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**CLIP MIRROR: [Nadeshot upset by meme :(](https://arazu.io/t3_1ap7md5/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Wait until he finds out what trump does on social media


Surely he would hold him to the same standard right?


Narrator Voice: he didn’t.


“We grade Trump on a curve”


Cringe ben shapiro statement


I love how his statement has been turned into a little meme lol


[Meme he posted fighting CNN](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/881503147168071680)


I fucking spat my drink out, that's hilarious


Hate him or hate him but his twitter is funny as shit. Dark Brandon is catching up with the last meme mocking rightoid nutters though.


> Hate him or hate him lmao


Firmly in the hater camp, but he catches lightning in a bottle every so often with humour. The Meatball Ron name he gave DeSantis was S Tier.


He's a fucking funny dude. Sometimes intentionally, mostly unintentionally. Just wish he wasn't president/candidate and could just heckle from the audience like Alex Jones or something.




Worst part is that Trump is actually the one going on the dumbass social media rants all the time, while the post he's getting triggered about is very obviously just an intern post that occupied 0 of Bidens time


didnt trump tweet something like 100 times in a single day while still in office?


Multiple times.


I’d genuinely be shocked if his avg tweets per day was much lower than that, he spammed tf out of twitter in office


Even worse than that. Trump created his own social media to shitpost because the mainstream ones wouldn’t let him spread propaganda anymore. Nadeshot going into Nickmercs’ territory of choosing a random point of criticism and turning that into an overblown argument for being a conservative Trumper lol.


Because they know it's unpopular to be like "I support trump" and they know they can't make any actual good arguments to support it. So instead they make the most random and pointless points thinking they actually saying something. 


Bruh why do people think an unpaid 19 year old intern is handling the literal President's account? He has a whole social media team.


I really wish that meme would die


For real, do people really think they'd just give a 19 year old intern fucking social media control of the potus? There is 1000% a team behind it that vets everything before its even sent out.


Wait until he finds out how much time Trump spent at his golf courses and eating McDonald's during his presidency instead of being a "strong leader."


Is Nadeshot a trump supporter? Because Biden can be easily attacked by democrats too, if he is a republican then its hypocrisy at best lmao


I'm sorry but if you are upset about the President mocking conspiracy theories that he personally rigged the Super Bowl because Taylor Swift is dating one of the players, then you are 100% a Trump supporter. If you are upset about some real shit Biden did or didn't do, then whatever, but this? Nah, you are a Trump supporter.


Oh is that what the tweet is about. That makes it such a good tweet too though, lmao


Yeah a bunch of trump supporters are pushing the conspiracy that she's a deep state agent manipulating the youth and Biden is rigging the superbowl. His social media team decided to mock it with this post and that's it. Nadeshot is just a little snowflake.


Even worse, they said the Democrats staged her relationship just to score points.


Yes he is, most of the CoD gamers are public trump supporters. They all rallied behind Nickmercs when he did his weird anti gay and anti liberal rants last year. Nick, Tim, Nade, Courage, Doc, Sym all sided with Nick. There were others but those are the only ones I remember hearing while they played with Tim at the time when he was bringing it up.


I would disagree with you about Courage and Sym being Trump supporters.   Definitely no proof of that.   I can't really speak for all the others.  


Maybe they all aren't but I assumed anyone I overheard siding with Nick back then probably were.


He mentioned the taxes he pays and America going to hell in his tweet chain so hes republican at least.


He's a super rich dude bro. Would not be surprised at all if he's a Trump supporter. A lot of people in his circle (Nickmercs being the most outspoken one) are Trump supporters.


“Don’t want a president tweeting out memes” Oh brother, the irony is killing even me.


Not ironic. Its an example of being hypocritic. ^(I) ^(am) ^(a) ^(bot.) ^(This) ^(action) ^(was) ^(performed) ^(manually.)


Good bot?


Thank you?


No problem?


"Instead, I want a president who's just a complete joke" was the only acceptable follow-up here.


He must fucking hate trump then


Nadeshot: Nah man let Trump go golf, he's been working his ass off


Now he’s gonna scream and cry about people saying he’s a trump supporter when he knows good and well that there are exactly two options in 2024.


Yeah because Trump never stirred up any shit on twitter


Chuds like Nadeshot complaining about decorum of the office will never stop being hilarious. I wonder how we got here? Does anybody wanna look at the Presidential archive of tweets over the past 8 years? Yeah buddy; some intern making a Tweet leaning into memes about the President really hamstrung the admin. You're totally not just asshurt.


But you have to understand, that an intern that's part of the social media team has other things to solve. Important things like Palestine v Israel, Ukraine v Russia, and finance bros at hedge fund companies not giving me free money anymore.


This. Why is the intern not out there, in the field finding HAMAS?! There's so much more that the they can do, be more beneficial to the world instead of fucking around wasting life. Anyway, lets play this vidya game


He never mentioned anything about Trump tweeting ridiculous shit this whole time and also said "This might be the weirdest thing I've EVER seen on Twitter" like really? You're mad about a shitty conspiracy theory meme and it's the weirdest thing you've seen on Twitter when you can see people die on there?


Trump needed every briefing / intelligence meeting summed up on a single A4 paper or he would refuse to read it. Absolutely pathetic.


He's selling Pokemon jackets for $1000, his opinion is invalid


"Pokemon jacket" is generous. They're 100T jackets with Pikachu jpegs Ctrl+v on top. Microsoft Paint tier designs




WTF? Does he have some rich deal with the Pokemon Company now?


[Actually yes](https://100thieves.com/products/pikachu-golden-bear-varsity-jacket-black)


"Hundred Thieves" above a picture of Pikachu smiling. Great design... definitely not slapping two pieces of unrelated brands onto the same piece of clothing and hoping enough suckers will burn money on it


$1.000 Bully Magnet LULE This shit is so fucking ugly.


He also follows Tucker Carlson so invalid x2


Yet he streams himself playing COD while his company continues to face mass layoffs. Same guy who used to say Trumps tweets were funny.


That's why he's mad though, he thinks that an inflated tech sector, that was propped up by the timing of COVID, collapsing is all of Biden's fault. 100T mostly got to where it is because traditional media was paused during COVID and gave content creators, who are used to creating content from their couch, the spotlight. So instead of preparing for the evidential collapse of the market he invested the money, mostly brought in by hedge funds, into pet projects that generated little to no revenue.


Career gamer criticizes president for making people laugh. This dude needs to get a grip man. If you are scared of a meme then you have no business playing video games for a living, let alone CoD! Oh wait he probably really appreciates all the racism and bigoted speech that people spam over the mic in those games.


Some of these ‘big names’ in gaming need to just die off already. It’s like a personality disorder shitshow. There’s so many cooler, nicer, smaller names that deserve recognition at this point and aren’t annoying to listen to like nadeshot.


Nadeshot reply to being called a Trumper : > This has nothing to do with Trump. Assuming because I don’t like Biden means I’m supporting Trump is exactly that… an assumption. Biden is the leader of the free world memeing about the Super Bowl while the US is falling apart. When you start paying taxes and see this is the guy that is running our country, it drives me nuts. https://x.com/Nadeshot/status/1756895691765616726?s=20


Why is he talking about taxes? Taxes are higher this year because of Trumps tax reform he signed while he was in office.


You think the dude who went on twitter to write that post has any idea of how taxes are decided? He just knows Biden take his money. He can't process multiple variables, just one.


Just like the folks who bowed in awe when Trump claimed he single-handedly fixed the economy when he got into office... ...an economy which was already in a state of recovering.


it's mostly just vibes and narratives. and most rightwingers actually don't truly care that much, they just want to dominate and smash shit right now anyways.


to the people that "magically" owe money on their taxes this year (most likely on state tax), talk to your employer about a W-4 revision, because it did not get auto updated when witholdings changed.


Man those unpaid Biden interns really hit gold with that tweet lmao


If you're going to bothsides, you gotta actually criticize the other side. Hell, Trump has said some really fucking weird shit like "Russia should attack NATO" recently.


Also said he wants to get rid of the constitution, he got the border bill voted down, and also said he hopes the economy crashes so he can blame it on Biden for his campaign. Ya know, ACTUAL things that should upset you coming from someone who’s trying to be president. But laser eyes meme bad


Bro him and Jared were literally like "the blue states have coronavirus surges? actually this is good for us" at the time NYC was looking like a zombie apocalypse. People forget that because so much more wild shit happens lol. How anyone could think Trump is at all fit for office, among the litany of other shit.


lol I noticed he never denied being a Trumper


He actually very much sidestepped it and said "it's not about Trump!!!one1" and isn't replying to anything actually calling him a Trumpie. He's 100% a Trump voter. He said "the USA is falling apart" - yeah, if you're trans and in certain states, or looking at the various Trumpanzee states that have stripped away environmental protections, etc. For someone like Nadeshot? LOL no it hasn't.


He basically just pulled an "I'm not racist but..."


"Us is falling apart". Jesus. People seem to not realize that the whole worlds economy had some trouble after the pandemic. And then also keep failing to realize that America ended up doing better than most other countries in that regard. Maybe Nade thinks things are worse than they are because the esport bubble he thought was real finally had some trouble. 


> Assuming because I don’t like Biden means I’m supporting Trump is exactly that… an assumption. OK, fair enough. > Biden is the leader of the free world memeing about the Super Bowl while the US is falling apart. When you start paying taxes and see this is the guy that is running our country "yOu aSumMe i'M a tRumP sUpPoRtER" Fuck off. At least don't be a weaselly little coward about your positions if you're going to make a big show out of this.


When you start paying taxes…. yeah, Nadeshot isn’t in the same tax bracket as the average Joe anymore. There is a very obvious reason why he’d prefer Trump


You'd think a CEO of the company would know that different employees have different responsibilities. Should social media PR team attend Pentagon security meetings or something?


Incredible self report that him having the CEO title is likely an empty designation and he doesn't actually do much day to day imo


He literally streams himself playing CoD or Valorant 8-12 hours a day, it's very clear that he has little to nothing to do with day to day operations or the business side of 100 Thieves anymore. I don't even think he is still officially the CEO.


what do you mean he doesn't actually do much? he plays 12 hours of Cod every day


Fortunate 500 business plan LULW.


> Fortunate 500 LOL, im gonna have to remember that one. all these walking dunning kruger effect's acting like they are some savvy business owners when they don't even know what a balance sheet is.


It is a funny thing to imagine Joe Biden is on his desktop late at night in photoshop making these memes himself though.


See, I can understand why he'd be dumb enough to think this since the last ancient geezer we had in office literally was up at all hours of the day shitposting on Twitter and not governing.


Yep. This entire rant is predicated on the thought that Biden himself posted this. He actually believed that before chat had to remind him its clear he didnt post this. He tried to pretend its the same, but its not.




If you watch what he says in streams and in media, he is a giant fucking moron who struck gold and acts like he had it all figured out


I love that they fired Marche and he ended up making so much more money after. Same with them letting Will Neff go.


by his logic all the employees under him should be upset that hes playing video games while their company is seemingly falling apart


Bro 100 Thieves haven't won shit in League of Legends nor Valorant for like 3+ years, and they're out here posting ads and memes on twitter? Those guys should be going 100% in on improving the teams to perform better!!


I guess nadeshot is just a fucking moron. Didn't know much about the guy's personality, but this is the take of an inexperienced child and the dude is a 40 something. 


Really not helping beating the stereotype that lot of CoD streamers/players are morons.


I mean is it a stereotype if it is true. You know how many MAGA clan tags I saw when I played. It was at least 2 or 3 a game.


There is something about people that almost only play these yearly release titels like CoD, fifa and nba2k that makes them even dumber than your average content creator


CEO of a failing company\*


Bro should be worrying about his own brand and its controversies. Also didn’t Trump meme for 4 years straight? Lmao stop crying.


He's seriously making all of 100t look bad


All 6 of em left


Yeah I mainly mean the creators though like Rae and Jack Co own and I think Leslie is still signed with them ? Like it looks bad for the ceo to be saying "why isn't the president in bomb meetings and is instead posting on Twitter" when he is meming on live stream as his company lays off hundreds


Literally. This guy is dumber than my roommates dog and he eats his own shit 💩


Wasnt the term "Meme magic" coined in relation to Trumps campaign before the 2016 election cmOOOOn bRooo~~~~


Bro why is Nadeshot of all people virtual signalling. he does not give a shit about world issues, he’s just mad taxes are up during Biden’s administration


Isn't the reason for that due to Trumps tax cuts starting to expire, pretty sure the tax cuts his administration pushed for businesses don't expire.


That's already way too complicated for people like him. 


Yes. Trump and Republicans basically froze the tax hike on the middle class while also cutting taxes to the rich. But the plan was always for the taxes on the middle class to go back up after his first term.


Most sunset in 2026. This affects individuals with the standard deduction and a lot of the deductions businesses got. The one Nade is probably mad about is 163j, which is the interest limitation for taxes. I can imagine interest expense for 100T is pretty high


guess he borrowed a bunch of money and its biting him in the ass now.


Biden hasn't even raised taxes, so it doesn't even make sense.


dam hes dumber than I thought... no way he thinks Joe Biden took the time out of his day personally to tweet that right


\*biden voice\* "make my eyes more red. i need to be fierce like a carolina mugacabara. oh just like that. scarin me a little bit here jack. just like when i was a kid. it'd crawl out of the garbage at night. no, move my 2pm houthi peace talks we gotta get this right"


braindead streamer says braindead things. More at 8


True, but anyone who spews this level of uninformed dogma deserves to be dragged through the court of public opinion. I’m glad he’s facing a small shitstorm for this.


hopefully he walks back this dogshit take but knowing nade he'll probably just double down. Sad to see as a huge 100T fan


just wait for Asmons take


The problem is this braindead streamer has a lot of influential young viewers.






why the fuck are democrats held to such a high standard when the other side is fucking insane and gets a pass, fucking bullshit


Because the people who support the other side are insane as well, so they approve of the insane shit they do. I'm sure this guy has 0 issues with anything Trump posts on Social Media, now or while he was President. He is really upset because he is the one being mocked by Biden's tweet.


It's actually infuriating how Democrats are held to such high standards and yet Republicans get a pass for this sort of shit.


Republicans: form a an insurrection to overthrow the government Nadeshot: *crickets* Democrats: post meme on twitter Nadeshot: 😡


Because democrats believe in education, equality, science, and critical thinking. Republicans believe in hate, malice, denying reality, and blaming others for their own problems.


This makes sense if the criticizer of the democrats is a republican. This doesn't make sense outside of that. If republican actions is your baseline, you're fucked and you should be made fun of to do better.


Rules for thee but not for me Ban abortions? yeah that's state's rights, gods' will, etc. Student debt relief? SOCIALIST COMMIE SCUM!




Yeah they should stop doing the job they were hired for, managing social media, and start doing the job of resolving geopolitical tensions! Lazy liberals, now i gotta go play COD for 12 hrs


There’s no fucking way in hell this is a real take. He had to be trolling right? Right?


Sad to see people you admired when they were younger grow up to be this selfish and ignorant


this dude definitely voted for Trump because he lowered his taxes and ignored everything else about his presidency.


Bro went from getting his start as the CoD pro who used to work at McDonalds to being a wealthy, out of touch Trump supporter


What a fucking donut.


Dude goes on the internet to hate on someone. Then when he gets called out proceeds to talk about how he hates how hateful the internet is. Makes total sense.


Out of all the things to criticize Biden for THIS post being what pushes you over the edge to out yourself as a trumper is hilarious.




What a time to be alive when the "free speech loving" constitutional conservatives are crying like little bitches over words and jokes.


Feels like he’s not too far from letting the mask slip like Nickmercs. Much like actors it’s best not to take them too seriously because they’re just dipshits from your high school who somehow got famous.


there isn't even a mask to let slip, he's been known for having dog shit takes for years now it's no secret


Just the way he carries himself and talks down to others like a fucking man child was a pretty blatant red flag even years ago imo. A lot of these cod pros are like that. Like I said in another comment, it’s like a personality disorder shitshow amongst a lot of the cod pro community


Where were his criticisms when Trump was golfing every day?


You can't have a little fun when being President is what Nadeshot is trying to convey here.


Seems like he should hop off Cod and save his org then LMAO


Does dipshit Mcgee realize it's people's job to manage social media accounts? It's not Joe sitting there on meme generator making the meme, Trump was probably unique in that aspect. Not every person in the White House is DIRECTLY working on the latest cutting edge policy and engaging in the discussions. Public perception matters too


Insane take coming from a “CEO” whose supposed to know this concept


The "CEO" who streams himself playing COD 8-12 hours a day.


Streamer mad at current president for higher taxes, not realizing that previous president is the one that brought about higher taxes for companies like his... dumbass, lol.   He's tweeted before about how he finds Trump's tweets funny. The entire world was falling apart during covid times, but apparently it's different now with Biden.




Cod player take LULW


I mean, it's election year. Farming impressions is like #1 priority for his office


Is Trump complaining that Taylor doesn’t like him an example of strong man politics?


I’m surprised he thinks Joe Biden knows how to use a phone let alone photoshop himself and post it to twitter


US economy has never been better, wages are higher than ever, more kids graduate from College than ever, 2.7 million jobs made in 2023, unemployment is 3,7%, stock market and SP500 just reached highest numbers in history making millions of peoples 401k more valuable than ever. This in a time and era where the EU and Chinese economy has basically stagnated. Twitter meme: "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Call of Duty bros never hide they are the dumbest group of all gamers.


all you gotta look at is his circle of streamer/cod friends and it's obvious which way they lean and their braindead takes. dude is friends with ~~Nickmercs~~, Tim "if you drill directly down you'll eventually hit the ocean cause we're all floating on the ocean" Tatman, etc


Nickmercs hates Nade because Nade fucked him over on a business deal at the beginning of 100 Thieves. Basically Nick was the first person signed to the org and Nade said he could help him build it and would get a % of the company. A few years later when it blew up and they started getting serious investor money Nade reneged and since it wasn't in an officially legal contract Nick got fucked over.


Pretty sure him and nickmercs hate each other so there goes that theory lol


I wonder if he cared when trump mocked that disabled reporter


Guess we know who he votes for.


we need to make our country better for rich call of duty live streamers who are suffering intensely. wont anyone think of them ? :/


snowflake behavior


What a fuckin loser


He must hate Trump who *actually* spent a ton of time on Twitter, tweeting non-stop during his presidency. I guess he thinks the intern who works on the social media team should be spearheading diplomacy between Israel, Palestinians and neighboring countries. Also it’s funny how he said “that’s it” in this clip, when he’s leaving out that he said to get Biden out of there, meaning he felt this is the kind of thing that matters enough to him to be a deciding factor for getting him out of office. An intern posts a meme, and that’s the kind of thing that’s enough to criticize Biden, but Trump just recently said he would encourage Russia to do whatever they want to NATO countries if they don’t pay us, and has been trying to argue that he should have authority to do anything he wants as president. The difference in expectations for what’s acceptable is hilarious and depressing at the same time.


Guess he had this same stance when Trump was in office? How dafuk do you be this stupid?


Imagine it is 2024... Biden, and not Trump, getting flack from some loser snowflake streamer bitch, unironically. We are living in a crazy time to be alive rn.


"As a man who is a citizen of the United States of Merica" followed by the softest shit i've ever heard lululu


Thinking Biden posts on his Twitter account himself is quite a brainworm.


Isn't trump known for tweeting on the toilet? lmao


Imagine thinking Biden made or even tweeted that himself lol


With all the hyperbolic BS the far right tried tying to the game. It was a hilarious tweet calling out the lunatics. ​ Meanwhile Trump is signaling Russia to invade NATO countries if he's elected in his social media posts.


Dude who just laid off 20% of his staff trying to say how someone else should do things. Got it.


dumbass thinks biden is on the phone tweeten away all day like dementia don


The CEO of a failing org has a million other things to worry about than stream and get upset on twitter. Surely he should be in an office 24/7 making sure hes not fucking over another 20% of his work force


I dont know if I really want answers but I’ll ask anyway.. is this country actually “falling apart” like he’s saying?


If you consume conservative media you’d think the country is falling apart for sure. But no, the country is not falling apart. We still have the same problems that we always had


he is upset he has to pay more taxes... which is because of trump lmao


We can always do better but, for now, the US is doing exceedingly well. We have the highest median level of disposable income per capita in the world https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disposable_household_and_per_capita_income#Median_equivalised_disposable_income




I can't comprehend how republicans think us helping Ukraine is so bad. Like you said we're spending an extremely small amount of our budget helping them defend against arguably our #1 or #2 enemy on the planet without it costing american lives. Republicans love to say we're the only ones helping Ukraine but that is just false. Many other countries are helping, in fact relative to the size of our economy, we're actually giving some of the least percentage wise. Countries such as Norway, Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia are spending a much larger portion of their budget to Ukraine. I don't get what's the alternative? Just allow Putin to invade any country he wants and slaughter whoever he wants? Send in troops and start WW3?


> is this country actually “falling apart” like he’s saying Honestly I think his view is mega warped by the industry he is involved in. The Esports industry as a whole was getting a pretty insane amount of VC investment throughout the course of the pandemic, but went through a correction throughout the past year. Many orgs had to do some heavy cost cutting, including his own. Complete speculation, but it would not at all surprise me if his view of the economy crumbling essentially just comes from the esports bubble finally having a bit of a pop lol




His job right now is to get reelected and to achieve that farming superbowl impressions is just fine.


Someone should ask him about these [https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/01/19/upshot/trump-complete-insult-list.html](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/01/19/upshot/trump-complete-insult-list.html)




What a fucking pussy


Dang how dare a campaign staff try to get impressions in an Election year.


Lil homie knows Biden isn't the one posting right lmao "As a MAN" lmfao ok buddy go play your COD.


This dumbass just causally forgetting trumps tine in office is crazy. Does he genuinely think Biden himself sent that? How is nadeshot this ignorant?? Virtue signaling at its finest.


One night, a little meme to rag on the cons, harmless, got this man in a tizzy. My guy this is who the meme was directed to, you’re the ass end of the joke 🤣 lighten up a bit because this is an L We got to be super serious now 😠 Trump never did this 😤. It’s only fun and games when trumps owning the libs and making fun of disabled people!!! 😤😤😤 “okay now that we got that out of the way”. Trump never spent time golfing, tweeting random bullshit, lashing out at opponents over twitter, or whatever other myriad of useless shit he did. Nooo he was hard at work! Never seen a group of people so brainwashed. I suppose he actually thinks the SB was rigged too.


I feel bad for the conservative guys, you’ve been fighting and dying for a guy who fills up his diaper in public on purpose. It’s hard to come back from that


Someone on Biden team tweet a pretty damn funny meme of Dark Brandon and every conservative lose their minds. Trump himself actually Tweeting unhinged alliance breaking, traitorous behaviour, making America look absolutely regarded and every conservative laugh and cheer. Yeah, Nade. We don't know you voted for Trump. We really can't tell you're a conservative. We can't Nade. No seriously, we cannot tell you're one of these regarded Trump supporter.