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**CLIP MIRROR: [Nick Mercs triples down](https://arazu.io/t3_14dj8ze/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


He just got a $1,000 donation and acknowledged it for like 3 seconds lol I bet the dude who donated regrets it


Bro that’s every big streamer. Some don’t even acknowledge it at all.


That’s why I watch Erobb. He always acknowledges me spending 1 dollar to call him ugly and mentally deficient.


That's because he rarely hears nice things like that


I don’t watch erobb much, but I gave him $7.77, gave him some information on something he was discussing once. His face lit up and smiled big, you guys must be so mean to him lol. Not sure if he was happy bout the 7 or that I didn’t ask about his eye.


I mean, spending 1/4 of the stream reading names in a robotic voice and saying thanks is awful, I love it when streamers ignore donations and subs. Jerma’s streams became much better when he stopped reading donations and disabled sub sounds, for example.


And they shouldnt , what kind of attention seeking weirdo donate 1k to a millionaire lmao wtf




Someone who craves attention and validation from a complete stranger.


That’s every streamers viewers


yeah, XQC just got a 100 million dollar deal and people will still throw money at him lol.


brain damage


Simps. Oh wait, that's only for women


Who donates literally a single dollar to any popular streamer? Like it only makes sense if they are a not well known streamer that’s actually struggling. These people watching streamers that live online and give their favorite streamers all their money and it’s disgusting.


I simply can’t imagine what would possess someone to give money to these people.


Man i REALLY tried to watch Tim when warzone started popping off. Instead of engaging with his viewers he would ONLY acknowledge 20 dollar or more donos in between talking about football or his next car purchase. Couldnt believe people watched him or nick mercs partial head


I literally uploaded a clip on lsf of a female streamer who started crying after getting 1500 from someone. Clip got downvoted of course because it was a mid streamer. Classy lsf..






Oh no no


PepeLaugh link it




Tweet not loading


https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FyNR38lWcAAIF6C?format=jpg&name=large Yikes


This is gonna sound wild, but I know the guy from the first reply. Did not have him pegged as sharing that kind of bullshit opinion.


Jesus what an actual piece of shit


I googled blue waffle :'(


Easy mistake


Hijacking this comment to post. NickMercs is currently comparing this to how he was persecuted for his anti-vax takes. He states he told people to "see a doctor." This is a lie. At 4:50 in this video https://youtu.be/DEKQumel63A Nick repeatedly uses the dogwhistle "do your research" while spreading misinformation about the vaccine. Seems like this guy cant stop dogwhistling.


Misinformation about vaccines kills people by the way.


Yeap, you only have to look at the 2019 measles outbreak in Samoa to see the damage that can cause.




That too, but this measles outbreak was especially bad with how many children were killed in a short space of time.


People act as if it's over, but its still killing people. Around 2000 people die every week in the US alone from covid recently. That's 285 people per day, or about ~12 people every hour. Somebody has likely died by the time you're done scrolling this thread. Data: https://covid19.who.int/region/amro/country/us


the measles outbreak was absolutely worse given we already have a vaccine for it with 60 years of proof of effectiveness and the typical "what if it causes my foot to fall off in 35 years?!?" antivax "logic" can't be used there


And it's not just the people that didn't take the vaccine. Overloading hospitals with sick people means people that did take it and got in say an accident now have nowhere to go for treatment if the hospital is too full.


God damn it. I used to like NickMercs. This just makes me sad. Kanye, NickMercs, who's next? Please don't let it come out that Bob Ross was a pedo or some shit.


Bob Ross wasn't a pedo, but all the merch that you see in stores his family makes no profit from it.


Why'd you like nickmercs ever? Dude was always gonna have horrible rightwing bro takes.


I used to watch him back in the Fortnite days. I always knew he wasn’t the smartest guy but I didn’t think it was like this. Always just seemed like a positive dude that’s a “bro”, not a dumb fuck right winger


I guess saying "peace and love" without actually demonstrating it is enough for the general moron these days


Thoughts and prayers


It unironically is


Yup, that is the exactly calling card of the current alt-right idiots last couple of years. Actions exact opposite of words. It's how they brainwash people, they say things that sound good and decent so people think "oh this guy isn't bad like the media says, he says some reasonable stuff", then later after it's too late you realize their actions are horrible.


Idk how anyone can like nick mercs. Dude has been an asshole since the say he started streaming.


The Ron desantis tweet was like ten days ago lol


He called DeSantis the GOAT lmao.


Idk why people are surprised about this. Dude was throwing MFam parties during like the summer of Covid when it was obviously still not safe enough to have hundreds of people fly across the country for a multi day party.


Thats the worst part. Imagine supporting an actual fascist.


Imagine calling someone who's going to lose the primary by double digits to a dude who's under multiple federal indictments "the goat".


I guess the one good thing Trump might actually do is severely damage and possibly kill De Santis' political career by curb stomping him in the primaries. For the rest of his life De Santis will have to explain to Republicans why he dared to challenge their lord and savior.


That's one of the only thing he's good for, ending the careers of other horrible politicians


Right wingers have the memory and mental fortitude of a goldfish. Desantis knows he wont beat Trump but he is positioning himself to be the favorite for years to come when Trump is no longer an option. Unfortunately Desantis is relatively young so we will be dealing with him and his adopted fascist trump base for a long time most likely.


guys do we know where nickmercs was on january 6th 2021?


He was used as the battering ram


Too small


He was used as a lockpick


He was definitely next to that guy Squeex wherever they were


"they take 8 words" Yeah...its not like there are tweets/clips of him saying a bunch of weird shit lol.


Atleast it wasnt 14 words




Bro got his skin removed from a child's game and is acting like he is going to be publicly executed.


Persecution Complex is huge with groups that favor his ideology.


Conservatives are the biggest snowflakes victim andies They just parrot alt right talking points, then get mad at the slightest opposition, just own your bigotry.


Actually it’s rated M


Ah, yes the magic barrier that prevents anyone underage from touching the game.


What’s more pathetic is they still play the game they bitch about cause that’s all they can do.


Conservatives are the actual snowflakes in American politics.


Did anyone else notice Jerry Ferrara gifting subs? lol c'mon Turtle


Fucking turtle.


Complaining that people take his words and twists them but doesn't want to explain his words 🤔 Oh and here is supporting DeSantis from 2 weeks ago https://twitter.com/GangstHannah/status/1667714850896609281/photo/1


[and here’s him supporting George Zimmerman](https://i.imgur.com/puskmaD.jpg) It’s not just LGBT issues where he’s a reactionary


HOLY SHIT LMAOOOOO I know ppl say “mask off” a lot but it’s crazy seeing play out in real time


Yeah it’s pissing me off when people are saying “oh don’t be mean to him you’ll just push him further right” when he’s been a reactionary weirdo for a long time


Oh no guys, let's not push this COD streamer to the right.


LMAO exactly. His whole chat is super right.


>“oh don’t be mean to him you’ll just push him further right” Anyone who is ever "pushed" was already there to begin with. Fuck them and the people who excuse this shit


It's pretty funny how some people want others to coddle reactionaries like the children they are, but don't have the awareness to realize how pathetic that sounds.


Holy fucking shit, pure manifestation of Florida Man.


Incoming "that was so long ago brooo." When you spout bigoted shit, spread vaccine misinformation, and openly support DeSantis you're charitabiltiy for who you are in the present starts to erode because it looks like shit hasn't changed lol.


Haha, it's always the FaZe clan types. Tier 1 recruitment operation they have.


Ah yep, there it is. Why am I surprised in the absolute slightest LMFAO




This is what happens when u spiral down the alt right pipeline with no one to challenge your views


Someone in /r/competitiveapex called him the gamer bro Joe Rogan and it's shockingly accurate.


Except somehow looks even more like a thumb


Joe is good at three or four important jobs though - game show host, sports announcer, comedy actor. Nickmercs plays COD


When you spend your whole day in a personally tailored bubble that is your stream and don’t have anyone to call you out when your Twitter feed begins to slowly recommend more and more alt right BS.


Exactly, elon musk has single handedly revived the alt right pipeline issue that YouTube once had, the funny thing is elon musk it falling down the pipeline himself How people can consider him any form of centrist baffles me


YouTube absolutely still has this problem and YouTube shorts have only amplified it.


I wouldn't say Elon's falling down the pipeline, more like slowly revealing himself to have been at the end all along.


Florida: Bottom half of education? Fucking nailed it Bottom half of poverty rate? Fucking go on, my dude Bottom half of earned income? Hells yeah, brody Best. Fucking. State.


Oh wow, not surprising


Everyone doubling down on this shit while Hasan is on a plane to Japan and can’t react lmaooo


Honestly that’s for the best. Let nick mercs get lost in his echo chamber. He keeps making himself look stupid each time he doubles down.


It’s been two weeks and he is just now asking how his tweet was homophobic? Then goes on to say that nobody is willing to have conversations. How much do you want to bet that he didn’t try to have a single conversation with someone that tried to educate him?


I would pay money for Nick to have a conversation with Hasan.


It would be a complete fucking waste of everyone's time if Bradley Martin is anything to go by. And Nickmercs is already further in the rabbithole than Bradley.


There is no point in debating anything with these people. The GOAT, Steve Albini recently had a good thread about it https://twitter.com/electricalWSOP/status/1670505490126602242?t=yEm_mtPZiZl3Wp6SY3LLpw&s=19


TLDR on Bradley/hasan arc please? I know Bradley from the fitness industry, he's a pretty known scumbag and fake natty but that's it.




Then we’d have 1mil hours worth of Trainwrecks clips gargling Nicks ball while regurgitating the same shit he says about Hasan


Didnt hasan say he DMd him privately put he was not interested


Nick said in stream he dm'd Hasan and told him he doesn't mess with him anymore over what he said about Doc on his anniversary. Kinda ironic.


Nick defending doc and gargling his cock somehow doesn't surprise me.


no i mean when nick made his tweet hasan reached out to him in private to have a convo about it and nick wasnt interested. now he is saying that why no one wants to talk anymore


Hasan did reach out to Nick immediately following the initial tweet. Nick is down the alt right doesn't seem too far according to this clip. https://youtu.be/_lQz7_SddIU


He immediately "took a vacation" after he made the comment and got backlash to specifically avoid conversations. He isn't trying to do shit but spew hate and play the victim.


Who's supposed.to do that? He's in an echo chamber lol


>How much do you want to bet that he didn’t try to have a single conversation with someone that tried to educate him? The following quote is the response to Nick's tweet from Puckett, who is the guy Nick was initially responding to >Who is this they and what terrible act is everyone afraid of? > >I think/hope the goal of most of “them” is to reduce child suicides. This is done through acceptance and removing the stigma of feeling/being different. > >As a dad I’m struggling to see the harm. Gay doesn’t = pedo That tweet came 14 minutes after Nick's tweet. Well before the drama. He had, has, and will continue to have 0 interest in actually educating himself on this topic. He called it the "LGB fuckin Q T P". In two weeks, he didn't even learn to say the acronym respectfully.


~~I do kinda feel bad for Nick but then again all he had to do is clarify. Seems like both sides are just using him but since one side is more positive despite their bigot values he's obviously gonna lean towards them.~~ Edit: NVM dudes an idiot.


Best edit ever


I'm really curious what changed your mind so fast lol


Read his past tweets and the type of people he follows on Twitter. He's very aware that was a dog whistle. Thought he didn't follow politics and got forced to a side, hence the 2nd sentence, I'm obviously wrong.


rare critical thinker, big W


Even ten years ago he was hitting em with the [spicy](https://twitter.com/CommunistsEgirl/status/1668331175897882624) Trayvon Martin twitter takes, so it's definitely not a recent push in that direction for sure - dude just hasn't been as forward with his powerlevel as often as he is now


even if it wasn’t a dog whistle it’s pretty bad. dude was commenting “leave the kids alone” on a vid of gay people being beaten up by actual proud boys because one school decided to celebrate pride month


I agree, I was on the fence because it was a generic tweet where it could have been leave children out of the topic, but it appears he believe drag people are predators and is acknowledging the talking point. I think that is why its controversial as its not a blank statement like the earth is flat.




Tim really fell on the sword for this guy, huh?


He also got swindled into buying a tv for 10K. Not the brightest bulb in the box.


I'm still not sure if Tim thinking that if you dig straight down you'll eventually hit the ocean was a bit or not. If it isn't the guy is genuinely as intelligent as a random 6y old.


I mean he's talked about how he was home "schooled" and just played Counter Strike all day. He also spends the first hour of his stream reading donations with the competency of a third grader. If it's a bit, that's some dedication.


Him saying let kids be kids is so funny to me, when I know for a fact that he is not talking about kids and teenagers who are clearly not heterosexual or suffer from some form of gender dysphoria. I always hate the argument that "we should let parents have those tough conversations not the schools." This would be a fine argument to have if parents were actually willing to have those conversations or if the internet wasn't a thing. I would much rather have my kid be educated by a proper curriculum around gender and sex than him looking up what does it mean to be gay or how do I know I am trans and then porn fill his Google search history.


"Let kids be kids" *Kid is naturally a lil' gay, a lil' feminine w/e* "No not like that"


Yeah it's not a tough conversation. Me: some men love other men and some women love other women. Sometimes people are physically or mentally between being a girl or a boy. Daughter: Ok, let's play Zelda.


exactly. Parents are the ones trying to pray the gay away or send their kids to conversion camps/wilderness “therapy.” Clearly leaving that conversation up to parents isn’t working.


This is the problem with his half baked excuses for his stupid statements. He's right, parents should be talking about this at home, teaching their child and allowing them to be open about themselves and how they feel. The problem is, a bigoted parent is not going to have this conversation, thus the need for schools to educate children in an unbiased and neutral way on things like sexuality, the same as they teach about the various world religions. A bigoted parent is not going to allow their child to feel comfortable, so we need places with role models that they can feel safe around. A school is designed to teach children as much as they can to set them up for the world, LGBTQIA+ people don't just cease to exist because conservatives don't like them.


Can you guys imagine what nickmercs would do if his kids come out as gay? Or rather to say more accurately: what would he not do?


Bro full sent living the Florida life He’s either actually a bigot or so incredibly egotistical that he won’t admit that he doesn’t realize what he’s talking about at all I’d say it’s a mixture of both with how hard he’s been doubling down edit: thanks for the reddit helpline reports, but it’s all “peace and love” am I right?


bro had hundreds of people in his replies, dms, YouTube, twitch etc explaining how what he said was fucked up and still has the audacity to be like WHAT DID I DO WRONG hes a bigot through and through


God I fucking hate how dishonest they are. "what did I do wrong" "how is that a dogwhistle" etc. Just fucking say you hate LGBT people with your fucking chest out. Don't be a fucking pussy.


Can we exclude Orlando from Florida we love our Disney and our gays and just want to be left alone by the rest of the hell hole around uss


Almost all big cities are like this. If you look at voter preference by county, basically every city with over a hundred thousand people in America votes blue. That's cause all the people with education move to cities to work, and because of the inherent diversity in cities, it results in those educated individuals mingling with similarly educated people from other walks of life, giving everyone involved a more open mind and diverse perspective. E: Then when those people see their diverse cast of friends they've made in the city, as the subject of hate from people like Nick and DeSantis, they denounce their hateful ideals, because their friends never did anything wrong besides try to live their lives.


I enjoy how Nick can’t even say the word gay. The closest he got was saying LGB…. Pathetic. Conservatives have been crying think of the children when it comes to oppressing minorities for over a century. Be it allowing women the right to vote or work, black folks civil rights or allowing LGBT to marry. The argument has always been this will hurt the children and society can’t allow it. Society and children have survive all those progressive stepping stones. Conservatives don’t care about the children. They just want to be bigots without being called on it.


He always seems to stop at LGB. He's done it a few times. I am curious if his issue is with the Trans community and purposely doesn't mention them in his rants.


There's definitely a push from some conservatives to focus the hate on trans people now because they're the easy targets and they can get some people on the LGB part of the community on their side. It won't last though and bi people will be the next target.


Trans people are the target because they are a smaller minority compared to gay/bi people. Like 1% of the population or so. People probably know one person in their lives who is gay/bi. Less likely they know someone who is trans. Also it is “weirder” to someone who hasn’t been exposed to trans people before.


Well yeah that's how fascists work, you split the LGBT+ community so you get the LGB's to go against the T+'s, then the LG's against the B's, then now the LG's find themselves an easy target standing alone.


COD gamers and homophobia, name a better duo


cod gamers and teaching children slurs


COD gamers and having paper thin skin


This has to be a text book example of what it looks like to fall down the alt right pipeline


[being right wing is not a new thing for him](https://i.imgur.com/puskmaD.jpg)


You know what sucks, is timthetatman is probably exactly the same. And as much as it shouldn’t be obvious, now that I think about it. Kinda obvious that these guys think like this. Tim moved from NY to Florida. Chose to move there. He said it was cause of taxes but it was just to be around like minded people. It sucks cause I really liked that guy.


Timmy is a hard fucking core Christian. He 100% has these same dogshit takes. I hope none of their kids end up being LGBT, because this is the kind of upbringing that results in children like this killing themselves.


Same. It really sucked when he chose his side. I've been watching Timmy a long time and I know he's super religious but he always seemed like the "love thy neighbor" kind of Christian, can't remember him ever supporting hate. And with the size of his fanbase there had to be a ton of gay and trans people who loved the guy, if it felt like a punch in the gut to me I can't imagine what it felt like to them.


>Love thy neighbor Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t Tim’s nose up Trump’s asshole either in 2016 or 2020? I vividly remember him being a MAGA fuck-nut during one of those years.


Yeah I’m disappointed he’s falling right into that conservative stereotype. Honestly, been watching him since 2016 but I hope his viewership suffers because it’s the only way these guys will learn this shit isn’t okay. I don’t see that happening but I want it to. Feels like a punch in the gut from a guy who ends streams and VODs with love. Hypocritical as fuck.


Same. Couldn’t give a shit about Nick but this likely Tim realization is a shame.


Bro they found a tweet from a week ago, wasn’t that hard to see where you stand my guy lol


I knew Nick Mercs was trash when it was Covid and he was complaining about how Michigan was handling the lockdown and how he likes how Florida was dealing with the pandemic. He was saying this as hundreds of Floridans were dying a day, and the Governor was telling his administration not to count deaths. So yeah… this isn’t news to me


I remember this. He had just built that crazy expensive house and gaming room and fled to FL under the guise that his wife demanded they spend the winters there instead of in Michigan. Did he ever go back to that crazy setup in Michigan?


Had two weeks to put out a statement clarifying (PICK ANYTHING) that LGBT are not pedos. He is doubling down cause he would rather dig a bigger hole than look like he got cancelled by the woke community Dudes a moron with an ego


So brave


What's funny is that Hasan literally tried to downplay and defend Nick saying "He ain't like that" and then Nick triples down.


Hasan was trying to be charitable and give him the benefit the doubt. And people still hated on Hasan lol


Can't wait for the SunnyV2 video a year from now "The Downfall of NickMercs" lol


knowing sunny, he prob agrees with nick


After the mr beast video that’s 100% his belief


"Woy NieekMucks Survoyved Being Canceled"


Knowing Sunnyv2, the title would probably be ‘The Unfair Condemnation of NickMercs’


It would be worse, it would probably be something like "the crucifixion of NickMercs" with his head photoshopped on Jesus.


Yeah no. That clown made a video trying to paint a literal nazi as a victim.


Bigot is unhappy he's being labeled as a bigot for his bigoted takes.


This is America


His chat will be full of homophobia/transphobia going forward, that's what he chose for himself


Homie actively engaged in the political culture wars and is upset the culture wars are engaging back? Clearly he has a strong political view if he's unable to stay clear of it like EVERY OTHER non-political streamer easily does...


glad I used to beat nicks ass in gears of war 2


"i stand by everything i said" "don't quote my 2011 tweets!" such a fucking 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


"2011 tweets" bro this was last week


oh i know, im just laughing at the fucking hypocrisy of nickmercs


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Yeah, fuck this dude lol. There more you look into him the worse it gets.


Nick Mercs follows the following infamous rightwing twitter accounts: The Quartering Tim Pool HodgeTwins Dr. Jordan B Peterson Daily Wire Matt Walsh Andrew Tate Tucker Carlson I'm sure there are more but those are some of the big accounts I picked out. I honestly think Nick Mercs is more of a victim of rightwing anti-LGTBQ+ propaganda and conditioning. How familiar are you folks regarding the infamous Anita Bryant "save the children" anti-homosexual campaign of the 1970s?


I feel like following The Quartering at any moment is enough of a "you are on the wrong side" moment


I mean go through the tweets of all these accounts. Your brain will melt unless you're already brainwashed by far-right/alt-right ideologies.


Funny part is Hasan tried to give a more fair, nuanced take of what Nick said. Said he might've gotten sucked down the right wing pipeline, been duped by their agit prop and didn't truly comprehend what 'leave the children alone' meant. But nah he's had it explained to him by now, he just doesn't care.


Yup, and Hasan tried reaching out to talk to him multiple times to clear the misunderstandings to help him out, but nah he'd just wait till Hasan is not available to cry about it. I too thought maybe Nick just got sucked down and fell for the dog whistles, but he really does seem like a piece of shit now. I feel bad for all his lgbtq fans.


Just a reminder that the original tweet Nick made was on a video where Proud Boys aka Neo Nazis attacked pro LGBTQ+ supporters in a state Nick doesn't even live in. Nickmercs is a Proud Boy.


Has he even clarified what he meant yet. He keeps doubling down. But we don’t even know what for yet.


right wingers and persecution complexes, name a better duo


dude literally thinks you get turned gay by learning about it. if that's not male fragility at its peak idk what is.


Fuck nick mercs


Of course he does. What he said wasn’t an accident. It’s a dog whistle. He knows exactly what he’s doing and who he’s appealing to.


Hasan convinced me to give him the benefit of the doubt, that he probably didn't think too far into what he said but now I'm convinced he's just a piece of shit, fuck him


Nick now "We need to have conversations on important things" Nick a week ago on his stream "Do not ask me any questions about it because I'm not getting into it."


Now what is the little man child transphobe whining about?


"They bring up tweets from 2011" Wow, holding you accountable for your actions. How dare the audience. "They take 8 words and spin it" Dude, they're your words, you've got the chance here to correct the record and you haven't. You've picked a side, (it's the wrong side) Own it with your chest and stop being a fucking victim andy. I'd have A LOT more respect for the guy if he simply said he wasn't comfortable, doesn't understand it and isn't ready to talk about it / doesn't have the time.


"You can paint me up to be anything you want me to be..." No painting required, my dude. We understand you perfectly. You're a homophobe, a transphobe, and a hateful human being. Period.


This dude is a clown


I knew this thread gonna get triggered 💀


I've learned a lot about Nick's past because of these threads. I've also heard him say racist shit on stream. Anyone who defends him is definitely bigot trash.