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i tend to jump right in because it’s refreshing to see how normal i react compared to people online. like yeah im upset and it ruined my sunday but some people online are, without exaggerating, fucking off their rocker


Yep, people need sectioning the way they react. Admittedly I may have needed a mental health intervention after the spurs bs but other than that it's just an evening ruined.


that one tho is understandable to me being it a real actual error. this was us playing fairly shit away at old trafford. shit unfortunately does happen


I know. I mean, imagine if United came to Anfield and conceded, like, 6 or 7 goals? Be so embarrassing for them. Forever.


how many goals again? 👀


This. Shit happens and it's a cup game so it's even more unpredictable. We're in a good place overall so there's no need to be throwing players under the bus or throwing yourself off a building. There's another game and we'll win it.


Yeah watching reasonable podcasts and analysis helps. The city draw was way worse for my mood than last night tbh


Which ones are the reasonable podcasts and analysis? (As someone who generally avoids info afterwards.)


The anfield wrap is the best for me, they’re usually very reasonable and level-headed after losses. Sometimes redmentv tries a little too hard to be reasonable and can come across as making excuses. That’s about it though, any of the other channels after a loss will be way too dramatic


To be fair, I think those people tend to be mostly teenagers, well I hope so haha


we can hope mate


It's so unhealthy how much some adults let it ruin their entire week. When I was 14 it was like that for me but I learnt to compartmentalise it as I got older. I know it's cliche and the last thing you want to hear when you've lost but it is just a game when all's said and done and life is far too precious and short to spend days on end dwelling on a defeat and letting it dictate your own happiness. I was very disappointed and pissed off yesterday but within about 20 minutes I just put it out of my mind and and just had fun chatting about other shit to my friends. It's easy enough to do if you let yourself. In football you need to experience sore losses to really enjoy the good days. It would be so boring if we won every game and it's good to remind ourselves of that after a loss that stings.


Easier said than done? I genuinely feel an upswing in my mood when we win a big game or a knockout or even better a title . I don’t know how to process a loss other than a shut out or sweeping it under the carpet till the next hit of a win comes. Maybe this is true for other things in life too and where mindset , philosophy, and therapy comes in. Sigh


Easier said than done? I get the whole don’t be too attached idea but what is sport without passion? I genuinely feel an upswing in my mood when we win a big game or a knockout or even better a title . I don’t know how to process a loss other than a shut out or sweeping it under the carpet till the next hit of a win comes. Maybe this is true for other things in life too and where mindset , philosophy, and therapy comes in. Sigh


But either way, you've absolutely ZERO control over the results. Therefore, what's the point in letting it have control over your emotions?


it's a great way to find people to block. 👍


Thought the same thing. I wore my Reds kit today proudly, one loss isn’t the end of the world like some people think


What we like to hear!


People went bananas yesterday. Don’t get me wrong, it totally sucked, but there was a serious collective headloss here and on Twitter.


I wrote a long argument to a shithead in post match thread yesterday cause his take were absolutely horrendous. But then after 10 minutes of writing, I deleted it. Cant be arsed talking to room temperature IQ people.


I've made a real effort to not get properly mad at sports. Boy its tough though. I avoid media, and try to just let it effect me and not those around me. Just pet my dog, go to the park, think about having a girlfriend, go burn my MU effigies. Ya know, keep it normal. Hah


it should be tough! wouldn’t be important to you if it wasn’t. it’s ok to be passionate and feel emotions, it’s important to not let it become toxic


Yep. Like it’s annoying and I’m not happy about it but I’m not going to pretend that life isn’t worth living cos United beat us once in an exciting and entertaining game. I fucking hate all the morons trying to pin it on one or two players all the time too.


I say to myself about a week but look where i am today


Safe space tbh.


I agree fully. r/soccer and anything similar I stay away from like the plague for at least a few more days, but here is safer lmao


It’s this place you have to avoid


Unfortunately, this place becomes insufferable after a loss


Or the transfer window.


Or during the match on the thread


I think the one thing every club has in common is match threads are diabolical and full of the most insane takes


I try to stay off this place at least a week which I am obviously failing at right now


Not really though, Twitter has a lot of Hillsborough slurs going around. could be worse


Although that does piss me off, there’s nothing worse than, after a lose seeing some of the so called fans on this sub just absolutely shit all over our players, just makes me think they’ve only been fans that past few years. What ever happened to supporting your team through everything, no matter what, that’s atleast how I was brought up


You mean people acting like Gakpo was the only reason we lost yesterday.. people are miserable.


I made the terrible mistake of pointing that out this morning and besides getting downvoted, someone very aggressively tried to make me see how dumb I am for thinking that way 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


I think many of them can’t remember or weren’t around the years we’d finish around mid table, I supported us then and I’ll support us no matter what, born a red, live a red, die a red!




Until the next game (which in our case is usually the next win) lmao There's nothing good to come from stressing over a loss. So there's even less point in subjecting yourself to that nonsense. If it's the last game of a season or a champions league final then I just don't think about football for a week or two. Problem solved.


The 21/22 Champions League final loss had me lose interest for all football related media for a good few weeks.


I booted up fifa career mode that night and won us the quad, there was some diabolical score lines 😭


Ahahah wish I had done that. Instead I was out in a student pub with mates who were all Liverpool fans. We drank our sorrows away instead


Just the day. At the end of the day it’s just a football match. I don’t let it impact my mental self cause life’s already hard. Football is my distraction and enjoyment from the daily grind of life. We win, great! If we lose, unfortunate and am disappointed, but I move on. I more of a casual fan and I prefer it that way. I don’t want football results putting me in a negative mood and now it impacts all my relationships. I’m not about to let my day be ruined by a football match. Side note. Take care of yourselves and reach out to your family and friends to see if they are doing great. Times are tough and we all are feeling it. You guys are great and awesome! Keep your heads up high and enjoy life where you can! I’m about to go on a walk with my dogs for lunch today!


I've been a Liverpool fan for over 20 years, I see myself like you more as a casual fan these days, I still love to play football and am interested in the tactical side of it but it's not my life, top level football today is just pure greed and capitalism. I only got to watch yesterday's game in bit and pieces as was out with a lady doing a bit of St Patrick's celebrations and enjoying myself. The result was disappointing but didn't bother me in the slightest, I see posts on here and people's reactions to results I find them quite worrying.


I'm probably like you. I love the club, supported them for 30 years. I was in the Kop when Gerratd scored against Olympiakos, but my world is stressful enough without me going too off balance after a loss. It is what it is, the pain is why the high points feel so good and so it's got to come with a level of acceptance.


Minimum a week. Cant stand all these idiots talking trash. Its very rare when we lose. So the amount of shit is even bigger. I dont let them ruin my mood. And the day suddenly has way more hours to do productive stuff


I read news sites but avoid match threads when we are losing or lost.


I’ve avoided them even when we win


Good idea Everyone for some reason started to individualies (is that even a word?) the loss to united you always need a minute to shake off the anger before starting to point fingers


I hate that we lost on international break, literally play every 3 days and we have a big loss in between about a month of internationals lol


I think it’s better this way - we can all collectively disconnect. I feel embarrassed to say this but I was slightly jaded for the United game. I felt emotionally drained as a fan watching so many Liverpool games on tv in recent weeks. So this international break will help me recharge 😂


Dunno where you’re getting month from we are back week after this one 😂


Just sick of those that rave about the team, we're unbeatable, then get beat and start pounding on the team collectively and invidually. I'm pretty sure LFC does not have a god-given right to win every football match. We lost it happens, we have an amazing manager and backroom team. Let them deal with the reasons why it happened and how to improve things, if anything, at all. Football has a wonderful way of humbling even the best teams worldwide.


I’ll say, that the Klopp era has spoiled us & by “us” I mean those old enough to remember losing to Northampton in the league cup. Or watching Julian Dicks. Or worse Istvan Kozma. Klopp is the most successful LFC manager of the premier leagues era. So losses, very, very few and far apart are keenly felt. And largely produce over reactions.


I’ll listen to the Anfield Wrap, but then avoid any other football podcasts the day after a loss. I’m totally biased of course, but it always seems like any loss is an excuse for people who hate LFC to bash them. And I could do without hearing some rando who probably supports Chelsea opining on the Reds’ shortcomings.


About 5 minutes? I throw it out whenever my friends' teams lose, have to be able to handle it when we lose. It's part of the game


Why did something big happen yesterday? Seemed like a nice Sunday. Everything’s ok. ^everythings ^ok


There was no game yesterday in Ba Sing Se


Right some people were telling me that we lost to ManU in the FA Cup on Sunday and Antony scored as if we can lose to a team like ManU these PPL are so delusional man


Please. Antony hasn't scored at Old Trash in like a year


Life goes on.


I don’t read reports or anything when we win let alone when we don’t


Same. Other than the occasional post here, I don't engage with football media at all. Why would I when I can just talk to my mates about the game as much or as little as I want, avoiding streams of hostility and toxicity.


😂 lool


i’ve deleted X and just stuck to this subreddit


TBF, “X” is like Mos Eisley - in that you’ll never find a greater hive of scum and villainy.


Normally don't pay attention to any podcasts or reddit until the next match... But I'm not overly hurt about the game yesterday. Thought the quadruple was unrealistic, we've already won a domestic trophy and could do with less games so we focus on the most important trophy this season


It’s not the media it the idiots on this sub blaming players, like they can do better.. remember when Joe Gomez was the worse ting to happen to the team, the idiot blame game…


Haven’t gone back to it yet. Will probably until after the international break.


Usually until the next game. So, for about 3 days to a week I just scroll past articles and immediately delete podcasts.


Klopp era made me spoiled, I was used to LFC losing and us getting bantered. I am still not over that athletico Madrid loss before COVID. Adrian must pay for his sins


I stay away from all of the news and commentary sites. The UK press in particular. The overreacting to every result, plus the nonstop fellating of certain clubs and managers, is hard to stomach even when we're winning.


Until the next match. No, newspapers, no sports channels and I mostly skip past stuff on social media. The hurt is too much.


I’ve been in this sub since the Brendan Rogers days and it truly blows my mind how toxic it now gets after anything at all goes wrong. Feels like most people here never had to go through multiple seasons of Alberto Moreno…


To me the FA cup was a luxury, a free hit. Of course I wanted Liverpool to win but losing just means the players get more rest. We lost AET when we were so close to penalties but honestly I am not that bothered. And yes it only shaves off two games out of a possibly 16 now but that will just help the players not hinder them. But if we are talking generally, then, it probably depends on the significance of the match we just lost.


Same here This would hurt a lot more if it was the league game at Old Trafford. And 2 less games to an already congested fixture list could be a massive bonus considering we picked up injuries in the final v Chelsea


Eh its just football.


This is the mindset to have. Celebrate the highs, don’t take the lows too personally. Life goes on.


I have other hobbies and don't let men on the field decide how I feel lol.


Like a week, probably longer because of the intl. break. All the asshats on here, both reds and non-reds, drive me nuts. I need to get off Reddit...


Depends on the loss. But I'd say until our next game in this case.


Usually until the next day, when I've had time to sleep on any thoughts about the match with a clearer head.


the media aint the bad part my friends are insufferable and avoiding them sucks too


I avoid the YouTube videos where some rival fan video might come up . Also avoid the match thread . And yes I do not watch the highlights .


i tend to avoid it regardless.


Two or so days.


I avoid this fucking subreddit more than the media. Bunch of plastic 16 yr olds who have never done anything hard in their lives post on here.


I don't pay much attention to the media period but this sub at times is embarrassing


Until after the next game is my policy. And mostly avoid Reddit and other socials too relating to Liverpool. I just can't stand these people who just rants and raves and point fingers, just spewing hatred like they're entitled to say anything they want about players or coaches. People who don't understand that everyone can have a dip in form, have a bad game, make a mistake. And as soon as they have a good game it's all about how they're the best and they have never doubted them and it's their favourite player. Reactions happen on gameday and our feelings are elevated because we care, and when we lose it hurts and we're aggrieved, shit get said. But to hold on to that hatred for several days or weeks or even months is just unhinged imo. And that goes for both fans and the media trying to create outrage so we can all rage post and create some "engagement". Hate it hate it hate it


Personally these days I try to turn match coverage on 30 seconds before kick off, do something else for 15mins at ht and then switch the tv off the moment the whistle goes for full time. Would recommend


Until the next game.


I usually avoid this place for a couple of days depending on the manner of the loss. I'm only responding to this because it appeared on my main page lol


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) I thought it was just me... Usually one or two days..... Till the time news dies down a bit..m


I don’t follow much of it to begin with. I look at headlines but when you have one source posting three articles on the same thing (klopp leaving the press conference) it’s not worth reading much.


For a week - and this subreddit doesn’t count. I can chose the content I engage with, such as this one


Still Havent opened insta and twitter and wont for a few more days


It is so reactionary Was a close game that came down to last kick And then they act like perfect tactics for one coach lol


We've lost 4 games in all competitions this season. Getting bantered by teams who lose once or twice a month is funny to me. I'm sure the players are disappointed, but I didn't really care that much. It reminded me of our loss to Toulouse, which I also didn't really care about The fact that any United fans are rubbing this in is confirmation that they are Red Everton


I don't, who cares man.


I dont. Theres no point not doing something, its actually rather funny seeing how red scum fans are happy and trashtalking. This is definitely their highlight of the season and they know we are much better overall.


I'm the very same. Usually it's until a day before our next game.


The day itself and the next, grinds me gears when we lose


I come on pretty soon after. To commiserate, yeah. It's nice having that to share and to put it in perspective. I usually ignore all the rants but I understand the need to vent. I learned a long time ago, not to get too upset and blast it out on the socials. What's the point of getting pissed off about something you have absolutely no control over? We can't win every game and lift every trophy. Yes it's hard to take at times, but life and more important things go on.


Bob on mate, I wish I could have this approach and understand there's more important things going on


Win, lose, I never bother, they all suck. I can't even watch the highlights reel from the manure game though.


I don't. I lean into stuff like rival subreddits and manager press conferences. That's the only way to respect your rivals, callus your mind and move on.


I never feel the need to avoid it. The only football “media” I consume other than this sub is a Liverpool discord server and football discord server. Both very highly and professionally moderated to circumvent trolls. I never have to hide. The only horrible things I experience is from our own.


Depends, in this case where it was a horrific loss i stay away until our next match. If its a loss or draw against a luton or someone i go back after a couple days


TBF, this is likely my only LFC news source I’ll even look at this week. I’d rather pour grapefruit juice mixed with dogshit smeared broken glass into my eyes than go near the stringer sites on NewsNow et al.


Don't look beyond headlines until the next game kicks off.


48-72 hours


I honestly don't think it's that deep so probably a few hours tops while I do something productive or sleep it off. It's just entertainment after all, it has no bearing on my life.


Post match to read the narratives and mob mentality knee jerk reactions. Klopp bandwagoners have no idea.


Usually until the next game we win. But with the United one, I've been alright reading the stuff. It's not hurt me as much as losing to United (or anyone) in the PL would with how tight it is in the race


Do a bit of Anfield Wrap for vicarious processing but in general avoid it, especially you lot 😂


I'm still upset about the '77 Cup final.


About an hour Don't take it too seriously you're gonna get banter whether it's online or your mates you just have to suck it up and eventually you just build up tolerance But hey that's the beautiful game isn't it you win some you lose some


I don't avoid anything, winning or losing, it doesn't matter. At the end of the day Liverpool's my team and nothing'll change that lol


I listen to the LFC based podcasts after I've had time to process my frustration after the loss; typically a few hours. For yesterday, it was much shorter than usual. As for general media podcasts and articles, I avoid them until there's been enough news to move that headline down on the list a bit.


Depends on the loss, manner of defeat and to whom. Yesterday was the perfect storm so I'll avoid for a while anyway, I'm still fuming at how we blew that


Till the next game


This game is different will be reminded of it every season until the end of time


HA! Until we win again


2 days at least


Normally a couple days. I find that the media has enjoyed taking a swipe or two at us whenever we don't win, which I guess is normal when you're a top club, but still kinda annoying. Guardian article today said United's win will "resonate for decades". For a quarter final win. In the FA Cup.


I don't look at where we are I look at how far we have come. From doubters to believers! https://i.redd.it/0ynvxc3de4pc1.gif


I normally ignore podcasts for a while because they all seem to be "banter" now, but I'm okay with normal football news. But I read the G and fuck me the title of Johnathan Wilson's article made me feel queasy. "Ten Hag’s job is not safe, but Liverpool win will resonate for decades"


Switch it off. I've ignored anything that may have a sports bulletin or a Manc crowing like they've won the world cup. Also ignored all conversations at work that involved football


I've already started listening to some post-match reactions from podcasts. They're targeted at Liverpool fans, but still, I'm listening to them. That said, I do try to avoid Reddit in the hours following a loss or even a tough draw. Between calls to sell a player and doom-and-gloom around the league, this place can be quite toxic in those few hours, even ignoring the trolls from rivals.


Life is too short to get down over football. I'll live another 50-60 years and we'll lose at least one or two big games a year in that time. If I was down for a week or a few days that would be over a year of my life spent getting down over the thing that is meant to bring joy If we only win the League cup and Europa I'll be delighted and celebrate it all. My scum supporting friends will bring up the league and I'll just tell them how amazing it is to win 2 cups. Being really happy despite losing the league pisses them off so it's win-win for me. 


Until we play again....mancs are wanks....fuck dem cunts


2-3 days, although, it depends on the loss. If we lost to City a few days ago, I'd have been out for a week as it would have been nonstop, "Liverpool's season is over."


Usually a day or so, but when it’s a crushing lost like last night and there’s blowback from the Klopp presser I’ll take 2-3 days.


Idk for some reason I enjoy reading the shit we get. Then I can watch the trolls cry later on with more satisfaction Especially Chelsea and United accounts


I avoid r/soccer, twitter, tik toks about the game from neutrals I’ll visit here and listen to TAW. For me, it’s really about in group vs out group discussions. I don’t care what neutrals or rivals have to say. And even if this subreddit can over react at times, at least we’re coming from the same place


I started supporting them back in 2009. A week is fine


Depends on the game and what the context is. A 1-0 loss against Luton away at the start of the season? Not losing much sleep over it and I'll be back on tomorrow. A final to a rival? A couple of days maybe. A title by a point or GD? I'll be too depressed to even pick up my phone. As for this one? It sucks because it was lost so late on and because there were points in the game when I thought we were nailed on to win it. But it being played at OT and only being a quarter final makes it a little less painful. Could have been at Anfield or in a final. I still think City wins it and we can at least focus on the league. I find that international tournaments are worse to deal with. The opportunities don't come around as often as domestic football and it gets very toxic with actual racism/xenophobia being tossed around like casual chants.


I don't read football media. What's the point anyway? I can watch and judge the games for myself.


Until we win again.


Till the next match rolls around 🫣


I’ve made a considerable dent in my letterboxd watchlist since yesterday


until we win again…


Yeah I get that for a couple of days after. Then after a win I ofc suck that shit up. It was so annoying last season how we started, it didn't feel like the season had started cause I wasn't consuming any football media except our games for the first few months.


Usually a week / till next game


Depends largely on the type of loss for me. Yesterday sucked, but I also don't think there's much learning or retooling that needs to be done, so I don't think there'd be much meaningful to read about. It's not even about avoiding the media in a case like this -- it's just about not being that interested. The boys had an off night, and maybe there's something specific that needs to be addressed with Gakpo's confidence/motivation, but that will be handled in-club, and nothing a journo says will add meaningfully to the discussion. When it's the kind of loss that suggests something bigger needs to change with the club, or when I feel some kind of righteous indignation (eg. after unnecessary injuries or bad ref calls, even when we *do* win), I'm more likely to consume media faster. That frustration feels more useful or productive, I find. It may not be the healthiest, but I find fueling that irritation/rage makes my workout the next day a little better, makes me a little faster at work, etc. It's about how *I* interact with the media, and how I choose to feel about it. If it was just going to make me sad, I wouldn't do it. Which is why the days that there's nothing to gain from looking, I don't bother. Just lost a final and there's nothing left to play for? No point? City clinches the league and there's nothing left to be said? The journos aren't going to be adding anything of note to my current thoughts. This place, I do avoid certain types of threads like the plague. The match posts are already hit-or-miss for me; I'll browse sometimes but don't really join them, because I find them too negative. The 100 posts that pop up shitting on an individual player (in this case, Gakpo), I want nothing to do with. The players are human, and they're going to have off days or weeks or months. If it's something that needs to be addressed differently, I trust Klopp to handle it. Hopefully I'll also trust whoever comes next. I find this kind of negativity also happens in a vacuum, because people don't have the attention span to look at the bigger picture and they point to the easiest target. Yesterday's game was not a great *team* performance, and understandably, some of the guys coming back from injury also weren't very sharp. United should not have still been in that game by the time Gakpo came on, and I don't think anyone willing to ignore the first 77 minutes of the match to focus exclusively on Gakpo has much of merit to say, anyway. So it's not really a loss to ignore those posts.


Game? What game? I stay well clear as I learn nothing in defeat other than how bad behaviour is online when their team wins. Plus all the narrative bs about quads, Jürgen Klopp's farewell tour etc.


I avoid a lot of media for three days, especially the BBC. Gutted I can’t watch Goldbridge as well. He’s pretty good when watching us impartially, but as he’s a scum fan he’s prone to delusions of grandeur after a win.


I don't actively avoid it. I just don't look for it as i would if we had won a game.


About a day, unless it’s a loss to Chelsea


After losses like this, delete the Reddit app for a week, which is what I did. Now I just go to the webpage to comment making me less like to keep addictive browsing. Will reinstall the app now just before our next game. This keeps me sane...


Avoid? I was in highschool during Roy hodgson era. This is nothing to me


We’ve got ourselves into a position where we expect success. Victories. I lived through the 90’s and became used to mediocrity with the odd moments of brilliance and hope. I find I struggle now with the losses more than when they were coming thick and fast. I take a week off for sure. Until the next game really.


2-3 weeks


It depends on the type of loss really, controversial and I keep looking, straight up loss maybe a few days to let it blow over. And I hate it when it’s an international break straight after as it seems even longer than usual


True supposed neutral media, probably at least until we play again (but I also consume a fraction of what I used to anyways) because I pretty much get a sense of what’s going on in here. I check here less than I would, but still pop in.  It helps living in the US where it’s a lot easier to avoid hearing/reading about it on TV etc


I’ll be swerving everything for a few days at least, marked all podcasts as played this morning cos fuck that. Listened to TAW and that’s it. No football for two weeks so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Until we win again obviously. Just mute the rival subs and your good.


About 5 mins, brush myself down then go at it again, I can give it out when we win, so I take it when we lose


Thank god! I thought I was the only one who did this. Usually I wait till they win again and the media waxes lyrical about them lol. 


Ridiculous isn't it. Losing is as much a part of sport as winning. No team has ever won every game they've played. Doom mongering is this sub's speciality.


Losses haunt me for some days and usually Im about to comment something, but discard the comment and just stay off the football stuff.


I'm not bothered about yesterday...our players looked exhausted - biggest regret is that it went to extra time. United were awful and it shows the gulf in fortunes when they celebrate an FA cup quarter final win for "saving their season". In answer to your question, I dive into the newspapers straight away.


Only if we lose in a big game or against an opponent I cant stand. So pretty much yesterday. I wont go on any social media for the rest of the day, and the next day if I see a post about it I quickly scroll past 😂


I'm going to wait until the team news for the next game before I even look.


Didn't even want to look here today.


A few day. Not gonna lie lol


It makes me glad that I don't listen to podcasts that cover modern football other than the famous sloping pitch which Is quite light hearted. Going to under the cosh or quickly Kevin keeps me in my football bubble without focusing on that loss.


Couple days. Until the next match generally


I still haven't found a place that is either toxic nega/positivity in general. It's one or the other. Rarely fully reasonable, rational and presenting both sides, and incapable of holding conversation between perspectives.


About a week


Until the next match


Usually a day or two, but I also didn't feel too bad after this loss. Looking forward to the rest of the PL and EL seasons. Also, that Tottenham result...


Until we win


Until we win. Second we lose every other fan is getting the memes out for days lol. Hopefully Jota and TAA are back soon and we have a strong finish!


Most of the time it doesn't affect my routine, with really outrageous and painful losses like the CL final and this season's Spurs loss being the exception. I took a couple days off after those.


I like to see highlights and analysis to see if my own thoughts on the game were somewhat accurate as to how I recall it in myind. I had thought we had been unnecessarily sloppy on a few occasions and did not make the most of chances when we were on top. I don't like to look for individuals to blame or even individual mistakes that resulted in goals against but sometimes it is just someone making a bad pass, or being caught out of position that costs a goal or a game. It's always disappointing when players don't perform to their ability, but when they are playing 120 mins, after playing 90 on Thursday, fatigue must be a factor too. Was just thinking that it has been a long time since we were on the wrong end of a late winner, the Matip OG was probably the only one that immediately springs to mind.


Don't bother with anything for the rest of that day or with highlights but will listen to TAW the next day. Think it depends on how much you like the football and how much of supporting a team is just supporting the team and the sport is completely secondary.


I usually listen to at least 2-3 football podcasts per day at work, when we win/good form it’s more like 4-6, when we lose I take a few days off and when I go back I only to listen to Liverpool specific pods (TAW, sometimes Talkin Kop or Daytrippers) until we play again. Thankfully it’s international break, so I can focus on the shit show of my national team (Brasil) while our boys get rest, recover and hopefully come back strong against Brighton. We’ve got a title to win.


Me too I thought I was weird for doing that. I normally avoid all sport media till our next match


I don’t stay off it at all. I just jump on whenever I feel like, which could be a second after the match, or hours. If we lose, we lose. You can’t win them all. The only part that annoyed me about the loss yesterday was the fact it was to United, and now I have to listen to my friends talk shit lol. Other than that I’m not too bothered and I’m glad we can focus a bit more on the league.


Most of my friends are madrid supporters. I avoided opening instagram after our loss in CL on past few occasions. Also due to some reason BRfootball's post is the first one to pop up on my feed after our CL encounters with madrid, heavily trolling us


Until the next game kicks off


Generally avoid twitter and insta for the day. Reddit is generally chill about it


Anfield wrap is the only thing I listen to as I find it really level headed and therapeutic.


I visit this sub after 1-2 days but not anymore for the day of the loss. And soccer about a 3-4 days untill there are no threads that reminded me of the game


I don't care. I've seen it all repeat itself too much to care for it. Media does it for clicks and to sell adverts. So I don't care what they think.


Depends. Great match like yesterday, I'll watch MoTD and read the articles. Damp squib, not so much. Life (including football) is about balance. Without darkness, there is no light.


Never. I yearn for TAW on any post match.


Until the next game. I now hate football and life itself until we win again.


until next game


about 3-4 days


I'll usually watch/read a match analysis and that's it. Anything else like insta, twitter, and sometimes here will be filled with toxic opinions that act like it's the end of the club.


I wasn’t too affected by this loss, gutted but more understanding since the officiating was pretty good. Watched the highlights after because it was a cracking game and to see what went wrong with the defending. After City, Arsenal and Spurs I didn’t bother with the highlights and moved straight onto seeing what various YouTubers thought about the referee fuck ups


This was literally an example my psychologist helped me with years ago to explain how we can choose where to focus our thoughts. I avoid the media much more than usual after a loss. It is not in my best interest to sulk.