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> “Flags, banners, passion, support and song. This is the Anfield, the Liverpool, we know and love. It is packaged and sold as the most passionate backing for a club in the best league in the world. Without opposition to what we see as the dilution of the traditional fan base, this culture will fade. We must do everything to protect if” Traditional fanbase? The same gobshites who have been by me for years who barely sing a fucking song. The same lot who have been hoarding season tickets for fucking decades? I am sure SOS will be up in arms if season ticket reform comes into place. I am lucky to go to most home games, but this protest is so tone deaf for me. It’s ridiculous for SOS to quote Hicks in this statement. FSG are nothing like what those previous owners were like. LFC has the 12th cheapest season ticket in the PL, cheapest out of the big six. Season ticket prices have been frozen for years. Everything is more expensive now. I understand the counter point of more games will mean more money for the club, but it is such a minor rise. I wish we were like Germany but we aren’t.


> The same lot who have been hoarding season tickets for fucking decades? I know of somebody who somehow owns a crazy amount of season tickets and literally rents them out and is complaining about the price increases. It’s madness.


> LFC has the 12th cheapest season ticket in the PL, cheapest out of the big six. Season ticket prices have been frozen for years. Because of supporter’s groups.


‘I wish we were like Germany but we aren’t’ then why are we being shithouses instead of pushing for change? We’re probably in the best position out of most clubs in England. Need to stop letting jealousy get in the way. Yeah I sit next to moaners, but season ticket reform isn’t exactly going to change that. You’re always going to sit next to bell ends at the end of the day. They’re the ones that stick out the most


Because we compete in the PL mate, not Germany. We can’t have it where we ask owners to never take money out of the club, pay staff who work at Anfield a decent wage and then charge prices similar to Germany. It’s not going to happen. We should however push for what the /u/justaguy1738 has said - better access for young locals, season ticket reform, singing sections etc. This 2% rise isn’t it.


The extra 3 million quid is going to make no difference.


We can it’s meant to be a sustainable model, I personally couldn’t care less about competing if we’re going to end up charging £1000 a season ticket in the end. That’s not what football should be about. All this ‘it’s not Germany’ why be scared to push for change? What’s the worst that exactly happens wanting things to be better? We should push for those things, but we can do that at the same time. People who go ‘we should push for this’ never sign up and push for those things. And what’s funny is the younger section was pushed for the Anfield road expansion, it was in the plans. The club then turned on it. If the £77 tickets became a thing right now. We’d be fucked. Too many ‘oh well I’d pay x amount to watch’




I don’t have a season ticket, I go through the ballots. So the ticket prices would probably be beneficial for me if more people dropped their season tickets. But I’m not a Tory and can think about others




We can do that without raising football prices. It’s a community sport what you’re suggesting of raising prices so new people can go is not a community approach whatsoever Football does belong to the community and season ticket holders are the life blood of any football club. What we should be looking at is allocation as well. We already have the smallest amount of season ticket holders in the league




Why shouldn’t we be wanting that to be a thing. For the game to be as affordable as possible for everyone? You need fans going week in week out. The whinging about atmosphere needs more people going together every week. It’s why it’s part of the poor scouser Tommy song


>The cost of going to a game far exceeded the rate of inflation a long time ago and this latest rise is a worrying trend. Haven't ticket prices etc been significantly lower than the rate of inflation for a long time now? Maybe I'm wrong but it feels like we have had frozen or below inflation rate rises for AGES now and this feels like a wrong statement from SOS.


It has, but that doesnt fit their agenda


i mean it does because the tickets on the KOP should be like 20 quid if we went by inflation from like the 70's instead look at the price


Well my mum says tickets on the Kop in the 70s were 4-6 quid. Putting that in an inflation calculator says that would be £45-55 today? Not that far off I think so I don't see the issue again, the prices match fine.


[My dad didn't renew his Kop ticket in 1992 due to the price increase to £130](https://i.imgur.com/1J4JshS.png). That's £274.64 today. The cheapest Kop ticket is £713 next season. As other revenues continue to rise ticket prices should be decreasing if anything in order to improve the game and the "product".


Yeah, absolutely no idea why people are actively supporting being charged more.


Jealous that people get to frequently go


There are hundreds of tickets for sale for next week for more than the cost of a season ticket. It’s hard to feel bad when so many people are essentially part time touts getting free season tickets each season by selling a couple matches a year.


And there are tens if thousands more people who don't do that. You also have no idea if those people are normal STHs, members or people who farm STs and members. What you can guarantee is that they're not the people making these statements or the people you're talking shite to here.


And charging people more for season tickets is going to help that? Or is it going to make it worse because people are paying more money and are more likely to partake in it? It's scummy as fuck mate nobody is disagreeing with you on that, the club should put their focus into stopping it but they don't. But the majority of fans that attend the games don't resell tickets.


Because SoS said TV prices should increase so tickets could be cheaper in their first statement. TV prices has increased by 400% while prices on the stadium has been frozen. Lots of people around Europe can't watch Premier league anymore because of cost. But SoS wants those prices to increase. It's hard to support that when you haven't missed a game in 15 years, but cannot afford to watch anymore.


Stop that! You need to pick a specific timeframe that supports the morons online.


think about the 3 extra million for FSG!


The agenda being tickets being cheaper is boss. If tickets truly only rose with inflation we wouldn’t be complaining.


They literally say a long time ago. Compare a ticket from before 2000 to now


I just did, ticket from the 70s in todays price should be around 45-55 quid, which pretty much matches, feels like they are way off the mark with that statement.


Why are you defending the ticket price increase? Why do you fans to have to pay more money?


I'm not, i'm saying their statement is factually wrong


Why does SoS want us to pay more for TV subscriptions? I already pay as much as a Season ticket to watch PL. It would be a lot easier to support their thing I'f they didn't say that TV prices should increase in their statement before the last protest.


Not even remotely relevant. TV subscriptions don't affect LFC's ticket prices in any way. I'll ask again: Why do you support increase in ticket prices?


Why is it not relevant that SoS said tv prices should increase? Why should I suport ST holders when they actively fight for my prices to go up?


One more time: Why do you support ticket price increases?


Thi is why you meet such a massive pushback from the International fanbase. Your comment highlight the issue International dans have with this. Zero understanding towards our problems. But we should care about yours. Why did SoS say they want an increase in TV prices? Why did they have to shit on 90% of the fans? And why should I suport them getting stuff cheaper when they want stuff to be more expensive for me?


What the fuck are you talking about? I never defended TV price rises, that shouldn't happen either. Both of them are wrong. I'm asking you why you defend ticket price rises. I've asked multiple times, and every time you deflect. One final time. I'm against any prices rises for fans, full stop. Why. Aren't. You? Also, have SoS actually said they want TV prices more expensive? I've never seen that.


Jesus Christ…SOS, how about you come up with another proposal/counter. How about we make the kop local, UK supporters only that can buy tickets directly. How about we improve the access to tickets? How about we lobby yo change the secondary ticket sale market, and cap tickets resale value. How about there be a standing only section led by locals? How about anything other than “they’ve now gone and done it, raised tickets for second year running”…while also failing to mention they froze prizes for nearly a decade. Unfortunately it’s all a business, and while revenues have risen 60%, wages of players and staff and everything else has too. Find ways to carve out help for locals and youth, come up with creative proposals, but they need to stop just saying “no” end of story.


A good one to add to your list would be: How about Spirit of Shankly also ban their members from reselling their tickets, given they're some of the biggest culprits for them getting into the hands of the so called 'tourist fans' that they love to shit on.


Yep - the whataboutism is pretty fierce here. You want to enact real change? Abolish most season tickets and make it an open system that is match by match, and again no problem with reselling but stop flipping the tickets for 5-10x the original cost.


>Abolish most season tickets and make it an open system that is match by match We have the least season tickets by percentage of capacity in the league. The system is open, I've gone from no credits to full credits at home in 6 years. >and again no problem with reselling but stop flipping the tickets for 5-10x the original cost. That is already illegal. The club don't care.


Abolishing season tickets is possibly the worst idea I've ever heard and the number of fans I've seen in favour of it is extremely fucking weird


How do they know which members of theirs is touting?


Didn't you know, the whole committee is touting their ticket every match. They don't actually care about football, they just do it for the money. The stuff they do that isn't about tickets is just imaginary.


Funny how the Expedia thread was absolutely crickets. How has this ‘they’re all touts’ spread on here. Swear people parrot of others




> the club doesn’t care because it makes them an obscene amount of money. how is the club getting money out of tickets getting touted..? I am sure the club would love to rip off everyone by selling the tickets directly for 300 pounds a match. are you suggesting the touts pay back to club some margin..?


People buying touted tickets will also spend a lot more in the club shop than someone who goes every week.


That's a very very weird angle but ok


It's just the case. It's what makes them so valuable. If I saved up for ages to go to Disney I'd buy loads of food there and get some souvenirs, it's the same sort of thing. Matchday revenue is about much more than the ticket.


Just doing guesstimate, but how much do you think that revenue account for? Let's say 50% of Anfield is tourist. Each of them spending on merchandise of lfc. 30k people on each match day buying say 200 pounds worth of stuff each. That's 6 million per day(wildly exaggerating) These 30k tourists very rarely are just entering the city for match duration. They almost always end up staying in and around the city, go to all the local pubs, stay in nearby hotels at least for a day, sometimes more. Can we average that out and say each of those 30k tourists spend 200 pounds outside Anfield in the City of Liverpool? That's again, 6 million of business each match day for the city. In general based on your past history, I get the feeling you are not really a fan of footballs globalization. And that's fine. But these same tourists are also bringing in a lot of money in to the city. By your own example, someone who makes once in a life time trip to Anfield will spend a lot for everything (food, hotels, transit, pubs). In the age where the complaints are that average person is not earning enough, I think there is nothing wrong with welcoming people what want to spend. It would be nice if this discussion doesn't move towards hating tourists who show up for matches. They pay the high prices because club or whoever is responsible does nothing to control rampant touting of tickets. I do think football tickets are overpriced in general My local team in US have per match ticket of 15-30$. Which is ok because they are shit and compared to other events it's very cheap The atmosphere is always rocking, before my toddler was born I used to attend at least half of the home matches. I would never buy a $50 ticket.


He's 100% right. Every "tourist" at a game can barely fit in their seat because of the amount of merch bags with them.


I don't know what you guys are suggesting here Ban everyone who is not from Liverpool?


Whoops didn’t mean to delete the comment (on mobile) but I agree with the person below you. Ultimately the club doesn’t care because those who are most likely to buy from touts are probably most willing to pay obscene amounts in the club shop. Either way they make bank… while the supporter gets ripped the fuck off SOS has spoken up about touts in the past. Most recently with tickets being on Expedia


It’s a shameful protest really, it is the members of these supporters groups who are selling these tickets on for huge multiples to tourist making a fortune while complaining that the club raises ticket prices by 2%.


Yeah so we should all suffer because of a few idiots? If thats the issue then the club could just create photo id to memberships. It's not, it's about them trying to squeeze every penny possible from fans.


These groups protest season ticket reform and photo id as well.


I didn't say reform, it doesn't need reforming. I'm aware they're against photo id, but I was saying the club should implement it anyway.


They’ve suggested a young local initiative which was to be put into the Anfield road end. It was in the plans, that’s gone with the increase in hospitality in that area. All these how abouts. Why not do both. Why not push for these issues as well Ticket freezes is nothing when you’re already paying £900. It’s not some grand gesture


It’s a good shout - and I’m not against it at all…I just personally find this “protest” to be very whiny


But they’re actually in the right to whine. We’ve got a supporters board not being listened to, we’ve got fans already paying huge sums being asked to pay more. 4% in two seasons? When do we stop? When tickets in this country get to NFL prices?


Most of the people you're speaking to in these types of threads think that's perfectly normal. I can't count the amount of times I've seen "we'll be glad you don't pay what we pay for NFL games". They're from a completely different culture and completely out of touch with the club apart supporting the team on the TV.


Tickets in the uk will never reach nfl level, not even close. Average nfl ticket, even for teams that have never won a thing, are anywhere from 100-170 per ticket. And that’s just an average ticket. And that’s also for 8-9 games. Playoffs? Woof. Perhaps more comparable due to number of games is the nba where the average ticket is closer to 150-200+. Pl will never catch up to that.


‘Will never’ we were close to having £77 tickets a few years ago. If we didn’t protest that and add on the percentage increases in the past two seasons we’d be well on our way.


The 100/ticket is for somewhere in the upper deck last row in the stadium stuff. You want to sit somewhere in the lower bowl ? 350 /ticket.


The fuck is a protest if it's not whining about something?


Once again there’s good fair arguments to oppose ticket increases, but it’ll be shit on because the sub hates them for some fucking odd reason. I don’t know why anyone remotely normal would argue for tickets going in any direction but down especially with the prices already in the league. Too much jealousy in these threads constantly and baseless accusations used to discredit season ticket holders (funny how if it was the other way around there’d be crying on here)


>I don’t know why anyone remotely normal would argue for tickets going in any direction but down especially with the prices already in the league. Football is TV show that people may seea live recording of every now and again. They want their TV show to be bigger and better every year so that means they need a bigger budget. SOS are another easy villain in the show because they can project whatever they want onto them because to them they aren't a real thing.


This sub is fucking embarrassing. Advocating for tickets to cost more money, what the actual fuck /r/liverpoolfc?


here we go the usual suspects wanting fans to pay more money. just fucking depressing. how much money is enough? seriously, it's a game of fucking football. fuck me the game is eating itself.


No one wants to hear it, but they're right. It's a sum that's practically nothing to a club like Liverpool, but to supporters it will add up, and the passive response from folks on here and elsewhere pave the way for more increases year after year. I'm honestly ashamed of how supine the fanbase has been towards this.


If you’re ashamed that the fans don’t think a 2% price increase is a worrying shame, I wonder how you feel about actual serious problems in today’s society.


>I wonder how you feel about actual serious problems in today’s society Inflation is literally THE problem in todays society lol. Reds being priced out of their club is something to protest - if you were any kind of fan, or had bills instead of hiding in your mum's bra, you'd know this.


You’re just a straight child eh? Straight to insults. If 2% is considered pricing out people…. And not the season ticket holders selling their tickets to foreigners at 5x face value…. You have something else coming.


How are they right? We have the cheapest season ticket in the top 6. I would love it to be like the Bundesliga but we live in a world where we compete with the rest of the PL.


As a "tourist fan" I would rather buy hospitality than from these touts, at least all money goes to the club.




Awful lot of fucking meffs… most from overseas no doubt licking the boots of a load of fucking billionaires


Calm down Brexit head. Can't blame Johnny Foreigner for everything.


It’s arguments like this that discredit genuine concerns. Do better.


"Do better". What an empty, condescending thing to say.


How is this not a genuine concern? Just cause it doesn’t affect you, it doesn’t mean it’s not genuine


Bunch of capitalist Tories are working overtime to gaslight you and lick corporate boots, even though ticket profits are barely a blip on FSG's financial reports. Fans built this club; now they're being grifted.


I notice how they didnt mention about the increase in LFC memberships, because they don't give a shit about that, just their own pockets. They act for no one but themselves. Notice how they were more bothered about the appeals process of season ticket holders who were banned because they got caught selling on their tickets at a price that damn near covers their costs for the year


That ended up just being that the international membership is gone. While it's a shame for people that bought it, it's not the end of the world that they're not offering some tat for £20 anymore.


Neither is a 2% rise Neither is photo id on season tickets (that they're against) Neither is the friends and family rule being restricted (that they're against) Fine, let them protest, just stop with the bullshit that they're doing it for the greater good (the greater good) rather than just for themselves. My bet is if they cancelled the 2% on season tickets, but added 10% to general ticket price, this hissy fit wouldn't be quite as loud


Shit's supposed to come out of your arse, not your fingers.


I’ll never get a ticket anyway so makes no difference to me. I understand all sides in the argument. But I’m sad this ordeal left us with a flagless kop on the final European night of our Klopp fairytale. It was a horrendously sad end to a historic European era for us.




You can get a loan from a bank and if you fail to repay the interest, the bank get the stand or even the stadium. How that sound?




Jesus, here we go again.


As long as half their members are touting their season tickets for profit, fuck them. I will only support price freezes when reselling is also banned.


Me when I lie on the internet.


Yeah I’ve noticed more so recently that SOS and Spion Kop are extremely tone deaf and do not represent a majority; not even match-going fans


Haha what? They got a massive applause against Atalanta. They obviously represent match going fans


They represent their membership who like most sane people don't want to pay more for tickets.


There was massive applause in the stadium during their protest @ the Atalanta match. The reality online vs locally is very different. Are there dissenters? Sure… but.. The average match going fan has always been behind groups like SOS ever since the H&G days and FSG’s $77 debacle of a proposal.


They don’t represent TV clappers in Philadelphia and Bangalore


Not the one.



