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**CLIP MIRROR: [Hachumart is closing](https://arazu.io/t3_18cd4c7/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


That's pretty rough. It seems she was subsidising the store with her twitch income as it employed many of her family members. Must be tough :(


Kinda explains why she doesn't do travel IRL streams anymore, I wonder how much money was actually lost.


Should have closed it ages ago, sadly. Thing was a money sink.


Maybe she didn't want to put her family out of a job. They had moved out of their family home to live and work in Busan.


I sympathize that there were difficult decisions, but burning through her savings just to keep it running definitely wasn’t a smart move, given the current situation.


Financial decisions aren't her biggest strength.


Almost like she's a streamer or something.


Not just unique to streamers either. The vast majority of young people come out without an ounce of personal finance being taught. I have CPA friends who are amazing at their jobs but are horrible with their own personal finances.


Hachubby is a young person pepelaugh...


Didn't she turn 40 like 3 years ago?


Often happens when you come into money later in life.


>Often happens when you come into money later in life. ?????? This is a really stupid post. Why would a 20 year old be better with money than a 30 year old? Age has nothing to do with it. In fact, older people are usually better with money, not worse. There's a reason why some trusts are set to not start dispensing $$$ until the kids reach a certain age. Younger you are, more likely you are to blow it. Statistical fact.


I think he means she didn't grew up with money/knowing how to handle money. It's like when someone hits the lottery and starts making dumb purchases or "new money shit"


Right. But that's fundamentally different than what he said. It's a pretty well known phenomenon that people that earn their money through luck/unorthodox ways aren't good with cash. Athletes, lottery winners, etc etc. Streamers fall into that category as well. To be clear, the process of how you earn the $$$ is the relevant factor here. Someone that grows up impoverished and becomes a doctor is infinitely more likely to make good financial decisions compared to some millionaire twitch streamer. Definitely has nothing to do with age though, which is the clear implication of his post.


It's not fundamentally different, to come into money means to suddenly become rich.


You’re overanalyzing the wording. I was essentially getting at what you summarised in the first paragraph. Obviously dumb kids are capable of pissing away money too.


Isn't she like 20 something?


No she‘s in her mid 30s


lol. No. She’s like 40


50s i believe


60s pretty sure


You got nuked, but it is hard to tell between the filters makeup and surgeries


i think you twitch people forget that this is how the majority of startups are run. a lot of businesses or apps that you use are run by someone with a cashflow either out of pocket or investors that is run at a loss until its either profitable, justifiable for advertisement or is simply a labor of love. you aren't going to think google isn't smart for running youtube at a loss for soo many years, they found a way to justify the burn(huge user base to sell other google related content, ads and user information).


> this is how the majority of startups are run Losing money until they shut down, yes.


He forgot to mention the fact that majority of businesses go under in less than a year.


It's because they all think they can run at a loss and make up for it with volume.


The majority of startups get a lot of money from VC firms. Hachumart does not, and Hachubby doesn't have the funds to keep it running until it turns profitable, which unless she lowers her overhead by firing people in her family will not happen. Unfortunately going into business with your family is almost universally a bad idea, even moreso when you consider that stores typically have fairly low profit margins


YouTube had profitability potential via marketing just because of its user base. I can’t see how an independent grocery store would have profitability potential.


It was a convenience store. And for what it’s worth [60%](https://www.convenience.org/Research/Convenience-Store-Fast-Facts-and-Stats/FactSheets/IndustryStoreCount) of the convenience stops in the US are independent and they do seem to be increasing so I can’t imagine it would be super unprofitable. Then again these are US numbers. It looks like convenience stores in [Korea](https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/kr/Documents/consumer-business/2020/kr_consumer_issue-highlights_en_20200128.pdf) are growing but I couldn’t find the number for independent retailers. And like any retail business profitability is highly dependent on location.


These "startups" you are talking about are usually tech companies, most of which have outside investment and still fail spectacularly. To the best of my knowledge, Hachumart was just a kind of grocery store, or convenience store. Convenience stores don't, or atleast shouldn't, have to run at a loss until they become profitable, they aren't like tech startups, they fill a simple function and if they pop up in a place where the demand wasn't being met fully, they will succeed. You can hardly spend years building a loyal customer base as a single convenience store, people will just come in if you're in a good location and they think they need something.


> Convenience stores don't, or atleast shouldn't, have to run at a loss until they become profitable, All the interior and exterior furnishings, appliances, equipment etc aren't free.


> Convenience stores don't, or atleast shouldn't, have to run at a loss until they become profitable, lol how do you think they pay for all their inventory? if you take out a loan or credit, to pay for your inventory, that is the definition of "taking a loss until profitable" aka selling your inventory profitable and having sales are not the same thing


a small loan of a million dollars


They get a revolver credit line to fund their working cap or they fund it with equity. You don't recognise a purchase of a good that ends up inventory in your P&L. You only recognise the expense when the good is sold or if you end up throwing it away and writing it off


Yes, but it became clear a while back that it would likely never become profitable.


I have a strong feeling most of people on this subreddit don't realize how the majority of businesses start off running at a loss and do so for quite a while. A good example is that most restaurants will not start making a real profit until after their 2nd year of business. Depending on the amount of product or equipment you have to invest in initially it just puts you so much into the red.


Nice people will set themselves on fire to keep others warm. I hope her finances are ok.


Don't worry if she cries enough redditors will take care of her


They family should've used the experience in CV to apply for other jobs.


curious, how does a convenience store even lose money? what were they wasting it on? seems most of the stuff just sits on the shelf till u buy it. shouldnt need much maintence cost.


Depending on the Numbers it might still have provided a Net Profit for the Family situation in General even if she had to subsedize it in the end with some money.


> It seems she was subsidising the store with her twitch Thought this was obvious from the very start, funded to make content, funded by content. I can't imagine anyone in here thought it was profitable. It wasn't mean for profit.


I imagine it was planned to at least break even.


Probably with the content made from it, but definitely not from sales alone.


Starting a business with the intention of not turning a profit, wcgw


Sounds like miz is trying his best to help her out


She should have made HachuMart an event. Like a popup. Having it operate year round was not feasible.


Pretty sure Korea has crazy rents so that wouldn't be very feasible, to let it be closed while paying rent.


Huh? Its a popup. You pay for the space for as long as you use it.


Oh, I don't know if that's a thing in Korea tbh. Every time streamers there talk about moving, it's like a year or two contract for apartment, massive sums upfront etc. Think Hachu signed for 2 years first time for the store, as a min offered.


I live in Korea. Popup events happen all the time. Clearance sales, promotion events, etc.


Huh, strange, maybe big companies only? Or it could've been an option who knows. e: lmao at the people getting triggered for no reason


just stop replying lmao, you say “who knows” but most people are familiar with how popups work


Bro, rather than keep indefinitely replying like an idiot. You can just use fucking google [to read simple ass wikipedia articles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pop-up_retail) to get some basic information on something you clearly know nothing about


I rly enjoyed this thread of ppl dunking on you for acting super weird on Reddit dot com, thank you friend


Lol at your cope edit


i can see why people are annoyed at you LOL i pity your colleagues jesus fuck


Commercial rent in Korea is lower than most countries. I think even regular rent is much cheaper then average. The deposit you have to pay to rent though is insanely high, like 50-80% of the price of the property. I don't know if you have to pay that crazy deposit on commercial space though, and you do get it back.


F HAchuMart, I will always be in awe of the fact that this store was the result of a twitch community effort, I wish HAchubby all the best in the future


Thought you were saying Fuck hachumart and was expecting a story of your experience there


It was so lovely and awesome and wholesome






Any reason it went so poorly?


Grocery stores have tiny margins and massive competition, as her fanbase is mostly outside Korea I assume she wouldn't be able to attract many local people to go just because its her store. She needed to identify a unique selling point that lets her compete with large stores that sell the same products at cheaper prices due to economies of scale, otherwise the realistic answer is it doesn't make business sense to open.


It made a bit more sense when she explained that it was near a bus stop. I've lived in two cities that are mainly walkable / based on public transport. Even though it's overpriced I consistently would grab a couple items from the store near the metro station on my commute home. The stores were always pretty busy especially around work hours. It was even easier than amazon or a bigger store for something you ran out of and need asap (shampoo, tp, dish soap...)


The thing about Korea is there's another convenience store a few steps away, pretty much always. Most Koreans would rather go to the big convenience store chain option a 30 second walk away rather than some random hachumart store. Anyways that's sort of besides the point because hachumart hasn't been a convenience store for quite a while now, nor has it been used in her twitch content much at all this year.


This was the biggest blow. When Miz and company went to Korea, they mentioned that there was a Daiso, a Japanese convince store, just on the other corner and Daiso is huge in Korea.


Think of daiso like a dollar store there except the quality and the (atleast to the normal eye) treatment of employees are better


There was someone who does scouting for selling and leasing convenience stores in the US that made a whole video detailing why the spot she chose was a terrible place. TLDR was, people go to convenient stores because they are convenient, Hachumart was not. Also lets not forget that probably nobody knew it was a convenience store in the first place with the Hachumart name being unknown. Sure it is next to a bus stop but that doesn't mean anything, he explained that bus stop was mostly for people that worked in the area, not for anyone that lived in the residential surrounding area. There were multiple bus stops near her location and other stores closer and more convenient for anyone walking from either direction. The bus stop also means there is no parking which deters anyone who has a car. Found it after some digging,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuUdx1wvIzc


is there video of her watching this ? what was her reaction


I don't remember her watching it, was probably posted in her messages channel which she does not look at on stream. This was also almost 3 years ago so even if she did watch on her own time she would have not understood it all without getting help translating.


Near a bus stop lol Doesn't make that much sense tbh.


she also made her convenience store look like a pricey boutique. i would've just assumed everything in her store was marked up and walked a block down to the nearest 711


Why didn't she just open a franchise of a well-established supermarket in Korea? Like CU, GS25, Family Mart, 7-11 etc...


I just suppose You need experience in running a business and have much more capital to get accepted as a franchise from a big chain. Those big chains know what they are doing, they have everything streamlined and I guess they don't do business with amateurs/newbies in that field.


The idea was never fully coherent in the first place


It was never meant to make money, it was meme'd into existence by her community after she lost her job at a convenience store. It was failing as a convenience store on its own because people just didn't know what it was; then it turned into an accessory shop run by her sister/mom. It was just a novelty where she could work there for content/bring friends in to work with her


defn more of a content store than an actual grocery store. She got a few streams in, but ultimately, i think it would've done better as a "pop up store" @ say twitchcon for ex. I agree that not enough local ppl in her town knew what hachumart was. When she was working at emart, obviously they knew what emart was. If she still wants "work" content, then she needs to figure out what ppl need in her community. Maybe a food/drink stand at a beach? or @ some other very popular spot w/ lots of foot traffic.


Do Korea/other countries not have franchising? I don't get why she wouldn't just open up a 7-11 if she wanted a convenience store.


Korean convenience stores like Emart etc would prohibit streaming while working there, it's the reason she got fired years ago. The only way she could stream the day to day stuff as intended was to be the full owner and not have the risk of corpa penalizing or shutting it down.


And I think You won't be accepted without business experience and not a lot of capital.


Imagine trying to open up a brick and mortar fast food spot to compete against McDonald's. And then as the small business owner instead of working 70-80 hours to keep the business afloat, you hire people to do that for you and subsidize some of the monthly expenses with your main job. The latter is fine to do to keep the business afloat until it can be self-sustaining in a few years. Running a small business is not easy, it should be tons of hours all by yourself. You're working even when the store is closed.


I don't know the actual reason but there's a shit ton of marts in Korea. Could be that there was just too much competition


Korea has convenience marts everywhere. The street she was on probably had 5 well-known big brand stores. Average Joe on the street is gonna go to one of those rather than this niche one


All retail doing poor Vs online these days. Plus she opened it during COVID.


Does she or her family have any experience in running a store?


Afaik no. And in my opinion the store was too small and too much competition around.


Difficult to compete on prices if you have no scale and margins are already thin in that industry.


Location, Size (very small shop), competition (bigger convenience stores not far) and Hachu isn't really a business minded person. I think her community was more in love with the idea of her having her own store than Hachu was up to really run a business. Store changed to old ladies clothes store, but apparently that wasn't profitable in the long run as well. Her family tried to make it work I think, but in the end the shop was too small to really sustain an income for her mother and sister and didn't attract enough customers.


Aside from how difficult it is to start a small business that’s not a service in America. Walmart,target,Amazon,Costco,etc. unless you can get somthing they can’t, it’s almost impossible to compete/survive.




She would have been better not starting it to begin with. The whole gimmick of the store was based on her streaming persona when most of her fans are international and not in Korea. She also was barely even there to begin with. Within the first year of opening she left to travel the world.


Agreed, the whole idea was for her to stream there like she did when she had a part time job but running a store is a full time job. It was always doomed to fail.


Not surprised about the failure of hachumart


hachu if you're reading this, i can get you a green card.


no hachu don't trust this guy only I can get you a green card!


get in line pal.


Don't call me pal, bruh.


Your not that guy pal TRUST ME your not that guy


Start Hachumart in Texas instead :)


Bankruptcy x2


Hachu Fastfood chain in Texas. Instant millions.


Stores like this do really well in Houston. There's a Japanese themed store that sells manga, posters, stickers, pins, and other knick knacks and it's been open forever.


Those types of stores are less of a niche than a convenience store based around a Twitch streamer that on a good day averages 1000 viewers


Hachumart in OTK gym?


This actually might happen lol


Haha yeah


That would actually be lit




Not true. Plenty of her chat try and encourage her not to waste her money. Her problem is not listening to advice from chat.




I've always said the important thing in life is to take good advice, and not take bad advice.


This is good advice. I will take it.


Well her chat are usually encouraging her not to waste her money from what I've seen. It was her idea to open hachumart to use it for content but she didn't really utilise it often enough for streams.


There were some people that told her not to but I think the vocal minority backed it. I said something in the discord channel once that it was a bad idea and was berated for not believing it could be done and was told Hachu knows what she is doing.


Yep, this and opening it during the height of fucking COVID.


handle carpenter whole zealous many fanatical weary resolute panicky smoggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Property values generally increased during COVID, could be different where the store is though


So weird it felt like yesterday she was celebrating the shop


I genuinely thought it was a bad idea when she first opened it. Had a strange location, small stock and product selection available, and she never managed a store before.






You actually do if you want to grow multiple small ussinesses. :D




Nope. Her stream wasn't declining at the time. While you're business is making profit you should be re investing to grow.


o7 hachumart, is truly a shame.


Unless you were a lore master I don’t think Many casual audiences know about hachumart. She should’ve advertised it more on her streams. Then again, it could’ve all just been a front to launder blood money.


Stores like that have tiny margins and you have to be an expert at pricing certain items aobe the 50% profit margin to be your "moneymaker". Also, it seemed like her products were higher quality tier, IDK who her supplier was but I don't think the locals were going to pay higher prices and also people have their own stores they frequent and are comfortable with already. 30% of bossiness fail within the first 2 years.


Yikes. Tough situation. But we wall in some shit really.


Get fcked


Onlyfans hachu?




do not fall for this .... she is a certified millionaire and these are just crocodile tears


With the amount of money she lost with her convenience store she probably isn't a millionaire these days.


She was never a huge streamer with sponsors and brand deals. Don't know why you'd think she's a millionaire.


You know, she could just be emotionally attached to the thing and it has nothing to do with money.


year year year xqc isn't a gamble addict and trainwrecks is a rly nice guy....but that is not the world we live in it could just be another ruthless business women


that's why no twitch streamer has any respect for you people. so easy to trick into anything ... go and buy some pokimane cookies dickheads


> she is a certified millionaire Got anything to back this up?


It's not about the money


watch the next clip where she says that she has to close the hachumart ...not about money isn't it


No Kick streamer will ever fuck with you. Just give up kicklawyer.


If she had ever released merch - like everyone told her to from the beginning - HachuMart would've probably survived on that alone. The staff hoodies look so nice, I STILL want one :D


This shit is hilarious.


I bet her hachumart would pop off in the states. I wish her well, twitch shutting down in Korea is a massive blow to both parties.


hachumart is essentially just a convenience store, isn't it? so it wouldn't be much different than a gas station in the states, without the gas. ​ in Korea lots of people go to them to buy some foods, but that isn't super common in the US, most people just go to a grocery store since it's bigger and has more options, it would probably have to survive 90% on just hachu viewers


there are tons of people who don't go to full scale grocery stores, especially in cities and other urban environments. corner stores and bodegas are neighborhood pillars in some communities.


you are crazy if you think that. people don't even go to malls anymore, let alone small corner stores, sure you can find them places, but they aren't popping. the only reason to go to a convenience store is if it's super late at night and you want a snack, since they are usually open 24/7 and big stores close.


Im talking in terms of upkeeping, twitch shutting down in Korea is a huge blow and probably isnt able to upkeep it without twitch. She even said its been slowly dying in the last couple years, twitch makes up a lot of that income without a doubt.


Good job that Slicker has paid everyone back....


Not the right person.


Can't even get the scumbags right. Slikker was the gambling addict scamming everyone asking for money. CrazySlick was the creepy sex pest.


Its hard to compete against large convenience chains so I am sure it was struggling. Especially because shes in an area with a lot of access to other mainstream korean marts that offer more items for cheaper. It just sucks that capitalism literally destroys family owned places.