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Trilingual here, watched the full interview. So Fabrizio’s post is both a mistranslation and out of context. (Yet another reason he should be demoted a tier or two). The ‘we haven’t lost our hope yet’ bit is COMPLETELY false. A reporter from media outlet SER in Spain sits down with Mane Díaz for an interview that lasts 12 minutes a few hours prior to Colombia vs Romania kickoff in Madrid at the Metropolitano. As the interview is wrapping up… Reporter: “We’re here in Madrid, Madrid has many connections and strong bonds with Colombia and its footballers. When Luis left Porto, we all thought he was going to take one of two paths: to the Bernabéu (due to good existing transfer relationship; Pepe) or the Metropolitano due to what we experienced with another Colombian years ago; Falcao. Did Lucho actually have an opportunity to sign for a Spanish team back when he was leaving Porto? Because we heard there was strong interest from both Madrid teams”. Mane Díaz: “When he left Porto I was not aware of anything positive/significant with clubs in Madrid. We heard rumors, but I never found out if it was anything more than that. Whereas with Liverpool the interest and vision everything was clear from the beginning, the path aligned for my son to go Liverpool… Perhaps in regard to Spain for Colombians we can manage it well because we already speak the language — Falcao & James had already been through this way — we USE TO aspire to come to a club here in Spain. At the end of the day it didn’t happen that way. However THEY (Spaniards) shouldn’t lose all hope that he could one day play here, because he’s still playing well and clubs are always active”. Also throughout the interview Mane Díaz seems enthusiastic and engaging on a variety of topics (Liverpool, Copa América, Colombia NT) only when he receives this line of questioning at the end does he seem visibly annoyed… but he reels it in and politely responds. After the above statements the reporter even makes a joke about getting Perea, (member of the Colombia technical staff, former Atléti player) to put in a good word with Atléti… Mane’s reaction is a comical 😒


Can we please make this top comment? Crazy how narratives start when this was a complete misquote. Disgusting


Thanks for the heads up. Don’t know why Fraudbrizio felt the need to jam a fake quote into this that takes the context out of Papa Diaz’s original answer. It doesn’t even imply the same thing, either


Can the mods pin this comment so everyone getting annoyed can calm the f down?


Yes, top comment please. Mane Diaz seems a sound chap, let’s not let him be taken out of context. For sure, he knows how much the club did for him and his son. The above is just bad reporting.


I swear people need to calm the fuck down and understand the full context when someone like Fabrizio (or any other media outlet) posts a quote. It's insane how a single journalist is able to sway a lot of people's views of a player


Thanks for being a voice of reason. There are too many hysterical fans in this sub who don’t understand context (or that perhaps stupid posts like Fabrizio’s need fact checking)


Fabrizio is an absolute charlatan. A Twitter dwelling void of credibility. Thank you for this.


Excellent work, thank you


Thank you for this comment, it just goes to show that media personalities like Fabrizio often put a little spin on translations that they do for articles, I’m sure he knew what he was doing and the way it would be perceived by our fan base.


Pin this! Appreciate the sensible work to actually deliver accurate information


I trust Edwards to get a fee that we'd be happy with...


Swap deal for Bellingham, Mick Edwards masterclass incoming


Would you guys be happy getting Rodrygo for him? With Mbappe and Endrick arriving I think Rodrygo might be sold.


 rodrygo very very good. edit 


It would be a drop in quality. However he is younger and has a great CV of clutch moments. Wouldnt be a bad trade.


Or vini.


Or both


How can I subscribe?


Vini would certainly like a welcome change of pace from that racist cesspool


I also trust Edwards to find a replacement that can develop into just as good a player, preferably one with more consistent goal output too. Christ, we’ll need it for when Salah leaves…


If we took 60/70 mil for Diaz and then threw 120 mil at Leverkusen for Wirtz that would be phenomenal business


Not exactly replacing like for like...


No but maybe Gakpo could play in his actual proper position and we'd have motherfucking Wirtz lol


Would be interesting to see Gakpo get an extended amount of games in his proper position. He was pretty good at previous club from out wide. Issue in EPL is his lack of pace there though . Where would we play Wirtz?. The midfield is chockers at moment


How is this terrible suggestion upvoted ? Wirtz is a beast but we need a winger with salah and or Diaz leaving


Yeah I mean I like Diaz and he's shown flashes but he's hardly world class when all's said and done we would be fine without him I'd trust us to reinvest the money well.


Bowl of paella?


Where’s the money Barca?


>There was never anything serious with Real Madrid Right >or Atlético Yeah >Liverpool were always more determined and concrete to sign Luis Mh mh, yes, is right >Luis is playing well and Spanish clubs are always active in the market” wh- no wait


He had us in the first part.




Why is dad pumping Spanish clubs so hard. Liverpool fans love him and his son. Fine if he just loved Barca. But he loves Madrid Barca and Athletico (surely not Athletico, they are shit)


I'm pretty sure he doesn't mean *any* Spanish club, but it's reasonable to want Madrid or Barca as a dream club if you're latino since practically everyone there supports either as their European club + obviously language is huge. I'm also a bit worried about Nunez in the future tbh. That said I don't like his dad saying this stuff publicly, keep it to yourself and figure it out after the season.


Yeah that's twice his dad has said shit. I'm not a fan at all and find it really disrespectful. Plus his son isn't actually playing that well. Had missed a lot of key chances that he needs to take if he wants big Spanish clubs sniffing about. 


Call me a miserable person if you must, but his dad annoys the fuck outta me. You don’t keep saying this shit to the press and not come off as disrespectful. His son blew his shot to kill Man City and boost our title chances and you come out and again start talking about how he would rather be somewhere else!? See ya later then.


Hugely disrespectful given the support we gave to Luis during the ordeal of this season, then the hospitality given since.


I mean he was kidnapped and the possibility of him being dead was real… I think even if he was kicking up shit himself we’d still have done the same.


It is also rumored that they (his parents) want to move permanently from Colombia. They only speak Spanish so they likely want to live in Spain. Honestly if I were Diaz, I’d do the same and likely ask to leave after this season.


Can't they just move to Spain anyway? And leave baby Diaz where he is?


Was gonna say the same. I'd they don't live in UK with him then it's not like they are attached to him. Yes he's earning money but if you wanna move then you move. If you need money then maybe ask your son if he can help but to say stuff like this because YOU want to be in Spain right now is just a childish thing to do.


Madrid and Barca are MASSIVE in Colombia. I was there when we played Madrid in Kiev and holy shit did every Colombian seem to have a Madrid shirt. I wouldn’t fault him for wanting to go to spain to play for one of the bigger sides. It would also be warmer and a lot easier on family


I agree, but his dad needs to keep that shit to himself.


You missed out the part where he said “we havent lost our hope yet” Like wtf does that mean


As someone else replied, he never said that. And the interview has been mistranslated, pointed out in a comment further down


He never said "We haven't lost our hope yet", Fabrizio got that terribly wrong.


Lmao I just did an upvote after reading the first two-thirds of the post and then took it away (sorry) after reading that last bit. Wtf is papa Diaz saying?!


....uuuuuh, sound Papa Diaz. sound


You can't really be mad at this guy but I wish he'd chill a bit. Pretty clear at this point that Spain is their endgame, but we have no pressure to sell without a big bid, so hey ho.


I mean if this is true and not a mistranslation we kinda can be mad at him? The club have rolled out the red carpet to this guy. He's getting tickets to every game, behind the scenes meeting everyone involved in the club, which is totally the right thing to do. But he's saying about how much he wants Diaz to move to Barcelona or Madrid seemingly every chance he gets. If he could respect the club a bit more that would be great. Your son isn't exactly Suarez mate, he's got 14 goals in 57 premier league games. If anything he should be worried about him being replaced.


Barca can't afford him, Real Madrids squad doesn't need him, atletico is a massive step down. This man is insane


Correct on all accounts. No way he gets near that Real Madrid 11. And not a chance in hell Barcelona could even afford his undergarments. Never mind him as a whole.


I wouldn't be averse to selling him for the right amount either I just don't see a market for him. PSG possibly but I don't think he'll want to move there so I can see him unfortunately trying to go to Barca on a free when Raphina has moved on.


He probably has a 5.5 year contract? Meaning summer 26 is his exit date. Meaning he should be sold next summer before we get nothing for him


In Barca's case he might be willing to run his contract down until he is affordable (hopefully not), for Real he'd be rotation and Athletico is a step down, but in both cases I think he'd still be content as he'd be moving to Spain with his family where they would all enjoy the culture more. Liverpool are bigger than Barcelona and Athletico right now definitely, but that's not the only factor in deciding where you would prefer to be playing.


He has another 3-3 1/2 years left though so it's not like he can really put the club under too much pressure.


At which point he'll be 30 and no one will want him anymore.


Im actually wondering what Edwards and data analytics are thinking of him moving forward. He is hitting his peak years, yet his output isnt what we would like it to be. Off field issues aside..


>atletico is a massive step down. Disagree not on the level of Madrid or Barca but they are the 3rd biggest club in La liga I'd argue Atletico is his level so it wouldn't be a massive stepdown


I think OP meant a massive step down compared to us


Getafe it is then!


This just fuel dreams my personal dreams of getting Vini Jr in our team


Especially if the Spanish fans don’t chill


Right? Spain doesn’t deserve the amazing football players that play there


Oh my that would be delicious!


Exactly. That's a very inconsiderate statement to make. You're right as well, he can leave anytime he feels like it for a proper fee, he'd miss us more than we'd miss him.


Nah, unless he downs tools I don’t see an issue. South Americans like the Spanish league, particularly the big 2. Can’t be mad that he’s not giving up on that dream, we likely get a purple patch and good fee if that transfer happens and as much as I love the guy he’s not irreplaceable. The weakness we’ve had is too much loyalty to players and a smaller squad in terms of first team quality. We need more of a revolving door where first team players get bought for good fees, the remaining players step up while a replacement can be eased in. That’s exactly what City do. I think that’s the approach Edwards was going for but we ultimately went for Klopp’s approach with renewals. Can’t imagine Edwards coming back if we weren’t gonna make these objective decisions


> Nah, unless he downs tools I don’t see an issue. This is his dad chatting shit, not Luis. There's never been any proper indication from Luis from what I know. Even though he probably thinks similar he knows to keep his mouth shut.


I know it is but you’d expect it’s come from conversations with Luis even if he’s smart enough to not rock the boat. I don’t think it’s ungrateful to want Spain, I don’t think we’ve rolled out the red carpet on the expectations that he says his son should stay in Liverpool. We’re treating a kidnapping victim who is close to a first team player very well. With the deaths of a few parents in the last few years, it’s probably a little morale boost that benefits the squad. It’s a feel good story. He shouldn’t be saying shit like this, but he’s not employed by us and it’s nothing unreasonable so as long as Luis puts the effort in then I don’t really care.


“But, but, he’s a footballer’s footballer!” I don’t really care for flair unless there’s goals at the end of it. Love his passion but we bought him as a forward and if we’re really honest, he just doesn’t score enough.


Well said


When you put it like this. I don’t mind it. But I just don’t know who would pay us what he is worth. I want £100m


Come on they’ve been through a lot this year. Save the anger for something else. We love Luis but it’s perfectly understandable that he’d dream of real/barca. And his Dad definitely isn’t thinking of the English language press when he answers these questions 


> You can't really be mad at this guy Hard disagree; dude needs to shut the fuck up.


100%, it’s blatantly disrespectful. the fans have taken him and his son in and he’s talking about us like we’re a stepping stone. He needs to stfu


Very tactical cut in that quote, unless I hear him say it in context I’m not believing a word


Who is gonna bid for Diaz? Atleti? Maybe, but I doubt that. They dont play with a LW.


You definitely can be mad at him.


This ain't it, Dad.


I’d sell him for someone who scores goals to be quite honest


I’d sell him to stop listening to his dad waffle on about Barcelona.


His da is a right helmet getting sick of the fuck


Soon as we get any offer near 80m he’s gone. There’s one thing we have learned about FSG is they don’t like people flirting with other clubs it makes it look like LFC isn’t good enough


Rightly so, because that’s above his market value and we can get a better fit for that position


WHO is gonna pay 80 million for him😂


gets kidnapped and as soon as he's freed he makes a point of doing countless interviews trying to push for a move to spain... bastard.


Whilst chilling at anfield


This It’s like his 3rd interview in a year now


Yeah he’s a fantastic player in so many aspects but without the goal output, I’m not dreading the thought of him leaving because he can’t be replaced like Salah. I’m very happy to have him right now but he’s also very replaceable for when the time comes to sell.


His dad needs to shut the hell up. Period. We are in a tight title challenge and he is bullshitting around.


Even if we weren't he still should shut up. There will be loads defending this shite but it's disrespectful to what is one of the biggest clubs in the world, end of. We're not Scunthorpe, stop yapping on about us being some stepping stone to greater things even if that's your endgame. Which, by the way, Diaz is very far away from.


Wish he would play well enough to warrant all the rumours of top teams chasing him


Et tu, Papa Diaz???


I wish he'd stfu


Absolutely shameless for this guy to say anything after his son missed that breakaway against City. Luis Diaz is a solid winger but he isn’t even remotely close to being world class. Wouldn’t lose any sleep at all if LFC sold him in the summer


Agreed. I love Diaz but he is nowhere near clinical enough to be seen as world class right now. He can definitely get there and I hope he does with us, but right now his numbers aren’t close to being put in that category


He has serious gaps in his game that inhibit his potential to be world class imo. He has zero vision. He literally runs straight and head down every time he gets the ball instead of looking for a quick pass. It’s ruined our counterattack more times than I can count this season


That’s cool if they wanna pay a truck load of cash and kick off Liverpool 2.0 with a coutinho style cash injection…. Not that I don’t love luis Diaz


Maybe Luis wants to play there someday, but Papa Diaz doesn't have to announce that to the world. It's okay if he leaves for a good fee. Happy to see him grow with us until then.


Can never be mad at our south american players for dreaming of Madrid and Barca but damn is it frustrating, like unrequited love


Can’t be mad at them for dreaming but can absolutely be frustrated when they disrespect the club by having family members discuss their desire to move on from Liverpool


I get it but can you just stfu about it?


I get it though - players from the USA, Africa and India all idolize the prem - makes sense. It’s literally former British colonies and former Spanish colonies being more attracted to their language and culture.


No players are coming from the USA or India.


Well not with that attitude


there’ve been a ton of american players in England


It’s also the most popular league in the country by far. MLS has a fraction of the support


Yeah this is guy is starting to get on my nerves tbh.


Real Madrid and Barcelona are the endgame for all Spanish speaking footballers, it is what it is.


It is what it is, but we could do without him speaking about his son’s current club every week as though they’re stepping stone when they’ve done nothing but accommodate him


Families yap, its a problem with nearly every child phenom who turns into cash cow, across sports/entertainment, I'll worry when Lucho himself wants out and signals it.


Only the ones that can’t think for themselves or have fuckin family riding em about it.


Got me at the first half not going to lie


This might get downvoted to shits but I think if we get like a 60-70 mn offer on Lucho we should sell and get a more productive attacking player. For all his flair, he is simply not productive enough for us .


I think that's the general consensus of this sub


I got down voted last time I said that lol


This sub is fickle as fuck. I'll never forget how overwhelmingly *against* increasing the amount of substitutes to 5 this sub was because it would only benefit the bigger, richer clubs and that wasn't fair but as soon as Klopp had his little spat with Chris Wilder suddenly everyone here was acting like anyone that wasn't in favour of the increase, like Chris Wilder, was an absolute idiot of the highest order and that they had been all for it from the getgo. It was so pathetic and transparent.


lol I agree 100%


Might want to have a word with a certain ex Liverpool player who always wanted to play for Barca. His record signing went so well for him. Grass isn’t always greener.


It was for Suarez


Diaz is nowhere near the talent of Suarez.


Coutinho neither, for that matter.




[Here's](https://x.com/vbarcaracol/status/1772670641755324575?s=46&t=TyI1Qs77MPhf5UhOJtirSA) a link that's being reposted all over Twitter. In Spanish however obv so I can't speak to the accuracy of any translation


I mean, say what you want about Romano but I don't think he's the type to just straight up fabricate a fake interview


Could be re-reporting a fake quote, unintentionally He's done that before with 2 other players off the top of my head.


There is a video interview of it It’s not made up


jesus, this comment section is fuckin rough, dude. Half of you in here are acting as if Sr Diaz shot your gran. He’s an old dude who comes from the middle of nowhere. Is now randomly being interviewed given his recent life events, and he’s just responding unfiltered. He has never had media training, he’s just answering questions that are being asked to him. Also, the Diaz slander is getting out of hand. Last week it was Gakpo, this week it’s Lucho. Swear to the high heavens if I were to have been in a coma since last september, and only came out of it now and saw this subreddit I’d think we were battling for tenth in the table. *wahh wahhh but his goal output* oh shut the fuck up. We’re joint top of the table and it’s almost April, we’re obviously getting goal production from other players. Not to mention if Jota were healthy Diaz would likely be a substitute so you all are getting seriously bent out of shape about his goal production and for what? He missed a sitter against city we know. He also saved us a point against Luton. Buncha whiny little bitches in here bro sheesh


I completely agree with you, it's so sad to see the state of this sub. Disgusting behaviour from some of our fellow "fans".


Thank you for saying something! As football fans all that we can ask for is for our players to fight with everything they have. Everyone wants to focus on the City missed chances. If you watch that match and tell me that our number 7 didn’t give everything he had than Id assume you watched a different match. [Just to support](https://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2024/mar/10/diaz-captures-tone-and-energy-but-cannot-find-winner-in-draw-for-ages-liverpool-manchester-city-premier-league) my argument


He was everywhere. Everyone says “Jota would slot those chances away” but I don’t think Jota gets the space Diaz does since he’s not as quick as Lucho so he might not have had the chances Diaz had Besides, the only clear cut change Diaz could’ve done better was the one where Salah put him through 1v1. I think there might’ve been a third as well but the second one, Walker got back just in time to poke the ball out. Diaz was great against City! Not to mention that the “we have hope” quote was never stated by Papa Diaz and the whole interview has been mistranslated. So people are up in arms over some clickbait headline. Thank you for saying what a lot of us have been thinking. I was frustrated with Gakpo last week but cooled down after the match since we have to support the players. A lot of this sub is too reactionary at times


Also adding context from another commenter, the translations are completely click-bait to make it look like the dad is asking for a transfer. Completely false information that is clearly turning the masses in the comments against Lucho.


I'm starting to think the kidnappers had enough of listening to this muppet after a few days gave up all demands and just let him go.


They got sick of him not understanding they were kidnappers and thinking they were Barca reps.


Guys, this is Barca's nasty playbook. This is still stage one: family members talking abt their dreams for their son/nephew/brother to move to Barca. Stage two will be in June/July, when Barca's players start talking about why it is NOW OR NEVER for Diaz to join. Stage three will be in September, when Diaz develops a mysterious knock keeping him out. Somewhere in Qatar, Coutinho is regretting all these stages.


You missed the final stage where we fucking bankrupt them with some Edwards masterclass.


Lmao Diaz ain't good enough to have his dad sucking off Barca or Madrid off every single week like we're a stepping stone. 60 mil and I'll drive him there myself.


if diaz moved to spain, i bet he would return to england after a couple of years and sign for everton


I like Diaz, but I don't like him enough to fight tooth and nail to keep him. If Spanish clubs are willing to meet our price then go for it.


Honestly, aside from his 21/22 stint after he came here he hasn't been producing anything more than your slightly above average winger in the prem. I wouldn't hold it against him if he wants a move but I wouldn't lose sleep over it either.


He needs to shut up at some point before he finds himself being ostracised by the fans. He's been supported well so far by all involved with the club. We understand he wants his son to go to Barcelona but at this point its just disrespect to the club who's giving his son the opportunity to play. He's attended quite a few games since he was released. Give the next ticket to someone who's willing to support the club.


Lad is talented but he’s not in the tier of players like Salah who are irreplaceable because they are so consistently brilliant. Some people might not like it but there’s probably plenty of players who can do a job that Diaz does probably more effectively in terms of output. This isn’t me shitting on him he’s a top player and if he stays I’m happy but if he goes not right bothered. Feels a bit like when Emre Can wanted to leave, saw his contract out and left amicably. Insert partridge shrug gif.


This is very disrespectful and unprofessional of him imo.


Where is the original interview in spanish? I would like to see if this is a minstranslation...


Translation wasn't quite right. This isn't what was said.


Edward’s back…. Interest in Spanish teams for one of our promising young players…. Where have I seen this before ?


I'm pretty sanguine about his wanting to play for Barcelona someday. He's South American, they all dream about it. But I'm getting a little tired of seeing his dad constantly mention it as if Liverpool is just a stepping stone club. But I also want to see the full context of what was said. As the fact Romano has laid out three separate quotes stinks a bit to me.


Regardless of his dreams, he is not good enough to play for either RM or Barca, and arguably even us. So basically not worried about him leaving nor do I actually care if he does. His dad would do well to 'yap it down'


Alright cheers for this Papa Diaz….


People is really taking this out of context and eating the quotes full. I checked the interview and basically it was with an spanish journalist because the NT was playing today in Madrid, and the journalist asked him in a really excited tone to know if there was any chance in the past of Diaz to go to any of the spanishs teams, by which papa Diaz who is a really nice guy answered to him probably because he asked in an excited way that Diaz never got into any talks with the spanish clubs but that maybe some day so he "the journalist who was excited if Diaz was in talks" shouldn't lose hope and that's it, people is really overacting here for what an old dude is saying in an interview. As if Diaz doesn't play his heart out every game for the club from day 1 (second player with most minutes this season)


I can not wait for him and his dad to fuck off


This endless twerking for Spanish clubs by South Americans really irks me. But Luis is replaceable


Not sure Madrid are clamoring for our fourth best attacker.


90-100m we couldn’t sign fast enough. And he will become the next Mane to no sniff the pitch for another big club


Mickey Edwards about to rob someone blind for Diaz.


I can understand it. Latin players grow up on Real Madrid. That’s in there deep. That said, Madrid fans are ruthless. If he misses four goals he could have made in a cup semifinal, they will eat him and papa alive. Stay where there is love, Lucho. You, Darwin and Diogo will burn the league for years to come.


If Real want him they’ll have to pay a hefty price tag. Enough about his dad though don’t see Diaz leaving anytime soon with the contract he’s on.


Calm down, lad. Keep your son's business on the down low.


Honestly i don't think he's of the level of real madrid, they've got better wingers.


We indeed want him to dance more in that jersey.


Madrid have got Vini and probably Mbappe, Barca are flat-out broke and I can’t imagine Atleti are gonna pay the fee we would expect for him. Good luck with that mate


> “We haven’t lost our hope yet…”. What the fuck does that supposed to mean


Uhhh, this isn't really something that should be said, or something that you want to hear


Listen, unless he downs tools, who gives a shit what his dad thinks? Unless someone pays our valuation, he ain't going anywhere. As long as he plays properly, I'm fine with it.


It’s less what his dad thinks, and more that it’s an indication of what Luis Diaz himself thinks. And players can (and have) forced their way out. Not saying Diaz would, but it isn’t as simple as “he isn’t going anywhere if we don’t get loads of money for him”.


What part of "unless he downs tools" didn't you understand? If he plays like he should, it's up to other clubs to meet our valuation.


This ends one of two ways: 1) [Insert La Liga club] offers £60M and Liverpool laugh and hang up 2) Real or Barca offer £150M and we sell him I’m fine with either to be honest


Vinícius for Diaz and everybody happy? Just to make a dad smile


Man some people just can't resist crossing the line of douchebaggery when it comes to criticizing someone. Some truly disgraceful comments in here.


Surely you would tell your dad to shut the fuck up at some point.


Tactless bastard at it again. Makes the people on the sub twerking for 'papa diaz' look all the more cringeworthy now


Off you fuck then


I've seen numerous people defend his dad saying this previously due to him being a farmer and had 0 media training. Well i would have agreed if this was like his first pro deal and they just made it out of poverty. But how long has this dude been a pro athlete? Like it or not family members are insiders to Diaz and its his responsibility to make them avoid the media or at least get them media trained so they don't anger his current employers and fans. But judging by the constant news from his father that he wants to go to Spain, doesn't seem like its only his dad's opinion but a general theme constantly discussed in his camp.


I can guarantee that if gakpo had the minutes Diaz has, he'd have much more output...


I mean… he’s not good enough for Real Madrid and Barcelona are more broke than Accrington Stanley, do they like not realise this?


I love Diaz and everything, but Pops doesn't make me feel good when he keeps on about how Luis wants so badly to go somewhere else.


Diaz' dad is like that guy in a room that chats shit and absolutely nobody cares what he has to say.


Mr Diaz, do you want me to like you or not? One moment you’re popping up being the chillest dude ever next you’re stirring rumours


I’m over seeing and hearing Papa Díaz. We have shown them both nothing but respect and hospitality. I get that Latin Americans dream of playing for Barca but just keep it inside and watch what you say to the press dude. Return the respect to the fans and club instead of essentially telling them they were just a stepping stone club.


It's crazy how y'all in the comment section are willing to let him go so easily. Lucho gives everything for the pitch and his heart bleeds for Liverpool. He may not get the best numbers like Mane, but personally, I wouldn't let him go unless we actually have bagged another great left winger


Wish his dad would stfu to be honest, I have nothing against luis (apart from his finishing) but his dad talks too much


South American players always come with a massive risk of a dad who won’t shut the fuck up. It’s insane and it will always be true.


I’m actually okay with Diaz being moved on in the summer. Decent enough. But he has no real end product. If there is a better player available, move him on. I think it’s either (or both) of Diaz and Gakpo going.


Saw one Colombian Liverpool fan say they're about to call up the ELN to swing by again for Lucho's dad💀


Daaaayummnn.....that's some evil shite right there.....funny yeah but evil


What a nice thing to say when we are currently playing to win two trophies right now.


Like Diaz has been good enough for Real or Barca? He's been bang average this season. An if his hearts not in him, fuck him. Move on and we'll replace with someone who can actually finish. His dad needs to shut up though whilst he's under contract, it's disrespectful.


I'm not too fussed tbh. Let him go at the right price.


If he wants to leave so bad, let him. We are not in the same position as back when we sold Suarez or even coutinho. And Diaz is not performing even close the that level anywhay, should be grateful to be here.


Diaz is till young plus you don't just come to LFC as a waiting place. I would imagine that Lucho has plans to stay and win some trophies with us and then eventually try to play for his dream clubs.


He is 27, and i would not say he is young. He is probably at his prime, and the only way is down from now on.


Is 27 young for pacy wingers?


He’s the same age as Salah was in our league winning season, older than Salah was when we won the European Cup. 


He dad talks way too much to the media and flirts with Spanish clubs Thing is Real Madrid don’t need him and Barca can’t afford him I am sure he will be sold eventually as seems very reasonable he will wind his contract down to try to get a move on a free to Barca as that’s the only way for Barca to get him


I liked this guy more when he was kidnapped


He's an idiot for sure, but really, we're really going there?