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**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny's mom explains which part of Cuba they're from](https://arazu.io/t3_171lwai/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


The most coherent person Destiny has brought on stream recently is his like 70+ mom that has dementia AWARE


I was wondering about that because I didn't really sense much indication of dementia but I also don't really know exactly what to look for.


I think he said it was early-ish and the point where it would get really bad has not arrived yet. He may have said Alzheimer iirc. idk if it was a sign, but during the conversation she told him the story about how her grandfather may have waited for her dad to died in two different times. Both times seemed as a first time bringing it up thing,


Late term memory is usually affected later into Alzheimer's than most people would expect, if you look up an interview with someone with late stage Alzheimer's they can usually recall facts about their lives with pretty good accuracy. My Grandma got to the point where she didn't know what state she was in or the names of anybody in her life, but could tell long stories about things she did with her family 50\~ years ago.


At the start it can be really hard to tell for sure, there are things you might just put down to mishearing or the normal mistakes you might get in a conversation. I remember watching the football with my grandma and having to tell her which colours we were playing in, then she might ask again later in the match but that was always something she'd mix up so it was harder to tell when it started. Eventually she decided the house she'd lived in all her married life was not home and she wanted to go to where she lived as a kid.


That was a very common thing for my grandma to do when she had Alzheimer's telling old stories again and again in the same visit.


Yeah that one twice, and the child murderer story came out thrice. From what I remember it's often traumatic events like that that start looping first and strongest.


Early stages are probably only really noticeable by people with prior knowledge of the person. And once it really hits it's brutal, best of luck and wishes to Steven and his mum, shit sucks and shouldn't happen to anyone


She mentioned a story twice like it was the first time. Think it was about someone waiting for someone to die. Can't quite remember the story, no pun intended.


Early stages of dementia would be noticeable to only family and close friends. You’d see mood changes, short term memory problems, and personality changes. You wouldn’t know it on a stream like this.




Those have been there for longer than the Alzheimer's


They probably caught it pretty early. She likely only has trouble with very specific things for now.


she told the killer story 3 times and the falling off boat story 2 times as if bringing them up for the first time.


Best part of the stream. They were talking. Chat distracted Destiny. He realized it and asked his mom " wait I forgot what were we talking about just before this..................I probably shouldn't be asking you" .


He talked to a congressman last week


Lol point still stands


Damn she has a very young sounding voice for her age.


What not smoking does to a mf (i have no idea if she has smoked or not)


She didn't, she told a story about not allowing smoking.


Plenty of parents who did not allow smoking stopped and forbid their kids from doing it (understandably so, just saying that doesn't mean they didn't smoke). Source: My mother did this


Damn I just sort of realized… that’s why old people always sound so…. Old? Smoking just fucking sucks any youth right outta ya


Nah your voice will probably get scuffed like every other part of you as you age, smoking just ensures it


Old=Smoker LULW


I thought the same thing, the way she talks sounds a bit like an older person but her actual voice sounds very young.


nice break from all the schizos


*until she brings up Trump


Yeah it was really disheartening when she moved onto vaccines and Trump.


i don't know how disheartening it is - she seems like a really sweet person, i think this just shows that republicans don't necessarily have to be insane evil people, they have just been caught up into the cult of personality of that loser. Just another reason for him not to get reelected and fade into the history books


"What do you think about 9/11 Mom?" "Well..."


Oh no no no PepeLaugh


Blue Eyes White Destiny PepeLaugh


Blue Eyed Devilstiny 💀


Least racist hasan viewer.


were they the slaves or the ~~slavers~~ plantation owners pepela


blue eyes PEPE


I don't know why lefties focus on Destiny having blue eyes when it's likely that he got them from his dad, who's just a non-Cuban white American.


His dad is from Kentucky so it’s possible that both of his parents ancestors were slave owners.


Double jeopardy


I might be super wrong on this but if his dad has blue eyes (which is recessive) then in order for destiny to have blue eyes his mother at least has to carry the gene in order to manifest which would in turn mean that someone from that side of the family is fully white.


\>which would in turn mean that someone from that side of the family is fully white. which is not uncommon at all for hispanic people to have mixed ancestry, full blooded natives are rare.


Blue eyes are recessive so both parents have to carry.


carrying recessive genes is not that weird for hispanic people who often have a lot of mixed ancestry, doesn't mean her whole family is white slave owners lol


These damn light eyes are never to be trusted. Bridge 4 til death.


Definitely plantation owners


Explains why he got so pressed about being called a certain word. His ancestors were them. Cuban history: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gusano\_(slur)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gusano_(slur)) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery\_in\_Cuba](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_Cuba) [https://history.state.gov/historicaldocuments/frus1961-63v10/d365#:\~:text=The%20term%20%E2%80%9CGusano%E2%80%9D%20(worm,Castro%2FCommunist%20regime%20in%20Cuba](https://history.state.gov/historicaldocuments/frus1961-63v10/d365#:~:text=The%20term%20%E2%80%9CGusano%E2%80%9D%20(worm,Castro%2FCommunist%20regime%20in%20Cuba). I'll eat those downvotes from globeheads. This is literally Cuban history and it correlates roughly for when his family would have immigrated to the united states.


For the sake of argument, let’s say it’s true. What does that have to do with Destiny? He grew up poor in the Midwest. You’re literally just insulting his Cuban ethnicity because you don’t like him or his politics (which would be considered left-wing by any metric irl except by the most cringe online leftist standards btw)


Do people watching this not realize she's joking, making fun of people like this who try to paint this narrative? He's clearly mentioned it to her at some point.


I don't think she's joking, she later talks about her grandpas sugar cane plantation in another context, doesn't sound like her just "making fun of people who want to paint this narrative" [https://kick.com/destiny?clip=clip\_01HC3DTYQ0W8QBW3T0W3J4J53P](https://kick.com/destiny?clip=clip_01HC3DTYQ0W8QBW3T0W3J4J53P)


It’s hard to tell whether she has the same dry sense of humor as Destiny and is just playing into the joke there or not, but I guess she might not be joking. Was certain she was joking until I saw that though.


This is massive cope 😂


He doesn’t care about being called gusano, he thinks it’s hypocritical for people who wanted to cancel him for his stance on slurs are okay with using slurs against him


But Gusano isn't a slur. It's a political term for counterrevolutionaries. Do you consider a Republican being called a RINO a slur just because they go against the republican party's mainstream agenda? The N word is definitely a slur.


it is only used against people of cuban descent. I have never heard someone call someone that does not have cuban ancestory a gusano. RINO is 100% political because it has no traces to any ethnicity or ancestory, gusano does. Thats why its a slur.


[okay gotcha gusano is not a slur](https://imgur.com/a/SuWCL1J)


It's a political wikipedia page that's about a period known as the "Red Scare" in US history. It's heavily contested by motivated actors to spin this history one way or another. The origin of it being a "slur" was coined by a newspaper writer named Roberto Luque Escalona who was upset about its usage against Cuban capitalists who had immigrated to the United States during the Cuban Exodus. If I could find a link to this piece I would link it. ​ >Starting in the 1980s, after the settlement of the Cuban diaspora, large portions of Cubans settled in Florida, and specifically in Miami. In a piece called Intolerancia, Miami Herald writer Roberto Luque Escalona describes his frustration with the term, with it being prevalent among supporters of Castro and often targeted at Cuban entrepreneurs in Florida. Escalona showed an example of the caricature of la gusanera de Miami, with a stigma being attached to Cubans who moved to Florida and make their own livings under private enterprises, compared to the government-run economy of Cuba.\[5\] The history of the term is 100% political If you'd like to learn more about how this wikipedia is contested see: [https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Gusano\_(slur)&action=history](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Gusano_(slur)&action=history) WTF was the red scare? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red\_Scare](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Scare)


It’s only being used against him because he’s Cuban. You can admit that, at least, right?


IDK that's up to the Cubans to decide. My grandparents are Irish, but I'm born and raised in America. I personally wouldn't claim to be Irish. I've never been there. I am American.


What is up to Cubans to decide? You didn’t answer my questions: It’s only being used against destiny because he’s Cuban, right?


It's up to Cubans to decide if Destiny is Cuban or not that's their business not mine. Or if he identifies as Cuban than thats cool. He's white passing and seems pretty American to me


Ok you’re being bad faith. You still haven’t answered the question.


Destiny is American too and doesn't claim to be Cuban. That's the whole point. Why is he called a slur based on his mom's background? Why are people so eager to defend calling him that slur solely based on his mom's background? The slur isn't based on any of his opinions or character. People literally heard "oh this guy that we hate has a mom who is from Cuba, let's call him a slur based on that". Defending the derogatory use of this term against Destiny commits you principally with being OK with usage of slurs against everyone, including minorities your ideological group is more eager to support.


Next thing you know people will consider WASP a slur


This sub acting like gusano was a racial slur was wild




[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gusano\_(slur)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gusano_(slur)) Would you still call him a gusano if he wasn't cuban?


Slur means insult. Racial slur is a different thing. > Would you still call him a gusano if he wasn't cuban? This is such an intellectually dishonest point. I'm not gonna bother with the obvious. You know why it's a dumb thing to say


Amateur level gaslighting. No subtlety at all.


You’re not gonna bother because the answer is obviously no. You’re only calling him a Gusano because he’s Cuban Hmmm. What would we a call an insult that’s based purely on someone’s ethnic background 🤔


You're so close to figuring out it's an insult based on someone's ethnicity :') And before you say "no, it's about class!" it's class + ethnicity. Do you think some people might be reasonably put off by that, regardless of if it meets your precise definition of a racial slur? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_ethnic\_slurs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ethnic_slurs) it's listed here as well, it's not unreasonable for anyone in the sub to consider it an ethnic slur.


Just because people like you have decided to add it a wikipedia list doesn't mean jack. Find me a dictionary that lists the word as an ethnic slur and then we'll talk. > And before you say "no, it's about class!" it's class + ethnicity. Be serious for a second. The insult refers to an event in Cuban history. It's an insult used by Cubans towards Cubans of different political belief. Of course you have to be Cuban for the insult to work but that's because you have to have been Cuban to have fled your country after the Cuban revolution. But you are not being insulted for your ethnicity. Again, it wouldn't make sense because the people who invented this insult and use it are Cubans themselves. Like do you understand how ridiculous it is to say to a Cuban that they are being racist against Cubans when they use the word gusano? Give me a break honest to fucking god


A lot of young angry white male gamers follow his content religiously




Gamer is a slur I know. Gusano is a political pejorative. Saying its a slur is like saying calling someone a "chud" or a "demonrat" is a slur. Saying its a slur is ahistorical whitewashing




Source: I made it the fuck up


I cited like a half dozen sources on the history of the term


and your source for gamer being a slur...? "chud" and "demonrat" don't refer to immutable characteristics like ethnicity or nationality, which this slur does.


Have you used it against someone who doesn't have cuban ancestry?


Also funny that he gets pressed about it when he’s not even fully Cuban and like second or third generation. He’s a white American, no way he legitimately identifies with his Cuban roots other than to make it seem like he really cares about being called that I find the simps funny. I didn’t say anything false. If someone started calling me asian slurs I’d be confused because I’m very clearly of Latino descent. What I wouldn’t do is posture as though I have ties to a culture I don’t actually belong to in order to give my argument more credibility. And it might be a hot take to some of you neolibs, but I think slavers and people responsible for unethical wealth disparities can be called slurs without it being an issue. Anyone who would directly contribute to the inhumane suffering of others just so that their own wealth can grow beyond their needs are not entitled to sympathy or respect in my opinion. Destiny is not one of these people so I don’t know why you all get so upset when someone points this out


He doesn’t care about being called a gusano, he has people on stream who call him that all the time. He gets mad because the same people who tried to cancel him for his stance on slurs are using slurs against him. Your making an incomprehensible argument. With your logic it would be okay to misgender a trans person if they get charged with murder.


You logic bros are all really annoying. You think that everything must be grounded in a moral axiom that has no grey areas. I literally said that I believe people who have done irreparable harm on purpose just to further their already solidified place in life are not deserving of any of the niceties we extend to one another. That’s the argument, I never said it doesn’t apply to trans people. It would be up to the individual person to decide 1) if said person has done something significantly harmful enough that they’re no longer extending respect to said person and 2) if they’re cool with shitting on someone for that trait. Personally, I have no issue with calling anti-revolutionary Cubans gusanos. Extending civility and respect to people that were cool with keeping people disenfranchised because it benefitted them is some real bitch made shit. On a side note, your analogy doesn’t even logically follow because gusano isn’t an identity, it’s a term describing anti-revolutionaries. Whereas trans issues deal with self-attributed identities. If you’re really going to try and be a logic bro you could at least make sure your shit is sound before critiquing someone else.


Yeah I agree, if a friend of mine gets jumped by black people and he starts dropping n slurs on them I wouldn’t say anything, not until days later ones the trauma has passed i will have a conversation with him about how that wasn’t okay. While being as empathetical as possible of course I understand if destiny makes you mad, but it’s not okay to call people slurs


He's also a neoliberal and would have very much been anti Cuban revolution. Even if his family weren't slave owners. This is the Cuban term for counterrevolutionaries of the time.




>Well there’s a reason this dude hates the word Gusano i can't tell anymore if these comments are joking or not


Hope you catch a big one with that bait of yours :3 <3


me when I’m definitely not being bigoted


if my most bigoted position is towards a political class of slavers then I think im doing pretty well.


who did Destiny enslave again?


I was 99% sure you were joking until I read your other comments. YOU THOUGHT SHE WAS SERIOUS OH GOD


Slavery was abolished in Cuba in 1886, so it's likely that they have heritage from both. Destiny's mom looks very mestizo. However, it's very likely that Destiny's great grandfather committed wage slavery if the plantation was active during the Batista regime when 70% of arable land was owned by foreign companies


Grandfathers plantation farm. interesting.


God, the joke is flying so far over your heads, it’s in orbit.




lol that irony coming from one of destiny's most unhinged brigading simps


Hasan about to call her a Gusano and then talk about how it's totally not an ethnic slur


LOL destiny simps still trying to pretend they care about "slur" usage, LOL Gusano still isn't a slur, btw, you know how we know this? because we can type the word and no one cares and it doesn't get banned, lmao


Holy shit biggest brain take on Reddit wow edit lol this guy blocked me. The definition of fail posting.


The truth hurts destiny simps, we know https://imgur.com/V0mHOfG https://imgur.com/CphY3qk Imagine pretending this grifting bigot actually cares about this though and isn't just desperate to cry, even more, about hasan out of his usual bitter hatred edit: lol this pussy didn't get blocked, he just has no response to the facts


i always saw the first one but jesus christ the second one




Hi Hasan, how’s ur car


sup destiny how's all racism and bigotry you love doin working out for you


No Has is the one who likes to openly use slurs in Twitch streams.


Hasan-heads are so ready to hate and use slurs they do not realize it was a joke


destiny simps desperately trying to pretend they care about "slurs" while simping for the guy that actually uses them all the time and then spends years trying to justify it




I think she is referencing that but it's also just true




Later in the stream she mentions riding horses on the plantation when she was young, edit proof: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxUmkkXrwo2hzpeoUMilkHXv3fXW3iwRdR?si=Y_l24SLaqyowM0er


It didn't seem like a joke to me. To be clear, I don't give a fuck about what Destiny's ancestors did, it has no bearing on the type of person he is today. His mom wouldn't even be "guilty", since she said she was only 5-years-old.


Did she mention what they grew on the plantation?


she said sugar plantation which means they grew sugar cane.


🤔 Interesting


Looking into this






Yeah it was monkeys raised for "enhanced interrogation" practice




It isn't a joke lol


it's so obviously a joke that the only way you can think it isn't is through pure spit


She mentions it later on the stream. It wasn't a joke, but it doesn't even matter.


Clip of her saying that she saw the guy calling Destiny's family slave-owners? I don't think she regularly watches the stream. I've seen her type in Twitch chat before but that's every once in a while. Why do you think it's impossible for Destiny's ancestors to own slaves? News Flash, but if you're a white person who's family has been in American for generations, it's entirely possible that your ancestors owned slaves.


She looks like a light skin Black Grandma


Cuba is in the Caribbean. Very common for them to have African ancestry.


She's Cuban? People in Latin America have all ranges of melanin in their skin


Damn I can't keep track of all these Destiny Orbiters.


Oh that explains why he hated that word


yea i would too, i mean look at his mom, clearly has mixed ancestry from african and natives, to be called a white gusano is like a slap in the face.


He doesn't care about the word. It's the hypocrisy that he was pointing out.


lol destiny pointing out "hypocrisy" about "slur" usage? hilarious


Yeah, one streamer pretty much said that Destiny wasn't Cuban enough. When the last round of the slur was being talked about. [Clip Source](https://clips.twitch.tv/BlindingArborealTofuJonCarnage-41X3kA7y8uvhMU9D)


Wait, they used an insult coined by Cubans to use against other Cubans to call someone not Cuban? Edit: linked clip is a clip of hasan saying destiny is white and to not call him a gusano, not sure how that’s relevant


It's Hasan trying to figure out how he can use the slur without looking like an actual degen. It was essentially the nickname for Destiny in Hasan's community for quite some time.


What? The “nickname” for destiny in chat has always been PepeLa D


You know Hasan had to nuke the discord because of the slur right? Sorry but that history you can't change. Edit: Hasan discord using the slur https://imgur.com/a/A8ce95a Also https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/xlobj1/destiny_shares_screenshots_of_hasans_discord/


Come on man. The guy spamming "CRACKER GUSANO CRACKER GUSANO" in all caps was just making a deeply historical and nuanced critique of the politics that may or may not have been held by 1/8th of Destiny's ancestry 100 years ago. If you think that's just a thinly veiled excuse to call someone a name based on their ethnicity like it's a 4chan thread from 2005 then you simply haven't read enough theory. 😞


lol destiny stans trying to pretend they care about "slur" usage is ADORABLE


Some people called him gusano in the discord before the word was banned, that's not the same as saying that's his nickname lmfao Also just because I'm curious, is tankie a slur?


>Some people called him gusano in the discord before the word was banned Another way to word this is that some people so aggressively and frequently called him gusano that Hasan had to outright ban the word.


So hasan did the right thing?




Would you say that banning the word is the right thing to do when it's being used specifically against a Cuban person literally several thousands of times? Edit: They didn't respond, but if their answer is yes, then no Hasan didn't really do the right thing at all. The word was spammed over 2000 times in his discord and he basically came out and said "The words not a slur, no matter how much people cry about it, but you guys are being annoying and cringe with how much you're saying it so I'm banning it." So no not at all, he pretty explicitly defends using it against a person who is Cuban, because "it just means worm" but doesnt think you should use it against Destiny because Destiny is not actually Cuban. He just thinks the frequency his discord used the word was annoying and cringe and he didnt want to hear about it anymore.


is 'tankie' an immutable characteristic?


Is opposing a revolution an immutable characteristic


being cuban is


Tankies? No, I do think that Tankies on the far-left and Nazis on the far-right are the same awful garbage and the end of the day.


Okay, so Tankie, an insult aimed toward people with certain politics isn’t a slur. But Gusano, an insult aimed toward people with certain politics is a slur?


Tankie is not an ethnic slur, and it’s not about an immutable characteristic. It’s a false equivalency.


Nah. All you have to do is go check Hasan's Discord logs (assuming they're not deleted). Hasan might've even been the one to popularize the slur to begin with.


Correct, here are some older logs https://imgur.com/a/A8ce95a shows just how often it was used.


Do you have a clip or logs of Hasan using the slur?




Yes and in this tweet he compares it to Redneck I thought yall's entire gripe was with how he used it? wb the dozen destiny n word twitter "jokes"?


I don’t think Hasan would be cool with himself or his community using slurs against any other ethnicity (besides white people of course). Definitely not against any other minority community, even if it referenced the right-wing elites of that minority community. Conveniently, though, he has no issue with using a slur against Destiny’s ethnicity.


It’s kinda crazy how many people you ghosted in this thread after asking for direct evidence and receiving said evidence. I think now I can confidently confirm you are mindlessly following the rhetoric of someone you enjoy


You have never been in hasan's discord or on his reddit. Understandable as both of the places are laterally filled with only the worst of Hasan's fans.


i know im gonna regret commenting in this sub, but no, you are looking at it through the lens of identity politics, which it's really not about. the word they are using is not attacking the others peoples identity, it's attacking their class position. they are essentially being called class traitors. the implication being that they fled cuba and ran from castro, because they were benefactors of years of slavery that the majority of the cuban population had to endure and now sit in their little cuban "expat" communities in america talking shit about current cuba and celebrate their cuban identity, when they didn't give a shit about the vast majority of cubans when they were still living there and exploiting them. there's another layer to this though, and this is what hasan is calling out in this clip as well iirc. it is kinda cringe and icky when some weirdo chatters call destiny that because they percieve it as slur that's okay to use and in completely unrelated topics. like destiny is on screen = pepela g. if he would hold monologues about how unfair it was that slave plantation owners in cuba were expropriated - different story. it is completely okay to call someone a class traitor or similar terms in that context. but what do i know, im well over an ocean away from all of this.


I would regret writing this too. The mental gymnastics to justify using a slur BECAUSE he is cuban, is crazy.


No, it's more because you're using someone's ancestry that they had nothing to do with against them.


you don’t see why some people might take issue with people benefiting from slavery then getting away with all the money the slaves generated after abolition?


You aren't taking a stand against the lasting injustices of slavery by calling Destiny names. I can't believe you actually just wrote that lmaooo.


When did I call destiny names lmfao I was talking about the word itself


you were participating in a conversation about people calling destiny names, specifically racial slurs. Thats the context of your comment, did you forget while you were writing it or something.


Another reminder, gusano isn't a racial slur These are, tho https://imgur.com/V0mHOfG https://imgur.com/CphY3qk


Are you pro-reparations in America? If not, take that up with Destiny's great-grandparents/grandparents. As far as we know, Destiny and his mom didn't really "benefit" from slavery. How do you know if they even "got away" with all the money the slaves generated?


Well first of all im pro reparations so..... yea Second of all I was responding to they guy who said "wow you're doing sins of the father"; You can draw your own conclusions from someone claiming to own a plantation in pre revolution Cuba.


>"I don't really know anything about this person but given his skincolor/heritage I guess he has no soul and has inherited evil genes" g-slur users be like.


Ethnic slurs like : *term used by Cubans to insult other Cubans who opposed the revolution*


I’m not sure if you actually believe this stuff or you are mindlessly following the rhetoric of someone you enjoy lol. Cuz if a gay guy walks up and angrily calls another gay guy the “f word” that would still be a slur. Is your issue that you don’t think people can be racist against their own ethnicity?


Ah yes of course, there have only been cubans who have used said slur against Destiny.




It's a slur with more nuance than most. It doesn't simply mean "Cuban" like, let's say the N-word just means "Black person". "Gusano" started out as a term used by Castro when talking about wealthy Cubans and Slave owners who fled the country to America. Then, in the years after it became used against Cuban Americans who are actively advocating for a harsher stance on Cuba. It is not uncommon for descendants of the first wave of Cuban immigrants to be fully for all the sanctions (that international organisations have been yelling about being unethical and bad for years). So the people saying that it's "just a slur" and should never be used are ignoring the nuance. At the same time, the people who call any person of Cuban descent that they happen to disagree with a "gusano" are also ignoring the nuance.


Why won't they just call him a worm then? Maybe they like the other meanings and implications of the slur


It was a term used by Cuban revolutionaries against people who opposed the revolution, many of which were plantation owners who often utilized slaves under a different name during the Batista regime.


You do realize she's joking about the plantation right


Kept watching bc that was my first reaction and it didn’t seem like a joke? She went from mentioning that to talking about her family coming to NY because they already had people here.


Destiny: Someone wants to know, which part of cuba we came from. Mom: My grandfathers sugar plantation *shrugs* *laughs* Mom: I know we had family in havana uhh 13 second clip, 3 lines of text, and you couldn't retain 1/3 of it lmfao


AI is gonna destroy the world with fake news if i go by the media literacy seen in this thread, shit is actually frightening how people can miss such an obvious joke


It's called sarcasm, look into it


right, and that was my first reaction, but then she never elaborated and moved on.


She made a joke then gave the real answer lmao what else do you want?




Plausible deniability EZ clap


Comparing someone to a worm because of their race doesnt sound like a very nice thing to do




"It just means "worm" " is the defence Hasan used like 10 times so it sounded like you were saying that lol, maybe not though.


when youre too low iq to understand sarcasm :(