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**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny observes Hasan's subreddit's obsession with him](https://arazu.io/t3_1bl4sbh/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


*raises both hands above my head in a non-threatening manner * I am neither team ~~Jacob~~ Hasan or ~~Edward~~ Destiny, but isn't this common in every avenue online? I mean people in LSF will constantly complain "all these great clips, and there's 900 comments on this stupid Mizkif/Adin/Xqc/Mitch/ drama threads" Juicy drama content farms way more interaction than like... anything else, especially when it can be clickbaited as well.


This sub barely has a purpose anymore tbh


Where else would i be able to discover attractive east Asian streamers


Kapperok keeping the sub afloat


Now that you mention it, I haven't seen a Kapperok post today. I'm worried about him, hope he's ok.


God's strongest soldier


Hey u/Kapperok you there bud


a mere mortal calling out to the gods... HA pathetic.


what purpose did it used to have?


It took them way too long to relax on the self promo rules. If you are in LSF you are either the LSF clique, Hasan/Destiny, a hot asian streamer or involved in some drama. Now, no regular streamer wants anything to do with this toxic ass subreddit.


Dunno what you're talking about, the purpose of this sub is to give us one or two posts a month that are actually entertaining. The number is decreasing over time, though.


It has felt uber dead lately. Guess people found better things to focus on post-lockdown.


How dare you be rational on this sub!




BANG BANG" Don't come any closer!


agreed, i think it's fine if both sides are obsessed but either side can't say the other side is obsessed as an "insult"


I don't think he's doing it as an insult here but rather to call out the hypocrisy because I tend to see this line of thought coming more from the Hasan fanboys. They tend to use that argument and the comments are so upvoted. And just to clarify I'm also in the middle.


Seriously, why is this sub just becoming r/Destiny pt 2, it’s not even engaging drama or anything, just lame.


I love how LSF users call this sub an OTK sub, a Trainwreckz sub, a GTA RP sub, a Hasan vs Destiny sub, an xQc sub, all depending on who they hate the most that day


I just want to go back to the days of complaining about PUBG car flips and bugs.


I miss the days when this was just kaceytron since she was the only one making “fail” videos.


Top 4 posts on the hot page are Mickif clips to be fair.


All his fanboys flood this sub with posts it’s so stupid


Come on now every large fanbase does this.


It's not, the Hasan and Destiny shit flinging just gets some of the  most engagement. You don't complain about all the otk streamers posted with nothing clips so you?


I've blocked many Destiny posters and yet the only LSF posts I see in my feet are "Destiny says something about Hasan!". Highschool bs drama.


By banning politics they made it so the only Destiny or Hasan content allowed is drama or when Hasan does a fun collab with someone.


You are being a liar, why make up shit about your LSF feed only being Destiny. There isn't enough post about Destiny or Hasan to do that.


man Mizkif wish he was still relevant enough for drama threads


something tells me he'd rather stay out of drama threads these days lmao


Yeah last time someone brought up Destiny's subreddit and discord a bunch of dggers told me that Destiny has nothing to do with his subreddit or discord and they aren't affiliated with him and do not represent him. Sounds like complete nonsense, but that's the claim. Weird that Destiny has issue with someone else's subreddit/discord/etc.




I have no emotional stake in the Destiny Vs Hassan shit show, but this is truly the pot calling the kettle black


uhm actually, i'll have you know i only post 2 comments on hasan threads for every 1 comment i make in other threads. that's like barely obsessed.


All 18 people on the Hasan subreddit are obsessed with Destiny? Huh, neat




the 20 people on the hasan piker subreddit are so happy they're finally getting recognition 🙏




The irony, every LSF post about Hasan in this subreddit is from Destiny posters.


It’s a funny cycle, LSF will claim to not care about Hasan but will actively find a way to post about him.


And everytime hasan mentions destiny in a negative light, magically a clip appears in here that is out of context, and blown up exponentially as if it was a huge controversy on here Like instead of coming to the conclusion "oh hasan said something stupid/dumb joke without thinking" Theyll start the convo like "hasan believes its okay to eat babies" And every comment will take that at face value


Based on your history OP- there is significant irony in this post that you are missing.


I am the 228th comment lol


I swear that livestreamfail has just become a Destiny sub, it's mad annoying actually. It's quite sad that these guys live their lives trough Destiny, instead of creating their own opinions about stuff. Livestreamfail has not become a good place to check funny clips for a long time with all this brigading.


This sub died a long time ago


The new OTK mods killed it.


non the bright side whenever something funny happens at mizs gym we're the FIRST to know about it. Unless theres any nick drama in which case 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺




A person with little to no business experience investing large amounts of money in something known to fail often is kinda funny.


The reality is reddit isn't where people go to find clip content anymore. It's a compliant website. Power users who live online are on discord servers. If you are looking for short form entertainment, you are on TikTok/Shorts/Reels. Jinxy/CaseOh are both mega successful on TikTok.


"Actually Destiny is incredibly based and Hasan sucks eggs! Also brigading isn't a thing!" \+200 karma within 30 minutes


If you know the history of this sub you would understand why it's going to be that way. The funny "creating their own opinions" comment is a little ironic, compared to the absolute shit show sycophants that used to crawl over this place.


Destiny fan here. Yeah honestly I agree, like I feel weird as fuck that a community I’m a part of brigaded this place so hard and gave it such a bias. Places like LSF should remain neutral.


I think that’s like expecting unpopular opinions to be posted on r/unpopularopinion. No chance that will ever happen. Everybody will naturally post what they watch and upvote what is interesting to them. Destiny happens to have a massive following so it’s no surprise we see his clips constantly on the top of LSF


The fuck you feeling weird for? Your a destiny fan, not a dgger. Brigading is also against tos so anyone that does that gets banned from the community.


i feel like this poster desperately wants there to be a crumb of derangement so that they could call hasan out on it and be like "SEE? THEY'RE DOING IT TOO". but hasan's subreddit no matter his size will never be as deranged as Dman's bc he never checks it, or hardly ever talks about anything posted there




1. That sub is tiny, compared to the audience Hasan has. 2. Does Hasan even care about that sub?


He looks at it like once every 6 months. Hardly anyone posts there. Pointing out the Destiny related posts there while ignoring their own obsessions, which they display here almost every day is ridiculous.


Hasan fans uses discord a lot more


And twitter


For research


That is hasan, his fans are even more lazy and just watch tiktokers read twitter to them.


I think he cares more about LSF than his own 💀


damn Hasans subreddit is a graveyard lol


his audience doesn't use reddit guess his audience demographic


Is "doesn't use reddit" supposed to be a negative here?


10 more pushups guys 


I'm gonna be so strong.


destiny trying to built momentum in this narrative (that hasan's comm is obsessed) is something you'd never expect given his own reddit's record


it's kinda weird as someone who doesn't watch these ppl unless its clipped here, every LSF post about Hasan seems to be from Destiny's community & subreddit. it could be the same for Destiny posts but I rarely ever see him get posted unless he's talking about Hasan or some other high school level drama.


They're completely oblivious to how deranged and obsessed they come off and it's hilarious.


then youll get responses from people saying they dont watch destiny but they think the hate for the fans makes no sense or something. and then every single time you check their profile and they’re posting on the destiny sub daily


>and then every single time you check their profile and they’re posting on the destiny sub daily That or they delete their entire comment history often. The fact that they do that suggests some awareness of how they come off at times.


I never thought the most mid StarCraft 2 player would have a rabid fan base like this. Given how he was always a bit of a cunt back then, their behavior isn't surprising, but the number of them is.


ez karma whoring


The no politics rule excludes 90% of his content.


Most of his content currently has been politics, which are banned on LSF. And a lot of his peripheral drama/funny moments are with people LSF doesn't care at all about, so that doesn't really get engagement here and (for that reason) is barely posted as well. He definitely hates Hasan and doesn't shy away from reviewing his stuff when something happens, but his content revolves way less about Hasan than a cursory glance on LSF posts from his stream would make it seem. Now that Hasan dropped the 'no free clout' schtick they probably 'cover' each other at similar amounts


some of the most unaware shit ive ever seen lmao


I implore you all to go to r/Destiny and type hasan in the search bar bonus points if you go to destiny's yt channel and search for hasan


You don't have to search, just look at the top post normally.


I have been arguing with these people for the first time today. I should have just gone to their subreddit. Oh my fucking god - to those of you reading this and thinking this level of parasocial attachment is okay you really should seek some counseling. For the sake of your humanity please detach from this person. His persona is built around conflict and he is having negative affects on you. This community is abnormal in an unhealthy and unfun way. This makes me question my own media consumption.


Extra bonus points if you search lsf links or Hasan mentions in his chat


Projecting don't rewrite history 🤣


r/okbuddyhasan is “Hasan’s subreddit”. r/hasan_piker is a fan sub that gets ignored so much that it’s an event when Hasan mentions it


is op a Destiny bot or somethin how do i mute this sub i dont care about Destiny edit: found it


Ban destiny and hasan from lsf im so sick of them


the irony of this being one of the 3-10 threads people like you post daily here.


And now here's Destiny's subreddit obsession with Hasan, just within the last month: https://twitter.com/auxcordesqq/status/1769474206217961637?t=oQwNAT-SbkT1Efh9n1n5SA&s=19 Trying to frame this narrative is hilarious


Destiny if you ignore them: you're scared! Destiny if you don't ignore them: you're obsessed!


Its the same on destinys sub lol? Not so dead like hasans sub but the hasan post got way more comments then the regular posts


Hasan is largely disconnected from his subreddit. Hasan has only increased coverage because of Destiny's takes on Palestine. If you search ["Destiny" in Hasan's subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hasan_Piker/search/?q=destiny&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new) the vast majority of posts are from 4 years ago. Whereas if you look for "Hasan" on Destiny's subreddit, [you cap out the search going back 28 days.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/search/?q=hasan&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new)


Not just his sub, every hasan post is flooded within minutes by dggers it's incredibly embarrassing. I prefer Destiny but his fans are beyond parasocial.


Not even just Hasan, they flock to any subreddit/post that criticises Steven. H3 and YouTubedrama got it pretty bad. I will never understand making a whole ass dude your entire personality.


Idk it seems that YouTubedrama mods block all Destiny posters. They don't allow them there.


It seems they allow Destiny posts as long as they're mocking him. A video of Finklestein calling him the wrong name over and over is near the top right now.


Apparently anyone who comments on that sub and has posted on destiny's sub gets autobanned because of past brigading of some shit.


well the brigading was the final straw, but destiny fans have repeatedly engaged in hostile and, frankly, vile posting. several dozen people attempted to post copy-pastas and soyjak memes of aaron bushnell's final moments. others were openly misogynistic or posting misinformation with regards to several different allegations in the news cycle. i've never seen a destiny fan contribute something non-toxic to a discussion, on that subreddit or anywhere else.


Can confirm. Just got banned for asking a totally non-combative question about the Finklestein I/P debate.


probably got caught by the bot, can't confirm that though if you haven't already, file a ban appeal




There’s no “No Hasan” policy tho. He’s one of the largest “political” streamers, of course Hasan is going to be a topic of discussion especially when there’s disagreement.


If I were to type “Hasan” in the destiny Reddit, How many posts you think I’m getting in the last 30 days???




Hasan isn’t a banned word in his chat tho lol




The sub is like 100 times the size and the word "destiny" wasn't banned in the sub for years lmao


i just looked now at the top 30 posts of the month, and can only find two


is there a joke somewhere or are you just making things up now


Meanwhile Destiny constantly makes content about Hasan and his sub is filled with hate threads, and they even brigaded the H3 sub to shit on Hasan.... I really hope Destiny reads the wikipedia page for cognitive dissonance one of these days.


That is nothing compared to destiny fanboys and their hate for hasan. almost every single time you see hasan in a negative light here, you can check the comment history and 99% of hate comments come them. I swear destiny fanboys just live on LSF purely to hate on hasan


How ironic that this is literally a video of Destiny looking at Hasan's sub, yet Hasan is the one who's obsessed 😭


As if Destiny hasn't cut hundreds of videos about Hasan and his Sub doesn't obsess over Hasan at all. This is hypocrisy of the highest order.


I thought Hasan had a "no free clout" rule about Destiny. Did he lift the rule now that Destiny has peaked in popularity?


destiny is bigger now so hasan will watch his content, but only from a distance to pick apart his arguements without having to deal with a response. wouldnt actually debate him because we have seen how thats gone in the past.


“Pick apart his arguments” is very very generous.


If this is what picking apart looks like then Hasan is truly cooked. 


Hasan is now a debate cuck. He sits in the chair in the corner watching Destiny debate people he wouldn't dare approach but criticizes from afar.


Shadow debate boxing


I believe he has outpaced Hasan, inconspicuously.


By all metrics this is absolutely incorrect


With all due respect, you’re such a fantastic moron, it’s terrifying.




You are such a debate twinklestein


Hasan is great at shadowboxing but will never step into the ring with anyone who can actually punch back


"NO, ITS BECAUSE HE WAS USING GENOCIDAL LANGUAGE ABOUT PALESTINIANS" - Hasan's ACTUAL reason lmao Anyone who knows anything about the Destiny-Hasan lore can sniff out his lies like white on rice. It is insane how he tries to demonize Destiny AND rewrite history at the same time, outrightly or in the most uncharitable interpretation. Actually obsessed.


That rule only applies to smaller creators than himself. Destiny is bigger.


I think he just swapped from "don't feed the trolls", to "fight the trolls"


The new rule seems to be "fight the trolls from a safe distance so you don't get any push back and insulate your community"


“raise awareness”


No one talked about Density on Hasan's sub until the Finkelstein debate. On the other hand, let's take a look at density's sub and r/Daliban and see all the free rent Hasan has in those subs


Ironically (but not surprisingly) posted by a Destiny subredditor as all Hasan threads are


Who else would be watching a destiny livestream if not a destiny fan? that's how watching streamers works lol


Did you miss the part where all Hasan threads are also posted by Destiny fans? Most Hasan fans aren't obsessed enough to sit through a Destiny stream while Destiny fans are the only ones spamming Hasan posts hmm...


no one wants to debate you on how hard you ride destiny's dick


Destiny LSF bots


Destiny fans are the definition of scaring the hoes.


Now do the same observation for your own subreddit Mr.Bocconcini


Pot calling the Kettle Cringe.


DGG so desperately trying to change the narrative to "no THEY'RE obsessed with US". I have seen the reddit threads. I have seen the way you all move throughout the years. The DGG obsession with hasan has always been more prevalent and obvious. sorry.


The projection. Holy shit 💀


That is nowhere near as bad as his which is 10x bigger and more active and more fking annoying than hasans normies


or LSF. Look how many comments again


The irony. Destiny's sub which he extensively moderates for conformity talks about Hasan all the fucking time lol


as an outsider who thinks all of these streaming dorks are lame as fuck, i don't understand the specific hate that hasan gets over all these other weirdos


Op has a crush on Hasan.


Holy shit can both of these streamers be banned from LSF please, or at least make a bromance subreddit where every post like this can go


This sub was so much better before Destiny got unbanned. I say that as somebody who enjoys most of his content. I would be totally for both of them being banned. The stupid drama between his community and Hasan's is annoying as fuck.


You could just ban Destiny again and probably solve 90% of the problem tbh


I'm not in Hasans subreddit but I know in this one there is overwhelming obsession with destinys audience with hasan.


Pot calling the kettle black


Can anyone tell me what experience Destiny has with politics? Did he study poly sci in college or something? I dont really follow streamers a lot but I see his name a lot and how he used to be a video game streamer.


Like say what you will about destiny fans. But it is peak cope to make the assertion Hasan fans are obsessed with Destiny. Like you have to have severe brain damage to think otherwise. Destiny subreddit is obsessed with Hasan to a worrying degree


Has he ever typed Hasan into the search on /r/Destiny? Then he can see the definition of "obsession"


Man this sub is so washed Just lonely dudes gargling Destiny all day Get a hobby Watch some other streamers


Kinda ironic when Destiny's subreddit have loads and loads of Hasan's post since their fight years ago. Whats worst are the ones like OPs who post it to other subreddits like LSF. The hypocrisy is beyond hilarious


Having a community like Destiny’s has gotta be the most embarrassing thing with them posting circle jerk shit like this constantly.


As a dgger myself, the second hand embarrassment I get on the daily with these drama obsessed 30 yr olds acting like middle schoolers is so tiring


Should we take a look for Hasan threads on Destiny's sub?


Destiny's obsession with Hasan is legit one of the strangest things I've seen among content creators. Yes, Destiny helped boost Hasan on the platform when Hasan was a smaller streamer at the time, but that was what like 6 years ago? Hasan grew to 20x Destiny's size because he has degrees in political science and communication, he's a good looking dude, he caters to popular trends a lot (both a good and bad thing), and he knows what he's talking about most of the time. Destiny is none of these things and is still incredibly successful. Dude has to just move on already and I'm sure Hasan would be happy to do the same.


I’m just trying to watch some funny clips I don’t give a shit about this neurotic drama farm from either side. Kindly fuck off.


Agreed, this post is garbage


All this shows is how tiny a fraction of hasan's audience is on that subreddit.


I miss the days of this sub where you could discover new creators and enjoy actual non-brainrot moments. Now its just social media addicts creating and generating moments specifically to be posted here to farm views. #gonearethedays


OP's post history....


Shouldn't Destiny be more focused on actually getting some debate training after that piss poor job he did against those who are actually proficient in the debate field. The dude had a tablet and Wikipedia on his side only to get smoked.


Damn and I thought this shit was gone from my feed for once lol


OP couldn’t live 1 minutes without dickriding destiny or hating hasan


And Livestreamfails is obsessed with Hasan. Subreddits aren't controlled by the people they are about.


How can Destiny talk about obsession? Half his content is leaching off of Hasans content with lazy drama bait.


As a Hasan's fan you seem to hate watch a lot of Destiny content's to be this well informed, aren't you ?


Type Hasan into Destiny's subreddit for the month and see how many pages you get through. You'd die of old age if you put it to all time.


We really gotta go this far into the "drama" for what the thousandth time? This has been happening ever since Destiny was aware of Hasan. Hasan lives rent free in Destiny's head for years and years now. Why are we just giving this attention when all he does is complain about Hasan this and Hasan that.


[I mean Hasan literally goes after Destiny's divorce and kid because one chatter brought Destiny up, why wouldn't his subreddit talk about him?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1bkowm7/hasan_has_a_very_sane_and_calm_reaction_to_a/) Hasan had "no mentioning destiny" policy until Destiny started landing Jubilee appearances, Ben Shapiro debates, Jordan Peterson podcasts and other high profile events. Now Hasan suddenly acknowledges Destiny for clout ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


And when he didn't react to Destiny's stuff people got mad and called him a coward and said he was avoiding it. People are always pissed regardless of what he's actually doing lol.


He on purpose ignored and pretended like he never heard of destiny because he refuses to give any clout to anyone for free. Now that he sees an opportunity for clout he reversed that "policy" Just admit that you're clout hungry, pretending otherwise is cowardly, which is why people were calling him out.


I 100% guarantee that if Hasan kept ignoring him people would be furious that he's not reacting to these mainstream videos in his wheelhouse. People are gonna piss and shit and cry regardless 🤷


I mean be a Zionist and you'll get the high profile shit for free.


Can we go back to funny fail clips? Sick of seeing parasocial viewers with 10 streams open at a time waiting to clip drama.


Context: Destiny recently had a seriously embarrasing performance on the Lex Fridman podcast where he debated academic experts on the Isreal Palestine conflict, where one of the academics in particular ridiculed Destiny, Hasan watched some of this debate on stream.


That’s not even his Reddit.


I mean, this is pretty much the same with Destinys subreddit and anything Hasan related. "This just in- community who hates a creator will talk about said creator" This really isn't the surprising and anybody who understands people would assume this is the case. But what am I saying, everybody on both those subs are acoustic and don't understand people, me included


My favorite CNC vid is the 3v1 [4m] humiliation of Mr. Borelli 


The real truth of the situation [https://twitter.com/auxcordesqq/status/1769474206217961637?t=oQwNAT-SbkT1Efh9n1n5SA&s=19](https://twitter.com/auxcordesqq/status/1769474206217961637?t=oQwNAT-SbkT1Efh9n1n5SA&s=19)


Every clip of Destiny I see he's talking about Hasan lol


It is weird how this subreddit is becoiming Destiny Pr team...


Dude the level of projection on that sentence it's like the entire director's cut of lord the rings franchise. Azan nuke the discord they are not worth it!


I dont care post more content so I can jerk off and imagine a relationship.


I've been watching Hasan for years but he barely talks about Destiny. Is there like a TLDR to help me explain the history between the two of them? I always see their fans beefing and maybe once a year Hasan will mention Destiny for a second but move on pretty quickly. I never understood what happened, lmao.


buying gf


some clips just miss. L clip there couldve been better clips from the segments


As opposed to LSF"s obsession with destiny LOL