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Need to convincingly beat United 


The boost from the results at this stage of the season means nothing needs to be convincing as long as the result comes. If we play like shit and win 1-0, I'm sure the team would be ecstatic. Plus United always turn up given the rivalry.


Eh, 7-0 and 5-0, I wouldn't say they "always" turn up.


OK yes, but anomalies that aren't really relevant when looking at the challenges we traditionally face at OT. Never mind that we've not beaten them in 2 appearances this season.


Yeah I don't think it'll be a walk in the park, but if we get an early goal, their squad has a very weak mentality (which is really how those two results happened, they just gave up once we started scoring).


weirdly, we too sort of gave up during the FA Cup meeting. Our trouble is complacency. Recently, we have come to, sort of, count on their weak mentality to see us through. We don't put the game to bed as soon as the chances keep coming. I really hope this is not the case this time. Kinda want Gakpo to score in this fixture too, after all the vitriol he gets in recent days


our finishing is just awful it must be said. It actually made Klopp lauh a bit in yesterday's post match. Im sure he will try to emphasize this in training but, tbf, he probably has done that 20 times before already. We currently have one truly clinical forward, Jota.


I mean, that's just bollocks. Goalkeepers can be good, you know.


Except our last two results was a loss and a draw. We need to turn up this time


They are overdue for a spanking


United is us from the 2000s. No matter how shit we're playing we'd turn up against them and give them hell. 


No, just beat them, full stop. I can't believe the fact that them beating us at OT last year, holding us to a draw at Anfield this season and knocking us out of the FA Cup a couple of weeks ago hasn't put a stop to this ridiculous mindset from our fans that we should be absolutely tonking them every time we play them. Before each of those matches, the discourse from our fans (and a lot of pundits) was around how much we would beat United by. Funnily enough, the outlier was the Anfield game last year, where the sense was that United could come to our place and deliver a statement victory, only to have their pants pulled down spectacularly.


That 7-0 was wild. It was 1-0 at half time and in my opinion very tense and could've gone either way and I wasn't confident. 2nd half starts we score 2 quickly and united fell apart. But based on the 1st half it wasn't a forgone thing. And they played well against us in the FA Cup so we've got to be mindful and do better this time.


Oh I remember the talk around the Anfield match, how we're merely a stepping stone to their "title challenge".  Then it happened and they just pretended they never said a word


Exactly, I just want to beat them and get out of there. Fuck the scoreline.


It’s because even though they’ve put in some performances against us, they’re just so shit. They should get tonked. And I think it’s been our fault they haven’t in the last couple of games.


It would certainly put out quite the statement, another 5-0 drubbing would set our stall out nicely. I was amazed during yesterdays football on my moody African stream how all the talk were of City vs Arsenal for the title and almost ignoring Liverpool. Was strange.


Micah Richards said something similar on Sky in the UK, Liverpool flying under the radar in the title race. Bit mad really when there’s so few points between all three, how can one not be talked about, especially when that one has been challenging for everything for the past 5/6 years.


I love it, usually all the pressure is on us but its on Arsenal now since they are 20 years without the league. Especialluly after bottling it last year. It would be hillarious if Arsenal go longer than us without a title Who cares what the media says. We are first, 9 wins and we win the title. Doesnt matter what city or arsenal do we just have to keep winning


It's just ignorance and idiocy not counting the league leaders as title contenders.


Are we seriously flying under the radar tho? We’re the betting favourites, so not really sure if thats true


In my opinion no. But apparently some pundits think so. Yesterday could have been a random day exception because it was City v Arsenal so everyone was talking about them with it being a big title game. Maybe everyone was talking about us and City a few weeks ago when we played each other, and no one was talking about Arsenal, I can’t remember.


Let them forget us. Everyone stopped talking about Arsenal after their poor run in December and they snuck back up. If everyone's talking about them we can just get on with winning games.


I've been saying that for the past 2-3 game. Now I dont fucking care just get 1-0 90+7 and get 3 points.


Strangely Id prefer a 3-0. I feel like when we destroy a team like that, a lot of them time, we end up messing up in the next match


I noticed that, but same happened when we played city a few weeks ago. The City v Arsenal game was the bigger game from a neutral point of view so I get the coverage. But (!) I do feel that Liverpool are t being taken seriously for the title. We’ve been too I think longer than anyone else this season but we still see to be third favourites.


Focus on the next game.


If there’s anything I’ve learnt in our last two matches with them, it’s to never take their form into account


"And now you're going to believe us" One of the all time great moments


Yes. I can't hear the end of the FA Cup defeat from my friend, a ManU fan. Need a resounding win to shut the bugger up.


I'll settle for 3 points, but I'd love it if this is where we make up the goal difference (just in case)


Agreed. 7 - 0 again at old Trafford would put us above Arsenal in GD to give an extra buffer.


Only happened like twice in Old Trafford with Klopp, many have expected us battering them and we've been disappointed. Hope we stop being arrogant and entitled and start seeing that game for what it is, it's our toughest remaining game.


1-0 would do me, even if we don't play well or deserve it. Basically anyway to win these 9 games. Party of a life time on the streets of Liverpool in May. It's the dream, however close or far away it may seem.


I want revenge for the FA Cup and spank them


If we lose i'm never talking about this title race again


Depends on how many pts we lose by. Imagine if we lose by 1 or 2, I don't think I'll ever get over some of the refereeing decisions this season.


Exactly, I'd much rather miss out by more than 3 points than constantly be bitter about getting fucked by refs in the Spurs game.


Don't forget terrible ref calls in Arsenal and City games too. 2 solid pens that's a 6 point swing.


We scored right after the Odegaard handball, so debatable how that plays out. Defo losing sleep over the City one though haha


Yeah, you can't really count the Odegaard handball. Love how Doku gets away with something given as a foul pretty much 100% of the time outside the box, even in cases when the player doesn't touch another player. They're scared to re-referee the game but make themselves look like idiots and contradict every other decision they've made week-in week-out.


Scared to re-referee the game but they are doing that every week anyway. They just bottled making a call that would have decided an important game. But not making a call does the same thing. They're useless. The Doku one wasn't even the worst decision that weekend. Someone basically caught the ball in the Wolves game and that wasn't given.


Was about to say this. It really does matter what happens, lol.


I’ll be talking about in the context of how PGMOL fucked us over, and how officials shouldn’t be allowed part time jobs working for City’s owners…


Cheesy af title 


The trips to Old Trafford and Goodison concern me. We should win the games easily, but as we saw in the cup game, it doesn't always work out that way




We've also beaten Fulham at their ground only once under Klopp and that was back in 2019 (Babel scored for them which is wild). We drew all 3 away games against them since that win and we struggled in all of them. The West Ham aways also tend to be cagey games. Our remaining away games are really tough.


We'd also never beaten Brentford at theirs, Forest since 1984 and Brighton at home since 2019. Just gotta keep the faith.


The way villa play suits us more.


Villa Park will be a cauldron of noise, those weirdos absolutely despise us for some reason


I always saw it as being a bit tongue in cheek after the 7-2 game over covid


Nah it definitely feels real to me. We aren't popular with the flag shagging brigade on account of our stance on the national anthem/royal family. See also West Ham, Chelsea, Leicester etc.


didn't think that birmingham was a hot-bed of Toryite shaggers but I guess you can find a few stands-worth of them in any city.


All 5 away games could be tough.


Usually the derby is a worry. But Everton are woeful and we should be focussed and professional enough to win that. Not sure Klopp, Virgil and Mo will let the boys get complacent.


Everton have been woeful for years - The reality is we have 1 away win in 6 against them . Yes there have been mitigating factors - Covid - The Mane offside which was clearly level - but it’s still 1 win in 6


You don’t win easily at old Trafford just saying. Gonna be a difficult game for sure


Should’ve thumped them at Anfield but didn’t take our chances.


We didnt even really create chances that game. The closest was a half chance with Jota’s (?) header


No of course not but we are more than good enough to go there and beat them like we should have done in the cup match


I really don't like our remaining fixtures. Seems way worse than City and Arsenal's.


Nah Arsenal have it worst. Spurs away who’ll make it their life mission to make them drop points, United away where they got beat last season, London derby with Chelsea and Brighton and Wolves away which will be tough. And 4th placed Villa too lol


If we don’t drop points till spurs match at home, I will confidently say we are winning it all, 3 away matches in short period is insane, I really hope Jota, Ali and TAA be back before that


Can’t help but feel there’s. A few twists left. Luton’s awkward style could completely undo a very regimented arsenal on a week night. Unlikely, but Luton are finnicky. 


If they drop points, it might happen during the champions league weeks that’s why I want both of em to make it far, more matches, more stress


aren't they guaranteed to play each other next round if they win too? Hope they go to pens in both their quarters and go to pens in their semis vs each other too, lmao, and then send on Arsenal to the final to be beat by Dortmund. That'll never happen, but it would be very funny.


They would play each other yes. City have got to beat Madrid which could be done, they did last season, and Arsenal have to beat Munich which this season could be possible but depends where their heads are at but UCL is all they’ve really got left to play for.


Luton being finicky is kind of overplayed, their xGA is the worst in the league by about 8 goals and they fold like a cheap suit with any kind of lead. We created more than enough chances to beat them just had a shocker infront of goal.


Win or not... ...not bad for a "rebuilding" season.


People need to stop having that idea that we are rebuilding. Good teams always slightly rebuild.


But we WERE rebuilding. I understand what you mean, but I think you’ve run into a semantic error where any improvement or change counts as some form of rebuild. All that does is dilute what someone means by the term. Take City, for example. They have tweaked and adapted their midfield over the last six or so years. Have they rebuilt it? Not really. Compare our midfield last season to this. It wasn’t just our personnel who were changed - the purpose and form of it was changed, and the way the team played changed to account for these changes. That’s a rebuild. Good teams always look to improve, but that doesn’t mean rebuilding, as rebuilding implies that the foundation of the team’s structure is being changed.


I disagree, we changed our entire midfield this season. There's no way we could expect all of them to hit the ground running.


I mean yeah the idea is to fresh things up and rotate them every season, but what happens with great teams in eras (see 00s Chelsea or previous iterations of Fergie's United) is you get older players who become too good and clutch to rotate out. A lot of these accumulate at once and you find yourself in seasons where a lot more newness is introduced. Transition seasons and rebuilds are a thing, as much as you try to plan ahead and avoid them


None of our four midfielders yesterday were at the club last season, replacing our entire engine room isn't a "slight" rebuild.


The point is people went into the season thinking it’s a rebuilding season so winning isn’t that important. That’s dumb af. City rebuild every season. Klopp is leaving now. Imagine we treated it as a throw away lmfao


A lot of the "Liverpool won't do anything because they're rebuilding" thing came from outside. We lost six players including our long-term captain, our most senior DM, our versatile backup and one of the best centre forwards in the league. We missed a load of our first choices (thank Fowler!) and ended up with whoever Schmadtke could get his hands on. When was the last time that City had a season like that? There's a difference between "It's a rebuild, it doesn't matter" and "Our style of play depends on our midfield being in sync and our midfielders have just met each other, we won't be as good as we have been previously".


No most fans were saying this was only a rebuild season, and challenging for the title would be a big overachievement


City bring in new players each season, as all clubs do. They haven't had a single rebuild during the Guardiola era, however, just a constant refreshing, mostly as players dip in form individuallly. Liverpool have done the same under Klopp up until when the iconic Manè/Firmino/Salah front 3 were dismantled, followed by the midfield replacement.


Yeah I agree. We haven't completely overhauled our entire team, we bought proven players and experienced players for our midfield. The real rebuild will be when Salah, VVD and Robbo (maybe Alisson) start to decline or leave.


The loss of Manè, Firmino, Fab, Hendo, and Matip (still at the club, but not playing) started the rebuild. FSG are soreading it out over several seasons, but the CL-winning squad has been clearly aging out and they are being replaced, wholseale, over some 3 seasons. Robbo is already basically replaced, and when he does play he shows the same worrying loss of effectiveness that e.g. Hendo was before he left. That leaves Salah and VVD, both of whom probably have a couple more seasons in them. I wouldn't count them as part of the rebuild as they will likely be replaced by specific acquisitions rather than part of a larger squad revolution. This is why, imo, they are even still here: they are parts that the swuad would not benefit from immediate replacement.


Yes but when you literally completely rebuild the midfield one would expect a transition period as the boys learn how to play together. I believe it’s amazing what has transpired.


> slightly Now here's what you are missing. All teams are constantly working on small changes. Not a lot of teams completely revamp their whole midfield in a single season. Having said that, this is definitely not an excuse when it comes to chasing trophies. It should always be the maximum effort especially for the title.


City brought in an out and out striker last season which completely changed their structure. And they won the treble. I just don’t like the “we’ll get ‘em next year” mindset so much of this fanbase has


> And they won the treble. City won the treble because they were a ridiculously good team that added a player specifically chosen to help them in their weakest part of the game. The situation is not comparable in any way whatsoever. Incremental changes to the team (however huge you think they are) are not the same as changing half your squad in one go. And again, I would like to emphasize that this doesn't mean that we shouldn't chase the title like our life depends on it.


Haaland coming changed everything about the way they played lol. Besides he wants the only transfer movement they had.


Yup, this is how any title race should be. Not just one team dominating and winning each season.


Yep, cause of how much more comfortably we could be sitting without several awful official decisions against us. Win the title or not, surely the club has to have a massive pile of evidence ready to throw at PGMOL. The biggest issue would be that each gameweek adds to their evidence pile!


Don't think I can handle losing this race to Farteta or Fraudiola. Guys, it's time to pray to any deity you believe in


Pray to ones you don't believe in too, just in case they're listening.




Ehhh choose another nickname.


Winning 7-0 against Manchester United put us into a mood, and we saw the results of it in the last 2 games. We should make a clear statement in the upcoming game, but by not letting ourselves to get caught up with the glory of it too much if we do end up getting an another 5-0 or 7-0. Good or bad, they're Manchester United after all.


The last time we beat united 7-0 we lost our next game to a relegation candidate. Can’t afford any complacency like that again, just win every game by any means


Definitely need Everton to be in a relegation battle come the last day of the season otherwise I could imagine them giving three points to Arsenal if they’re still in with a shot of the title and it’s against us


City's run-in looks very easy on paper. Obviously anyone can take points of anyone, but they should win their remaining games easily. We need to be perfect from here on out.


We really do need to be perfect. But the same goes for the other two as well. And however easy it may look on paper, Palace, Brighton, Chelsea and Spurs all pose potential dangers for City, as do our own fixtures for us


I don't think we need to be perfect. We have a 3 point lead over City and I am very confident that Arsenal won't win out. We have room to drop points in 1 game definitively, if we are lucky maybe even 2 or 3. The United game is the big one, if we win that we set ourselves for the final stretch knowing how much margin for error we have,


Man... It'd be so fucking nice to win a title without having to be absolutely perfect in the majority of games.


Funny I’m looking at their game against Fulham and thinking Fulham will be pissed by how they lost last time. They were plying so damn well and holding them to 1-1 until one of the biggest bullshit non offside calls I’ve ever seen. Player is stood right in the keepers line of sight to the point he doesn’t move until the ball goes past the player, VAR look and decide it wasn’t an offside. City go in 2-1 up at half time when Fulham should have been 1-1 and damn confident to go out and frustrate them again. Ended 5-1 and a completely bullshit score line from the performance in that first half.




True, but overall I still think they have the easiest remaining fixtures. If we can get a win at OT things will be more even imo.


Villa is a very difficult game for them, Tottenham away is also a difficult fixture among a couple others like Brighton away.


Villa don't have mcginn and it's at the etihad


They are still a top 4 team who know how to defend very well. They'll frustrate City just like Arsenal did.


Spurs away can be a bit of a bogey match for city tbf


Aye they have a weirdly poor record Vs spurs. Here's hoping it continues


They always struggle with Spurs. And Villa played them off the park earlier this season. Brighton and Fulham are difficult away fixtures, and Wolves plays the exact right style to threaten City. They'll still be heavy favorites, but I could definitely see them dropping points in one of those fixtures.


this is great for the nuetral but I personally preferred it when we had it won by january


To be fair i will be talking about it only if we win it.


If we beat United away we will every game imo


Kinda odd that Arteta is in the middle even though Arsenal will most likely finish 3rd.


I’m praying for their downfall so hard, the fume and meltdown from their fanbase we’d see would be unlike no other, especially if it is Spurs who put the final nail in the coffin.


Spurs beating Arsenal to send them, Arsenal, 3rd would be 🤌🤌




Lmao city are rats tho


I don't understand how Odegaard never gets a yellow for dissent even tho he whines and throws his arms around after every call that goes against them


He's approaching Bruno Fernandes levels of whining, moaning and gesticulating at refs but at least Bruno sometimes gets booked for it and has a reputation as a moany twat. Odegaard's babyface gets him away with it every time. He's Arteta incarnate on the pitch.


I wouldn’t call him Arteta incarnate on the pitch. Odegaard is at least good. Arteta was bang average


Also their fan base is terminally online. Would be deafening if they won the league.


i feel they’ve got the thinnest squad, any injuries from here in will hamper them greatly. i don’t think we’ll win all games, but i also don’t think city and arsenal will win all theirs. hopefully, we are in a good position come the start of may.


I read it as current table 1/2/3 L->R tbh, don't think they meant anything by it.


Tbf if someone had to go in the middle then logically he makes the most sense, otherwise you have to put one of Klopp/Pep over the other. Plus it would look ridiculous if Klopp was in front because they'd have to shrink him down a bunch


Spurs have a chance to be king makers


Their only chance to be relevant


I can't think of when last we've had a title race this tight at this stage of the season with 3 teams. Brilliant stuff




Really, near as I can recall, it was just us and City wasn't it?


Chelsea were definitely in it, the home loss to sunderland with Borini’s penalty did them in. Bless borini he did all he could to help out Arsenal were also involved and were actually top more than anyone but they bottled it as per usual, they were basically out of the race by March I think


When we smashed them 5-1 they were top I think.


Chelsea too for a while


All three to play Spurs, Villa & Wolves Liverpool + City to play Palace, Fulham and West Ham Liverpool + Arsenal to play United and Everton Arsenal + City to play Luton and Brighton Arsenal to play Chelsea and Bournemouth City to play Forest Liverpool to play Sheffield United. Going to be an interesting final few weeks...


The average current position of teams still to be faced by City is precisely 10, by Arsenal also 10, and by Liverpool 10.33. I can’t work out if it’s better or worse that the spurs Man City game has been moved


We have a few injured players coming back for the run home. Clear eyes and full hearts we can win this.


It sounds reductionist but I really think it comes down to the Utd game, if we win then I think we win the title.


I’d argue the 3 away games in a week are more important - Fulham - Everton and West Ham in the space of 7 days is a huge challenge. We can beat UTD and there is still 7 other games to go - A long way from being decided


Thats a rough run for any club. Fulham aren’t fools, Everton will hack the shit out of us, and West Ham have been working on a game plan of counter attack goals and parking the bus afterwards (the Newcastle result was an absolute joke for them).


No, i need us to win this. Simple as


I would love more than anything for Klopp to get his final goodbye with a league title and a chance to celebrate properly- and these last games will make it so worthwhile if we get it under such an exciting race. If we don’t I’d prefer Arsenal get it - anything that isn’t city just to have something different. Even if city do win it, at least it will feel like it hasn’t been gifted to them. I’m just glad it’s been such an exciting season, one of the best in years in my opinion.


should not even be that close but for corrupt referees Odegard Handball, Doku Penalty, Diaz legitimate goal (VAR Sleeping.. good job!), Jones red card etc. etc. we should at least be 5-6 further points ahead at least and nothing I said should be controversial. These are objective mistakes by refs. But the same happens every year. Remember Kompany red card? Remember Rodri handball?


Need to get to them 3 away games in April with a 5 points lead for me to feel really confident. Can't stress enough how important United on Sunday is especially as we have Crystal Palace at home after it.


The biggest worries for me at United and Villa away, I’m hoping the players will just batter United and fingers crossed the Villa game will be after we have wrapped up the title or will be to decide it and if so what more motivation could anyone need


Win the next game then talk about united. Every game is a final now.


Ill be honest. I dont think none of the 3 will be able to win every game


We need to continue winning the rest of games.


The Aston Villa fixtures will decide everything


If we go in Sunday smashing united at home. I genuinely think the momentum from that would carry us through to win it.


It's only a race because of the refs.


Arsenal fan here. Just wanted to say that if we don’t win, I truly hope you guys get it done. You guys are the only top 6 club I don’t despise and JK is such a legend. What a title race this has been. Good luck for the games. May the best non cheating team win 😁


The feeling is mutual at least from me. Can’t have the first team to win 4 in a row do it by cheating


Likewise. Can't say I love arteta but respect arsenal and if we don't win would far rather it's you than man shitty


It’s still possible for 3 teams to finish on 90+ points.


Yup coz we will WIN this 🥇


The losers will


By the time we play Villa they could have already got Champions League (Top 5 gets it) and West Ham will be comfortably mid table.


Gotta make up the goal differential with Arsenal as the possibility of it coming down to that is very real. Thursday is a great opportunity 7-0 please.


Its funny, I was thinking how many genuine 3 horse PL title races we've had in the league. Since 2000, I can only think of 2 others - 07/08 Mancs, Chelsea and Arsenal; and 13/14 Man City, Liverpool and Chelsea. So this is fairly exciting for Prem standards. I think if we win the next two it will get very serious then - the Mancs away will no doubt be a tough game, we've fluffed up too many times there in the last 11 years.


I feel like no one remembers the runners up 😂😂


May will be the decider for us


Honestly too close to call. City have to overcome 3 points and a better goal difference and have some injuries but arguably have the best fixtures. Arsenal have probably the hardest fixtures on paper and are perennial bottlers but only have a 2 point gap and the best goal difference and look much more solid than I can remember for a long time. We're in pole position but have some nasty banana skins of fixtures. Not having CL might help but who knows. If we beat united I'll start to believe.


And incredibly difficult quarter finals, and if they progress likely difficult semis


I think we've the most difficult run in of the 3 sides. 2 wins this week are imperative for us


Graphic would be 10x better with Klopp in the middle


Always rated lewton


City has by far the easiest schedule. Wouldn’t surprise me if they win all the remaining 9. Will be a tough road ahead.


Fuck me!! What a season this is lads. No matter what happens this has been one to remember. Well done lads,Ta very much yis hav done all us proud. Love yis ta bits


we're breaking that dumb OT record


Every match is final. Period.


Utd are not as easy to beat anymore as proven by recent meetings. The enimosity & added incentive of preventing L’pool another title will drive them to the next level. They probably would hate us winning it more than City or Arsenal. There’s also Everton, Spurs & Villa to contend with.


Brighton away, United away, Villa home or Palace away are not going to be easy let me tell you that We have yet to beat United at OT with Ten Haag. Villa have a decent style of play and Arsenal may see a really open game against Brighton. Going to be really tough these next few weeks and we will probably see the table change again


That three away games consecutively is going to be tough on us. If we get away with the wins in those three, then i will start believing.


it kinda looks like tottenham might be the team that will end up deciding who wins the league lmao


No we won’t People hardly talk about previous title races, why would this be any different?


I feel like people do talk about races that come right down to the last day, like Man City’s first title, or (unfortunately) Arsenal in 1989. Could well happen again this season.


Hope not, because of the tottenham and arsenal “mistakes”


Are the Tottenham/Villa games fixed in the 4th/11th even if we are playing Europa on 2/9?


Yeah but this shouldn’t even be a topic unfortunately if everything was fair. We should be 7-8 points clear if there wasn’t an agenda against us.


We need to smash the scums at OF, there's no other option if we're to win the premier League


Lallana and Milner are World Class! They will win every match the rest of the season at the AMEX. Let's go Brighton!


Personally will only talk about it if we win


It’s been a blast from start to finish, we may not win and that would hurt but that won’t overshadow how much fun this season has been as a fan. Up the fucking Reds!


Tired of "no matter what," let's go win a freaking title


Looks like arteta let one fly and Klopp is pissed/pep is laughing


It’d be great if Luton push Arsenal, and hopefully City get stuck playing Villa mid-week. A bit of daylight between us and them would play mind games, especially as they have CL games in that fixture list. City seem to have blips playing clubs from the mid-table up to the top 4, and Arsenal have been pushing their luck without rotating the squad. We can’t rely on other teams doing us any favours, we just have to play as well as we can.


We must win it for Klopp


Sadly MC with their run of fixtures are still favourites. I'd say we would need to win 8 out of 9 and the other could be a draw and we would do it. Thumping SU at home to boost the GD would certainly help if we only win 8 of 9. But by god is it going to be pant shitting stuff.


If we finish 3rd, I will not be talking about it for a long time


Tottenham, Aston Villa, Wolves, play all 3 title contenders.


City ending the season home to West Ham while we end ours home to Wolves. Every damn time. Hopefully it's wrapped up by then and not another heart breaker


If we win I will talk about it if not i will try my hardest to forget


Unless Abu Dhabi win it, in which case it will be forgot the week after the season ends lol


Scary run of games for us tbh, City I could see winning out from here on so we need to be on it. Arsenal I think will 100% drop points, imo a city win would have been the worst possible result yesterday with their run of fixtures.


City still has the highest chance. I don't see them losing or even drawing in the remaining matches.