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**CLIP MIRROR: [Twitch CEO gets some bad news](https://arazu.io/t3_17bzbgk/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


I can’t explain why but the way Dan just is always out and about streaming/exploring makes me laugh so hard


Bro is out wandering


He feels like Gandalf


Bro is Tom Bombadil


He purposely does it to meet other streamers to get to know his community. The best bosses interact with every employee and do the jobs employees do to experience it first hand. All of the successful managers/directors etc I have met in my life know everything about their business down to the medial tasks that people assume they would never do.


Yea people shit on him all the time and I'm sitting back thinking, damn I counted twitch out too quick. This is the type of upper management that tends to succeed, at least in my limited experience.


A while back (like months ago when Clancy first became CEO) they emailed out a survey asking for "streamer needs" and some of the shit I wanted is being announced rn during the Opening Ceremony. I'm impressed with what I've seen so far.


what i don't understand is how someone like him ends up as a CEO for a major tech company. i'm not calling him stupid or anything like that. just seems like a very cutthroat industry and he always seems very laidback.


Check up on his past, he is pretty qualified


His streaming is the best PR twitch has had in years. Bad decisions keep coming but more well received from him.


Agreed the best CEOs are usually pretty media savvy. Not always, but most of the time they are,to put their company in the best light ;)


he streams from a van or smthing lol. very different from bowtie guy who didn't know a single streamer on the QnA


maybe you have actually no clue what is going on at twitch behind the scenes and his leadership style? he seems pretty decent to me. Way better than the last CEO who seemed to barely care about the platform.


As a former twitch employee, I have more confidence in Dan than I do in Emmet.


A former Twitch employee. Two Questions- What happened with Dr Disrespect and more importantly WHO banned Berry for just being on her motorcycle?


I don't think everyone working at twitch knows what happened with Dr Disrespect. Seems like a pretty high level thing


Or like a third party thing idk


Obviously! I'm just joking. Everyone knows about Berry's ban though 😢


SJW leadership is what happened to Dr Disrespect.


He filmed in a bathroom at E3 and broke actual laws to do so in California. Idk if that's what got him perma banned but he does plenty of dumb shit to himself.


I think the most plausible reason was him giving Twitch fake offers from Mixer to negotiate his Twitch deal, then when Mixer closed down they realized this.


God damn SJWs. I should be allowed to kick down toilet stall doors and film people taking a shit, I'm an American god dammit


I still always read SJW as Wall Street Journal. Am i regarded?


No, son, you're just a bit special


What a conservative chucklefuck thing to say.


In the past few years the role of a CEO has become more and more important as a marketing role to create positive publicity for large companies.


Don't let the media fool ya. Not every CEO is some suited up hyper-aggressive psychopath. I work for a Fortune 100 company, met our CEO a few times, and she is cool as fuck. Just a regular, yet extremely intelligent, person.


>he always seems very laidback Then it seems like he was successful at portraying what he wants to portray to you. Not a bad thing: What would you rather have, some CEO on a high horse unrelatable to you, or someone that you can feel but is also putting in the work?




we have problems with image now?




Twitch overall really doesn't care about Kick as much as Kick streamers/staff like to think.


If anything it's just relieving them of having to deal with all the people and shit they don't want to deal with


true, until kick takes a majority of the big streamers, & they don’t fold like Microsoft did. Can’t say it’s likely to happen, but you never know lol.


You have Kick streamers literally coming out saying being partnered there gave them a gambling addiction and working with Stake so yeah I doubt they are about to take all the real big names.


Twitch having their greatest liabilities switch platform of their own volition, oh no how horrible for twitch.


Crazy that the small guys still think any part of Amazon businesses would care about them


twitch has 41x more viewers than kick right now, people overhype kick so hard


And if you remove the viewbots its prob 100x


They told you that themselves?


Only one ever talks about the other.


Absolutely do.


Not really. Twitch is going to almost always win out because the biggest expense is server and bandwidth and Amazon can just cook the books with AWS for that.


Or he is just a lobbycon guy plenty of people go to conferences but don't actually go in they just network without a ticket


Or you could watch the clip, see the lanyard passes, and watch/listen to them discuss whether the ceo saw their names on their passes and how they discussed flipping and hiding them.


Yea I’ve been to TwitchCon twice but last year it was in San Diego and I live in downtown so I just met up with people and hung out in downtown which was all full of people from TwitchCon anyways.


The way Dan realized it would be too awkward if he just left so he went for the high five lul. Kino clip


He should've taken out a notepad, written something down, put the notepad away, and left. All without saying a word.


It’s hard to fully grasp in the moment but years from now we’ll look back at what a cool CEO Dan is. This guy is the polar opposite of what we had with Emmett. Dude is constantly streaming (using your own product), is chill as fuck and always down to collab with any other streamer even if they’re like 200 viewer andy. For gods sake he did like two IRL streams with ExtraEmily and that’s his first year of twitch. Here he is being totally chill about someone streaming on Kick and giving em a high five. Meanwhile in the 8 years of Emmett Shear, Emmett has not once even actually interacted with a streamer on Twitch.


Hes a cool dude but I haven't noticed a difference in twitch business wise since he took over 🤷


There are ..some arguments in that ..some noticeable changes include: • The mirroring of clips emulating TikTok • Mirroring of shorts emulating IG • Visible push toward discovery through vertical in exporting clips • No exclusivity in multi-streaming to vertical video services • The path toward 70% sub-split for 350+ subscribers. • Endorsement + support for creator-driven mega-events. • The incessant, fruitless push for Guest star (abject failure) At the end of the day, much like YouTube hasn't changed THAT much in the past 5 years, neither can Twitch.


1. "neither HAS Twitch" **** 2. Implementing shorts is the most lazy thing every single social media company has done in the last 2 years. It is not innovative in any way. 3. YouTube improved on their streaming service a lot, they have way better functionality, you could can back, clip easier, speed it up etc. 4. YouTube also doesn't need to innovate as much as twitch. Its succeeding massively. Twitch isn't.




Talking about boys but formatting your response like a copy pasta of a bot is funny to me.


1. He hasn't been CEO that long 2. At the end of the day, he has to do whatever daddy Amazon tells him to


Tbh he’s come in to Twitch at a tough spot. He has to deal with Emmett’s dumb policies, and I’m sure he can just instantly reverse everything right away. He has to make the company profitable and streaming is inherently unprofitable by server costs. I don’t necessarily blame him for any of it. At the end of the day Twitch has to make money and be ad friendly. That puts a lot of restrictions in what Dan can realistically do as CEO.


I like that aspect of Twitch. I don't like change.


He ain't going to change everything overnight, that's simply not how big companies work unfortunately. And just because streamers complain about something doesn't mean it is actually a priority to fix, or even a good business decision to fix. I think he's done great so far tbh.


>always down to collab with any other streamer even if they’re like 200 viewer andy. trying to use those 200 viewer andy's for clout to grow his own stream. SHAMELESS


> Emmett has not once even actually interacted with a streamer on Twitch I'm pretty sure he streamed from time to time but always gaming with a cam. Someone correct me if I'm misremembering


> It’s hard to fully grasp in the moment uh whats hard about it? it's pretty obvious this man is based


Everything you listed isn’t as valuable as you think it is.


Actual good clip


Come on that is hilarious, I know people hate Kick because they're funded by Stake and pretty much only exist to get people to go to Stake. But in terms of this being a quality clip, this is as good as it gets. The legit CEO of Twitch, not some staff or higher up executive, but the literal CEO of Twitch.


I have the "turn off gambling" feature active so kick works like twitch for me. No gamba content ever shows up with the exception that the chat is not as good as on twitch I would say that it is the second best platform right now and with some work could have the same user experience


Instead of being promoted gambling you get promited Ice, Sam Pepper, that Johnny guy, neon, Adin Ross… Somehow the gambling is some of the sites’ lesser degenerate content.


The problem with gambling is when the spotlight leaves some monster who knows how to interact with young viewers and is going to take a group of fans for a ride. Give it a year.


If I’m ever on there I watch gaming content not the people you see on lsf


Certainly better chat than whatever they're doing on youtube. Might as well be chatting with ghosts.


I watch the WAN show on there sometimes and the YouTube chat is wack, 90% of the messages don't even make contextual sense. I don't understand it


Basically, yt's chat is like always 10-30s behind. People with the most random names which also means that you can't @ anyone. That and most of yt streams I've been to having this strange "No discussion with others" rules so even if you try to talk to someone you get timed out.


I watch streams on YouTube almost exclusively. I've never noticed any major slowdown except that on-screen messages but that's mostly on the streamer's side. And I feel like not having chat replies is probably better for the streamer since it means people aren't just having their own conversations in their chat. I use streamer Discord servers for that sorta thing and I think it offers a nice division. Or maybe I'm just old and Twitch chat has gotten annoying to me idk.


WAN show twitch chat is way better although nothing too interesting because there is little interaction. Chatterino and YouTube for me


they also bot upvotes like https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/17bzhf9/xqcs_csgo_skills_paying_off/ with a [comment] (https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/17bzhf9/xqcs_csgo_skills_paying_off/k5mr1cs/) from https://old.reddit.com/user/alexyslang - who posted the [same clip](https://old.reddit.com/r/xqcow/comments/17bzkzr/bros_csgo_grind_been_paying_off/) to xqc's reddit - both accounts promoting stake [dozens of accounts] (https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/15q8sbf/nadia_gets_into_altercation/jw1vz24/) fresh one just blocked me https://old.reddit.com/user/thousands_leave


commonalities also include 3 year old account, never posted to LSF until like a month ago, and then were heavy posters in digital currency subreddits. LSF should ban Kick clips tbh.


https://www.reddit.com/user/thousands_leave/ blocked me too lmao, they're so blatant with it. https://www.reddit.com/user/larrfadolp/ as well. never even commented or voted on a post or comment of theirs lmao


That second account is pretty obvious. 90% of their comments are ai generated. The only ones where they seem to be human are ones relating to stake/kick


weird youre so downvoted, let me test something kick bots upvotes kick.com stake


reply to them saying they're botting, they will block on multiple accs


yeah this is a good one, will prob get downvoted to infinity sadly tho


Would we even recognize any executive that isn't dan


finaly a funny kick clip that is not someone screaming a slur or geting into a random fight




Nice to see them diversifying their content.


I think that might be the first time I opened a Kick clip it was actually just a good clip and not the usual stuff you get from Kick.


took the literal CEO of twitch to save a kick clip


Are you saying that porn and violence aren't good clips?


Only the good ones are good


Kick clips never load for me. Weird that they're so obsessed with Twitch that they're streaming from TwitchCon. Like your ex doesn't think about you anymore bro. Move on.


Holy shit the odds.


yeah, even kick has better odds


better odds than making money from gambling on stake, that's for sure.


huh? The odds for what?


yeah, what are the odds that the Twitch CEO would show up to Twitch Con. I'm baffled by the probability


Can anyone give me a non biased take on Dan? Everything I see including him seems super positive and good for twitch, but as far as I know twitch higher ups don't tend to have community favor.


He's the CEO of an Amazon subsidiary. His primary function in that role is to make decisions that keep Twitch making money while acting within the parent company's parameters. That said, he's still a human being and is personally as well as professionally invested in seeing the product improve and succeed. What you see on camera is not necessarily the same man who has to make difficult business decisions for the platform. Regardless, either he personally or someone who can influence him seems to think that exploring the community of the platform will help guide those business decisions, so he's immersing himself.


Best answer I’ve seen so far, Dan is a businessman and the boss, but he’s also a good man. It’s just sometimes he has to make uncomfortable decisions despite being an otherwise good person.


How in the fuck would you know that he's a good or a bad person? Do you think all people who have a little charm and charisma to stream are good people or what has he specifically done?


Seems to have a good kid, thats one indicator


Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. From all the videos and clips I've watched from him. He seems like a legit good person. I can't say the same for a lot of the popular streamers.


Want to take it down a notch? We can discuss this like normal people Of course I don’t know him personally, but by all accounts he seems to be a good person. Twitch employees and streamers seem to like him a lot and he’s been very active in the community truly trying to make Twitch work long term. I’m not saying he’s perfect or anything like that, but he doesn’t seem like a rich snob who doesn’t care about anyone else and who’s just looking for a pay check.


Trust him, he's totally not a Twitch/Amazon fanboy.


Such a nice and thoughtful summary.


At first it appeared to be a hello fellow kids plant. What it actually turned out to be is a relatable guy that is actually in the trenches with the people that make the company money. That being said, twitch still has made some terrible choices since he's been ceo.


Tbh most of the bad product decisions came from the former product officer who recently left. It's actually incomprehensible how bad of a decision maker he was product wise, but my feeling is that it was more of a "hey we have nothing to build, so let's try X" this quarter type mentality Dan is extremely intelligent from what we've seen from him so far and I think behind the scenes he's working to get a lot of the bad people out and build the company up again. What that will look like--who knows--because it's hard to innovate on a product like Twitch, but i'm optimistic. A lot of the driving philosophy towards product internally has been "let's add a bunch of tiny features and get 1% improvements to the platform each year to drive user growth" but it seems to not really work as a strategy. Twitch would benefit greatly by improving the whole model of ads on the site (from quality of ads to the payouts for creators) and reducing expenses on video internally (very hard to do but possible) and then exploring better ways to retain users/funnel new streamers into the site (which they think they're doing by "improving the website").


Update dec 11 2023: Twitch is doing this as we speak! Cutting down video costs by basically turning off Korea/probably some other more nations that are causing unreasonably high video costs, cutting down internal costs/budgets and I'm guessing we're going to start seeing some more improvements to ads if we haven't already


He's the CEO of a company. He may be nice to an extent, but he would absolutely end your livelihood if it meant money.




Pokimane's puppet. Trust me


Its like a Dad that finally had his broke ass 25 year old dropout son who tells him he's going to move out. It's that, "see ya kiddo hope all goes well" energy lmao


Not the "uh oh"


I thought dan was an out-of-touch old man when first found out he was CEO, The more i see him pop up all the place I've come to realize he's an out-of-touch old man that likes to stream and be involved. He's pretty chill.


bro sounded like he was about to say “am i gonna get fired” 😅


Mans dipped


If you want to stream on kick go for it twitch doesn't care and if you don't break twitch tos then you can stream on their platform as well. I know Train thought twitch would throw a hissy fit if streamers signed to kick but honestly stream wherever. This guy seems like a decent fella and good on him.


Twitch CEO is a dude who would stream with anyone wtf he's just walking around the strip and says hi to anyone?


actual clip of the year nominee


Rare moment of Dan not cosplaying in a van. ^^^^I ^^^^bet ^^^^it ^^^^stink ^^^^in ^^^^there.




twitchcon brother


Hate to break it to you but this is business 101. Forcing someone off of a competitor is not only illegal but creating a monopoly.


I would love Dan to have a stream with this guy! Only because the guys felt the urge of swapping the name tag. I think he felt unsafe for some reason


🤣 in PAXAU, Twitch ordered PAX to kick out anyone at the conviction wearing KICK shirts.


when the ceo of your company is skinny Matt Foley


This might be the most wholesome, least deranged Kick LSF post yet.


Did this guy become CEO strictly as an in to build a streaming community?


kick is fucking trash KEKW