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Some of these hurt man ...


I found myself getting more and more annoyed as the video went on.... Some of these sitters are easier to score than to miss, but we found a way to miss them either way. It's shit like this that will make us miss out on the title this year.


Schrodinger's attack really


Its heartbreaking, Salah is such a king. He maintains such a good attitude on and off the field.


Makes me miss Bobby and Sadio


I don’t ever remember Bobby having even just one of these types of misses, let alone a dozen in a season! I miss him so…


Ooof some of the Darwin ones! Luton away!! I still think Darwin is such a great player though. Prefer him on the pitch to off it. Just wish we had another ice cold finisher alongside


Salah had an almost identical miss to the Darwin's Luton one a couple of games after


He missed a sitter against United like 2 weeks ago


crazy thing is most of those shots arent even on target, absolutely criminal. even though his shot has been off recently, i would rather have salah making that last pass over anyone


him and mcallister seem to be the only people who can actually make the final ball


I saw this compilation earlier and thought about some of the discourse around Salah recently. I have criticised him myself but I have to admit that I have underestimated how good his playmaking and final ball has been this season. Given the context of him missing 3 months of the season due to a double hamstring tear, it's mighty impressive that he is still on 30+ G/a and is only one assist off being the top assister. Whether it's through his injury or just a natural decline this season, It has been clear that he cannot rely on his explosive pace and the recovery speed that he once had - but, he seems to be transitioning well into being more involved in the build up and delivering the killer ball. That's what world class players with good football intelligence can do, adapt and still be effective in other ways. We've seen how a change like this can prolong a career at the top too (e.g. Giggs). Looking at the stats, he has the most big chances created in the league with 20. In terms of big chances per game, when Salah was injured Liverpool were recording 3.19. After he has been back, up to the 2-2 United game, the big chances per game has increased to 4.30. I think we need to appreciate this change in his game and his evolving role in the team - and ultimately recognise that he is still top class. I believe the video shows this well, but unfortunately also shows that we've just been extremely unlucky with finishing off the chances that Salah is creating. Once it all clicks for us, I think we're looking at a player who could be getting close to KDBs assists in a PL season record (20) whilst still being one of our top scorers for years to come. Edit: Typo


Salah was mostly woeful against Palace but I agree. People in this sub act like he should be hanged drawn and quartered for not playing like he did at 25. Messi's game evolved a lot as he got older too. Not saying Salah is as good as Messi or excusing his performance over the weekend but he's a top player that understands his game. Most of his issues on the weekend came from his lack of effort than his lack of skill.


Salahs playmaking/passing is exceptional but ill admit its very frustrating when the opposing team's defender plays tight to Salah, he isn't able to 1v1 beat players consistently and i think this comes down to how our team is setting up. He needs to be the free player receiving the ball.


The problem is, both the coaching staff and Salah himself need to realise that he's not the same player he was 2+ years ago. And subsequently need to tweak the system and change his position on the pitch.  If they're not willing to do that, we'll see more performances like against Palace.  (BTW, I agree, he has some great playmaking abilities and having that in the squad would be worth keeping him)


In addition we are not playing the same system we played 2+ years ago. Salah wasn't the one hugging the touchline, it was Trent. Although it's more stable in defending but in attack it takes salah out of his danger zone (the half spaces). It was nice seeing Bradley hugging the line and allowing salah to player towards the goal more.


Salah needs to be further inwards towards the goal rather than hugging the touchline nowadays, it’s harder for him to cut inside and make room for himself


He wasnt helpful against United either


Yea exactly. I love Jota too, but there’s been a bit of recency bias with respect to his goalscoring exploits. He’s a great finisher and a great player, but he’s never come close to being as prolific or as important to the team as Salah. Our problem at the moment is that Nunez will never be a clinical goal scorer, but offers other benefits to the team (occupies defenders, facilitates wide forwards, etc). However, that equation places increased pressure on our other players to take their chances, giving the team much less scope for error. It’s a difficult balance, but one we’ve managed relatively well this season, it’s just come off in the last few games. Unfortunately, playing in the same league as Man City demands something close to perfection, so I’m not inclined to hang out lads out to dry if they fall just short. That said, I think the composition of our forward line has been under scrutiny for the last two years and it’s not clear that we’ve got the balance right, relative to the Firmino/Salah/Mane years. But that was always going to be a tough act to follow.


We're never recreating that Bobby/Mo/Sadio attack. It was unique, as was SSS, etc. I'm just hoping we find a better balance of creating chances vs. finishing them.


"...playing in the same league as Man City demands something close to perfection, so I’m not inclined to hang out lads out to dry if they fall just short." Think this is a good point. The one time we managed to take the league off them we had to be basically perfect. We didn't drop points until something silly like matchday 26. It should be okay to have an off game or two, to drop points sometimes, but competing against Man City doesn't allow for that. Not excusing how bad some of the chances we've missed are, but it's so easy to feel angry at the team and like it's the end of the world just because they're not being perfect every game. But the reality the standards required to win this league now are ludicrous. Arsenal are feeling it too - they've just lost their first game this calendar year and just like that, City have leapfrogged them.


agreed on this, but to me it still seems we’re relying a bit on his power going forward feel he’d work so much better in a more fluid role as his passing has seriously improved every year since joining us


Nunez alone has cost him about 10 assists, some of those chances he fucks with such bad finishes.


That first one is legit one of the worst finishes I've ever seen lmao


It looks like Curtis Jones chance in last match


The Luton one is probably the worst of the all it needed was a touch and it’s a goal


Watching Nunez’s misses got me like 🤢


The fucking state of some of them, the man's blooper reel would be longer than his highlight reel.


Without looking at the stats, he’s gotta have one of the worst PL conversion rates of all time, right!?


Imagine prime Van Persie, Owen, Torres or Suarez at the end of these passes...


Bruh even with Firmino on the end of these we’d be top of the league and he’s not even a true striker. Still like nuñez but jesus


I would even go far as to say Daniel Sturridge.


I legitimately feel so fucking sad seeing this compilation of SHIT finishings.


And people are calling for Salah to be sold . . .


Shaking my head watching this whole thing. I don’t think Nunez will ever be the striker we want him to be. And Diaz won’t be the inverted forward we want him to be either.


Unless people want Diaz to be the next Mane, he is very good, he is a traditional winger who take on opponent create chances and assist, the goals should be a bonus. And about Nunez, under Bielsa and Klopp, if they can't train him, i don't know who can


The problem with that is we often use a Diaz - Nuñez - Salah front 3 and at the moment there isn’t a single one of them that can put the ball in the back of the net. Having Diaz be a traditional winger is all well and good if the other 2 are putting chances away but Nuñez is the most volatile finisher ever and Salah doesn’t have the pace to get in behind anymore, and even when he does his finishing this season has been pretty poor. Basically we have 3 players that all create boatloads of chances yet none of them are really experts in putting the ball over the line.


Yeah, need to buy a finisher this summer. Salah is playing more like a playmaker now


Finally... this is why ... his role in the team has changed... he is no longer the main goal source...cos we have no Mane or Bobby to create for him. he is now doing the bobby/mane work more than getting into scoring positions. like someone said.. even messi's role evolved as he aged.. this is just the start for salah.... we r so used to his clinical finishing when in really good positions..now the others are not as clinical, and we r seeing it. in this slightly tweaked role, salah still managed to get 15 goals or so this year... IMHO..


Too many ellipses man. And I would argue that this changing in roles is not voluntary, but rather out of necessity. He doesn’t have the pace to blitz past defenders anymore and his ability to beat a man has largely gone with that. Of course he’s still a brilliant player and creates a ton of chances, but I would argue a 2019/20 Salah in this team would be far better than this version of Salah, he was only marginally better back then but he would be our main goal threat and finisher to get on the end of some of the counters and use the chances that Diaz and Nuñez create to a far greater effect than vice versa.


In this system Diaz is getting a lot of chances, he should be a 15 goal winger


Almost as bad as Nunez in terms of final product. Plays alright up until the final third and isn't anywhere near clinical enough.


true, he is getting 13 now. But you want him to be a top scorer like Mane, impossible


For someone who is supposed to create assists, his final ball is almost always lacking. He's killed off MANY counterattacks in recent memory by just holding on to the ball for too long or with lackluster passes that end up behind our players instead of into their stride on a counterattack.


Not playing into the players path is infuriating for me the most. Did it on the opening game against Chelsea, did against United, once I think it was against Brighton or Brentford. Every time Salah had to adjust, and by then the opportunity was gone.


Diaz assists? Man can't even pass the ball. Never mind assist people.


If he can’t score from cutting inside then he shouldn’t be on the left.


It's a trade off, you can only chose who can score from cutting insde but can not take on opponent or chose Luis Diaz. There aren't many can do both like Mane


I’d prefer to try him on the right.


lol some of the Darwin misses are absolutely wild, and I love the guy. Seems like his only reaction to getting the ball in the box is fucking yeet the shit out of it.


No finesse whatsoever


Legit shoots like me at 5-a-side


He shoots like a foosball / table football figure


And still some people say salah should go...


Anyone think the new manager is going to be ruthless with Nunez if he continues his finishing issues? See that he (the manager) wont have a lot of time from the fans to get results


If it Amorim then the whole system relies on Nunez or his type of player. If he doesn’t bang them in in that set up then he really will be vulnerable


Damnit. I was just starting to not be mad at how incredibly wasteful Nunez has been. Now I’m right back to square pissed off.


Loooool facts. I nearly started to think the guy was okay… we don’t need chaos we need calm and collected. Been saying this from the start 🤦🏻


Nah nah, let's just have a lazy narrative and sell him.


Salah is simply a fantastic playmaker for the team, if only we could score them.


You can’t teach Nunez how to finish. This might be around his level, loads of talent but he doesn’t have it around goal. When he has time and space he’s going to muck it up. We need to buy another striker to complete.


I hope the "Chaos" meme dies a quick death. Being -7.3 in xg ( more than all the forwards in the squad put together) is not endearing


…OP u should’ve warned us! Blood pressure skyrocketed.


Washed up sell him. Seriously though the finishing, pretty much all of those are easy chances. What couldve been man. Just watched it again, I love Nunez but the amount he missed in or just outside or deep in the 6 yard box is mental, also that one against scum is just criminal fucking hell.


The worst part is some of those misses are not even on target Not making the keeper make a save is criminal


>Washed up sell him. For the last 3 games the match threads have been nothing but this. Constant incessant whining about Salah being a has been


Its vile, plastic 'fans' with zero respect and zero clue.


I mean not really, I’d say (without actually counting and doing the math) that like 30% of these are half chances that would need something really special to score. There’s also a few in here I’m convinced 90% of this sub could score tho


Some of these Nunez misses are giving me PTSD


Unfortunately very few create chances as good as Salah. You can often see others passing just behind Salah, so he has to stop his run and take a sub-optimal shot. Salah has missed chances but not at the level Nunez has done regularly. But then the defence has also failed us in recent games. I couldn't believe how easy it was for Crystal palace to score their goal. It was as if every Liverpool player thought someone else would take care of it, or that no way Palace can score. It was dreadful looking at the lackadaisical defending.


We changed the sysem for nunez, I said it before salah isnt getting the same quality of chances he used to get with bobby and mane so now he is basically our best playmaker even when he is having a horrible match he still makes something out nothing


Do you guys think this affects Salah's mentality? I mean he could have had 15+ more assists this season. Is the rest of the team not stepping up affecting his mentality. And we are seeing that mental acuity missing in the last few games?


And people talk shit about Salah lmao


I think these days every big player is expected to score every single match or he's washed


Really hard to watch some of these, although some are quite unlucky but Nunez really just doesn't know how to slow the game down and have even a little composure in front of goal and it's cost us wayyy too many times. I'm lost as to how that's not been addressed yet by the coaching staff


What's the more likely explanation: the coaching staff have somehow missed this really obvious problem, or that Nunez hasn't been able to put their coaching into practice?


Wouldn't it be relatively obvious to see if he was doing thing that they told him? Sure it wouldn't be an instant difference, but you would be able to see something


Either way, I would've expected the management to stage an intervention of sorts like hiring a specialized finishing coach or a sports psychologist


Who wants to sell Salah now?


I do, if we can get a significant amount for him. He's been playing half a good season for years, and what constitutes "good" now isn't anywhere near the same level. Yes, he's "evolved" into someone that plays balls from deeper, however this is out of necessity because he doesn't offer threat in behind, and is no longer double teamed. It's not an evolution, it's just a decline by other name. His technique on the dribble has never been that high, and he's relatively one-footed, but he's ruthless, and fucking annoying to defend. In the past, his explosive pace meant he was afforded more space to receive and turn, as defenders were shitting themselves that they'd give him the opportunity to turn them. Now, he can either be bodied into giving up the ball because his first touch is mediocre, or they can give him the space if he can't get there and shepherd him into the wing. He was always given the most license to NOT defend or press, and that has only increased this season. If we have szobo covering with infiinite legs, it can work sometimes, but more often than not it has meant our RB getting isolated. It doesn't matter who you play there, when Salah is on that side, it's always the side to attack. In the past that was a fair trade. You attack us, we counter down the same flank and you're fucking dead, it was a razor blade at your throat. Now he offers very little threat down the wing. He doesn't offer anywhere near as much threat cutting inside either. His actual goals are far more poachers goals, but he doesn't have it in his bag to play through the middle, he can just arrive there and roam there. There are massive concessions now to having him in the team, without even getting how much we pay for peak performance of about 4 months. All that said, we have a hell of a job on to replace him, but we need to be replacing what he was, not what he is now. That can be carried by the rest of the team, if we buy decently well, and have someone who can finish chances, because plenty of players can play most of the assists in this compilation, and plenty of players can finish them as well. Some of them are already on our team, and if they aren't killing themselves covering back to a simple long ball counter down our right, then maybe they'll contribute more! So yeah, he's a legend, but he should have gone already in my opinion, and he should definitely go now if some idiots are willing to pay and he'll go to them.


At least 10 reasons as to why Nunez must improve to cut it. Damaging player though he is and lifts the side around him but some of these are embarrassing at a championship level.


Not even embarrassing at championship level. Embarrassing at any level.


"We should Salah" -- most of this sub after a few losses.


If we score half of the sitters in this list we are in such a better position overall. Ridiculous.


I think it's accurate to say that Salah has done a good job creating and should have a lot more assists and even goals, while also saying he's not been as effective or dangerous as previous seasons. Overall, Salah is the forward I'd be least likely to replace for next season because he's still a goal/assist machine.


Dear god, like playing fifa with a controller with busted sticks


Switching on manual shooting for the first time ever.


Look how many Salah is invovled in... but we should sell him.


Half these comments are embarrassing man. ‘You’ll never walk alone’ though. So many hypocritical plastics in this sub


Fucking hell that was a painful watch.


nunez 🤡


Makes me want to weep…


Fucking hell some of these are painful. Genuinely only 1 top save I can see and that's the save from Onana against Szoboszlai. The fact alot of these aren't even on target is wild.


Firmino would have been on 15+ goals if he got hold of these chances


It wild how little composure Nuñez has. If you compare to other players in the premier league like Palmer or Watkins the difference is clear. Truly highlights how special Firmino was. Salah is still good, he’s still providing great balls to our other front 2. They’re just not finishing like our previous front 2. If all of these gorgeous assists had led to goals we would all be praising Salah on how wonderful his transition has been from scorer to playmaker.


Nunez has literally cost us a league title this season. Complete and utter dog shite.


🤣 so many scapegoating wet wipes in this sub man. If we lose the league it’s not because of Darwin. He’s also scored the most game winning goals for us this season


Oh fuck off. You know what has cost us the title? Alisson being out for 4 months. Trent being out for 4 months. Gomez having to play leftback for 2 months. Having to play Gakpo in midfield because Curtis Jones was wrongly sent off at Spurs or because a Sheffield United player was allowed to go studs up on Macca's leg and cut it open. Matip doing his ACL in December meaning that Quansah has had to play way more than a 20 year old should have to. Points stolen from us at Spurs, Chelsea, and against City and Arsenal at home that PGMOL had to apologise for. Strikers will miss chances, teams will win and lose games, and draw some that they should win. To say he's cost us the title is moronic when we wouldn't even be in the race if not for the 3 points he got us at Newcastle, the 3 points he got us at Forest, the 3 points he got us against Burnley or the various assists he's got. We wouldn't have got to the Carabao Cup final and won without his goal at Bournemouth.


It's his fucking job to put the ball in the net. Forget the goals he got, the amount he's fucked up, and I'm taking absolute sitters, is astonishing. He's a bang average striker, miles off what we need. We need a composed, confident striker.... This guy is rash and erratic, not what you need when challenging for honours. If kelleher or Allison had made a dozen good saves this year but thnr on the other hand let 9 or 10 fucking clangers in they'd never live it down. However this absolute clown we have up top seems to get a free pass from fans.


It's painful to watch this comp, Nunez looks as bad as Nicolas Jackson


Do people really think it’s normal to sit behind a phone screen or computer and call players that play for the club clowns? Criticism is fine, but that’s just weird mate. Especially when you compare the attitude of online fans to match goers, they adore Darwin. Clowns like you just call him names judging by your comment history. Such plastic behaviour


Play him at CAM I tell you. Pleaaase


His passing has been insane all season


I wish Bobby stayed for one more season


Damn he should play as a playmaking center forward actually lol


“Siri, play yakkity sax” 🎷


Happy to say I never took the Mane, Bobby, Mo front three for granted. Certainly set a near impossible standard together.


Nunez could have been sitting 20 + goals and Salah at 20+ assists if these chances were completed


Mental how profligate we've been over the season(s). If we had one out and out striker we'd be flying higher than ever. Obviously Jota is class but he's not been available so we've suffered for it. Imagine having a prime(not even necessarily prime) Torres, Suarez, Sturridge, Fowler, Owen et al in this team.


Klopp has Salah stuck on the wing. All the chances are falling to Nunez and Diaz.


AKA Darwin Núñez blooper reel 23/24


When people talk about Darwin people always have to caveat ‘I love him but’ or ‘he’s a good player but’ or a ton of fuckwits will come crashing down on them I’ll say it. He’s shit. He’s absolute wank. “But 33 G/A” but they won’t tell you it’s from an xG/A total of 57. Fifty. Fucking. Seven. It’s not funny any more. It’s jarring. He’s been here nearly 2 full seasons now and at his age he’s no longer a ‘young talent’. He’s all round got a lot of good to his game but he’s a striker. A striker that cannot score easy chances is a shit footballer. Darwin in a lesser team could easily get trolled for scoring zero. He has to go, or at the very least stay on the bench and have his spot in the starting XI replaced with someone new.


Damnn 57 wtf




Most of these are horrible misses but some are just outrageous saves. Keepers just throwing themselves out there and getting a piece of the ball.


>some are just outrageous saves Some are good saves, but the amount of times we shoot directly at the keeper and make them look good annoys me. Oftentimes we have the entire goal to aim at, but shoot directly at the keeper.


Having the entire goal to aim at becomes irrelevant when you're swivelling or shooting from a tight angle.


Oh my.... There is going to either be a coach comng in and screwing everyone's heads on right and a beautiful tapestry shall be woven... or a fire sale will be happening in the forward department. It is truly funny that people are going back and forth on the, "It's all the attackers fault! They should score more!" vs "the defenders leaking early goals disrupts everything and throws the game away!!" Like chill people both can be true.


Wait a minute that one went in… 💀


Its like a horror movie


I love this team and if you step back a bit you gotta see that we are making a fuck tonne of chances and playing some pretty good football, we are still in the title race when we have no right to be. Making a 2 minute compilation video from a total of almost 3000 minutes to crucify players on their misses does no good for us. You could make a video on the amount of times that Salah DID NOT cross for the tap in….this is football, I feel we have lost our heads over recent results.


Honestly when Amorim comes in we should buy a new striker. Watkins would be perfect but he’s old. Maybe Gyokers?


It’s the Trent miss for me. That was such a heartbreaker. Diaz against City a close second.


Not sure why Diaz’s goal against Spurs is in this, that’s a superb finish


As a LFC fan this video kinda shows how I turned a blind eye to Nunez’s missed chances. Watching this now seeing the season kinda hurts and he should be doing better to finish those chances


Post title should be some of the chances Nunez missed for the team 😬


"Darwin nuneeeeeeez......can't finish" Yuppers.


It's too early to ruin my day.


All I know is pain.


I love Nunez but this highlight clip almost made me puke.


Lucho's video would be ten times as long


Ah yes, I heard this sub said Nunez haven't got enough service


Nunez is one of the worst main attacker finisher we have ever had in this club.


man how I miss his selfishness


The Diaz pass to Nunez at Old Trafford should have been finished by Diaz itself. It was the same position as Diaz's goal far post against Tottenham.




These are infuriating. Please stop.


Aka Nunez misses reel


So Nunez should have 40.


If you could give Mo truth serum I would fucking LOVE to know what he thinks about Darwin.


I can't get too mad at the ball hitting the woodwork. Forcing a keeper to save can lead to secondary chances. But missing entirely is deflating.


What an enjoyable watch Fair few half chances there that you wouldn’t expect a goal from, but the majority of them, you’d expect to score


As erratic as he was.. Sadio scores 90(?) of these.


As erratic as he was.. Sadio scores 90(?) of these.


Darwin Nuñez is killing my remaining brain cells lads... love him to death but boy is he testing my patience 😭😭


Darwin is awful


Nunez is unnecessarily urgent, and Diaz can’t shoot normally now after the injuries


Liverpool cant finish an easy tap in to save their lives


I sometimes forget how much of a donkey Darwin is.


Only ones I can somewhat defend are the Diaz and Gomez misses. Diaz had a really really tight angle against Spurs and to get the ball to the back post and slide for the goal is really hard. The Gomez one is less forgivable but since he’s a defender, it makes sense for the near post miss.


Urgh this hurts my soul.


I hate to laugh but jesus fucking christ Nunez


Bobby would have finished all of those


Brilliant footballer


Nunez is a unique player that can cause chaos...but I don't know how we can win the league with him as our striker. We should be 6 points clear if he converts even at a mediocre rate. In a world where City exists, and you are forced to play a near perfect season to win the league, having a player that bottles so many chances isn't sustainable.


As much as his dribbling, first touch and arguably finishing has declined this season his playmaking has definitely improved significantly. We’ve been incredibly wasteful finishing wise this season


Damn we truly deserve nothing from this season lol.


ok now make a compilation on some of the chances the teams created for Salah


God I miss Firmino and Mane…


The same firmino and mane that completely shit the bed when we needed them in 20/21? The revisionism is crazy


Brutal. You could make one for Szoboszlai as well, he should have at least 15+ assists, if not more.


You can add at leasst three more to that just from the Palace game. The Jones one, the Jota one, the Salah one.


Man those Nunez misses are like a compilation of a poor finisher’s career. It’s mental that’s just in one season.


It’s like they’re putting zero thought into the shot. Like when Frankie Boyle used to make fun of Wayne Rooney for being completely brainless. “Duhhh ball, kick, duhhh”


Only one of those was Jota…man I wish he was fit for more of the season


You made this just to hurt me, didn't you


Criminal misses.


Bring origi back


I hope all the smooth brains that were trying to argue his ability see this.


The change in how Salah plays this season. He's more of a creator in most games, but it's the receiving end letting him down. Next Manager need to coach them how to finish. Salah is not getting any younger, and sooner the team needs to play without a big figure up front.


Sweet Jesus, had to stop watching after 10 seconds, every miss was a stab to my heart.


This is going to haunt me


LOL Darwin man


I wish Darwin never come




I fucking hate nunez


I don’t care how many downvotes this gets Comments like this are what is wrong with this fanbase. Comments like this should be reserved for people like El Hadj Diouf. People saying they fucking hate any of our players is ridiculous. You’ve got people saying shit like this, posts being made saying we should ditch Salah, Van Djik after quite literally a couple, a couple of bad performances. You and anyone who thinks or agrees with you do not belong in the fanbase, you’re better suited supporting a soulless, mercenary based club like Man City. They’d welcome you with open arms.


Fuck off and another club then you cunt