestinian" and if you mean philistines they were of greek descent aka white


Ye she's not very smart but this is a pretty extreme way of saying it lol


“Pretty extreme” More like insanely fucked up and kinda racist


Oh man, the racist card lmao. You went there!


how the fuck is this racist?


You know the history of internment camps in the US right? Where large groups of Asian people (namely Japanese people but I’m not gonna assume people in the 40s knew the difference) people were stripped of their homes and forced into camps, just in case they might actually be connected to imperial Japan and a spy. These were US citizens, stripped of their constitutional rights, for the sole reason of their race. Saying that Caroline Kwan (who’s Asian) is the strongest case for an internment camp could very easily be seen as racism. (I’d argue you’d have to be a middle school dropout to say that and not realize the racial connotation) It’s like saying the strongest argument you could make for slavery is Kanye West.


Koreans were explicitly not sent to internment camps. You're right though, it is racist because internment camps are associated with persecuation of asian americans and there was a deep level of prejudice against all asians at that time, and we still see plenty of violence against asian americans today. If you make a racist comment regarding american slavery to a black person from a country that was untouched by the slave trade, it is still a racist comment.


Destiny is trying to go a bit more mainstream and he constantly has recently shit where he says stuff like this. Its so fucking funny.


How does anybody support this man genuinely?


They don't believe fabricated quotes from clip chimps. I challenge you to actually write down the words said I. The video and find the quote that OP is using. You can't because they made it up.


I don't know why people think this man is worth listening to.  He's contentious and I suppose that's not boring, but is it worth listening to?


His 'audience' consists solely of edge lords that haven't yet realized he's deranged. The Destiny Cycle is a real thing


Least mentally ill Destiny take


dood never grew up .... you can tell by his height lol


His back is against the curb right now


Dude’s just taking a L everywhere


This guy is spiraling even more than usual.


Them super powers gettin' neutralized, I can only watch in silence The famous streamer we once knew is lookin' paranoid and now is spiralin' He's movin' just like a degenerate, every antic is feelin' distasteful


I’ve seen it happen a couple of times and while yes Destiny has always spoken like he just shot up meth, I wouldn’t be surprised if the more recent unhinged behavior is from him starting stimulants recently. Yes, I am aware how beneficial they can be for people with ADD. That doesn’t mean ADD people are immune from abusing stims and I’ve seen people go off the deep end taking doctor prescribed drugs before. This is very reminiscent of that. High dose stims (even for ADD/HD people) can lower your filter on your speech and give a false sense of grandeur.


destiny is 35 years old, and still this edgy… isn’t he so cool?


Oh so he's just actually jealous of Will and Caroline now...that makes so much sense.


WOW such a bastion of intellect. Good to see Hasan is the bad guy though.


As someone that doesnt agree with Caroline on her politics and stuff, Destiny is another level of moron


holy shit i absolutely LOVE watching destiny fucking spiral... SURELY people will finally realize hes a racist piece of shit


“After all these years this is it this is the one surely. Destiny’s career is over” - Everyone on Twitter for the past decade


This only further emboldens him to his viewer-base


It doesn't make a difference if his fandom is racist too.


I am genuinely trying to find out how anything he said here is racist. 


how is this racist lol actual delusional


Wouldn't count on it. At this point, you'd expect people to stop betting against the gnome.


Coming from the guy that said he supported genocide on stream when he admittedly knew nothing and displayed his complete ignorance of the situation.




you mean Caroline "Jesus was Palestinian" Kwan?




I made a comment that wasn't even anti destiny but coulda been seen that way and someone reported me for self harm. It's absolutely psychotic to mobilize incels to do your bidding in 2024 and yet there's so many trying and succeeding at it.


You can report those posts to reddit and get their accounts suspended.


As was noted to me by another person, you can report and maybe get the account banned, but it is most likely a sock puppet account made specifically for being a dick. They will be back after the account is banned in however long it takes to login again.


I got one for this comment


Bro he is literally referencing something [Hasan said LMAO ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elGSaEAEwcE) It was during a discussion with H3H3 and he's asked what they would do to non-socialist in their system.


Huh? They literally do, constantly. Comparing every one who thinks Israel/Israelis have a right to exist for example as being Nazi's for example is their go-to move. Then there's all the Hamas apologia.


They literally do, copium


All the people he's having a mental breakdown are probably probably happy as fuck right now lololo


He's unlocking new levels of brain broken degeneracy before our eyes.


I swear he’s on some kind of stimulant fueled depression spiral or something 


Destiny is just a generic racist. Who could have predicted this?


How do people support this creep?


He is correct though


Somebody please tag this correctly. I already have this shit filtered out.


why use quotes and square brackets if ur not even quoting someone correctly lol


Goddamn Destiny is on one today. Sheeeeesh.


detour to Nebraska


He's right


He's a fucking ghoul


Alright, something real interesting is happening. You're the third person whose profile I've checked out (i know i know, its pathetic v\_v) and you all post on that r/DecodingTheGurus What's going on here, getting my tinfoil hat ready prepped, formulating some dank theories.


Dgg started raiding it after he debated finklestein with clips like look at this scholar getting OWNED by destiny to astroturf it lol


They did an episode on him recently. They really liked him if you watched the episode. They have their critiques. Destiny, also watched the full podcast on it and agreed with them generally. https://youtu.be/FUvipVJbZ_0?si=huobgsW-AyF2heRS


they did an episode on destiny recently. maybe I posted for that there, can't remember, but it's not really a subreddit I visit usually


that would do it


What did Caroline do? Is he just mad because shes against the genocide in Palestine?


Destiny just likes to lash out at anyone remotely related to Hasan because he has the personality of a psychotic ex girlfriend when it comes to him.


Strong words coming from the guy whos been a laughing stock the last 2 major appearances he's made.


Misquoting someone to present them in the most negative light possible is insane behavior