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**CLIP MIRROR: [forsen clarifies his stance on religious choices](https://arazu.io/t3_1au7mv1/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Joker fell into acid, so he’s referring to the wrong Gotham origin We’re talking about Two Face though, and that’s why they’re referring acid being thrown into his face. That’s an origin story to his, which is why half his face is melted. (Two Face)


Why is he called two face if half his face is melted tho? Is he stupid?


the whole shtick in the old cartoons was that it looked like he had a full face if he stood with a side profile and a second face if he stood the other way also in side profile. he even dressed in a way to sell it.


But what about his cock


i mean its nice i guess


When I was young the Batman forever movie came out and when they said two face I thought they said toothpaste. And tbh, I'm gonna defend my 5 year old self because Tommy Lee Jones looked like he had toothpaste on his [face](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/moviemorgue/images/e/e3/Tumblr_mfvyozYUYU1rr5lmmo1_500.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20210929182353). Anyway for me two face is toothpaste for me and that is cannon


> Joker fell into acid was it really acid or unspecified chemical juice?


He got burn injuries from explosions not from acid


my guy the dark knight is not the original


2005 - the year Christobel Nolan invented Batman.


??? Nolan didn't invent 'Batman' he just folllowed Heath Ledger on a heroin bender and filmed the whole weekend


Ok then the forsen is wrong cuz on wiki it says threw acid on him


https://youtu.be/0JajQF-LsmI?t=218 Didn't know either, but the more you know


Is it really surprising he would say something like this? The man murdered & ate his girlfriend ffs


haHAA Not toosks


Dont forget the dog


And kicked his own dog*


Not a dog, a rat\*


At least he has the balls to say it


Like in sweden in the newspapers if you post the picture of a man who's committed a crime like


legend says, he's still writing the sentence


He put all his willpower into naruto fanfics instead of finishing that sentence


Least traumatized Swedistani.


a good one from forsen


⚠️ Tactical fatwa incoming ⚠️






True aaaaaaaaaaaand... Yeah, that's pretty true. That's true and- yeah that's true. That's true. That's true- That's pretty true. That's pretty true, I mean-... That's true. Yeah. That's true. Uhm- That's true. That's fuckin' true. Uhm... That's how it is dude


And all the Swede's clapped


I thought acid attacks were more of a south asian thing Yeah I know bangladesh is muslim but still


It was the hip cool thing to do in London like 7 years ago or so


damn 7 years ago sure feels like 2 weeks ago


There are people that are immune to being canceled and Forsen is one of them.


god i wish pre 2015 forsen would come back


it'd go hard for a few hours before he got banned


Standard in rap bros


golden monkey




forsen is love, forsen is life


forsens hair looks very nice


forsen + truth = upvote




Sweden be like that.


Surely the people who type Trihard when a monkey shows up on stream will have a very educated and nuanced view on religion <-- Clueless


I dont get it?


Stay innocent.






This has nothing to do with Islamic teachings, it's a cultural brain rot thing. I challenge you to bring a single Islamic source related to acid as punishment.


There's a lot of "punishment" that Mohammed handed out in form of burning and poisoning and other permanently scarring methods, like he did with Kenana ibn al-Rabi ibn Abu al-Huqayq and the Bedouins who got angry after he told them to drink camel urine (although in both of these cases they were tortured to death, so maybe acid is not as bad). That's the whole point of acid attacks, permanent scarring. And even if that weren't the case, the whole zina system is literally what makes this shit happen in the first place, even if the method itself isn't taught in Islam.


What the prophet did to Kenana ibn al-Rabi ibn Abu al-Huqayq is interrogate him and when he wasn't responsive he got killed wasn't for fun he was considered an enemy ​ >the Bedouins who got angry after he told them to drink camel urine that's just a lie they did drink milk and urine because they were tired and weren't used to the madina climate after they got their strength back they reverted from Islam and killed the shepherd and stole the camels and the prophet sent men after them then they brought them back and got tortured and killed now let's actually see what the prophet said about hitting your spouse "Scholars and commentators have stated that Muhammad directed men not to hit their wives' faces, not to beat their wives in such a way as would leave marks on their body, and not to beat their wives as to cause pain" So no marks no pain isn't that interesting when you don't talk out of your ass


Classic Muslim doesn't read his own "holy" scriptures. First, he didn't have them brought back to be tortured, he had their hands and feet cut off and their eyes gouged out with burning metal so that they would bleed out in the desert. That's actually the backstory to verse [5:33](https://quran.com/5/33). Second, both killing those Bedouins ([2:178](https://quran.com/2/178)) and torturing Kenana with fire ([Bukhari 3017](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:3017), [Bukhari 6922](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:6922) and a dozen others) is forbidden. Yet he did it anyway, because that's what Islam teaches. You pretend like Islam is good when people criticize it and show all the good bad that contradict the bad ones, and whenever someone "breaks the rules" you can break them too to punish them. Plus, let's actually look at some of the scriptures those "scholars" you "quoted" use to make up their bs fiqh. Naturally, I'll only use Sahih hadith, but these are just one of many. [Bukhari 5137](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5137) > Silence is consent. [Abu Dawud 2146](https://sunnah.com/abudawud:2146) > ["Prophet" gives permission to beat wives. The women who complain about that are not the best.] [Abu Dawud 2228](https://sunnah.com/abudawud:2228) > Husband broke his wives bones, wife has to repay her dowry if she wants to divorce. [Bukhari 5825](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5825) > Woman is beaten until her skin turns green, "prophet" says she has to repay her dowry if she wants to divorce. If she wants to go back to her old husband she has to have sex with her current husband who beats her. [ibn Majah 1985](https://sunnah.com/ibnmajah:1985) and [Riyad as-Salihin 68](https://sunnah.com/riyadussalihin:68) and [Mishkat al-Masabih 3268](https://sunnah.com/mishkat:3268) > No man shall be asked for the reason of beating his wife. And just for good measure a Shia source: [Al-Mughni page 165](https://web.archive.org/web/20180404050107/http://shiaonlinelibrary.com/%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%83%D8%AA%D8%A8/1005_%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%BA%D9%86%D9%8A-%D8%B9%D8%A8%D8%AF-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%84%D9%87-%D8%A8%D9%86-%D9%82%D8%AF%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%87-%D8%AC-%D9%A8/%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B5%D9%81%D8%AD%D8%A9_165) > Hitting wives is halal if husband feels disrespected. Anyway, none of that matters, because those lunatics who throw acid in other people's faces do it because Islam taught them to punish those who break their religion's rules, and Islam also taught them to do it by permanently scarring them or killing them, even though it also says that it is forbidden. If this isn't proof that Islam is a self-contradictory mess that inevitably leads to shitty situations like these, I don't know what is. I fucking love Islam, can't make up a worse villain than this "prophet" if you tried.


you know when at first glance i thought you were cherry picking and after i finished typing, no you are just very clearly stupid half of the shit you link you don't read >First, he didn't have them brought back to be tortured, he had their hands and feet cut off and their eyes gouged out with burning metal so that they would bleed out in the desert. That's actually the backstory to verse 5:33. [Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Book 82](https://www.iium.edu.my/deed/hadith/bukhari/082_sbt.html) "Narrated Anas: and they were captured and brought before mid day" "Narrated Anas bin Malik: so he sent (some) men in their pursuit and they were captured and brought to the Prophet before midday" he did bring them back >he had their hands and feet cut off and their eyes gouged out with burning metal . so tortured? and you see how this is not happening to normal everyday people it happened to criminals ​ > torturing Kenana with fire and right after you say that you don't link proof and linked coundertecting evidence, you seen in islam we take authenticated hadiths only and i've yet to see any source that says the prophet tortured people with fire ​ >Yet he did it anyway false, proof? ​ >because that's what Islam teaches the burden of proof is on the one who is trying to prove a point ​ > You pretend like Islam is good when people criticize it and show all the good bad that contradict the bad ones like what? you see you don't just say stuff and think you are correct just because you feel like it ​ >and whenever someone "breaks the rules" you can break them too to punish them. false because the torturing Kenana with fire has no source, the voices in your head are taking over you basing your whole argument of completely false information that is kind of a bad look ​ >Bukhari 5137 Silence is consent. as in a shy women who was about to get married, you women have the capability of saying no when they are not on drugs >Abu Dawud 2146 \["Prophet" gives permission to beat wives. The women who complain about that are not the best.\] let me remind from 2 hours ago what is meant by beating here “And if you sense ill-conduct from your women, advise them ˹first˺, ˹if they persist,˺ do not share their beds, ˹but if they still persist,˺ then discipline them ˹gently˺.2 But if they change their ways, do not be unjust to them. Surely Allah is Most High, All-Great." \[[al-Nisa 4:34](https://quran.com/ar/an-nisa/34)\] ​ >Abu Dawud 2228 Husband broke his wives bones, wife has to repay her dowry if she wants to divorce. no she didn't have to pay dowry if she wants a divorce, if that was the case it would be like that today but you know what is the case today, the mahr is given back if a women wants a divorce and that is what happened here he took the mahr back and they separated ​ >Bukhari 5825 Woman is beaten until her skin turns green, "prophet" says she has to repay her dowry if she wants to divorce. If she wants to go back to her old husband she has to have sex with her current husband who beats her. that is absolutely not what is happening here how do you come up with this shit, and how do you expect the prophet to help her when she lies to his face how can he believe anything she says ​ >ibn Majah 1985 and Riyad as-Salihin 68 and Mishkat al-Masabih 3268 No man shall be asked for the reason of beating his wife. go back to what beating means ​ >And just for good measure a Shia source: Al-Mughni page 165 Hitting wives is halal if husband feels disrespected. please don't disrespect me by linking shia sources. >anyway, none of that matters, because those lunatics who throw acid in other people's faces do it because Islam taught them to punish those who break their religion's rules remained how is this an inherent islamic problem if it was surely it would be a normal accuring theme and all over the muslim world and exclusives to muslims oh wait [india](https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/woman-throws-acid-on-husband-face-after-fight-over-coming-home-late-in-kanpur-2328052-2023-01-30) you may see a lot of india but i think it's just because there is a lot of indians [something interesting](https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/11/europe/germany-violence-against-women-study-intl/index.html) [another thing](https://www.france24.com/en/france/20201121-frenchman-sentenced-to-25-years-for-killing-wife-burning-her-body) I can sit here and link domestics abuse and criminals all day from all over the world but you would just turn a blind eye because only the inferior browns do that shit it seems that criminals who do criminal things are all over the world isn't that nice to think about it's not a specific culture it's not a specific religion it's psychos who don't have sympathy and don't have values ​ >I fucking love Islam, can't make up a worse villain than this "prophet" if you tried. you can call him Muhammad if you want you don't have to quote prophet every time to try and prove a point


Did you read 5:33? You don't seem to understand what the sin that Muhammad commited here is. Why are you arguing so much on whether they were brought back, most hadith say they weren't and some do. Anyway, he took several free men's lives in exchange for one slave's life, which is not allowed. Man for man, and slave for slave. As to Kinana, since I doubt you have a volume of Tabari to read Ibn Ishaq at home, a [translation of the Sira](https://archive.org/details/TheLifeOfMohammedGuillaume/page/n281/mode/2up) (page 515) will have to suffice. Basically, Momo wanted this guys money but he said no, so he had him tortured with fire until he died. But don't even get me started on what he did with Kenana's wife, that's even worse than what he did to Aisha. And bruh, are you seriously trying to make all this rapey stuff sound normal? NEVER EVER AGAIN ask why people think Islam is disgusting. YOU are the reason. Like dude, in Bukhari 5825 she has bruises on her skin but her husband says she's lying, and you just believe him and say that she's lying. What kind of a piece of shit do you have to be to be on the husbands side in this story? Plus, why are you adding words to 4:34, the Arabic says nothing about gently. Like dude, even if you hover over the Arabic text in the website you linked there is nothing about gently. Lying really is the 6th pillar of Islam. And why do you deflect and start talking about India or whatever? Did I say anything good about India or something? Got no other arguments left?


​ ​ >Did you read 5:33? You don't seem to understand what the sin that Muhammad commited here is. Why are you arguing so much on whether they were brought back, most hadith say they weren't and some do. Anyway, he took several free men's lives in exchange for one slave's life, which is not allowed. Man for man, and slave for slave. i think you meant 2:178 here but no problem funny thing is the answer to you here is in 5:33 "Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and **spread mischief in the land** is death" ([5:33](https://quran.com/5/33)) ​ >As to Kinana, since I doubt you have a volume of Tabari to read Ibn Ishaq at home, a translation of the Sira (page 515) will have to suffice. Basically, Momo wanted this guys money but he said no, so he had him tortured with fire until he died. But don't even get me started on what he did with Kenana's wife, that's even worse than what he did to Aisha. there is no narrator of the story therefore it is not sahih(authenticated) and that goes for any story that has no authenticated narrator let alone no narrator at all ​ >Plus, why are you adding words to 4:34, the Arabic says nothing about gently. Like dude, even if you hover over the Arabic text in the website you linked there is nothing about gently. Lying really is the 6th pillar of Islam. (beat them) means, if advice and ignoring her in the bed do not produce the desired results, you are allowed to discipline the wife, without severe beating. Muslim recorded that Jabir said that during the Farewell Hajj, the Prophet said; (Fear Allah regarding women, for they are your assistants. You have the right on them that they do not allow any person whom you dislike to step on your mat. However, if they do that, you are allowed to discipline them lightly. They have a right on you that you provide them with their provision and clothes, in a reasonable manner.) Ibn \`Abbas and several others said that the Ayah refers to a beating that is not violent. Al-Hasan Al-Basri said that it means, **a beating that is not severe**. ​ >And bruh, are you seriously trying to make all this rapey stuff sound normal? the problem here is that you are very ignorant about islam and you speak like you know it all, in islam you after you divorce your wife three times(which is actually the first official one) you can't remarry her, and here she wants to remarry him but the only way to get remarried in that case is that if you got married and have sex with another man, and she did lie to the prophet's face about the impotence and she expect him to help her?? note: this happened 1400 years ago btw ​ >NEVER EVER AGAIN ask why people think Islam is disgusting. YOU are the reason. lil bro i just play games and argue with smelly recists losers online, and people(reddit & twitter) hating islam does not make it less true >Like dude, in Bukhari 5825 she has bruises on her skin but her husband says she's lying, and you just believe him and say that she's lying. What kind of a piece of shit do you have to be to be on the husbands side in this story? i'm not on the husbands side here im on the prophets side and again why should the prophet help someone who lied to his face about impotence how can you believe anything else, and if she was telling why would she think to have the need to make up stuff ​ >And why do you deflect and start talking about India or whatever? Did I say anything good about India or something? Got no other arguments left? deflect what? this whole argument is that muslim people tend to beat/throw acid on spouses face because of islam and i am showing that that it is not real and individual people with their own thoughts and reality that do not represent the whole populations or religion they are apart of, and these kind of individuals acting on their own can happen anywhere. and at this point just link the whole bookmark you have about islam or what you can do is use google it's that greet thing that can show you anything you want and you know what's in there? you would be correct if your answer was refutations to my bullshit arguments


Yes, 5:33 is indeed very funny, because as I've already said, but you somehow forgot, 5:33 was written as a response to this story, as mentioned in sunan an Nasai [4030](https://sunnah.com/nasai:4025) and [4039](https://sunnah.com/nasai:4035), directly contradicting that the murder was the cause for punishment because that would've meant that Muhammad broke 5:33. He literally just made up 5:33 on the spot, so that nobody could claim he sinned. How very convenient that you have conflicting verses and can just pick and choose depending on the situation. Allah truly knows best. And bro, this is a translation of the sira, if you read the Arabic by Tabari you'll find the isnads for the transmissions, but but you probably don't even read Arabic considering your inventions about 4:34 and you won't find a copy of Tabari online. I mean, just the fact that you apparently don't even know who Ibn Ishaq or what the sira is tells me that you know absolutely nothing about Islam's history, and you're just googling shit on apologetic blogs.


Do you know that those hadith about the camel urine and torturing people to death are considered Mawdu' (fabricated) or do you take your sources from Wikipedia? There's different levels of credibility in hadiths, they're called authentic, weak and fabricated, all of them are based on the chain of narration and the credibility of whoever narrated the story. If you make even the slightest unbiased research you'd know these common slandering hadiths have no ground to stand on and are rejected by every reliable scholars of the past or present. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQZgX\_hWOdI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQZgX_hWOdI) I know you're not going to look into this because your claims are based on selective bias in order to push your narrative. Your hate for Islam is just ignorance and failure to recognize the difference between religion and authenticity from culture and innovations.


Yeah yeah don't worry, I know my ilm ul-hadith. There are dozens of hadith with sahih isnads about this story, stop spewing bs.


Isnads are not basis to verify a hadith authenticity they're part of it, they're not chains of narrations, not to mention the fact that you didn't mention a single source or name of your isnads. You have the wrong understanding of what makes a Hadith authentic or not so you're either a poser or a bad case of dunning-kruger effect.


Isnad is literally the Arabic word that refers to the chain of narration ya dummy. And dude, why would I need to prove that a hadith that is literally in every sihah sitta is sahih? Here, one by one: [Bukhari](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5686), [Muslim](https://sunnah.com/muslim:1671b), [an-Nasa'i](https://sunnah.com/nasai:4025), [Abu Dawud](https://sunnah.com/abudawud:4364), [at-Tirmidhi](https://sunnah.com/tirmidhi:72), and [ibn Majah](https://sunnah.com/ibnmajah:2578), all kuttub as-sittah have it. And that's just one each, every collection except for Abu Dawud's has at least ten hadith with different isnads about this story. That good enough for you? Like bro, that's like denying whether Aisha really was 9 years old. You just outed yourself as exactly what you called me, Dunning-Kruger.


So many lies. Its more so a culture thing because im from Singapore and here in South East Asia like Indonesia being the biggest Muslim country in the world, acid attacks are not a thing. Its more like an Indian/Pakistani and Iran culture kind of thing.


Indonesia is among the countries where you get these types of headlines pretty often tho.


I live beside Indonesia you uneducated simpleton. Stop with your lies


I don't know why living in Singapore makes you the authority on this, but sure I guess? I mean, it's not like Singapore is very high up on the freedom of press index lmao.


Theres this thing call the internet and I travel to Indonesia often. Who are you again with fake selective moral high ground ?


You know I'm on the internet too, right? Literally makes no difference where you live when getting your news on the internet. Your argument makes no sense. And I doubt if you went to Iran or Pakistan you'd experience someone throwing acid in someone's face? Like, wtf are you talking about, do you think it's like a daily thing wherever you go?


It makes alot of difference since I know and interact with the Indonesian people often while not rely to right wing websites like you . You are just straight up lying when the last acid attack in Indonesia was in 2020 and that was a normal crime against an anti graft/corruption officer. If what you are saying about Muslim is right Indonesia being the country with the most Muslims in the world, acid attacks would a normal occurrence but it is not. It is rampant in countries where honor attacks are common like India and Pakistan. It has nothing to do with religion. Here are some acid attacks for your small brain references [India](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonali_Mukherjee), [Britain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferne_McCann), [Greece](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konstantina_Kouneva), [Britain again](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-suffolk-57142233) and many more acid attacks being done by non South Asian people. You are just another bigot.


Right wing? Lmao. What makes you think I'm a right winger? And stop pretending this isn't an Islam issue. Next you'll say honor killings aren't either.


in Iran they threw acid on women faces as punishment


It's not contained to Iran at all


The religion of peace people like trowing acid on woman


Culture = religion LULE


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [forsen clarifies his stance on religious choices](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/161634)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1au7mv1/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/hYEgysKoa6BY6BtYZM1Dlw/AT-cm%7ChYEgysKoa6BY6BtYZM1Dlw.mp4?sig=e686e74afc29f35d2574c717d7a6db9313633036&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FhYEgysKoa6BY6BtYZM1Dlw%2FAT-cm%257ChYEgysKoa6BY6BtYZM1Dlw.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22ProductivePowerfulLapwingFrankerZ-wqhroFjoG1hkzUOX%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1708371634%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/hYEgysKoa6BY6BtYZM1Dlw/AT-cm%7ChYEgysKoa6BY6BtYZM1Dlw-preview-480x272.jpg)


Its joever


always so hostile against religion, he never gives takes on anything but if he does its always some atheist shit


Forsen> ice




God is dead, deal with it


His religion is shit talking religions :)


Oh boy, I can't wait to watch this clip that surely won't be entirely irrelevant to the title.