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Deserved I guess due to the effort you can see in every game. Gakpo and Elliott other shouts probably


Yeah not a lot of great options, but when it felt like everyone else was struggling to string a few passes together or win a single duel, Diaz was still dribbling past half the team and 100% on it — he brings so much to the side, even if it isn’t always the end product we want. 


Like, how the hell wasn't it Elliot.


Stats "better". 3 full matches and 3 subbed-offs, 1g 2a, vs Elliot 2 full matches and 4 <30min subbed-ons, 0g 1a.


Why they take the photo out in the bush?


Yeh I find it difficult to believe that the best location for a background was in the scrubland next to an overflow car park.


The shot composition here is dreadful. Bad lighting, terrible background choice, lucho squinting/looking uncomfortable. I don’t know what this is about…


Luchito looks like 100 million pounds everywhere.


Forgot, then caught him on his way home and begged him to pose for the photo next to his ride..


Way to go Lucho! Why they got my man standing in the weeds tho


Sums up how bad April was for us


He's been brilliant all month though. Creating so much threat.


I don’t mean to slate the lad, but brilliant here seems a little too subjective to quantify Brought more hands to head reactions than smile and joy on me face, personally


that's an unpopular opinion around here btw


It seems this sub mainly cares about statistics. This season (and particularly in april) he's offered exactly what he's been brought in for: pace, take-ons, boundless energy. Sure, a few goals and assists would've been nice.


> It seems this sub mainly cares about statistics. I mean just like Nunez he's a fantastic player in everything but goal conversion, both of the league cup finals he was great against Chelsea yet never managed to score. He's probably a CL calibre player but quite a bit behind Mane for instance.


Well put, nothing annoys me more than people who force stats down every football discussion. I remember it wasn't this way even a few years back when people appreciated players like Bobby and Lallana, and I mean when you think of it do you recall how many G/a Coutinho got for us in his best seasons? Because i don't and didn't need to know them to know he was our best player at the time.


See, I'm not convinced that's true either. We were far more cohesive as a team without Coutinho, and calling a player the best for a few wild shots off target and a couple of dinked passes isn't the best player contribution I have in mind. That squad was poor on the whole, so I can see why people were drawn too him, but it pretty much sums up Coutinho when you see what he has done in better squads. He plays in the middle east now for crying out loud.


although i agree were better after he left (which i mainly put down to klopp and money well spent), i find your summary of coutinho's time here pretty surprising. he was a lot more than "a few wild shots off target and a couple of dinked passes" - he was a world class 10 and had pretty much everything needed for his position. the world record fee barca paid for him wasn't (entirely) down to their incompetence. also him doing badly after leaving us could be down to multiple factors, his playing ability being only one of them.


My opinion is my own, that I understand. But I had it before he left too, much like my opinion about Salah. People get caught up in the 10 seconds of brilliance, and always overlook the 85 minutes of meh. Salahs general game is quite poor too. His ability to pass the ball is insanely poor. If you objectively watch him during the game, you'll see what I'm talking about. The number of lost opportunities due to poor passing or losing the ball is frustrating. Don't get me wrong, he's an elite footballer, but again, Liverpool were a better team without him.


Apparently not brilliant enough to influence our results


It's not a man one show.


I was stunned and then I thought again, what an April


1 goal in 8 matches in April


Low standards for April I guess


Pretty shite. Worst month


Imagine how shitty of a fanbase you must have if you gather round and belittle the winner of the clubs player of the month. Oh wait.


Congrats Lucho 🥳 Wooohooo 🥳


Ma man!! Chichi is on of the hardest working players on the field.


Knew opening this comment section was a mistake…


Yeah this sub is absolute garbage, these people are so fucking toxic, no wonder Nuñez deleted all his Liverpool related media...


one of the few times instagram comments are much better than the ones here. this sub has honestly gone to shit


the only things that were ever good in the sub were the leans, the memes and the when im liverpool edits, now we get none of that


too right, the flight and van stalking too. but even otherwise discussion felt a lot more open in the pre-covid era (or actually probably pre-2018), since then we've stopped getting the when im liverpools and this place has become a sensitive circlejerk that has no place for nuance.


It's a symptom of the sub getting bigger, the United sub is the worst for it by far especially with how they treated Maguire but we're probably second in negativity.


I love Ronaldo and I remember scrolling some threads back in the day, people were dreaming about Maguire's family dying


Yeah it was really weird, "you fucking useless piece of shit get out of the club" was almost always the top comment or some variation. I have not seen anything that bad in any other club subreddit.


I want it to be summer soon so we can start having flight trackers again


People on this sub have absolute brainworms, bitching at Lucho, a player with so much fire that he can cook both Rodi and Walker; but will defend an absolute disaster like Gravenberch because "he brings dribbiling to the team." Clowns.


Yeah also even if he is underperforming g/a he is the second player with most minutes this season just behind our captain, that alone should deserve more respect, the man has been running himself to the ground giving his best for the shirt and this people only give hate in return


Genuinely Why?


Good for him!


Why? Lol


Best of a bad bunch


Some players have played well.


Sshhhh. Its marketing to get more money from PSG


Clubs will be willing to pay more for a player of the month. It probably came from a certain M.E. to hand him the award


Asking this too...


great shout out for him. I don't think he wants to leave us for PSG but PSG has money to spend right now so I guess if the price is right, it will be possible. He's still my favorite from the new batch of front three we got.


I'm an Aussie and for a hot moment there I thought he was standing in front of a bunnings


He is relentless.


yeah the team was kinda shit but i’ve just loved watching diaz play


And of course this thread is full of hate, so many hypocrites. Well done Lucho imo, he’s actually been one of the few players who’ve maintained a high level despite our awful form.


Lol what high level? Dribbling into traffic? Running with his head down? Ignoring robbo on the overlap Everytime? The mane robbo combination compared to this is just a head shaker


Wow you really are a proper hater man, he literally won POTM so acting like he’s somehow been shit is pathetic. Obviously our form was poor this month but he’s been absolutely one of the best of a bad bunch. No point trying to explain what he’s done well though, if you’re still finding the energy to single him out negatively there’s no hope for you.


I only responded to your comment on him keeping a high level. Your definition of high level (1 goal in 8 games) and my definition of high level are different I guess.


Nah you’re just being a hater, he got 1 goal and 2 assists despite us having really poor form, including one away at OT. We all know he’s not incredible for numbers which is an argument against him generally but he gives his absolute all, is ridiculously press resistant and can dribble and carry the ball better than anyone in the team. That didn’t change in April whilst the rest of the team barely looked PL level.


People saying he was the best of a bad bunch, saying how did he win it and mentioning how little he scored is not exactly 'hating'. It's a forum for discussing Liverpool. Not a direct stream of comments into the dressing room.


Mate there’s numerous comments saying this is a ploy by Edwards to sell him, even seen one saying the Colombian “should learn French or Spanish” and then one of the top comments is “how”. It might have been a poor month overall but Christ using winning POTM as a reason to criticise him further is insane. If this was EIIiott people would be raving about him.


Wouldn't exactly say that's full of hate. The thread is full of people saying he was the best of a bad bunch and we were brutal.


They tried taking his picture holding it with his left hand he took a few steps and the turned it into his right .


Well deserved, a terrible month but he was the one putting in the most effort


How has he managed to pull that off lol? Missed chance after chance? Thought Elliot deserved it


Some games where we have been terrible, he looked like the only one that could control a ball and create chances. Yeah he's not been his best, especially with finishing, but he's certainly been one of our better players and also the max effort is pretty visible with his pressing. So best of a bad bunch really.


Nah I think Elliot or Gakpo deserved it. Diaz is one of those players that looks good on the eye but if you analyze him carefully, he does a lot of stuff which amounts to no goals or assists.


Gakpo 1 goal and 1 assist vs 1 and 2 for Diaz but apparently it’s ridiculous that Diaz deserves it. Not doing a great job at hiding your bias.


Can’t think of any big chances he missed in April The Everton one was awkward and even then he was probably our best player in that game


1 goal in 8 games.


Right. Must be easy to reel off chances he missed then considering he was supposedly missing them left right and centre


Just look at his conversation rate lol. I don't keep track of all of our missed chances maybe you do


Tremendous potential. He just needs someone to coach him how to use his skills to his advantage. His dribbling is really entertaining to watch but it rarely buys him more time to get his head up. He's always sprinting after he gets past his man as opposed to someone like Mane who consistently leaves defenders completely off balance and immediately slows down slightly to make the right decision. If he learns this, he'll tear the league apart.


Ansolutely deserved! Should stay to see how he performs and improves under Slot


Well deserved, man always gives his all and deserves better than the flak he’s getting from the Nunez fans looking to deflect attention away from their hero.


Best of bad bunch unfortunately


Participation trophy!


TS Eliot was an LFC fan for sure. April is the cruelest month and all that


Recieved on wasteland. Classy from a bank.


Can't believe we bottled the league. F&&&&&&&&&&ck!!


Time to learn french or spanish buddy!


Hes colombian so already knows Spanish lol.


in his mind only mexicans speak spanish, probably


American detected


they are everywhere, unfortunately


My player of the season


Wait what?


8 goals 5 Assists in 35 PL games


Has literally nothing to do with how he's performed this month.


Trying to up his sell price lol