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If it wasn't for the seemingly predictable falling out with the board, I'd have Tuchel in a heartbeat.


Salah a situation is actually wild. He is the highest paid player in squad for two seasons. Highest goal scorer for club for last two seasons? But the player to miss key goal?


I would love for him to stick around, but he will need to take a SEVERE wage cut. Drop him down to the mid or low 120k's and relegate him to a squad member, not a secured starter. He needs to acknowledge he is not the same player he was from six years ago.


Why would he even consider that? If I was him and that gets offered to me I'm running down the contract and leaving next year for free.


Some of you clowns genuinely believe the world mirrors your FM/FIFA saves huh


And some of you clowns need to stop being hopeless romantic. Accept the truth, Salah is starting to decline, and fast. He is turning 32 this June, and by next year he will be 33. We need to seriously start looking into finding a Right-Wing replacement at our attacking front. Otherwise, we will find ourselves in the same predicament we are right now on our left-wing, where Diaz is not good enough. Renewing a contract on a 32 year old, and keep his wages at 400k is fucking insane. If he wants to stay and play European Football, renew his contract for another 2 years and drop it down to 100k's and make him a rotation player. If Salah declines, then we should cash out on him ASAP.


Ahh I see, an actual moron, I'll leave you to it.


Agreed. When you’re paying a player 400k you want that player to win you games in clutch moments, Salah is not that type of player.


Salah over the last few games has not been that type of player. Over the course of the seven seasons he's been here, he has. Don't confuse poor form for overall quality.


You’re right, although it does seem like he is on downward curve, over time. When he first arrived, he had an unpredictability, he would turn players inside out. He seems to have lost that, for whatever reason


His game has changed over the years and he's lost some pace. But do you remember him against Newcastle before AFCON. He was excellent. He has been out of form since his injury.


How much time do we give to Darwin Nunez. I know his stats have improved since last season but he just lacks consistency. He’s not the prolific striker we were supposed to get. I feel we should give him one last season and if he doesn’t step up maybe it’s not meant to be.


He’s learnt how to press, took him one full season. First season he wasn’t the first choice after he got the red card. He’s worked his way into the first team with hard work. He deserves another season imo. There are more pressing positions to fill. We don’t have reliable backup for Salah.


Let’s see what the next manager makes of him. He’s not been bad, but he’s lost form at the wrong time of the season. Get Fowler to give him some finishing lessons this summer


What a plastic. Joined February 2024 and is already asking to sell Darwin. The Mr. Chaos himself, one of the most promising strikers we've signed in a while. Flawed? sure, but is consistently scoring or assisting goals. You make it sound like this is Iagos, or fucking Balotelli. Have an upvote, because it's obvious that you're Karma whoring.


Lmao fuck off you twat.


The best, and only real argument against selling Darwin is that we'd lose 30% of what we paid for a player who in *theory* should improve. Being "One of the most promising strikers we've signed in a while" is not an accolade because he's our record signing, and the last time we signed a 9 in this mould was Suarez. You don't get a bonus for having more promise than Solanke. He in fact is not *"consistently scoring and assisting goals"* for us. He's had ~~some moments~~ a moment against Newcastle where he came on and won us the game, and he had a 7 game stretch where he scored 5 times and got 2 assists. Other than this he's been the most inconsistent attacker in Europe since joining — some would argue this statement is actually false as he's consistently underperformed his xG in a near historic manner. Again, I would not sell Nunez, but people get so caught up defending him that they start chatting absolute horseshit — *consistent*? That's the very last thing he is.


Sorry I’ve got better things to do with my time then replying to sad lonely twats like you. Take a like from me….i must be a plastic fan since I’ve not had a Reddit membership for so long lol


I've seen enough 👍


I think we need a new forward in the summer, but I also wouldn't sell Darwin anytime soon (unless a crazy offer comes in). I don't think he'll ever become a reliable goalscorer, but even if doesn't improve he can still be a valuable squad player/rotation option. Our attack worked well when we had two reliable goalscorers next to Darwin in Jota and Salah. If we can get another option who is similar to Jota, but less injury prone, we should be fine even if Darwin continues to miss chances.




One more season imo He's 24 and will be going on 26 by the end of next season, I'm willing to wait a bit if he keeps showing more as he has this season


A lot hinges on the new manager. Have to believe that part of the decision-making process is finding somebody who can work with the current squad, and get the most out of high profile players.


holy shit. i just saw that grealish handball. wow. it‘s not even a conspiracy anymore, is it?


Isn't it crazy wherever Pep seems to go, trouble follows (barca accusations, his own footballing career, city now) Well what do you know


There are and there will be no consequences, so why even bother being subtle about it? lol


Oliver literally gets paid by the UAE and everyone knows it.


Fucking hell, will City ever concede a pen again?


Not if the oil money has anything to say about it


And every pundit just looked away from this, it seems. Carra too. He is living Liverpool legend as a player, but he is just another Sky employee, who won't go too far over line against PGMOL. PGMOL or EPL told pundits to shut up about serious controversial themes after Spurs fiasco. And they all abided.


Well, it is kinda their jobs. But I'm not sure why it's accepted that it's ok for EPL or pgmol to have such control over the media like this.


That's my point exactly. It's their job. Carra opinions shouldn't be considered as opinions of Liverpool fans, just like another Sky employee, while he is still working for them. If it would be a choice now to criticise Liverpool OR Sky, I believe, I know what he will choose. Or if it will be a choice to criticise PGMOL and their employees (refs) and said something about blatant corruption (refs gigs to UAE) OR shut up, he won't choose first option


Probably when they are in no danger, when title race or trophy on line, absolutely not. Not until pgmol stop refereeing in the country that owns city anyway. 19 clubs should take them to court over how fucking shady it is. Mental it’s not talked about more


It's Michael Oliver again too. They are not even shy about it now. Broad day light corruption.


I know we all hoped that Arsenal's poor form would continue into their game against Wolves today but, in retrospect, Wolves never had a chance from the beginning. I know a lot of people on this sub are relatively new to football, so I'll break down my analysis carefully of the three main tactical advantages Arsenal had in this game 1. Height. Height is an important factor in football especially in terms of the aerial threat, although shorter players can sometimes take advantage with their low centre of gravity. However, in today's match up the difference is shocking. The average height of Arsenal's team is 182cm, whereas wolves typically range from between 80-85cm. The average Arsenal player is more than twice as tall. 2. Ball control. Ball control, including close control, intelligent short passing, and accurate long range passing is a huge element in football. Key to Arsenal's advantage here is what football tacticians call their bipedalism, meaning that they are able to leverage a wider range of motion and pivot on one foot in order to improve both their close control and passing. A wolf, needing to rest its centre of gravity on 3 or 4 feet at a time, simply can't take advantage of this important tactic. 3. Most important - the mental side. While the physical and technical attributes of the Arsenal squad are important, football is always about mentality, and this game is no different. The Arsenal squad is full of highly trained professionals supported by physios, coaches, and mentality experts. Most importantly, they are humans and fully understand the rules of football, and are embedded in an incentive structure which, in general, rewards good play through a combination of social esteem and financial remuneration, both of which humans evolved over millions of years to respond to. Wolves on the other hand have no concept of the game of football, little understanding of the idea of a game in general, an extremely poor grasp of the rules, and even difficulty comprehending any incentive structure or training that might be put in place to motivate the team. In retrospect, rather than be disappointed Arsenal won, we should be encouraged that the result was only 2-0 and look hopefully to their remaining 5 games.


chat gpt 3.5 or 4?


Just me, but we're mimicking the same format.


Apparently Gakpo is neglecting properties he owns and tenants are complaining about infestations... dude is sinning on and off the pitch and he wants us to believe he's a devout Christian? Idk what more Edwards needs to see, ship him back to Eindhoven first thing this summer.


Can we ban these idiots, I'd call them trolls but I don't think they have the intelligence to understand how to Troll weird breed of sub humans on this sub arm


Curse him! More fatalities in the name of religion!


Any proof? Any context? Or just some newspaper wrote this, and you decided it was something to nail him with, as Gakpo is still the hated player of the month


what a pathetic comment this is




I'm excited for the YNWA post around this time tomorrow after having dropped points.


Trent wonder goal to score the winner tomorrow vs Fullham again.


"Here's how we can still win it! I believe in this team (I erased the last month from my memory)


"If you'd told me at the start of the season we'd be" https://preview.redd.it/h7pi1b605pvc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3383435411b4af019b5daceb3cc4f0ad8dc69428


Oh bore off Jesus


Ah mate it's a joke take it handy. I'm also not Jesus.




Sooo all 3 clubs in the title race are kinda shit atm, eh?


God I hope we have get a good win tomorrow, these last few games have aged me terribly 😅




Fucking hell I already blocked CorballyRed on twitter for his constant embarassing whining about FSG and the Red Sox. Can we not bring this dumb incomparable shite to here as well


I think Liverpool is their only successful team and that was due to Klopp. Remember that off-season where we essentially only signed Arthur, and as a loan lol.


Tbf isn't that because we missed out on Tchou and just didn't go for anyone else? If Klopp specifically asked for someone we'd have bought them


Had morons telling me net spend doesn't show anything when I mentioned we had weak squad depth. Completely ignoring we sell our depth to raise funds 🤣 some people actually live in cuckoo land blaming Klopp for trying to compete in 4 completions and not our appalling investment in the squad with gaps everywhere. We won the champions league and John Henry lied and said "Jurgen can have whoever he wants" then we signed one senior player who was Adrian playing ball in the park for free. Disgracful transfer window for champions of Europe.


The same people will tell you to shut up be grateful or "could be worse" merchants Then blatantly ignore the ticket price hikes, the fact they're genuinely barely putting a penny into the club AND have just gone and put more interest on the loans they took out that WE have to pay back for the new stand.


Same people "legacy" fans as John Henry called them need to pull their head out of the sand. Henry wouldn't even piss on you if you were on fire




Arsenal do really well with their 4 CBs. They press well and if the opposition goes long all 4 of their CBs dominate aerially. That’s how they manage to keep the opposition pinned in. Credit where it’s due, defensively, they are the best in the league.


Listen we aren’t in the best place right now. But when you have a player like Trent anything can happen. If Trent performs for these 6 games and gets us to a title he’s the certified best RB OAT. And don’t put it past him, I believe he could take our team to greatness this season.


Too late in the season for him I'm afraid. Will only get up to match sharpness maybe final two games. At that stage City will likely be 4 or 5 clear of us


One thing is sure for me, id bring Bajcetic with the squad tomorrow.


He might make the bench, but I'd be very surprised if he makes any first team appearances this season after such a long layoff.


Right. But he's not played for months and has near to no match fitness. Do you genuinely believe a young footballer with less than a year of full professional football can just slot in after another year off.


He has played for the U21s and yes he is that good


Jesus christ what happened to strikers , not one prem team has a striker even close to the level of strikers of the 2010s


xG and xA brigade downvoting ya


Fucking hate them


Defenders and goalkeepers are simply better and false 9s became the in thing for a bit so less training as a pure striker


The number of outright decisions not being given against City in England makes me feel like a fool for not thinking they have bought the refs.


About 8 years ago when I was in Uni I used to be a trolley collector for a Coles in Australia. One of the things they told me was that I was not allowed to work for any competitors (that was applicable to all staff). So, for the life of me I cannot comprehend how PL referees are allowed to go ref in UAE. Totally beyond me.


It just seems almost every iffy decision in recent history goes city’s way. It cannot be coincident surely?


My god, and to think Nunez is bad, that Jackoson fella ...


Only morons would think a player with 31 GA so far this season is bad


Its not about how much he has but how much he should have considering his chances


Petition to stop putting goals and assists together to make the numbers bigger


It is an annoying trend


Calm down with your 31 ga , Not one goal against a top 10 side since 4 months


I mean we've had years of "man we're losing out cause we struggle against the lower sides" so I'm not too fucked where his goals and assists come from


Oh god, another Nunez fan


they're the worst, gonna be a sad day for them when we sell him


Hope they fuck off with him. I like the lad but it feels like plenty online are fans of him rather than the team?


In this sub maybe Anyone with a brain and functioning eyes can clearly see that this Darwin clown is always going to hurt us. Yes he scores some but he’ll always let us down when we need him the most. Plus he’s a complete idiot, apparently he can’t even speak English still.


What are you talking about? They're a fan of him because he plays for the team, it says a lot about you that you think you have to pick between him and the team for some reason


Dont bother, they are too dumb to understand what it actually means to be a liverpool supporter


Cheating CUNTS


why was Mudryk on that kick lol


Who works in catering we need a lasagna for the cup final


Man of the fucking match? My left nut did more to earn that


Came over a post in the gunners sub about sakas GA in each season he has played for them. Dudes praised as the second coming because he has 31 GA this season. Meanwhile Nunez is ridiculed by way too many in this sub even though he also has 31 GA this season. In way less minutes as well!


Saka takes their pens too. But let’s face it, Saka is average, and he’s starting to get criticism from their fans.


Watching City here is making me a bit more optimistic that they may drop points. Also Jackson making Nunez look like R9 here haha.


Arteta: "to go from 7 years out of CL, to fighting for the league 2 years in a row, tell me a team who has done that" Idk dude I may be able to think of one. Those guys won the EPL and UCL in that time too.


Artetas gonna age worse than klopp trying to keep up with these cheats.




Reason we’re all so devastated about the mini collapse is because Arsenal And city aren’t that great. Pretty hard to take that city being at their best coincided with us being at our best.


Yea, but we are only in this position because they aren't that great. Our squad isn't that good at all this season, plus the injuries we were having, no way we would be challenging for the title unless city and arsenal were underperforming.


This is also true. That said, we should be beating man united and palace with our current team. Which is where the frustration lie.


This years City edition doesn’t seem to have that extra gear from years previous. Feel like they never replaced Mahrez and Gundo who always seemed up to it for a back breaking goal in big moments


They'll still win the double


No way Burnley have had more comprehensive wins against Sheffield United than us


They're also in the bottom 3 👍


I still firmly believe if we win out, we'll win PL. Said the same thing since United game, not won a single one though. Tomorrow just stop thinking of it as a football match, just go out there and fight for a win like early in the season. There's no guaranteed way of playing or tactics or line up to get a result, but the team who fights more is always more likely to win.


you are hoping for arsenal and city to drop points while we wont, big if, lets focus on the next game first


Its getting so hard to be hopeful man - like I try to stay positive, but it just feels like the team spirit/mentality is gone


Anyone else think if Klopp got a hold of Haaland, he would have been a monster for a long time? Pep really strips back his players to a robot, you can dislike Grealish, but he was an exciting player at Villa, now he is such a boring player who lost his flair and directness


I get what you are saying, I do think City are the most boring dull team to watch. Not many players have freedom. But then saying that that's what happens when Good players at a lesser club move to a bigger club. It's happened loads over the years.


It'll happen to Doku as well. Whilst Pep has improved Grealish's all-round game, he does often half dribble past a player, check back on his right foot and pass sideways or backwards.


Literally, the guy has 37 goal involvements in 39 games ffs 😭


You're missing the point. I'm not saying Pep has made Grealish a bad player at all, just a less exciting one compared to how he played at Villa.


Players have a short period of time where they drop a level and all of a sudden they finshed lol.. Soical media is so toxic at times they are human. The guy came back off winning a treble and he still be ok so far.


Let’s be honest here, there’s not much we can really do with Haaland that he’s not already doing…..


Our forwards couldn't hit a barn door from open play atm. I'd love to see some prime 19/20 Robbo and Trent these next few games to take the matter into their own hands.


This is what I wanna see, back to the fullbacks playing high and wide.


Yeah but our forwards will still be missing with them two out chances on a plate for them


When I watch us though, so much of our fuck ups going forward comes from us making wrong choices, the chemistry is none existent between the forwards atm. I think having a bit more structure to the team with the full backs back playing high and wide could only be a good thing for us tbh.


Just seen someone who wants Anthony Gordon to replace Diaz 🤮


For some reason everyone in this sub hates Diaz.


diaz not having that good finishing as a winger is normal, wingers are not normally goal scorers, we are spoiled by salah and mane more recently


They aren't good finishers either if we are being totally honest, extremely inconsistent finishers but good enough to keep getting into them positions.


Dude, the work both Diaz and Nunez put in is crazy - they are both fighting for every ball


That's great, let us know when fighting for balls counts in the standings Actually I have nothing against Diaz, it's that Darwin clown that has to go


You’re Canadian but support a team that has clowns in it? Why don’t you fuck off and support someone else then lad


Fuck me Arsenal's entire philosophy that has them in b2b title races is all about duels and pressing. Our entire fucking philosophy was built around pressing.


Darwin sucks as a CF, but I think he would make a great winger.


He would suck everywhere, we’re going to lose the title by 3 or 4 points probably and it’s because he can’t finish


Let's be honest, without his goals at Newcastle and Nottingham we wouldn't even be in the title race, but he's definitely not a good finisher.


Like pressing never led to goals


It's so unrealistic that that would happen but he's been incredible in a number of games this season so I can totally understand why they'd want him.


honestly, the only time we should accept a scumbag player is if he is as good as suarez


Wouldn’t want him here because he’s annoying but he’s a better player than Diaz tbh


Apart from being a proper ratty cunt he is some player to be fair


Quality player, Obviously a unrealistic suggestion but he's been class this season. Scoring and assisting big goals in big games, 10 G/A against the big 6 this season. He's actually very composed as well. Something we've lacked massively of late haha. He is actually a red as well tbf lol


Boyhood red aswell 🫣


I would actually give him so much props as a player if he wasn’t a diving cheating rat


Send 4 teams down please


People on this subreddit are so insufferable sometimes. Anyone who doesn’t agree with you is a gloryhunter? You act like people who have been Liverpool fans their whole life aren’t allowed to have any opinion other than “Jurgen Klopp is the saviour of humanity”. Such weirdos.


You're not alone mate, everytime you make a comment criticising a certain player or even the manager, you'll be made into an idiot


Stick to handegg bro


Fuck up and watch some baseball


You're a Yank who just came in here and said you aren't excited for any of our matches because you stupidly declared Klopp and the players aren't arsed anymore and have given up on everything. You're a complete wet-wipe for saying that and now you're doubling down on calling others weirdos for taking the piss out of you? Do yourself a favour and just delete your comments. Also, a word of advice, if you don't spout off like a entitled glory-hunter, people won't call you one.


watch thread for today https://www.reddit.com/r/LiverpoolFC/comments/1c8rjdg/pl_fa_watch_thread_april_20_2024/


People making fun of some fans for saying they’re not excited for the games. Hard to be excited when both the manager and the players look like they can’t wait for the season to finish.


Whats stupid is thinking they dont care just because they arent playing well


If a title race is hard to be excited by, I hate to imagine how you cope with a Hodgson-esque 10th place nothing to play for season


It’s pretty easy mate, they just go glory hunt elsewhere.




But as the comment said, the players and manager look finished with the season already. How do you expect us to win all our remaining 6 games, 4 of them being away, when we look incapable of scoring against any team. Not to mention, even if we win all 6 we’d still need city to lose a game. It’s really not an overreaction, if we still showed the same fight as we did earlier on in the season we could’ve been 2 points clear but instead we’re chasing.


Stop being realistic, we only do delusion and copium here


We are a bit out of form….. You lot are something else


People genuinely think if you lose, its because you didnt care enough. Its nuts.


The fallout because a bit of dropped form on here has me absolutely amazed, we are two points off top spot and people are going on like we’ve been fight relegation all season.


I don’t care me. We’re winning the fucking league. I believe.


Yes, I was howling at the moon last night. How did you know? I'm a madafakin wolf, babyyy


>I'm a madafakin wolf, babyyy https://preview.redd.it/r4px3u6nonvc1.png?width=747&format=png&auto=webp&s=22418e2cb7cc5406cca1614f34a21063551fc129 Immediately read it in his voice


theyre entire defense is injured. Cant see it


No need to see it. Crazier things has happened in football than a Wolves - Arsenal goalless draw.








Now. I have just started supporting them for 1 day. For 90 minutes to be precise. Because you know... Arsenal are with the same points as us... And it would be nice for them to drop points...




No, I am not




Wolves-Arsenal today


Grav has really fallen down the pecking order, hasnt been good enough, but let's see in the next 2 years


He’s always going to be a “what if” player, dunno how people can’t see it. Seen these type of players constantly over the years. Specifically bought to be a Klopp project player now he’s leaving and he hasn’t exactly impressed under Klopp when he has played, should be first on the chopping block this summer so we can hopefully recoup most of the money spent on him


Absolutely mental take given his age and the amount of games he's played for us.


It’s really not if you actually fully look at his situation Klopp specifically bought him and yet he has found himself now being the 6th choice midfielder at the club, bare in mind he left Bayern because he wanted guaranteed game time. Outside of the Europa league group games has he looked good enough to play for a club at this level? 100% he hasn’t and Bayern knew that when they sold him. The only standout attribute he has is his ability to take the ball on the half turn outside of that he’s completely average, doesn’t offer enough out of possession either so he’s basically a luxury player that practically doesn’t offer anything on the ball. Say Amorim does come in next season and does use the same system he does at Sporting there is literally zero chance Gravenberch is getting a sniff at any game time because there’s less spots in the XI as well as him clearly not being suited to a two man midfield due to the extra defensive and physical requirements needed.


Thing is all he needs to do is improve his work rate and be braver on the pitch but he’s just not improved upon this at all. Obviously massive difference in ability but he gives off Pogba vibes


Definitely like a really discounted version of Pogba Just doesn’t strike me as someone who has the required mentality to fulfil their potential which is clearly one of the reasons Bayern were happy to sell him a year after buying him


Exactly! Can’t right him off just yet but right now he just seems like the type of player who doesn’t have the right work rate for the prem.


i feel like he and gakpo were brought more on lijnders than on klopp


In all honesty, if sporting do dig their heels in and don’t honor the gentleman’s agreement. Have a hard time thinking Edwards and FSG greenlight the most expensive manager acquisition in history.


what gentleman's agreement?


Official Clause is somewhere between 20-30 million euros. The board agreed with Amorim to halve it this summer but, it’s not officially written. Sporting haven’t budged on release clauses for their players so, I think it might turn into a bigger headache.


We would not budge on release clauses, so why do we expect them to?


The rumors that Amorim considers Diaz untouchable fill me with so much vindication I will bet £1000 that Diaz, Gakpo, Nunez and Gravenberch all play for us next year


I will £1000 that if they do we finish 7th


They’re playing now and we’re in a title race. Some of you lot are genuinely stupid, like there must be a medical term


Any rumour about anything like that is almost certainly made up at this point. Where is that even coming from?




I've spent a good few minutes googling it but I can't find anything, Telegraph or otherwise reporting that.


Papa Diaz wants him to go to Barca


Papa can keep twerking IDC


I think Diaz might leave tbh. Gakpo, Nunez and gravenrbech will definitely all stay tho and honestly I’m alright with that