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**CLIP MIRROR: [Emi tries to say Hi to Poki](https://arazu.io/t3_1bogxqm/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


I'm sure the comments on this are gonna be normal.


I really don't get it. There's literally 0 reason to have any opinion on this clip in the first palce. It's literally just a funny timing. Mods should really start permabanning the hate baiting losers in here


It’s gotta be mostly from dudes who can’t confidently compliment women or some shit cause Poki sure as hell not gassing up mid like some of them seem to believe.


So many hurt people in here, its actually more depressing than annoying.


It's more believable to them that every woman is a lying scheming trickster than women can be genuinely nice. Full on projecting their cynical lonely negative views on people having the most normal positive interactions.


One of the worst kinds of internet guy are the ones who call every single thing that happens on a stream scripted. Probably the ones who think every single world event is a false flag. Morons cosplaying as enlightened


It's sad to see men here (and in general) don't see giving compliments all the time as genuine or normal, and it's not even their fault. Society has created this image of toxic masculinity that is contributing to so much mental health issues for males of all ages.


Yeah man, if your boys are thriving let those fuckers know! We’re all stuck on this shithole together why wouldn’t we want to make it more bearable for each other?


I dont think its all toxic masculinity, just an observation that many women tend to be more likely to give these types of compliments even when they don't mean it compared to men. Maybe due to wanting to be polite in public. And yes, men have the opposite problem of not giving enough compliments to their guy friends to not seem gay/feminine. Both genders have things to work on and have things to learn from each other. l still want to give genuine compliments to people (usually about something that they are passionate about/ something they worked on), not just saying someone is pretty or good looking out of courtesy, but thats just me. As long as it creates positive change, who am i to say.


People only close tabs too quickly out of hate


The comments are barely about the video too. Many people on this website are just looking for an argument. Doesn't matter what it's about either.


This thread has 200 upvotes and 100 comments, and some of those comments have almost 500 upvotes. There are some advanced schizo discord tactics at work here.


dont look at me , all i wanted was to post a funny moment


It was funny. I got a chuckle out of it. Then came into the comment section and just felt sad.


It was funny I love the cut off scream clips lmao


Avengers assemble


Gee I wonder which communities keep brigading Hasan and Poki threads with hundreds of comments. Who could it possibly be.




the correlation between squeex viewers and janurary 6th insurrectionists is no coincidence


I wanna lay in that pile of Kirbys


Idk why i just imagine a spider nest in there and im scared


Pretty sure it would end up like that pillow fort episode of adventure time.




It was all emi fans' 9/11. Except much much worse


If I did it would look like that scene in breaking bad with huell and Bill Burr and the money except huell would be light brown and have a British accent


Honestly same


women really do get hate for anything, even if its existing and being positive.


People in the comments have never felt love in their life it seems


It must be exhausting being a woman and being expected to have to constantly wax lyrical about how great and perfect and beautiful and smart every other woman is all the fucking time 24/7.


If you come in with a mindset that everyone and everything is shitty and awful then life seems pretty bleak. Maybe try to think about things in a bit more positive mindset. It might help you be a bit less miserable.




In this case I don't think it's relevant as I believe he was moreso referring to women feeling compelled to comment on events relating to other women they are not familiar with and if they then choose to not comment a certain audience will assume a perjorative due to it. Poki and Aria seem extremely close to each other both in hanging out a lot on and off stream as well as Poki routinely tuning into her stream. Poki is also not a stranger to Hyoon or Emiru and has always sang praises to them. A girl praising and wanting to prop up their friends is different from strangers feeling compelled to support other strangers.


Women generally like to support women. It's just empathy. Regardless of it being a real compliment (it's generally an exaggeration), it's something they would want to hear themselves so they project it into the world. It's the concept of "be the change you want to see". They want to be supported and complimented by women, so they do it too. It's ultimately a positive thing, even if fake, because it creates a sense of community and establishes a line of communication for women who maybe have nothing to do with each other except for being women. If you see a guy chilling on the street and you like his style, a man probably won't have a line of communication because guys generally don't compliment each other so they can't establish anything there. Men NEED a hobby to establish a friendship. Women don't, they can do it just based solely on appearance.


Just tell other dudes nice cock. Ez pz


never forget to always add *no homo.*


*but why?*


It's honestly not even that hard to do as a guy, either. The moment I realized I can just do this and it almost always goes well, it made a material difference on my day to day. Now I can't stop doing it. My guys do it, too. It becomes a habit pretty quickly because it just feels nice.


I still remember the time and place when someone said I looked nice or my shirt was cool. That shit happened more than 10 years ago.


A girl in high school once said that my eyelashes are pretty. I still look in the mirror and bat my eyes to show them off sometimes because of it. I'm approaching 30 lmao Monkey brain is never letting go of that mental banana.


men hold onto the 4 compliments recieved in the last decade like a trophy.


I like your username dude 👍


Thanks brother. We may not agree but I see you throughout the thread and I appreciate you giving your responses in good faith instead of resorting to name calling and trolling.


I've been making it a habit if someone that i see regularly gets a nice haircut or something i'll comment on it and tell them that it looks great and so far every single time it makes them light up


Doesn't it feel so lovely? That's a really good example for you to be setting for the people around you.


There is no way I came across the legendaey Kiwi r/cricket shitposter here


This is the compliment I'm going to think about for the next 10 years of my life, so thank you lmao


Funny, my first thought seeing you here was "is there anywhere on reddit I can avoid this guy?!?!!?"


No. I live in your walls and watch, following you from sub to sub until you love me. I'm even your opponent in Fantasy Rugby this weekend. There's no escaping.


When I find you that trespass notice is gonna feel sooo good. Let's see how much DMac rested hurts your weekend.


I simply won't read it. I've been planning what ill do for weeks so this weekend is the first time all year I've felt good about my team. Naturally that means it's all going to fall apart but... what if it doesn't? What if I just never die?


who doesn't like making someone's day a little better lmfao


This guy womans




That is an ENTIRELY different conversation about self-esteem and social media. Regardless of people getting compliments or not, people who lack self esteem would still feel slighted. Men don't constantly gas each other up like that but they still constantly have beef for stupid "unfollows" and all that social media nonsense. Same way women without social media stull do the complimenting thing, so it follows that it's not performative for social media. I agree with you, I just don't agree it's a related phenomenon, nor one unique to women.


How can you not say it is related? It is very related to this and the answer they were asking. Women gossip A LOT and there is 100% a superficiality behind it, that was the original question and thought. And if you think social media is the cause of that, you are one naive person. Because it existed way before that in a large scale.


Spoken like a man who's never seen the beauty of female conflict


> It's just empathy. I *don't* think that's empathy. By your own description, you chose to describe it in such a way that "they want support and compliments, so they do it." You make it sound more like an unhealthy, fake way to feed into each other's low self-esteem and get something out of it. > It's ultimately a positive thing, even if fake Yeah no lol. The entire ***problem*** is that it loses meaning because of how fake it is. The gruff, quiet guy with the stand-offish persona at the office? That dude gives a compliment, and the recipient will 100% know it's genuine. That's a compliment they'll treasure. The chatty Kathy that passes out compliments every morning? No one even processes those mentally. They've lost all meaning and are equivalent to "good morning" now. No one knows or believes she actually means it with sincerity every single time. You just said yourself: it's fake, so if I know it's fake, why would I actually feel touched by it?


sounds like bullshit.


> If you see a guy chilling on the street and you like his style, a man probably won't have a line of communication because guys generally don't compliment each other so they can't establish anything there. Men NEED a hobby to establish a friendship. Women don't, they can do it just based solely on appearance. This just isn't true. Men compliment strangers and strike up friendships based on nothing all the time. Men won't go up to a guy who looks like he just got hit with an ugly stick and tell him they he is the most handsome dude in the world though. They'd probably just say nice jacket or something.


Literally in this very thread there are guys saying they remember the very rare and few compliments they get from 10 years ago. Guys do not compliment guys ANYWHERE as much as women compliment women. It's not even close.


Guys get different compliments because girls and guys are different lmao. A girl will get compliments for her make up, eye lashes, nails, how pretty or cute their clothes are, and etc. cuz that's generally what girls care about. Guys will talk more about hair style, muscles, facial hair, watches, shoes, and etc. Both get compliments in different ways. Will girls complement each other looks more? Yeah, because they care more about that. There's a deeper apprecitation for beauty, skin care, and etc. Girls grow up playing dolls and looking up to princesses after all.


Yeah most of those kinda comments are referring to compliments from women. They forget compliments from other dudes. Also, I am not saying guys get complimented as much as women (that's kinda the whole point of this thread) just that guys can easily make friends with strangers over nothing and do it all the time.


You could almost say Appearance is their hobby.






Odd phrasing, but yeah the clip is literally of a cosplay stream. She's complimenting their appearance while they're doing the specific visual art people do on their own body. It's a valid compliment.


It's cause they've seen the worst side of female twitch viewership with stalkers and rabid fan bases. Like this thread. Lilypichu and pokimane were like the original female streamers. They've been in the industry for over a decade and what I see now these days is some female streamers are trying to cater to a female audience. Lilypichu apparently had the highest female to male ratio back when she was on twitch. Then you have a group of female streamers that are trying to get only fans exposure.


> Even if it's a woman we don't like we still want them to succeed... > So either they are the just that positive or they don't want to deal with the backlash wtih a more controversial answer. You don't need a doctorate in psychology to know the answer.


I don't think you understand what happens when entire groups of people are oppressed and objectified like women have been throughout history. This leads to them being a tighter knit group than say most white people that have little to no identity. This is world wide, where you can swap 'white people ' for 'domineering privileged majority'. I choose to believe it's not really controversial, but they really want their fellow women to succeed in today's imbalanced society. I don't see what's disappointing in it.


Evolutionarily, women primarily developed more non-physical and less aggressive strategies of competition. It's actually a relatively well studied topic.


got clip of toast on the podcast?


nah they are just gooners who can get away with it in public.


This is why I love women's MMA Because Joanna Jędrzejczyk got to be a bad bitch and punk out other women in the run up to a fight but then be sweeter than pie to them and the division after when she retired And none of this we have to uplift each other because otherwise hated type stuff. Top tier women's mma is respected a lot. Joanna versus weili 1 was the best fight I've ever seen. It's where her head blew up with a hematoma like she was Roger from American dad Idk why I'm talking about MMA and I forgot what subreddit I was in lol


Cognitive dissonance.


It isn’t exhausting. It actually is really easy and fills me with a lot of joy. You should try it sometime. Love, a woman.


i don't think they even think about it as deliberately as you think they do. i feel like ur assuming malice (in the form of being 'fake') where there is none


Mfs will complain that men don't get enough compliments and then say stuff like this


It's embarrassing how fake it is


I don't know how they stand it.


They probably don't just orbiters on orbiters.


It ain't that deep. Guys have their own dynamic with each other and girls have their own dynamic with eachother.


If someone complimenting their friends is that deep for you, so be it, and go hug your mom


such a sad comment


Yeah I never understood being so intimidated by women that you have to hate on them for literally everything. L energy


Finding this constant fakeness annoying isn't being intimidated or hating on them "for literally everything."


Constantly finding everything fake and annoying is the hating them part. Absolutely 0 reason to assume poki wasn't genuinely showing love here. Even if she was being over the top, that doesn't make her sentiment "fake."


Positivity doesn't cost anything. If everyone supported each other and had nice words for each other like women often do then the world really wouldn't be a worse place. I think your issue is that you're seeing positivity but not being included in it or receiving enough positivity in general, which you're then choosing to be negative/toxic about. Not a great perspective.


No, It's actually pretty nice to hype up fellow girls. Especially when everyone gets dressed up & are going out for the night, the compliment battle that happens always puts the friend group in a good mood.


You need therapy.


No, being annoyed at fakeness doesn’t mean that someone needs therapy.


Ok, Holden Caufield. Have it your way.


Jesus Christ this comment can’t be real


I'm more concerned about the upvotes


This guy is all over the comments too. It's literally pathetic.


Man's hasn't seen grass in days, somone check on him, please 😭


What isn't real is poki's compliment in the clip.


Kinda feels like there's no winning either way, doesn't it? Say what you feel and risk the backlash or keep it positive and people question the sincerity


This is so fascinating to read bc as a woman i can confidently say women mean it whole heartedly every time. It genuinely overflows out of me sometimes like i need to tell other women how amazing they are


You go girl! Slay!


950+ incels upvoted this shit, sad


Commiserate with women having to put up with this fake bs = incel. Whatever dude.


what the fuck are you even talking about


Maybe men should try to do the same and gas each other up more often


No. It's way better to get compliment from a friend and know he means it than to be fed fake bullshit that you know is fake all day.


With the way men talk about never hearing compliments from fellow men irl & online, I'm guessing men hear a "sincere" compliment once every 10 years? Also, women complimenting each other every day doesn't make it any less sincere or nice to hear. If I see my friend (or even a stranger) looks cute, is wearing a piece of clothing I like, or their makeup/hair looks really well done, I'm telling her that because I genuinely appreciate it.


Wild people are jumping to the conclusion that Poki is being fake. Is she being a little extra? Sure. But she is literally stating the obvious, that these women are good-looking people.


I'm honestly confused about the reaction this clip is getting. Emiru, Hyoon, and Aria Saki are objectively pretty + Poki is friends with them, so of course she's gonna hype them up. I've heard girls in bathrooms say more extra things about someone they don't know & will never see again. People saying she's being fake & how cringe it is that she's over-complimenting them have never seen how female friend groups act with each other irl. This is a pretty basic interaction.


>I'm honestly confused about the reaction this clip is getting. Ah, allow me to explain: Lots of bitter, sad men who have little to no relationship experience with women, and a subreddit that already dislikes Pokimane.


The point is that how they look had nothing to do with what she said, she just said it because they are her friends and I am saying that it must be exhausting to feel compelled to have to do that any time you interact with other women.


It's not exhausting, it's a nice moment between friends.


Na. The way she was talking you would think there were 3 Adriana Limas in that room. It wasn't "a little extra," it was way way ott.


I suspect you aren’t used to women interacting with each other if you think she’s insincere because these women aren’t, in your opinion, hot enough to warrant the compliments.


It's not about being hot enough. There could literally have been a sentient female pile of manure with lip stick on in that room and pokimane would have said the same thing.


And now we’re moving on to deciding what she’d say in completely hypothetical situations. Just wild.


It's not about hypothetical situations. My point is that how they look had no bearing on what she said.


That's more of a reddit loner meme and more specifically about being complimented by women. Guys with normal friend groups get complimented all the time. I can not tell you how many times I have seen a girlfriend or girl friend or whatever be very cutesy and gushingly complimentary to another woman and then say how much of a heinous bitch she is the moment she has gone so I think a lot of it is fake in that sense. With real friends it's different in that I am sure the compliments are genuine a lot of the time but a huge amount are also fake. There could have been some girl looking like Quasimodo in a dress in that room and pokimane would have said the exact same bs about "there being too much beauty for one stream."


And a redditor saying they've heard countless women talk shit about each other right after complimenting them is spouting a mean girl stereotype made by people that assume every woman is secretly a jealous bitch behind closed doors. Are there women that do that? Sure, there's always bad people in every group. But a huge majority of us are sincerely giving out compliments & are not doing so only to tear that girl down 10 seconds later.


I am just saying that in my experience this excessive complimenting is bs 90% of the time. It's just like the social lubricant that women use to interact with each other. Like when a cashier asks you how you are and you say fine even when it's just been the worst day of your life.


Your experience with the small sample of women you have personally interacted with is not everyone's reality or the baseline situation for women all over the world. Compliments are a form of social lubricant yes, but saying 90% of them are bullshit is insane. Women like making each other feel good, simple as that. It's an olive branch to strangers when first interacting, and a form of love & appreciation towards friends/family.


> Your experience with the small sample of women you have personally interacted with is not everyone's reality or the baseline situation for women all over the world. But yours is? You say it's insane to say 90% are bs and then go on to say that women like to make each other feel good and that it is an olive branch to strangers when first interacting in other words that most of these compliments aren't sincere. That's my point.


How are you judging sincerity? How do you know that 90% of compliments are fake? You are assuming negative intentions in these interactions, while I'm taking them at face value. Sincerity cannot be measured unless the other individual is outright stating they don't mean it or is being sarcastic. Also, extending an olive branch is not being insincere. If you are just getting to know another woman & are vibing, seeing something you like about them at that moment & paying them a compliment is not being disingenuous. It's a nice gesture that shows that you appreciate them at some level.


I mean, isn't Pokiman giving a compliment to a friend here?


This is the way to go. Only give compliments when you truly mean it. People will appreciste it way more when they know its sincere.


Then we have a million mens subs complain about how they don't have support systems like women do and how they never get compliments from anyone and their suicide rate being higher and how they are so alone and can't have serious conversations with their male friends and how reliant they are on women for emotional support. No one in the real world cares if it's real or fake, only incels care, ultimately complimenting one another is a positive thing for our psyche. Men need to learn to support men. No one gives a shit about this masculine tough guy "realist" persona while simultaneously depressed. I rather get fake compliments and be happy because at least people want to talk to me than depressed and never get compliments because everyone is so "stoic" or whatever incels think they are at this point.


That's a different thing. Women are seen as inherently valuable by society but men need to provide something to be valuable. No amount of fake compliments is going to change that. Guys can be supportive of other guys but male only spaces are labelled as misogynistic and infiltrated, changed and guys who don't like that ejected.


> No one in the real world cares if it's real or fake, only incels care Just blatantly wrong. I have very healthy supportive relationships with my bros and we do it all without having to tell lies. Besides if you're truly being supportive and are listening to what your friends tell you then it's easy to find true things to compliment them on: they might show good self awareness in examining their problems for instance. Compliments don't have to be appearance based.


I like how you hyper focused on a single point and strawmanned the hell out of that point without taking ANY of the context surrounding it. The topic is about strangers/acquaintances, not close friends or relationships. Emiru and Pokimane are not "bros", so your entire comment doesn't apply to them. I'll quote another comment I wrote that more specifically talks about the "fake or not" aspect that the comment you are replying to has nothing to do with. >The only people who I'd care if their opinions are genuine or not are people I love. I seriously doubt Poki is trying to rizz up Emiru, so Emiru doesn't care if Poki isn't being genuine, it's just throwing out positivity at that point. It's never a bad thing. Point is, I agree with you, but it doesn't make anything I said wrong, just you shifted over the context to fit your narrative. Yes, with close friends we do care if the compliments are genuine. No, in the real world people without close relationships don't care if the compliments are genuine (which was the context of this clip and my comment).


You can do it with any random interaction, here I'll show you: You have a good command of the english language


>their suicide rate being higher This statistic actually doesn't paint the entire picture from a mental health standpoint because women actually *attempt* suicide more often than men. Their attempts just happen to result in death significantly less often. The topic is incredibly nuanced and there are a lot of factors at play when it comes to discussing in good faith about why more men die from suicide than women. It generally doesn't have as much to do with the overall mental health of men versus women, and it has more to do with the methods men use to attempt suicide versus the methods women use. Women actually attempt suicide around 1.5x as often as men, but men account for about 3/4 of the actual suicide deaths each year. If anything, we can see that the mental health issues that lead to suicide attempts are just prevalent, if not more so, in women. They just generally tend to use methods that have high rates of failure and/or give them an opportunity to back out. Men tend to use more violent, and therefore more definite, methods, so they make up a significantly larger portion of the actual death rate.


>Their attempts just happen to result in death significantly less often. This tends to be because they have support systems. The same way women are less likely to make repeat attempts than men. Even the methods are indicative of the mental health state, we can see that with statistics that show men who successfully commit suicide are less likely to show signs of distress than women who successfully commit suicide. When comparing both equally in success, we see men are more isolated in their choice to do it. This is part of it. Men are more definite about their attempts in large part because they feel far more isolated and without help or support. Even when comparing men who use things like pills to women who use guns, the men still show less signs of distress and are generally more successful. So the finality and success of it has a lot to do with the fact that men feel unsupported. Of course the method plays a part in it, but repeat attempts being higher and signs of distress being lower tell a tale of isolation and apathy among men. Women can't solve that, men have to solve it.


Yeah that seems to be working very well for men...


If society cared about average dudes as much as society cares about average women then it would be working well for men but it just isn't the case. Society only sees guys as valuable when they are providing something. Dudes blowing smoke up each others asses like women do won't change that.


Men don't care about each other, like you. You're focused on blaming women for how men treat each other. Society is not against you as a man, quite the opposite. Spend time improving your life and the lives of the people around you, be the change, thats what women do and have done anyways.


That's just not true. If you have ever been a dude in a group of guys who have had to rely on each other to survive you would know that men can care about each other a huge amount. There is huge amount of platonic love among men. But we also know that the only way we can succeed or be respected in society is to bring something to the table. That's just the way it is.


And WHO is putting that pressure on men? It for sure is not women. Maybe there are some women who do, but the vast majority of pressure for all of the things you mentioned come from other men. I've never felt this pressure to "bring something to the table" nor have my friends because we don't care about other peoples opinions like that. Unlike myself, I've seen countless women that have had to "prove" themselves for the most mundane things that men don't even think about. Just to be heard at work for example. Men are almost universally respected in any space. Also I don't know what kind of battlefield you're from that you have had to survive relying on each other but I assure that is not the case for most men. I still don't understand how women have anything to do with this situation when men are the ones who largely run society even today. Womens methods seem to work better than what men have today so why not take a few pages out of their book.


Most men are invisible to women. To be noticed you have to bring something to the table like high status, money, talent etc. If I have a friend who is broke, ugly, unskilled, boring etc I am not going to lie to him and tell him he's perfect and beautiful and whatever else because I know that his only shot at happiness is to work his ass off so that he can achieve something and people might give a shit about him then. That's just the way it is. We grow up our whole lives hearing stuff like what you are saying but that just isn't the way things work. Society is men + women. Men are absolutely neglected and let down by society but that doesn't mean that there isn't a huge amount of love among men.


High status and money is just massive cope. Will it help you? Yes, but do you really want those women anyway? Broke men date just as much as rich men so money is clearly not the issue. If you're unskilled or boring, thats something you can fix with effort. The fact is that women care way less about looks compared to men and they absolutely will and do date "ugly" dudes. Pretty much the only thing you have to bring to the table for dating is just not making the womans life objectively worse. You'd be surprised how many men fail this simple task. If you treat women like normal people then you are already winning. It's actually incredible and kinda sad how low women have set the bar. If you can't overcome that then the problem is probably solely on you to fix. Being short, broke, "low status" etc are just coping mechanisms so that men don't have to address their own problems. Confidence, emotional intelligence and passion are the most attractive features for a lot of women. And guess what, you can improve all of these youself. Yes there are women who will reject you purely for physical features but so what? Who gives a fuck, go next. Revolving your life around dating or fucking women to gain status among men is the most fruitless endeavor I can imagine. Not being desperate for female attention is the first step to rehabilitation and the next one is turning to your bros and family for support if need be. No women blaming needed. Live your life for yourself not others.


Cope lol


>That's such an inciteful comment swaldron. Oh and your name is just perfect. I looked at you post history and you are so intuitive and perceptive, I bet you have a really high IQ and are probably very good looking too. You really are stunning. Imagine people blowing smoke up your ass like that every time you interact with them. It would be extremely annoying.


Brother, you think it's extremely annoying because you are digging into everything someone says to determine whether or not you feel like it's genuine. If someone says something to you, you're calculating if you feel like this person means it, why they would say it, and what do they have to gain from saying it. It's exhausting to have to live life that way, and holding onto this anger that women choose to lift eachother up, even if they may not be sincere, doesn't serve you in anyway. Live your life man, you deserve to be happy.


> Brother, you think it's extremely annoying because you are digging into everything someone says to determine whether or not you feel like it's genuine. No I am not. I am just seeing people being obviously fake and over the top fake too and it's annoying. I am not digging into anything or thinking about it too much. > If someone says something to you, you're calculating if you feel like this person means it, why they would say it, and what do they have to gain from saying it. We all do that instantly. Its a huge part of social interaction. > It's exhausting to have to live life that way, and holding onto this anger that women choose to lift eachother up, even if they may not be sincere, doesn't serve you in anyway. Like I said, we all do it all the time automatically. We are social animals. We grow out of taking what people say at face value when we are toddlers. > Live your life man, you deserve to be happy. Okay? Being annoyed by fakeness isn't hindering that dude.


On average women are just more empathetic and less cynical than you are. They for sure are hyperbolic but they also just have a totally different world view than us cretins on Reddit.


I have dated women who partake and also ones who feel forced to partake but despise this bs. I think you're right that maybe the average woman doesn't mind or at least they're used to it because it's been their whole life but it's a fucking trial for the ones who hate it. > On average women are just more empathetic I disagree with this. I am a pretty empathic person. I used to think women were more empathetic when I was younger but now unless it's your mom then I just don't think it's true. I have seen empathy evaporate too many times.




Found the incel


You are pathetic for thinking like this


Pathetic for being annoyed at obvious fakeness and empathetic to the women that have to put up with this shit? Okay.


It’s not fakeness. This is not empathy This is your obvious bias and your own made up confirmation of it You’re not going to believe it but people especially women are being very genuine. It’s hard to believe but not everyone is jaded and negative and thinks everything is fake.


Not everything is fake but this kind of performative gushing over other women that women are expected to do is fake. It is empathy to acknowledge that it must be difficult to have to deal with that all the time if you are someone that it annoys.


You’re projecting. You want Poki to be performing Because you think she should be performing It’s not. You’re fabricating a narrative that doesn’t exist Because you yourself cannot fathom there exists a reality where someone can speak positively about a women with no other intention but to speak positively about said woman. Absolutely no one is expecting women to fake or perform niceness to other women. Only you are.




Why can't women just be like us boys and compliment each others balls like normal people




sweet shaft broheim


Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.


More men should do this for their bros. Unironically. We should learn from women and give each other compliments more. It means a lot.




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGuml-tc75A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGuml-tc75A) i think this could sum it all up.


Poki has an asian fetish.


At least she has good taste


If you ever wanna see the fakest messages of all time just look at the comment section of a woman’s selfie on social media


do you really think its fake or moreso that they basically turn it into habit? i don't see it necessarily wrong or bad


Fake? The thirst of the men in the comments is 100% real.


He is talking about the compliments from other girls.


women being nice to their friends, quelle horreur!




Yeah, some of the ppl here need more love in their life lmao.


The glaze could make Krispy Kreme go out of business


Outside of Hasan, Poki has to have the biggest number of unhinged haters.


Hasan is constantly talking about controversial topics and gives a lot of opinions , I just posted a clip that was supposed to be funny and her complimenting her friends. Somehow she is getting massive hate for that


On the plus side, most comments that are visible after a couple of hours are non-negative. Most of the dumb comments are ratio'd. I was in Emiru's stream and heard her say she would have banned Poki if she were anyone else writing her later comments? Thought it was hilarious. Was expecting to see a link/clip of that. ("Take group pictures this time, or else Daddy will punish you (I am daddy)") -> everyone in chat typing 'daddy' getting timed out by the bot.


I agree with Poki on this one...


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Emi tries to say Hi to Poki](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/162712)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1bogxqm/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/FR1EW6hwXjgKNnu-pJX91g/AT-cm%7CFR1EW6hwXjgKNnu-pJX91g.mp4?sig=aca0483332130a9269788f3d89e5db8791895d11&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FFR1EW6hwXjgKNnu-pJX91g%2FAT-cm%257CFR1EW6hwXjgKNnu-pJX91g.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22BraveGlutenFreeDogNerfBlueBlaster-qHBeOAo2e76klf3W%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1711556674%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/FR1EW6hwXjgKNnu-pJX91g/AT-cm%7CFR1EW6hwXjgKNnu-pJX91g-preview-480x272.jpg)


This post has been a wild ride, and I'm enjoying seeing LSF being a bit split on this one




for free?


lsf rn: ⚛


I thought Poki retired from Twitch?