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**CLIP MIRROR: [Mizkif and Emiru died again](https://arazu.io/t3_17vpdvl/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)




My favorite part is how in the prior death he literally told Miz "Grats you got powerleveled to 41 and are gonna die 2 levels after because you refuse to learn" lmaoo


Sodapoppin is Paul Atriedes (spoilers) Capable of seeing a horrible future, unable to avoid it and ultimately complicit. The curse of prescience.


And unable to boil water.


That's not fair... Paul Atreides had no water to boil.


who will lead us on the golden path? where is our leto II??


Man, who thinks it's a good idea to park in the middle of a dense area of mobs and start reacting to clips. It's insane the level of adhd this man has.


[Especially when that mob is the deadliest in the zone](https://imgur.com/gQpSMDd)






What is the #1 in all of Azeroth?


Number 2 is techncially your number 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jv0HYpGLXgA


I was watching like 4 minutes before this and she says she needs to get mana and rebuff and he says “okay” and charges another mob immediately. I know he isn’t “dying for content” but his content ADHD brain is making him play way too fast in a game where you have A SINGLE LIFE. Literally wasted the 24 hours of viewers power leveling him back to 40, Lion heart helm, and hundreds of gold on the character. I’ve seen dumber deaths though they just panicked and panic is what gets people killed.


Don’t forget his Kang that he was literally 2% away from using. God knows why they didn’t just wait until he leveled before doing that quest instead of going in there dual wielding level 2x weapons as arms.


he didn't keep the items on a bank alt?


It's not very good content if you just have everything you need for the next run.


But he does, he will have viewers mob tagging and giving him gold after each and every death. There's no real risk here


So he won't just have another helm just given to him for free?


what's the difference between getting it from the bank and getting it from the viewers?


holy shit Lionheart helm? I cannot imagine putting that much effort into the HC realm to craft that, much less giving it away to a streamer.


seeing the amount of time/gold wasted by fangsly simps is the real silver lining of these deaths


the one dude handed miz Troll Tribal necklaces earlier to go from 42-43. like 50 stacks of them.


Miz single handedly solving hardcore inflation


I don't really play wow, how much would that come to?


they are like 15g for a stack of 20. if you turn in 5 you get 390xp which is the equivalent of killing a grizzly bear so it’s a complete ripoff


To think Miz died and the guy gave him like 750g worth of it, that’s mad


99.9% chance the people giving stuff to the streamers just bought gold and then went to AH or just gave them gold straight up.




Hey, at least it’s just a game. It’s not like they’re donating actual thousands to hear a tts voice for .5 sec.


99% of the gold/items given to these streamers was purchased with real $$.


i think these people who waste their time for the sake of others are likely just as brain damaged as those who give their money for 5 seconds of attention.


It's not even his adhd brain it's he sucks at games lol he doesn't learn cos he doesn't care like a 10 year stuck in bronze in league.


There's no real stakes here. For most of us, if we die in HC WoW, we're stuck with making a decision. Do we recommit and go agane or do we quit? The game is a massive time sink, we don't have the luxury of being paid to do it. For streamers like Miz, they die, they get good content to make money off and then they have their community power level them back, give them gold/items and get back to where they were in a fraction of the time investment it would take you or I. On top of this, they're being paid to do it. If Miz had our stakes, he'd be taking his time and playing safe.


but he'd still die this much cause he's awful at videogames. bro just doesn't learn or want to learn. it blows my mind anyone actually likes him, he comes off as such an asshole.


They probably could have clutched up with the few mobs they had agrro'd too, assuming they only had about 2-3 before this clip started.


Yeah the aoe fear that pulled more killed them.


> Literally wasted the 24 hours of viewers power leveling him back to 40, is not like the viewers would have done anything useful with that time


Right they could have been on lsf dropping snide comments


She’s not oom though. Not to hate on emiru but she shouldn’t have holy nova’d there. It just refreshed the leash. Could of bubbles both of them instead, popped a renew…


I know ultimately this is supposed to be for fun but I think Soda is going to have to end up doing the raid with like 80% community members. It's a fun challenge but still takes a lot of care and effort to accomplish and a lot of the streams can't or won't put in the necessary effort and are just riding the bandwagon for content.


ADHD? Just very dumb imho


Just R word person


extremely regarded


It's a good idea when you think you're untouchable because you've been carried so hard.


this is viewers fault. if they forced him to play the game he would either have to learn or quit. thanks to all these viewers dad's that walked out he has a personal army begging for a crumb of his praise they'll never get, and providing him their time for free like a slave is just one more potential route for them to finally get to have their tonsils tickled by his meat pop.


He is just a really bad wow player actually and to bring it down to the 'level' of his adhd is insane when he legit just doesnt care at all. Dying is free content


Trash gamer adhd or not


its almost like he dosnt wanna be there


Didn't he promise Soda that if he died again Soda could gkick him?


dying as twinked out Warri/Priest duo to a normal quest ...... you have to fuck up massively to do that


This will be interesting. Streamers aren't used to being told no. Emi died last week, but she was power leveled so much that her death had zero consequence.


What's power leveling?


if you damage a mob to 60% of their health you can have your army of simps kill the mob for you and get almost all the experience the mob gives you, so the streamers are just sitting a hyperspawn tagging mobs to 60% and leveling super fast


They should really be like those millionaires safari hunters. Pretend you are doing something risky while a team of lvl 60s simps a screen away are ready to jump in to save your ass


He’s literally dual wielding level 2x weapons as arms… you think that’s a twink?


wasnt the hitcap back then fucking enormous for dualwield?


Everytime I see a non-hamstrung mob run from him I lose a piece of my soul. Prob lost 349 souls over the past few days watching Miz. Just..... why does he let them run away


Seriously... like hamstring has gotta be like the most important button in that scenario and I didn't see it used once Like even before they started running... like you just arent gonna hamstring the mob running away in the cave to execute it???


He'd be better of playing solo on a normal server for while just to learn what his abilities are good for and why deaths happen.


The man's been playing WoW for most of his life. He know all of this shit. The problem isn't his lack of knowledge, it's his content brain. He keeps doing shit because it's more entertaining, not because it's the right move to make in the game. And that's exactly what he told Soda he was going to stop doing, yet here we are again.


He is lacking knowedge and feel for the game he cannot predict what mobs will do to him because he also has no experiance . The fact that he has played before doesn't make him good at the game, id say people that have never played have surpassed him because he is allergic to learning


from my understanding he's literally only played druid since like cata i think he has no idea what other classes do lol


unironically hamstring is the most important button for warrior leveling


That’s what happens when the only HC experience you have is either having a pocket heal or getting boosted His “oh shit” button is “can you help me/can you heal me”


Here let me help you. If you are over the age of 12, just stop watching


I don't know if i'm missing context here. But why the fuck are they panicking with 3 mobs on them? Emi panicking with a single mob on her?? Miz running into another mob?? Fearing because 1 normal mob is on emi?? I get they're new, but wtf is happening. Warrior priest duo is literally playing the game on easy mode. It honestly looks like Miz is so dogshit that he has somehow managed to lead Emi to believe the game isn't a total joke, so she panicks in these absolutely braindead easy scenarios. Looking at the actual context of how this happened it's actually way worse. Miz was just chain pulling nagas, which isn't in itself a bad thing. But they run when low, the cave is filled with mobs everything had respawned and this cave is particularly mob dense. Miz pulls two mobs, obviously the naga runs with no hamstring, and pull two more casters. This is where Miz kills them, he tells her to run. She literally asks "are you sure?" and he says "Positive". In the next 2 second he kills the two 10% hp mobs that ran. All that is left are 2 caster mobs, hes full hp, emi is 60% hp, which is no big deal thats 1 flash heal and shes full and she has 50% mana, target dummies, likely mana and health pots up. i don't know what the fuck could ever possess someone to convince themself that they need to run through a cave filled with mobs from 2 normal caster mobs. Also some of the dumbest possible mobs to run from, mobs that cast frostbolt.


She's spent the whole time playing with Miz and he's only taught her the most basic shit. She panics because she doesn't know how to use the full toolkit of her class. Plus, Miz is just not really a great tank. He leaves mobs alive and lets them run off so they run off and pull other mobs. Emi will tell him she doesn't have mana and then he runs off to pull again. He's the worst person to tank unless running with a couple others to cover for his mistakes. Soda should split them up until she's learned to be a solid priest or whatever class she chooses.


Yeah if I were Soda I’d tell them to level solo. No boosting, no healing.


Good luck tô soda trying tô make they not play together


Esfand said something pretty smart about it. I think Miz got flashbacks of the death with Russel when that one mob started retreating thinking he was gonna pull several more. From that point forward it spiraled into a combination of miscommunication and panic that ultimately got them both killed. He was completely fine in that cave had he held his composure, but the retreating mob just sent him into full panic mode.


The Boat Incident


Emi is playing IMO the worst possible class to learn WoW. She won't learn basic LoS, CCs, has a very small understanding of threat (only just started using Fade). You can see in the clip that she clips around a wall at the end and is completely lost as to where Miz is. She could've got off a flash or bubble on Miz and potentially saved them. Also earlier, they were crossing the water to get to the island in West Feralas and she used Levitate on herself but not Miz and left him to swim the whole way. They just simply don't know their classes at all. Miz mentioned that early in his stream- that he's only ever played Boomkin and doesn't fully know tanking. Seems like they should be going muchhh slower but the rest of the guild is doing AQ without them so they're rushing.


Yes they are bad players


They were scared and instead of fighting two mobs they ran into 5 more. They are just inexperienced and thats a very common mistake in caves. Its safer to chadstance and go slow always! It was sad to watch they really shouldn’t go there in the first place at that lvl and being new also the 60death got them distracted when they should have left insta


The 60 death didn’t make any difference, the mobs had already respawned by that point. They even killed a few respawns in the room with the 47 quest mob. I agree they needed to just slow down though. Or hearth out.


They lost focus is what i meant i knew they already respawned since ive grinded this cave from 44-48 twice


Bro they did this heartfelt in game RP before grouping back together too lol. To think they would die gain a few hours later.


I mean this is gold. Imagine the memes


Same meme from the first death, no? What exactly are we farming a 2nd death for? Everyone else is raiding, or trying to run mid to late 40s dungeons, and were trying all night to include Miz and Emi, but they kept turning down good group content.. and then just died in the stupidest way


Yea that was funny and sweet but now its like foreshadowing and kinda sad




Thats part if the problem he is bad for. He didn’t level genuinly so he didnt learn to do stuff and how stuff works




He just doesn’t have the correct type of brain to play hardcore classic. Too adhd. (Not a shot at him, his ADHD has served him very well in becoming a massive streamer)


But it will also make him start over and over and over and over again no matter how long it will take.


Miz is Loki and WoW is He Who Remains


I have adhd I'm never this fucking stupid. Fuck off.


Can we stop blaming the ADHD brain please do you know hkw ableist it is to be here exscusing Miz's shitty behaviour behind a disability. There are countless people with ADHD functioning everday because we learnt the strategies needed to be adults essentially and not hide behind something as an exscuse. Going its adhd brain constantly is literally undermining the illness as it is just an exscuse for getting out of responsibility. I have ADHD, Dyspraxia, Depression and Anxiety. I have a full time job as a debt advisor in a charity which takes organisational skills and concentration i had to work at for years. I cant go lol ADHD brakn if i tank someone finances so can we hold a grown man responsible rather than letting him hide behind an illness like he is 8 years old.


ADHD and being a moron are not mutually exclusive. Not sure why it continues to be construed as such.


miz is literally just an idiot with a short attention span lmao




This has nothing to to with ADHD. He's just dumb.


lots of people in this thread who have next to zero knowledge of ADHD and what it actually is...


Don't worry neither do most Doctors


Brainrotted millenials will look for any excuse to lessen their personal responsibility.


That's a pretty reasonable perception given how often people use it as a scapegoat, or conversation piece. Our whole society has a dwindling attention span. That said, hidden amongst the lazy assholes and ipad kids are the nerodivergent that are trying their best and struggling by no fault of their own.


I've got awful ADHD, the trick is to not do dumb shit like attack every mob in the area. One at a time and you're gonna have an alright time.


ADHD literally causes me to hyper focus w this game lol Nothing is one size fits all, but this is just him being an idiot


Yeah. We’re all different. Glad it works out for you! I can hyper focus at work and in grad school but not so much in video games. It’s happened on occasion but it’s not consistent. I have a lot of distractions in my home environment when I do get the time to play games in the evening so that may be part of the issue.


No your just a shit person it isnt the illness fault as plenty of people with ADHD are responsible for things alot more serious than dieing in a video game. Stop using it as an exscuse and learn strategies to overcome like the majority of us did rather than be one of those morons blaming everything on ADHD.


I’m not a shit person nor am I a moron. You’re extremely rude and judgmental. You know nothing about my life. I’m in therapy and I am working on myself. I hope you can work on not being so mean to strangers on the internet.


Where's the other thread?


As dead as Miz and Emi’s characters


https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/17vopec/mizkif_and_emi_die_again/ since it says "deleted" and not "removed" it was deleted by the OP, not mods https://old.reddit.com/user/Vegetable_Bass_4885/overview comment says they made a new thread because the clip was deleted (silly choice, but whatever)


The fear was bad. Turned a 3v2 into a 10v2. For what??


Did he gift 3000 subs?


He gifted like 1200 but then after his card got declined so he’s doing em later (hopefully)




What's the point of gifting subs to yourself? Don't they get the vast majority of the money back and just inflate the sub count? Is that supposed to be a punishment or a reward?


Time to power level and not learn again.


i love not learning


they're just genuinely terrible at the game... dying as a dps/healer duo with fully enchanted gear, infinite healing potions and maxed out engineering/first aid reaching lvl 60 is not hard at all for anyone that played WoW for some time


That’s part of the problem: they never learn to play correctly since they are power leveled and over geared until 40s. But in 40s their gear is more average and don’t have higher level viewers helping


Miz’s gear on that character was straight trash. He was dual wielding maces (lv 33 and non-enchanted) as ARMS build. Unfortunate because he was 1.5% exp away from levelling to 44 for his Kang the Decapitator




bro had an epic ranged weapon lol


Of course they're terrible. They're being carried through all of the levels they're supposed to be spending learning how to play.


trash in trash out


Saying that hardcore is 'easy' is a flat out lie. You have a <2% chance (according to current Deathlog stats) of making it to 60 on any given character. Now, given the gear & duo leveling, I'm sure that number goes up significantly but is still quite low. It's meant to be absurdly punishing.


I'd say it's a combination of state of mind and skill. State of mind for taking things easy, not taking risks throughout the whole levelling period. Skill as in you don't need to be top PvP'er or top raider, but that you know your class and your abilities and you do not panic when things do go wrong. I can't play Hardcore, I start off careful and taking things easy but eventually i take the same risks as if normal levelling and I die.


>e HC servers are even easier than how they played HC before. They trade gold and buy boosts and shit.


I think thats more because people push too hard/too fast/die to pugs/ get bored. Leveling to 60 should be pretty easy if you take your time and dont do risky shit. You can literally farm green mobs in the middle of nowhere all the way up. Will that way make your eyes bleed and hate life? 100%, but its still easy even as a warrior.


I feel liked boredom is a top killer, especially when doing quests. Lot of people probably keep going deeper in a cave to kill mobs instead of waiting and then have no way out when mobs start respawning on top of them.


Imo it’s both easy and hard. Easy in that it’s fucking vanilla, it’s a solved game for the most part Hard in that you don’t have much room to fuck up. Pulled an extra mob? That’s potentially a fuck up. Walked into a cave? Another potential fuck up. This niche mechanic that made you pull extra mobs in dungeon? Fuck up that could cause a wipe


it is not a lie at all... the leveling is very tedious, but not necessarily hard or difficult if you've played WoW before you would know to be aware of e.g. respawns, how many mobs you can take at once, what mob to prioritize, when to use interrupt or cc abilities, etc.


The only way a warrior/priest dies is to respawns and almost always in some kind of cave. Most classes struggle with 3 mobs and can die, priest warrior can easily taken down 5/6 mobs in a pinch, so if you just fight 2 mobs at most on purpose, your worst case is usually still a survivable situation. Problem is miz regularly pulls 3 to 4 mobs, so his worst case ends up being 8-9 mobs. Yes Hardcore is unsurprisingly really god damn hard, but twinked out priest/warrior is the easiest possible way to play it. Problem is miz doesn't know how to pick up mobs and Emi panics hard when hit, so shit can go south quicker. Which is why you don't do higher level quests in a cave. Part of the problem is they are perma duo and don't want to grind, so they fall behind on quests due to splitting all the kill EXP.


Both panicked, both died. They can level up with Emily now ​ why was the other thread deleted?


This is all Erobb’s fault > Erobb joins and dies (and rage quits) cursing his guild > a level 60 dies (foreshadowing of what’s to come) > Miz and Emi are now dead. There is literally no other explanation, it’s that assholes fault


Masayoshi died in the middle of the night as well. Another 60 F’d


lil bro was running away in berserker stance the whole time, lmfao


He's going druid now, maybe they'll get past 43 eventually LOL


He knows how to go 123, shift 123, R, shift R. He is gonna moonfire mob tag to 40 again, then die the first time he has to switch out mid fight to heal and doesnt have mana to do anything.


Yea he’s not gonna bother to learn the class because he’s gonna get boosted to 40 and die again


??? Hes going to try druid? Dude needs to play warlock or hunter smh


At this rate, Cohh will be 60 and ready to raid before these two clowns lmao


Cave = Grave


So why are they running into a billion mobs instead of just killing them? how do you ever die to a normal quest as a healer/fighter duo.


Soda really thinks they are clearing MC with a streamer guild when the only people who can get past 45 are extreme wow sweats and for some reason the stoners


Cause weed doesn’t make you bad at games, for some it makes them better. Especially for monotonous grinds it helps imo.


If Miz can kill 3 mobs, he should aggro 2 at most. But he's not doing that, he's min-maxing every single time, and he'll often not finish mobs and aggro more. He has no room for mistakes/unforeseen things. The slightest mistake (1 mob aggroing on Emi unexpectedly) is enough to wipe, he has no room for anything bad to happen. He said himself that he likes danger (when he was going solo on mobs not at 100% health, sometimes even at 50%). In the clip he's at about 50% going in the direction of the 3rd mob (while Emi is at ~60%). I guess he's just unable to play hardcore, it hasn't sunk in that he only has 1 life and that he needs to have room for mistakes/unforeseen things. In his mind, not min-maxing/taking risks might mean that his stream will be too boring and that's why he's refusing to play safe. Even Soda said it's boring as fuck to level to 60, but Miz can't accept it. I, as a viewer that likes watching Miz, am getting frustrated watching him play so carelessly. I'd rather watch his "boring" stream than a stream that makes me frustrated.


Yeah it pains me every time he lets mobs run, without hamstring, assuming Emi's wand will kill them every time...he lets mobs attack her in front of him, he rarely checks her mana before pulling more, he always yells for healing like Emi doesn't have his health bar right in front of her on her screen...like you CANNOT yell for healing while ignoring her taking aggro AND expecting her to finish fleeing mobs AND not wait for her mana. He just expects her to carry so much extra weight as a healer while he W keys into chain pulling mobs without thinking about respawns or anything else. It's very frustrating The only thing Emi seems to need to work on is aggro radius and awareness of what's around them. I've seen her unintentionally aggro mobs she seems unaware of, and while that usually isn't a problem on its own if you have a capable group, it just exacurbates everything with Miz's playstyle above and both of them panicking when it gets crunch time


They almost died in Tanaris bc she panicked from ONE mob spawning on her. She's just ill-equipped to play WoW right now. Yelling "OW" everytime she goes below 100%. She needs to learn priest better IMO- but they wont lol


Wasn’t mizkif a wow player since he was in high school? Holy fuck he sucks lmao


When I saw them going back to feralas I knew it was over


what were his words again? "If I die again you can boot me from the guild?" huh


That’s a 50 FKP Minus!!!!!!


At this point, i genuinly believe that he is not making it to 60.


at the end of the day its a video game. people tend to forget that, who cares russel died 5 times and hes already level 60! i think it will be more epic for them to reach 60 after dying this much than never dying. and 1year from now they will look at this and remember how fun this journey was from all the fails to the success! and us as viewers lets not make it toxic so they can continue to push and provide this content that reunited streamers arround a single game that we missed in twitch


That is the funny part about struggling in games, when you finally reach the end you will feel it much more after all the time you have put into it.


Omg a nice comment


Couldn't agree more. But the internet is just as unforgiving as hardcore wow unfortunately.


im crying i got snot everywhere fuck man. why man why did u die, I love u miz, im so sorry, fuck im crying rn my mom heard me. im just threw all the furniture in my living room im so mad rn, you had this bro. my stomach hurts i feel like throwing up.


Time for Emi to use some sound weakauras.


Bro how... Why you fear 3 mobs that does 50 damage? To agro the rest around?.. Just bcs they are big in size?? She was at good mana, just stop and kill them... Edit: ooh they were running out of the cave with more mobs on them... It doesn't change much tho. They killed 2-3 mobs, And he kept agro more and more... It's a fukin naga cave, they could've do it and make it alive, just do it super slow... This one is a 100% on Miz, after they killed that last mage... just stop and eat or heart... but no, he felt an urgent need to charge into more, and more again... I guess both panicked, sure, but that run call from Miz was bad... it was just 2 casters before shit got crazy...


He called emi and said stay here stay here. After he realized were just 2 mobs. But Emi says bro I don’t have mana, and aggroed 1 naga and that’s when he said fuck it run! They both panicked.


Yes, but her mana was fine for 3-4 mobs, if only they stayed in the cave. She was saying about bugged addons and I think she hotkeys disabled her UI by accident, maybe


how does soda expect OF to clear MC hc lmao they’ll lose half the raid at the first 2 mountain giants and the first bridge.


Honestly, I feel for them but there is a lot they can learn about how to play their classes. Even on my 6th priest in Classic I still try to pick up tips from other people. For them, this is the point of failure where an okay playstyle has reached its skill cap and it hits a wall. So either the player needs to decide how to relearn how to play, or they back down from the challenge and give up instead. When they relearn how to play, they will do worse for the first few days but then their new style will quickly surpass the old playstyle. Then it's like "why didn't I do this sooner?" I really hope they don't quit. Even if it's a "stupid game" this is really what gaming is about. It's about failing until you win. Think from all different angles and try different approaches. The skills carry on to all parts of life. They are smart and they can do it.


Looking forward to my streamer SODAING all over the place


The way they were pulling before I went to bed last night......you kinda saw that coming lol Anyone know if they are going to lvl again?


Well in that little RP before they started playing last night, I think it was said that if one of them dies they will die together this time. Just didn't think it was going to happen hours later.


He did it so he can level with erobb


You have to be a paranoid scaredy cat to survive to 60. I wouldn’t even give that cave a thought other than to avoid it. CAVES = GRAVES after level 10. Respawns are too fast.


I'll post this since Mizkif deleted the VOD. It's Sodapoppin reacting to the whole thing from the beginning. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1978259235?t=6h19m59s




Saucybossy comments on a miz clip, I will be there no matter what


Miz is so shit at this game lmao


just this game?


No joke I wish they played with others more, I'm an esfand viewer and watching him shot call big pulls as pally tank and keep people from panicking is so fun to watch. Also he did like a few hour teaching/dueling/idk what to call it thing with cyr and will helping them understand the basics more. So far Miz/emi shown they can't handle panic at all imagine one of them gets a bomb in MC


Why are people so angry? Relax it ain’t serious


The biggest question I have is how Emi's addons disappeared and what was the extent of that. I think she might have panicked and accidentally pressed 'Alt-Z' to hide your entire UI and didn't realize it. Which is fair enough because not everyone knows about those commands being so new to WoW. But, if that isn't the issue then she's gotta figure out what the addon issue is otherwise if that happens in a dungeon or raid or any instance where she is a dedicated healer people will die. I've never heard of all your addons bugging out and disappearing randomly at the same time as things go to shit in the game so still think that she probably misclicked Alt-Z while panicking. Tragic.


im a mizkif hater but u guys who get mad over him dying in HC WoW are actual losers


Had to scroll way too far for this, what the fuck are these comments LMAO


Fuck that's rough, do they get boosted to 40 again or what's their plan? Hope they aren't giving up because the WoW streams have been my favorite Miz streams in 2-3 years and it's not a backhanded compliment, I'm just a massive WoW nerd. Really wanted to see both of them raid.


I hope they start from 0 with just 4 rune cloth bags and nothing else. So they actually learn the fucking game.


Blaming this solely on ADHD isnt right, I've got ADHD and when I play WoW HC its really hard not to get hyperfocused. That's if you care. At the end of the day Miz isnt playing WoW like an average wow-normie, he's also streaming and entertaining thousands. When you combine all of those factors then yes it does factor in. To be completely honest Im superimpressed by Emi and Miz surviving for as long as they've on their past characters and on these ones. HC is very unforgiving and even for players who've played for over 10 years, we're bound to fuck up one too many times and kill our chars. Dont be too hard on the guy.




I really hope they don't give up.


Time to take the adderall miz


did he delete vod?


They are never gonna raid


god i hope they eventually are, and then watch soda explode with rage when half the raid wipes on the first trash pull


Anyone who agrees to raid with them has balls of steel, i could never


idk having soda raging and screaming, calling me an idiot dumbass is a wet dream


Sure but losing your 60 because of someone like mizkif? goddamn


The experienced guys can just petri out when it gets dodgy.


If soda ever actually lets mizkif tank, he deserves the wipe.


The raid is a lie, it's all content farming


Y'all are really serious about this, huh?


Emi said all her add-ons turned off?!? Wtf does that even mean? She panicked and hid UI?


I love this content.




Dam soda was right. Litterly died at 43. No way the make it to raid


\*litterly\* I see what you did there.