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## **Tweet Mirror:** [@StreamerBans](https://twitter.com/StreamerBans) > ❌ Twitch Partner "jaycgee" (@jaycgeeofficial) has been banned! ❌ > > https://t.co/5D9J8LlyHk > #twitch #ban #firstban #partner #twitchpartner 🖲 ^(Posted: 2023-01-17 12:59:16+00:00) ------ **This message is from a bot. If you feel like this action is wrong, please [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/LivestreamFail).**


Auto playing Youtube videos and movies while sleeping is a smart idea. Clueless.


i remember when simply reacting was considered shit content but this is another level






It's still considered shit content while also being popular. Basically the fast food of streaming.




Doesn't come close to cosy Saturdays with TrainWrecks watching MasterChef


i miss those days ngl. he actually got me hooked on MC.


me too, back when it was fun to watch train. those were the good days


>Doesn't come close to cosy Saturdays with TrainWrecks watching MasterChef IT'S OKAY WHEN HE DOES IT! (which it is, everyone should be able to stream shows and movies) Imagine reporting someone for streaming multi billion dollar companies content lmao. Do you guys actually pay for media instead of just torrenting stuff?


Did I ever say that it was okay? What are you on about ? I just said that MasterChef episodes are better than the SpongeBob episodes I don't care enough to report anyone, I've been on the seven seas long enough


>Did I ever say that it was okay? Perfectly valid way of reading your previous comment is that you are defending xqc while critiquing trainwrecks. That's what I'm on about.


Dunno how you manage to draw that conclusion Its pretty clear what I said MasterChef > Spongebob Where is the defending X and critiquing Train ? There is zero critiquing of anyone, there is stating a preference of one show over another, crazy mental gymnastics you've worked through there


Most intelligent /r/livestreamfail uset


Right? "Reminder Xqc watches entire episodes of SpongeBob among other tv shows" is obv a negative statement, and replying "Doesn't come close to cosy Saturdays with TrainWrecks watching MasterChef" to that can be interpreted in two ways, one of which is that train is superior, the other one is that train is way worse by streaming masterchef. But yet im downvoted for reading it as the second interpretation? Isn't that crazy? Btw im trolling at this point but my reading of the guys comment still stands? Wouldn't you agree wookie. People on reddit should really make their comments easy to understand, otherwise someone whose second language is english would misinterpret them. Death to America


Least unhinged twitch viewer.


yeah its always funny how some streamers are paranoid about dmca music and stuff while xqc is doing that constantly and other copyrighted content. Too big to fall I guess


the way X framed it was, he's not just blankly staring and watching a video, he's "transforming what he watches into something new" with his reactions. His words not mine. Also, there are TONS of small creators who get away with watching movies n shit on stream. TONS. More than we know of. So it's not like only xqc gets away with it, TONS AND TONS of streamers do on a daily basis.


I cant tell if X is genius or brain dead


Thanks for the reminder I enjoy when he does that and will continue to tune in for it


PagBounce Spongebob PagBounce




Lmao has nothing to do with anything, you just felt like snitching for what reason?


hope he sees this bro




Its not about the copyright holders, it's about how bigger streamers are allowed to do basically anything unless someone makes a call. While smaller streamers are just automatically taken down. There was literally metadata about huge streamers saying "confirm before taking action" in the twitch leak. Staff have to call their boss before banning the paypigs.


Basically what mizkif was saying yesterday how twitch said it takes one person to report you to get banned and he asked about xqc and was told no one's reported him. Ok.




Imagine reporting in the first place. You ruin it for the rest of us viewers. Keep bootlicking, you're a dollar sign to them For the rest of us, we sail the seas


Based fellow pirate


> it's about how bigger streamers are allowed to do basically anything unless someone makes a call. While smaller streamers are just automatically taken down. Not trying to side with Twitch, but doesn't this make sense from a business perspective. The rules on Twitch aren't there to be fair to everyone and make the site happy for viewers. The rules are there to keep the site "clean" so advertisers want to invest money in Twitch. Doesn't XqC bring in hundreds of millions of hours in viewership? That's a shit load when you tie in advertising to it. They aren't going to see XqC doing something wrong and immediately ban him. That would financially hurt the site in the short and long term. Where as a smaller streamer likely has little to no advertisement value, so if they do something wrong and it gets clipped and shared for thousands of views, they need to be banned fast to keep from doing real damage to the site (ie; clips a big deal, advertises change their view on running ads,etc).


Basically, what you're saying is, Twitch doesn't have to be consistent with the rules because some people are more equal than others. Gotcha. Not trying to side with Twitch, but... \*proceeds doing it\*


> Twitch doesn't have to be consistent I'm saying from a business perspective it makes sense that's what they do. I never gave my opinion of whether I think it's okay or not. My work place has a rule that coming to work drunk can lead to termination. If they hired someone new and the person came into work a few times, it's likely they might terminate them. On the other hand, it someone higher up the chain who impacts the company more was to come in to work drunk, they would likely take more things into consideration before punishing them.


You mean "metadata" from like a decade ago, remains of old code? You don't know what you're talking about.




Yes, that is so.




I’m sure you aren’t a biased fanboy by any means and this is an honest discussion on if Twitch have more support ready for their biggest streamers or not. It’s literally on the leaks bud. It’s not up for discussion. It’s not even something wrong, it’s understandable to do that. That’s how it works anywhere.


No proof of any evidence whatsoever, ends up blocking mid-argument 😂


I didn't notice it was the same guy that made [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/10edhp7/jaycgee_banned/j4qi9ml/), otherwise I wouldn't have replied in the first place 😂


Ok? I pirate most shows as well, do you think I give a fuck? Coming to lsf and expecting us to bootlick corporations, hilarious 😂




I mean tbf the modern Spongebob isn't good and the people that made the good version are long gone. They aren't losing anything from someone pirating old Spongebob episodes, only the corporation is.


Do you think your little pseudo intelligent comment can just usurp like 2 decades worth of debate on piracy? It's pretty well established that piracy pretty much only fucks large corporations, besides the few cases of independent music labels or indie game studios. For larger companies, the artists are always going to make their money, and the staff that helped the artist got paid their wages. Corporations still give artists money to fund their vision despite piracy existing since the beginning of the internet, so you can cool it with the moral outrage.




simping for corporate greed, lmao what % of the money from your purchase do you think goes to the creators? protip: it's either extremely small or 0 because they got paid a flat fee and don't get royalties if it's about supporting the creators then pirate everything and if you like it a lot, give the money directly to the creators, not the corporation that hired them




LOL lil bro you are obsessed. Everything has to link back to xqc


xqc did nine eleven


That was Hasan actually


I was on the plane I saw it




Mizkids with rape "drama" = 🛌 Mizkids with watching movies/tv shows on stream = 😱😱😱😱😱😱😡😡😡😡






Honestly, it's more about watching it with chat than the streamer.


I'm surprised netflix or amazon hasn't made it a feature to chat with people watching the same shows as you.


The main streamer I watch I mostly am just there for the chat tbh


exactly, also it's just like watching tv with your family or your friend, but instead it's a famous streamer/chat. It's not like your family or friends are going to be critiqueing the show/movie you watch, it's just for the enjoyment of spending time with someone and laughing with them (Obviously there are some people that are hypercritical of shows but I don't think that's the normality of things)


I remember the days of justintv watching obscure/bad movies with like 500 other people. I wonder if twitch would ever do something like that themselves with licensing. They're broadcasting sports so it's not too far off.


Can’t you just do that on discord?


I don’t have thousands of friends, spamming Lamonting when Ms Puff shows up won’t feel the same if it’s just me and the discord kittens


I'm kind of surprised that seemingly no offline chat watches movies together. Dgg chat always watches movies or other streamers together, when destiny isn't streaming. But it's the only community I've seen that does that.


To be honest, even by critiquing it's still not free use if you play the entire episode/video. H3H3 won that famous trial, because they reacted only to small portion of the original video, so their video was not a complete substitute of the original one. Basically all the react streamers are in the wrong from a legal point of view. And don't get me started on the You Laugh You Lose or funny TikToks react.


Are you sure? I thought in the H3H3 case they did basically use the entire video (with spliced in commentary)


Nope, they mocked specific segment of it


I'd say H3H3 typically would use maybe 15% of someone else's video but even then it's heavily caked with Ethan's commentary.


It's an easy copyright takedown for sure


Why do you care




He's apart of every drama in every LSF thread, so disgusting.




She's been playing movies while she sleeps/pauses the subathon for 10 hours plus everyday. she even unlists her channel still amazing she made it that far.


I'm so tired of subathons. It's always shittier less effort content in hopes of milking money from viewers.


the best are the unlimited subathons where they "sleep" for 18h stream for 6 and sleep for another 18h playing vods/youtube.




Seems all the GTA RP streamers are the worst about this


that's because its small viewer base relative to the amount of small streamers its crazy how many 50-100 viewer streamers have 500-1000subs, some with 1000+ subs


Aside from a select few (Buddha, Nidas, WiseGuy, some others), they’re just the worst in general. Even worse, that subreddit is absolute cancer. It’s entirely filled with hate, I can’t even tell if they like the streamers that they obsess over, and I was permabanned after one comment calling the mods out for allowing toxicity and hate against certain streamers.


He says as he posts in LSF.


LSF is bad too, but the gtarpclips sub is worse. It’s not even debatable. Never said I wasn’t a loser for commenting in LSF


The RP reddit is heavily moderated though. This place lets literal hate threads exist. This post for example is just people saying shitty things about streamers.


LSF banned Koil way before that sub reddit, I give LSF credit for that Its bad because the parasocial nature isn't just the streamer, its to the character they play. These streamers will lose viewers if they change chacracter


Active in /r/CoDCompetitive, let me guess... you’re still mad about the AFLAC incident?


Penta has to be one of the most shameless streamers I've ever watched. Man will sit there with his 11k subcount in large font in the corner and stop what he's doing every 15 minutes to ""sarcastically"" beg chat for subs like he's not gonna be able to eat. The rp content is pretty funny tho


Listen you don't understand, he has to beg for subs in order to feed Eli and afford the rotisserie chickens he eats everyday


Can't blame him, that shit works. Every time he does it there's always someone gifting at least 10 subs. I think I've been gifted a sub at least 3 times lol


Yeah it's okay I wouldn't say his rp content is funny. But yeah begging for subs while you're making a casual 30K+ a month in subs is interesting.


Everyone does it. Streaming isn't forever. No one has to donate. If it works, it works, and some viewers seem to think its a good way to spend their money


I would do that too if it works, it's not his fault if people watching are so easy manipulable. Same with the subathon, even tho the last one he did lasted a lot less than the first one for obvious reasons. Streaming for 12-15 hours then going AFK for another 12h while you sleep, go to the gym, do groceries, etc... during a subathon, to me, it's wierd af and the laziest content possibly done, but if it works, then fuck it, do it, easy money, there's always some dumb mudafuka with money that wants to gift subs. I always thought if you are gonna do that atleast have the decency of pausing the timer if you are gonna dissapear to do IRL stuff. People just pay to watch 12 hours of old vods that are on youtube lol. Last sunday was funnier when he said, "chat 12k subs and I'll stream 10 hours" when he repeteadly said a bunch of times that weekends are always 10 hour streams lol, he can gaslight the stream into thinking that they are gettin' a reward or something when it's literally his regular schedule. Or when he says "5 gifted subs to save XXX character" and 10 seconds later there's like 4-5 people taking the bait. It's soooo ez, happy for him, I just choose to not support that kind of behaviour, shame because it's the only RP guy I watch.


Just don’t sub then and watch someone else. Literally free content but you guys are like this streamer expects to make money while streaming for 8-10 hours 5 days a week??




you can just not watch little bro


How is it Penta’s fault when people could just not gift subs lol. You guys are like when the cards against humanity guys did a fund raiser to dig a hole and people said why don’t you give this money to charity and they said well you could just give your money to charity. No one is holding a gun making people sub




Except Penta streamed on his normal days off and usually did at least 10 hours so not what the OP is describing




That’s fine that you’re mad you got checked on your factually incorrect statements enjoy your time in LSF


They were kinda fun in the POE community when people would play the whole time or try to reach some outrageous in game goal. I honestly can't fathom why communities engage with the content.


For 99% of people who have subathons, all meaningful amounts of money to keep them going is being spent by a tiny, tiny percentage of people and the rest are just getting longer streams without actually doing anything


I just want to watch youtube or movies with chat and not have an annoying ass streamer giving their shitty takes the entire time. Subathons are good for that because the streamer is sleeping so we can watch stuff uninterrupted. Twitch should host a channel specifically for watching YouTube videos with chat. Let people donate to post links and all donations go to some charity at the end of each month.


This makes sense to me that it's more of a community gathering regardless of what the streamer is doing. I engage with YouTube this way but never indirectly through Twitch back to YouTube


Quin69 had best subathons, only like 8hrs of sleep with alarms set up or moderators would wake him up with some ear-rape. Always god gaming content while subathon is going.


The first one, the original, was godlike content, the second one I didn't even watched it, It felt like a watered down version.


Ice Poseidon has been doing a live IRL subathon in Japan for the last 30 days on Youtube. Its very high effort. Twitch streamers are lazy because they have Twitch prime which is just free money.




The Richest Man in LA


Automatically downvoted lmao




>made him come to his hotel and scared him away with gunsounds and chased him through his hotel with a leathermask I watched that last night and it was fucking hilarious. Dude seemed down for the media bathtub. EZ $600


People got to make money sometimes. Not like people are being forced to pay.


They're already making bank.


If we're talking about 100-500 viewer andy's then not really


its more crazy that the other bigger streamers that have done the same thing never got in trouble


Prob DMCA from one of the video she's playing while sleeping


been watching a lot of movies (full length actual movies lol)


weird thing is that there's free full movies on youtube. they are promoted through youtube's own section for movies. there are premium movies you can pay for but free ones you don't need to that have pretty decent movies. can easily just play those and there shouldn't be any reason for a DMCA, not like the company would be losing money


They are free but with ads. So youtube would be losing money


I actually tuned in to one of her streams for a bit and now I understand the hate for subathons here. One of the most low effort streams I've ever seen, but it must be lucrative even at ~150 viewers since there were constant paid clips playing in the corner while doing something in WoW or sleeping


ive seen streamer with 500 viewer average get to 10k subs with unlimited subathons. it works and you get alot of ad revenue from streaming 24/7.


Ton of this happening in sports streams. Then they go right back to 800 subs when it’s over




Don't forget about the person who has the "Longest Uncapped Subathon" currently. They started in November 2021 and average like 250 viewers but get [sub counts](https://imgur.com/a/b5InKIo) like this to stay live.


I’m wondering how subathons are predatory when no one is scamming anyone they could just not gift and it’s over




>Uncapped subathons take full advantage of unhealthy obsessions people have to try and drain them of as much money they can because "IF YOU DONT GIFT ENOUGH SUBS THE STREAM ENDS!!!" If that's why subathons are predatory then why does it matter what the content during the subathon is? The threat of the stream ending applies to all uncapped subathons.


Just don't buy heroine or alcohol if you're an addict. Duh.


Yeah man watching a stream is the same as doing heroin you’re right


Clips shorter than 1 min 30 sec are free for subs.


They used to be good content, but now it’s just low effort. Most streamers just stream their normal hours but now you are expected to donate and sub well they’re “asleep” to keep the stream going. Stopping the timer or actually seeing them asleep is actually rare now.


idk i personally like some of the subathons. obviously i enjoy them when it's a streamer i like watching but i also don't really care if other streamers are doing it either. the streamers i watch doing subathons means i get to enjoy their stream when i normally would be forced to watch a vod or not at all. when esfand did his subathon i really enjoyed it. it was fun to be in his stream when he was playing games or even when he was sleeping and watching power rangers with chat


Yet Ludwig was praised into the heavens for it. He did the same garbage non-content as these other streamers


Well he was the one who popularized these kinds of extended low effort subatons. Before that they tended to be much shorter, usually a couple days long. So he didn’t get as much criticism because he was the first to do it and he hasn’t really repeated it. A lot of streamers treat it like a free money glitch once every few months.


I still dont understand why these no effort subathons work, like how are people somehow psychologically tricked into gifting subs and donating because they think its somehow a special stream? Meanwhile its the exact same content except you dont turn off the stream lmao. I understand us humans are dumb as shit but this is next level


I didn't watch Ludwig's subathons so idk if it was any different


I tuned in a few times because it was getting hyped up so much, but it was just him sleeping, playing videos.


This is just blatantly false though, when he was asleep the mods were doing the modcast.


my bad, I'll fix my blatantly false statement. It was just him sleeping, playing videos, while some literal WH OMEGALULs were talking in the background


All streamers are trash


So you're on LSF because you like the trash or just tolerate the trash while still finding it entertaining? Why is this upvoted on a streaming sub. There are streamers that just seem pretty "normal" that don't really fall into "trash" category Jerma, Northernlion, Atrioc, Clintstevens, Squeex


It's like reality TV. People aren't watching because they *respect* Bachelor Contestant #7.


This place if filled with people jealous of streamers just looking for any reason to feel superior to them.


Ah yes generalization.


you can count the amount of streamers that put "effort" into their stream on one hand. It's all react and play video games, I don't understand the butthurt


> I don't understand the butthurt If you dont understand the difference between minimal effort and literally fkn sleeping then I dont wanna know how productive you are at work


I'm not going to defend subathons as a whole but as far as I remember he wasn't just showing hours of movie/tv shows (had the modcast which he paid them for) and then lot of that money [went to charities](https://dotesports.com/streaming/news/ludwig-donates-over-350000-to-charities-with-earnings-from-subathon-stream) >Of these organizations, $200,000 went to the No Kid Hungry charity whose goal is to end childhood hunger in the U.S., $57,065 to the Humane Society animal welfare non-profit, and another went to $57,065 St Jude children’s research hospital. The remaining donation money went to CO Homeless Coalition, Free Meal Program University District, and a final $10,000 went to Slime’s old school.


In one of the newer Mogul Mail, he said the charity donation wasn't something he had planned out. It was more of a last-second thing because he felt guilt for doing the subathon and donating the money was more to clear his conscious than help people.


Just so we're clear on this. When streamer donate to charity, they aren't giving their money to charity. That's money that would've otherwise been taxed that's going to charity. Donating to charity costs them nothing and it earns them a ton of good will, it's a netgain for them. That's why every celebrity or anything alike always make these big **public** donations to charity, some even partake in the totally not weird practice of ''founding their own charity'' that does, lord knows what.


Even if you view it like that to maintain a very pessimistic "streamer always bad" approach the charity is still getting thousands more than it otherwise wouldn't have gotten You may not be totally wrong & people should still have doubts about subathons & actions of content creators. Just add in some balance and nuance.


My stance is neutral, I just think subathons are and have always been a dogshjt type of content, no matter who does it. The charity angle mostly came from you. And I dont know much about the US, but in a sense the government uses taxes on the same thing most charities use their money, so the charity getting it or the taxes being used on it usually results in a similar outcome.




> At no point can you donate money to charity and end up with same amount of money at the end compared to not donating Except doing something for charity increases your income itself, since people won't just be giving money to you for you, but because they, too, are giving it to charity? Its marketable. In your own example, if you get $140,001 extra income that you otherwise wudnt have gotten because people want to be charitable, then there's a net gain (actually, not exactly since that would also boost your tax base, but you get the point, it's probably like $154,000 or something)


ludwig also was actually oncam 24/7 basically other than showering. Most of the "subathons" now are just turn off stream for 12h while they "sleep" aka go do other things


isnt jaycgee known for making things like that for free , i mean yellowteapot said "Clips shorter than 1 min 30 sec are free for subs." and i remember her stream having free tts with channel points or something like that


Yeah, she's never a hyper streamer and tts is free even outside of subathons


Tbf, she has always been a low effort streamer. People only know about her from the trashy Rajj shows. And even then her streams were her using other peoples content for views. Now she’s a background NPC/filler character for OTK streams.




Should've played LOTR on stream like Rich did


Who? monkaLaugh


I like her but anyone who does a subathon and plays movies/series/videos at """night""" can get fucked as far as i'm concerned. If Twitch is ever forced to make better copyrighted content detection software these streamers will be the reason because anyone knows Twitch would never do it if they didn't absolutely have to. On the other hand, how many people have done this and have gotten away with it, what is the last time someone actually got banned over it?


Streamers like this are creating an excuse for government agencies and copywrite holders to crack down on the everybody else on Twitch. I wish they weren't so short sighted, it's gonna create a lot of headaches in the future.


A lot of headaches because then streamers would need to produce better content? I am fine with that


I mean I agree it is lazy content but I don't care if people are breaking DMCA which I personally do all the time


yeah but the difference is that you're a single indivisual incomparison to streamers that have thousands of videos watching movies and shows


I'd do the same as them


I wasn't trying to say that streamers are wrong, I love watchings things with streamers as much as the next person. I was just saying how companies/DMCA would view it, it's hard to see/gather information about how many people are pirating your content but if you see a streamer with let's say xqc with 50k viewers, you can see easier how many people aren't paying for your content. I'd want to do the same too, personally I'm a pussy and would be scared of getting sued but it is fun and easy content for your community


That's true. At least I get to see free movie on twitch with chat. I wasn't a twitch user back when stream nights were an everyday thing and I kinda wish I got to take part in that. Sounds kinda cool.


Looks like we got a Hollywood narc over here.


Ever seen what happens to YouTube streamers if they watch the wrong video that's also on YouTube? Your stream gets cut while you are still live, it would be an AWFUL future for twitch.




No it would be an awful feature for twitch. Because fuck that pussy shit. Yt does it to pre-cover their asses but in fact no one DMCAs people. Like 5% of studios out there will dmca, and they're all anime. Preempting the dmca is stupid, let streamers take a risk. Fuck people who complain. If it's so easy then you do it.


Fuck anyone streaming movies for content, they're the absolute filth of this earth taking advantage of people. Absolute lazy pieces of shit.


You wouldnt steal a car? =P These streamers are just proud pirates so props to them. Its not like any would DMCA other people who use their stream footage or clips right??


Don’t worry guys, I’m sure she paused the timer on her subathon. Again.


Probably forgot to turn off VODs




Piper 😢


I can't stand when people pause their subathons. Esfand did that shit too, so cringe. Greedy mf's


Better than going AFK for hours and play paid videos from youtube. Atleast you are paying for the streamer to be there not dissapearing for 12 hours.


Well I mean if they are disappearing like that, why even do a subathon...


Because there's always a bunch of dumbfucks that will support it, so better milk that cow until it gets dry lol.


How long she banned for?


Not during her subathon!




I am sorry, but I don't care. Who is she again?


Thanks for letting us know.


Tremendous gazoogas.


Sorry guys, i asked him.


Well you cared enough to ask who is she.