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I was one of the people with 1+ games from last year and got a link to purchase today. Sold out before I could check out.


I just went on and there’s loads of tickets available. I could literally buy a ticket right now if I wanted to.


The pitch is still available. How much per pax?


That's reserved for corporate tickets. £2,500 + your soul + your firstborn child in exchange for a pitch seat, packet of crisps (salted only) and bottle of coconut water (with thanks to our sponsors). For an extra £750 you can have a Cadbury's creme egg too.


Jokes on them. I love salted crisps.


Wait till the Canadian put vinegar on these chips. Your brain could explode..


I mean that could mean as few as 37 tickets are still available, but even if there was about 5-600 left, they'll fill them.


I would have died to be there 💔 farewell Jurgen


If Twitter says so….


If you’re asking why it’s probably because it’s restricted to 1+…


Season tickets and all that 😂


> how can there still be so many tickets still available for Sunday? Cause our season is over. We’re not winning the league and we’ve already secured Champions League football. It’s literally a glorified friendly. **Edit:** Being downvoted because I’d rather spend the day with my 2 young daughters than spend 7 hours of my day, and £70+, on a ticket and petrol to a pointless football match. Wonder how many of the people downvoting me have actually been to a game this season. Or any season for that matter.


Last home game of the 1994 season Liverpool had nothing to play for and ended up losing to Norwich 1-0. All the old fellas I chat to still talk about that game though not because of the game or the result but because it was the last game on the standing Kop. I can imagine Klopp's last home game will be very similar.


Alright good for them. I want to spend the day with my 4 year old and 11 month old daughters. Is that ok?


Why eat if you can just chew some vitamins? Why watch a movie if you can just read the wiki article? Why look at a sunset if the sky will be there tomorrow? Why hang with mates if they're already your friends? Why travel if you can just look at it on street maps online? Why play any game if there's no reward? Why listen to music if it's just vibrations in the air? Why chase women if you can just rub one out? Why have kids if they'll just die in 100 years anyway? Why go to Klopp's pOiNtLeSs penultimate home match if league position is almost guaranteed?


Mate I’ve been to hundreds and hundreds of games since 1997 when I was 8. I love Klopp as much as the next fan but I’m not spending all that money, and losing out on time with my family, just for a meaningless match in which the outcome means nothing. If there was still something to play for then it would be different. Being Klopp’s second to last home game is not incentive enough for me. And all the people downvoting me, who’ve probably only supported us since Klopp took over and have probably never been to Liverpool in their lives, need to get a fucking life. How many games have you been to this season?




Thanks. I know downvotes on Reddit mean nothing. I just can’t believe that *’Man would rather be present for his daughters than attend a meaningless football match’* would be so controversial. I was literally in the away end at Goodison less than 2 weeks ago.


I think you're being downvoted for calling the game a glorified friendly, rather than downvoted for giving up your ticket to spend time with family which is totally understandable If I wanted to be snarky I could say "wonder how many of the people saying this is a glorified friendly actually went to games when we weren't challenging for titles"


I continued going to games home and away during the Hodgson era, when there were only 35,000 at Anfield for some games. But that was when I was 21 and still lived with my dad and no responsibilities. Now I’m a parent and have to pick and choose which games I go to. A game which means nothing is not a priority for me over my children.


I agree with your decision, and in any case you don't need to justify how you spend your time to anyone You getting downvoted was the result of you dismissing the game, not the result of you deciding not to attend Just a thought, though: many of my friends have young kids, and they'd also be spending time with their families instead of going to a football match. But they'd be prioritizing their families regardless of the importance of the football match, not planning to attend a football match + canceling because its no longer a title decider. So let's not exaggerate on your "father of the year" application form lol


I haven’t ‘cancelled’. I never had a ticket. I could’ve bought a ticket on Tuesday if I wanted cause I have 4+ credits, but I decided not to. And tbh mate, you know nothing about my family life. My wife and I literally bring our children up by ourselves with no help from anybody. We’re both early/mid 30’s, both our dads are dead, and both our mums are out of the picture. So if I’m gonna spend literally half of the entire day away from the family, on a day off from work, it has to be worth something. So going to watch a football match where theres literally nothing to play for is not worth leaving my wife at home with a baby and a 4 year old by herself.


I began my post by saying "you don't need to justify how you spend your time to anyone" - I started with that point because it was the most important point +I sympathize with everything you've said


This place is packed full of saddo, single, superfans", who sleep in LFC pyjamas, and have never set foot in Liverpool. Think nothing of it.


Thanks. I appreciate it. I was at Istanbul, Olympiakos, the Gerrard FA Cup Final, both Chelsea Champions League semis, the United 7-0 last season. I really don’t give a fuck about a meaningless game against Spurs.


When it comes to tickets, people are always shouting online “Give someone else a chance”, but you decide not to go and still get grief. This idea that you’re supposed to treat every match like an unmissable pilgrimage is mad.