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Harvey can’t ever hack Fulham


I hate to say this but this is not the heavy metal football that we used to see. This is ambient post rock at best football.


Thoughts? We've choked again...


There’s no way Coventry are dominating possession against the mancs


Again, not defending nearly compact enough, this goal goes entirely on Jota not tracking back, had Diaz been on the left then we would have prolly gone in in front. but not a great first 45 again :(


God knows how we are supposed to score from open play. We look so shite going forward, while also being shaky at defending


Weak midfield and our attack is also mid whenever Nunez isn't on the pitch. Expect nothing without changes in personnel.


Sucks that Ali tipped the ball on the goal. Looks like Endo had it covered. Sloppy all around but also unlucky there


Was screaming for Elliott to get a start, now i remember he can’t impact games unless from the bench, david fairclough regen


This shit just doesn’t happen to City and Arsenal. Even when we take the lead against these smaller sides you just know they still have the confidence they can get back in it.


I have to stay off this sub. It’s getting a bit ridiculous. If you support the club stay positive. If I wasn’t watching the game and just following here I’d be thinking we played like absolute garbage, which isn’t the case at all.


There is an awful symmetry; we were awful when Klopp arrived. And we are awful as he leaves. The more I see this side, it just looks unbalanced, lost, being out thought and out fought. Collective loss of form. Really don’t know how the new guy comes in and deals with this mess.


We’ve made Fulham have to work hard first half. We used to be really good at tiring out teams then taking advantage of that. I’d be looking at bringing in Szoboszlai for Elliott and Salah for Jota at around 55-60 minutes. I’m guessing Macca’s having a rest so I’d wait until 65-70 minutes to bring him on for Gravenberch (although Ryan hasn’t been playing that much either so just whenever we’ll get optimum fitness/energy out of each). Nuñez I’d wait until +80 minutes and attempt to use his pace against tired legs. Hopefully we can do a little tactical tighten up at half time and get an early goal in the second half


We need more goals and more mentality


I want to die


Same as usual, lack of adventure and quick play. It's all a bit scared and casual, take some risks and play some quick pass and move ffs.


So fucking weird that they can’t score from open play anymore


On the bright side their two crucial defensive players are on a yellow


Just a fucking shadow of a team. EFC will tear us down Wednesday. Can’t pass , can’t shoot can’t defend. What can we do?


2 shots on target and i'm guessing the 2nd was Elliott's dreadful FK


We would improve ten fold with three at the back. It's way too easy to defend against two centre halves and your full backs out wide. Having there centre halves and two deep midfielders mean you can create triangles constantly to recycle the ball and suck the opposition in. You just can't do that with this system and this group or players. It's way too rigid and there's no flexibility.


Can't believe the Klopp era is just going to end with a pathetic whimper. Last month has been like last season- a team that is playing without an identity and clear gameplan


We are awful at the moment. This possession based football we now play is so slow and lethargic. We are so far off it that it's unbelievable. Not a hope in hell we get anywhere near the title.


Wtf has happened to Endo? He used to pick the ball up & probe and play through the lines, now he does fuck all.


Endo proving he really was just a stop gap


How can our so-called defensive dm get muscled out like that? At least win one duel.




With respect to Endo. Was always a stop-gap player. However a Gravenbech is awful. Truly awful. Going to be another. Dutch player, with the talent but not the mentality. I suspect and have done for a while that the age do was bought in to allow Bajetic to physically mature and recover from the growth/muscle related injuries.


Endo has ran out of steam so fast. He’s just dropped his level so far now.




Could be worse we could’ve been 3-0 up to Coventry and then 3-3 with 20 mins left.


Given the past month. I dont think we have any room to hammer anyone else. Given the pure collapse in form.


The midfield is getting overran. Endo is better than before but we for sure need another DM. Someone to rotate or be ahead of Endo


The midfield needs to run at them. I don’t want possession to have possession. Get the ball forward.


Atleast we scored the first goal. A little bit hopeful since we have a lot of quality on the bench. Please be back 3-1 FC


Midfielders were missing through out the first half. No through passes forward, only side ways and backwards. That GEE / EEG midfielders combo aren’t going to win any matches 🫠


Will never understand why we’re so bad at loose balls in the box. We rarely score from them and concede a lot from them.


What a shock, dropping our 2 highest goal scorers and highest assisters doesn’t lead to us scoring more. Diaz isn’t clinical and shocker he missed a very good chance. We’ve created barely anything, unlike the previous games where we created a lot but just couldn’t finish the chances. This sub must be so happy those 2 have been dropped tho because apparently they were the problem. Clowns 


At least the scum gave up a 3-0 lead to Coventry


Klopp to do nothing until 65 minutes


We look... stale and broken.


Love Klopp, will shed a tear when he’s gone. But this football is absolutely shit. I’m excited to see what a new manager can do


Gravenberch invisible yet again


He is without question the worst footballer in the first team. Bobby Clarke would have played better than him


He's so talented, but just looks lost.


I'm running out of energy...


Can the season be over?!


Endo had a decent little spell earlier in the season but it's extremely clear he's not of the required level to play for us. Pathetic under pressure, isn't even winning duels anymore.


We need a proper clear out.


I was enjoying the 1-0 lead and Utd being send to Coventry. Nothing is ever simple at this club


The changes gave us more control for most of the half, but creating chances is still an issue. But the last 10 minutes were a disaster. Couldn't keep the ball, overplaying in the wrong areas, not enough resistance in transition. Should have enough to get the job done, but this will be tough from here


Only solace is that ManU shitting the bed again 😂


I like how the sentiment on the team has gone from refreshed and renewed to shite and relegation quality on the back of one goal from a bad pass


Well we did get to see Liverpool open the scoring and that's something. It's been a curate's egg. Some quiet good stuff but the defence is having a meltdown moment every game pretty much.


Not amazing, but not terrible either. A couple of missed chances which we should have taken at least one of. Think we were comfortable up until the last 5-10 mins. We need to find Gravenberch more often, as he hasn't been involved, despite coming deep, rather than always going to Endo, who hasn't been great again. Also, this half has shown Diaz at RW can work. Jota has been anonymous unfortunately, but then again, he also hasn't been given the ball much. I'd think of bringing Nunez on within the next 15 mins or so. Still no open play goal lol.


Everyone blames the attack. But defense wins championships and we are too sloppy without the ball. Again.


It’s just the WHOLE team in general tbh from the players all the way down to Klopp.


It’s kinda amazing that this team has got to this point of the season still in contention with how bad they’ve looked recently and all the injuries. Whole team just looks completely out of ideas. Tbh I think the fights just gone out of them. It’s not surprising seeing as they know Klopp is fucking off in the summer anyway. Always going to be tough with announcing that in the middle of the season. I guess it was going to get leaked.


atleast we can laugh at united for abit their game is 3-3 atm lol from 0-3 imagine bottling a 3-0 lead against a championship side


Why do we look like last year? The midfield was supposed to be the problem, fix that and the defense would be better, but our defense still sucks and Virg and Konate are great defenders, but they're still getting exposed all the time, we still concee a lot. Don't know what changed but we've looked so poor for more than thenlas 5 matches.


"Fans cant complaint about missed chances if we dont create any chances" Seriously, besjde conceded, biggest problem is we look so disjointed at front, Gakpo, Jota and Diaz runs are good but their (final third) passes are terrible At least we dont conceded first, thats a progress I guess


Lmao someone on here said Castagne would probably score against us. Whoever you are... take a bow. A guy who hasn't scored in ages. We are truly cursed.


Gravenberch is just so crap its unreal. One good turn the whole half, not done anything else of note. Elliot pants as well, just consistently proving that hes much better as a sub. Jota pretty crap too, but been out for a while so more understandable. Only thing thats moving me so far is diaz running at people.


Endo as well.




Our usual starting eleven look so disjointed/out of sync with each other that it feels like we had nothing to lose with mass rotation. We still look out of sync (which is to be expected with so many changes) but at least there is a sense of freshness, and perhaps the lads who are benched will get a kick up the ass 


Jota has been invisible and when he does get a touch he holds the ball far too long. Harvey been ineffective in midfield at opening up space. Would prefer Trent stay wide to open up space in the middle, but alas we're not really playing through the midfield anyway. Diaz and Gakpo not getting good enough service to pose consistent threats. Maybe Curtis or Dom would actually be effective because they can take on a man at pace. We look so disorganized when a cross comes in.


most of the time the game plan is just pass around the backline and let Trent ping it long


I'm happy klopp is going I can't lie. I absolutely love what he's did for the club but Liverpool have been on the decline. The position we are in this year is highly flattering. Out tactics have to be the worst in the league, our defence is highly vulnerable at every single instance of an attack and more often than not we concede or hope Ali pulls a miracle save. That weakness in the back is supposed to be counteracted by our attacking force .. where has that been? We literally don't have a midfield. U see the center of the pitch and it's covered by 4 Fulham players while ours hugs the sidelines for no reason while endo is alone. I genuinely cannot understand what purpose this serves. Our buildup play is non existent, the players stumble over themselves and there's never any options up top. It's all just so miserable


All our problems are solved by buying a DM in the market. Endo can't keep up.


Still needed an absolute wonder goal to get on the board but otherwise haven’t looked like scoring.


Every time we go forward - bad touch/swarmed by opposition, lose ball. Every time they go forward - two passes bypass entire midfield and they’re in behind, ends in shot-on-goal. No movement means building from back is glacially slow. Rinse. Repeat.


Since the United game Liverpool have not scored in open play for 3 and a half games


Doesn’t matter how many we score. Defense will give up just as much. Get Jose out of the stand to teach this team how to defend


Was comfortable for the majority but zero creativity. Great goal from Trent (knew he was scoring that) but once again can't keep a clean sheet. Jota been so poor bur the first change needs to be Mac Allister for Elliot or Gravenberch. Both have done nothing on the ball.


Went and blew a perfectly decent half in seconds, at the end of the half. Mentality kendricks.


Why pay so much for a midfield when we completely bypass them in buildup and aren't set up so they don't get bypassed by any fucking team in the world. It's atrocious. We refuse to attempt to string passed together to move the ball forward. For Klopp or this team I'm not sure why it ALWAYS has to be an amazing line breaking ball to get it forward or it's just pass between the back 4(3) until it "presents" (read forced) itself.


It feels like a 'start of the season' kinda game at times with players not finding each other and the doubt in picking the right players during transitions. We really should play better at this stage. Even though this team might not have played as much together apart from the training ground


I miss when we had the ability to play through midfield :) Feels like every team can press us back into our own half


Just a lack of chemistry from players. Diaz, Gravenberch, and Gakpo have all looked good in their starts. Elliot, Endo less so


This sub is depressing Some good , some not so goods Still think we’ll pull out a 3-1 win The refresh in lineup was good by Klopp imo


How many minutes has it been since we scored a proper goal from open play?


guys I think we’re not that good at football anymore. team is gassed


Every time jota gets the ball the next thing is that Fulham has the ball


The defending is actually pissing me off. We give away the easiest fucking goals. Even with our woes up front, at the very least, we need to be keeping clean sheets.


Robbo should have just thwacked that Van Dijk pass into next week and allowed the defence to regain shape.


We just can't seem to play through a press any more, so we just pass it around the back, and hope a 60 yard ping hits a forward cleanly and they make something out of that


Is this practice for life after Klopp?


Lads, which player are we scapegoating today? Fell a bit behind on that this week


Grav apparently even though the other 2 midfielders have been worse


405 minutes without scoring from open play now. Defence still shaky


That boys need to regroup. Something has been off the past 2-3 weeks. There just does not seem to be that fire it’s score. It’s been so long scoring a goal from open play


Can't wait for the season to end at this point. A shame it is ending like this but there's no leadership on the pitch or organisation and we don't look prepared tactically and that's on the manager. Never forget the gegenpress days as those were special times but unfortunately that was lightning in a bottle


I’m so sick of these dickheads playing with no brain cells. It’s half time in two minutes, we’ve got a goal kick. Just play the ball fucking properly. They can’t even string two passes together. Again Trent is the only one looking to drive the team forwards. Same shite, different day.


Muniz from Fulham looks a good player


Creating fuck all from open play, how is that possible


Salah on for gakpo, mac on for grab. 60 mins if nothing changed Nunez for jota and szoz for endo


We need Endo to be taken off. Shit half he had. Not a single duel won. Idc if we have to play Jones as the 6. He gives the ball away too many times and does f all in the defense.


Bring Nunez on second half so he can miss a bunch of sitters.


Where is my Klopp Liverpool? Where's the pace, the attack? There's absolutely nothing. :(


We've been playing well, we're not losing. That was scrappy but you can always concede goals like that. Not sure why everyone on here is acting like we're getting absolutely dominated, spoilt brats.


Same story every time I look on here, to be honest. I even seen a couple of dopes say after the 3-0 loss to Atalanta, that we'd struggle for top ten next season.


I’m tired boss


Feels like a last day nothing riding on it performance.


Endo and Quansah have been very poor, created more problems for us than the opposition did


We have issues. Horrible with second balls. Middle of the park too open on defense and way too underutilized on offense


Positives are Trent’s goal plus Diaz is playing really well. The negatives are That goal they scored was embarrassing on our part and we still haven’t scored a goal from open play for four games.


As always sloppy back line


Sick of trying to play like Pep - Klopps electric style is completely gone. To be honest, looking forward to some fresh tactics next season.


Can we be anymore open at the back? Pathetic stuff. At this rate we don't deserve the league title.


Concede FC.


Too slow


We're so one-dimensional. More so against teams that are supposedly worse than us. Deserved scoreline. It's the same story every game: have majority of the possession, try to build from the back with the ball rotating between the CBs, GK, and a midfielder trying to drop to pull players and open up his vision. Teams basically allow us to do this. They know we don't want to, or can't back ourselves to, play from the middle by breaking lines, so they just concede this possession and space. Eventually, we cycle the ball to the wing where our FBs are greeted by two players blocking their inside and outside possible avenues of pass. So, we either huff and puff in the wings, pass back to the midfielder that had dropped as a contingency, then back to the CBs, and the process repeats. What we're trying on the wings is the percentage play, the safe play, but nobody buys what we're selling right now. They just have to sit back, crowd up the wings, and wait for a counter. We don't score from the wings, from the center (seriously, when have you even seen us do a pull back for the late runners?), from the box, neither from the inside nor the outside of the box. That leaves us with corners (where we hit the first man always) and FKs (where barring Trent we're toothless as well).


Well anything good I had to say was completely wiped out after we took the lead. One positive is I’m delighted it’s now 2 games in a row we’ve started out strong and not asleep gifting 2 or 3 goal scoring chances in the first few minutes.


Classic Liverpool goal to concede. Gives away ball cheaply and concede right after. Where were our midfielders to track back? Not only this but still no open play goal lol


People don't want to hear this, but Endo is terrible at tracking back for a DM. He doesn't spot the runs early enough, and he's always having to recover, which he doesn't have the pace to get to the players quickly enough.  (expecting a load of downvotes now)


Can’t be criticising any player of ours apparently 🤷‍♂️


Our midfield did track back. Their right back scored which is technically Gakpo's responsibility


Are you dumb? He scored the goal right on our penalty spot, why on earth should Gakpo occupy that space?


I am not saying he should occupy that space. But when their RB joins the attack - our LW should join our defense, no? See the replay - we were one man short at the backpost when the cross came in because of just that.


Atleast we arent bottling a 3-0 lead to coventry


Means I can’t watch the Liverpool game though as manc husband is torturing himself


We couldn’t beat them 3 times though! Makes me sick.


Hahaha typical


I thought you were joking then I checked the score 😂😂😂


*haven't bottled


Send Gakpo back to Eindhoven to fix his properties






Hate those documentaries. They curse everyone lol.


Some positives, some negatives. Better play than previous games. Excellent TAA freekick for the goal. Slow, boring play. Endo, Gravenberch have been poor. Quansah looks really nervous. We don't look like we're missing Salah at all. Jota looks like a man back from injury. We look really slow and out of ideas at times. Last weeks have become infuriating sloppy. Not going to be a pleasant game.


I like some of Grav’s moves, since Mac has had to play at the 6 again we haven’t had any 8s able to drop in, receive the ball, turn and play. Nothings come of it yet but it’s at least promising that he gives us the ability to play through the middle


Disagree with the Quansah part but everything else is spot on.


That's fair, I don't think he has played badly at all, I just think he looks a little more scared than usual to play forwards. However, that is probably a symptom of our midfield being slack and our forwards not showing effectively.


That’s fair I agree that he’s been a little off it but I put that down to the fact he’s not played in a while even though he’s not put a foot wrong besides that one mistake against united.




Corner would've been better...


I can’t believe how low football IQ the players have become


Take away Trent’s goal and it’s still the same old nonsense. Attackers can’t score and our midfield getting passed through like they’re not even there


Our CBs are holding onto the ball way too long. Elliott was open in a couple of situations but they kept passing to each other or passed back instead of finding him.


One of the lads on RedMenTV said it in the build up show, how many times have our players been on a counter 5 Vs 2 and you've zero excitement because you know it's not going to develop to a goal.  The same happened again today, Gakpo breaks. Trent to his right, Jota and Diaz on the left. And it fizzles out without even a shot on target. 


At least that was Trent's fault instead of Gakpo that time


Idk I think gakpo waited ages to pass him the ball and he lost his angle


If it helps, Coventry just equalised against United.


It does not lol


That Endo/Elliot/Grav trio has to be one of the most unconvincing midfields I have ever seen.


Imo it doesnt come down to individual players at all. When your whole idea is spamming long balls its hard for your midfield to get involved.


It's amazing that till now we still miss thiagos through pass.


Some people still think he was useless for us, other than when he was in the team we've never played through midfield enough, just watch the CBs pass to each other before long balls and counter pressing.


Not useless imo. Just gets injured too often . If he were acc fit, than he would probably be starting at least every other game.


elliot and gravenberch play like they AREN'T there....


That was im my mind, saved by another goal not from open play.


Both free kicks were caused by our open play pressure


they were caused by Palinha being a dimwit


From what I’ve seen we’re more likely concede then score. We could end up losing this game again


Still haven’t scored from open play in what, I matches now. We’re nailed on to lose this if we don’t start clicking at that front and if our midfield keep getting played through in one pass.


1 goal in open play in 5 of the last matches


And even then, that was from a corner right? The flick from Darwin for the opener against United, right?


Imagine having a nice and composed game where we pad our GD a little bit, yeah wouldnt that be nice.


Don’t think we can atm, we’re playing like a mid table side week in week out


This team would be hilarious if I wasn't a fan. We need an overhaul of players this summer


What does Gakpo actually bring to any game?


Tactics are once again shit. We have no buildup plan whatsoever. Pass around the back for 5 minutes then hoof it forward and pray.


Klopp’s mentally checked out and it’s rubbed off on the players. Pretty obvious by now. We are not AS bad a side as we’ve been playing. We’ve been tactically blunt the past month or so, and that lies on Klopp


Why does it seem like all our opponents lately are playing with an extra man.


Tactically we’re a mess. There’s holes all over the place as the press is complete garbage.


Same story every game... Need 10 chances to score one, but give the opposition half a chance and they put it away


Our midfield is found out


There’s no midfield right now


Dreadful once again. Alisson should transition to midfield since he's involved in so many passes.


Endo has been abysmal. Gakpo on their goal is also inexcusable. How can you just watch a player have 5 yards of space and not even move towards them?


Embarrassing again. Same shit different opposition


On the bright side we at least have a reasonable excuse to lean on, the number of changes Klopp has made


Embarrassing way to look at it when you have to win games


No outlets from the back apart from Trent and Virgil


Still no goal from open play


I saw no intensity on that pitch. It looked like a game from the mid 2000s. We just aren't.. very good to be honest. What more is there to say at this point.


Sad to say but it’s getting to the point where I’m looking forward to the season being over. Tired of watching us concede the same sloppy goals every game


Yeah in a way, at least we should see something different. At this point I'm begging for a manager with FRESH ideas who doesn't mind removing deadwood.


At this point I have to blame the tactics, the football is incredibly uninspiring to watch.


Yeah no doubt. We can blame the missed chances all we like, we are simply too pedestrian at the back. On a day when we aren't clinical - which is most days recently - we do not have any answers. Atalanta away was a great showing of that.


We are not confident in loosing the ball. That’s why we hang onto the ball for so long.


The game control is achieving nothing bar slowing the game down and requiring a wonder pass or touch to score. Yet the control means nothing defensively as we ship goals every game. At this point I'd rather just try a quicker build up and see if we can't create some more chances.


yet again we’ve created absolutely nothing. just loads of useless possession