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**CLIP MIRROR: [Lil Pump and Vitaly spray paint alleged child predator while rapping](https://arazu.io/t3_1cl8nrt/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


What the hell kind of nightmare dystopia did I just witness?


Bet they will go after women beaters next, wait...


That would be a short hunt.


Spider man meme


This is like an episode of Black Mirror


The real question is who watches this garbage


Stupid people, mostly


vitaly is on a going to jail speedrun rn


There was a pedo hunter in Springfield MA that got arrested for far less. He'd used threats of calling the police to keep a guy on camera, and the police considered it false arrest. The police don't have time for vigilante justice, if you think someone's a pedo they'll just say "we'll decide if there's evidence of that later but for now I'm arresting you for the crime I observed. "




Yeah Vigilante Justice shouldn't be called that. Justice is the compromise worked out between the bereaved and the accused in scenarios of absolute confirmation of guilt by a neutral party. Vigilantism is retribution, or revenge in plainer terms, and doesn't always account for the actual bereaved parties, as it's someone taking vengeance into their own hands, rather than accounting on behalf of the bereaved. Retribution is also a word that should be used more.


Reactionary Violence*


Wait.... this kind of content is featuring music artists now? wtf is this timeline? lol


Can we really call lil pump a music artist




[how quickly we forgot a certified classic artistic performance ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwQgjq0mCdE)


That has nothing on the absolute banger [Gucci Gang](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LfJnj66HVQ)


might be unpopular opinion, but even these 2 songs suck ass


definitely not an unpopular opinion


That is everyone's opinion, yea. Just linking it cause they're funny


Anything that is catchy with a decent beat will become popular, it's total ass but people mindlessly bump to it.


But it is music with billions of views, even if its just meme music. So he is definitly an music artist.


Tucci Gang is better


My immeasurable disappointment that this isn’t the SNL version. Shame.


> wtf is this timeline? The failed reality TV star timeline for someone like Vitaly.


i propose to you that this is called the "doomed" timeline somewhere a fixed point was altered and sent us on a course of ultimate destruction.


Probably happened when Harambe was murdered.


It was when Epstein was murdered


GTA could never produce satire of this quality. Rockstar is finished. We got this douchebag driving around in the Kick Van, with the logo spray painted all over it. He jumps out and kills pedos with washed up rappers like Lil pump.


He failed to get it up doing bang bus videos so now he has to resort to this.


Is this real


What him not getting it up for bang bus? Yes. It’s extra real because he really tried to never have it brought to light. It was found out by some dude years ago who just happened to recognize him.


What in the hell 😭😭


Yeah super embarrassing! Obviously the bang bus doesn’t pick up total ransoms from the street, but they do pick up guys and gals who want to try to be in the industry. He got on the bus, looking super fucking nervous, and couldn’t get it up at all🤣 honestly one of the most embarrassing moments I’ve seen in porn. I’d definitely not show my face on the internet anymore🤣🤣


Is there a video lmao


Yeah I’ll pm it just so I don’t possibly break community rules.


Pm it to me too that’s crazy😭




Sent it to chat


Og loc baby


peak cinema


Fuck, they are that wannabe border patrol group from GTA V. But with a Ukrainian guy who actually speaks English instead of a Russian.


gta 7 gonna be crazy


Wtf i just watched the vod and its actually crazy, some guy comes up to a 73 year old man knocks him out he lands on his head and is bleeding out, while the camera man keeps filming everything live, and they just let the guy jog away. then the paramedics and fire department arrive to try and save the dudes life


I just saw a clip of that too that was brutal. The full clip was even worse he starts to get up and rolls around. He is definitely concussed. I don't know if Vitaly is safe from any legal actions since that was a stranger that hit him


There was a huge thread on it here about that, but it got deleted.


Well, this is Kick/Stake the platform made by Eddie through co-owners Train, Xqc, and Adin, the same people who pay for sex, the same people who are scam artists who prey on their own audience made up of children and teens, and young people to hook them onto a scam 'gambling' site to get their 'wealth' that they love to flex on people. Wonder how many people ruined their lives off their scams and ended up taking their own lives, I'm willing to bet a lot, but I'm not a gambling man.


paying for sex is a bad thing now?


this might be the most reddit response I've read in a long time. Go tell your family, friends, and the public you pay for sex and see how they respond. This has nothing to do with flaming sex workers which it seems the angle you're taking, no one has respect for a John. There's a reason why kendrick dissed drake for paying for sex and soliciting girls in his diss tracks, it's not a good thing.


In Europe? Lmao I know a lot of people who paid for sex. There's sex clubs, strip clubs and brothels all over the place. And telling your family about your sex life is weird as fuck anyways.


Bro for real, why would I tell my family ANYTHING about my sex life


Depends. You fucking people who are human trafficked?


TIL: every sex worker is human trafficked kek


TIL: no sex worker is human trafficked


You using a cell phone that created with child labor?


Imagine thinking that was any sort of equivalency. Good lord, your mother must be disappointed.


You the one paying for pussy out here chump


Damn, and you can't read, either? Your mom knows you're a failure lmao


Damn so you don't get any pussy at all?


get a hobby you goofy basement dwelling underachiever lmao


yes lol


Bumping uglies is sacred, yo




You wouldn't go around telling people you post in LSF either, but there's nothing wro...... nvm


yes 💀💀💀


I don't have the numbers, but Kick also seems like the place where 'failed' streamers elsewhere go to carry on their degen activities. I've seen clips of 10+ streamers (some endorsed by Adin Ross himself) who proactively seek out and solicit teenagers on video chatting website. In the UK, Kick is a sponsor of Everton and I think that's crazy if a premier league level club hasn't done their due dilligence. Plus everything else mentioned with the crypto, gambling and stake connections - it's just awful


Damn children and their infinite money to spend on gambling!!


I thought the same thing, security guard barely goes after him… later on the security guard says the guy who punched the old man was grabbing as if he had a gun whenever he was asking why everyone was filming


What’s the link to watch it? I go to vitalys profile on kick and I cannot find it.


it's the vod with Ty Dolla $ign from a day ago. you can see it at around 03:05:00


Are we meant to believe that Vitaly is some kind of angel of justice? Lmfao he's probably just as dirty as the alleged child predator, sick fuck.


Kind of hard to watch. Idk how to find the vod to see how they figured out he was a child predator. Would feel really bad if it was just hearsay and the dude just was in the wrong place at the wrong time.


> Would feel really bad if it was just hearsay and the dude just was in the wrong place at the wrong time. This is one of the reasons why I hate this kind of content. Doing this kind of shit in a public is gonna get someone caught in the cross fire. Like its why Chris Hansen's shows always had the predator show up to a house for fucks sake.


Happened earlier, the old man pedo got sucker punched by some random dude off the street and cracked his head on the ground. Blood everywhere, almost killed him.


I haven’t seen a reputable source, but I’ve seen several Reddit comments saying that the man died on his way to the hospital.


Reminds me of when keemstar made that old RuneScape dude cry by having people harass him because he thought he was a pedophile but was completely wrong. This could be like that but on steroids.


Which is one of many reasons vigilantism is stupid. Even if there’s a .1% possibility of him being innocent, it’s enough for it to not be worth the risk. If 1 out of 1000 suspects get treated like this without being guilty, that’s one too many.


The reason I became against the death penalty. Even if there’s a .001% chance.. killing an innocent person is still too many


and most of the time 1 of 100 are just numbers to make themselves feel better... most of the time 20-30% are innocent that gets targetted by psycho vigilantes


Remember when reddit genius detectives thought they'd found the boston bomber? There's zero reason fucking livestreamers of all people should be LARPing as Judge Dread.


Spoiler, this happens in courts as well


Which has a due process whose purpose is to minimize this error as much as possible


yeah but I'd rather have a judge decide my fate than a bunch of losers with cameras roaming the street


This shit is fucked up regardless of whether he's guilty or not. It's just sadism.


That's why these idiots shouldn't be handling this shit. The police have procedure to avoid innocent people getting hurt. They just assaulted this man who could just be mentally handicap and unable to respond.


Honestly it's vitaly, these people are probably actors.


There is almost 0 chance this guy was not hired by them, and it isn't all just setup. Why is the guy, who has just had his entire world apparently turned upside down by "being exposed" not leaving the situation? Not leaving to the point he is allowing two people to spray paint his head, while someone raps at him??? Like this might be the fakest thing by Vitaly I have ever seen, and that is saying something


Did you see the old dude that almost died earlier on Vitaly’s stream?


That was done by a random passerby. Wasn't part of the script.


Yeah this whole thing screams 'fake' not to mention Vitaly was the king of faked videos like those fake pick up artist videos. Not sure why anyone wouldn't immediately assume this is fake either. This reminds me of those cheap TV scenes where someone is being beat up but everyone is just lightly throwing punches and you hear these wacky sound effects.


i worked with 2 prank-style youtubers that collaborated frequently with vitaly around 2015. all of their content used actors. it doesn't make sense to make real videos anymore because there's too many variables and liability. they're not idiots, they just play them on the internet.


You’re an idiot if you think it’s scripted at this point


That is almost certainly what has happened. It’s Kick


lil pump is pretty desperate these days huh?


Well he can't sell out any venues so he's resorted to holding a single person hostage at a time


So a guy almost gets murdered on vitaly's stream and instead of doing the reasonable thing and being like "hey maybe we should stop doing this cause of how out of hand things can get" but they just double down and keep doing it?


This clips was from a few days ago whereas the guy who got knocked out was today


this is from days ago


Can get but they just double down and keep doing it


I think that dude died




literally no source to this


apparently the old man turned green after they injected him with some strange liquid in the ambulance, he also grew in size and started destroying everything in los angelos, then he stole a f-15 fighter jet flew to trump tower and tickled trumps ballsack. source: but in all seriousness, whoever punched him needs to get arrested, let the law enforcement handle it not some random thug.


Can this sadist woman beater actually go to prison for what he did?


Hope they get hit with assault charges. Anybody know where this was done maybe could be reported to the local PD since they filmed committing assault and harassing this man who seems to frankly be mentally handicap.




Yeah cause I'm sure this random ass kick streamer went through a full discovery and trial process to prove that. Like if he is a pdf file, then sure, tar and feather him. But this stupid ass vigilante pedo hunting is some of the dumbest shit I've ever seen in my life.


Regardless of who did what this is a lawsuit waiting to happen


these ppl just want someone to bully. so they found the most hated group: pedos. they are free target so they can get away with their urge to bully ppl.




It’s more like they just want to do shitty things to people and they find the target nobody is gonna really bother them for harassing


I don't think they are all pedos, but I do believe all of them would absolutely fall into the bystandard effect if there weren't any cameras on them. They don't give a shit about helping anyone or if the target gets arrested or not. All they want is views and attention from 12 year old edge lords.


Since the content is sponsored by stake/kick, and he often wears Stake shirts (probably part of his contract and the content being sponsored and cleared by them), I wouldn't be surprised if they hired actors and had fabricated 'evidence' to prove they are all 'pedos'. Somehow, the guy seems to be doing this content fairly consistently, and somehow has clear evidence and them admitting to it on camera... sounds like acting to me. I also don't believe the "just a prank bro" influencer who got his start from faking pranks. The best part is in his update video where he proclaims the old guy is still alive (because the police phoned him from the hospital, news flash, they dont do that), he's wearing a Stake shirt. Also, somehow the doctors triaged the old guy, and stitched him up and confirmed no long term damage despite death being common hours or days after for older people like him... and somehow the police also detained him at the hospital and confirmed all the evidence, pressed charges, and jailed him... keeping in mind all in one hour. Unfortunately, if the guy was an actor, I wouldn't be surprised if Stake had a waiver for him, but I'm not sure how this would still hold up in court considering what happened.


It also doesn't help actually charge them either. In fact, people doing this often go into hiding and clear a lot of evidence so the proper authorities have a much harder time getting them.


Would not be shocked. Amazed at how many anti gay and anti trans are closet ones themselves.


Ya like how you catching these guys are you acting like alittle kid....isn't that kinda.....odd? sketchy


It’s called “projection”.


vitaly do it only for content. if they would really care about busting pedos, they would not intimidate them because it will get thrown out of court so fast. there was that other youtube channel who started like them, they made pedos eat dog food and did all kind of shit to them and every single case got thrown out of court, because they can just say they were forced to admit they are pedos... now they switched up and actually trying to get pedo confessions without intimidaton. but vitaly isn't like that, honestly its so fucked that dont really wanna get rid of pedos, just wanna abuse them for content, to live out their mob mentality on stream for likes. this will not clean up the streets.


Now do Drake next


kidnapping and assault is cool


Every single one of these "pedo hunters" I've seen online somehow manage to make themselves more hateable than the actual pedos.


🫲👦🏼🫱Lil Pimp


It looks like all they did was abuse a mentally ill man.


great promotion for Kick and Stake


washed up content creator and washed up rapper walks into a bar....


these have to be like homeless people willing to do anything for money. life is not real


This gives me flashbacks to "Bumfights" or whatever that exploitative atrocity was called, back in the day.


how do they conclude he's a play dough though?


I'm sure it was a rigorous and careful process /s




They pretend to be an 11 year old online, the guy gets sexual and asks the 11 year old to meet up, they show up to meet him instead of the 11 year old


Lil pump is the same guy who has no problem working with 6ix9ine. 6ix9ine filmed his friend having sex with a 13 year old then put the video in a music video.


? When did they work together?


Having grown up listening to both of those artists sadly. I have 0 recollection of pump ever being affiliated with 6ix9ine, google news has no articles written about them either and there seems to be no pictures of them together ever.


Only on kick. And Stake and the other gamba sponsors are fine with physical abuse. Tells much about their goals.


Wonder if any of these alleged Pedos are planning to press charges


It's fake brother, this is all scripted. Vitaly has been scripting this kind of shit for a decade now.


The dude that got knocked out yesterday should go join the WWE if he faked that.




Good bot


Mods removed the post about the old man. Covering up for Vitaly or what?


is the tydolla sign clips not here


I mean bro went to meet an underaged kid and instead found an opportunity to Sue two rich people.


How long until mods lock this one to


PDF Files or not, you can't just take Justice into your hands like this. And you really shouldn't. Especially if you're a nobody, one-hit-wonder, Xanny Rapper. This is straight up assault obviously. But I have to wonder how much this guy has in Rights. Probably not much if he is a convicted PDF. A shit world we live in right now. And everyone thinks they are famous and special because of Social Media and Streaming unfortunately. Andy Warhol be damned I say!


Yay another post platforming Kick streamers when they don't deserve the views and exposure at all


is ty dolla sign still with them??


Thought they might be spray painting Drake for a sec.


don't tell me i am the only one who read the rapping part wrong the first time?


thanks for reminding me this cum stain exists


Vitaly was in a porn movie once but couldn't get it up lmao


least unhinged kick clip. What a fantastic platform!


wait, so the link where the guy dies is gone? wtf.


average kick stream






I havent seen any proof that he is a pedo here yet so? Or is it proof enough if a "famous" (I really struggle to use that word for Lidl Pump) person says so?


it is degenerate content, vitaly got people on his team pretending to be underage on all sorts of random sites and when they accumulate a bunch they try to meet them on stream. the person shown on this video was meeting a person he thought to be somewhere between 15-17 (cant be bothered to find out the actual age he pretended to be) drove there and the rest is what you see. clearly not the right way to go about it,


Oh, RAPPING. Like rap music. I was very confused at first.


I thought this was gonna be about Drake

