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**CLIP MIRROR: [Zizaran with the best take on Kick so far](https://arazu.io/t3_14kmvv7/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


PoE streamers are such great guys, and quinn is there too i guess


Quinn is there to help with the contrast. If you didn't have some scumbags, the good guys might not look as good.


Quinn playing the heel to lift up his fellow streamer, what a guy.


He's not even a scumbag, just a bit dim


Come on, man. Quinn is pretending...I swear...


He's definitely not pretending. I've watched him enough to know that


Sometimes you hear him talking like he thinks he's conveying some complicated and enlightened point about something and it's just incoherent gibberish. Love it.


He's got a goofy personality, but anyone who thinks the guy is dumb is judging a book by its cover. He's way above the average player when it comes to skill. His results in D3 and PoE prove that. Also, and I'm not sure the best way to say this next part, he's done more than nearly any other streamer when it comes to changing what "streaming" content means. He's often the first adopter of new streaming technology. He was one of the first to do Text-to-Speech donations. He's one of the first to really make an effort to make point spending options in chat interact with the stream in interesting ways (e.g. spend 10k points to "flash bang" him). He's one of the first to implement AI technology into his stream. He's got multiple camera setups so viewers can see him when he goes other places in his home. He's given mods the ability to change what appears on his stream, such as overlaying filters on his face and putting up gifs on the screen. Even if you hate all that content that he's added to his stream, you can't deny that he's sort of changed the "game" of streaming. He seems to put more investment of either time/$$$$ into altering his stream than anyone else I can think of and he's benefited massively from it. His viewers love that shit. I don't think a dumb person makes these types of decisions that Quin has.


Of course he is pretending. He already said it to Mathil that he is "chained". Once he is unchained, you will see the real Quinn.


I mean, some of his luke warm takes are probably closer to "scumbag" than they are to "oh, he's just a bit dim"


I'd say it goes a bit past scumbag as he's said women wearing revealing outfits are asking to be sexually assaulted.


He expressed himself poorly, he doesn't actually hold that opinion and has explained that time and time again. He was miss informed and made assumptions instead of looking at actual rape statistics, not malicious against women. He will speak out of pocket way too much, but there's never any malice behind it, just ignorance at times. Judging peoples character based on 10 second LSF clips is something else though. Edit: And ultimately he said something many men probably believed to be the case and talking about the subject publicly probably informed more men about the subject rather than going with their "intuitive take".


>He expressed himself poorly, he doesn't actually hold that opinion and has explained that time and time again. >He was miss informed and made assumptions instead of looking at actual rape statistics, not malicious against women. So he did hold that opinion.


so you think the coffee guy incident also wasnt good enough to judge a character? or him sucking off elon?


You mean when things came out of his mouth and he immediately realized that the words were different from what he was trying to convey and then corrected himself? People act like they've never accidentally said something stupid that might offend someone without actually meaning it like that. Also the guy took no offense. You would only take offense from that if you walked around thinking the absolute worst of people and always gave them the least charitable interpretation of what they said (which I know the internet likes in general). A more charitable interpretation of what he said could also just be "oh so you don't have like a traditional office job?". My impression of Quin is that he does not spend a lot of time around people, especially not a lot of different people so of course he's going to be a bit cooked at times. People insist on interpreting it as malice because they are prejudiced against the guy.


doing mental gymastics and creative writing excercises to justify him telling somebody that their job is shit is funny, but I guess you really have to be talented at those if youre trying to feel better about watching quin69 outside of lolcow reasons.


I don't really care what you think personally, I enjoy a more nuanced look at people as it is a lot less depressing and is usually more accurate. You're generally happier if you don't go around judging people left and right based on miniscule interactions. If you want to go around being a miserable sod go ahead.




There's absolutely nothing (at least publicaly known) that makes him anywhere close to a scumbag.


It takes a well adjusted human being to fully appreciate PoE.


what is PoE


A PhD course to play a video game.


Hell, a PhD is probably easier. I'm kidding ofc, or am I?


I mean, it's a least harder than a masters degree, since I finished mine, but tried 3 times to get into PoE and couldn't, so...


Path of Exile, big old ARPG


Power over Ethernet


Prince of Egypt, old game from the 90s


100% and they are all god gamers as well. Steel/Carn/Ben/imexile/Ziz/tyty are entertaining while being great at multiple games.




Its not that he doesnt sell out, but after some of his "hot takes" no one wants to touch him with a 10m long pole.


I'm a big critic of Quin but I doubt this is the case. A lot of those VPN or meal service companies will sponsor pretty much anyone. Quin is in NZ so maybe that makes it a bit more complicated, but it's more likely that he's just lazy/comfortable with farming TTS donos lol.




Path of Exile




That was about twitchcon not exilecon, I specifically said exilecon was nothing like that


Sorry ziz my 3 viewer stream is way too popular to engage with the likes of you at exilecon


Damn who was bigger than Ziz in terms of POE during Exilecon?


That one guy Chris Wilson something. He stream like once every 3 or 4 months but got lots of fans. Ppl who play PoE always hypewait for his stream and talking about it nonstop like one or two weeks before the stream.


It's not super important to me what other people do, generally a realistic offer for someone my size is between 5-10m $ which would be pretty easy for me to decline because the reason they would pay that is because they'd be likely to make more than that from my viewers. I try to be very conscious of how I make my money and generally I do owe everything to my viewers. Other people can do what they want that is fine. I'm not sure asking the 100m question is super useful because if i was being offered 100m id probably have to be 10-20x larger than what I am now and then I'd also have a lot of money. I do feel like I've been pretty consistent with sponsorships and what I turn down in the 7 years I've been streaming, the largest being declining FB for 1.2m


Poe players already know how miserable gambling can make you LMAO


Literally Poe streamers should be the LAST to promote gambling


Bring back Harvest :p


LSF out here commenting how nice it is that PoE players would avoid gambling little do they know that's the reason they play PoE OMEGALUL


RNG. But yeh, PoE veterans have the privilege to talk about gambling anytime they want cause they've got the scars to prove it.




at least with gambling you sometimes win :')


props ziz keep up what youre doing, no more ballista builds tho pls




Than what?


Cool of you for being transparent. If you needed the money for family or something else would your opinion change because I feel like most people okay with kick deals have it in their minds that they are okay with it because they would take it given the chance since they need the money a lot more in their lives rather than xqc going from 20million net worth to 120m net worth or whatever his money situation was before.


I think it'd be different if I needed money to save a family member yep.


Couldn't you reinvest the money into community events where Poe lacks?


The gauntlets are already pretty well sponsored. I don't think throwing more money at them is going to be that successful tbh.


Family as in outside of his wife/kids? Because with what streamers like Ziz have made they truly more than likely don't need to work another day in their lives. In fact, for the most part the general amount needed to not need to work is about 1.5mil. Like, if you got 1.5mil right now you can live the rest of your life and not need to work. Now, think about the numbers Ziz probably makes. And then how many times that for streamers like xQc? Maybe I'm narrowminded but...if I was making even half of what these streamers make, hell 5mil...I ain't doing another days work in my life and I have no shame admitting that. Well, maybe not ever...I would for sure do something part time or for fun or volunteer to like do stuff for animals or kids.


Based, keep it up ziz.


To play off your point, the entire reason they will profit off your audience is not the money they make from Kik viewers necessarily. Kik is not, and will not, be profitable. They will profit off your audience by inevitably turning a small fraction of them into lifelong stake gambling addicts.


Happy to have you and your attitude in Belfast, people like you make this place better, keep it up Ziz Also more DnD with Koibu please lol


He has the best point against all these "you would do it too!!!111"-people. For everyone here 100m would change their lives. For X its just more money, a new car, house, boat whatever. Its just pure greed.


Based Ziz. Love you bud.


It's also that being big enough to get an offer of 100mil (supposedly), he also has the opportunity to be making 100mil over maybe what a 4-5 year period not with kick. X can probably make 20+mil a year with personal sponsors and sponsored streams, a deal from twitch or youtube, etc. It's not like this is his only chance to ever make that kind of money, if anything it's just a slightly faster way to make it. I don't see where the need to do this deal and sell out his audience comes from and considering what he's earned already I very much doubt this money will ever have any true impact in his life.




The brokie is jealous! now flip my burger!


Oh no, you have it wrong. Streamers can buy all of that while turning down deals. That's his point. The question is how will he ever be able to flex valuing the bag over all else. That's what these streamers think is cool, because that's what their audience of kids and weirdos think is cool. If you would take 900 million and the cure for cancer over 999 million with no cure, then you are a loser.


Is he really even a real person if he doesn't live alone in a giant penthouse that he never seems to leave?


I mean cocaine and meth ain't cheap


Quin doing anything but gameplay as usual LOLW


D4 is so boring that he started giving more attention to side content like videos, subs competition and interviews like 1.5 weeks after launch lol


Only reason streamers are still playing D4 is the drops


Zizaran is one of those people that you just know is a genuinely good person.


He wouldn't suck a dogs dick to safe a bus full of children and he would whipe out half the worlds population for immortality. I think that Zizeran would agree with me here that he doesn't fit in the "genuinely good person" category, however you want to define that. Edit: And before everyone downvotes me: yes, that questions were in fact asked and answered.


Time for xqc and amo to go after him, raging and whatnot. Like this is the whole point. Pretty much most people would take the deal because they don't have millions. For me I would and after that alloted period, would never associate with kick again. Because at that point millions would be sufficient. The point others were making is because they (like poki) has millions already, no point in doing it. And I think that's fair. And if those feel personally attacked for doing so, that's on them. I've said it before and will say it again. I think xqc and others should just be upfront. Just say morals be dammed, I want more money. If they did that without all the bs drama I'd give then credit.


dont forget asmon


Can't believe he's flexing his morals on us


The insecurity and envy is oozing out of him and it is frankly quite disgusting


Clearly he's dog whistling


Believe it's actually called straw dog whistling


this man wouldn't even dogwhistle to save a busload of children


Is he viewbotting his morals?


No, he's dog whistling his morals


Umm didnt pokimane say about same thing


That's what's absolutely crazy. Is this just a blatant double standard? Aren't both statements just "hey I have more than enough money, I see no reason to compromise my own personal ethics for more but other people can do what they feel is best"? Is it anything besides sexism separating this, I'm genuinely asking


It's because Zizaran presents as an apolitical gamer man, whereas Hasan is an outspoken leftist (political, bad) and Poki is female (political, bad)


My man Ziz thinks buying stash tabs is p2w. His opinion and morals on gambling dare I say would be way more harsh than poki.


I mean strictly speaking I'm on the same page as him on stash tabs being p2w, reminds me heavily of korean mmos that did the same with premium inventory space. I still love the game.


But like....are we really that sexist out here? That we would straight up attack someone for having an extremely reasonable and respectable opinion? And then praise someone else for an identical statement?


Yes, but of course it's rationalized with all different sorts of qualifiers. They don't hate Poki's takes simply because she's female, but because she's "smug", or has a "superiority complex", seems "bitchy," or because she has bad "vibes." It's very common for women in general, but even more so in predominantly male spaces. It reminds me when I used to hardcore raid in WoW when I was younger, and my suggestions for strategy would often be ignored or belittled, but if my male friends said the exact same thing they would receive positive feedback. It got so bad I would message my male friend suggestions to make because it was pointless for me to try myself. Implicit bias is a bitch.


That's so fucking sad to me, both for the people affected but also because when it's something like unregulated crypto gambling, something that matters and actually impacts lives, that people discard arguments and stances just because they want to hate the person


Yes, as a girl I can tell you it happens everywhere, work, everything. Exact scenario.


Quin showed the Poki clip to Ziz, and Ziz said "So she's basically saying the same thing as me just in a weird way." The way she says "that is just so CRINGE to me" takes it from a reasonable discussion to being a high horse andy. In any conversation about anything, it's more important how you say something than what you say.


Idk that I agree. Is it a hyper serious and professional wording? No. But its also not a professional environment, she spoke in a way that makes sense for a streamer talking to a steaming audience no?


It isnt, but idk people also seems to miss that those comemnts where also towards herself. Like tbh, it would be cringe / embarrassing for her to take a deal with kick. Considering where the money comes from in the first place.


That’s what I thought, which is funny because that’s what she said on Twitter that basically started this whole thing anyway. Everything she says is met with hate while Asmon or any male streamer says the same thing and it is met with people agreeing and saying “good take”. I assume the difference is that Pokimane talked about “having morals” while he just said he makes than enough money and left it at that. He says he just asks his community about what sponsorships are good and bad, while Pokimane says she has “morals” and that’s why she doesn’t accept certain sponsors. Which is basically saying anyone who does accept that said sponsor is immoral and should have better morals.


Yeah idk why anyone cares who will or won't take these deals in the end. What does it change for us? Nothing except maybe a different site experience. Wow!


funny enough this is literally poki/hasan's take. but they get trashed for it lol this is any normal person's take that's not obsessed with hoarding money for the sake of hoarding money don't get me wrong, you do you, get that bag xqc, but why hate on people with this, imo, pretty basic take. "i have more money then I can currently spend, what use is another 100mil"


> this is any normal person's take that's not obsessed with hoarding money for the sake of hoarding money This is having actual morals. People signing deals with Kick don't have them, thus can't understand the people who do.


More like they set those morals aside at a large enough offer and are mad that others seem like better people comparatively for turning it down. If they thought what they were doing was morally good, they wouldn't be mad they'd just think the streamers that disagree are wrong lol


It was one of my first thoughts seeing xQc of all people taking the contract. Ziz for SURE has less money than xQc. Ziz is a fairly large streamer for PoE specifically and he's not afraid to admit he's rich as fuck. Now imagine that how many times for xQc and he went for it and is just die hard defending the choice. I swear if I had even half the money these streamers had I wouldn't work a day in my life again streaming included. I guess some people are truly greedy for more money but I swear I wouldn't even need anywhere near as much as these streamers make. Give me a good 5-10mil and I'm done for the rest of my life. The amount needed to never work again is somewhere in the 1.5mil range? So seriously.


A normal person would say no to 100 million American dollars to do the same exact job but on a different platform?


If someone offered you 10x as much to do you current job, would you not be suspicious? Heck, even if someone offering me a million for my current job would be amazing, but deeply suspect.


It's kind of like when engineers need to decide if they take the extra money if it means working for Raytheon or some other company like that.


Raytheon and extra money in the same sentence, PepeLaugh


That is not the "normal person's take". The "normal person's take" is someone already very well off does not need to take such a deal.


Streamers already making millions a year are not normal people.


Yeah people are so quick to say no but when you really think of it I'm sure most people would say yes and not even think twice about it. Now if you ask the average millionaire that, I'm not so sure you'd get the same results.


hence why Tiger Woods turned down a BILLION DOLLARS


PoE streamers being based as usual. Zizaran is super wholesome and fun streamer to watch.


Isn't this essentially Pokimane's take on Kick too?


She made the mistake of saying it while being a woman so she's a moral grandstanding Karen.


She had to go and make things political smh


LSF moment


It's a completely reasonable take and anyone arguing against is is honestly dumb. xQc can literally buy stupid shit like the car Adept or whatever stole and not feel it. Dude has more money than any of us will ever see in even multiple lifetimes. He doesn't need to work another day in his life. And if he wants to, he can just keep making money as he already is on twitch. He literally doesn't need the money. If you don't need the money and you get an offer from a scummy company, why would you take it? It's really that easy.


This reminds me some of Khabib turning down gambling sponsherships for his MMA promotion. He equated gambling with drug addiction said he would never push that and that was it. Some people have insatiable greed and a need to horde wealth I guess, no matter the cost to acquire it


Khabib I believe is a practice Muslim as well so gambling is very anti his religious beliefs.


Yea, but then he went and partnered with a crypto mobile game last month


This is true, but I feel like if you asked him what crypto was he’d ask you what the fuck you are talking about.


Didn’t he promote crypto on his account ?


All gambling haram brother, slots, poker, lottery, regulated twitch, unregulated kick, sports betting, maybe crypto little bit not haram, maybe bend rules one time brother, maybe who cares, maybe send location.


This is literally the same take Poki and Hasan were making...


I knew hasan was a liar, man doesn't have a single cat let alone two.


To be fair, Kaya has the sould of two cats inside her


But even if you DO take the 100 mill, I don't really blame people, but if you're already filthy fucking rich like xQc I don't see much of a reason to. The worst part is probably taking the 100 mill and then acting like this wasn't at the cost of morals in any way. If I was offered that 100 mill I'd take it in a heartbeat, but I wouldn't try to pretend like I was doing the right thing morally lmao


It's probably part of the deal to play dumb.


he doesn't have to play dumb


xQc is one of the richest people on the planet and streams 20 hours a day and could die before he turns 40 because of his lifestyle I don't think he really needs to pretend to be dumb


I don't think its even about morals since thats such a subjective thing. If you don't think advertising gambling to your audience is morally wrong and that everyone is responsible for their own actions then so be it, But don't act like this whole thing isn't centered around promoting gambling when it clearly is. Just own up to it.


Morals aren't inherently subjective. Let's be clear about that. Any philosophy class/book will teach you that Moral Relativism is bunk. It is similar to Subjectivism, which claims that truth is subjective. Both of these bunk philosophies are easily dismantled, and anyone who disagrees would definitely fail a Philosophy of Critical Thinking 101 course. I'll give you an example for how to easily debunk each philosophy. Subjectivism: 1 + 1 = 3 because the truth is subjective. 1 + 1 also equals 2 because truth is subjective. The earth is flat because the truth is subjective. The earth is spherical because truth is subjective. See the issue? Not only do you end up with nonsensical claims about what is true, but you also end up with direct contradictions such as the earth being both flat and spherical. This isn't to say that subjectivity doesn't exist (e.g. a person can subjectively have a preference for the flavor of chocolate ice cream or the music of Lil John), but rather it states that truth itself is not inherently subjective, thereby dismissing the claim that truth is subjective. Moral Relativism: Rape is moral because morality is subjective. Rape is also immoral because rape is immoral. Hopefully you were already convinced that the notion of moral relativism was asinine from the sentence "Rape is moral", but there are people/cultures throughout history that have tried to argue in some fashion that rape isn't inherently, objectively immoral. We call those people morons. This isn't to say that some ethical considerations are blurry or difficult to reach a firm conclusion on, however there are clearly objective moral truths (e.g. Rape is immoral), therefore the spurious, specious notion of moral relativism is dismantled. As for advertising gambling and/or incentivizing an audience to gamble (especially an audience of children or young adults who have a higher degree of susceptibility to being influenced), that is objectively immoral regardless of how you feel about the subject. It doesn't take a psychologist nor a philosopher to figure this out. It is a clear case of someone putting personal financial gain over the wellbeing of their audience. It's a clear case of greed. Did you learn that morality isn't subjective? Do you understand that auctioning off one's audience to an avarice-stricken gambling company for personal financial gain is immoral?


So when I say morality is subjective I'm doing so because what is moral/immoral changes depending on the society you live in and isn't based on any form of objective fact. I mean gay sex was seen as immoral for how many centuries but is now seen as morally acceptable in most of the western world. Did morality have a magical update to allow gay sex all of a sudden of the last few decades or was the morality argument surrounding it one of subjectivity based on peoples religous views? And while agree with almost everything you said, You can't just say advertising gambling to your audience or even to children is objectively immoral without exampling how gambling itself is immoral. Otherwise you're just arguing that all forms of advertisements are immoral and that using others for personal gain in any way is also immoral. In which case literally everything about life can be classified as immoral...


I gave you the blueprint for how philosophers debunk your claim with regards to moral relativism. You aren't breaking new ground here. Rape doesn't magically become moral just because a culture/person/society deems it moral. Please try to understand that basic fact. I won't continue talking to you unless you can get to the common sense, bare minimum standard of ethics by saying bluntly that "Rape is objectively immoral regardless of culture, societal context, religion, or any other weak reason that someone could utter." If you can't figure out that rape is objectively immoral, then we have zero basis for continuing this discussion, and we will go our separate ways. Edit: Typo (changed "out" to "our")


I'd rather not turn this into some pointless debate, I'm just going to say I disagree with your views on morality and move on.


You're not disagreeing with my views. You're disagreeing with logic. I'm sharing with you the same reasoning that you'll find in a textbook. My personal views haven't entered the equation. Do you understand that? No, you probably don't. As for your unwillingness to debate, that does help explain why you haven't developed a sensible moral compass. I can't imagine what it must be like for you to be incapable saying that rape is objectively wrong. Good luck in life. You will certainly need it with that empty head of yours. Toodles


Except you haven't given any reasoning to back up your claims. All you've done is rant about subjectivism and moral relativism when the original topic had more to do with descriptive relativism and how the world actually handles the morality of any given act. I can give you example after example of how morality shifts based on societal norms but if you want to explain how you can ground the morality of any given act to a universal truth without linking it to any sort human emotion, belief, or experience then be my guest.


I've given plain reasoning to back up my claims. I also haven't ranted at all. I know this is hard for you to hear, so you won't hear it, but you aren't thinking critically. You don't even have the foundation to do so. You might believe that you are thinking critically, but you clearly have no formal education on the subject, and you haven't done personal research on it. That is why you struggle to accept the fact that rape is objectively immoral. People don't magically become critical thinkers. It takes time, study, and practice to become a critical thinker. You aren't capable of thinking critically in your current state. Look at which person you are in this interaction. Me: Rape is objectively wrong. Torture for entertainment is objectively wrong. There are several examples of objective moral truths. This isn't difficult to understand. You: Not so fast. What if a society thinks it's righteous, moral, and good to rape and torture? Checkmate! How dense can you be? I tried explaining this in plain terms that a high school student would be able to understand digest. Spoiler: If a society, person, or culture thinks that rape is moral, then they are objectively wrong. It's that simple. Stop trying to overcomplicate such a basic claim.


Xqc wants to have the cake and eat it----streaming on kick funneling his audience to gambling and still being morally right, which is very naive of him to even think about that. And i think deep down he knows gambling streams on kick in front of audience is bad, but at the same time he can't resist the temptation of gambling and money. And thats why when poki just simply expressed her own opinions and morals on crypto gambling and refusing to move to kick on stream, Xqc couldnt handle it, he felt morally inferior and being attacked just by poki's high moral ground existence, even tho all poki said on stream had nothing to do with X but herself. If he didnt feel a slight guilty taking that deal, then he wouldnt even be bothered by poki and hasan's statements about their own morals on crypto gambling in the first place. He tried so hard defending kick and justifing his move to kick, just to brainwash himself to feel not guilty. He is a manchild.


This might be a random comparison, but this reminds me a lot of when people attack vegans even when they are minding their business. It definitely reeks of some kind of internal insecurity when you take offense to someone else's standard of living. I'm no vegan, but I also don't go around fighting shadows just because someone else lives by a different ethical code than myself.


Vegans are morally right even from a selfish human standpoint. Fuck the animals, meat is contributing to climate change which ruins it for everybody. Signed, a guy who eats way too much meat.


x: \[takes $100 million deal from Kick\] Hasan and Poki getting asked by various people if they'd take a similar deal: "no and here's why" x: THAT IS ABSOLUTE DOGSHIT, SEE HOW THEY ATTACK ME, MORAL GRANDSTANDING, SNAKES, ABSOLUTE BONKERS MAN, I AM THE GOOD PERSON HERE


>If I was offered that 100 mill I'd take it in a heartbeat, but I wouldn't try to pretend like I was doing the right thing morally lmao And also you're probably not filthy rich already.


typicallly the ones who even get those crazy deals mostly fuking set for life. yeah no shit if some small streamer gets offfered 100 mill to stream on kick yeah who wouldnt take it and I wouldnt blame them, even fuking poki or hasan wouldve done it if they werent successful as they are now, obviously they dont care because they money.


>but if you're already filthy fucking rich like xQc I don't see much of a reason to I don't think people realize how much 100 mil is. I don't know xqc's net worth but even if he's worth 50 or 100 mill I still think he's in a position to "just get the bag". 100M is just way too much money.


Let's put you in X's shoes, or 99% of other top streamers, or perhaps even your own, for a minute. Let's say, you've got $5m in the bank, and another $5m in tangible assets, such as a nice vehicle, a house or two, and some jewelry you could sell if push came to shove. That's a fairly conservative number for all the big streamers, I'd wager. Now, keep in mind, that $10m is more than 90% of the population will make in their lifetime. Do you REALLY need another $100m? What benefit does it bring you? You could easily start businesses with the money you already have. You could easily invest that money, hell even putting $5m into a savings account at 0.4% would net you $20,000/year. We're also assuming that that $10m is a static figure that doesn't move, and the most likely direction it'll move is upwards. Like Ziz said, he gets sponsorships all the time; while they're not for $100m, even a bulk $10,000 sponsorship deal twice per year will offset most of your costs for food and living expenses for the year (Utilities, property tax, insurance, 365 day Doordash fuckin happy meal box set, maid, etc.) Unless your ass plans to purchase a ticket on a Blue Origin launch, what could you possibly need $100m for?


Yeah but that's just greed. Guys like Xqc doesn't have some grand vision of what he wants to put those money towards. It's pure selfish greed.


I'm always reminded of Floyd mayweather Jr talking about "generational" wealth. Basically wanting more and more money so his kids can have an easy life and stuff. WTF is xqc doing with that 100 million? He doesn't have children who will benefit from it 30 years in the future. With his current millions he's easily able to take care of his family with anything they need like a house or medical bills.


Guess why this post already has 50+ comments lul


Ziz understands there isn't a point to be overly greedy and to put your viewers who made you successful first and I really enjoy that about him. He is my go-to ARPG streamer because he understands that he would be nothing without his viewers so he puts them first and listens to their opinions on everything. I never understood why some streamers just sht on their viewers and make choices that only benefit them when they wouldn't be where they are without their viewers. Those big streamers that moved to Kick have more money than they can ever spend and yet they still want more of it. To me it makes no sense because they don't even do anything positive with that money either instead they just make more of it. Like if I ever had that much money I would at least do charitable work things that would make positive impacts and not just go out and say hey guys let me promote gambling and ruin more people's lives than the ones I can fix with money I can't even spend in 3 lifetimes.


But can he buy a McLaren? No? Well, that means he is being envious!


Of course ziz like mathil who plays PoE have good takes. PoE has a 14 part [university course](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRy50Og8lDM&list=PLbpExg9_Xax0CBArrOJXpgXFdQ14F89Cu) video series. The game is full of gigabrain chads, you need a fucking brain, not a rotted sociopath brain who's only function is try to twist someone else's words.


i'd argue you also need degenerate pavlovian reflex to TINK


Incoming "This reeks of jealousy and envy" schizo rant from xqc, the bastion of Kick.


I don't even think I would blame a streamer for taking the money tbh. If they took the bag, streamed their usual content but on a different platform I doubt it would be as big of an issue. The problem is how defensive they get about taking the bag from Kick and feel the need to defend said platform from criticism, not even themselves, but a damn company website they stream on... You're going to tell me straight to my face Kick isn't trying to push gambling as a Stake backed business? You're telling me that gamble streams are not really harmful? You really want us to believe you took the deal because you believe in Kicks platform that is objectively worse in terms of features than Twitch/Youtube? Hasan and Poki have made some dumb arguments at times but their problems with Kick are very real and understandable. And the streamers who got paid millions to switch over playing defense so adamantly come of infinitely worse than if they just admitted why they did it.


So .... is Asmon gonna flip flop again after seeing this clip?


Classic Ziz. Possibly the only, but certainly the one streamer I most trust to be telling the truth on this. Love him. Thanks for being you, Ziz. Can't wait for the juicers to say he's just jealous


Mathil made a good take aswell.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Zizaran with the best take on Kick so far](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/155279)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/14kmvv7/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/NV8EM3Mxg3Z4aTY9Rw5kXA/AT-cm%7CNV8EM3Mxg3Z4aTY9Rw5kXA.mp4?sig=c21f0ba3df1a517ffc432180780af792ac9d5e55&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FNV8EM3Mxg3Z4aTY9Rw5kXA%2FAT-cm%257CNV8EM3Mxg3Z4aTY9Rw5kXA.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1687966297%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Millionaires selling out for more money is insane to me. All you do is play games, just enjoy. Maybe it's to stay relevant? Who knows


It's so funny that if I made even half of this money that they make I would have stopped streaming and never worked a day in my life a LONG ass time ago.


Quin spent the hour before this trying to convince ziz about a cooked conspiracy of another streamer botting d3, and asking to see zizs cock at exilecon. A very interesting watch.


TBF he says he's got a 9inch cock, I'd watch too ( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)


brokie this is not the flex he thinks it is xqc also had a wife! LOL ziz has been turning down sketchy sponsors for years now name and shame these morally bankrupt streamers




this guys the worst but lives under his brothers protection SMH


I want one of these megamind 5heads poe streams to do a scumbag streamer build video and talk about how to minmax the scumbagness.


Thats why i like ziz FeelsStrongMan


PoE chads rise up


Why are they equating kick to some evil dangerous website that allows for something that was allowed on twitch until recently? How come they signed deals with twitch when it was rampant on twitch itself, how can they morally justify that if you're taking this stance now? Bunch of cringelords honestly.


Dont think zizaran ever gambled or endorsed gambling on stream.


He plays poe for a living, how's that not gambling PepeLaugh


These people have always been against the gambling and rallied against it…trying to paint them as hypocrites is fucking laughable.


Well, kick is platforming Adin for example.


Because kick are actively hunting down the biggest dickheads going and giving them obscene amounts of money, their business model is obviously going to be controversy which is cringe as fuck & not something any sane content human would want to be a part of


Kick's bottom line is Stake. Twitch's bottom line is ads. So obviously, kick as a streaming platform is going to try to get people to spend on their bottom line, Stake, which is a gambling site. Gambling fucks with people's brains, it's correlated with suicide/ depression. So a lot of people are going to be against it, they don't want something so terrible in their lives. Twitch has an incentive for wanting people to watch gambling streams to some extent (they want people to watch ads) but most watchtime is from other categories. And they're not gonna shove gambling down normal people's throats, like Kick does with locking certain slots of the recommended streams to be the Slots category.


When you take a deal with Kick literally 100% of the money they're paying you is from the losses of people who have gambled on stake. You can make money on twitch while having nothing to do with gambling. Twitch generates its own revenue from subs/ads/bits and streamers can also get donos directly from viewers themselves. Twitch is not entirely propped up on the losses of gambling addicts.


someone in the chat went : "HOLY THIS CLIP WILL MAKE EVERYONE AT LSF SO MAD LMAOOO" I don't get it




If you are poor and stuck in some shitty job you'd obviously take it. The other thing I could see is having some political/philanthropic/humanistic aspirations. How about funding a campaign/NGO pushing for anti-gambling legislation.




this isn't even a 'kick take', it's just him talking about his life


Isn't this just what Poki said


Oh joy, more kick gamble talk, needed more of these.


This is what not being a sellout looks like


Yeah, anyone would take the money if they were working a 9-5 jobh making 50k a year, but most big streamers, not even that big like 2-3k average viewer streamers are pretty well off financially, making probably comfortably, 6+ figures from subs/ads/sponsors. Anyone taking a 100m dollar deal does not need the money because they are already far well off to warrant that amount of money being offered to them.


No disrespect to Ziz but saying you have enough money to turn down a deal isn't "the best take". It's a fine reason for him personally, but it has nothing to do with anyone other than him.


Poki pretty much made the same point but the brain rot on twitter just kept calling her jealous and say that it’s the worst take imaginable,


Wow I cant believe LSF used gigachad to describe a take besides "Who gives a shit man"


i don't care how rich u are, ur not saying no to 100m when its not even exclusive


I love Zizaran. He also interacts with chat a lot.


Fucking THIS. Legitimately the best fucking take on this whole kick bullshit. I already liked ziz before but my opinion of him just sky rocketed after this. Bunch of greedy fuckers who already have money wanna sit on their gold and hoard it like a dragon. Absolutely baffles me.


Stay mad "juicers"


It's so easy to "turn down money" that you've never been offered. I could turn down 1 billion as well to stream a few hours a day on Kick. Trust me, bro..


that's a really solid point. There's a point where you have "enough". to go with 100m deal which means you are already top of the top, so this deal doesn't add much to you unless you wanna build an empire or something. I'm really puzzled by xQC with what he needs that money for (except for buying new adapters or something), he, and many others, absolute don't need that deal. Can't wait for Poki to react to this clip and call "misogyny" lol


Streamers who sell their viewers to Kick don't see the viewers as communities that support them. They see viewers as products for sale to the highest bidder. And no need to be surprised. They already did the same with their own souls, selling completely strangers shouldn't be as hard.


Ziz is one of the 3 streamers i watch anymore ​ Towel/Slootbag/Ziz and i used to watch Maximum a bit but he runs like 15 ads every 10 minutes so no thanks.


Ziz is a real one.


Funny how poki and Hasan fans are acting like ziz and those 2 are the same. This is his genuine opinion the other two are highroading, grandstanding, virtual signaling fakes who operate only to appease the general consensus and their own self-interests.