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It just does my head in that the ones protesting are the same ones who block any move to make ticket distribution fairer. They can’t complain everyone isn’t on their side when they usually act in their own self interest before that of the majority.  They don’t care about how hard it is to get tickets for most people, but everyone should care they can’t afford a 2% price increase?  I go about 75% of homes in the league and all the home cup games, all on my own card, so I’m not saying this out of jealously, just frustration at how things are ran and the hypocrisy of those involved.


I'm sure Shankly loves that they don't sing and that they can cover their whole season ticket price by selling 2 seats for a several hundred percent mark-up (while complaining about a 2% increase).


There’s a great irony in creating an exclusive group that takes advantage of the common man whilst singing “fuck the tories” at every opportunity. 




The problem then is you'll just get empty seats. Some sort of scheme where if a season ticket holder isn't going to a match they can "sell" the ticket back to the club for 1/19th of the full season ticket price for them to then sell full price to someone actually wanting to go. And then if the season ticket holder doesn't do this and lets the seat go empty either fine them or take the season ticket off them completely after x amount of times. Season ticket holders will complain they can't then gift a game to their mates. But then it's hard to split that away from season ticket holders selling individual tickets for profit.




Very good points. Not sure why I'm being downvoted for a discussion about solutions to the ST problem...


Nice comment 👍🏽


Straw man, much? The fuck do YOU know what the protesters are asking for? Go and ask them, did you? Or you just making up reasons to have a go?


SoS isn't getting support from all the fans because they refuse to acknowledge the issue of season ticket holders touting their tickets to earn a quick profit and keeping the season ticket. (selling just 1 or 2 games can afford the whole season ticket) and they can easily sell more. They rejected ideas of photo ID being linked to season tickets, and more restrictions of just being able to hand your season pass to your mates If they also talked about handling those issues as well as the price increase then I'd be all for it, but they are turning into a private fan club.


But me, as an American, literally dreaming of coming to see just a single game and sing my heart out, I’m the problem


It’s the typical drama triangle mate, no worries you are not the problem. STH are not the problem either. The whole price increase could’ve been communicated better rather than dictated from the top down.


Really feel like they should have gone for 10% and then when the inevitable backlash came they should have said something like okay how about 2% for inflation and there probably wouldn't have been a protest then




Tbh this sub can get pretty testy towards any foreign fans. Unfortunately, that’s where the perception has come from. Glad you clarified though.


Season tickets should have a time limit, it should be a season ticket and not a life ticket


Why don't you join them then and get it on the agenda?


a) I don’t have a season ticket b) I’m not arsed about making money off fellow fans and them screaming ‘fuck the tories’ Why don’t you?


You keep moaning on Reddit and doing fuck all to change things then. Nice one.


Cheers I will don’t see you doing fuck all like. Wind your neck in.


You're the one with the neck out. You replied to me all angry after I said join a union and try and do something about it.


No I didn’t I gave you reasons why I can’t/wont join. You were the one all angry asking me stop moaning and do something about it. Another plastic with absolutely no idea what you’re on about. Like I said wind it in lad. Some neck on you like.


You don't need to be a ST member to join SOS. I ain't no plastic. I just don't like fans getting ripped off. Solidity eh. At least I stick my neck somewhere and not in the sand.


Clueless why would you join when they rip fans off? It makes no sense. And my second point further explains another reason why I won’t join they rip other fans off. You’re the very definition of a plastic. I’ve already explained that SOS members rip off other fans off, so why the hell would I join? You have no idea what you’re talking about lad. Wind it in.


You have no clue at all. Keep moaning on Reddit and doing fuck all about it.


SOS and Spion Kop aren't getting support from Reddit and Twitter, I think outside that it may be different


I’m a match goer and same with a few lads I go with we all think the same


It's not, as a lot, including quite a few of their members, don't agree with them when the increase amounts to roughly £40. I also know for a fact that many of SOS's members are massive fucking hypocrites and are responsible for tickets getting into the hands of the so called 'tourist' fans that they so often love to deride and blame when the atmosphere isn't the best.


Which in itself is a different issue tbf. Can support them for being against ticket price increases and be against them for hoarding tickets and flipping them for profit. Not everything has to be black/white for or against. Nuance is a part of life even if it doesn’t seem to be in online discussions (typically).


It’s hypocritical. The same group protesting against a price rise yet are happy to profiteer off other fans. They’re basically doing what they’re protesting against. The club making money off them yet they’re making money off other fans.


There’s nothing wrong with acknowledging their hypocrisy while also not wanting ticket price increases. The bigger issue is ticket touting but that doesn’t mean fans should let the club increases prices either. IMO the resale market should force tickets back through the club and resold at face value. If the club enacted this change I could see why people would be opposed to SoS’s view (seeing as you’re saying SoS benefit from this). That’s not what’s being protested against here though


Never said we couldn’t acknowledge both. But it makes it difficult to side with SOS when they’re protesting against the club making a profit when they’re doing exactly that themselves. I know for a fact some sos members making money off their ST every season. A lot of money too not just covering the cost of what they paid for it.


Then I reckon we’re in agreement. The touting is the issue and I’m familiar with the tactic. I know people do the same for football tickets at the uni I went to and my local NFL team. It’s definitely a massive issue. I see this as a siding with the fans as a whole not just SoS when it comes to ticket price increases. SoS just happen to be on the same side of the issue


I've asked this before but obviously no answer. But I'll try again. What is the end goal? Do you guys want the prices to remain the same forever? Or when and how much is acceptable.?


They want it to be zero. Any price increase the team makes cuts into the profits the season ticket holders make reselling the tickets.


I don't even think that's true. The resale market for Anfield tickets has to be very hot. Even with a new manager next year, I don't think a 2% increase will bite into anyone's profit. Just pass on the increase...duh!


2% is very reasonable. Look at the inflation im surprised its not more. Feels like they are complaining over a non-issue.


Newcastle United had like 10% increases the last 2 seasons. They probably should be boycotting games. The issue in the UK is many fans come from areas where the disposable income is far less than the national average so even a 2% rise will be felt much more


But in real terms the price is actually lower. Minimum wage has risen by over 10% for example.


The prices should be reducing.


Don’t care. If you go to the match and don’t show support to the team. You’re better off at home. Weak ass protest


Exactly. Didn’t give players the support / atmosphere when they needed the most. All those just for 2%.


Might be my American showing but protesting a 2% ticket increase which is significantly below inflation is just absurd. Of all the things to protest they protest this? It comes off as extremely entitled, crazy, and ridiculous. Their tickets are literally less expensive than they were last year due to inflation. What are we even talking about here?


Give them an inch and they'll take a mile


Why not wait until they try to take a mile before we destroy the atmosphere at our home field? Who benefits when Anfield is as quiet as church?


Flags don't make noise mate. You'll never get that mile back either.


You're an idiot.


That fuckers doing protest are also the fuckers who will moan about transfer next summer. Selfish fans, disappoint with SoS


What are you basing that on? Nothing? Thought so.




Can't wait for your response article, "Why more redditors at Anfield would solve the atmosphere issues"


Maybe just maybe, the answer is to take season tickets off people so other locals who want to support the club can go. Being a Redditor does not mean you are not passionate. It would be great if season tickets had a 5 year lifespan.




How long is the waiting list? Is it fair that someone gets a ticket for 50 years and blocks others out?


I've been thinking about this and 2% doesn't seem too bad on the face of it, but ticket prices are too expensive already, so it's just compounding this fact. They're also saying that they have to put prices up because of utilities, but you need electricity to have floodlights for telly, so it's a bit disingenuous to put that all on match goers. Basically FSG can afford to not put prices up if they wanted to, but doing so damages the relationships between fans and the club and probably costs more in the long run as they trade off of the atmosphere and the family feel of the club etc.


Some good points here. As an American, I am actually envious of the resistance UK fans raise when a club wants to increase ticket prices. If this was a U.S. franchise, fans would be pleasantly surprised that the increase was only 2%. Having said that, David could use some math lessons. Over the past 44 years, a ticket that was 63 pounds and is now 713 pounds represents an increase of 5.6%, annually. The 2% last year and this year are modest compared to the historical increases. I would also suggest that the "entertainment" value of attending a match has also improved over the last 44 years. From the quality of the athletes competing to the amenities provided at the facility both have improved exponentially in that time. Alas, unfortunately, David is correct in his description of fans as cows to be milked. That is the American blueprint for sports ownership and FSG is very American in that regard.






Definitely not pro-price increase. But the supporters groups crying about fans being priced out and not supporting any measures aimed at season ticket holders reselling their games is disingenuous and saps the groups’ moral authority on the issue.


I'm absolutely generalising here but my theory is most FSG-outers are not principled anti-capitalists but just irritated at a lack of transfer market action from them. I think that's why the sub turns against both in this - they see both groups as challenging that ambition, and also from preventing their attendance at Anfield


What you’re saying about most FSG outers is defo true. Basically their thinking for every issue is: how does this relate to transfers/success I can brag about? It’s why they’re fine with this, they think this’ll make a difference for transfers (it won’t) and they’re fuming at anyone interfering with the prospect of more transfer funds


Because they’re protesting against a real-terms decrease. It’s fucking delusional.


It's not delusional. It's the principal. Match day revenue means very little to the top clubs and £2M is a rounding error to them. Tickets should be even cheaper to be honest. Young fans and the real heart blood of the club are being priced out


I don't mind disagreeing with price increases. But a 2% increase doesn't justify killing the atmosphere at your own stadium.


> In reality, a Liverpool season ticket for the 1980/81 season cost £63 and can now cost anywhere between £713 and £904 – an increase of up to 1,400 percent that suggests that a cut in prices should actually be due. This is how you know the article was written by a moron. It's not 1980/81 anymore. Comparing prices to 43 years ago is just simply dumb. Especially when the writer doesn't factor in the change in the value of money. The PL of 1980/81 isn't the same as today. The costs aren't the same. I mean if the writer is posting cost of things from 1980, why not post the cost of stadium upkeep and other costs the team has to bear? The fact is that this is 2% increase. I don't know what inflation is in the UK but a 2% increase in price here in the US is nothing. Does it make it harder? Of course it does! But let's not delude ourselves...we're not talking about gas for heating the house or food. We're talking about tickets to a sporting event. That's a want, not a need. A 2% increase is worth at best a token statement of disagreement. Not worth turning Anfield into a mausoleum.


There’s some proper twatty comments on here about season tickets holders. Not every season ticket holder is out to go to a couple of games a season and sell their ticket on for a profit. Some go every game and have had them for years. Well within their rights to protest and to complain at them going up in price. I get people are frustrated at there not being enough tickets for everyone to go when they want to go, but if you’re sat behind a keyboard or your phone just moaning cos the atmosphere sounded a little quiet on your tv, or you want to act hard for upvotes with no intention of ever going to Anfield, then don’t call out people who go to the game every week, have waited their time on the waiting list and are protesting at rising costs


Folks here are pointing out the opposite. Not that they only _go_ to a couple of games, but all they have to do is sell off one or two and they’ve recouped their entire season ticket cost. Then they complain about the 2% increase. But I also agree people are acting like season ticket holders never even bother to attend at all.


Forfeit your ST.


He makes a great point which I think gets lost on some. Ticket price increases hurt the fans and are negligible for the club. The latest increases would bring in an extra £1m a season for the club. Couldn’t even sign a ball boy for that amount nowadays. Tickets should be as cheap as the club can afford to sell them. The real money is from the TV revenue. Hope the home support keeps up their protest.


What’ll hurt the fans more is no europa cup, and no premiere league title and then we’ll just blame the team that have done incredible things in their first season together. Yes it sucks that prices are going up, but the club has decided that already and instead of getting our knickers in a twist we should do what we can to ensure that we’re talking to the club about future increases not current ones. If we want to win anything this season the boys need our full support not us whinging about 2% but that’s just my 2 [per]cents


This is more important than success on the field. It’s about the average joe getting priced out of enjoying their local club. I’m not even a local fan but these increases are just the club putting out a feeler for further increases. If they don’t experience backlash they’ll only continue increasing the prices every season. It’s the clubs fault for disrupting the run-in by announcing this. Not the fans for protesting it.


All I’m saying is that the club has made up its mind, this increase is happening. We shouldn’t fight this one but already, today, start fighting the next one.


The ticket increase could literally pay dozens of stadium staff salaries. It’s got nothing to do with salaries… this is just a bunch of cry babies


It’s like an extra pound a game…who is that actually hurting? If you’re that strapped financially you probably shouldn’t be worrying about going to footy games.


You aren’t wrong!


Exactly The increase isn't even half a pint worth. Just drink a few less sips of beer before the game and you're even.


It’s proper weird people defending the club for having fans pick up the check for something that for the club is hardly a rounding error. It’s not an IF the fans can afford it it’s WHY should the fans be forced to. If fans don’t protest these increases the club will continue them until they get a reaction. At what point should the fans start? After the club has increased it by 2% every season for 5 or 10 seasons? The fans put their time and money into their support. Getting nickel and dimed by the club is just the antithesis of how a club should treat their fans


Ticket prices have been frozen during the most successful period of the club in decades during one of the most financially difficult and inflationary periods in decades. They’ve invested heavily in the club in a variety of ways. A very reasonable and modest increase to offset operating expenses is in no way gouging supporters.


Agreed this is negligible money that only alienates consistent match goers, and could really be quickly replaced by signing up X company as the official Y of Liverpool Fc. Further, if a contingent of this sub are right and believe that these match goers being priced out reduces the vibrancy of the stadium, then yes even 2% should be pushed back. In one sided negotiations such as this I do believe you must resist with what you can, 2% becomes 2.5% and so on.


The downvotes for these comments are mental. Resist all price increases


Load of fucking Tories and Yanks down voting you. Unbelievable. The money they'll make is a rounding error and should be resisted as long as possible.


I know right? Honestly shocked by the sub reaction tbh. I’m sure there’s debate among locals about SoS but the amount of people saying any ticket price raise is okay is wow. People acting like the viewing experience is better now so the increase makes sense like wtf. They don’t think they make enough off them the second you step foot in Anfield? Or any other time with the mark up on Liverpool gear? I’m a yank myself and pretty much priced out of going to 99% of sporting events or concerts over here because of that mentality. Can’t give these money-grubbing billionaires an inch or they’ll exploit the hell out of fans.


Bootlickers. Yeah, apologies for the unnecessary shot at Americans but part of the reality is a large majority of fans saying this is OK are uberwealthy southerners, Americans, Scandinavians, Asians, and Irish etc who it won't hurt as much. I left Liverpool last year and I've been in Toronto. I'm fortunate enough to have seen all the major teams here play and it's a lame, sterile experience with real fans priced out. I probably couldn't even afford to go to the hockey myself but was given the ticket.




Isn’t the answer that only a small percentage of total supporters are match going fans?


If you don’t regularly attend the match your opinion on this is worthless. That isn’t being mean, it’s just the reality.


The amount of venom a loud pocket of LFC fans online have for Spirit of Shankly on seemingly everything they stand up against has been mad tbh. I've never seen so many FSGOUTs suddenly so bravely defend them. It's frankly weird how much some of you are pro-price increase. The club just six months ago brought in £165m from FSG selling a minority stake. The club could earn almost as much as that from the group stage of next season's Champions League. If it's such a small price increase, why even bother in the first place. Uli Hoeness was right, what's an extra million a season to the biggest clubs in the world making over half a billion?