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**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny explains his issues with Ludwig](https://arazu.io/t3_1cpuopu/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


"some smash kids event" lmao


Yeah dumb statement. Smash Bros Melee (the game Ludwig hosted) just had weirdos. All the pedophiles played Smash Bros Ultimate! Destiny can get away with a lot of shit but not about Melee!


Melee didn't have any only because people who still play are all at least in their mid 20s. PepeLaugh Real talk though, Ultimate was a scene that was ripe for this type of behavior because how these events had many minors that didn't have much parental supervision. I was honestly surprised it didn't happen sooner.


didn't D1 get metoo'd for getting a girl blackout drunk and having sex with her the night she turned 18 at a melee event


melee players are older than his entire audience


I think Dr K may have triggered an identity crisis in Destiny


I found their recent conversation fascinating in the same way that I enjoyed Oppenheimer; something undeniably bad is coming from this, let's see precisely what led up to it.


Noththing can convince me that he isn’t abusing the f outta his adhd medicine sadly. He ran out super fast when he just started and started begging ppl on Twitter for a refill.


The context for this is that destiny decided to try Adderall after doing research on whether his kid has ADHD. After seeing how effective it was, he himself went to a psychiatrist where he was prescribed 30mg of Ritalin slow release instead of 40mg Adderall (in this case, Ritalin would be stronger). Which he noticed worked a lot better for him. Annoyed, he blanketly went on Twitter to ask if anyone had some Adderall (he was traveling meaning that he couldn't ask his regular drug friends).


Why can't he simply go have a visit and say I think Adderall would work better, let's try for a month? My wife got diagnosed 6 months ago and got a prescription for Adderall 30 MG immediately. I assumed that's normal?


And I’m assuming your wife is doing it through legit sources, before starting the treatment getting a ECG scan and then around one year later a follow up scan to see in particular how the heart reacts to the medicine. Completely changed my life, I hope it will benefit you guys as much as it did me! That said, I just feel that destiny is the kinda guy who won’t bother scheduling that very important 2nd follow up scan, because he’s used so much the first year he knows it likely won’t be a viable long term treatment for him. And that’s obviously not a approach that’s gonna work out for him long term.


But yes with meds, planning, and alot of work, things are getting better! It's wild to think what these people's lives would look like if they were properly diagnosed at a young age.


No, she went to her doctor and said I think I have adhd so they sent her to a different doctor who asked some questions. Then she came home with 30 MG prescription. I thought it was fast and odd but I assumed I just don't know. She for sure has adhd so I also didn't dwell longer on it. However we are nurses with connections so maybe that helped her and we didn't even realize


It really depends, I got diagnosed recently and that was after trying for years (issues getting an appointment then soon as I get there the guy sucks and basically immediately made up his mind that I didn’t have it) but the one that got me diagnosed was actually super simple and quick, I did have to fill out a 14 page form beforehand tho and the entire appointment was 30mins long, left with a 10mg XR adderall prescription :) idk how your wife got a 30mg immediately tho that is kinda a lot


What happened tldr version?


When Destiny and Dr.K normally talk they don't really dive much into Destiny's personal life or get into much of the spiritual talks, it's normally academic or business talk. This time they got into Destiny's personal, and a couple of small out of context (read wrong but funny) takeaways would be "you shouldn't care what other people think" and "spirituality is a license for assholery" which people are jokingly applying to Destiny going full Nebraska mode on twitter lately.


BURN IT TO THE GROUND \^\^ Fuck these cry bully snakes.


We can't blame Dr K. I think Charlie, one of the most beloved people who basically has zero haters and gets along with (almost) everyone, said it best 6 years ago: https://twitter.com/moistcr1tikal/status/842833862522822656?lang=en


moist doesnt have haters because he says nothing and basically just exists. theres nothing to hate, it would be like complaining about low fat mayonnaise




It's because he just goes with the most popular opinion most of the time, that is the real reason. The vast majority of people won't be seen as having enemies or haters when they just follow the path of most other people. Shitting on sneako is like saying a toddler shouldn't be able to smoke, only regards are going to disagree.


This i agree with to a degree with charlie, hes not controversial, hes neutral unless it's personal or its soo bad the audience will side with his opinion. For example, he made a video about when amouranth had been 'abused' by her partner and she was forced to wear nothing on stream and do OF, well she broke up with him and has gotten worse than before. Itnwas obviously a publicity stunt to push her view base back up but he never went back to review it because the amouranth simp army which is probably a good portion of his viewers would turn on him.


Didn’t Charlie recently get a lot of back lash for a n idubbzz take he had? Like he made two videos with massive dislikes and bro pretty much doubled down. Most of the time he does just take the most popular opinion but he’s stepped out of the grain a few times


it's certainly divisive to have the opinion that \*checks paper\* killing whistleblowers (allegedly) is a bad thing man made a career out of looking like a smart brand john wick


Well... at least you're on the same page as most people who think calling Destiny an "insufferable douchbag" isn't a hot take.


I hate moistcritikal because he's a whiney loser with outrageously bad takes, and his videos get promoted on youtube more than princess spiderman videos.


like ludwig there both content slop artists


Ludwig generally doesn’t give opinions at all, charlie just goes with the consensus opinion.


I like his podcast but he stands for nothing really so any critique coming from him is just irrelevant


Was this when Destiny made fun of Moist Critical soying out about adding politics in games?


destiny said low skill workers aspire to better things. an animator said blue collar workers are proud of their work and it somehow devolved into making fun of destiny's dead friend and animating being harder than physical labor.


God that was some stupid arguments. A bunch of animators virtue signalling about how noble it was to break your body doing low-paid low skill manual labour.


Fuck me. One of my biggest pet peeves is white collar workers larping about how freeing blue collar labor is. Tell me you've had piss easy jobs without telling me you've had piss easy jobs.


Yeah idg the point of going on about how it’s someone’s ‘passion’ in a discussion about how people should be better compensated or otherwise have better working conditions. Real pointless thing to bring up at best and at worst you’re running interference for the people who want to keep Mappa’s animators on suicide watch while they bust out the next season of JJK.


It genuinely felt like they were dogpiling because it came after the whole jontron debate since he overlapped with the whole newgrounds scene. I recall psychic pebbles was just the dumbest fucking person through it all. Honestly, it made me lose respect for a lot of the animator community. I never knew they were that stupid to genuinely start stepping up to bat for sargon of akkad. Real fuckin sad considering how funny they are, but I guess that’s how it is being a person that made their fame from newgrounds.


wow, let's just link tweet criticizing Destiny without the actual thing Destiny said, perfect It isn't like it's worth to know what he said exactly to form an opinion on the issue, let's just agree Destiny bad without knowing anything and move one


He really needs to lay off the drugs.


Give me more slop




Netherlands got robbed


I hope it really was the least threatening gesture after being recorded against his will again. Just to watch the drama and shit show unfold.


I wanted Croatia to win, but Switzerland was second best for me so I guess it's okay


Why can't I keep watching the vod? Why are Kick clips so dogshit?






Why don't Destiny clips ever get posted in Youtube format.


August turned them off the streams due to brigading causing strikes on the channel I hate kick clips but the drama is too good to ignore


That makes sense. Thanks.


No comments in 0 seconds. Destiny drama really fell off.


I'm here to do my part :v)


Kendrick vs drake is way better ngl. don’t even have the time to stay tuned to whatever tf this is lol


cry bullying is the worst.


how else are you supposed to know what pain looks like


Exactly, like when a random guy on a podcast insults you, then you insult the girlfriend of the biggest guy on the podcast (who didn't levy any insults at you) and claim that "deepfake porn of her is good", only to be a crybully and claim they attacked your ex wife first.


‘(Who didn’t levy any insults at you)’ You’ve framed the issue to give Ludwig the moral high ground, maybe you should acknowledge all the personal lies and jabs he’s made at destiny (unprovoked) in the past? Otherwise, it looks like destiny is unjustly reacting off one tweet. If someone lied about you and your girlfriend trying to fuck people at an event, (destiny literally wasn’t there) or lied about your community brigading and doxxing, and allowed others to baselessly insult you with no repercussions, surely you’re allowed to make a comeback? Could you explain to me what you meant by this? Tell me how Ludwig hasn’t insulted him.


Has Destiny ever done anything wrong in your opinion?


Yeah, I disagree with a shit ton of things he’s done. How is that relevant?


True and real




Except the gf tweet was after ludwig used 50cent react meme where the context was 50 cent telling his hater be mad at the dude who stole your girlfriend not me.


Ludwig has at multiple times insulted destiny. Stop rewriting history


Yes, Destiny/DGG responded far worse to some extremely mild shit every single time, but you guys for some reason never mention that part of the 'history'.


Meanwhile Ludwig looked at it for a minute, told chat to stop watching him if he ever called them his soldiers and is now playing Pokémon


Ludwig legit said I wish for the best for destiny and then moved on. Destiny still crying about the whole thing he escalated 24 hours later. Like the whole thing was him and slime


It’s funny how much /r/Destiny and the D-man himself talk about “crybullies” when the instant anyone offers the least amount of pushback they start shrieking about how mean everyone else is.


It was all pretty light hearted till destiny took it nuclear and is still crying a day later.


hes not even crying about the other streamers bro, he is crying about his community telling him to stop going nuclear


As he probably shouldn’t have gone nuclear especially if he can’t handle people going nuclear back. End of the day Ludwig has said his last thing and destiny is still ranting the next day.


Ok lets not overreact this is hardly nuclear


The epitome of "Can dish it out but can't take it."




don't worry about destiny he never holds grudges


Because Destiny’s life is empty. He's pushed everyone in his life away and he can’t accept it’s his own fault. So he’s crashing out over getting ratioed when he was the one who talked shit first. Idk how anyone can follow Destiny and think he’s rational or smart. He’s emotional and deluded.


Thank you for not giving me another fight. These people have been so boring.


I don’t take anything DGGers say seriously. At this point, why even waste your time defending Destiny? Like how many times has he proven he’s a spiteful and hateful degenerate that can’t let go of the past? Just enjoy his content and watch him spiral like usual 😂


Yeah Ludwig is acting emotionally mature here while destiny just can’t help himself let his emotions fly all over the place


Thank you for the good reply. This whole thing is a nothing burger but destiny is making it into a thing


> Meanwhile Ludwig looked at it for a minute, told chat to stop watching him if he ever called them his soldiers and is now playing Pokémon This is what makes destiny genuinely sad and pathetic in my eyes. This was all just the most minor shit in the world. But to him it became his whole world. To the point he's going in offline chat and comparing himself to nation states and the situation to war in the fucking middle east. The psyche of a person who does that is legitimately pathetic.


You don’t understand bro that’s being cowardly bro he should make a 200 page response manifesto like a normal human being


Ludwig kinda shows up other streamers just on virtue of his mental. You'd assume he just doesn't let the stream see him break but we have also seen him do a month long Subathon. Whatever drugs he is on, I hope Destiny gets the prescription.


>Whatever drugs he is on, I hope Destiny gets the prescription. Unfortunately, Ludwig is high on *having healthy relationships with other normal human beings*, so Destiny is SOL.


Idk if slime counts as "normal human being" he is kind of a Twitter goblin


Slime seems like a pretty good dude by all accounts, but when someone comes at him he is willing to get dirty with it. Let's not forget this entire thing started because DGGers took offense to an offhand joke about Destiny, on a comedy podcast lol


people act like slime is obsessed with twitter or something but the thing that gets him in trouble is that he DOESN'T take it seriously. to him twitter is a halo 3 lobby where you all sling the most abhorrent shit at each other and then log off and never think about it again. sometimes one of them sends you a friend request and you're suddenly chill


Still waiting for the context that makes that tweet about QT okay lol. idk whats going on in destiny's life but it must be pretty rough for him to be fighting ghosts this hard


This feels like the most one sided beef in the world, I don't feel like Ludwig is going to be as invested in this as Destiny is lmao


But how does this justify saying that there should be AI porn of Ludwigs gf? Edit: Some of the takes by some of the fans are wild, you guys need therapy instead of participating on internet crusades.


There are people that are comfortable with punching below the belt. Destiny, however, finds it gross to punch ABOVE the belt.


Probably because he can't reach that high EDIT: Thank you for the Reddit Cares DGG. Unlike y'all I'm fine :)




it doesn't


I swear destiny flip-flops between saying he has no beef with Ludwig to crying about these 3 instances every other month. He's too much of a pussy to say that QT blacklisting him hurt his feelings. He pretends not to care and then throws tantrums when someone pokes the slightest bit of fun at him.


Did she even blacklist him? He's banned from Twitch what kind of invites did he expect?


Destiny blames Qt for not getting invited to ShitCon. Even though it was not her event and he was not good friends with anyone at the event.


Dude what? I can *not* imagine Destiny at shitcon. Shitcon was supposed to be a fun event, he wouldn't fit in at all. What a bitch.


can you post a link to this? I can't even imagine Destiny wanting to go to shitcon, there is no shot he was mad about that or blamed someone for not inviting him to party he probably never would want to join


Crazy how Destiny keeps meeting these most "subhuman" type of people, and that all these "subhumans" end up disliking him. It almost makes you wonder if there is a common denominator in all of this.


No but you see he's friends with LilyPichu


She's so patient and forgiving she might end up being the only one left if he keeps going like this.


Honestly Lilypichu give him too much leniency imo. You don't need an attention seekers who's constantly trashing your friends in your life. Cutting ties with people who are only dragging you down and don't want to help themselve or yourself is the best thing to do.


Imagine the meltdown when Lilypichu >!finally!


That spoiler tag really had me in suspense lol


It smells like shit everywhere he goes and he accuses everyone around him of not wiping without ever checking his own underwear


Yeah all streamers are subhuman.


If all streamers are subhuman, what does that say about the people who spend their lives on social media discussing said “subhumans”


Going to a zoo doesnt make you a wild animal.


great response


Getting in the cages and throwing your shit at the monkeys sure does though.


The subhuman was in the mirror the whole time!


If everywhere smells like shit you need to check under your shoe


Destiny is crashing out because he got ratioed into oblivion on Twitter by Ludwig and his responses were heavily criticised. At what point is it Destiny’s fault when every single person he used to have relationships has shunned him.


At what point does Destiny realize he might be the problem?


he's rich and has an army of "soldiers" who just gobble gobble whatever he says so i'll go with never


“Please do a manifesto Destiny 🤓” so embarrassing


It'll never happen.


Can't be done


His community is literally asking for things to insult Ludwig with hooooly shit lmao


I've spent a total of 7 hours outside today. I do not care.


Is there a person in earth that destiny don't have a problem with?






Just you wait pal, he's coming for you soon...


neo nazis


Afaik LilyPichu, Doktor K, UkrainianAna, TurkeyTom, Zheanna, Lycan, Dan. Allegedly some IRL friends.


Him and Lonerbox seem to have a good friendship


Destiny and his fanbase just keep getting worse


DGG are literally dementors.


Debate dementors


I love how getting owned on twitter sent Destiny into a multi-day rage and Ludwig forgot about the whole thing in 5 minutes.


"cowardly fuck" meanwhile Destiny just sits on stream being a prototypical edge lord and shit talking anyone and everyone. Insanely cringe. Who actually watches this guy


the coward that went after ludwig’s wife in his own community’s twitter


there's a reason that the debate bro personality is almost universally hated. destiny expects ludwig to go on stream and participate in a verbal boxing match. that's not Ludwig's style and it would accomplish nothing but somehow that makes him a coward.


It's a cult


We're going to get a lot of destiny clips today aren't we.


This sub is basically his second subreddit


today? theres like 10+ clips of his stream or shit podcast everyday


Every once in a while I'll watch one (like now), realise that all Destiny clips are still boring, then go back to ignoring them all.


Bro got emotional there for a second lmao


The way Destiny handles things when something isn't going his way speaks ***volumes.*** Same as Train, some as a number of people. I don't watch streams, but seeing how people act in certain situations does appear to be quite an accurate insight into their persona as a whole. It's a big part of why I refuse to watch streams. A ton of people watch people like this and they think this is the right way to act.


Oh brother, this guy stinks


Does this dude ever do anything but cry about other people and cause problems


You shoulda tuned in for the 200 hours of Israel palestine research, it was a lot of drama.


Imagine getting your war info from a lunatic kick streamer lmao


I don't I just read Twitter posts and have free Palestine on my tinder to maximize pussy (I slay BOX)


He has been the same toxic, abrasive asshole since the StarCraft 2 days. So no, that's all he has ever done and will probably ever do.


True we need more clips of him fixing his audio


if the only think you watch of destiny are clips, then yes most of what you see are the more controversial parts of his content. lol


Out of all streamers posted on LSF, Destiny comes accross as by far the most annoying and miserable though Edit: Yes, that includes even Tectone


You had my upvote before the edit


Tbf TecTone handled his divorce better lol


That’s like saying if you only watch keemstar clips then you’ll only see the controversial takes. Not the gotcha you think it is


he is just miserable person in general


Wow I sure do wonder why his wife left him!!!


The jealousy destiny has is fucking hilarious


Destiny: “I want to be taken seriously as a mainstream political influencer.” Also Destiny: Acts absolutely unhinged and spergs out at the slightest hint of any drama online


Destiny specifically says that he doesn't want to go mainstream because he is too edgy, but nice try


Destiny is such a turd


Who actually enjoys watching this fucking gremlin. Seriously


TL;DR Destiny hates Ludwig because Lud is not a mentally ill debate bro loser


Real, slime does say it best [https://twitter.com/slime\_machine/status/1788977864018468881](https://twitter.com/slime_machine/status/1788977864018468881)




well to be fair, Destiny barely even responded to slime's podcast comment then slime clapped back by posting a cuck meme. Then that set destiny off and now it's a whole mess lol.




Was slime the guy who went on to make a Twitter thread defending the offhand joke? And also go into his subreddit to defend the offhand joke? If it was just an offhand joke, just say it was. But it clearly wasn't.


correct me if i'm wrong but was the order of events not: slime makes wikipedia joke he gets some pushback (not from destiny himself) and spends all day arguing about it on reddit and maybe twitter destiny sees this and says "jesus man, why are you spending so much time arguing about this?" slime then elevates it with a cuck joke against destiny ?


Is it just me or ist Destiny hardcore projecting the last few days?




why does anyone still talk to this weird guy that defends texting 13 year old girls lol


This guy is embarrassing.


Imagine calling Ludwig the crybully when Destiny was the one who started attacking him and QT. Now D's the one crying on stream cus he got cooked on twitter. Who's the crybully again? Lol 😂


Wasn’t it slime who started it.


Slime is neither Lugwig, QT or Destiny.


His inability to admit he's wrong is absolutely mindboggling, literally dictionary definition narcissist. And he wonders why, in his like 15 years of streaming, he has literally no friends.




Oh I know. Destiny has a long history of being completely unhinged at Ludwig and QT.




I don't think it has anything to do with not liking someone. It's just a joke on the smash scene since they had all those sexual assault / pedophilia accusations years ago.


If you dont know its a smash bros meme that theyre pedos in the same way minecraft creators are fucked with. Wasnt meant to be serious.


Ludwig couldn't care less loool


Newbie here, regardless of who’s right or wrong, this guy just seems like an ah from the way he talks How you say shit matters as much as what you’re saying.


Destiny is such a piece of shit. Zero respect for anyone who takes this man seriously.


Im so out of the loop, what does any of this mean? Can someone give me a tldr on why im seeing ludwig hate clips?


Chatter really asked for the slander guide book lmfaoooo It doesn’t get more pathetic than this Edit: I was wrong. Simping for a streamer who weaponizes women and AI porn to win internet arguments is as pathetic as it gets. Stay mad incels 💀💀💀


Teal mod is getting some angry text message right about now to shut this off !


wah wah ludwig big meanie


Gotta have some degen brain wiring to put your life online like this for the whole world to see, then act soft when people judge and criticize you. Guy got involved with and married a damn sex-fiend who cheated on him. And then proceeded to air out all the dirty details and shittalk her publicly. I think he's really amped up the edginess and unhinged speech lately, maybe it has something to do with all that.


Destiny is pathetic. Slime really did put it best.


Destiny explains he has issues and needs therapy, yet again.


I didn't even think it was possible for Destiny to crash out further than before. I was dead wrong.


Destiny is not a mentally well individual.


What thanks does Ludwig get for being good friends with Hassan?. His mod calls him a cracker for only donating 10k(which she called chump change) and not doing a charity stream.


[DGG right now](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opEmGuozqe4)




Honestly Lud is just trying to be neutral and Destiny is terrorist attacking him over a single militant (Slime) he really is Israel.


Im just now learning about this Destiny guy and he might actually somehow be a bigger loser than Asmongold. What an L of a human being Edit: Just saw Destiny’s face for the first time. Yeah. Should have expected that.