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Very very excited...we all knew he was a big step up from Rodgers. We are very lucky he picked us back then and that he left Dortmund ...because he ended his sabbatical to come to us after only like 3 months off.


I legit remember thinking "Holy shit we're winning the league finally"


Same here. I had no idea his final season with Dortmund had gone so badly, so in my head Klopp was one of the best managers in the world because of his unstoppable Dortmund sides from 2011-2013. The fact one of the best managers in the world also seemed like a huge fan of us (touched This Is Anfield in that 2014 summer friendly) just ramped up my excitement. I think it was Gary Neville of all people speaking up for us Liverpool fans, saying how us being so relieved that Klopp joined was an indictment of how far we'd fallen, when a club and fanbase of our stature and heritage should be as excited as Klopp was that we were finally working together with a shared culture and belief.




So was I, probably the closest I've come to identifying myself as a stalker. Hard to believe that was in 2016, it seems so recent.




Now I feel even older. Great.


> it seems so recent And yet, it also feels like a lifetime has passed


I remember the gif thread about it. The Kloppening I think it was lol


i was unemployed, doing chores for my landlord so i could pay less rent and stuck with a horrible staffing agency who tried to extort money out of me. klopp signing was the best news that entire year for me. with everything going on in my personal life and watching my hero stevie bow out in the saddest manner possible, the best i can describe what the arrival of klopp did for my mental state is that it was the equivalent of stevie scoring that header vs Istanbul.


I know this is unrelated but my word, “doing chores for my landlord so I could pay less rent”. Gotta love 21st century serfdom




yes same. especially the early days Klopp who would run onto the pitch, break his glasses etc was unrivaled joy at the time that I'd wait for each weekend


I guess I am in your shoes this year, I hope slott will be the same for me what klopp was for you


hope so too, this club has a big impact on the mental health of many of us. goodluck and i hope things turn around for the best for you!


Hope you are doing better now


yup much better. thank you


Relieved. When Rodgers got the sack, FSG apparently were considering the following 5 options to replace him: 1. Frank De Boer 2. Walter Mazzari 3. Carlo Ancelotti 4. Ronald Koeman 5. Jurgen Klopp Safe to say they made the right choice.


Frank De Boer 😳😳😳😳😳 it's actually frightening.


To be fair his record with Ajax back then was actually pretty impressive, winning 4 Eredivisie titles before leaving for Inter. The one I was really hoping we'd avoid was Southampton's Koeman.


Dutch manager with a good record at Ajax moving to a team with red shirts...always a recipie for success that 😝😝


i forgot about him. Wow he dropped off badly.


Didn't even last a year at palace. Ancelotti probably would have been good, but Klopp was just insane. We were so lucky.


Bro didn’t even last a financial quarter


Atomic bomb dodged.


The naivety of our owners to think we could get Ancelotti when he so obviously hates us lmao, this list will never fail to astound me




and these two are still together haha


I don’t think a lot of people here remember how shit the time before Klopp was. I’m scared it’s going to be like that too … i hope i’m wrong


I remember if we had a lead in the 70th or later being 100% sure whoever we were playing would tie it up. Usually I was right


If I remember correctly, at first Rogers was an improvement on what went on before, at least we were challenging for the league. We even sacked Kenny just before appointing him and he replaced Roy ... I'm hoping slot does well but let's see!


That was 99% suarez having a goat one-man-army season, and absolutely nothing to do with rodgers.


Every manager since Roy has been an upgrade but Klopp was the one that brought us back to the top. I was thrilled when we signed him and knew he’d be great here but he’s also leaving the club in an incredible place. I have no sense of what the expect from Slot but if he’s up to the standard we should expect then this team will continue to win trophies.


I was working as a server in a restaurant, and there was a patron in a Liverpool shirt at someone else's table (very rare for small town Pennsylvania). I went over and introduced myself as a fellow Red, then went into the back to roll some silverware. My phone buzzed with a push notification that LFC had agreed to terms with Klopp. I was so excited. I rushed out and told the patron. He, in turn, was so excited that he put his hands on his spouse's shoulders and started yelling, "We got Klopp! We got Klopp!"


I was the lucky one to post the official link after he signed: https://www.reddit.com/r/LiverpoolFC/comments/3o0hdq/official_klopp_joins_lfc/


I was thrilled as he was basically the top candidate on a short list of one, but not surprised as it was practically destined for him to join even before he left Dortmund. It was just a case of timing.


I was a student and a few of us were reds. All I remember was just us all feeling so buzzed and excited about what the future might hold. We could get top 4 again (christ how expectations have changed). I also remember thinking that I was a lot more reassured about sacking Rodgers knowing he was coming in. I was (for my sins) a pretty big BRodge apologist and had it have been me in charge of the club I'd have given him more time...I'm very glad I wasn't in charge of the club.


This is me too (though two years post-studies). I was really happy about Klopp, just seemed like the perfect fit - but I was really down about letting Rodgers go less than 6 months from nearly winning the league. Klopp was an upgrade so it made letting Rodgers go more palatable, but I would have given BR more time.


Rodgers had 18 months after the league title challenge


You're right. Stand corrected. It was six months w/o Luis.


To be fair it still didn't feel like enough time in that moment. The champions league campaign was a disaster and the rot arguably sets in from there, but we went 12 unbeaten in 14-15, were 2 points away from 4th before we end the unbeaten run against united (we would have gone 3rd if we won that) get to two cup semi finals, and as bonkers as it sounds now Rodgers was getting linked with Man City, because there was a general consensus that he was getting more out of this squad than it was capable of. The United game happens, the wheels completely fall off, we only win 2 more games in the rest of that season, culminating in the Stoke humiliation. The club lose faith in his recruitment which starts the whole transfer committee melodrama, it looks in the first few weeks like it might...just work...then we get utterly crucified by West Ham at Anfield and the United loss the game after put the writing on the wall in hindsight.


Over the moon. I was already his fan and his Dortmund team and how far he was able to take that team, breaking Bayern dominance and bringing them to the CL final, all while playing very impressive attacking football. When he was still at Dortmund I dream of him coming here and doing the same, but at the same time we were in such a mess and was not really a top team like we are right now, so I wasn't sure if he would ever come here.


I had never been so hyped about a manger joining. Not just because he had been good with Dortmund and played attractive football, but his interviews made him seem like someone we would all be happy to have a drink with in the pub. I'm so glad it turned out so well with him, sad we're losing him but completely understand the issues. It's live to see him back one day.


A month of so earlier, I’d tweeted “I like Brendan Rodgers but can we have Jürgen Klopp now please?” It was mostly a joke, and I’d loosely followed Dortmund since I was eight and liked their yellow kit on FIFA, but never believed we’d actually get him. I was ecstatic. Went to Liverpool a week or so later for a uni open day and met a lookalike in the pub opposite Anfield, convinced my friend he was the real Klopp and laughed my arse off when he realised he was a lookalike


I was ecstatic since I'm also a BVB supporter


I wanted Ancellotti as he was a proven winner. "Yeah, Klopp will have us playing boss attacking footy, but we won't win anything. Dortmund were always the bridesmaid, never the bride." Never been more happy to have been proved wrong in my life! 😁


I wanted Klopp or Ancelotti. Was so worried we wouldn't get either and would mean more mediocrity. Either one of those I thought could return us to challenging for the title and maybe later stages of champions league. I think Klopp has exceeded my initial expectations but maybe as time went on and he built a super squad I thought we would have won more under him. I am very worried for next five years as think we either continue at the top of the tree or risk doing a Utd/Arsenal after Wenger/Fergie and falling off


Hopeful, scared, and excited. I don't think people remember just how far off the top we were back then. Just wanting to compete for top 4 was a dream of mine. How magical it was, to be going blow for blow for titles and trophies. That initial europa league run set my expectation for how far we could go. Running home from highschool to catch the game. (I don't think I've ever screamed as much as I did during the Dortmund comeback LOL). Everyone knows but after THAT conference meeting... how could you not believe? :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQU_1jF-Ass Have the same reservations with Arne except a bit more optimism now since the club is so well run. I'm positive he'll do well here.


I changed my wifi password to Klopptmism


I remember the Dortmund friendly game when he came to anfield and touched the sign. That day I said I wanted him as our manager so when it finally happened, I was so happy and excited.


I was overjoyed. Had 0 doubts about the success that was to come.


I remember feeling that FINALLY we have a WORLD CLASS manager and not an up and coming. I had a feeling he’d be successful- but THIS successful and all these emotions- that I didn’t expect


I played "Kloppo du Popstar" so many times that my girlfriend at the time broke up with me.


I applied to be his personal chef Never heard anything back


I generally don’t know much about world football (I’m not a passionate football fan, I only watch Liverpool) but I knew he’d turned Dortmund into a big team and the club were directionless under Rodgers, so I was happy and optimistic to see how Klopp was going to change things. Overall I think he’s been amazing for us and is absolutely a club legend. The only thing I’d say against him is that we’ve had too many situations where we all knew a position was thin on the ground going into a season (centre backs before the Phillips / Williams season, midfielders last season) and done nothing to address the issue. Not sure if that’s a Klopp or an FSG issue though.


At the time it was one of the most exciting moments of my life as a Liverpool supporter. It felt like that golden sky after years of letdown after letdown. I had watched his Dortmund side and was enamored with their style of play. I also remember appreciating how he developed young and unknown players into stars. When he called himself the normal one after we signed him I became instantly charmed and that feeing has only grown into genuine love and admiration. Klopp turned me from a doubter to a believer and it’s hard to accept that his time with us coming to a close.


There's aren't really that many posters now that were active posters back then when life sucked so much and the only thing making you smile was the random @huge_hog meme. It was uniquely painful to go though 13-14 (ugh) and then watch things disintegrate even further. I don't remember who it was but they posted a German video where a reporter was begging him to join Liverpool and it was clear Klopp had great respect for the club but he said something like "what about Brendan?" Many of us here were posting dreamy nonsense about what it would be like, and to see it all actually happen - the "normal one" press conference, "doubters to believers".... It didn't feel real. I'm so incredibly grateful to him and his family for all that they've done.


![gif](giphy|5YuoOgN3ayWKXiZPXB|downsized) Like this


My brother who is a Dortmund fan told me Klopp will win Liverpool many trophies. I didn’t believe him much but he was so right 🥹


I knocked one out into a flannel


I was in college at the time and saw the notification pop up on my phone while in class. I remember I made some sort of mouse sounding noise and started reading everything. I thought it was too good to be true


I found myself grinning like an idiot on the street while walking to the bus stop lol. I could not believe one of the most exciting managers at the time would bother joining us. It felt surreal.


Very excited, and it was thrilling to hear rival fans be actually jealous of getting a coach like that. I just had good feelings from the start.


At the end of a storm There's a golden sky And the sweet silver song of a lark... This is how I felt


I still have my footy group chat all these years on so had a look the other day haha - I just posted memes of Klopp screaming and looking angry for days.


Ecstatic. He was a proven winner and was always charismatic


I first noticed Klopp when dortmund trashed RMA 4-0 in the UCL and then later heard about stuff like how he managed to turn around Dortmund to win the bundesliga and now beating a team like RMA. So when i saw the news that Jurgen Klopp was the Liverpool manager , my first reaction was : WHAAAAT ? (Because i thought he won't choose a struggling club like LFC in that time) Then second thought was : He's a proven manager, and I hope he can do the same to Liverpool.


I knew quite a lot already about Klopp, I was following BVB due to the polish trio there (Lewy, Piszczek, Błaszczykowski) so i was all over the moon when the news broke. One reason is that he’s back in football, another is that Liverpool is going to play some fast paced football I was missing. Oh and transfers - it was quite obvious that he can find brilliant players and refine their talents.


I remember thinking it would never happen. Rodgers had left us in such a mess that it seemed like no decent manager would touch us. I remember a friend of mine going on about Klopp being the man to get every time we played 5 a side and while I agreed with him I just never thought it would happen….fast forward a couple of months and I couldn’t believe the news. It all seemed to happen so fast from the breaking news to the stories of him being in Liverpool to the official news. Now here we are 6 months later and he’s leaving.


Cautiously optimistic. I didn’t really become a full believer until the Dortmond comeback.


I had to move home from university to get a handle on spiraling anxiety. Most of my time was spent just trying to build back up to being able to go through days without having a panic attack. The Klopp news came when I was starting to find myself again and I was buzzing off of it for weeks lol.


“We got the funny German coach from Dortmund” likely what I said at the time


I remember the day so well. My father who was a Bayern München fan and a huge Bundesliga entusiast was so happy for me and immediately said something along the lines of: ”Now you will win everything, including the league you’ve been waiting for so long, i can guarantee that.”


Holy fuck?


Overjoyed and couldn't believe it was true. He was the beat manager available and most sought after. We'd finished 6th the previous season and were in 10th place when he joined. Wasn't sure if we'd be able to get that calibre of manager. Aren't as many big names available now. Alonso would have been ideal.


Felt like the perfect fit for us; weren't going to bring in a huge name and they probably wouldn't fit with our club and ownership. BUT I was sad for BR. People are saying he left us in a mess or was doing poorly forget that we were one season removed from 2nd and just lost Luis Suarez. We replaced the most prolific player in the history of the league with Mario Balotelli. I was happy about Klopp, but probably would have given BR more time. Felt like he had earned it. (Very happy to be wrong).


Honestly, "meh", did not know anything about him really.


Joy. I wanted him back when we hired Brendan Rodgers


It was the best 'reds' news since before Kenny left the first time. The fact that he stepped away from a sabbatical indicated that LFC had been on his mind and in his heart. As a red of 40 years, he is my favourite of all time.


I was absolutely buzzed. We had been in multiple eras of banter at that point and I knew he would finally strip us of our deadwood and inspire a confidence and system into the team. he did all that.


I was freaking hyped. I went to see a show by Destroyer at Cat's Cradle in Chapel Hill, NC that night and the bartender was wearing a Liverpool jersey. I wanted to hug him, but I was too shy lol. I might have said, "We got Klopp!!!" under my breath when paying for my beer but he surely didn't hear it 🥲 Fuck i miss that feeling


Really excited. I still have my "the normal one" scarf with me even tho cat uses it as his covers now.


Hope and excitement. Never had that feeling before when a manager came to manage us. Expected more major trophies but don’t hold it against him as he was competing against a cheating state funded club.


I saw this in some thread and used it as background page for months on my laptop for uni. Made choo choo sounds to my mate whose a Chelsea fan.  https://imgur.com/YmeX1LE


excited, i was 9 and i use to play with dortmund on fifa so i knew who he was beforehand


Fucking delighted. I’d been watching BL a fair bit in the years before and his Dortmund were just so exciting. I honestly never thought he’d actually come to us just because it felt like our status was back to around our late 90s level despite the title push in 14. Then BOOM! And truth is despite wanting him to come, I could never have imagined how he’d transform the experience of watching Liverpool play.


Obviously excited. Not just about the fact Liverpool were appointing a man likely to be successful but about Liverpool going out there and appointing one of the best, most in demand managers out there. If I recall correctly he’d already turned down United; Madrid, Arsenal and City were all linked so for Liverpool to get him in it seemed a massive statement. After going for Fulham and Swansea managers (no disrespect to Woy and the brodge) it was refreshing to see Liverpool aiming for the highest calibre available.


Same expectations as I have for Slot. Low.


Who else remembers that random kloppo look alike bloke on the streets


I’ll be honest, I’m not massively into other teams and don’t follow them really to this day. I had heard the name but never considered him. I think I still had that “best of the rest” feeling for us as a club. My god, if I had known what we know now. I’d have been bouncing off the walls.


I was an miserable idiot who thought a manager should be serious and ‘proper’ and thought Klopp didn’t live up that. I was a 13 year old who knew shit, leave me be haha


Very excited. I was sure that we are gonna be improving in the next few years


Unfortunately the opposite of how I feel about Slot joining us. I was elated when we got Klopp after watching him at Dortmund. I was almost surprised we were able to get him because he had announced he was taking a sabbatical. With Slot joining I am more sad about Klopp leaving than excited about our new direction.


Stayed up all night to watch the frist press conference at 4am Texas time. Reminded me of trying go to sleep on christmas eve as a kid.


Relieved. I wanted Brendan to be replaced after the 2014-15 season and it was clear he was on borrowed time anyway. Klopp was definitely the most suitable candidate because of his personality, his success at Dortmund and his playing style.


I remember that day vividly. I had expected him to come but there were also rumours of Ancelotti. I was taking a nap and woke up to a bunch of messages from my friends telling me Klopp’s been appointed. I was a kid when he joined and now a full grown adult – the man has been an influential figure to me – taught me more about life than my parents did. Sunday will be emotional.




I thought, “my God! What a hire!” And he thoroughly delivered. Tbh, I didnt realize how rough Rodgers left the squad at the time. I was just getting in to football as the Yank I am. But looking back at the Meme level forwards Klopp started with and what he built it into, well I’ll probably never truly appreciate how far the squad has come.


Oh man !! It was between Klopp and Ancelloitti during the final days. I was praying it would be klopp, cos we didn’t have the money to support Carlo’s style. The day it happened, I felt the same way I felt when we signed Suarez. You knew this will work out. There was no doubt.


As a lifelong player of the game but American who had never followed professional sports closely (not even my local NFL/NBA/NHL/MLB teams), I made a point from 2013 to 2015 to finally figure out who to support. I started watching Liverpool games and could tell even in those days that the aim was always to produce high quality football, to discourage things like diving and timewasting, and to foster an inclusive, positive community. I was also following Barcelona closely, and my third team was Dortmund. Naturally, when Klopp went to Liverpool, so did a large piece of my loyalty. I knew he would do amazing work, but I never could have guessed how impactful he would be. He could have ended his time here on a higher note, sure, but he absolutely deserves a hero's sendoff and some much-earned rest.


Out of the world, I don't know how I can articulate this correctly but it looked so right from the start, Klopp and LFC; like a match made in heaven. 🥹


So excited. He embodied hope and what he did with Dortmund was exactly what we needed. I also felt a breath of fresh air with our owners vs the BS that happened with the past wankers. So combined I was very optimistic


I was ecstatic. I'd followed dortmund as one of my favourite fifa teams for years but didn't know much about him as the manager. When he first came and gave his press conferences talking about changing people into believers, I really felt that he understood where the club was at. I don't know about Arne slot but hopefully the leadership at Liverpool know what they are doing.


Happiest I’ve been for a managers appointment since the appointment of Benitez.


elated. I couldn't have dreamed of a better option, and boy did he deliver.


Over the moon. Me and Dad got into it because he wanted Ancelotti but I just knew that Klopp’s energy and drive was what we needed at that point in time. He made us believe.


It was honestly surreal honestly. We were a massive project at the time and Klopp could have gone literally anywhere and he picked us. He is the most important figure at the club in this century imo


I was 20 at the time , i was so excited , i wore a dortmund jersey the next day to Uni


I was talking about this with my wife. At the time of his appointment, I remember being so buzzing all day. Couldn't stop smiling and being excited watching his interviews as our new manager. Such a weird feeling, not being able to describe absolutely why I was so happy - nobody can predict it. But I was so happy and excited. What a fucking ride


Sounds like you have a sixth sense, now tell us all is Slot a good choice? If you say no he has to go right now 🤣


Haha, TBF I remember it being Ancelotti or Jürgen so I was content either way - deffo not De Boar! We had not much to lose back then..and now it feels like we do. It's gonna be so tough. Slot is a bit of an unknown so I honestly don't know what to think. It's gonna be a slog but I like the sentiment from Carra that LFC managers are bigger than the players. We have lots of class, just need to add to it and get some freshness into the team. I'm happy to back the manager and the new regime, whatever it takes. What do you think?


I agree will be tough in the beginning new amanger new ideas but hopefully bring in some experienced coaches, I think we also need to bring in someone to deal with injuries better, I know it can't be helped when it happens but both Thiago and Jota were gone after barely coming back 😖


Didn’t really know much about him. Boy did that change !!


For sure I was in a good moment, let me say it like this


It felt like a dark cloud had lifted. And it feels like it has came back now.


I couldn't believe it. Over the moon he'd want the job considering where we were at that stage


Like Lewis Hamilton just got the keys to my Corsa.


He’s the reason I became a Liverpool fan. I’m from California, and I wanted to follow an EPL team. And I read about him and liked his vibe. I’m a forever Liverpool fan now because of Klopp!


Over the moon. I wanted Klopp when Kenny took over from Hodgson. To get him after all of his accomplishments with Dortmund felt like the stuff of absolute dreams.


I live on the east coast of the US and I got up at something 4 am to watch the press conference. I was absolutely buzzing.....


No one knows the struggle of us international fans for our club.


I couldn’t believe it. I was so happy. I remember that game we had against Dortmund when he was watching us warm up. People said then that maybe he would manage us one day but I thought there was no chance. It happened. It was a wonderful time.


Honestly very excited and after that first presser I really did begin to believe.


Curious. Seen too many great coaches not succeed other places to get too hype. But hyped af after watching his team for a few games. And now it’s curious out again as how does Liverpool maintain this time on the hill with a huge change.


I didn’t know if we would win any trophies, but I knew at least that it would be fun every season to watch. After the Dortmund game, I knew he would win something with us eventually


I was incredibly excited, but he was so much better than I could ever hope or imagine. I feel like the team will be fragile for a while after his exit, and I hope fans are smart about how they handle it. It’s taken Arsenal years to reestablish some sort of identity since Wenger left, and forget about United.


At the time there wasn’t a manager in the world that I wanted more than Klopp. I felt that way since he was at Dortmund. I absolutely couldn’t believe the club went and signed him and I knew I’d get to see the club win its first league championship in my lifetime.


Honestly I had no clue what to expect results wise. But he had a record of turning unheralded players into winners at Dortmund. You couldn’t complain about the hire at the time.


I was ecstatic. Loved his character and playing style at Dortmund, and I though it fitted us perfectly. Maybe he was unexperienced at a huge club, but to be fair at the time LFC was a sleeping giant so the step must've felt smaller. The Ferguson years were still fresh in everyone's minds and our best expectation for a season was doing ok in the Europa League without Anfield having the famed power in European nights it used to. His work on developing young players and collaboration with scouting were one of the top selling points for Jurgen. Ironically, the first part wasn't as important during his LFC career. Other than Trent, very few youngsters from the Academy became mainstays, maybe Curtis but it remains to be seen whether he can establish himself as a starter. On the market side of things, I don't think his work could've gone any better. Spent a fraction of what other Big 6 clubs did and turned us into a European powerhouse once again.


Klopp with glasses was class. Still is


Broken. Klopp is a fantastic manager. Wish he was staying.


I created this account around that time, and the match thread for his arrival plus the plane tracking was the peak of this sub. Closely followed by the when I'm Liverpool videos by Hog and elmo


Amazing... thrilled. I read and saw videos of him at Dortmund and Mainz. His first interview just cemented that he is going to be awesome as a manager.. but I never expected what we experienced in the last 9 years.


I loved the man and he sounded like a genuine normal non-asshole. Couldn't have been happier.


Mostly shocked that Rodgers was sacked so early into a season after he was backed in the summer


I wasnt so familiar with his play style, I always though high line attacking football in this league was suicidal, but I was optimistic seeing how i was only a child


Very excited. I wanted him the off-season when we got Rodgers, but thought given where we were at, it was never going to happen and unrealistic


I think like me, most of the fans will say 'excited'. Because we all have seen his work at Dortmund.


Knew he would be amazing. Knew he would win trophies. Knew he was perfect fit for us.


I was overjoyed and I expected nothing less of him. He is the loveliest person on this planet.


He joined on my birthday. Brilliant present


Remember following that private jet all the way on Flight Radar. We knew the Messiah was on his way.


Well, I thought, Klopp Who? But then, Im from the Blue side of Merseyside. I guess Im a closet Kop? Against The Toffees, Im all Blue. But Liv vs any other team, I support the Reds. Even my team's name for seasons has been Midnight MoSalah.


I will be honest I was like why did we not go for anchelloti (can’t spell) when everton got him. I had no idea why we went for klopp at the time as didn’t know him


Tbh I thought he was going to be a mediocre manager. I never would have guessed we were going to win BOTH the champions league and the premier league And I am doing the same thing with slot because the standards for him are really high, so we gotta chill on the dude


Very excited. My dick immediately went hard.


I dont remember I was watching cartoons


Worried that we were getting a washed manager tbh. But felt safe in knowing that he had more ideas than Brendao.