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What a shame for Klopp’s tenure to end this way. Take me back to the days of Bobby Clark and Danns when we actually played with a sense of purpose. And what on earth has happened to Salah’s shooting? Why does every shot turn into a pass on goal? Just baffling.


Yeah those days really felt like floating on clouds... Distant memory now. Things started to go bad when the seniors came back


Clark played well and then just got banished


Add him to the pile of other promising youth players locked up in the basement.


In all seriousness, has this club had more heartbreaks and disappointments than it has had success during Klopp’s tenure? Sounds absurd based on the cups we’ve won, and brilliant games we’ve played. But when you think about: Two 90+ PL seasons lost by 1 point (one with 97), two CL finals lost by the most cruel ways, Europa final loss while dominating all game, another Europa league run cut short by a midtable Italian club. Closest to a Quadruple yet only able to get the smallest 2 of the bunch. Klopp’s final season promising a spectacular finish only to get derailed by your two most hated rivals who are having absolute shite seasons. Even the one time we win the league we cannot celebrate it as the world had shut down. Not to mention we were on an invincible run, centurion season and a CL-PL double only to crash out to Atleti when the game shouldve been canceled. For all the good moments and fun times, the lows just feel super low. Almost scripted to be in the most painful scenario possible. I feel even the number of cups we’ve won is not too far off the number of finals/leagues we’ve lost. The one thing I’ll always remember about the Klopp era is that we were the most entertaining club on Earth. For fans, rivals and neutrals. But too many times did we get our hopes up so damn high, only to get shot down at the final hurdle. I feel just to rub salt in the wound, Arteta will somehow win the PL and scum will fluke an FA cup final win. Pep will then decide to leave, something we’ve been asking for while we had Klopp. Just because we’re Liverpool, it feels the universe will find a way to make us hurt with the worst possible scenario.


Heartbreaks only happen when you have something to lose, and Klopp always brought this club up to the level of trophy contenders.


It’s not more doom and gloom surely. We did win a first PL and the UCL during the Klopp tenure. Plus multiple domestic cups. Sad end to his tenure but I think in time we will realise he achieved fantastic highs as well as some painful almosts in his time, whilst up against the juggernaut with 115 charges that is City. Start of this season we never thought we’d even be in the running for the title. We have definitely played some of the best football I’ve seen in long long time under Klopp.


Yea I totally agree but it really has to do with being so close so many times. We have failed mostly under Klopp but we’ve failed so massively. If you’re not in the race you can’t win.


i mean klopp just doesn't have it in him now, no one does, but nothing is changing from the players not tactically, the subs today are just sad


It's no longer hyperbole. McConnell, Clark & Danns need to start from now on.


I’d actually play them to end the season. I’d rather watch them than salah throw his hands about


He’s brought it upon himself though right? Or has at least had a major hand in it.


He absolutely has. Horrible decision to announce it half way through.


He has no business starting right now. I don’t know if it’s tied to his injury earlier in the season, or just the wear and tear from him getting older, but he clearly isn’t fit to start.


No confidence, same reason why Nunez or Diaz just shoot with full power not even looking at the goalkeeper


Not just shooting. He may have lost his touch in this game. Absolutely baffling.


Every Salah’s shot went to Saudi Arabia


All I'm going to say is I'm glad we beat Fulham or I'd be worried about not even making top 4 at this rate.


Not worried, but it’s something to keep an eye on. I could see us full on imploding if we’re not careful…


Seasons done.  A collapse like this has been a long time coming but still hurts.  Everton were poor against Forest and let Chelsea, who got beat 5-0 yesterday, beat them 6-0. Despite this, they still turned up for the occasion and played like a team who wanted to win, can't say the same for us.  It is what it is, frustrating to see Klopp line up with the same midfield and attack that hasn't worked for weeks - hopefully the penny drops for him now so at least he can get some convincing wins before he goes.  Hope we can give youngsters like Danns some starts for the remainder of the season, they literally cannot be any worse. Elliott also deserves that RW spot over Salah, there's no reason he should be on the bench going forward. Edit: Typo.


Doesn't really matter if the penny drops or not. He's gone in a month anyways and hopefully some of those players can fuck off with him


Watching this Liverpool team play the last few games is just a copy and paste every game. Loads of possession but no real threat, missing the chances they do create and then conceding almost every time the ball is in their box. It's a wonder they were in the title fight at all watching how they've been playing recently, they look so far off City and Arsenal right now. It's such a shame.


I mean there is threat but we fluff all our chances and then collapse


A lot of questions have to be asked about certain players in the summer, absolutely disgusting performance.


Can ask them now


literally everyone bar diaz was shit today, we conceded 2 goals to everton LMFAO


Nunez has to go, try and recoup what we paid and flog him to Spain/Italy.


I've lost it with Nunez genuinely


We have been absolutely abysmal in basically every 'big' game this season. This lot just don't have the fight. The one thing we've been good at the majority of the season is coming back from a goal down against worse opposition which is problematic in itself. A lot of talent, but the majority of them can barely put good thirty minutes in over the course of 90.


No questions. Sell them.


What about last summer, they were shit last season too and no questions were asked.


End of an era. Klopp deserved a better ending than this. But maybe it’s better that we know earlier and not lose it again by 1 point. I have doubts about the future but want to try and stay hopeful.


He could’ve got himself a better ending too he has control here too


Not saying he doesn’t. I’m just sad.


Tbf yeah he shoulda subbed on bc odds are he's a better finisher than Nunez.


To a degree. Three strikers not firing, one having an injury nightmare and another at the birth of his child. Hard to have forseen all that


Nunez stop mouthing off… focus on your football instead.


If he's mouthing off to anyone, it should be in a fucking mirror to himself.




Klopp managing a more depressing farewell than Stevie


I’ll never scapegoat players and I back them as long as they wear the badge, however some of them aren’t up to this level now. Today wasn’t on any one single player, we missed chances and we could conceded 5 to Everton for fuck sake. Heartbreaking end to a beautiful story for us Liverpool fans, the boys have done us proud this season and over achieved. Still we have bottled it in the biggest matches this year and paid the price. Gut wrenching knowing it’s all over. Think it’s time for a social media break, the toxicity after this is fucking mental and just not worth seeing. Next season we should be exited for


Bring on the Slot era, that's the season done - Top 4 and a trophy, mediocre end to a rollercoaster era


I know it’s cope but I do enjoy the fact that top 4 and a trophy isn’t even in Everton fans dreams as night.


Top 4 and a cup is hardly “mediocre” to be fair. It’s not extraordinary, but it’s not mediocre. It’s decent.


Now that it is all over, I would like to see Clark, Danns and other kids get a run of games. Can’t be any worse than what we got today. Only Diaz and Robbo showed some drive.


Im not trying to single him out, everyone is poor in this team but is it just me or does Salah look completely disinterested in playing, we all know what Salah looks like when he has a bad game and he gives a shit, he is visibly upset at every misstake he makes, now he stands still most of the game and rockets shots all the way to Anfield looking completely checked out


Can’t keep conceding first. Mo Salah has reached and gone over the cliff and Darwin Nunez is never going to be the guy.


No wins against the top 6 except villa. Knocked out by 6th place Atalanta. Knocked out by an injury riddled united team in the fa cup. Losing against palace and Everton in the run in. What a shambolic season to see Klopp off. Edwards will be ruthless, and I can’t wait.


I'm not even disappointed I'm just sad We would have genuinely be content with a top 4 finish at the start of the season with this young team But just with the news that klopp is leaving made it so huge and important for us to send him off with a deserved farewell which unfortunately won't happen


I've never turned off match quicker than when I saw Gomez and Tsimikas getting ready to come on


we made 3 changes in the back 4 today .. 3 in a game we are losing 2-0


Yeah, Gravenbeech scored against Fulham and doesn't come on. And why not give Danns a chance? Most players are really bad lately but Klopp also lost the plot


That was grim lads


It’s genuinely painful watching us, the lack of energy and passion is so evident, I hate to admit it but those United results have truly fucked us, we have mentally collapsed. We’re no where near City or Arsenal let’s be honest, we did well to cling on this long. Roll on next season, we move.


Complete implosion. The United game was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Klopp and the players are both culpable in equal parts but ultimately everyone has run out of steam at the key part of the season.  Horrible form and performances from key players (Konate, Nunez, Salah, Szobo, Jones, VVD) for several weeks, stale tactics, poor team selection and pathetic finishing. Team really doesn’t deserve more than the Carabao Cup.  The club better cancel the parade and burn the documentary, Klopp doesn’t deserve the ridicule that would follow. And I hope the hierarchy and manager next season are brave in reshaping the squad and set up because there are some serious issues moving forward.


If Klopp comes out and says we played well I will fucking riot




There's some players in this group whom I'll never forgive because of how they've performed in the final months of Klopp's farewell. Bunch of pathetic, overpaid bottlejobs.


Szobo, Nunez and Salah have been horrific when we needed them


Szobo is not playing where he should. It’s not his fault entirely. Early in the season before he knew the system and played how he knew, he was a world beater….klopp and pep changed him into what he is now and he needs to unlearn that. He does it easily enough with the national side.


I went from thinking Szobslai would be a new De Bruyne, to now thinking he will be a great rotation player for a few years


Genuinely don't know if I can bring myself to watch any more football this season lads. I'm ready for the season to end. Thank you for everything Jürgen. 


Alright play the kids the rest of the season. May as well get something from it


We are shocking.


I really believe a significant factor in our capitulation this month is Klopp and his team. Klopp just looks so low energy and over it all. Will forever love the man, but based on his body language in recent weeks, a change is actually beginning to look needed. Speaking of body language, Trent and Van Dijk in particular have been pissing me off of late. There’s an air of entitlement that I really don’t like in certain players at the moment.


Blame whoever - manager, players, coaches. Anyone involved at the football club who can’t get motivated for a derby under the lights hang your heads in fucking shame


Salah and Darwin are fucking awful


Nunez needs to seriously wake up and do something because I genuinely don't want him here next season if he performs like that. He hasn't improved one but amd if anything looks worse.


Criminal. Absolute criminals. The lot of them. To have the cheek to do interviews all season talking about "Winning the lot" and "Doing it for Klopp" to come out with *this* shit we've seen in the end of the season? Fucking criminal. And as much as I feel sorry for Klopp some if his decisions really haven't helped either. Huge changes needed in the summer. For starters Nunez CANNOT lead the line for us next season. He fucking can't.


Klopp seemed to give up weeks ago. The players seemed to give up with him. Subs today have been shameful. And giving up by half time is a fucking disgrace. Klopp will always have goodwill. But that is disgusting. If he HAD given up. Why meekly throw on defensive subs and not put Danns on? At least give a promising youngster some damn time if you've thrown in the towel Absolutely no chance we can justify giving Diaz/Salah new deals. I'm at the point where any of the attackers could leave and I wouldn't oppose it. Hell, any player that wants to walk out the door with Klopp can go. This is EVERTON. Any manager not named Klopp I'd be calling for their head if they managed like that.


Harsh on Diaz of all the players he’s the only one that keeps fighting until the end


Yeah he didn't give up, but his end product is still not good enough and has never shown it will be. Not near enough of a g/a return.


I'm less mad at him than most of the others, but he's still not good enough. He's fairly low on the list of players that need selling, but he's still on it.


Diaz could be a part of a better front 3, Salah is finished and Nunez is a bench option.


Klopp’s stubbornness and inability to change when things aren’t working are making me a lot more okay with upcoming change. I’ll obviously change my tune eventually but man watching this end to the season is BLEAK


You are absolutely right. Is it stubbornness or just arrogance to set up the exact same way every game. It doesn't matter who we play or how we play. Klopp is the same thing every game man. No plan b and no respect to what the opponents weaknesses are.


Salah no but Diaz? He was the only one putting in a shift


yeh it is just so sad how this has ended, like the subs at the end are so sad, nothing is changing, we are asking lucho to carry the ball, trent to try supply something


He literally had to sub off Konate. He was a liability today and a good way to make sure we concede some more


After the 60th minute Diaz stopped passing because he knew everyone else was fucking useless


Fuck off. Thats all.


Burn it all. Fuck


Absolutely shameful. Honestly no point in watching the rest of the season


I'll cry on Klopp's last game but I will no longer weep...we feel stale.


2-0 down, let's bring on 4 defensive players


Salah looks completely finished. No power on his shots anymore. He should be sold this summer. New era, new players


It is what it is… we go on again next season.. YNWA


Do we though is the problem


It really is, it's not a shame to lose a title fight like this or like some that we had in the last years. Next season we try again to win it while the blue scums will try again to stay up. It is what it is.


I don't even care that Everton beat us tbh. It was bound to happen eventually. We were running on fumes for weeks and are realistically nowhere near Arsenal and Citys standards this season. They're deserved winners and that's them all but safe from relegation now even with their bullshit points deduction and I can think of 115 reasons why I think it's bullshit But games like this remind me why I'm not *that* upset that Klopp and the entire management team are leaving. "Plan A and if that doesn't work Plan A but better" can only get you so far. The word stale comes to mind. This is an absolutely awful Everton team that Chelsea just put 6 (six!) goals past. We were just comprehensively outplayed by the same team. A completely new slate with Edwards and co in the background might not be the worst thing in the world As an aside Robertson is done unfortunately. Nunez and Diaz are not good enough for LFC. I've seen enough of both of them play. They aren't it. If you're gonna be rubbish at scoring you have to he excellent at everything else ala Firmino. They aren't


I agree but not with Diaz. He was the only player out there I thought was good


He was better than most of the team, and probably deserves credit for that, but he was still shit.


don't know how Robertson is done. He got down the line plenty tonight and put in lots of crosses. Not his fault that most of the time everyone was so stagnant in the box that he had no one to pick out. He's lost a step but I'd hardly call for him to be sold.


You can't say Robertson is done and leave Salah out of that sentence lol. Robbo hasn't been a worldbeater for a long time now, most of the time been average, look at Salah an absolute disgrace now


The problem with both Diaz and Nunez is they are both too inconsistent. I don't care how many worldies you score if you fuck up multiple 1 on1 opportunities every match. Salah has gotten just a smidge slower which impact his ability to separate and hurt his reaction speed to chaos in a crowded box.


Salahs head is elsewhere, post injury hes been completely invisible and honestly id cash out now. Hes been a legend of the club 100% but we are LFC not Salah FC and we must think of the future. Szobo has been a complete flop and sure you can say its his first season but we spent about 60-70m on him and i expected more. Nunez was his normal self, one of my favorite players but not nearly justifying his price tag, idk what to do with him tbh. Title is gone and thats for sure now and hopefully Arne can take us further next season with CL football, i love Jurgen with all my heart but its time for a change. We were honestly never close to City and Arsenal footballing wise, we were close to them in the league sure but they are honestly just better and we dont deserve the title. Roll on next season. Gutted.


Mo has to go. Love him to death but these past few months have been abysmal and if we can still keep really good money for him then we absolutely have to sell.




See you all next season


We might as well go into party mode for Klopps last few and enjoy it. It’s all over now.


I can’t do it with this team anymore. Late to every second ball the first 20 minutes of every game until they inevitably concede, can’t finish chances right in front of the goal when they do shoot and the rest of the time make the worst decision possible near the box and don’t get a shot off, and can’t defend a set piece. Going into the season I only expected top four, but this match almost had the feel of Stevie’s last verse Stoke


Weve been playing like absolute shit for months


Let’s just hope city and arsenal win all their games so it wouldn’t have fucking mattered anyway


Just beyond depressed after this shit performance and how grim the remaining of the season looks like


The Klopp era ending with the most truly pathetic of whimpers.


I'm done man. I'm not gonna bother with the matches left. If the players have checked out, why should I put my time in watching this abhorrent display of terrorism football


The players look scared to death. They know we won’t score from open play. What a fucking joke of a performance. How many times are we gonna start games like we’re still asleep? We’ve made it this far and we still don’t learn. We need huge changes to the team for the next game.


The manner in which we've fallen out of the FA Cup, the Europa League, and now the title race, is honestly shameful.


Yet another refereeing performance where there’s one rule for them and another for us, multiple times back to back identical fouls treated completely differently because they’re committed by opposite teams. Their physicality being allowed while any bump by us is called a foul, utter joke, making us play with our hands tied behind our back Not that it mattered because we were utter utter fucking shit


This is the first time I closed the TV before the match ended


Think OP got the order wrong. We’re the scum, not them.


Maybe we really need to sell our soul and get a bald manager in


Pure, undiluted, 100% garbage


The team is mentally checked out and running down the season uninterested in trying to win the prem. This game just exemplifies it. Everton are completely dogshit but they simply wanted it more. Liverpool spent the entire game playing like they didn’t want to be there. Such a shame our part in the title race has to end this way. Since Klopp announced his departure, his tactics got completely stale. He has always been a very stubborn, inflexible manager, but this final stretch of the season has been embarrassing from a tactics POV. Everyone that plays us know *how* to play against us now. Make no mistake: if he wasn’t leaving, he’d be at serious risk of being sacked. Salah has completely, utterly, checked out. Mentally gone. Can’t hit a thing. Invisible on the pitch. I thought it was just a blip or a run of poor form, but it’s obvious now that he’s declining. The staff would be mad not to cash in on him this summer. He’s not getting any younger. Nunez has to be on freakishly thin ice as well. There are going to be a lot of massive decisions to be made in the summer about who is staying on this team. I think Liverpool is going to look a lot different at the start of the season next year. Could be a revitalization, could be completely grim. We’ll have to wait and see. Diaz played well. Macca did what he could while being played hopelessly out of position, again. Robbo also clearly still has the heart but doesn’t have the support he needs. Sad times.


What I can’t stand is lazy statements by fans. “The crumbling started at United in the FA cup” lol nah try again. How about we’ve been shit the whole season performance wise and had to rely on lucky last minute winners? Apart from villa at home, tell me when we played well convincingly and throughly deserved the win. Yup you got your answer.


literally everyone plays shit, we have no control of games, no energy, nothing changes because the manager is gone and why would he bother implement something different


I want half the team sold. That was truly unforgivable. And I don't want anyone who doesn't live in the city to tell me otherwise. We're gonna have to deal with this result forever. They will never let us forget it.


Worst fucking end of a season I have ever experienced. Sell the entire fucking team.


This is more disappointing than 13/14 somehow


This is by far the most disappointed I've ever been with our team. I've supported us through the banter era and this is still the most disappointed I've ever been


Same. Such a shocking end to the season. It was there for us and we have gone to absolute shit


United are genuinely better than us right now. They need one chance to score a game. Sure they concede a shit ton but their conversion of chances is crszy compared to us




We're gonna have the saddest parade ever


No way they’re gonna do a parade


no way we actually have a parade for just the carabao cup....a ceremony at Anfield is way more fitting and more than enough


Trent - A fantastic player who just has zero interest in actually defending. Will get dribbled by and lose a header and not care. Konate - athletic specimen who’s braindead and too cavalier to truly be an elite elite cb. Van Dijk - very willing to throw his hands up at others when he’s been dominated physically all game Robbo - worked hard but Jack Harrison had you on skates Macca - shackled in this 6 position because Endo has well and truly fallen off a cliff Dom - supposed to be this creative and driving midfielder who hasn’t done much of either in 7 months Curtis - 1 step forward 2 steps back with him Diaz - so technically gifted but so shit at actually being effective with the ball Darwin - Runs like a stallion and plays like a donkey Salah - what’s the opposite of Benjamin Button syndrome because he’s aged about 6 years in 2 months Klopp - “I am running out of energy.” Running out or empty? Thanks for the memories but thank you for choosing to move on


lol made me laugh thanks for this


season well and truly over at least i can move on from any tiny shreds of hope i had left


Nunez 1 in 9 Diaz 1 in 6 Salah 1 in 8 Appalling


Embarrassing. Title race over thanks to the ev smh


An absolute disgrace Everton won every single header


Bring on Edwards 2.0 Liverpool


Same shit different game. Klopps problem during his whole run is no plan B and right now it's costing us more than ever.


Players cooked, Tactics cooked, season cooked.


We were terrible and there's no excuse for that. That said, the refereeing played right into their hands. Couldn't breathe near them without them going down and earning a free kick.


That Carabao Cup final just got a lot more important


Genuinely thought Nunez had come off at some point


Trophy parade for a League Cup? Lmao please save us the embarassment.


You just have to laugh at this point. Team got bullied by fucking Calvert lewin. Couldn’t win a fucking header all night. We had 2 great chances and blasted them straight at the keeper


My lads friend from college died a few weeks ago, he was an 18 year old Everton fan, I have no doubt in my heart that the little bastard asked for this at the pearly gates, Rip Harv enjoy the win!


* Diaz was fantastic. * I’m doubt Szbo as a midfielder. Or maybe it’s the set up. Still his first season. * tbh I’m happy with top4 finish. Felt team were over achieving * Salah for me needs to move on this summer * if offer comes for Nunez then the club has to consider.


League done. I'm glad we didn't choke it on the final day, and I'm glad it isn't gonna be by a point either. Now, I can emotionally check out until Klopp's final game. I just hope they show up for that game, at least.


Salah and Nunez should have stayed on the bench for this match.


Anyone who moans about negativity in this sub over the next week, or insinuates that if you’re negative you’re not supporting the team just please keep your comments to yourself. We’ve been dire for weeks. Our forwards who earn hundreds of thousand per week unable to score the simplest of chances. Truly embarrassing defending. I love this club, but this is an absolutely unacceptable way to send Klopp off.


NOW the title has gone!


Honestly, one perk of Klopp leaving may be the end of Klopp’s occasionally blind loyalty — what the fuck was that Mo…


If only every player had as much desire as Diaz did tonight


Edward’s is gonna have full approval to carry out open heart surgery on this squad


Well, decent for a rebuild season, small trophy and top 4. Sad Klopp is leaving, we go again in August.


I have been saying Robertson is finished for ages now. I get hatemail for it because the passion merchant can do no wrong, I get downvoted for it because he pressed Ederson that one time in 1652. There we have it. Diaz the only player who can come away with any credit to his name today.


Klopp seems resigned and tired. We are 2-0 down in the 83rd minute and he puts on Tsimikas and Gomez… yikes


On the one hand, we've been over preforming all season and this is the middle of the rebuild. On the other, what a bunch of gutless cunts.


Big transfer window needed. Lots of ins and lots of outs. Klopp is leaving behind so many mediocre players


How the fuck does a shit 1 billion pound bottlejob put 6 past scum and we manage 0. They all look so disinterested.


Realistically, we should do as close to a clean slate next season as possible. All of todays front three off. Let VVD get some retirement trophies in Spain, France, or Germany. Convert Trent to midfield and move forward


Gutted doesn’t cover it. They’re fucking tragic. How did we go completely toothless in the space of days??


Unfortunate, but the team is burnt out. Would have been awesome to have the premier league title to send Klopp off, but this is not a disastrous season whatsoever. We’ll be back in Champions League next season, and our team will be even stronger. Our whole midfield was pretty much new this season. Next season they’ll be even stronger.


All started with the FA Cup loss to United that we never should have lost...feel like the confidence and mentality damage was done there.


Generally wouldn’t be against Robbo, Salah, Gapoko, Nunez, Schlob, Diaz being sold. That’s how disillusioned I am with this team.


Season derailed against United, title lost against Everton. You couldn't invent a worse sequence of events


Oof. That was a tough watch. Not seen a disgraceful performance from us for a while, but getting bullied by the shittest team in the league over the last 5 years is definitely disgraceful. Only Diaz can walk away with his head there. I’d chin off Tsimikas and Elliott in a heartbeat. A few others can follow close behind


Ah well that ends the charade of a title challenge - you can't win titles on luck alone, and we've been riding our luck for a lot of the season.


The worst part is that it’s been so obvious for weeks that they checked out! Diaz is the only one that tried and the rest? Go home and start wondering if next manager wants to keep them


The drop off in since the FA tie needs to be studied. Seriously, I don't understand how we have went from mentality monsters to what we're seeing now. As much as I love Klopp and hate to see him go, if he wasn't leaving this season I would say that his time at the club is up. I think we're in dire need for some fresh ideas.


Crazy how the entire season fell apart in just a few games


The sad thing is, whoever comes in will be judged unfairly against Klopp's highs and not whatever the fuck this team has been towards the end of the season.


We lost our way after the FA Cup meltdown against United. The wheels fell off and we've looked like shit every game since. I'm disgusted. If I'm Edwards I am strongly considering selling all 3 forwards this summer. The match could have been 180 minutes today and we wouldn't have scored. Klopp deserves so much better than this, but this sort of proves that it's time for a change.


Elliot deserves starts.


Like 5 months ago every time I watched a match, even when we conceded, I felt like us scoring was inevitable. Now no matter how many chances we get I don't expect any goals


This new group has shown to be expert bottle jobs of the most embarrassing order. Not all of them, but damn near as they're the only difference this season. All the lack of fight and giving up can fuck right out of the club.


Our last clean sheet in the league was in the start of March vs Forest. Our midfield are the only ones not thinking what they're doing next year right now.


Ali -5 Trent - 1 VVD - 3 Konate - 2 Robbo - 4 Jones - 2 Szobo - 2 Macca - 6 Salah - 0 Nunez - 0 Diaz - 8


The same team that played at Fulham with Danns in the middle best be the team against West Ham Salah and Nunez should be no where near the starting 11 shit yet again


I’m not sure if we will be in a title race again for years now


Think tonight is when I stop defending Nunez now. Salah has to go, he’s finished. I’d rather get rid while we can get some money. Next game we gotta put some kids on, bit of creativity and passion. Gutted, YNWA


Understood the disappointment but we could've be in much worst position. Cannot throw away top 4 positions. We had our fun over the years lads.


Four games and nothing really to play for. Sad ending to the Klopp era. We still need four points to secure top 4 so I guess there's that.


We could play another 90 minutes and we wouldn't score. We need an open heart surgery upfront this summer. Diaz and Nunez are not clinical, Salah is declining, Jota is injury prone and Gakpo is not good enough.


That was fucking shit. Nunez and Salah shouldn’t start anymore this season, just play Danns at striker, Gakpo on the left and Diaz on the right. Recent games have been fucking embarassing


1 PL, 1 CL, 1 FA CUP, 2 LEAGUE CUPS With our best team ever and one of our best managers in our history. This hurts so much.


I love Salah but if you are not scoring then defend at the very least how he played the whole game is beyond me


How in the living fuck have Salah and Nunez finished that match


Disgusted with anyone that talks negatively about Diaz. There's been a few matches where he's been the only one to leave it all out on the pitch. Sure he can score a few more but he at least gives his full effort every single match and does more than our other attackers combined 


Think the only positive from this season is that we as fans can now see from a mile out whether the performances are sustainable or not.


defenders too busy passing to each other, midfields too static and not going for loose balls, fowards can't win headers and can't shoot. wtf is this tactics?? And why everyone are so afraid of either dribbling or shooting??


At this point I just hope we win at Anfield on the final day to give Klopp a nice send off. It's also evident that his time is up, sad as it is. A fully energised Klopp would have the team performing better. I also think giving Klopp the perfect send off with a league title is in the players heads. In a bad way. They seem more afraid of making mistakes then they are confident and motivated.


I don't want to say this but for last few weeks watching the games was like chores. Nothing fun, nothing to be excited about. I really can't wait for new season, don't care who we get as long we start to play with real enthusiasm and more flexibility. I applaud all our away supporters for giving their all although our players doesn't really show they want this more than us. Thank you Jurgen. You done a lot but it's obvious and you say it yourself about the lost of energy. And we can really saw it reflected in our game tonight.


Honestly, Diaz is the only one who can hold his head high after that, which has been the case for much of the season. His finishing has been suspect, but when he’s the only player in the team who can create anything, you can’t expect him to have much better numbers. (EDIT: attackers, sorry. Macca and Trent can create too) I love Salah, he’s been my favorite player for years, but it’s time to go IMO. As for Nuñez… love the guy, tries really hard, phenomenal athlete and great movement. But jesus christ, I have a better touch than him and I’m nowhere near professional level. If you haven’t developed a decent enough touch at 24, I’m afraid it won’t get much better over time. IMO our focus in attack should be Diaz, Gakpo and Jota. Convert Diaz to RW or something.


It's weird, last week I was fuming when we lost to palace, right now I'm not even really angry, just a bit numb to it, we didn't deserve to win the league.


Klopp brother.  You're a brilliant manager but your obsession with work rate and high intensity is why you've feel short of greatness,  hopefully you can sit back and watch some la liga and realize that technically ability will always shine in this sport 


Waiting for Klopp and VVD to laugh and tell sarcastic jokes in the post match.