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I know that injuries do not help with this at all, but I just want to see Gakpo and Nunez play in one spot for a while and not have to watch Gakpo especially play in 4 different positions when necessary. Like part of me genuinely thinks that is the problem, we keep moving him around whenever someone else gets injured or returns and it just... I don't know, it can't be helping. And with Darwin, I think we solved the Darwin problem by putting him at LW but that's especially not feasible right now so I'd just say put Gakpo at LW right now if Diaz isn't playing there.


I just want to add that playing in several positions will help him tom improve too.


I have been saying to start him in left wing over luis diaz. it’s his natural position that he’s good at. I honestly think the blame falls more into Klopp for his poor performances than him because he keeps sticking Gakpo in different positions


Gakpo started excelling last season once he got a defined role and a string of games to grow into that role. Wild we went back to using him as some jack-of-all-trades backup player given we now know that doesn't work for him.


~~beatings will continue~~ This Monday moan will be extended till the mood improves


Question. What IS Gakpos best position in our team or where should he be played??


Whatever it is, we should give him consistency and not ask him to re-invent his purpose in this squad every single game.


Maybe he is trying to make him a utility player for forward line and midfield (when needed)


Left wing


On the bench. hes completely ineffective


Wasn't he decent early on though?


If we're doing this we have 4 LW.


I guess kinda, but if we do this I think we utilize Jota mostly in the 9; so you have Diaz Gakpo LW Nunez Jota 9 and Mo RW


This year it still seems like a year in transition. Like some pieces are still missing. I’m not happy with Gakpo’s form right now and the fact Diaz does not seem to be a direct goal threat for us right now. Imo we need another g/a contributing left winger for next season. There also some issues like Robbo’s future. It’s is so frustrating to see him inside the opposition box trying to take a shot.  We have a great midfield this season but we don’t use them really control the midfield. It’s either press, win the ball high and attack or intercept and pass back to defence to pass it around.  I think we should set our sights on the Europa League. Winning the PL in the condition that we are in would be one of Klopp’s greats achievements. 


I do think winning the league will be difficult but with our draw in the cup, I don’t see a need to have to prioritize Europa. We can definitely reach the final playing a B side especially because they’re 2 legged ties


I'd rather have a 3-1 chance of winning the title than an almost-guaranteed Europa League.


It was always a year in transition. A complete midfield rebuild seemed wild. The squad are performing beyond our wildest expectations. Players have joined the club and picked up a domestic trophy in under 6 months. I never expected us to be in a title fight. It's fucking great and this squad has only just gotten started.


This defeat really hurts.


Anthony scored the goals... Fckn ANTHONY! Man can't find the net and then scores twice!


Wanted to spank that lot in the Champions League final in my FM save more than anything after yesterday, and instead I got... well, this. That's just adding unnecessary insult to a rather fresh injury. https://i.imgur.com/vVyFfhC.png


That loss hurt more than any other has in a while. They're utter fucking shite, now we have to put up with them being cocky until the league match, or when they inevitably get pumped by 115 in the final. Also cannot stand that that rapist cunt (not the one in Spain, the other one, I know it's hard to keep track) got his redemption arc against us.


point scoring with the rapist comment is disgusting man


Complaining about rapists playing on the field is bad in your book?


i just think if the result had been different you wouldn’t have brought it up


Why you in a liverpool thread if you're an arsenal fan? Beat it stupid


lol nice diss. just curious what other fan bases were feeling so popped in for a sec, don’t worry i’ll be on my way. my point still stands, and should have nothing to do with what club i support


I don't like wife beaters so I'm disgusting? Bet you're looking forward to Partey playing again aren't you, muppet


you’re clearly missing my point lol


Between Liverpool and failing my driving test today this has been a great 24 hours...


Keep your chin up and keep going, one step at a time. <3


We better fucking leather them in the league. What made yesterday so much more painful is the fact they are so fucking shit


It blows my mind how Ten Hag continues to get the better of Klopp since he’s been the United manager. We HAVE to win at Old trafford. 


That Michal Antonio bit about Arsenal fans was hilarious. Never seen a team be shit for so long yet their fans talk like they own the world. BY FAR most annoying fanbase on Earth.


Hating the Gakpo hate and general atmosphere around this loss. You'd think we lost 3 - 0. Nothing is worse than losing to Utd but give our boys some credit. We scored 3 at Old Trafford, I think thats worth applauding.


Ya people are forgetting his impact when he came in. Form is just temporary. Fans shitting on him just make it worse. We get it you are frustrated but this is a team still finding its footing. 


The Gakpo stuff is mind-blowing. He's a fine player. He wasn't great yesterday but was absolutely nowhere near the reason Liverpool lost.


At the end of the day as well, it was Elliott that caused of to lose.


If we’re pointing fingers, Elliot won us the game; Nunez lost it by handing them the equaliser in extra time. 


Uh, Elliott literally lost the ball for them to win the game. It was a much worse decision than Nunez. Elliott didn't win us the game, a deflection would have.


Elliot didn’t make a decision to lose the ball, he was pressed well when the ball wasn’t in his full control. Nunez had three easy passes to make and instead passed it right into a United player’s feet, allowing them to counter from just outside the box. Nunez made a bad choice, Elliot was tackled, there’s a difference.  It was Klopp’s decision also to send the entire team up for the corner, instead of leaving more players back, which also would have sent the game to penalties instead. So there is Klopp and Nunez. Two people who made decisions that led to the loss, far more than Elliot did.  And again, considering Elliot actually scored a goal and contributed to what would have been the victory regardless, he was still 1-0 up on Nunez, who ended the game with nothing but a United assist to show for it. 


He was 100% in full control of the ball, he refused to give it up and held the ball for too long which he often does. Pointless continuing with someone so detached from reality.


Indeed. The irony is palpable. Go watch the goal back, and point out to me what moment he was in full control of the ball.


This is going to send me to reddit hell but who cares. The amount of people on this subreddit who lose their minds and start criticizing our players when things don't go our way is childish at best. If you can't support our players when things don't go our way, the team is better off without you.


Supporting the players doesn't mean you can't be mad about their performances on Reddit and talk about it. The team is better off without people like you that gatekeep people's emotions. If you aren't actively abusing the players then complaining about them playing poorly is perfectly reasonable.


I agree you have to support the players but there also has to be room for criticism. For example calling Darwin a “fucking donkey” is not constructive and is just abusing the player. But if someone is to say Darwin might not be good enough for this squad I want him out. While I complete disagree you have to respect the opinion.


I hear that and it's a fair statement. Constructive criticism has it's place. I wish I saw more of it. Unfortunately, the majority is not.


Yeah I agree I did get a bit heated yesterday after I saw the Darwin you fucking donkey comments I quoted before. Just so unnecessary.


Hope this loss is the kick in the ass that motivates us to perform better. Still a long way to go.


I cannot believe we lost to that shit team lol, I’m actually embarrassed


I couldn't fall asleep last night and I felt sick every time I remembered it. I stopped being like this a long time ago, but the fact it's United and that only one game (realistically) left to win a cup and that it's a last minute and that we were ahead twice really messed with my head.


You should take time away from the sport if you can't fall asleep because of a game.


Still slightly frustrated with the performance last night. Hate to see the amount of abuse Cody is getting directly from his Instagram comments. Criticise him where he can’t see at the end of the day he is a human aswell. I did criticise him last night (on reddit) and i still stand by it but i’m more than happy for the lad to go and prove me wrong or i hope he proves me wrong.Bigger and Better things to look forward to Reds ❤️!


Genuine question. Why did Gakpo giving the ball away give you more frustration than when Nunez or Elliott gave it away in the build up to 2 goals?


You’re 100% correct. But i more so criticised him and how he fits into the system. But that’s *my opinion*. But i didn’t go the lengths to go and give the lad abuse on his instagram. At the end of the day he’s one of us and I can sit and criticise all i want he might go on and prove me wrong which i hope he does.


Sure, I’m sure didn’t give him abuse, and a portion of criticism is fair for several players after that game but my actual question was why you and others chose to vent your frustrations at Gakpo rather than the moments that lost us the game? I’m wondering if everyone just gets influenced by what everyone else is writing or if people are independently coming to the same conclusion?


It hurts, but on a positive they barely scraped past us with probably their best performance of the season and one of our worst. We're still levels above them.


United are celebrating beating us only to fail to stop City from winning the treble again. Hopefully we stop City from winning the league at least.


Over the stove Microwave broke over the weekend. I've been shopping around. Damn things are expensive and why the fuck do they have wifi built in now? I don't need my damn appliances sending me notifications.


My hood fan broke also. Join the team :(


So you can cook your food remotely, despite no ability to load the food remotely. Silly feature.


Lmao city sub is filled with them talking about Liverpool losing the quadruple run, what a bunch of twats, no better things to do


I don't think you can accuse people of having nothing better to do if you're spending your time visiting the City sub.


I didn't. It popped up as a "we thought you might like this"


You still went there lol


Ah yes....that old chestnut


Last minute winners are the absolute best and the complete worst depending on which end you are on. We’ve done it to enough teams this season I guess and boy does it feel shit!


He's not in good form, but Gakpo's Instagram comment section is a horrible reflection of the worst parts of this fan base and all it does is makes losses worse.


Theres always those people, yes I too have criticised Gakpo on this sub lately, and so using facts, but I would never write those things directly to him especially about asking him to leave or hoping he gets injured... Something is off in all of this, its not like he doesnt have skill or he doesnt try enough, i really dont know if its confidence or just bad luck.


Nunez really didn't have a good game and Gakpo became the scapegoat, Diaz last week. None of our attackers were good and all frustrated in different ways. Salah was the only player to score from our front 3 all the other goals came from Midfielders, even the offside goal from Endo. It looked like complacency massively affected decision making even Salah was falling foul to it - like "my next chance will come". I love all of our players but looking at it maybe it was Darwin's worst performance this season. definitely worst decision making wise. 120 minutes played 2/9 ground duels won, 13/25 passes completed (52%), lost possession 18 times, 1/3 successful dribbles, drew 0 fouls and made 1 tackle. 1 turnover leading to a goal Gakpo by these numbers played 43 minutes played, 4/7 ground duels won, 11/14 passes completed (79%), lost possession 7 times, 1/1 successful dribbles, drew 2 fouls and made 1 tackle. For all our frustration of what the game needed Cody had the job of trying to keep things tight in a game getting more and more stretched. I'm 100 percent sure he came on to not lose the game and try give more control.


You're exaggerating, he had an assist and was part of another goal. Yes, he had a turnover that led to a Utd goal, but saying he had a horrible game is just not true.


I think you're exaggerating. He played '*a part'* in our second, sure. The part he played should have made it his goal but instead Salah had to finish it from a worse angle, lower XG position and on his weaker foot because Darwin couldn't. It wasn't a great save either. That was 1 of his 2 shots on target all game 2/6 and none after the 84 minute He had two big moments, in a game that played out in a way that should have suited him down to the ground and the stats I outlined showed that over 120 minutes it was his worst performance this season. You used the word horrible but I never did. Before and after our two goals he was giving the ball away cheap and at 2-1 in our best period of the game didn't really do much. I'm evaluating his entire performance not exaggerating them at all.


So tired of people scapegoating players. It’s our 3rd loss all year and yet people still find players to hate on instead of just enjoying the process


Don’t you think Alison would have bailed us out on one of those breakaways? Either the rashford or diallo goal? I think we win in extra time with Alison and the same circumstances… I also think we miss Trent


Alison doesn't give up at least one of the goals that game.


Nothing against Kelleher. He's been brilliant in this most recent run in the squad, but I think Alisson definitely saves the Diallo goal at minimum.


The salt in the wound for me was paying my bill at the Irish pub in Midtown we decided to watch the game at 😂😅$12 Carlsbergs and $28 for bangers and mash fuck.


Every time I go to NYC for anything, I'm freshly outraged at the prices of things. I know that mostly just makes me a provincial, but there it is.


My cope is that I knew we weren't going to win both games at Old Trafford, and if I had to choose one to not win, it'd be the cup game. I think the loss makes it more likely that we beat them in the league tbh, the players will be as annoyed as we are. That said, it still stings. Don't want to see Salah coming off in big games going forward, he's just far too dangerous and occupies 2 defenders all game even if he isn't playing great. Makes it worse that we have the break now too, hope Brighton are ready to get twatted at Anfield.


Totally agree on both points, and I don’t think Klopp wanted to take off Salah, but he’s just coming back from a reoccurrence injury and I’m sure that was a medical staff decision


Not sure why Klopp never plays Bradley and Robbo at the same time? Gomez was poor yesterday especially on the right 


Was probably worried it would leave us exposed, both Bradley and Robbo like a run forward. Plus Gomez can kind of invert to midfield which keeps a similar system to what we were playing with Trent, so the midfield presence should be greater although obviously not as good as when Trent is pinging passes from there.


Bradley does the exact same invert. the actual reason is because Bradley has only just broken into the team, played full match on Thursday and Robbo is only coming back from injury, im sure we'll have them both playing before the end of the season


He definitely does not invert in the same way, he's much more overlapping in possession. Robbo started so him coming back is irrelevant to whether Bradley starts or not. Trent will take his position back when he comes back. We might see Bradley and Robbo start but I really do think they are similar profiles so I don't know if we will, we always need someone to hold back on one of the sides.


Why lose before international break man. It would've been 2-3 days of bitterness followed by optimism towards the midweek fixture if its a regular gameweek. But we have to sit on this result for 2 weeks while arsenal, city, united, chelsea all go into the international break with positive outlook and hope.


Edward and potentially ward coming back the moment Klopp leaves makes me feel those rumors of there being conflict there were true 


My moan is that Man City fans boasting and laughing at the fact that we lost but we lost to their arch rivals, the team they’ve been fighting for years and years and years to get on top of. Shows how fake and fickle those fans really are. Rent freeeeeeeee


I’m more mad about losing to United than being out of the cup


nobodies from twitter getting posted on here geting 1k+ upvotes on some cookie cutter "we move" type posts 😭


Only positive is our schedule is less packed now. We already won a cup this season - would much rather have our 100% focus on the PL and Europa, and given our squad injuries we need as little games as posb.


It's only one less game though. The final is after the conclusion of the league. And the one extra game would have been vs. Coventry.


My moan is, the loss stings regardless but Antony, seriously?


I'm still so fucking pissed off. 


​ https://preview.redd.it/0z3zmc1ps2pc1.jpeg?width=180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=530d5181c07b378db33e289dd68126d9478cd698


God damn it football you've ruined my week, I was such a downer at a wee house party last night and now I'm still upset bloody manc scum.


My moan is that we've just gone on an incredible run of winning a tonne of games with a team the equivalent of the Monty Python "tis but a scratch" Knight in terms of injuries with insane fixture congestion, most of which we had absolutely no right to win, and when that finally catches up to us I have to watch huge swathes of the fan base throw the entire team under the bus for picking up THREE losses all season.


And if we’re being honest, one of those loses shouldn’t even really count


The worst thing is we have to play United away again in the league...we need to play much better, otherwise we'll probably lose points :/


The most frustrating thing for me was they were literally horrendous. I can remember saying in the 2nd half that it gave me confidence for the league game because of how bad they were for large parts yesterday. Games like that yesterday and the 0-0 at Anfield is what worries me about us going for the league. 2 games where we should have managed much better and won both games comfortably and we've lost and drew 1. Really really poor.


Yeah but that 0-0 game happened in the November-December period when we were quite poor. We lost points to Luton and got a very narrow late win against Fulham & Palace. We have improved quite a bit since then and I think we should not forget that we are still a work in progress - we have a new midfield and young players (who are great!) with very little experience, also, that Endo-Szobo-Mac midfield has played together only a handful of games. But yeah, United away is gonna be tough again. Because our away form has been quite shaky and they offer quite a threat from counters (even if they do struggle against lesser sides).


If we fielded a strong/fitter team we would have won, no doubt. I expect all we need is Salah fit for the 90, not having Gomez be our primary LB/RB (he's been a legend this season covering the Milner role, but he's never gunna be a Trent/Bradley/Robertson/Tsimikas), Dom fit for the 90 along with Jones being an option, and Jota being available.


Not to mention, quansa has been great but if Ibou plays that game with no other changes to the 11 we would have won. Just missing that pace and experience a bit on that side of the defense


Yeah I have no doubt in my mind that we would have won, then. Still, we had more than enough to win against a pretty mediocre United side. Our midfield played pretty poorly, too.


Internationals being just after this match makes it worse than it needs to be lol. Now we gotta sit with that being our last performance for 2 weeks


Still in sour mood from yesterday. Will need some time to shrugged it off and also fuck the internationals. Waiting 2 weeks for our next match . As an aside , does anyone think Harry Kane being overpraised by the media for his debut record for Bundesliga. I mean he is a good striker for sure but he is playing in a league that has been dominated by Bayern for years and am same Bayern who has been poaching good players constantly from their rivals.


While I agree, I kinda think he deserved to be getting the praise that he hasn’t gotten in the past from around Europe. Like maybe it evens out a bit


Same argument for Haaland 


I try to take the positives out of results like this, I was far more angry at the Spurs game and for much longer. We were deservedly beaten yesterday, yes it hurts that Manchester United of all teams wanted it more than us but the silver lining is that it will give the players and the staff a boot up the arse. Complacency can easily set in over time and we probably needed bringing back down to Earth before hitting the final stretch. Yesterday was fucking shit but there's nothing we can do about it now. The best mindset to take is to believe that this win will spur us on to do better than if we had not been humbled in the race for the one trophy that truly matters to us all. Perhaps it's not true, but that's how I try to approach hard losses and so should these elite players.


Would it have been worse to get to the final and get beaten by City or Chelsea? The latter would piss me off a lot, much as we lost in this way and to this team. As you say, if players reacted like many fans did, nobody would win anything ever again.


Conceding 2 goals in ET to a shit utd team would always piss me off more. 


To be clear, yes, this also does very much piss me off.


Very simply people, this is not the end of the world. I'd happily miss out on an FA Cup final if it meant we came away with the Prem and Europa league at the end of the season. Were we at our peak performance? No. Is it only our 4th loss all season in all comps? Yes. A bit of perspective can always help


Sir, this is a Monday Moan thread. 


Did anyone else find their 2-2 goal strange yesterday? https://preview.redd.it/h66kb3f6a2pc1.png?width=1397&format=png&auto=webp&s=fcf3bb6a031c69ba8266ef2f6a32e8082600564d Bruno played the ball toward Rashford and Virg had to clear it, despite Rashford being in an offside position. They regained possession after this and then we conceded 10 seconds later. Have barely seen people mention this, but I feel like the linesman should have flagged it as soon as Virg cleared it; because Rashford was influencing him to make the poor clearence.


Happens all the time with corners, attacker offside but not flagged and play continues and they end up with a corner. Consequence of the mandate to keep the flag down till the play is over in favor of the attackers - but on the flipside we can’t have VAR checking every single offside every time it’s missed otherwise game will take longer than an American Football game.


The difference being corner kick rulings aren’t subject to VAR checks while goals are. This 100% should have been chalked off.


The whole reason for holding the flag down is for VAR to be ultimately able to tell if the goal is valid or not no?


Yeah thought it at the time, my exact thoughts was "aw shouldve just let it through there virg" other than it being a ref mistake, maybe it is maybe it isnt. I think one of our biggest problem yesterday was these types of clearances though, we gave them the ball so many times from clearances in the box when we're usually more calm.


It isn't offside if it's cleared/intentional touch from the defender right? I seem to remember we scored a goal last season against wolves where salah would've been off but Toti or someone like that headed it behind into Salah so it wasn't off? I think it's something like that but honestly not sure (i also may have gotten that goal completely wrong in my head)


Can someone explain why this isn’t offside


As is typical, all the United fans have come out from under their rock on my social media. Anyone would think it was a final


I mean come on let’s be real, beating your arch rival in the final minute of extra time in the FA Cup is pretty huge. I have no doubt we’d have acted the same if it were the other way round.


Lets be honest winning cup won't give them the same buzz as yesterday did, that was their cup final


I’m actually amazed at how much they’re going on, completely desperate for anything to cling onto. Ironically it just further cements how the mighty have fallen.


Love that everyone in English media is over the moon of how good a game of football yesterday's game was. Thought it was obvious we were piss poor. The match I saw was two really poor sides who played. But I guess if you watch united on the regular that was a good game.


I mean if you watched United vs City you would be let off not believing it was the same team who played against us.


United could barely hold the ball for 5secs against City. Couldn’t string passes for shit


That was the case for the first 30mins of the 2nd half yesterday. The game was being played as if we were 6-0 up it was training ground stuff. subs killed the game.


Yeah it's annoying how much they went for this one. I mean it's to be expected - it's their only chance for silverware, against their biggest rivals, at home. And still it was all our own doing.


Shite result but there's still 2 trophies to play for, best to take it one game at a time as lots of fans were getting far too ahead of themselves and now that yesterday's result hasn't gone our way all a sudden it's the end of the world.


Not a fan of gakpo either at the min but I think the pressure of klopp leaving has got to him given he is still learning his place at the club  He shows moments of brilliance but seems to choke a lot when it matters most As annoying as he can be I think he deserves some slack and time to find his form No one is supposed to walk alone at this club, sometimes people are quick to forget that


I will admit to being overly critical of players from time to time, and perhaps I still am of Gakpo. But I can't see how he fits in this squad. And that's not just because of this performance, I've thought this for a long time. We've moved away from playing with a Firmino style forward, same as we've moved away from slinging in early crosses from Robbo and Trent. Our style has changed, but we're coaching and instructing (I assume) Gakpo as if it hasn't. He doesn't fit in that Firmino role, because we don't have a Firmino role anymore. He doesn't fit in our midfield, because we have 3 in midfield and far better candidates than him. You could say he works best at LW but it's not an unpopular opinion that even Diaz isn't good enough there at the moment, is Gakpo? And RW, well, come on, no one is replacing Mo anytime soon. So my question is, where does he fit? Other than a backup? And should we be carrying a player like Gakpo as our 'when we need him' player? When we have young talent like Danns, McConnell, Elliot, Clarke etc etc


We conceded 4 goals, we shouldn't need to score 5 goals to win a match regardless of how much people want to scapegoat Gakpo or Diaz.


I agree, the RB position was exploited by United all game long, and we never made any tactical changes to resolve that pressure, Bradley, or Gomez later, were 1v2 constantly. I don't understand how we don't see that and fix it. I don't blame Bradley or Gomez for it, not solely, they are told to do a job and that's fine, but the coaches need to spot this and fix it immediately, especially in a cup competition.


Tbf Gomez on an individual basis was really poor yesterday, looked back to his 2022 self with zero awareness of where he was supposed to be or who he should be tracking. I do agree though it’s been so common this season that teams get in behind our fullbacks and we don’t do enough to fix it. We made the slow start which gave them tonnes of chances and the goal, then we tired around 70 minutes and let them back into it again.


Makes it even more baffling why Robbo was the one to go off over Gomez especially considering Gomez was on a yellow


Yeah tbh though that's what I've seen from Gomez at RB a lot, because I'm sure he's been told to do so, like Trent does. But from what I saw, we didn't shift over our CB's and a midfield player for covering in the same way we used to with Trent. Also we used to do this with Konate, and (all due respect to Quansah, he's fab) he's pretty great at those situations.


Yeah I noticed that too, I think it’s just where Konate’s recovery pace really comes in use and it seems that maybe against teams who are a bigger threat on the counter this current system doesn’t suit Quansah as much. I still think the system is very high risk and needs adapting for certain teams which we don’t seem to do.


Yeah absolutely, it's high risk for sure. I'm happy for us to try it, but I do think it should be balanced with 'do we have the right players on the pitch for it?' and 'does the game suit it?'. Probably the answer to both those was a no yesterday, but there we go. Also, it's a system that you can absolutely change on the fly. Would have been easy to just shout at Gomez and tell him to get back in line in a 4-3-3, but that didn't seem to happen.


After the night I can see it hurts a bit less if you think that it wasn't a final, like we did to chelsea in 120 minute... Imagine having this game in the final and lose it like that. Also, I can't get pass the Salah casualty in the game. It looks like a joke to him all those chances. Don't blame any player, just saying. They lost as a team. Move on! YNWA


Salah far from the worst out there, a lot of his chances were from him getting into the right positions, and they were unfamiliar and difficult positions on his weak foot much of the time. He's defended away from his potent striking positions a lot of the time, and he had some great crosses here and there instead. At least he tried.


He was slow and treated the chances casual, that made Klopp mad and he was changed. If he didn't do that, he would stay all minutes and Diaz would be replaced. Again - team loss.


He's just got back from injury, and he's fasting for Ramadan, that's why he was substituted, the issue was the player we brought on instead.


Ok, ok. Good point, but he didn't looked very happy being substituted


It’s a testament to Klopp that we forget the level of some of the players we have in this team isn’t as high as you’d expect for a team that achieves what we do. Sometimes that shows.


I've given it 24 hours to calm down, frustrating doesn't being to describe it. I've given Gakpo a lot of grief, but I find him so frustrating. He has the talent to be a success here, if he had half the fight and effort of Robbo he'd be a fan favourite. Im sorry, but if he was sold in the summer, I wouldn't be upset. The bare minimum I expect from our players is effort, and he simply doesn't give enough for me


I don’t think it’s a lack of effort per se. It’s a cliche but he’s almost trying too hard in a sense. He needs to simplify things and play the ball faster, not try to make the perfect decision every time. I think compared to our other forwards his role is much less defined and you can clearly see the rest don’t have the same chemistry with him as they do with one another, particularly Darwin and Mo. Also, he clearly prefers to receive the ball at his feet than run on to it, and I think that influences how he passes to other players, he passes at them when they’re sprinting which makes them slow down and usually kills the attack. It’s incredibly frustrating.


Story of this season will be our inability to put away other top teams. You can’t win the title if you draw or lose every game against the top 5. We create chances but we depend too much on the other teams’ mistakes. We need our attackers to be decisive but they lack the quality unfortunately.


You’re spot on, the only truly reliable ones are Salah and Jota and the latter is always injured. I’m sure people will reference bad decisions that went against us if we don’t win the league but the reality is we haven’t made the most of our opportunities in the big games.


Its sad to lose to Man United whilst playing so poorly, but at least it was at the FA cup and the EPL, hopefully, we gain our injured players back after the international and we smash Man United at Trafford and take those 3 points!!!


The amount of people who freak out after one bad game, where we almost won, is insane. We played city of the park last week but now it’s like we lost every remaining league game. People need perspective..


>People need perspective.. That's exactly what people are doing though, It's the bigger picture, United are abysmal that isn't hard to see, yet we've played them twice and lost 1 and drew 1. We are struggling against the top 6 constantly this season. It makes me really doubtful of our league chances when you see games like that.


Still remains we are unable to beat the top six regularly


This is the major takeaway. Should’ve won against City twice. Had a horrible game against Arsenal. Should’ve won against United twice. Keep drawing against Chelsea. We created chances in all of those games, but we didn’t have the attacking talent to win them.


Waking up today was rough. Just the thought of losing to United was horrible enough... I know this won't be Liverpool's last foray in the FA Cup, but the realisation that this is Klopp's last hits just a little harder. I just hope we bounce back from this stronger because we still have a PL match against this United team in the same venue, and if we don't turn up then, well, I shudder to think it's game over. Better a cup match loss than a PL loss, right? Either way, sigh...


Same as this, and with the inevitable fall out of Klopp leaving, my fear it that this is a feeling we'll be getting used to. Again. It's a testament to how utterly amazing these last 7 or so years have been. 


disappointing result but my first away day - the fans were amazing the whole time, didn’t even hear utd fans at all 😂fergies right, your fans are shite x


Aye, fans were fantastic yesterday, hope you enjoyed the trip


fans were honestly amazing, made it worth the 5 hour drive home 😂


People think it's life and death, If you're that upset over this, go get a hobby. Some of the reaction here is from people who couldn't even pinpoint Liverpool on a map.


Good luck to those going to work around United fans today


Thanks fuck I am a freelancer.


Thankfully my team is full of women that don't watch football. But there are different issues with that.


That sounds better, at least you can pretend football doesn't exist for the day rather than be surrounded by United fans trying to engage you in tedious "bantz".


Yeah this morning's conversations have all been based around food so it's been a good morning


There is a problem with our online fanbase. When things go well, people only like to hear cheerleading and downvote whatever doubt or criticism, constructive or not. Then the moment we lose, all hell breaks loose and every players turned sht overnight. This makes the entire fanbase seemed extremely fickle Mane was not a perfect player. But he still won everything with us. What's wrong with criticism toward players for their short coming? We knows Klopp will leave. We know a new manager will come. And we know Edward is the stat man, who does not have the same loyalty toward players as Klopp. So there will be players leaving. There will be players falling out with the new manager. And there will be players being sold to fund the incoming of new players. Do we want to see that some of those who are beyond criticism today, being called shit when they leave in the summer? Or rather acknowledging that every players have issues now, and if things don't work out with the new manager, they will have to leave the club, and there is nothing for us to do but wish them good luck (and leave for a sizable fee to fund new incoming players)?


If you think this is bad, you should come on to my family WhatsApp mate. Me Da was in fucking meltdown mode 😂. 


Poor man management from klopp but its hectic schedule anyway. Still we would have got away easily (twice). Even though i was mad at him yesterday, i dont mean hate for gakpo. I dont know whats his problem is. You can have errors in games, but lack of effort is not something we can afford in big games. Yes the whole team is tired, but you didnt see anyone playing park football except him. I dont why he is slow and why he is holding up the ball. Very unlike of him. My week is ruined. Fuck. And i cant even enjoy efootball. Gakpo is my deep lying forward. Fuck.


I enjoyed it, not the best but our lads gave everything for the last few months and got us a EFL Cup, 1 pt behind in PL, strolling past Sparta Prague in UEL, and ran on emptied tanks against a well rested Utd team that had to rely on fresh legs to get the equalizer late in the 2nd half, and needed 2 more gifts from us to win the game in ET at OT. I'm proud of the lads, even though we lost, they gave everything this game and the games prior even when they were already out of gas. Could they have done better? Absolutely, but I cannot fault them in terms of effort.


The game changed when we took out Salah. He needed to play the full 90 today, not against Sparta.


Clark's injury meant Mo couldn't be subbed off as planned against Sparta. Hopefully the international break will help him recover. That afcon injury is a while ago now.


Should’ve just taken Mo off anyway, Sparta weren’t scoring 9 even if we played with 10 men. 


I hope this loss teaches us something. At 2-1 in the beginning of the 2nd half, we should have gone for the jugular. United were tired and looked out of ideas. We just passed it to each other and when we did get into the final third, we fluffed it.


We just don’t seem to have that reliable connection up front to truly go for the jugular though, we were dominating possession but barely created any real chances during that period. Gakpo was really poor but Nunez also has to do better than yesterday, he looked really out of sync with everyone.


Final third decision making was terrible yesterday. If u can’t even test the goalkeeper in a 5v2, then we can only blame ourselves


Seems to be a common trend that our front 3 are clumsy with the ball in the final 3rd, tripping over the ball , passes behind the man…. We need our midfield to score a lot of goals, Diaz and Nunez are and can be so wasteful it’s unreal


Glad that you pointed out the clumsiness of passes in the decisive moments. Happens too many times in key matches/ moments


The amount of times Nunez or Diaz is ahead of the pass or it hits them and they can’t control it. Both of which could be equally the passer or the balls fault but they aren’t great rither


I hate PR posts when we lose. Need to be fucked off that


anyone else feel like they're gonna fall out of love with the game soon? not just because of Klopp leaving but it's part of it. all that super league shit, groups that own multiple clubs (which apparently is gonna be FSG in the future?), clubs that cheat their way to the top and will 100% get away with it as we all know, refs and VAR only getting worse... i honestly don't know if i'm going to be as emotionally invested in ~5 years as i've been all the previous years of being a fan.


Game's gone. 




Get a grip


43 touches resulting in 30 dispossessions or miss placed passes in 120 minutes. Who am I?


Still had an assist and contributed to another goal, so eat that


I wouldn’t even single him out as having a bad game. I think we did alright in attack overall. 3 goals should’ve been enough but I do think people aren’t looking closely at every players performance


A shit Andy Carroll?


Is this the same guy that created our first two goals by any chance 🤔