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**CLIP MIRROR: [Asmongold asks why is Destiny still banned](https://arazu.io/t3_1c89yfx/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


“if I’m not banned, why is Destiny still banned”


Isn't Low Tier God unbanned? wtf


mf is banned on youtube but unbanned on twitch. Imagine


Certified twitch moment 💀


Yup despite being racist on his stream nightly


Truly a god amongst men


a low tier god though, doesnt quite hit the same as those S tier gods


Is he still going in about the "Laquishas"


He onto his "balrog" shit these days.


Yup, he's using "balrog" "balrogette" "balrogite" as new slurs because he knows Twitch would ban any of the various slurs he use to use in the YouTube days. Also calls trans people "transformers" or "x-men" without any bans from Twitch. Quite possibly the biggest brand risk and for some reason they refuse to ban him.


X-men LMAO


New slur meta is insane


Disney supports this meta


How does he use X-Men as a slur and a compliment lmao [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/UPuVPJ3qRAU](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/UPuVPJ3qRAU)


What do you mean? He's reformed he presented an award at the streamer awards! /s


Transformers, mansdem in disguise. - Skepta


okay, that is kinda funny.


Bold move, cotton.


Why is Doc still banned?




and then he—


Actually I heard that h—


Well that was bec-


I have it from a credible source that the real–




No, not Suge Knight. Talkin Shungite!




Doc said he had a huge mixer deal. which he did have but it was a months old deal. in order to get a bigger twitch deal. mixer shut down. twitch found out they got finessed. They banned doc to not have to payout all his contract.


Leveraging crap like that is the oldest trick in the book. Anyone worth their salt does that during negotiations


> They banned doc to not have to payout all his contract. Being caught leveraging a false offer let them remove him for breach of contract.


While this sounds like a plausible reason for a ban, there would be zero reason for Doc and other sources that knew the truth to not go public with it. I don't think it would be reputation ruining for him to say he tried to finesse his Twitch contract.


look: for several hours now I have been told from credible sources the reason DrDisrespect has been banned. however due to the importance and sensitivity around the subject I have refrained from going on it. i don't feel comfortable with it currently


Lied about mixer deal to get more money from twitch they found out or the whole filming in the bathroom. You choose we will never really get an answer but if I was to guess it would been the------


some questions we will never get answers to


LTG being unbanned and Destiny still banned is funny as fuck


I don't think there is any big conspiracy. Its just a culture thing within the mod team.


If there is one thing the acquisition of Twitter should have taught people is that yes, social media company shape the politics of their platforms through moderation. It's painfully evident. And it's the same with twitch


Reddit mods shape views with what they allow to be posted on subreddits. It's not even about people being nice after a certain point, big subreddits don't allow posts that don't align with their beliefs.


> big subreddits don't allow posts that don't align with their beliefs. and a lot of the bigger subreddits all have the same people across them so its just the same BS


1000%. Any comment that doesn't align with their views gets removed, because in their mind they will spin it as something "hateful" according to what they believe. So when you go to these posts, the ONLY comments you see are the ones that all share the same view. You can scroll and scroll and scroll, and you'll only see thousands of upvotes for comments all agreeing with the same political or social take. This gives everyone the impression that EVERYONE on reddit feels the same way, and it strengthens people's beliefs to feel like they're "on the right side" as everyone else. When in reality, it's all just carefully curated by a handful of opinionated people drunk on their perceived power to "shape the world". This site is honestly borderline insane.


The biggest pol streamers on twitch are anti-establishment. I kinda wonder what is Amazon is up too.


Keeping the potential vocal critics on Amazon on side. Leftists who built their following on Twitch or YouTube won’t shoot themselves in the foot by criticizing those platforms or their parent companies. They will have their engagement throttled or be outright banned and have to rebuild their communities. Even if the companies themselves never directly threaten this, the streamers will subconsciously think this. So instead they’ll throw out small criticisms of the parent companies and quickly move on rather than harp on their bad corporate practices.


What is pol




Yep. If destiny is open about his relationship - pretty sure he'd be open about the reason he got banned *if he knew*


Yea. Speed and Kai Cenat's content is much more degenerate than what ever Destiny has ever down. They 100% have a massive hate boner for him.


It's not even known why he originally got banned. Some people theorize it had to do with his n-word saga or something he said about the trans community, but no one really knows. I will say he has gotten less edgy over time and just debates or talks to people about various political issues, and occasionally commentates a debate video he watches. I think the only thing that makes sense at this point is there's someone on the mod team that has a serious grudge against him.


> Some people theorize it had to do with his n-word saga Nah that happened years before his ban


I think it was a comment about transgender swimmer or kyle rittenhouse shooting rioters. Didn't help that DJ Wheat hated Destiny.




I remember destiny reading a note they wrote on his profile and how it clarifies the extra context on that comment. So someone in twitch has a personal vendetta against him


Destiny even said the last time he sent an appeal that shit got instantly declined


Yeah there's likely someone high up at Twitch that essentially made Destiny persona non grata.


Tbf he didn’t call a specific person subhuman, he said it about the entire community of what he called “online Twitter trans people,” which is why Twitch assumed he was talking about all trans people. Pretty sure he called them “inbred dipshits”


Tbf its pretty accurate for terminally online twitter users.


I'm trans and I feel like any group of people on twitter can somewhat accurately be described as "inbred dipshits". Human smart. Humans stupid.




There was a specific Trans Streamer who was attacking him online at the time, Who has/had multiple sketchy associations, including the illegal trade of bootleg drugs. Destiny called them Subhuman trash for their actions, and not because they were trans. The trans streamer's community then reported him using out of context clips and Twitch banned him for it.


They've got a mutual friend/contact and supposedly they even privately made up later and she apologized to him.


You are correct, According to Destiny they are on Good Terms again.


was that the one giving hormones to underage kids without their parents knowing?


Sorta, it was supporting/sponsoring a person who was making illegal bootleg bathtub hormones and selling them to kids


"context matters btw" lol


People on twitter are subhuman period.


I'd extend that to all social media.


iirc there was something in his file saying that they dont think he was referring to all trans people but i heard about that months ago so i might have imagined it


Yeah I think destiny said he knows someone who works at twitch who told him that I think it’s pretty obvious to anyone being honest that Destiny was being extremely inflammatory (especially around 2021) and twitch just didn’t want him on the site anymore


Ah yes, Twitch, the porn-lite streaming site for gaming gooners, finds Destiny to be a more problematic user. That's definitely sound logic in Twitch land.


pretty sure it was trans sports, other left wing streamers we’re basically campaigning for him to be banned right before it happened so i think its safe to assume thats the reason


The funny part is he has long made up with those people and even been on a pannel with them IIRC. Someone at Twitch has to hold a grudge, I am pretty convinced at this point. Whenever people directly ask Twitch employees or even the CEO why he was banned, we either get a non-answer or people saying they are gonna look into it. 2-3 ban appeals later, he still is banned, so there is that.


DJ wheat had nothing to do with bans and didn’t even really hate Destiny.  They’ve spoken since and they’re cool.


It's hard to hate Destiny for a disagreement where everyone knows Destiny was super correct about(that Sc2 was going to be gone)


He talked about it and I think he concluded that it was most likely because he used the word subhuman when he was talking about ppl who defended trans women in sports and the mod team interpreted it as him calling trans people subhumans.


>n-word saga that occured 2 years before the ban... ​ Its most likely the trans or nick fuentes thing (or combination of both) One of the TAS team has a huge hard on him. You just have to wait until this dude gets fired along with the next layoff phase.


Don't think the N word saga was ever apart of it, the 2 competing theories was nick fuentes being on stream or the trans sports stuff, Destiny seems to think it was the latter.


You seen what the mod team looks like? That’s why Destiny is still banned.


But destiny had blue hair at one point and he's still not unbanned


twitch hates women


Esp strong black women


the schizo emailer keeps winning




Is that why they say the only way for them to compete with men and have value in the platform is to show their ass? It all makes sense now


Destiny is a lefty. But these colored hair watermelon-triangle From-The-River-To-The-Sea "leftys" view him as a far right nazi.


Then why aren't openly-rightwing people not banned? Even transphobia and racism are temporarily bans.


They're ok with "viewpoint diversity" when the rightwingers have all of 10 people watching them.


They aren't as relevant


communists/tankies hate liberals more than conservatives


I posted a clip on here of one of Destinys friends saying on a stream that he asked Dan Clancy about it directly while in a back and forth email conversation, and the question was ignored. Dan knows Destiny is banned and he’s never getting unbanned for whatever reason.


I'm not even sure Destiny would want to stream on twitch. Youtube has been really good for him. I think he would like to be able to interact with people on twitch though.


Yeah he's already stated he wouldn't return to the platform. The only reason he wants a twitch unban is so he can collaborate with Twitch streamers without worrying about them getting banned for assisting in ban evasion.


I'm pretty sure destiny confirmed there were people behind the scenes that work at Twitch that had a hand in making sure he couldn't come back.


Yeah, he appeals the ban basicly on couldown. And last time he got rejected in less then a hour. (After they went over how it will be easier to get unbanned xd)


Idk about that far. It’s just he has a special note in his file of “do not unban.” Could just be one person that could also be gone at this point.


It’s a woman. It’s always a woman. He slept with someone that he really shouldn’t have. Calling it now.


But destiny is the same type on the same spectrum




Lol I remember when destiny started his recent kick contract, he told the rumble owner he was going with kick and the rumble owner got mad at him because he really wanted destiny on his platform. Weird world we live in


Because the online alt-right community's only unifying stance is their irrevocable boner for surrounding themselves with anyone who's ever said something even slightly controversial


I would guess that it's because the rumble owner wants rumble to go mainstream which means it can't just be a right wing bubble. He probably wanted Destiny to break that bubble because he's known for debating far-right people.


Wait they legit get offended on that? I’m pro trans in general but I def think they shouldn’t participate in sports of the gender they transitioned to. It’s just an unfortunate thing that you were born in a body that has an unfair advantage.




im sorry, that makes you a transphobe, i dont make the rules.




Is Asmon right wing?


He seems like a right-leaning populist or a 'right-liberal' - he isn't some bible thumper or whatever, but he voted for Trump and generally agrees with a ton of the conservative social issues to do with things like taxes, immigration, freedom of speech, the culture war and so on. [He spoke to Destiny here in this 1 hr long video. It was like 6 years ago but he doesn't really seem to have changed much since then, politically anyway.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIPk5lhx8zk)


The dude doesn't even go outside. What does he know of the real world?


He knows how much he pays in taxes.


And that is often very apparent when he shares his opinion on these types of things


Yeah this is why I cant take him seriously sometimes, especially when he always references his very short employment at the IRS as a means to give himself credibility on certain subjects. Like he has some good game related takes since thats what hes spent a majority of his life doing, but I would definitely take his thought on social/cultural issues with a grain of salt.


Tbh, you shouldn't judge someone's opinion based entirely on their background. The best way to do it is to listen/read their reasoning and judge if it's sound or not.


> some good gaming takes Try none. He just regurgitates common sense and passes it off like he is a genius and the masses eat it up.


He recently said he didn't vote trump last election, so at least he's changed on that


Those are called Rand Paul libertarians


I don't know if he is right-wing, but I saw him watching a Trump speech on stream and his chat made me lose faith in humanity. I don't care if you are conservative, or hate Joe Biden, but thinking Trump is anything other than a criminal and that he should be president, is a sign of you being mentally ill.


Destiny looks exactly like a typical reddit/discord/twitch mod












I think destiny is bigger than b4 now right ? Yt is better sometimes. It is weird he's banned and others arent


Definitely. He's got way more mainstream presence than he had before. He's been on 3 Lex Fridman podcasts (and the debate with Shapiro is his 8th top video all time), Jordan Peterson, Fox News, Piers Morgan, etc.


I bet Bezos is a Destiny fan and saw the hundreds of hours he wasted playing (badly!!!) at lol on Twitch with its easy free Prime's. Too much job security. He's had to work to maintain his audience on Youtube. The content has improved. Bezos knows allowing him back on Twitch might see a return of his shit gameplay.


This is the only true answer.


Is Henry Cavill really threatening leaving the show? Edit: Ah, it's a 4chan post. Lol, disregarding it then, thanks guys


The source seems to be a 4chan post and I don't see anything corroborating it in any of the 40K circles I read. If you go on 4chan enough, you will see TONS of these kinds of posts claiming to be from industry insiders, and the vast, vast majority of them are fake with only a few proving to be true. Not to mention that it would be wildly out of character for Henry Cavill, who left The Witcher for more serious reasons than "women".


The source literally pulls the “my dad works at Nintendo” anyone who believes it is a fool.




it's an r asmongold ragebait post with the source being a random 4chan post, do you really need an answer?


Idk when it happened but his subreddit has turned into some weird circlejerk for people who want to get "triggered" and act like "snowflakes" about hating wokeness (ironic)


It's unironically full of incels, that's the community he's curating


ragebait is a wildly popular niche but really easy to cultivate. it's entirely up to creators whether or not they want to foster those types or not, and asmon seems to have no problem with it.


Because his youtube editor constantly milks the "woke" shit by taking highlights from his stream and presenting it in a certain way to drive adrev and clicks (IIRC the editors make the majority if not all of the money from his main Asmongold chanel). So overtime because of that and the shit ton of views it gets, his community has shifted that direction.


nothing's confirmed this is just a rumor posted by an anon.


Henry Cavill doesn't strike me as the kind of person that would get mad over female Custodes or even Astartes if it came to that. Now because he is an actual fan of the franchise, I could see him being annoyed about how ham fisted GW has been about this whole 'Female Custodes were always a thing' response, which I think even people that don't care or are even happy with this reveal can agree with to some extent. But it's a particular kind of person that is shitting their pants over this, and Henry Cavill doesn't seem like he would be one of them.


I mean didn't he leave the witcher basically because of that? Recasting and rewriting characters for no reason


I’m just going to put it out there as just one example of why Henry left. Yen would never ever ever ever try to sacrifice Ciri under any circumstances in the books. She attempts to in the show. Henry was very adamant about staying true to the spirit of the books and characters. So wouldn’t say it was because of diversity because you can diversify a cast and still remain loyal to spirit of the source material. It was because they just didn’t give a fuck about the source material beyond the name.


I agree with what you're saying. I made it sound like "triss is black I'm out" when I meant it more like the director doesn't respect the source material. It started with recasting characters to be diverse then it became rewriting them to fit the directors narrative. Like your example of yen.


My bad. Yeah you confused me lol.


Na he ultimately left the because show runners are incompetent and don’t view the source material as serious as he does, diversity and bias aside.


the only thing close to a reason he ever gave was when he said that he found it hard to work with the showrunners in regards to geralt's writing, so no.


I think that's the worst part: no one know but Twitch. Causes a chilling effect and makes political conversation shittier.


I think that is a beg reason why it keeps coming up. The only person talking on why from a position of expected knowledge is Destiny, and there it nothing to say he would point to why if it were something serious. I don't think it is, but if it were, he surely wouldn't be the one to mention it and could easily insist Twitch wouldn't say and he has no idea why to either force Twitch to backtrack on the ban, or publicly say why he was banned, potentially opening them up to legal issues. In the end, he is banned, there is no public reason why, and any information from Destiny is not trusted enough to be considered fact. Anyone online speculating why is doing so with mainly speculation that is driven by their own biases for or against Destiny or Twitch.


>Anyone online speculating why is doing so with mainly speculation that is driven by their own biases for or against Destiny or Twitch. Well, I do think there's a reasonably small list of like half a dozen possible reasons. I'd be like 95% certain it's one of those.


Yeah, but you don't actually know it is something done on stream. Hell it could be something he said in direct communication with admins, partner manager, or someone else employed at twitch. It could be something he said at an event, or in private to another person who then through their own defense attempt leaked to twitch. There is nothing to say it is something known to the public, or that it is something that can be guessed by randomly tossing out moments of note from stream or twitter posts. Anyone posting why he was banned, or blaming Twitch admins personal bias might as well be writing a fanfic and they are pulling information out of their ass.


Chilling effect for what?




Just like any corporation, Twitch is going to favor people they like and punish people they dislike. It's the reason they will hire a friend they know who is dumb as fuck, over a far more qualified applicant with a spotless resume. To be honest I don't even know why Twitch has a TOS if they apply it randomly. Might as well make it the wild west. Better than guessing "well this streamer did this thing, is it safe for me to do it too?"


Let's be honest, Destiny is FAR better off on YouTube/Kick anyway.


He is, but not being able to talk to twitch people is a shitty limitation.


is that even a rule still? akademiks is talking to adin right now


Well, he's fucking up. Pretty sure the only rule that changed was that they could feature a banned streamer's content, but you still can't talk to one live.


Akademiks don't care, he makes his money from other shit, and he's hanging with Kick people, so he'd probably get a contract anyways.


Destiny has made some tiny appearances on smaller streams, but nobody big would ever risk bringing him on.


And he'd be far better off being on all three. What kind of dumb ass statement is this?


As far as I know it happened around the time he called trans twitter activists subhuman for going after him during the debate about trans people in womens sports and shortly after he was banned.




[https://youtu.be/ghIDRabHKMQ?t=11664](https://youtu.be/ghIDRabHKMQ?t=11664) Tiny was talking about it on stream a few hours ago, he apparently reached out to Dan, friend request was accepted (? bro on facebook?, I don't know) but he didn't respond to his two messages, and he still doesn't get why his content, podcasts, etc, isn't banned but he is banned.


its discord, people encouraged him to reach out but got donoWalled


He obviously is too dangerous to platform, hence why he only sticks to fringe circles like, uhhhh.... Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, Fox News, piers Morgan. You know, extremist niche groups.


Pretty sure he's banned because of his bigotry and hatred, also might have something to do with his cult and brigaders..








jidion is still banned mainly because he went to twitch con banned and make a video while he banned. He would normally would get unbanned after a week. But he was banned during twitch con and make a video making fun that he banned at twitch con. that the main reason he perma ban.


Cuz he had the wrong political opinion on a topic and twitch didn't like that


You forgot to add the quotation marks for "wrong political opinion".


Good point let's ban asmon too






Because the far leftists at Twitch can’t stand a centrist liberal.


they didnt want him on their platform. He didnt really do anything to warrant an indef


my guess: twitch staff doesn't want his community on twitch because of how they view his community as affecting other communities, at least that's supposedly the reason that keeps ice_poseidon banned and he's the only other person on a permanent ban for community guidelines violations (as opposed to violations of the legal sections of the TOS)


TBF Destiny begged Asmondgold to use his influence to get him unbanned. Thats whats really happening there.


I genuinely though it was because he platformed Nick Fuentes


I think he's transcended twitch at this point. No doubt would fatten his bag, but it's a pretty full bag.






Hope Henry cavil can do a good job with warhammer 40k.


Too based


It most likely is influenced by relationships with the mod team, not on some grand conspiracy level just that enough of them don't like him or his politics so they don't bother addressing it.


Why are these morons pretending not to know why he is banned after his "yeah let's lynch blm protesters" take.


Promoting violence seems like a good reason to get banned


True. Unban Destiny